There have been multiple accounts created with the sole purpose of posting advertisement posts or replies containing unsolicited advertising.

Accounts which solely post advertisements, or persistently post them may be terminated.

Hawk , to mildlyinfuriating in Capitalism indoctrination in progress.

None of these answers is correct, it’s simply not a multiple choice question.

For some the pay is important, others need a bit of distraction like a ping pong table.

Everybody has their own needs, the biggest HR loser is the one that fits all employees in the same square.

chakan2 , avatar

others need a bit of distraction like a ping pong table.

That is never the answer. If your business isn’t retaining people because the party culture isn’t party enough…you’ve got way bigger problems…and it’s probably leadership.

agressivelyPassive ,

So, a fruit basket?

themeatbridge ,

Think bigger, and rounder, and flatter, and then covered in cheese and maybe pepperoni. But no mushrooms, Dolores in accounting will pretend to vomit.

isVeryLoud ,

Hawaiian pizza, I gotchu fam

themeatbridge ,

Joke’s on you, I’m into that shit.

Not_Alec_Baldwin ,

As I get older I begin to realize that people love to work.

However people hate being treated like shit.

Treating people like shit or building an environment that supports shitty behavior poisons the well and will absolutely make people leave, even for a pay cut.

If you just respect people and properly value them and their contributions to your organization, you’ll never have trouble keeping them.

chakan2 , avatar

A ping pong table is cheaper and less effort.

soapyScooper ,

I wouldn’t say party culture - it is what you make of it! You’re normally at work for a significant portion of your day. Something like a table tennis table can help to break up the day and is just a bit of fun. For example, we had a table tennis tournament at work, which people got really into - it was fun and people bonded over it. I’d take that over working somewhere where you don’t even know your colleagues.

This was at a tech company where culture was a big part of why almost everyone worked there. Definitely wasn’t a party culture, but it was collaborative, where people worked closely together. There was never an expectation to work outside of working hours, or to do anything social - it was purely optional.

Obviously pay is a big factor, but it isn’t everything. I’m lucky enough to be in a sector where I can afford to get paid less and have a better work (definitely not party!) culture and work-life balance.

chakan2 , avatar

I shrug…I like WFH…it’s me vs the machine and that’s that. I hated the forced corporate fun when I was still in that environment. It’s “collaborative”…no…no it’s not.

Sure…having Little John spin the company party was a neat story…getting paid 50k more and working in quiet peace is a better one.

squaresinger ,

Company parties are such a dumb waste of time. “Boss says, have fun!”

No thanks.

olimario ,

I prefer to have fun with my real friends instead of the people I work with.

I chose those people.

soapyScooper ,

Totally understand - each to their own! And we agree on forced fun!

I WFH since COVID, and I definitely wouldn’t go back to the office (we go in once every two months which everyone really enjoys). Personally, I’d swap the 50k for working in an environment that I enjoy, and that for me means working closely and collaboratively with my teammates, who I get along with. Everyone is different though, so what I want from a job is probably other people’s idea of hell.

P1r4nha ,

Like leadership partying too much

crossal , avatar

Nah. That’s too black and white

Kalkaline , avatar

I suppose it depends on the pay raise. If the company is toxic as hell, I might take a pay cut to go elsewhere, but there are very few scenarios where I turn down a pay raise for something like a ping pong table.

JustZ , avatar

Found that one that wanted the ping pong table.

starrox , to politics in Mega Thread - Donald Trump Pleads Not Guilty to Conspiring to Defraud the United States in Arraignment - Washington DC avatar

I’m not an American and I read the whole 45 pages indictment. One one hand, because it was highly entertaining to read Agent Oranges tweet in such a serious context, on the other hand because, in a way, this affects the whole world. The defendant was such a horrible (and effective) role model to authoritarian politicians around the globe and I honestly believe the US won’t recover from a not-guilty verdict or even worse, a second term of that ape.

But even IF he somehow, miraculously, gets a prison sentence - there is still so much to be done. The whole apparatus that enabled him should face justice. Not only his direct co-conspirators but also republican congressmen & -women that violated their oath to protect your republic from exatly the tyranny that the defendant tried to establish.

But who am I kidding; In reality I am already waiting for the announcement of his second term, the pardoning of each and everyone of his co-conspirators plus a self-pardon (how crazy is that?!) from '47. Thats how much trust I have in your system at this point.

Furbag ,

That’s the sad part. Trump couldn’t have possibly done this alone. It was the result of countless failures of both the moral fortitude of our political ruling class and the system of checks and balances itself. Even if Trump the Traitor takes the fall for this, the framework for his authoritarian ascension still remains firmly in place, and the next demagogue to come around will have all of Trump’s dumb mistakes as a roadmap to avoid.

