There have been multiple accounts created with the sole purpose of posting advertisement posts or replies containing unsolicited advertising.

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kylie_kraft , to news in MEGA THREAD - Trump shot but safe, 2 others killed at PA rally

If you’re planning to take out an aspiring despot, you better be damn sure of your shot

Kalkaline , avatar

I don’t think your advocating for or celebrating violence, but this comment is probably going to be taken that way and deleted. I totally agree with your point though, a failed assassination attempt is probably the worst thing you can do to a guy who wants to destroy democracy.

dohpaz42 , avatar

All things being equal, I am glad that the assassin failed. I am no fan of Trump by any measure. I wish, every day, that Trump would just go away and stay out of politics.

I feel that assassinating someone like Trump would only intensify the right-wing’s rhetoric and make things worse in the long run. I also feel that whomever would replace Trump would be far much worse than Trump himself. It’s a lose-lose either way.

No, the appropriate thing to do is to vote these bastards out of office. I fear the worst, that maybe we’re going to fail doing that; we’re what, 4 months away from the election and we’re talking about replacing Biden, but NOBODY has said with whom? Yeah that’s confidence inspiring.

My doomer mentality aside, I do still hope I’m wrong, and that democracy and justice will prevail. But dammit if the “good guys” aren’t bending over backwards to make that hard to believe.

PriorityMotif , avatar

There really isn’t another popular candidate to step in and replace him.

peopleproblems ,

And there can’t be. It’s damn near a requirement for totalitarian power.

rebelsimile ,

North Korea’s on their third dear fucking Kim.

retrospectology , avatar

we’re talking about replacing Biden, but NOBODY has said with whom?

People have said over, and over, and over that it would be Harris. She is beating both Trump and Biden in the polls, is able to take over the Biden-Harris campaign funds with minimal legal dispute, she appeals more to women, independents, black voters etc.

It’s not a question. She’s not ideal, but she actually stands a chance to beat Trump. Biden does not, especially now. It would be Harris. Now you know.

dohpaz42 , avatar

I have heard that mentionedonce or twice, but never concretely. Most of what I’ve been seeing is that “Biden should step down,” and nothing more.

Either way, the last thing the Democratic Party needs right now is more fragmentation. If they’re going to replace Biden, just fucking do it already. If not, shut the fuck up about it. Time is ticking, and it’s not on our side.

4 months is not a long time to campaign. We’re already halfway through July. This should’ve been figured out long ago.

retrospectology , avatar

I have heard that mentionedonce or twice, but never concretely. Most of what I’ve been seeing is that “Biden should step down,” and nothing more.

Because that’s the order of operations. But if you having only heard it twice is because you’re not paying attention, not because people haven’t been talking about it.

Biden has already fragmented the party, he simply cannot win. It’s not viable. No one can force him to leave. And no, people should not “shut the fuck up about it” since doing so means Democrats will lose for sure. Democrats will unify more behind any candidate who is not as polarizing and alienating as Biden. If he stays in past the convention then you can start telling people to shut the fuck up, but until the convention is over people should be doing everything they can to convince him to leave.

Wrench ,

It’s going to mobilize his violent base anyway. We have some rough times ahead of us. I fully expect rampant domestic terrorism to increase as a result of this.

Cocodapuf ,

I feel that assassinating someone like Trump would only intensify the right-wing’s rhetoric and make things worse in the long run.

I hear that a lot, but I honestly don’t see how. The man is toxic to the core, he consistently takes all the sanity out of public conversation. An America without him is just less crazy and less angry.

alekwithak ,

“If you come for the throne you best not miss” or something like that

actionjbone , to asklemmy in What's an idea you have that should be an actual thing?

Living wages in exchange for work.

obinice , avatar

But if labour can afford to live, how will we minimise their ability to focus what little energy we leave them with at the end of their shift on improving their situation?

Paying a living wage is a slippery slope that ends in things like healthcare, education and opportunities being available to all, and that’d make them more than just our bought and paid for production labour, that’d make them our rivals.

Colonel_Panic_ ,

Look at this guy over here. They want to contribute to society and not starve from it. Wild.

disguy_ovahea , to memes in Three Wishes

Second wish is for a version of communism that actually works on a large scale.

