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aksdb ,

Epic have come a long way from Epic MegaGames, and it isn’t always a fairytale story I suppose.

Someone here on Lemmy highlighted that quite nicely when Valve dropped their Half Life documentary. Valve embraces their past. They cherish it. They still maintain their old games to honor their success.

Epic on the other hand completely wiped old Unreal titles from the relevant stores and don’t give a fuck about supporting any of them. Which is a shame. Also I admire the tech behind of modern Unreal engines, so there are still geniuses at work who are likely passionate. Too bad they essentially only ride the Fortnite train outside their engine development.

aksdb ,

Those are some rookie measly numbers.


aksdb ,

Look on phoronix for benchmarks. Plasma consumes less RAM and CPU than even XFCE.

aksdb ,

All good, but I think it’s really often a misconception that a DE like KDE, which is big and brings tons of features, must be more ressource intensive than a (feature wise) smaller DE. Which, as the benchmarks show, is surprisingly not the case.

aksdb ,

I counted 68 so far, but I fell asleep in between, so I may have missed some. I am also starting to believe, the cats just go back inside to jump out again.

aksdb ,

It would be weird if the protests had a big effect on the predicted votes. Who would be all for the AfD and then suddenly go “yeah well, I changed my mind now”?

The protests should mainly convince the government to finally start the process to ban the AfD.

aksdb ,

Also new people are still motivated to change stuff. They are not yet worn down by bureaucracy.

aksdb ,

Legal Eagle? Let’s french this up a bit and call him L’Eagle.

mememamus , to memes
aksdb ,

Dark humor is like food… not everybody gets it.

aksdb ,

That is - IMO - what critical thinking is meant to be … thinking about alternative explanations and evaluating their viability or probability.

Unfortunately a lot of people use the term “critical thinking” as just another way to rationalize why they are against something, without actually weighing the options.

aksdb ,

They should have code-named this release “Brooklyn”.

aksdb ,

Where comments are useful most is in explaining why the implementation is as it is. Otherwise smart ass (your future self) will come along, rewrite it just to realize there was indeed a reason for the former implementation.

aksdb ,

Awesome Keyboard with AI Support *

  • On supported Operating Systems **

** With separate subscription.

aksdb ,

If you want to cry a bit, then To The Moon. Essentially no battles at all.

Starfield design lead says players are "disconnected" from how games are actually made: "Don't fool yourself into thinking you know why it is the way it is" (

apparently this is in response to a few threads on Reddit flaming Starfield—in general, it’s been rather interesting to see Bethesda take what i can only describe as a “try to debate Starfield to popularity” approach with the game’s skeptics in the past month or two. not entirely sure it’s a winning strategy,...

aksdb ,

Yeah but businesses typically don’t go out and rub that in their customers faces. That’s basically what most of the complaints are about: Bethesda should just shut the fuck up and swallow their pride. Is some/most of the stuff people throw at them unfair? Likely. Is it completely unwarranted? No. Should they defend it? Also no.

aksdb ,

I would consider Todd Howard to be part of development (since he directs the creative and narrative angle, from what I understand).

He defended bad performance with “get better hardware”. He defended criticism of the content with “you play the game wrong”.

Both are bullshit “excuses”. The first one was even debunked by modders who showed that there was potential for optimization. And modders are far more limited than engine devs. The game doesn’t look ugly, but there are far better looking games with more scene complexity out there that run better.

And “you play it wrong” is bullshit because if enough people play it wrong to have an effect on the rating of the game, then the game is badly designed. Part of game design is making sure the game explains itself or subtly pulls players in the right direction. Either they failed with that, or there simply is no clear direction. But that’s not the players fault.

aksdb ,

IMO the common sense part isn’t “oh right of course those are germs”, but following the observation that points to some correlation. They don’t have to know or understand the root cause to at least consider (or accept) that something is wrong.

aksdb ,

If we only ever act on things we think we got 100% nailed down, we will either be as ignorant as these fools who locked Semmelweis away or we will stop doing anything at all, because realistically there is always a chance we got some seemingly basic understanding wrong.

