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gmtom , in New Lemmy trend incoming

I mean this could be an interesting combo, sweet and savoury together can be amazing if done ri-

sees its Hersheys

No I agree, whoever made this should be sent to the hague.

SapphironZA ,

Correct, Hershey’s is not for human consumption.

It was the worst thing about my holiday in America. The chocolate is universally terrible. Way too sweet, rough texture and chemical taste to the dairy content (something in the milk used).

wolfshadowheart ,

It’s the butric acid

tuxtey ,

The vomit flavor

boborhrongar , (edited ) avatar

which is also present in plenty of cheeses, many of which are also used in sweets…

Editing 2 months later: I live in America where “sweets” just means “sweet things” not “candy.” Cheesecake, cream cheese frosting, cannoli filling etc.

doggle , in If only it was like that

There are many people (particularly in northern regions) who would consider 50° to be quite mild/pleasant

jasondj ,

New Englander born and raised. Thats hoodie and shorts weather. Best time of the year.

CaptPretentious ,

Minnesota checking in. This is exactly correct. Great time for sitting around a fire.

chetradley , in A long and distinguished family

Hate to be that guy, but the icing on frosted Pop Tarts contains gelatin derived from bones, hooves, tendons, ligaments, etc., making it not vegetarian.

ieightpi ,

I kinda hope this was a happy accident and OP didn’t plan this lol

Viking_Hippie ,

That makes it not vegan but last time I checked, vegetarians only steer clear of meat, not all animal products. It’s like veganism, but less obsessive.

criminalunicorn , avatar

Animal carcasses are not vegetarian… Things like milk, eggs and honey (honey can be questionable) would be classed as vegetarian. Essentially anything that causes an animal to die to be consumed would not be vegetarian.

Viking_Hippie ,

anything that causes an animal to die to be consumed would not be vegetarian.

That would explicitly NOT include gelatin, which is made from the hooves and the like of animals already slaughtered for the parts people eat. Literally no one is slaughtering animals to make gelatin.

Strawberry ,

It would also decidedly not include pork tenderloin, which is made from the tenderloin of animals already slaughtered

Viking_Hippie ,

Now you’re just being wilfully obtuse.

Zekas ,

Mate. The animal has to die for the product to get made. There’s such a thing as avoiding waste: You wouldn’t slaughter an entire horse and just use the hooves, nor would you chop a chicken for just the wings. You use as much as you can. Stuff like gelatin usually has multiple source animals precisely because it’s made of what used to be wasted. There isn’t a way to extract these things without causing serious injury or death to the animal, ergo it is very much not vegetarian.

Viking_Hippie ,

The animal has to die for the product to get made

The animal has already died to make another product. There’s no additional animals killed to make gelatin.

There’s such a thing as avoiding waste

Exactly. Using the extra parts to make gelatin rather than just throwing them away is avoiding waste.

You wouldn’t slaughter an entire horse and just use the hooves, nor would you chop a chicken for just the wings. You use as much as you can

Yes, that’s what I’m saying!

Stuff like gelatin usually has multiple source animals precisely because it’s made of what used to be wasted

As opposed to killing any extra animals for gelatin. How the fuck can you keep disagreeing with the point you’re DESCRIBING in the affirmative??

There isn’t a way to extract these things without causing serious injury or death to the animal

You just described at length how no animal is killed for gelatin and as such using gelatin doesn’t involve any additional deaths versus NOT using gelatin. It’s not that difficult to understand…

zalgotext ,

By your logic, do you consider ground meat to be vegetarian? Animals aren’t slaughtered specifically for ground meat, it’s made of the extras, off-cuts, and all the bits that typically won’t get eaten, in a very similar vein as how gelatin is made.

TWeaK ,

There’s no real question with honey. Honey is vegetarian, but not vegan.

Vegetarian = does not eat animals, vegan = does not eat animal products.

asteriskeverything , (edited )

It’s actually one of those things that varies for each person, how extreme they are with vegetarian. They might avoid anything that contains geletain including gummies or certain medications because it requires an animal byproduct to make.

