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slaacaa , in Aaaaah

FYI if you ever get leg cramp, completely straighten your leg, and flex your feet upwards, towards your shin. This will stretch your leg muscles and stop the pain almost immediately.

Used to happen to me quite a few times, esp. when being a kid doing lot of sports. Once I was afraid I would drown when getting leg cramp in the pool, but this method saved me.

Wizard_Pope , avatar

Were your cramps so strong you could not control your muscles anymore? Asking about the pool thing. I have often had leg cramps and I retained full motor control.

ouRKaoS ,

It’s all fun & games until your shin muscles start to cramp as well…

I’ve gotten the Hamstring/quads combo cramp a couple times and falling over, screaming, and not being able to move is an experience.

ngwoo ,

Just stand up. Pain stops as soon as you put weight on the leg.

brad_troika ,

100%. I tried stretching and massaging before and it kinda worked for me but when I stand on it it immediately stops.

FinalRemix ,

Calf overpowered me. Now I’m on tippytoes.

wreckedcarzz , avatar

For me, that advice is absolutely useless. Now I’m standing, in more pain, that lasts longer.

It’s like if you step on shattered glass shards, the solution to your bleeding foot is to then jump in place. I’m good, thanks.

AnomanderRake ,

I was apout to suggest this, I get leg cramps semi often and this tip is a life saver.

Sanctus , (edited ) in Cords avatar

But you dont really care 'bout voltage, do ya?

kryptonianCodeMonkey , (edited )

It goes like this, on the the 25th. A minor shock? No. Death madeshift.

elvith ,

The baffled men are meeting now their maker.
Hallelujah, Hallelujah,
Hallelujah, Hallelujah!

BitingChaos , in AAAAAAAAAA avatar

Picture unrelated…

That looks like the species that shows up every year.

qbus , in Cords

It’s also good to backfeed a generator into an outlet

Wanderer , in How to treat a man

I think a lot of women get taught men are the enemy and that all bad things in life come from men and the patriarchy. But that’s all they really get taught.

It’s like when the kids in south park get taught about STDs and how if you don’t wear a condom you get STD. So the girls avoid the boys until they wear condoms 24/7. There is a lesson in there but if you only teach them something that impacts much less than a percentage of 1% you going to miss a whole lot of the puzzle and it’s going to fuck you up before you even start.

revelrous ,

I’m not going to argue which gender is the bigger victim of toxic masculinity. The bodies are stacked too high for me to see over. But please don’t say it impacts ‘much less than a percentage of 1%.’

Like, my father used to tie up my dog and whale on it with a belt when he was angry and that’s probably the least fucked-up-thing-your-dad-did story of my peer group. If you don’t think it’s affected you, you are either very lucky, or somebody who is long overdue to talk it out.

Wanderer ,

You think you spend more that 1% of your life interacting with toxic masculinity and the negatives of the patriarchy?

You either spend a lot of time around a lot of shitty people or it sounds like you got problems.

revelrous ,

I’d like to take ‘repression, and over-compensating’ for 500 Alex.

Wanderer ,

Wow good come back. You really showed me. No need to make make a good argument just quote a meme.

revelrous ,


Real talk. The effects of toxic masculinity are tangled up everywhere, in everything, crossing the blood-brain barrier like micro plastics. If you honestly think it don’t exist, it’s big sign to me that you are wrapped up in it to drowning. People shut down empathy as a trauma response, or because they’re trying to replicate behaviors of a perceived ‘in-group’ (this would be the patriarchy) to gain acceptance. Either way it’s got you. We’re talking a nationwide ban on healthcare based on gender for half the country, and you don’t see it? You don’t think having healthcare is pretty fucking foundational? Is it 1 in 3 women who live under a ban in America now? Having your leaders celebrated for sexual violence not cast down ain’t a sign to you? 'Grab ‘em by the pussy’ is running neck and neck for one of the most powerful executive positions in the world. We’re criminalizing men who wear feminine attire, policing who is woman enough to piss where. The right just fell over itself to mock a kid who was proud to tears of his father. God forbid a man express joy. I keep getting texts from friends floored over the photo of Walz getting bunny eared by his smiling kids. There’s a big reason why seeing them so completely unafraid to tease their father in public is resonating with people.

Wanderer , (edited )

You have a weird style of discission because you largely seem to be arguing against yourself. None of these points are mine.

