There have been multiple accounts created with the sole purpose of posting advertisement posts or replies containing unsolicited advertising.

Accounts which solely post advertisements, or persistently post them may be terminated.

yumcake , to reddit in Reddit claiming they weren’t recovering deleted posts

That’s pretty dubious, otherwise why would I get all these replies from 3-7 years ago? Not new replies on dead threads, but the replies were posted that long ago, and I’m being notified about them now as “new” comments. Seems a lot like deleted posts coming back.

deweydecibel ,

Yes, comments are being restored, but what they’re saying is it’s not something they’re doing deliberately. The scripts people were running were basically failing and comments got restored automatically. That message literally encourages you to run them again or try different ones

Auli ,

That doesn’t even make sense. How could a script failing to delete a post have this outcome?

_danny ,

Yeah… My comments which were restored were deleted for several days before they started reappearing. That doesn’t sound like a flaw on the scripts, but a flaw on how reddit handles bulk comment deletion.

ApathyTree , avatar

Mine weren’t bulk deleted (I manually deleted weekly) and still respawned weeks after deletion.

Zagorath , avatar

Fwiw this is not necessarily a new problem. As a mod I’ve seen it before, if you go through hitting “remove” on a whole bunch of comments in a row often some of them will be visible again when you refresh the page. Something similar could be what’s happened here. Reddit’s backend has never been very good.

radau ,

I can understand seeing them after a refresh, but visiting my user profile not logged in from Tor and showing everything deleted then having it all come back 2-3 weeks later is a little shady. I just checked my account again after my 3rd powerdeletesuite run since the shutdowns and I had one single comment restored (despite shredding before delete but maybe that failed)

Zagorath , avatar

Yeah that’s quite a bit more sus. If it’s showing up as disappeared after a couple of minutes, it should stay removed.

Bozicus ,

I wouldn’t be surprised. This is the kind of problem that would usually only affect a small number of users. They should probably have done something about it before it had a chance to come back and bite them…

SpeakinTelnet , avatar

It doesn’t. A Reddit script just sends a request to delete the comment. At that point if the comment is deleted and then restored due to a timeout it is 100% on them.

It would be different if they would send back an error code without any changes being made, but the fact that the comment was first deleted is proof enough that their system received and at least started to process the call.

dilligasatall , avatar

If you ran those scripts while subreddits were dark, the script can’t see those comments you made in those particular subs, (they’re hidden along with the sub) and can’t delete them. Then later when the sub comes back to public mode, your comments will appear as well. So comments you thought you wiped were simply hiding.

Just to add, also check the other sections on your comments when deleting (eg: hot/controversial) because sometimes those ones get missed by the scripts as well.

Not to say that’s the only thing going on… wouldn’t surprise me if they are bringing back some stuff considering their history of shenannigans.

EatMyDick ,

Detect incomplete user tables and restore from older storage.

fishos , avatar

The issue is reddit doesn’t store all the data in one indexed and centralized location. It was pointed out that “hot” and “top” sorting aren’t just a sort, but literally TWO LISTS that are constantly being updated and adjusted. So if you remove a comment from one list or location, it still might exist in other places. Then when reddit software gets around to reconciling these differences, the copy that still exists gets pushed onto the other lists and returns.

I’m not trying to justify the system; it sucks and reddit is directly responsible for that. But it does seem like they’re not intentionally restoring content, it’s just a side effect of their bungled system.

utopianfiat ,

That makes absolutely zero sense. The scripts issue individual delete requests for each comment. If a comment is deleted, it should stay deleted, even if the script ultimately fails.

mo_ztt , avatar

Why do you assume that reddit saying that’s the explanation, means that that’s the explanation? Christian’s done a pretty good job of documenting multiple instances of Reddit lying about what’s going on, and spez has been observed editing other people’s comments, so I wouldn’t assume that they’re telling the truth in this instance either.

phil , avatar

they are likely terrified of being sued under GDPR

mo_ztt , avatar
Surp , avatar

Sounds like a reddit admin posting on Lemmy spreading misinformation mischief to me! Is meat back on our menu boys?

imekon ,

I deleted mine by hand, they still returned. I’ve taken to editing them and replacing the text with [deleted]. Seems to be working better for now.

ApathyTree , avatar

Except that’s crap, because I have been manually deleting my Reddit comments weekly at minimum for years, and I’ve had several that repopulated a few weeks ago, after being deleted for multiple weeks.