Eggs and dairy are not part of an animal carcass. You don’t have to kill an animal to enjoy it.

Vegans believe using animals for any food (or maybe even product) is wrong so they avoid eggs, milk, dairy, etc. Or maybe it’s they are vegan in that they only eat eggs or whatever from their own free range chickens. Some vegans won’t get vaccines if they contain egg protein.

Basically often both diets are often moral choices so there can be as much variety to how restrictive or serious it is just like any human will have variety in their morals details even if there is overlap on general idea (ffs just look at Christianity)

And oh there are people who are vegetarian just because they don’t like the taste or texture of meat!

Sorry for the ramble I found this really interesting when I became friends with people who have different diets. It’s interesting how much variety they can have.

Emerald ,

Some vegans won’t get vaccines if they contain egg protein.

Vegan here, that seems a little extreme, and I haven’t heard of any vegan who does that. Also for many vaccines they make egg-free variants anyways. There are not really many good excuses to not get vaccinated if you ask me

Waraugh ,

What about all the people that don’t know to ask you?

Strawberry ,

last time I checked, bones, hooves, tendons, and ligaments, are meat, not just animal products, and most vegetarians would agree

Viking_Hippie ,

None of those things are meat, no. Meat = muscle tissue. Bones, hooves and connective tissue are not muscle tissue.

Cornucopiaofplenty ,

Hmm yes, I’m sure the average vegetarian would make that petty distinction

Viking_Hippie ,

It’s not a petty distinction, it’s an accurate and meaningful one: when I eat meat, an animal has been slaughtered for that purpose. When I eat or otherwise use gelatin, no animal has been slaughtered for that purpose as those parts are byproducts of animals already dead. Thus, no animal is killed for gelatine

Strawberry ,

I mean this implies that brain, blood, tripe, cheek, etc are vegetarian

LinkOpensChest_wav , in Smells Like Teen Spirit avatar

I think he would have found it appalling that his sweater and guitar were auctioned at all, much less for $6 million

robocall , in Humans Against Shitting avatar

I shit every day and can’t stop. I can’t control myself and my desire to shit is so strong, I find myself putting it before my family, friends, job, I’ll even wake up in the middle of the night with the need to shit sometimes. This addiction impacts my life every day. If I don’t shit, I start to think about it and worry.

ElBarto , avatar

I’ve got the solution!

Not eating!

Never eat a single thing again and you’ll never have to be burdened with having to shit ever again!

It’s free, easy and you’ll look great as well!

feck_it ,

Until the day you die!

gravitas_deficiency ,

Bro you just gotta hold your poop in

AngryCommieKender , in Truly inspirational

294 lbs for other confused Americans, 133.4 Kg for everyone else that’s not British.

positiveWHAT ,

Are you sure? 133 kilo is two of me…

AngryCommieKender ,

That’s what Google said

prayer ,

1 stone = 14 pounds ≈ 6 kilo

gravitas_deficiency ,

What is this, Diagon Alley?

el_abuelo ,

That’s why this is a news article, it’s really quite impressive in terms of both weight gained and weight lost.

zakobjoa , in Electrician job avatar

Lightswitch to switch your own lights off.

reflex , avatar
Asudox ,

Use this syntax to embed gifs or images:

<span style="color:#323232;">![]()
reflex , avatar

Thanks! I went through this with another guy actually—I have been using that syntax but it doesn't auto-load or go inline automatically.

Maybe it's because I'm on kbin.

Asudox ,

Weird. Might be a kbin issue. When I view the source of your message, it appears like this:

<span style="color:#323232;">>
</span><span style="color:#323232;">>
</span><span style="color:#323232;">> [Light switch to switch your own lights off.](
</span><span style="color:#323232;">>
</span><span style="color:#323232;">>
reflex , avatar

Should the bang that's part of the syntax normally appear there too? (I imagine it would.)

This is my view from within edit.
(Note: the screenshot probably will auto-load if I upload the image myself as opposed to linking an external URL.)