The only intelligent thing is to work with a good mix of “what you know” paired with a sane amount of “critical thinking” and an assessment of potentially involved risks.

Covid was also an example (at least here in Germany). People fought against the invonvenience of having to wear masks or stay inside (or get vaccinated) because (as they said) we don’t know for certain how dangerous the illness really is and/or how effectice these measures are.

For me the calculation was simple: doing these measures and being wrong has far far less fatal consequences than being wrong and not doing these measures.

aksdb ,

But that’s a good thing. If everyone considers the status quo as final, no one would research anything. It’s fine to question stuff, if you at least follow scientific methodologies. Just saying “nah, I don’t buy it” and then leaning back doing nothing is just lazy, and not critical thinking.

aksdb ,

I think it’s technically still there… hidden behind custom fronts.

Players who don't like survival games as a genre: Which survival games are your personal exceptions, which ones have you enjoyed nonetheless and why?

Personally, I really don’t like most of these games due to the tedium and frustration that comes with hunger/thirst mechanics. Most of the exceptions that I do actually like either make up for it through something else that elevates the experience enough - or they either don’t have these mechanics or allow for players to...

aksdb ,

I can second that. Valheim has a very neat balance between exploring, fighting and building. If you don’t progress to quick, even your base is relatively safe. Although I now have turned off raids completely. So my base is always safe and if I want action, I can venture out into the world. I like that.

aksdb ,

Google had deals that were revealed. For example Spotify was exempt from paying those 30%.

aksdb ,

There’s nothing wrong with UDP. At least not that I know of.

aksdb ,

Tell me which so I can develop a competing service and steal your userbase!

aksdb ,

Sure, but the thing is: only a single person needs to break it temporarily in some way and this person can then leak the DRM free copy for everyone to consume.

That’s why DRM is such bullshit. It only ever punishes legitimate users. All others are unaffected.

aksdb , (edited )

As with every software/product: they have different features.

ZFS is not really hip. It’s pretty old. But also pretty solid. Unfortunately it’s licensed in a way that is maybe incompatible with the GPL, so no one wants to take the risk of trying to get it into Linux. So in the Linux world it is always a third-party-addon. In the BSD or Solaris world though …

btrfs has similar goals as ZFS (more to that soon) but has been developed right inside the kernel all along, so it typically works out of the box. It has a bit of a complicated history with it’s stability/reliability from which it still suffers (the history, not the stability). Many/most people run it with zero problems, some will still cite problems they had in the past, some apparently also still have problems.

bcachefs is also looming around the corner and might tackle problems differently, bringing us all the nice features with less bugs (optimism, yay). But it’s an even younger FS than btrfs, so only time will tell.

ext4 is an iteration on ext3 on ext2. So it’s pretty fucking stable and heavily battle tested.

Now why even care? ZFS, btrfs and bcachefs are filesystems following the COW philisophy (copy on write), meaning you might lose a bit performance but win on reliability. It also allows easily enabling snapshots, which all three bring you out of the box. So you can basically say “mark the current state of the filesystem with tag/label/whatever ‘x’” and every subsequent changes (since they are copies) will not touch the old snapshots, allowing you to easily roll back a whole partition. (Of course that takes up space, but only incrementally.)

They also bring native support for different RAID levels making additional layers like mdadm unnecessary. In case of ZFS and bcachefs, you also have native encryption, making LUKS obsolete.

For typical desktop use: ext4 is totally fine. Snapshots are extremely convenient if something breaks and you can basically revert the changes back in a single command. They don’t replace a backup strategy, so in the end you should have some data security measures in place anyway.

*Edit: forgot a word.

aksdb ,

It likely has an edge. But I think on SSDs the advantage is negligible. Also games have the most performance critical stuff in-memory anyway so the only thing you could optimize is read performance when changing scenes.

Here are some comparisons:

But again … practically you can likely ignore the difference for desktop usage (also gaming). The workloads where it matters are typically on servers with high throughput where latencies accumulate quickly.

aksdb ,

For fileservers ZFS (and by extension btrfs) have a clear advantage. The main thing is, that you can relatively easily extend and section off storage pools. For ext4 you would need LVM to somewhat achieve something similar, but it’s still not as mighty as what ZFS (and btrfs) offer out of the box.