Some of them have respawned more than once even.

So Reddit is entirely full of shit.

Radium ,

I’m a web developer, that is absolutely not how any of this works.

Their claim that the scripts are failing causing comments to be restored is not possible. When you make a request to a website the site returns a success or fail status. The scripts are getting success statuses, the users are manually checking and seeing that their posts are deleted and then they reappear later. This means there is a mechanism between step 2 and 3 being run by Reddit affecting an already completed action.

Don’t comment on stuff like this unless you have any idea what you’re talking about.

Bozicus ,

Whether they’re doing it on purpose is not relevant to the legal aspect of the situation. They have a responsibility to honor deletion requests. If a user complains, the appropriate response is “sorry you had a problem, we’ll fix it,” not “sorry, we will only honor our legal responsibilities if you follow our preferred [but not stated until now] procedure for requesting deletion, try again.” Having database problems opens you up to legal liability whether you like it or not, and trying to convince users that you are not responsible for your own database is… inappropriate.

Besides, there have been bugs with manual deletion, too. This is at least partly a problem with their own systems.

Anticorp ,

This is why Power Delete Suite edits the comment before deleting it. If Reddit is keeping a record of deleted posts and comments, then theoretically they’d only be left with a bunch of comments that say nothing. But I’m pretty sure that if they’re keeping deleted comments, then they’re also keeping edit histories.

RoundSparrow ,

I imagine they have full offsite backups they can pull data from. That’s why we have documentary shows like Mr. Robot, never forget 5/9!

Pistcow , to memes in poor Dean

“Stephen King made me want to become a writer. Dean Koontz made me realize I could become a writter”.

Anticorp ,

If Terry Goodkind can publish several books, and get a TV show, then anybody can!

Thassodar ,

I used to enjoy his books and you made me look him up for the first time since the terrible Law of Nines book.

He’s dead! That was a surprise! Otherwise most of the Sword of Truth series was “watch Richard take on communism…Again”.

Anticorp ,

Yeah, he died a few years ago.

I enjoyed the first couple books. The next few were okay, although all the misogyny and rape and torture fetishizing was bothering me. The Temple of the Winds was unintelligible nonsense. I had to stop in disgust and never touch another one of his books again. That is one of maybe 3-4 books I stopped and never finished in the last 20 years. Man it was awful. Plus, most of his ideas were just plagiarized from Robert Jordan. He did have a couple of unique ideas that were cool though.

Mango ,

Shots fired!

tslnox ,

To me, Terry Pratchett made me realize I could become a writer. Now I just need to convince myself to stop being lazy and start actually writing. :-D

stardust , to linux_gaming in Epic Games CEO Tim Sweeney was asked by Verge why there is no support for the Steam Deck for Fortnite

Them not bother with Linux says all there is to say about their anti trust cases. Only thing that bothers them about monopolies is that they arent one, and even when there is an opportunity to enter into a market where there is no competitors they don’t want to bother investing in it. They don’t care about open platforms or investing in it first.

It’s why they were late to getting a hold of PC distribution. And in the unlikely event Linux OS takes off be complaining about Steam’s presence there.

MJBrune ,

It’s a Linux problem because you can’t ensure a kernel module in Linux is untouched by the user. This is a design on Linux. This means Linux and secured anti cheat solutions are fundamentally at odds.

stardust ,

Sounds like the same excuse that would be made back in 2008 when epic felt consoles were more worth investing in than PC and only seeings cons to the hardware, and took until 2018 to even bother to try to start their own digital distribution.

And here’s Linux in its infancy just beginning to start becoming a little more accessible to regular people, and potential to enter the market early and also get more control compared to all the platforms run by other companies they complain about. And yet, like before they don’t want to bother investing in anything themselves and taking risks to get established first before competitors gain a foothold.

Simple fact is for all the technical excuses they don’t care unless another company shows it is profitable to do first.

MJBrune ,

Why should they. They are in the business if making innovative and interesting games. Not innovative hardware or dealing with 2% of the marketplace. They don’t even fully support Mac which has a larger market share. I can’t blame them for making their business one of reducing risks in underdeveloped areas.

andrew0 , avatar

Cheats nowadays don’t even need to run on your machine. You can get a second computer that is connected to your computer via a capture card, analyze your video feed with an AI and send mouse commands wirelessly from it (mimicking the signal for your USB receiver).