Arsenal4ever ,

It turns out, a lot of US politics is built on norms. You’re not supposed to hire your daughter and son-in-law, then let your son-in-law be in charge of freakin’ middle east peace, and then walk out with billions in investments.

You’re not supposed to lie all the time, and then be supported.

You’re not supposed to grab women by the you know what and get elected.

You’re not supposed to lie and cheat and do whatever. The Bulwark has an awesome piece on the corruption of Lindsay Graham. It is very informative about how it takes more people to make a Trump.

starrox , avatar

Thank you for the linked piece. Very interesting read!

starrox , avatar

Very well put.

zombuey ,


The apparatus should face justice as well as be evaluated. I could argue the electoral college system had one useful trait and that was to be a hedge against populist politicians. In this event that system has been shown the be ineffective. A political party has been able to weaponize stupidity against our nation.

c7plumbcrazy ,

And the sad part is there are no laws preventing him from running and winning office if a guilty verdict was the outcome for any federal indictments. Who’d thunk it, the Forefathers didn’t foresee this happening. Apologies for grammar.

Nukken ,

So what would happen there. Would he be let out of prison while he’s president? Be president from prison? He can’t pardon himself right?

c7plumbcrazy ,

I think that’s the core of the problem. I don’t believe there are any laws or rulings addressing any of these issues. Of course congress won’t touch on that subject without a complete overhaul of the way things operate in that dumpster fire (all of them). The only current method to remove a sitting president is through impeachment. Here’s to hoping the current republicans have the berries to not nominate the cancer for 2024.

ShlorpianMafia , to mildlyinfuriating in Online dating avatar

“It’s something you’ve never heard of”

“How do you know?”

“…because I’m never going to tell you about it”

jscummy ,

Maybe it’s just a super closely guarded musical secret he has to keep. The cabal of music keepers does not take blabbermouths lightly

Monochromepsychward ,

Hammerfall. That is all.

GladiusB , avatar

Technically the truth

pjwestin , to lemmyshitpost in Maybe this is better for everyone avatar

I mean, leaving .world is a pretty fair response. That community is full of insufferable idiots, but an admin overrode their moderating decisions, and then the admin team made up rules to retroactively justify their decision. That’s pretty egregious.

can ,

I’m no fan of but I’m even less of a fan of dead cats.

pjwestin , avatar

Yeah, to be clear, you should not feed your cat a Vegan diet. Cats are obligate carnivores. Synthetic Taurine has made vegan catfood somewhat more viable, but cats don’t just need Taurine from prey. They need several vitamins, amino acids, and fatty acids from animal protein to survive. Beyond that, their digestive tract isn’t very efficient at digesting plant matter, so even if these foods have the nutritional value they need, they might not be absorbing it. Also, a lot of these products seem to be made from grains and other carb heavy products, and cats need a very low carb, high protein diet. If you want to completely divest from the meat industry, you simply shouldn’t own a cat.

That being said, Vegan catfood products are on the market, so whether or not they are good for cats, they have been approved by several regulating bodies. You can claim that they’re unsafe (I certainly do), but having an admin nuke a comment section for claiming otherwise is a huge overreaction. It would be like going into a vape community and banning accounts that claimed vaping is safer than smoking; it probably isn’t, but I don’t need admins deciding who gets to have discourse about that.

Finally, I’m also not a fan of dead cats, but if you’re dumb enough to take veterinary advice from an internet vegan group, you’re probably too dumb to keep a cat alive anyway.

Viking_Hippie ,

Vegan catfood products are on the market, so whether or not they are good for cats, they have been approved by several regulating bodies

Yeah, that’s not how it works. Especially in countries with extreme regulatory capture like the US.

Unless a product has text that says in a very specifically worded way that it’s been tested and approved by a relevant regulatory body, it hasn’t.

The fact that something hasn’t been taken off the market YET does not necessarily mean that it’s been approved. Especially not when you’re dealing with politically volatile stuff that could lead to lengthy public lawsuits sapping the resources of the already chronically underfunded and understaffed agencies.

If it’s vegan food for obligate carnivores, it MIGHT technically be “safe” (as in won’t be outright lethal), but for the reasons you yourself mentioned, it’s likely to significantly decrease the animal’s enjoyment of life at best and more likely to be downright torturous.