Eheran ,

Just have to love that you get downvoted for something so basic. “Nah, the current and past versions were fine!” Like what the fuck?

copd ,

It’s probably the same people who downvoted the meme. Effectively people who don’t want ANY version of communism

10_0 ,

Communism: the best economic system in the world. that no one uses. Capitalism: everyone uses it.

PopOfAfrica ,

The post has 23 upvotes. What are you on about?

Eheran ,

It had 0 when I commented.

I can not see the number of up/down votes, sadly, they copied that flaw from Reddit.

kamenlady , avatar

I can’t see the number of downvotes at a glance, but i can see that it has 152 upvotes and that 82% of people upvoted the post.

I’m far too lazy now, but this should be enough to do the math and get the number of downvotes or do you mean something else?

Eheran ,

152 is the sum of the + and -1 votes 82 % were + So 18% were - So 18% of + were canceled from the - So what we see is the remaining 64% positive, which means that 100 % are 237 votes (42 downvotes, 195 upvotes)

To me, the post has 48 upvotes (net positive).

BubbleMonkey ,

Interesting. My app allows me to have them separate, so I see all the up separate from all the down, and always have. I refused early on to use anything that combines them because I want the full picture of engagement.

If you use an app, check through the settings and see if it’s supported (all the iOS apps I tested have it). Idk about web, might be something to look into tho since the data is all there, so it’s just be a matter of handling.

Eheran , (edited )

Using Connect, I will have a look! Yes, setting exists, nice!

BubbleMonkey ,

Sweet, glad that worked.

Welcome to the better side of Lemmy. 🫡

jaybone ,

Welcome to Lemmy.

yogthos , avatar

Seems like the opposite is the case with a blatantly false statement getting massive upvotes from the radlibs of lemmy.

Sop ,

That’s actually pretty easy once capitalist USA is abolished and thus no longer violently interfering with the internal affairs of socialist countries.

IsoSpandy ,

I am not so knowledgeable so forgive my ignorance, but why do most communist States have this knack for massive intelligence gathering on its own citizens? Are the concepts of personal privacy with freedom and working towards collective good so mutually exclusive?

Again this is not sarcastic, I genuinely wish to know.

PS I also hate capitalism from the core of my guts.

proceduralnightshade ,

why do most communist States have this knack for massive intelligence gathering on its own citizens?

Corporations have this knack too. Everybody in power does. It’s just that one privately owned corporation can only reach so far.

Barbarian , (edited ) avatar

Are the concepts of freedom and working towards collective good so mutually exclusive?

Not necessarily, and I also disagree with the commenter above that without the USA suddenly the world would be singing kumbaya.

The problem was dictators seizing power in turbulent times. In Russia, Stalin abolished the soviets (A.K.A worker’s councils, kinda like mega unions) in the Soviet union. I think that says a lot.

In Romania (I’m a bit better equipped to talk about this one), things were a bit different.

The original communist government (1945) was essentially a Russian puppet state that drained the wealth of Romania via war reparations. Stalinist purges happened often during this period.

During the 1950s and early 1960s, Romania got a degree of independence and things were actually looking up. Society in general (infant mortality, gender equality, literacy, standard of living, etc) were all improving rapidly without Russia draining us and making decisions for us, and we didn’t have a surveilance state of the scale that would come later. This was a period marked by political battles between the liberal communists and the Stalinist communists for control, with Stalinists commiting some pretty horrible atrocities (if you want nightmare fuel for some reason, look up the Pitesti experiment).

Then, 1965, Ceacescu took power. During his early years, he actually looked like a liberal (EDIT: Just to be clear: I mean a liberal communist. This means more individual freedom for citizens in a communist economy). He allowed some emigration, some free speech, and even spoke out about the 1968 invasion of Czechoslovakia. This, at the start, did not look like a typical authoritarian communist state. Unfortunately, Inspired by the “amazing” society of North Korea in 1971, he started to make changes in the structure of society to be more like it, which included an expanded Securitate. 2 years later, harsh austerity policies to repay foreign loans led to a massive drop in living conditions, which led to riots, which led to crackdowns. Things rapidly spiralled, and the Securitate were given more and more power to keep control.