These anti-cheats are nothing more than privacy invasion, and any game maker that believes they have the upper hand on people that want to cheat are very wrong.

Opening up anti-cheat support for Linux would at least make them more creative at finding these people from their behaviour, and not from analysing everything that’s running in the background.

bionicjoey ,

Anti cheat should always be primarily server-side, but devs are lazy

ampersandrew , avatar

None of these solutions are lazy, and I promise you they have large server side components too. From what I can tell, shooters are just especially cursed when it comes to cheating, and there's no real way to stop it.

Umbrias ,

It is fundamentally impossible to secure a Turing complete system.

MJBrune ,

Yes but also the barrier to entry on those sorts of hacks is very high. Every houses front door lock can be picked in the matter of minutes. The issue is that lots of people don’t have that skill.

Lastly there are heuristic anti cheat but that’s really only a catch all for inhuman inputs. Not a full solution.

ChairmanMeow , avatar

Client running code should always be considered compromisable, that’s security 101. Relying on kernel module checks is a terrible practice, and not a fundamental guarantee of safety either.

Good, secure anti-cheat happens serverside. But that’s harder and less broadly applicable, so Epic doesn’t want to bother with it.

MJBrune ,

Client code isn’t trusted but no matter what the is one set of data you most trust that comes from the client. Input data. So with input data it can be manipulated that another application calculate out a headshot and sends that input. So even only trusting the client where you have to, you’ve failed to secure the game fully because you need to trust input data.

riskable , avatar

The first rule of network programming: Never trust the client. How does anti-cheat software work? It trusts the client.

All clientside anti-cheat is fundamentally flawed and broken by design. It doesn’t actually prevent cheating it just creates an illusion that it’s preventing cheating. The fewer people that believe in that illusion the better off we’ll all be.

Besides, you can train AI to play any game via MITM in USB (plug the mouse and keyboard into the Raspberry Pi or similar which then pretends to be a mouse and keyboard to the computer playing the game). The simplest method is to just point a camera at the monitor but there’s much lower latency ways where you use some cheap Chinese HDMI decoder/encoders to feed the raw video signal right into the AI.

With methods like that becoming cheaper and easier every day the whole client-side anti-cheat bullshit kinda seems pointless, yeah?

MJBrune ,

We’ve already established you have to trust the client to some extent in a typical game.

Also do you lock your front door despite people being able to lockpick it? Most people do because it raises the barrier to entry.

msage ,

Do I lock my door? Absolutely.

Do I let strangers into my home? As little as possible.

MJBrune ,

Most people put security cameras in their homes despite them being able to be remotely hacked. Lots of people have an Alexa which could also be seen as letting a stranger in. A lot of people use tools that could be used to compromise their direct use but trust they don’t as for things like anti-cheat being malware. That’s all FUD. There has not been a single large anti-cheat company known to be sending unneeded or personalized user data.

sugar_in_your_tea ,

I don’t think they’ve ever cared about open platforms, they just care about profit. The Google and Apple cases were intended to allow them to bypass the app store fee for microtransactions. That’s it.

So them not supporting Linux has nothing to do with Linux itself, but the possibility for profit. If you read between the lines, Sweeney is basically saying, “our people are making more money on other projects than they would working on Linux support.” If Linux had lots of users that wouldn’t play on their other platforms, they could possibly make more by supporting Linux than other efforts (e.g. more cosmetics).

Sweeney is a simple guy, if it makes him more money than what he’s currently doing, he loves it. If it doesn’t, he’ll avoid it. There’s no deep seeded hatred of Linux here (EAC and Unreal Engine both support Linux, and the old Unreal Tournament games were Linux native), he just likes money more than anything else.

Sweeney is uncomplicated, and I like that. There’s no veiled promises or expectations, so it’s really easy to understand exactly why he does the things he does. I don’t buy his games or use his platform because I expect him to do the bare minimum to make money, so I instead spend my time and money elsewhere. Valve earns my business, Epic does not. I don’t hate Sweeney or Epic, I just find them uninteresting.

jbrains , to asklemmy in What is the biggest lesson that employment has taught you?