It would be like going into a vape community and banning accounts that claimed vaping is safer than smoking

Except for the fact that those accounts would be absolutely right and have reams of scientific evidence from the world’s foremost experts in related fields to back up their claims. Unlike the people abusing cats in the name of not abusing animals.

it probably isn’t

It is. It’s not even anywhere near the next city over from the neighborhood of close.

but I don’t need admins deciding who gets to have discourse about that

Except limiting the spread of dangerous misinformation, such as common myths that are keeping smokers away from one of if not THE most effective smoking cessation tool, is a big part of what admins are FOR.

if you’re dumb enough to take veterinary advice from an internet vegan group, you’re probably too dumb to keep a cat alive anyway

Yeah…that’s not a valid argument either. A lot of vegans avoid getting a cat because they’re too overzealous in their veganism to even want carnivorous animals to eat meat.

The Venn diagram of people vegan enough to love carnivores but refuse to give them meat and people who would trust a vegan online echo chamber more than competent veterinarians is a circle within a bigger circle.

pjwestin , avatar

Well, various vegan catfoods have been approved for use in not only the U.S. but also the E.U., but your point about regulatory capture is fair. Unfortunately, it’s undercut by your support for vaping, a nicotine product brought to market with an insane lack of oversight. Ironically, most of what you’re complaining about with the cat food is exactly what makes vaping so dangerous. We don’t have as much research or long-term studies on the effects of vaping to say it’s as dangerous as smoking, but we know that they contain propylene glycol and vegetable glycerin, which are toxic to cells, aldehydes, which are associated with lung disease and heart disease, acrolein, which can cause COPD, asthma and lung cancer, as well as various heavy metals. I’m pretty sure that a lot more people will die of vaping than cats will die of veganism. That being said, I don’t think people who support vaping should be removed from lemmy for using a product that’s probably unsafe, and and it’s not the job of admins or moderators to stop people from taking bad health advice from strangers on the internet.

a_wild_mimic_appears ,

In the UK the NHS is advocating for vaping as a way to stop smoking, and it works. Also, i don’t know where you get your information about VG and PG (especially regarding their toxicity), but i am more than sure that your information is outdated/obsolete by now.

A large part of your cells walls are made out of vegetable glycerin. The LD50 for rats is about 12g/kg body weight (mice 8g/kg) when ingested (so about 1kg for a 100kg human), and the seen adverse effects when inhaling were minimal and only visible in hourlong exposures at the highest tested concentration.

Propylene Glycol has an even higher LD50 in rodents (20 GRAMS/kg b.w.) and is in use in every theatre in the world for fog and smoke effects (in HUGE volumes in contrast to vaping - i vape a lot and am somwhere between 5-10ml VG/PG 1:1 per day) for ages now, and there would have been found a correlation between stage workers and lung cancer by now. It’s widely used in the agricultural sector as a feed additive in pretty large quantities too.

you get acrolein when the e-cigarette overheats. modern devices should not even really do this anymore. The heavy metals are a hypothesis i heard in the beginning and for which i haven’t seen any source in the last 5 years. At least if you aren’t overheating your NI80 coils on purpose to a dull red glow. all my homies use SS316 for smooth automatic temperature control :-)

I’m with you regarding the aroma additives (which i assume you meant as source for aldehydes); not many of those have been tested regarding inhalation (except for aromatherapy probably), and they might prove to be detrimental. i also believe that if i had kept my pack or two a day hobby for much longer, it would have had a real chance of killing me. i am also advocating that this stuff should be 18+ - by that age the whole “peer pressure” thing that led to me starting smoking with 14 should be mostly over.

in the end, the most important part is: i choose to use e-cigarettes since it’s harm reduction in comparison to smoking (and nothing else worked for me), and i know that it would be healthier not to do it. cats don’t have much choice regarding their food, especially when combined with an religiously motivated owner.

socsa ,

I feel like nobody is approaching this from a consent aspect either. If someone offers their cat an array of cat food options and makes an actual honest attempt to determine a long term preference and the cat legitimately prefers the vegan cat food, then that's way less problematic than saying "you will eat this weird food or you will starve."

The forced veganism thing just feels a lot like saying "studies show that a human can technically survive on roaches and rat feces as long as they get a vitamin C supplement."

a_wild_mimic_appears ,

I just wanted to add: the reason why most carnivores go for the digestive tract first when eating their prey is that they eat the predigested plant matter with the entrails, making those nutrients much more readily available to them.

It’s a shame; i’m sure there are vegans feeding their cats this way, and when those animals lose muscle mass quickly, the first thing that gets really damaged by that are their kidneys - and this does normally only get noticed shortly before the cat is going to die. And it’s an ugly death. I’ve had a young cat which had nearly dead kidneys when we got her, and it’s pure torture for them - we tried everything we could, but there’s not much to be done after they show symptoms. That one “study” that other poster is throwing around with the owner-reported feedback regarding the health of their cats has actual negative worth.