ZFS also has a lot of caching strategies specifically optimized for storage boxes. Means: it will eat your RAM, but become pretty fast. That’s not a trade-off you want on a desktop (or a multi purpose server), since you typically also need RAM for applications running. But on a NAS, that is completely fine. AFAIK TrueNAS defaults to ZFS. Synology uses btrfs by default. Proxmox runs on ZFS.

aksdb ,

ZFS cache will mark itself as such, so if the kernel needs more RAM for applications it can just dump some of the ZFS cache and use whatever it needs.

In theory. Practically unless I limit the max ARC size, processes get OOM killed quite frequently here.

aksdb ,

So if I put a movement sensor that triggers a light in front of a jewish household, they couldn’t leave on sabbath because their movement would trigger a fire?

aksdb ,

It only needs to work long enough for the current management to cash in on their savings. Then it’s their successors problem.

aksdb ,

One problem is that they need to put a price tag and therefore a timeline on such a project. Due to the complexity and the many unknown unknowns in theses decades worth of accumulated technical debts, no one can properly estimate that. And so these projects never get off and typically die during planning/evaluation when both numbers (cost and time) climb higher and higher the longer people think about it.

IMO a solution would be to do it iteratively with a small team and just finish whenever. Upside: you have people who know the system inside-out at hand all the time should something come up. Downside of course is that you have effectively no meaningful reporting on when this thing is finished.

aksdb ,

Nope, you aren’t the only one.

It pisses me off each time, but I also expected it.

aksdb ,

Or Battlestar Galactica. Create a new species, make them humanoid, make them sentient, and then treat them like shit. Great.

aksdb ,

If the application in question doesn’t need to write anything, it also doesn’t write outside of docker, so it also won’t wear down the SD card.

If the app has to write something, a fully read-only container will simply not work (the app will crash or fail otherwise).

aksdb ,

The point with an external drive is fine (I did that on my RPi as well), but the point with performance overhead due to containers is incorrect. The processes in the container run directly on the host. You even see the processes in ps. They are simply confined using cgroups to be isolated to different degrees.

aksdb ,

To execute more than one process, you need to explicitly bring along some supervisor or use a more compicated entrypoint script that orchestrates this. But most container images have a simple entrypoint pointing to a single binary (or at most running a script to do some filesystem/permission setup and then run a single process).

Containers running multiple processes are possible, but hard to pull off and therefore rarely used.

What you likely think of are the files included in the images. Sure, some images bring more libs and executables along. But they are not started and/or running in the background (unless you explicitly start them as the entrypoint or using for example docker exec).

aksdb ,

Nope. The place of work is named in the contract so you know what you get in to. If that place is 2h away, that’s your problem.

aksdb , (edited )

You can btw “simply” opt out from this in the settings (look for “featured content” and disable it).

Yes it should be opt-in, but it’s not that hard to keep the fire tv (stick) being a good device for the price paid.

aksdb ,

I can still throw away my fire tv stick then. At the moment it still does the job I bought it for and I won’t produce unnecessary garbage for something that might happen in the future.

aksdb ,

That aside: the easier it is for good guys to get a gun, the easier it is for bad guys too.

And: where does that idea of a good guy stopping a bad guy come from even? If the bad guy is the better shoot, he still wins the fight. If he catches the good guy by surprise (which is likely given that bad acts are an action and not a reaction), he also has the upper hand.

So more guns solves exactly nothing, it only increases risks everywhere.

aksdb ,

Could have guessed as much. Bullshit propaganda that could be debunked with an ounce of critical thinking. But people who defend that shit are probably too dumb anyway.

Ironically there is likely a large overlap between these people and people who deny covid, climate change etc with “tHiNk CrItIcAlLy”.

aksdb ,

Remember that there were also big campaigns against tape recorders and VCR. They even managed to get VCR vendors to implement a feature that prevents users from skipping ads. So it’s not like it’s simply legal, the media corps were just not as successful in their lobbying as they are today.

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