There is no ideal place to work where they “do it right”, whatever kind of “right” you care about right now. When you change jobs, you merely exchange one set of problems for another.

deus ,

Is this still true if you’re self-employed?

xhieron , avatar

Absolutely. There is no business yet in which you invent money from nothing. Everyone works for someone else. It might be a capitalist boss, it might be a client, it might even be constituents or donors, but no one truly works for themselves. The only winning move is to not play, and the ones fortunate enough to not have to play were born rich. Being self-employed and/or owning your own business is just trading one boss for another.

Source: Was in private practice for a decade; now I’m a corporate attorney, and it’s just a different set of people making my job hard.

jbrains ,

I feel better about the things I do wrong, because at least I made the decisions and I can only blame myself. I can also choose which things I especially care about doing well instead of being subject to someone else’s preferences. It feels better, but still yes.

And, as CEO of a tiny company, I have to interact with bureaucracies more than I did as an employee, so becoming my own boss didn’t mean escaping that nonsense, anyway.

thedrivingcrooner , (edited ) avatar

Having worked 7 different jobs that all were in the same field made me have some backbone of standards that nobody else could have built without going through that, though. It’s a blessing and a curse, so be warned. The things I picked up on that I never realized I would care so much about in the healthcare field is good office administration and Director of Care leadership. The morale is just as important as the pay rate.

jbrains ,

As a consultant, I now feel grateful to the variety of dysfunctions that I experienced, because they provided me with some of the credibility that I use in advising others. That’s the blessing part.

That, and comedy equals tragedy plus distance.

_number8_ ,

i worked at all the pizza chains delivering ---- the absolute shittiest ones were a nightmare, for the same 3 reasons:

  1. not letting employees make food themselves. it’s a restaurant, you have abundant food, it’s cheap, we all know it’s cheap, we work long shifts, come on. the cobbler’s son should have good shoes.
  2. overemphasis on dress code – if you genuinely give a shit if the pizza guy has his hat backwards, you should literally be sent to the gulags.
  3. being overworked for low pay, especially being made to drive when exhausted [literally dangerous and life threatening!!]
agent_flounder , avatar

That said some companies do it more right than others. The problems at the current company are ones I can live with. Which is why I’m still there after way more years than expected.

jbrains ,

Indeed, that’s what I mean: you’re always exchanging one set of problems for another, until you find the set of problems that you can accept (enough (for now)).

abfarid , to memes in So happy this is something we left behind (mostly) avatar

One of those is not like the rest and doesn’t truly deserve to be on the list – “username checks out”. All the others provide absolutely no value, while “username checks out”, at least, lets you notice a potential humorous situation which you might not have noticed otherwise.

ptrknvk ,

Username doesn’t check out.

abfarid , avatar

Sadly, I was born with uncheck outable username disorder.

Klear ,

The only time my username would have been relevant was under discussions of Glass Onion, as that was the name of the maguffin, but I took a loooong time to watch it and was avoiding any discussions about it because detective story.

Aikawa ,

Wouldn’t that make you quite unique?

Username checks out!

PP_BOY_ , avatar


Samsy OP , (edited )

Good point.

Edit: ahh, I mean: Underrated Comment.

Selmafudd ,

The real LPT are in the comments

xantoxis ,

I’ve been on the receiving end of “underrated comment” and I was surprised to learn it’s not actually just vapor. You don’t usually get comment karma on a post 24+ hours after it’s posted, but on the couple of occasions when someone said this about my comment, it started the ball rolling on people reading and upvoting my comment. In other words, apparently it was underrated, because people weren’t seeing it.

There’s no karma totals on lemmy so who cares, but it was interesting to learn it isn’t entirely fluff, it’s performing a duty in the comment thread ecosystem.

Sternout ,

^ Underrared Comment

Jumper775 ,


Magnetar , to cat in A+ cat

The whole “purebred” thing always seems weird to me, “purebred” royal families aren’t pretty but full of genetic defects, why should it be an better with cats or dogs.

Rolder ,

Hmm two possible reasons come to mind. First, purebred in terms of cats and dogs not necessarily meaning genetic defects. Second, having a defined breed gives the judges something to rate against.

SharkEatingBreakfast , (edited ) avatar

I once was looking to get a cat and found the goofiest looking idiot on Craigslist. Turns out, it was a purebred Exotic Shorthair that was surrendered to a shelter because it didn’t look fucked-up enough (it could still kind of breathe through its nose). New owners wanted to recoup costs because they adopted another cat that was “more playful” and the exotic was getting eye-goop on their white carpets. A wonderful standard for purebreeds!