Asudox ,

Yes, they are supposed to appear as well when viewing the source.

Serinus ,
Asudox ,

Yeah like that

reflex , avatar

Probably a kbin issue then.
That post looks the same as mine on kbin.

Vinny_93 , in Lazy knight

Working from home, am I right

Evil_Shrubbery ,

Working from home, am I knight

PhlubbaDubba , in (Bad) dog owners be like

As the dog is charging up to you off the leash, “IT’S OK SHE’S FRIENDLY AND HAS GOOD RECALL TRAINING!”

BunnyKnuckles , avatar

That’s weird, she usually only bites me.

BottleOfAlkahest ,

I hate when people let their off leash dogs run up to my leashed dogs (we only walk in leash required areas). They always yell “they’re friendly” And I have to yell back “mine arent”. A suprising number of people still just mosey over slowly half-heartedly calling their dog while lm actively backing up and restraining my growling dog. One of my dogs is a rescue and she will fight anything if it charges her, a dog, a bike, a horse - she does not care.

Some people should not be allowed to have a dog.

Zugyuk ,

“I’m not friendly, I hurt anything approaching my pups”

Imgonnatrythis ,

Was that a child’s leg that just fell out of her mouth?

tygerprints , in What do *you mean things so small we can't see them with the human eye? Are you crazy?

Never suggest common sense to people who are raised in ignorance. Too much of a new idea will always be a huge threat to them, though nobody knows why.

SuperIce ,

It wasn’t common sense at the time. Germ theory wouldn’t exist for another 20 years after Semmelweis’s discovery. His idea of “corpse particles that might turn a living person into a corpse after contact” seemed superstitious and crazy at the time. It was only after germ theory that we learned that these “corpse particles” were in fact germs.

tygerprints ,

I know I remember seeing a documentary about all this and how surgeons who frequently did autopsies at that time would often cut themselves, develop a fever and die from septic shock, never having learned that they maybe should wash their hands after playing with dead tissue. Germ theory wasn't even a theory then, because people didn't have any idea there could be such a thing as germs.

It makes me wonder what would people in the Renaissance or middle ages say, if we were to travel back in time and talk about dinosaurs. I'm sure they'd lock us up as mentally ill. How could there ever have been such a thing as gigantic mega-lizards walking around on earth!

From the micro to the macroscopic it's funny how we humans always have to learn things very slowly and only after making many incorrect assumptions.

metaStatic ,

I'm sure our assumptions about climate will work out fine though

tygerprints ,

I'm sure of that too. It's 76 today in the middle of December, where in past years it's usually been 30. - what could be weird about that? My conclusion from all this earth getting warmer nonsense is, people should ignore it and learn to live with less clothes on.

MossyFeathers ,

Maybe they will, maybe they won’t. All we know is that the climate is changing and we appear to be causing it as the average global temperature reversed and began increasing during what would normally be a cooling period. We also believe that we’re the ones causing it because the increase in temperature correlates with the increase in CO2, methane and other greenhouse gases emitted. Now, of course correlation isn’t causation, but because gases like CO2 are known to have a warming effect due to their ability to trap heat, it makes sense to believe that these gases would contribute to a hotter climate.

It’s entirely possible that, in hindsight, we’ll find that we were panicking over nothing, and that the earth fixes itself or that this is somehow normal. However, that’s a hell of a gamble considering this is our only home in the cosmos. Do you really want to take that gamble?

aksdb ,

If we only ever act on things we think we got 100% nailed down, we will either be as ignorant as these fools who locked Semmelweis away or we will stop doing anything at all, because realistically there is always a chance we got some seemingly basic understanding wrong.

The only intelligent thing is to work with a good mix of “what you know” paired with a sane amount of “critical thinking” and an assessment of potentially involved risks.

Covid was also an example (at least here in Germany). People fought against the invonvenience of having to wear masks or stay inside (or get vaccinated) because (as they said) we don’t know for certain how dangerous the illness really is and/or how effectice these measures are.

