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CosmicTurtle0 , in Zero, an Android app that does nothing

Does it leverage AI?

sirico , in Ballaholic I'm guessing avatar

I’ve seen parasite check his bag

pigup , in Happy Labor Day

Seems like this story is BS. I can’t speak to that but Scott Kelly fought with NASA management to lower the acceptable CO2 levels in the space station because it was making everyone sick and initially they refused to do it and he even had to consult with navy people on what acceptable CO2 levels they let in their submarines and finally NASA ended up matching theirs.

JusticeForPorygon , (edited ) avatar

Imagine being in space and everyone around you is sick and you try to tell the group you have contact with in the vacuum of oblivion and they’re just like “nuh uh”

“We are literally up here getting hypoxia.”


drathvedro , in People warn about culture shock, but nothing prepared ne for this solid toilet paper roll in Vietnam

Don’t go to Russia. Every once in a while you can encounter this atrocity. Yes, it has holes right out of the roll, no perforation whatsoever and not even a hole that you could hang it on and therefore outer layers are always dirty. And, of course, feels like a sandpaper, tears when wiping, but stretches when you actually try to get a piece. Please don’t tell me that this exists outside of Russia, that’d be way to much assrash for this world.

pyre ,

when you take brutalism so far that your toilet paper looks like concrete

KellysNokia ,

Now with 20% more aggregate!

zalgotext ,

It’s exfoliating!

ChapulinColorado ,

It’s just a little asbestos, don’t worry about it comrade!

Agent641 OP ,

Fireproof toilet paper, truly innovative.

sjmarf ,


Duamerthrax ,

Don’t go to Russia.

There’s a very tall list of reasons to not go to Russia and their toilet papers isn’t very high on it.

BambiDiego ,

I don’t know…

My list goes:

  1. Their toilet paper
  2. I might criticize Putin
  3. I might criticize the government
drathvedro , (edited )

Well, I wouldn’t worry about 2 and 3 that much. It’s just that as a foreigner, especially if you are from the US, you will most definitely fall under the surveillance of FSB and the cops will look at you twice, but they’re not paid half-decent enough to actually give a shit and do their job properly. They might harass you here and there but if you don’t do anything stupid like protesting in red square or doing selfies in front of military bases, then they’ll have nothing against you. I imagine that’s not that much worse than living in the US under CIA’s umbrella and trigger happy cops. Other than that, it’s not nearly an extreme hellhole like NK, Afghanistan or Syria that people make it sound like. In fact, you can get by in Moscow or St. Petersburg without a guide or translator just fine. I’d rather advise to watch out for the tourist traps(the usual), and to avoid getting out of the city limits and into the suburbs because of the much increased crime levels.

Ah, and put the fact that for every dollar you spend there, you put 20 cents straight into Putin’s pocket into that list…

And also that you’d probably need a visa and it’s a hassle…

And that you’d probably need a Russian friend to get you hooked up with the basics and avoid going through the bureaucracy - like with currency exchange, credit card, carrier plan, etc…

Also that weather is rather harsh there…

And also that it’s probably the dirtiest country on earth because city planners didn’t zone out lawns and parks properly therefore the mud gets spread absolutely everywhere…

And that internet is half-broken, with half sites censored while the others block everyone from Russian IP’s because sanctions…

And that Ukraine might not let you in afterwards…

And that you’d for sure be questioned by your homecountry’s intelligence services…

And that’s about all that I can think of.

Serinus ,

And you’d likely be held prisoner as a trading chip for Russian murderers.

drathvedro , (edited )

Well, it that case you’re referring to, the guy was actually snooping around which would fall into doing stupid things. But, just in case, just this once, here’s a free get out of jail free card: If you ever got caught just say that you’re an orthodox christian who came to Russia to enjoy based traditional culture in this bastion of anti-woke-ism and family values, and complain about some dumb shit like how western liberal agenda prevents you from hitting your wife or something. They can’t put you on TV while you are in prison, so they’ll have to let you go.

jollyrogue ,

Does the FSB have the good toilet paper?

That would be helpful.

SSJMarx ,

it’s not nearly an extreme hellhole like NK

North Korea is like ten times nicer than Russia, and definitely doesn’t belong on the same list as Taliban-controlled Afghanistan or still-a-warzone Syria, regardless of what you think of their government.

mods_mum ,

oh bless your heart, you sweet summer child

SSJMarx ,

unquestioningly believe Western propaganda about a country you’ve never been too

it’s OTHER people who are naive

'kay bud.

mods_mum ,

Yes, and the Earth is flat because you never went to space to confirm it’s a globe. Stupid people don’t know they’re stupid, it’s only a problem for everyone around them. Get help.