I changed his name from “Luigi” to “Waluigi”, and he was best best buddy for many many years.

creditCrazy , avatar

Hopefully your giving him more love than Nintendo is giving their waluigi.

SharkEatingBreakfast , avatar

I did. He was my best buddy. (:

Pringles ,

Not necessarily? More like by default. Purebreds are a thing because of certain genetic traits and are bred to not only maintain them, but to enhance those traits. Because of all that inbreeding the propensity for certain diseases and cancers are vastly increased. A purebred dog or cat will with near certainty be riddled with cancer or disease by the time they start getting a bit older. I love both cats and dogs, but purebreds shouldn’t be a thing.

oatscoop ,

It’s the size of the population and the competence/goals of the breeders. Breeders chasing exaggerated traits at the expense of the animal’s health are the major problem.

There are “pure” breeds of every domestic animal that are healthy – provided it’s a line not perpetuated by selfish idiots. Domestic shorthair cats, various working breeds of dogs, horses, etc.

zalgotext ,

I like how you put “pure” in quotes because the way they keep those lines healthy is by occasionally mixing in other breeds.

oatscoop ,

No, it’s because I find the idea and the importance attached to it idiotic.

Having said that, I also believe it doesn’t automatically mean a breed is inbred and/or has health problems.

Rakonat ,

Nearly every cat I ever had was once a stray and I wouldn’t trade that for the world.

EvolvedTurtle ,

You don’t to have a pet cat

The cat chooses you as their pet

jballs , avatar

This just reminded me of a good scene in the book The House in the Cerulean Sea. Minor spoiler, the character has a cat that chooses him.

creditCrazy , avatar

Honestly it’s always something magical when a cat decides ah yes you are my human. It’s like the dark souls version of getting a dog. And thusly cats in a way are the peak of loyalty because no one else can win a cats favor.

teuast ,

I was at cat lounge/rescue/adoption place in my area recently (not to adopt, just to pet the cats) and one of the cats, a maybe ~7mo female tabby with a slightly fucked up ear named Maggie, after spending most of the time I was there hiding in a corner, decided she liked me, came up to me, sat down on my lap, and refused to budge. One of the staff members came up to say “hey man you’re at your time limit, but I can see you’re in a situation here so just… whenever is chill”

EvolvedTurtle ,

I love this

masquenox ,

aren’t pretty but full of genetic defects

Nature despises purity.

creditCrazy , avatar

Perchance these competitions should have a points deducted by the animals quality of life. Of the poor thing has a hard time breathing -10 points idk

phorq ,

The animal would get a medal for doing its best and the human would get a cone of shame so they know what it’s like.

I_Fart_Glitter ,

Norway is doing something about it:…/french-bulldog-pugs-breeding-…

The court ruled that the breeding of brachycephalic (flat-faced) dogs is cruel and results in man-made health problems, and is in violation of Norway’s Animal Welfare Act.

Daft_ish ,

Every one acts like every purebreed is a medical oddity when really it’s just an increased likelihood of defects for certain breeds. I can tell you right now any animal can hurt your pocket the second they decide your gold plated anal beads look like a tasty treat.

businessfish , avatar

that is quite specific, what did they run you?

Daft_ish ,

Not me, a friend.

ElectroNeutrino ,

Counterpoint: The pug.

ThunderclapSasquatch ,

Counterpoint The Russian Blue. A perfectly healthy breed of cat

ElectroNeutrino ,

Fair. My point was more that there are some breeds where it’s not just “more likely” to have poor health.

I_Fart_Glitter ,

Which “pocket” are we talking about here? Also, get health insurance for your pets people.

Daft_ish ,

That seems sort of cruel when some people can’t afford health insurance for their people.

I_Fart_Glitter ,


  • Loading...
  • Daft_ish ,

    People dont have $50 a month. What ever what ever, no one should have a pet unless they can afford it and all the animals that can’t find homes should be put down.

    I_Fart_Glitter ,

    You can get it as cheaply as $17 a month. And the person I was replying to said your pet would “hurt your pocket” when they eat something they’re not supposed to, implying that they would be paying for the expensive surgery. Most veterinary surgeries are $2K-$5k. Mid range health insurance is $50 per month or $600 per year, saving $1400- $4400 for a person who would be paying out of pocket otherwise.