This then became the police state that everybody thinks of when they think of communism. A combination of too much power in 1 person’s hands, an authoritarian imperialist overlord (Russia), and rising backlash against dropping living conditions.

xilona ,

“we didn’t have a surveilance state of the scale that would come later”

For all of you that preach communism please make an imagination exercise just for a minute and imagine what kind of Authoritarianism you ask for when you will have a neverseen kind of Technological Communism, using current available surveillance technology (in place) like your smartphone for example (which I know a lot of people don’t know what is its real use…)

*Multumesc Tovarasi!

OurToothbrush ,

In Russia, Stalin abolished the soviets (A.K.A worker’s councils, kinda like mega unions) in the Soviet union.

Are you referring to the constitution of 1936, which established 4 layers of representative councils (local, regional, national, union) as Stalin dissolving the Soviets?

  1. why do you think that is worse
  2. why do you blame it on Stalin? Seems like a thing that was written and implemented pretty democratically.
Barbarian , avatar

No, I’m not talking about the 1936 constitution. I meant specifically the disempowerment of local and union soviets.

I’m no expert on Russian history, so I may be misinformed about this, but as far as I understand it he put in place a series of reforms that stripped power from the local level and empowered the central committee.

Cowbee , avatar

This is partially true. Issues arose from trying to marry central planning with localized production, so there were a series of reforms that shifted the balance of control. This didn’t end worker representation, it was a major shift that changed its form as the USSR industrialized and grew beyond where it once was.

Was it perfect and entirely democratic? No. Was it far more democratic than Capitalism? Absolutely, without question.

OurToothbrush ,

Shifted power in the sense of the local branches were federated within the same structure now, but honestly that seems more accountable and democratic?

Sop ,

Because once the dictatorship of the proletariat is installed it needs to defend itself from counter revolutionaries who want to reinstate class inequality. Actually similarly to how the US and other capitalist states are heavily surveilling and infiltrating communist and other anti capitalist groups in- and outside of their own countries.

Cowbee , avatar

It’s less that Communist States have massive intelligence networks on their own populace because they are Communist, and more that states kinda just do that. American privacy violations are horrifying.

The “difference” largely comes from bourgeois media overplaying the bad elements and underplaying the good elements of Communist projects, while downplaying the bad elements and overplaying the good elements of Capitalist projects.

Combine this with the widespread fact that the US intentionally infiltrates and destabilizes states that even flirt with Socialism in the Global South, with hundreds of assassination attempts on figures like Castro, and it starts to seem more reasonable.

xilona ,

Indeed Communists never manipulated the media… Jesus!

Cowbee , avatar

Did I at any point say they didn’t? I was explaining why that happens, lmao.

xilona ,

Knowing the why means that one sane person would not want to do the same mistake again if (s)he learned the lesson in the first place…

hope you get what I’m saying…

Cowbee , avatar

What “same mistakes?” Capitalism? Yes, I agree, we should abolish it and progress towards Socialism.

OurToothbrush ,

Literally everyone uses the media that way, media always has bias and if you’re ignorant to it you should be more wary.

xilona ,

Maybe it is time to start abolishing media and advertising in the first place…

*I bet a lot of those downvoting work in advertising/media… No pun intended.

OurToothbrush ,

Nah, the issue is capitalist control of it.

xilona ,


HuntressHimbo ,

Media nah leave it, advertising I’d absolutely be down for. Advertising and Marketing are essentially the science of tricking our brains, and when that lever is exposed to capital you get enshittification and misery.

xilona ,

Media is advertising 🙂

HuntressHimbo ,

All advertising is media, not all media is advertising 🤷‍♂️

OurToothbrush ,

Basically when you do a socialist revolution your national bourgeoisie and international bourgeoisie are willing to crush it through any means necessary. You unfortunately have to use the machinery of the state to protect from bourgeois subversion, or you get shit like Indonesia, Chile, overthrow of the USSR through executive coup, etc.