WarlockLawyer ,

What if we raise them in a factory farm and eat them instead? Don’t worry though. We will force feed them a carnivore diet in their tiny cages

Trainguyrom ,

Bruh. This is why I don’t like folks from vegan communities. So full of misinformation and vitriol regarding farming practices. Dead, malnourished and diseased cattle are worthless to a farmer, so they intentionally don’t keep them in conditions like these crazies describe.

That said I am trying to cut down on my meat consumption because meat production is more climate intensive than vegetables, and my diet is not as vegetable-heavy as it should be. But you folks make it so hard to feel good about making positive changes like that

DankDingleberry , avatar

because they challenge your biases you dont like them. classic

SkyeStarfall ,

They literally do though? Have you ever seen a chicken farm? Or a mink farm? Or dozens of different examples of factory farming?

A few dead animals don’t matter if you can fit in 20x the amount of chickens in the same space

Trainguyrom ,

Not a mink farm but I’ve been to cow, goat, sheep, pig and chicken farms. You know what you get with 20x the herd in the same space? 200x the disease risk and 20x the loss when you have to cull the entire herd because the USDA started investigating why your cattle tested positive for [insert nastiness here]. Sick cattle are a great way to lose the farm that’s been in the family for generations. Healthy cattle are how you give your kids the option to choose to continue farming

todd_bonzalez , avatar

I agree entirely. Let’s end the factory farming of cats.

can ,

What is your intent when replying like this? Did you intend to have a conversation and a sharing of views? Is it just about mocking the hypocrisy what you assume my views to be?

blindbunny ,

You replied only with questions without answering theirs, how rude.

unexposedhazard ,

If thats true then everyone should probably start leaving .world. If they cant even behave themselves with something as simple as veganism, then you cant trust them to not powertrip with actually controversial political issues.

alcoholicorn ,

you cant trust them to not powertrip with actually controversial political issues.

I mean they “preemptively defederated hexbear as a last resort” for fear they might discuss politics, so that ship has sailed.

SkyezOpen ,

Shush tankie.

pjwestin , avatar

Maybe, but this seems like a problem that’s bigger than a single instance. A few months back someone came with some pretty good receipts showing .ml admins going after people for having some very fair and moderate criticisms of China. Seems like most instances either have power tripping mods or are too small to have much activity.

can ,

The issues with dot ml and dot world are hardly comparable. I’ve had my concerns with some of the world admin actions (flip-flopping, lack of communication) but I do believe they are trying in good faith. I’m still happy to be registered and to make my communities elsewhere but for now I don’t see them as being nearly as egregious as ml.

todd_bonzalez , avatar
  1. Adding animal abuse to their TOS was a good move. I’m surprised it wasn’t already there.
  2. Encouraging people to feed a cat a vegan diet is a call to abuse a cat through deliberate malnourishment.
  3. Mods on c/vegan were directly calling for animal abuse, and censoring anyone countering them.

I stand with the admins on this. Zero sympathy for animal abusers.

leaving .world is a pretty fair response

Okay, .world account…

pjwestin , avatar
  1. Agreed, except when it’s being done to retroactively justify your actions.
  2. I think it’s a very bad idea to feed a cat a Vegan diet, but there are vegan products being sold on the market, and if you want to feed your cat one of these products, you should discuss them with a vet or other qualified professional. Regular dry food contains way more carbohydrates than cats are meant to have in their diet, which can lead to obesity and diabetes in cats. Are people who feed their cats dry food animal abusers? Should the Lemmy admins start policing the use of dry food?
  3. The mods of c/vegan were trying to assert their ability to moderate their own sub as they saw fit in the face of a massive overreach from the admin. I think they’re the most insufferable community I’ve seen on this instance, but they should have the right to moderate their own community.

And yes, I’m on .world, but very little of my identity is tired up in my lemmy instance, and I’m certainly not going to bat for the .world admins when they do something crazy.

can ,

And yes, I’m on .world, but very little of my identity is tired up in my lemmy instance, and I’m certainly not going to bat for the .world admins when they do something crazy.

Just please make an alt account if you intend on cresting any communities.

Beaver , avatar
socsa ,

So you are cool if we just feed prisoners vitamin fortified gruel since they can technically survive on it?

Beaver , avatar

I mean we do already with nutraloaf. But lets stay on the topic at hand.

So vegan diets are just “salads, bugs, grass and gruel” whenever it suits your argument for the moment.

socsa ,

I absolutely abhor the idea of nutraloaf. It's the same modernist bullshit which got us eugenics.

If you actually give your cat a real option and they choose the vegan food, that is fine with me.

Beaver , avatar

There are many plant-based recipes that are tasty out there, cats would enjoy the vegan food if its made right.