    Maggoty ,

    Release a mouse, a bird, and a raccoon…

    gibmiser , to memes in Nutella

    That’s not a prank, that’s domestic terrorism

    FinalRemix ,

    This isn’t even a meme, it’s just a before/after social media screenshot.

    Rottcodd , to technology in Twitter’s new X logo wasn’t made by an in-house designer. It’s from an old podcast avatar

    Makes sense.

    Elon undoubtedly has folders full of cool images he's saved, so while he was still focused on the "X" idea, he rummaged around and found that one and thought, "Yeah! This is gonna be sick dude!"

    Thus are decisions made by the world's richest teenage edgelord.

    qrtr ,

    It’s well known that X is the edgiest letter.

    WildlyCanadian , avatar

    H has just as many edges 🤔🤔🤔

    5am5ep1ol ,

    Yeah, but they’re not razor edges like X!

    philluminati ,

    E has more

    WildlyCanadian , avatar

    I count 12, same as X and H, W has 13 tho

    asexualchangeling ,

    Thus proving Wayland is the true successor to X

    WildlyCanadian , avatar

    Truly the edgiest display server

    DJDarren ,

    W has more edges, therefore I’m claiming as a social media site only for the most reactionary right wing chuds.

    Anticorp ,

    Pssh, Z is the ultimate ending.

    agitatedpotato ,

    Im surprised he didnt use two Zs to make his logo.

    Anticorp ,

    Double ultimate! What can get more ultimate than that? Surely nothing.

    PinkPanther ,

    And the ZZ’s will be yellow, so it’s easy to spot and be recognisable.

    Sheltac ,

    Could even flip them horizontally for extra spiciness.

    Duamerthrax ,

    I didn’t know Slayers X was about Elon Musk.

    victron , avatar

    Why didn’t he use the Cool S, tho?

    sugar_in_your_tea ,

    Shh, that’s for his next venture.

    Heastes ,

    Elon has trauma from being ousted as CEO by the board at (the company that would later become PayPal).

    He’s living in the past.

    victron , avatar

    I didn’t know that. What a lame and petty mfer

    I_Has_A_Hat ,

    Let me get this straight; you actually think Elon Musk, himself, combed through images he personally saved, found the X, and personally submitted it as the logo replacement.

    Elon Musk. The crazy douche billionaire. You really think he sat at his computer and spent time doing that.

    You don’t think, maybe, just maybe, a man with more money than God might have gotten someone else to do it? I can see him being out of touch and not caring enough about quality to say “go with that one” without checking where it came from. But I just can’t see Musk himself looking through fonts to find an “X” that he likes.

    Duamerthrax ,

    Yes. Yes I do.

    Rottcodd , avatar

    looking through fonts to find an "X" he likes

    So... you didn't read the OP.

    Yes though - I really do believe that he personally chose it, or more likely already had it in mind.

    And then he played some Diablo IV, then jerked off, then played some more Diablo IV.

    phx ,

    Dude doesn’t even pay for the rent on his office buildings. Did we really expect he’d pay for fonts or creative work?

    pancakes , avatar

    He should just skip a few steps and legally change his name to XxX_MuskyBoi420_XxX

    Gork ,

    It’s not that far off from his son’s name, X Æ A-12.

    Deestan , to memes in H.A.R.D.C.O.R.E

    When trying to find the original top image, “male female hardcore” was a poor, poor choice of Google image search terms.

    lunachocken ,

    Or very good if youre into it…

    fushuan ,

    It’s grim dawn.

    peter , to programmer_humor in remember, if your gf isn't open source and running locally, you don't own her avatar

    If the service is free you are the product. That’s why I pay my girlfriend

    baseless_discourse ,

    Does your girlfriend pay you too?

    embed_me , avatar


    Am I the product?

    Grunt4019 ,

    Oftentimes now if the service is paid, you’re still the product!