IsoSpandy ,

Thank you all for the valuable insight. I can’t reply to everybody individually so I am replying as a collective. From what I can surmise, basically, the state becomes the sort of mega Corp that capitalism inevitably breeds and data mining becomes legal as you are the law and data mining is necessary to hold power and prevent further revolutions.

It makes me wonder, how do new economic models come to be? Does it always have to be Einsteinian, that one man is a genius, or can economics do collective progress like modern science. Obviously economics has more artificial hurdles to overcome, but we should have something better by now when we know that both systems suck. I don’t know, I am just a random guy on the internet

BTW, correct me if I am wrong, but it seems that the root cause of these problems is one human having enough power to decide life and death of another human. Like maybe due to our origin by subjugation of other species, but people holding power over other people is creating a huge crap fest. Plus there is the worst inequality of all… Inequality of BIRTH.

Honestly,i dont know, most dystopias come about because of some persons dream of utopia.

TrickDacy ,

Yeah, right…

moshtradamus666 ,

I think we have enough tech today to make it better

volvoxvsmarla ,

That’s an interesting take, wanna tell me more? (I’m sick right now and my brain cells don’t function well enough to think for myself but that’s unironically an interesting take)

funkless_eck ,

that the means of production are very easily owned by the working class and petit bourgeoisie? throw a dart at a list of SaaS products.

ikidd , avatar



Pick one.

funkless_eck ,

well I meant that most business tools have a free/affordable tier or competitor, there’s little structure holding back a profit-sharing model in terms of infrastructure

ikidd , avatar

Yah, the pervasive surveillance should help immensely and totally not be used against the people.

yogthos , avatar

wait until you find out what this tech is used for under capitalism

yogthos , avatar

Why do people in the west have the need to keep pretending that communism doesn’t work at scale when there’s plenty of evidence that it does?

billgamesh ,

Because, it helps them justify living under an economic system which harms them and the world

yogthos , avatar

yeah, it’s basically capitalist realism

Fogle ,

Yeah lets not look at the large scale capitalism that is definitely working for society

xenoclast ,

Shit, we have examples or socialized markets that run whole economies. We don’t need to go far… Shit enforcing the current rules equally would change the world…

samus12345 , avatar

If you’re wishing anyway, you might as well go to the root of the problem and change human nature.

Cowbee , avatar

What does “Human Nature” have to do with organizational structures?

samus12345 , avatar

Humans are too tribal for communism to work on a large scale. Making them see all humanity as their tribe would be a good start.

Cowbee , avatar

…why? What on Earth are you talking about? Is this mysticism or something?

samus12345 , avatar

Because communism requires everyone to be willing to work for the betterment of society, not money. But unless everyone (or at least almost everyone) does that, it doesn’t work.

Cowbee , avatar

Does it?

samus12345 , avatar

Depending on what definition of communism you choose to use.

Cowbee , avatar

Where did you get yours?

SkyNTP , to nostupidquestions in What does Lemmy do better than Reddit?

3rd party app support…

There are many other reasons, but let’s be real. A lot of us ditched reddit because they dropped support for third party apps. Having an interface that isn’t trying to constantly milk you for all sorts of monetization schemes matters a lot, as it so happens. Enough to say goodbye to a lot of familiar and large communities with otherwise good information.

tigerjerusalem ,

There’s many communities I miss, but without third party apps that place became unbearable. The equivalent ones are not as active, but i can actually read and participate in discussions here.

ardi60 , to piracy in Best website for downloading a pirated copy of Windows? avatar
ilinamorato ,

The fact that this is available on a Microsoft-owned source code repository is bonkers to me.

SinningStromgald ,

Because they get your data as long as you install Windows and your data over time is worth more than you would pay for the OS.

SchizoDenji ,

Not really as that brings pennies. The logic is the same as WinRar. Basically they don’t care about users pirating since it helps them retain the market share since middle aged or older people aren’t that tech savvy.

The biggest moneymaker in retail sector is laptop manufacturers bundling windows with their laptops and companies/corporations using legit windows copies.

They get ridiculous amounts of money just to provide security updates to windows XP because there are loads of equipment that can’t be run without the specific software that is incompatible with later versions.