Its their nature in the wild to choose meat because its what sustained them for so long in the past.

Not_mikey ,

I mean a lot of people are feeding there cats cheap dry kibble that has almost no resemblance to the meat it was rendered from. If your argument is that it’s abuse if you aren’t feeding your cat what it wants then there’s a lot of cat abusers out there.

socsa ,

I will happily argue that this is a form of animal abuse. People buying cheap Wal Mart kibble are shitty.

heavy , to technology in I just wanted to take a moment to enjoy how clean the web can be

I will say that the Google Auth prompt in particular is just this huge nuisance and a horrible experience. People should feel stupid for including it in their web experience.

yum ,

Wait, people choose to put it in their website??

essteeyou ,

Yes. How else would it get there?

yum ,

Given how intrusive google is, I wouldn’t be surprised if it was kinda forced by them along with some other functionality

xtapa ,

But it acts as a Login for the page instead of registering a new account? How would Google do that without the page owners permission?!

yum ,

Honestly, I didn’t even know what it does until now. I get so annoyed by it that I just close it immediately after it pops up. Probably time to make a uBlock Origin filter for it I guess

batshit ,

It’s not. It is up to the owner to code it into their website or not.

cheddar , avatar

I don’t know, but I also don’t know why would anyone willingly choose this UX for their website.

essteeyou ,

Writing sign-in and authentication can be difficult. Google handles it for you. They’ll also store all of the secret stuff that you don’t want to leak, like passwords, etc. So I can see some of the appeal for sites of a certain size, but not really Twitter.

cheddar , avatar

I can understand that, and a user can also enjoy the simplicity of the process. However, I’m speaking about this very popup here. It doesn’t have to be this way. There are plenty of websites that allow you to sign in/up with Google (or another 3rd-party provider) that don’t have this problem. I see so many websites and mobile apps that make it very difficult to use them. I always wonder if anyone at the company is using their own website/app. Reddit is another great example.

essteeyou ,

Oh right, yeah, it really irritates me. I’m sure it comes from some Growth Team experiment where the only success metric was interactions (intentional or accidental) with the box.

Making the box increased engagement with the box, ship it!

gwilikers ,

Wait, how can I get rid of google auth pop-ups? I got Ublock but they still come up whenever I go to a reddit page.

vanontom , avatar

The “Sign in with Google” popups on virtually every site? It’s nuts. I was just trying to figure this out today. Try these or these.

a_wild_mimic_appears ,

Thanks man, the ublock filter in the first link works like a charm :-)

iAmTheTot , (edited ) to aww in I'd want to let Max in

Max should not be outdoors unleashed and unsupervised.

wjrii ,

Yup. I know cats can do better roaming free than most pets, but that doesn’t mean it’s safe for them, and it’s certainly not safe for the local bird population.

Lost_My_Mind ,

Well, at least can we let Max take out that one bird in the neighborhood that divebombs everybody waiting for the bus? It’s all black with a bit of red or orange on it’s neck. I don’t mind the pigeons, or the sparrows, or the robins, or the cardinals, or the blue jays, or the crows. They can all live…but lets make that one bird go extinct.

wjrii ,

Probably a nest up in the corner of the bus stop. The only time I’ve ever been dive-bombed was by some swallows when they had a nest up in the corner of the house’s porch.

RootBeerGuy , avatar

That bird is doing that cause it got eggs somewhere close by. Or they already hatched. Still want to kill it?

MindTraveller ,

Yes. Don’t raise your kids at the bus stop if you can’t play nice with the bus people. That bird had ample time to realise that people are always using the bus stop. Bird should have laid eggs somewhere peaceful. Now bird is being an asshole for no reason as a response to its own bad choices. We should kill off asshole birds like that and let the species evolve smarter and less mean.

Fun fact: a lot of fairy tales have wolves going after humans with a ferocity you will not see in nature. This is because back when those stories were written, they did. However, humans are vindictive. Man-killer wolves would be hunted down with spears and killed. Over time, wolves evolved to be more cautious of humans and less aggressive. And now our wolf problems are solved.

stebo02 , avatar

not every cat hunts birds, and in rural areas it’s pretty safe for them to be outside

BakerBagel ,

You must not live in North America, because house cats are about half thr diet of coyotes in the US and Canada.

stebo02 , avatar

no I live in Europe

tyler ,

Yep you should make sure to jump out from behind a bush or tree to make sure your cat stays on its toes the entire time it’s outside.

ayyy ,

But it’s so cute how he tears apart local bird families!

ByteOnBikes , to lemmyshitpost in I just got out of the shower. what is with the product placement ?