For me the calculation was simple: doing these measures and being wrong has far far less fatal consequences than being wrong and not doing these measures.

aksdb ,

IMO the common sense part isn’t “oh right of course those are germs”, but following the observation that points to some correlation. They don’t have to know or understand the root cause to at least consider (or accept) that something is wrong.

Slotos ,

That’s the scientific part. Conventional wisdom, on the other hand, is often neither.

gandalf_der_12te ,

Well, I’m not so sure about that. Consider this:

Quantum Mechanics (QM) makes accurate statements and predictions about a lot of physical experiments.

That doesn’t mean, however, that the theory in especially well-liked, especially among common people. There are a lot of people who think that QM is incorrect, or at least incomplete, simply because it contradicts their intuition.

aksdb ,

But that’s a good thing. If everyone considers the status quo as final, no one would research anything. It’s fine to question stuff, if you at least follow scientific methodologies. Just saying “nah, I don’t buy it” and then leaning back doing nothing is just lazy, and not critical thinking.

tygerprints ,

True, and a lot of assumptions we make are based on sound scientific observation. Though gravity is still just a theory, I defy you to try to float off the ground without some kind of assistance.

Quantum Mechanics offers lots of possibilities so I don't know how anyone could think it wasn't "correct," it isn't so much worried about correctness as it is about offering ways of observing dynamic relationships. I'm sure it's always going to seem incomplete.

RunawayFixer ,

If Semmelweis’ s theories were correct, it would have meant that many deaths of their patients would have been easily avoidable. So those other doctors could either ridicule the theory and continue living + practicing in ignorance, or accept the theory and also accept that they had (unknowingly) caused the deaths of many of their patients.

I’m not surprised that they chose the route of ridicule. I’m also not surprised that 20 or 30 years later, when the assistants of the old doctors had become the new generation of doctors, that the theory was then more easily accepted.

cameron_vale , (edited )

But ignorance is only really appreciated in retrospect.

When the ignoramus is contemporary, he knows he’s right. He’s thinking what all the smart modern people are thinking. Of course he’s right.

And any idea that contradicts him (and contradict the modern, right-thinking majority) is clearly foolishness.

So maybe it’s the modern right-thinkers that we need to be wary of.

tygerprints ,

IT's the Dunning-Kruger effect - people with limited knowledge or competence in a given intellectual or social domain greatly overestimate their own knowledge or competence in that domain relative to objective criteria. And they tend to only value the criteria that validate their own points of view. What we really lack is the eagerness to know all sides of an issue and take them into account.

BedSharkPal , in Be more open-minded!

But for real how did homophobia become the term for what is very rarely an actual fear?

RickyRigatoni , avatar

Seems like at some point -phobia got watered down to “extreme dislike”.

hessenjunge ,

According to Wikipedia it was an actual fear that homosexuality is contagious. That belief is probably alive and well amongst idiots.

I always thought it to be more akin to hydrophobia instead of arachnophobia - as in fat reacting to water. Now I think that is to take as fat is neither attacking water nor is it insane.

lugal ,

How does xenophobia fit into the picture?

hessenjunge ,

That’s a good question! Xenophobia has an evolutionary basis and exists in other species as well (e.g. chimpanzees). Encountering another group of humans (or chimps) might be dangerous. Being cautious is beneficial for survival.

However, when you add racism and are actively hostile to another group - is it still a Phobia? And if not or if it is not fear-motivated, what do you call it?

fushuan ,

I’d differentiate between xenophobia and racism. Being weary of something different is very different to feeling hate or acting against it.

A lot more people than would like to admit are a little bit xenophobic, but not racists.

jaybone ,

When the spiders start laying eggs in your eyeballs that’s when you will start sucking dicks.

SpookyUnderwear ,

The freaking spiders are turning everyone gay!

samus12345 , avatar

Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, etc.

kate ,

Because phobia isn’t just a fear of something, it’s a fear or aversion to

criitz ,

The word phobia may also refer to conditions other than true phobias.