If you are going through life and you perceive every man all the time is treating you badly and you act like it. Then you really need to change something you got some big issues.

We’re talking a nationwide ban on healthcare based on gender for half the country, and you don’t see it?

No not really

You don’t think having healthcare is pretty fucking foundational?

Yes I do.

Is it 1 in 3 women who live under a ban in America now?

I don’t know

Having your leaders celebrated for sexual violence not cast down ain’t a sign to you? 'Grab ‘em by the pussy’ is running neck and neck for one of the most powerful executive positions in the world.

Okay? A sign of what exactly. You saying only men vote for Trump? Maybe it’s more of a religious thing? These points don’t concern me and largely I don’t care. There are plenty of issues in the world. You want to talk about it from a female only perspective then Islam and Africa are treating women a lot worse and with the population crisis in the world, helping them seems like a more pressing matter. But again this is a change of topic.

We’re criminalizing men who wear feminine attire, policing who is woman enough to piss where. The right just fell over itself to mock a kid who was proud to tears of his father. God forbid a man express joy. I keep getting texts from friends floored over the photo of Walz getting bunny eared by his smiling kids. There’s a big reason why seeing them so completely unafraid to tease their father in public is resonating with people.

Um men haven’t been able to piss a lot of places. If you talking about in women’s spaces then that’s been going on for ages but if you want to free up peeing on trees I’ll 100% get behind that. I really don’t know what point you are making but it certainly isn’t about anything I said.

I’m really not sure you even read the point I was making. So I’m not sure what we are discussing actually.

revelrous ,

Examples of how toxic masculinity and the patriarchy affects life presented in speech rather than a bullet point list. These terms are describing social structures and expectations. Not about hating individual men. The examples all are absolutely negative products of hegemonic masculinity. Look into sociological/gender studies/anthropology resources on the subject. I don’t have the bandwidth to try and give you a primer on these schools of study, but they readily exist.

eager_eagle , in AAAAAAAAAA avatar
  • wake up
  • grab a brush put a little make up
  • cry when angels deserve to die
metaStatic ,
  • Before you know, awake
Routhinator , avatar

Not sure how I feel about Cicada Chop Suey

AngryCommieKender ,

I don’t think you trust

faceula ,


Viking_Hippie ,

Why’d cicadas put the keys upon the table, though?

panic ,

They wanted to

Kolanaki , avatar

Oh here you go creatin’ another fable 🙄

Cobrachicken , in Cords

Darwin cable.

lath , in it's just that simple. Don't forget to exercise out of depression...

It really is that simple. But simple doesn’t make it easy.

Simple stuff is often the hardest to succeed in. Sure, you can do it, but can you do it well? Repeatedly? Over a long period of time?

Doesn’t sound so simple anymore. But that’s because the simplicity is a starting point. You build on it, make a foundation you can depend on and fall back to when things go wrong.

Going outside or exercising are simple things, but make no mistake, they’re also a lifestyle. They become a part of who you are, something to cherish, protect and develop that you dedicate a part of each day to. And that’s not an easy thing to do. But once you do it, you’ll know it was worth the hard work.

snooggums , avatar

Hey look, it worked!

underwire212 ,

Also, exercise has been shown to help with mild to moderate depression symptoms. It is not a cure as some would make you believe. But it certainly does help, and help quite a bit it can.

zea_64 ,

Is this how I find out I was wrong when I thought my depression wasn’t that bad?

conciselyverbose ,

Can they really be beneficial? Sure.

Are they actually a magic wand against genuine mental illness? No.


What people don't get is that it is just using your body's naturally produced feel good chemicals - endorphins - to make you feel better. It is no different than relying on alcohol or drugs, legal or illegal, to treat your symptoms. You still have to do the hard work to try to cure or lessen your mental illness.

conciselyverbose , (edited )

There are people who get “dependent” on exercise, but in a general sense it’s a hell of a lot better than drugs. Also, while dopamine is a big part of it, you also feel better because you’re healthier, and it likely helps with regulation as well.

But yeah, not magic. You still almost always at minimum need therapy and some sort of guided exercises or meditation if you don’t need chemical treatment.

AI_toothbrush , in it's just that simple. Don't forget to exercise out of depression...