SSJMarx ,

The US government has not funded seventy years of flat earth propaganda which the majority of the population believes without question, so your point is a total non sequitur.

hungryphrog ,

girl, there are pictures of north koreans gathering GRASS because they don’t have food. And they will kill you or put you in a camp if you try to leave.

SSJMarx ,

Been listening to Yeonmi Park, I see.

hungryphrog ,

You know she’s not the only defector there is, right?

SSJMarx ,
hungryphrog ,

You know what? Fuck you. I’ve got better things to do than argue with tankies who imagine that authoritarian regimes are good just because they have red flags and claim to be communist. Do a service to humanity and yourself, and stay out of political discussion until you’ve aquired some education on these issues.

SSJMarx ,

The first step is denial, shortly thereafter, anger. I know it’s hard to accept that you’ve been lied to your entire life about something, but doing genuine research on socialist governments is what set me free from my own liberalism and it could do the same for you.

I’m not talking about watching YouTube videos either, I’m taking about reading books. When you’re ready, I recommend starting with Blackshirts and Reds by Michael Parenti.

Agent641 OP ,

But I saw Mr Bald and Bankrupt do it several times! And he only went to jail twice!

drathvedro ,

He did use the get out of jail card, though, so it’s all good. But I would advise to not try use it more than once.

Agent641 OP ,
  1. Might accodentally fly my drone into a cracking vessel at an oil refinery. Whoops.
Beldarofremulak ,

So it’s just crepe streamer paper?

drathvedro ,

Very close to it, yeah, like a very thin and shitty one. Doesn’t stretch as much nor is as sturdy, but the texture is spot on.

ivanafterall , avatar

I encountered this in Ukraine, often combined with those toilets in the floor and/or extremely rickety, extremely “well-loved” outhouses. Once, we stopped in what appeared to be a stranger’s yard and my hosts advised we were at the rest stop. I asked where the restroom was. They all started laughing. They are a hearty bunch.

drathvedro ,

The one that’s just like a concrete block with few holes in the floor? God that shit’s terrifying. Grew up in Russia and luckily never had to use one of those as they were never the only option. But if I had to, I’d rather shit my pants instead. Had to use shoddy garden toilets, squat toilets and toilets with no stalls before a few times each, all were awful experiences, but this thing, it combines all three for the ultimate discomfort.

acchariya ,

That’s because soft toilet paper is too gay for Russia.

hungryphrog ,

Fellas, is it gay to use tp that doesn’t hurt?

brachypelmasmithi ,

You see these in Poland every now and then, just with an actual central hole. I remember seeing these in my school, we used to call it srajtaśma (“shit tape” is the best translation I can think of), and it was just as bad as you described it. It also had a very particular smell to it.

drathvedro ,

Funny how I could probably understand what you mean if you said it without translation. Sounds very simillar to срать тесьма, which is also shit tape, though it’s not a correct grammatically in Russian. To my knowledge, we don’t have a specific name for it, but if there were I’d say it’d either be студенческая/солдатсткая (student/soldier) paper because they’re so poor, or жоподёрка (the assripper)

hungryphrog ,

What the hell??? This can barely even be called “toilet paper”.

manuallybreathing ,

Its literally tissue paper, I think youre being pretty dramatic

looks like itd be more ecofriendly because its mot bleached, and its not shipping around with a heap of empty space for the (now i think about it) oversized cardboard tube

LoreleiSankTheShip ,

These exist and are widely used in rural Romania. Even public institutions like schools and town halls use these there. They’re not the worst you can get though. About 10-15 years ago you’d also stumble across houses that had no toilet paper, just newspapers. You were supposed to wipe with those. Not a fun experience!

sanpedropeddler ,

My public school in Louisiana had very similar toilet paper. I’m not sure if its actually the same, but it certainly looks like it.

trxxruraxvr , in Oil

Let’s just buy less oil altogether so the lesbians will still have a liveable planet in a couple or decades.

LodeMike OP ,


kylua ,


RootBeerGuy , avatar

Yes, let’s do it for the lesbians!

Neon , in America's Smartest Man Finds Something Interesting

This is obviously highly suspicious, but

The amount of people parroting just whatever is currently in without critically questioning it (or even being open to question it) (looking at you, fascists (maga) and tankies (pro-putin /pro-hamas)) is too high

I don’t know what makes a person lose interest in politics and just parrot whatever the others parrot, but I’m highly suspicious that T is it. I think that part is just a lie in Elon’s interest to spread.

BTW I just assumed that T is testosterone

UnderpantsWeevil OP , avatar

tankies (pro-putin /pro-hamas)

Man, one of these is absolutely not like the other.

Neon ,

That’s exactly what I mean!

Hamas has literaly made it their goal to textbook-definition genocide all Israelis.