    DogPeePoo , to programmer_humor in remember, if your gf isn't open source and running locally, you don't own her

    I can fix her

    humorlessrepost ,

    Lawyer up, hit the gym, :wq!

    morrowind OP , avatar

    mfw debugging my gf for the whole weekend and she still wants to talk about things other than programming language design

    firelizzard , avatar

    You’re also a programming language design nerd? Like, “Compare the features of language A to those of language B”, or nerding out about the underlying mechanics of things like generic types, virtual method dispatch, and no-stop garbage collection? I thought I was the only one. Well not the only one but it doesn’t seem that popular of a thing to nerd out over.

    morrowind OP , avatar

    I’m too new to know too much about the underlying mechanics, but yes I find it very interesting, including the syntax, which I know most nerds dismiss as superficial.

    firelizzard , avatar

    I’m definitely biased because I love the language, but I think Go is a good place to start. The authors talk about the language design more than I’ve seen for other languages. The Go blog occasionally has posts like that but Russ Cox’s blog is the place to go for the gnarly details. Another good place is the proposals repo, e.g. the generics proposal. I also browse issues on GitHub and look for ones with interesting discussions.

    including the syntax, which I know most nerds dismiss as superficial.

    Syntax is mostly irrelevant as far as what is possible with a language, but it is a critical aspect of how easy/hard it is to use a language, and most critically how easy/hard it is to read code written in that language. IMO the only thing that’s more important than readability is whether the code works as intended.

    oce , avatar

    git checkout -b fix/her

    lettruthout , to memes in Get it together

    The size of SUVs these days is getting out of hand.

    GlitterInfection , (edited ) to lemmyshitpost in Super secret

    I recently realized my dog is a year older than I thought because of a Facebook memory. I’ve been angry that he lied about his age all this time.

    Facelikeapotato OP , avatar

    At the very least, a lie of omission. He could’ve corrected you.

    GlitterInfection ,

    Seriously! He just sat there smugly silent anytime anyone asked how old he is.

    WhiskyTangoFoxtrot ,

    Not a husky?

    postmateDumbass ,

    Not mentioning the lie of omission.

    Meta af.

    Madison420 ,

    I know how old my cat is because I know how old my niece is. If you’re bad with dates make them easy to remember. Not going to lie i make anniversaries intentionally on the first and not an insignificant amount have been Jan first which is even easier.

    FrostyTheDoo ,


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  • tetris11 , avatar

    So friendly!

    Madison420 ,

    Can’t I be both?

    postmateDumbass ,

    I think you just take advantage of the anual free shipping sale at

    Fosheze , to lemmyshitpost in Hello there

    I mean, if you’re starving badly enough you can sometimes completely stop having your period. So in a post apocalyptic setting that one could be kind of believable.

    db2 ,

    High stress levels on top of that would also have that effect.

    zeekaran ,

    But then they wouldn’t look flawless.

    ivanafterall , avatar

    The makeup is permanent. She has alopecia. And her father wore that jacket as he was wasting away in the last stages of cancer--everything else swallowed him up.

    Flamingflowerz ,

    You can also be so stressed that you have multiple periods in a month! that would suck during the apocolypse.

    snek , avatar

    I wanted to say ah I’ll just let my period roll down my pants who cares, but then zombies might smell the blood so

    qyron ,

    Zombies are not that much of a concern; common house flies would deal those quickly.

    What should concern you should be the arise of new predators capable of smelling that blood, like feral dogs.

    synae , avatar

    Aren’t old predators also a problem in that regard?

    qyron ,

    Here’s my take: we already know wolves, coyotes, bears, leopards, lions and tigers, along with everyother land carnivore will gladly add a human to the dinner menu of the chance poses itself. In the event of an apocaliptyc event, those would be already accounted for as dangers.

    Dogs, I’d risk even domestic pigs, once cut off from human care, would become predatorial. Dogs, even today, can spontaneously form wild packs, capable of predatorial behaviour and aggressive towards humans. Pigs, on the other hand, have a scary capacity to regress and become feral when let loose on the wild; there are records of domestic pigs escaping from farms only to be taken down months or years later by hunters, turned into gigantic animals, covered in thick air and boasting long and sharp, tusk-like, teeth and a very mean and aggressive temper, not like the common wild boar that will actively avoid humans if possible.

    These new predator would pose more of a threat than those we already account as such.

    PolandIsAStateOfMind , to memes in Not sure how the girl's skin tone is relevant, but apart from that... avatar

    14 year old white girl

    Bravo they managed to also cram ageism and misogyny in the old “champagne socialism” meme. All in the single sentence.

    fosforus ,

    Don’t forget racism

    Jax ,

    But yts are bad

    Omega_Haxors ,





    fosforus ,


    Omega_Haxors ,

    OMG lol ha ha i’m so sorry. Other people in this thread genuinely saying shit like that.

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