He’s so sleepy looking and low energy


So old and tired

4am ,

It’s weird

slaacaa ,

Sleepy Don

UKFilmNerd , to asklemmy in What is this device, found in manga exhibition? avatar

Just a simple kitchen timer.

todd_bonzalez , avatar

People don’t appreciate enough that in Vietnam you get to say stuff costs hundreds of thousands of dongs.

Chickenslippers ,

I have a little Vietnamese store next to my house and the sign that says bong dong cracks me up.

meekah , avatar

I’m gonna start calling the thing where you put the downstem into the bong “bong dong”"

TheRealKuni ,

There used to be one in my town called “Dong Hung.” Always made me laugh.

They’ve since changed their name. I suspect someone finally told them what that means in English.

N0body , to aboringdystopia in He really wants to kill that platform lol

I love that I don’t care about Reddit news anymore. “Spez made a new sub you have to suck his dick to join.” Don’t care. Haven’t in a long time.

Kaavi ,

I’m glad you have not sucked his dick in a long time 🥳

bleistift2 , to mildlyinteresting in My doctor has pictures of dogs on the feedback form

I’m sure that’s a study in psychology about how survey results are significantly better with dog pictures just waiting to be written.

owenfromcanada , avatar

Do we need the paper to know it’s true? Seems trivial.

CosmicTurtle0 ,

I want billions of funding into this. The Internet needs more dog pictures!

SpaceNoodle ,

Sorry, I can only fund cat photos

PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S , avatar

If I needed to cite that fact as a legitimate fact in an academic paper, I would need some evidence that it’s true.

Fisk400 ,

Formally proving trivial things help when proving non trivial things and sometimes the trivial thing turns out to be wrong.

RobotToaster , avatar

To be specific, it’s a Moorean fact

MindTraveller ,

What a bad argument for the existence of reality.

deranger , to lemmyshitpost in Olympic casual GigaChad

Isn’t aiming with both eyes open the way to do it? I learned to do that in the military to keep your situational awareness and never stopped. Also, it works really well with a holographic sight, like you’ve got the red dot / reticule floating on the target.

If you look at Olympic pistol shooting pics there’s a bunch with a hand in the pocket too.

setsneedtofeed OP , (edited ) avatar

Both eyes open is great for the real world. Olympic target shooting is a very different animal. Don’t think of it like normal shooting. Situational awareness is not a factor. Unlike practical shooting, tunnel vision is desired. Most shooters wear blinders to obscure the off side eye. On the aiming eye they often wear special glasses. They are focusing on absolutely lining up the physical sights, there are no optics in Olympic pistol shooting.

For comparison, this is what a more conventional Olympic headgear setup looks like.

Yes the hand in pocket is pretty common in Olympic shooting. Unfortunate that it was part of the list as it undercuts the rest of the valid observations unusualness of the setup and success.

This shooter was much more casual than most. Most shooters will line up with special highly stable, but strange looking stances.

gibmiser ,

makes me want to scream NERD!, except she could blow my head off easily.

ArbitraryValue ,

Nerd? No, she’s a cyborg sent back in time to protect you.

dariusj18 ,

Pretty sure that’s an air pistol and firing an actual pistol like that (assuming something big enough actually blow a head off) would do weird things to her shoulder.

Klear ,

It would do weirder things to your head.

Skyline969 , avatar

She shot you a week ago. Wait for it….

TriPolarBearz ,

Omae wa mou shindeiru

Rolder ,

Eh, poses like this absolutely would not work in real world situations.

GBU_28 ,

If you were standing exactly 10m away and did not move,…

jj4211 ,

Damn, standing exactly 10m away from someone and not moving is my power move.

superkret ,

It’s my preferred flirting method.

mhague ,

I assume an Olympic shooter would use a different stance when firing a more powerful gun and still “blow their head off.”

Badabinski ,

Your eye is still open under that flap though, no? I dabbled in Olympic pistol shooting back when I was doing across-the-course service rifle, and I was told to always keep both eyes open by the dude teaching me. Same for service rifle (and later palma). I always found that closing one of your eyes fucks up your focusing. If you don't have the little flappy dealy, you just do your best to defocus/deprioritize the view out of your non-dominant eye. I actually went for quite a while without any sort of cover because it helped me avoid cross firing (which is probably more of an issue with across-the-course than with Olympic pistol).

You're absolutely right about the lack of spectacles though. This guy is one hell of a marksman.

shalafi ,

Can’t argue with Olympic-level results, but I’ve been training myself to shoot with both eyes open and get better steel on target.

setsneedtofeed OP , (edited ) avatar

The unusual factor at the Olympic level is that he both chose not to wear a blinder and not to close his eye. This means he was getting visual input from both eyes, that as you noted he had to block out mentally.