Not the go outside part but exercise helps a lot. Most people like to ignore the part where a lot of people with depression work three jobs and dont have time/money for a gym

TheDoozer ,

Also, telling a depressed person their answer is to exercise is like telling a homeless person that they just need to get a job. The not having a home prevents the getting a job. If they had the ability to find a job, they wouldn’t be homeless (except obviously the people who don’t make enough from their job to support themselves, but that’s a whole different issue that shouldn’t exist).

So even if someone does have the time, getting the depression under control may be necessary before the exercise seems like a reasonable possibility.

capt_wolf , avatar

Dealing with a client at work who is going through this. Severely depressed, suicidal tendencies, will not exercise despite knowing it has helped him in the past. He knows what he needs to do, but we also know damn well that he’s going to go straight up to his room and play video games all day.

Motivating is extremely difficult when it comes to severe depression. You can’t just point out what they need to do. Doing so will likely just deepen their depression because they already know. Getting people to understand that not every brain works the same or responds to the same kind of reinforcements is incredibly frustrating.

zea_64 ,

Exercise can help a lot depending on the source of the depression. My walking fast for an hour a day only helped a little (don’t worry, I’m better now).

FiniteBanjo , in How to treat a man

Is the top guy somebody we should know or is he just creepy because of what he said? I do think it’s important to know how to deal with the opposite sex regardless of gender, personally, I would never just throw a child into the world to figure it out, and teaching wariness is just a part of that.

TachyonTele ,

He’s a verified twitter user. I think that says enough.

9point6 ,

Unironically can’t believe people are paying to tell on themselves these days

unexposedhazard ,

Taken out of twitter context, his message is actually completely valid imo. Everyone should learn how to treat everyone with respect.

Shiggles ,

Instead we chuckle at a message of violence and wonder why people get radicalized.

FiniteBanjo ,

We don’t, but that sounds like a lot of instances yeah. Especially Hexbear and other state run instances who are trying to intentionally radicalize the naive.

Semi_Hemi_Demigod , avatar

The phrases “Men should learn how to treat women” and “Women should know how to treat men” are both vastly different than “Everyone should learn how to treat everyone with respect.”

unexposedhazard ,

I mean its 50% of the latter. Just gotta add “women how to treat women” and “men how to treat men” and then all the boring binary labels are covered. But yeah in this context its meant in a weird sexist and probably very unequal way.

cRazi_man ,

Most parents/adults don’t know how to treat the opposite sex either though.

FiniteBanjo ,

I wager some experience is still better than none.

cRazi_man ,

A lot of changes is society have come up in the last couple of generations. Changes equality, sexual freedoms, modern parenting, men’s roles at home, women’s role at work, etc. Many of my parent’s generation really do not know the first things about changing roles and expectations of the sexes and what people of the current generation want. Most people I know of that generation are (mildly to extremely) socially conservative. I get along great with my parents and I happily welcome them to live with me for 5 months of every year… But I would never have the teach anyone in my generation the lessons from their generation (I do speak to them about these things out of interest, but more to talk about how different the culture is between or generations now).

FiniteBanjo ,

Alright, tell your kids it’s fine to fuck around with their bodies and people’s feelings and find out, then.

Being able to build trust and find lifelong companionship is a skill surely lacking in youth, but arrogance is clearly not.

cRazi_man ,


tjsauce ,

Your comment reads far more arrogant than the one you responded to.

FiniteBanjo ,

There is only one true good in this world, Knowledge.

And there is only one true evil.

PunnyName ,

As someone who’s worked in retail, a ton of people don’t know how to treat humans like anything other than objects.

PapaStevesy , in Malk?

Pour the freaking mulk, Josh!

llamapocalypse ,

The man wants a glass of molk!

Matriks404 , in it's just that simple. Don't forget to exercise out of depression...

I mean… it somewhat works? It won’t fix all your issues, but you will feel better, and it’s a good first part to get out of the depression. Although, I guess most people won’t be able to do fight depression without some prescribed medication.

Speaking from my experience I mostly defeated my depression just by myself, even though I still feel depressed from time to time. But it is also a part of my character to not seek help from others, because in my childhood and in later years, no one really helped me in any major way, so I just learned to force getting myself into be better shape, because at some time in my life it felt like the only rational thing to do.

edgemaster72 , in Malk? avatar

Double milked-in goodness

BenLeMan , in Malk?


Thteven , in Was the space jockey just a gamer? avatar
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