For example, the term hydrophobia is an old name for rabies, since an aversion to water is one of that disease’s symptoms. A specific phobia to water is called aquaphobia instead. A hydrophobe is a chemical compound that repels water. Similarly, photophobia usually refers to a physical complaint (aversion to light due to inflamed eyes or excessively dilated pupils), rather than an irrational fear of light.

Several terms with the suffix -phobia are used non-clinically to imply irrational fear or hatred, such as Xenophobia and Homophobia


A specific phobia to water is called aquaphobia instead.

Please be lying, the only thing worse than mixing Latin and Greek is using words that mean the exact same for different things

lemmington_steele ,

don’t forget ablutophobia

Klear ,

Then you’ll be delighted to hear that the black rhinoceros is diceros bicornis.

fosforus , (edited )

As an 80s kid, before I learned a few things about how the world works, fear was very much one of the top feelings I got when near guys I knew were gay. Perhaps you youngsters got to skip that phase.

I never translated that to hate, though. I don’t exactly understand how that process even works. I’ve hated a few individual people in my life (100% because of what they did to me), and I feared none of them.

theangryseal ,

I was definitely scared as a kid. There were two openly gay men in our area (at least loud and social enough to be small town known that is). Their mannerisms seemed so unnatural to me.

As I got older though and spent more time around them it didn’t bother me at all.

The one guy (white guy, tall, very effeminate) was always hanging around partying at my exes house. He and I have been friends for over 20 years now. Legit one of the coolest and strangest people on the planet.

The other dude (black guy, very tall, very effeminate) came in my store all the time and he and I became friends. Around 2015 my car broke down. I borrowed my mom’s car and it broke down the first time I drove it. I was in a total panic because I couldn’t get to work. Dude overheard me dooming and glooming to my mom and freaking out. He walked up and said, “You’ve always been sweet to me so I’m gonna let you borrow my van as long as you need it.”

The van had N64 controller ports built in, so I put an N64 in there with a few of the best games for him. He was always hauling his entire neighborhood around in that thing and they were all stoked as shit when I gave it back.

I drove that van for around 4 months. My kids were devastated when I gave it back. All the rednecks had jokes, “hyuck hyuck, what did you do to get that van?” I came up with a good comeback. I’d look out and see what they were driving. “Let me take that Ford Ranger for a ride and I’ll show you, big boy!” Oh my god haha, they couldn’t handle it.

But yeah, back on topic. It was a fear because it was so unusual. I remember being horrified when the two dudes kissed in Big Daddy. It’s still a fear for a lot of people. They don’t want to see the world change, and it seems like a huge change when folks who barely existed in their reality are suddenly getting all of this representation in mainstream media. Because of the internet, everything is right there in our faces. They’re scared that their kids will be influenced into that lifestyle. I think that’s mostly because sexuality is more of a spectrum, and they’re afraid that it will awaken something in their kids that would have otherwise remained buried.

Then you got religion. That makes it even scarier because the preachers say they’re going to hell.

Have a good one bud.

frezik , in well guess what else is yellow ?

Automation is red, logistics is green. Factorio decided this years ago.

Baizey ,

Wait I thought yellow was bad, red was better and blue was best

Sunrosa ,

yellow is pretty hard to make. low density structures and blue circuits completely fuck your copper lines unless you prepare

AngryCommieKender ,

DSP decided that automation was blue, logistics is red, and white is still white, lol.

Agent641 , in Why do it

This hole… it was made for him

Moc ,

Drrrr drrr

tacosanonymous , in Make sure to follow me on socials ;)

All labor is skilled labor.

balderdash9 OP ,

Not when I’m doin it

jabathekek , in You can do it! avatar

Also the wealth of your parents.

dan1101 ,

And lack of motivation. But other than all those things, I’ve got what it takes.

LemmysMum ,

Exactly, we might not have wealth, or support, or opportunity, or capacity, or willingness, or hope… but we have been imbued with the belligerence of life, so that won’t stop us!

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