When shooting is down to the millimeter, all of this is important. This is the exact opposite of practical shooting, where you want a large field of view, or potentially an occluded eye effect to aim in some cases. (Cover the front of a red dot and then aim with both eyes open for a test of occluded aiming. Your brain will overlay the dot from the shooting eye and the target from the weak side eye and you will be able to aim. It will not be down to the millimeter accurate however, which matters within the abstract environment of target shooting.)

Meron35 ,

Araki furiously taking notes for new JoJo poses

Aqarius ,

Yeah, every time someone mentions the hand-in-pocket thing it’s “ah, you don’t know what this event is”. Same with that one about holding the gun with both hands.

setsneedtofeed OP , avatar

I post the screenshots that 4chan provides. Unfortunately they are not always 100% on the ball.

yemmly ,

Depends on whether the targets are shooting back.

GBU_28 ,

Why would a target marksmen need during awareness?

Agent641 ,

Paris can be dangerous at night

SaharaMaleikuhm , to greentext in Anon takes some classes

Thing is: you were a normie all along.

schnurrito ,

Someone much smarter than me once wrote that everyone thinks of their outgroup as “normies”: Catholics think of non-Catholics as “normies”, and “goyim” is just the Hebrew word for “normies”.

Luccus , avatar

I just want to say: everyone in my outgroup sucks.

They don’t like it when you pat them on the head or rub their belly. Like; they’ll tell you their dog died, their fiancé left them, and they have to fight for custody of the kids - and they expect you to use words to comfort them?! Words. Absolute insanity, I tell you! In-sa-ni-ty!

Sylvartas ,

Which is why I ironically use “muggles” with my tech-literate friends when talking about people with normal levels of tech literacy

olafurp , to memes in Nuclear isn't perfect, but it is the best we have right now.

There are downsides to nuclear these days. Incredibly high cost with a massive delay before they’re functioning. Solar + wind + pumped hydro + district heating is where it’s at in 2024.

ByteJunk , avatar


Also, tie together more countries’ power grids to even out production and demand of renewables, and reduce the need for other backup sources.

For a fraction of the cost of nuclear, increase the storage capacity as well. We’ve had days where the price per MWh was negative in many hours, because of excess production.

The barriers to carbon free energy aren’t technical, they’re purely political.

olafurp ,

Yeah, back in 2010 and before nuclear was the way to go but with the incredible advancements in solar and wind it’s no longer the best option.

Still shame on Germany for decommissioning nuclear reactors and deciding to build Nordstream 2 and burn coal as a replacement.

cqst , avatar

with the incredible advancements in solar and wind it’s no longer the best option.

I haven’t heard of any advancement that makes solar generate energy when the sun doesn’t shine and wind generate energy when the wind isn’t blowing.

oo1 ,

it has got cheaper, but it has to get cheap enough that you can buy enough batteries with the difference. I’m not sure it has become that cheap. Maybe these sodium battery things will get developed.

PeriodicallyPedantic ,

You haven’t heard of any advancements in energy storage at all?

Not that we need them, the best energy storage is old AF and excellent

kaffiene ,

The wind is always blowing somewhere and overproduction is cheaper than batteries

cqst , avatar

You can’t overproduce electricity. You have to match the load.

kaffiene ,

I know. There are many solutions to this

fellowmortal ,

No, there is pumped storage. Honestly, despite the plethora of start-ups claiming to have a solution (sodium batteries, molten-salt, etc) The only really proven way to store electricity for later is pumped storage, but that relies on geography (hills) which not everyone has. Batteries are great for phones, and cars but they simply don’t scale to countries.

derGottesknecht ,

California is doing pretty good with their battery storage. And if all the electric car batteries get old we can use them as stationary grid storage.

fellowmortal , (edited )

That is actually very impressive. Thanks! I remain a bit skeptical as its only 1/5th of what they need and it’s only one region of one (rich) country. Still, 10GW of lithium battery would be one hell of a fire ;-)

kaffiene ,

South Australia implemented a 100mw battery for their power system in 2016

steuls ,

Overproduction is how you get blackouts from damaging the grid

uis ,

Lol, just dump energy into resistors. Or desync two generators.

kaffiene ,

Or convert excess to hydrogen and provide resilience, or have arrangements for industry to consume the excess. Or ramp down your generation at those times. Or shift excess to neighbouring grids.

fellowmortal ,

This is wrong. Right now, europe is experiencing high pressure and doesn’t have any wind. Check this out its map that shows you how much wind is being produced right now! Can you provide a source that says " the wind is always blowing somewhere" or is it just a platitude?