Anyone critically thinking about this for even just 10 seconds would realize that Hamas is just as bad if not worse than Nettanyahu

But no, parroting the current political trend of “poor suppressed Hamas was forced to kill all those civillians”

Tell me, why do you support Hamas and not the UN special rapporteur for Palestine?

Or any other organization not advocating for terrorism or at least not advocating for genocide?

It’s because that’s what everyone else does, not because you think that’s what’s right to do

At least I hope you didn’t make a conscious decision to support a terror organization wanting to genocide an entire Nation

Objection ,

>Isreali flag

>“Maybe the fascist propaganda has a point!”

Checks out.

Neon ,

Exactly what I mean

You see my flag and automatically discard my opinion, because that’s the trendy thing to do

Listening to what I have to say and thinking critically? No m

Objection ,

I thought critically about the issue and came to the conclusion that genocide and apartheid are bad and that fascism is wrong. Not my fault if enough other people reach the same conclusion for it to be trendy.

Neon ,

no, you did not think critically about this Issue.

Because this Issue never was about genocide or apartheid or fascism. You thought about something entirely else.

You thought that “he has a Flag I don’t like, so I will discard his opinion on any matter”

Hardly critical or even smart thinking, is it?

Objection , (edited )

It’s kind of impressive how many wrong things you just said.

First, it is valid to disregard someone’s opinions based on their other political views. If you had a swastika in your username, should I ignore that and listen earnestly to everything you say? Of course not.

Second, this is about fascism because the quoted text in OP is fascist propaganda. What they’re describing is the idea of the ubermensch, of certain people being inherently superior and genetically predisposed to rule over others.

Third, you’re not a mind reader. You’re incorrectly assuming that you know my thought process. I did not think, “This person has an Israeli flag, therefore they must be wrong,” I thought, “This person is telling people to look for a point in what is very clearly fascist propaganda, hey, look at that, they also have a fascist flag in their username, I guess it makes sense that they’d do that.”

So no, I didn’t write off your opinion because of your support of a fascist regime, though if I had it would’ve been valid. I simply thought critically about two different behaviors you did and noticed that they both display sympathy towards fascism, which I found interesting.

joyjoy , in Scam speeding ticket

This is likely a honeypot email sent by your organization. If you click any links, you’ll be automatically signed up for a cyber security seminar. Go ahead and hit the report message button in Outlook.

Localhorst86 ,

Or just click the link and get in a few hours of a cyber security seminar. It can be a chance from your regular job.

ryannathans ,

I’ve seen a lot of friends get the same email

FatherGascown , in Maybe this is better for everyone

I mean, they are vegans. Their brains withered long ago.

HeyJoe , in Oil

Anyone got the source?

LodeMike OP ,

It’s a real ad, so no.

Exeous ,

Vampire academy?


I found the sauce, unfortunately it’s not what we were hoping for.


TheBat , avatar

Blonde one looks like Rhea Seehorn

yardy_sardley , in Oil

A message from the government of Alberta

dudinax ,

“We would be Saudi Arabia if we could.”

pkmkdz , in Zero, an Android app that does nothing

Ackshually… it starts and quits, so it does something On the other hand it reminds me of this absolute classic… thing

Furbag , in America's Smartest Man Finds Something Interesting

Alpha males ain’t shit. I’m a Neutrino male. Highest penetration power 😤

SaharaMaleikuhm ,

Can’t even feel anything though. Can you penetrate any harder my guy?

KellysNokia ,

As a beta, I can only penetrate a few millimeters but I can do a lot of damage if swallowed.

sparky , avatar

10/10 physics joke right here folks

nifty , in America's Smartest Man Finds Something Interesting avatar

The post is starting out with the wrong assumptions so naturally it’s conclusions are wrong, top tier shitpost.

In the old days we’d use this kind of pseudoscience for mischief (you know, trolling), now it’s disinformation spread by useful idiots to upend their democracies.

ouRKaoS ,

In the old old days, this was referred to as “religion” and was used to keep “those people” in their “place”…

Churbleyimyam , in rizztastic

When I was a kid I thought grownups were out of touch when they used slang and it made me cringe.

Now I’m a grownup I know that they did it to make me cringe.

radicalautonomy , avatar

They definitely did it to make you cringe.

Source: Am a secondary math teacher/parent and do shit like this all the time to make my students/children cringe.

Cryophilia ,

The best way to kill cringey slang is for old people to use it

feedum_sneedson , in People warn about culture shock, but nothing prepared ne for this solid toilet paper roll in Vietnam

In China it comes stacked in bags and you pull it out sheet by sheet like paper hand towels or a box of tissues. You can hang the bag up.

grrgyle ,


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