partizan ,

You probably also didnt heard about Thorium based molten salt reactors, they are much safer than conventional nuclear, also cheaper, and you can have a 50MW installation in space not much larger than a shipping container. A 50MW solar installation is close to 1km2 and thats without any storage included. It even can be modified to run on spent fuel of conventional nuclear power plants.

sandbox ,

No industry has quite so much vaporware technology as nuclear power. Any idiot can promise and never deliver. Look at Elon Musk.

vzq ,

SMRs are DOA. They have been “there next big thing” for decades now. They need to shit or get off the pot.

fellowmortal , (edited )

Please understand that negative prices are the market for electricity breaking down! That is not a good thing. It should mean that if you have solar panels on your roof you have to pay to participate in the national grid because you are dumping energy into the grid when it can’t use it, but special rules have been made for renewable plants. Literally, imagine a contract-to-supply for wind or solar…

ByteJunk , avatar

I understand very well the implications of the negative price, which is why I advocated NOT to spend trillions in nuclear, when issues of balancing demand and production can be solved for a fraction of what nuclear costs.

uis ,

You don’t need to tie grids to transfer energy between them.

bountygiver ,

Still not a reason to not build them, the entire point is for nuclear to handle the load when solar/wind can’t provide due to weather. Other renewables will still be producing the bulk of the power we need, but at night nuclear will be handling any demand spikes, each of them would greatly reduce the number of batteries required to satisfy the demand. They can stay until our solar output is so high we can just start electrolyzing water into hydrogen as energy storage.

PeriodicallyPedantic ,

That’s why they mentioned “pumped hydro

JustEnoughDucks , avatar

Though pumped hydro is sometimes opposed by environmental groups because it does absolutely decimate local environments.

I have high hopes for sodium batteries. The ones that have been released on the market are simply perfect (if scaled up) for local grid storage in countries with a lot of space and will hopefully get better energy density in line with Lithium Iron Phosphate with time.

Salt batteries have been the cold fusion of battery tech for like 10 years, but now it is finally coming to fruition. I hope to install a solar installation with salt batteries in 5 years or so, myself.

olafurp ,

If you’re suggesting using Nuclear as a peaker plant or to turn it off and on whenever wind/solar is not up for it then I’m sorry to say that it’s not viable. Nuclear generators don’t handle well being turned off and on.

vzq ,

My good friends Xenon and Samarium.

partizan , (edited )

You can make Thorium reactors much smaller and cheaper, basically a 50MW unit is not much larger than a shipping container, while being much more safe than standard nuclear plants. The largest issue is over-regulation of the nuclear power in general.

A 50MW of solar installation is HUGE, and thats 50MW at the sunniest part of the planet:…/index.html, We are basically talking about close to a square kilometer installation…

there is simply no way to call a 50MW solar plant cleaner than nuclear and its probably not even that much cheaper in the end. Compare that to a shipping container sized reactor… Only thing in the way, is the nuclear scare and government regulations.

AEsheron ,

The cost is less from the design and more from the safety regulations. Best case scenario the state just starts making nuclear power plants, it’s just not a good idea to mix profit incentive with nuclear.

uis ,

district heating is where it’s at in 2024.

You don’t have those in 2024? Commies built central heating in every city.

olafurp ,

Iceland, where I’m from, has had it for ages in pretty much every house.

Ibuthyr ,

Well that’s unfair, all you have to do is take a corkscrew to the floor and stick a pipe in it!

olafurp ,

Currently all you have to do is heat up an insulated pile of sand with almost free electricity and stick a pipe in too.

Draegur , to funny in Something's not adding up

Ah, yeah, Venom is just a suit in the same way that a TARDIS is just a box, heh.

IIRC, isn’t it that you don’t actually wear a symobiote as much as it kinda completely absorbs you? Sort of like … After a caterpillar goes inside a cocoon, it … Dissolves. Into caterpillar goop. And then the goop reforms into a butterfly.

The_Picard_Maneuver OP , avatar

I’d give a Doctor Who / Spiderverse movie a watch.

Draegur ,

I’d love if Doctor Who ended up entangled with Maguire+Garfield+Holland VIA Doctor Strange even though Strange doesn’t remember Peter anymore…

Crowfiend ,

Doctor, looking at Garfield: “didn’t we meet in 1930s New York? I think there were pigmen?”

fogstormberry ,

this absolutely has to be a doctor who reunion episode

Mongostein ,

In the limited series from the 90s, Venom: Carnage Unleashed, Venom is thrown in to a train by carnage and merges in to a stripe on the train to hide and escape.

Your theory is correct. Eddie becomes goop.

Xantar , to memes in you got grounded

“I don’t understand why my kid won’t talk to me about important sensitive topics” parent starter pack.

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