And they will get ridiculous amounts of money 20 years down the line for doing the same with windows 10 too as long as they retain the massive market share and middle aged people will be accustomed to win 10.

Uiop ,

You are probably talking about future me…

SchizoDenji ,

It comes to everyone. At a certain point you just lose the energy to keep learning new tech.

0ops ,

I’ve heard that that’s similar to why Adobe creative cloud was so easy to pirate for years (maybe it still is, idk, I switched to affinity forever ago). Adobe is the industry standard because everyone uses it -> person wants to learn photo/video editing, digital illustration, etc, but can’t afford it -> pirate Adobe instead of trying cheaper/free alternatives, because it’s the industry standard -> person with Adobe skills gets hired by business that pays for Adobe legitimately because that’s what most people know -> Adobe is the industry because everyone uses it, and the cycle goes on…

BlackSkinnedJew , (edited )

Cos they don’t give a flying fuck while you keep using their software and consuming your stuff the way they want you to consume your stuff.

dRail ,

This right here. If I remember correctly Gates even said there was no issue as long as people were using Windows.

BlackSkinnedJew ,

Billionaires are not stupid people like some people like to pretend they are, there are some of them who have tons of money for a reason and it it’s not dumbness exactly. Yeah they like to evade taxes and do shady shit too but definitely not as dumb as working 9-5 for more than a half of your life yo know.

JackGreenEarth ,

It’s not dumb to work 9-5 if it’s your only choice. And most people weren’t saying that billionaires are dumb, just that they’re psychopaths.

LodeMike ,

I heard from someone that MS support just tells people to use this if something goes wrong with their key.

matey ,

They use it internally as well.

pineapplelover ,
ninjan , to piracy in Random thought: Windows is largely successful because of Piracy

Absolutely, and Microsoft knows this. You could even upgrade a pirated version of Windows to a legit copy when they did the upgrade drive for 7 I believe it was. Did it myself. And they completely turn a blind eye to OEM key reselling, which is why you can get legit windows keys for less than $10 these days.

They’ve also never done anything substantial against pirates, all they do is pester about buying a key and warn about the risks. The “worst” they do is stop you from using windows update which some see as a feature. When they could just completely lock you out and/or report you to the police.

The money is in server for Microsoft, but they’re losing that battle slowly but surely since they can’t make windows actually work properly in a container setting. I have customers that love Microsoft but despite their best efforts at making containerized windows workloads work it just sucks major ass. And virtually everybody is coming around to realize just how insane of a paradigm shift containers are.

And losing that battle is why 12 will likely move to subscription. And I’m willing to bet money that, in 10 years time, will be considered the starting point for Microsofts dramatic loss of market share in the home PC market. From 90% or so now down to like 50 ish %. But maybe some smart guys at Microsoft will nip that in the bud.

Black616Angel ,

Although I mostly agree with you, this is not true:

The “worst” they do is stop you from using windows update

The worst they do is practically force you to buy a windows license with most laptops and even some pre-built tower PCs.

Yes there are some vendors/manufacturers who don’t force you or ask, if you want an Ubuntu/Mint/Pop_!OS or smth. but most just don’t give a shit.

umbrella , avatar

in my country vendors are forced to offer a free OS/no OS option.

most new laptops here come with linux preinstalled lol

lemmyvore ,

I would argue there’s nothing to snip in the bud, since the home PC is a dying breed anyway. It is increasingly only used by hobbyists and professionals. Some people will use a laptop issued from work but the choice of OS in those cases is seldom theirs. Other than that it’s all phones, tablets, consoles, TVs etc.

The PC market itself is shrinking.

DoisBigo ,

PCs are expensive and unpractical.

I wanted a PC, bought a tablet. Ideally, I’d want a SFFPC plus screens that I could easily move. I’d settle for a SFFPC with a dedicated graphics card if I couldn’t move it. I’d also settle for a notebook that would allow me to easily swap HDDs/SSDs. However, none of those things are possible and/or have a good cost-benefit, so I got a tablet.

Notebooks are too clunky compared to tablets because they are attached to a keyboard and to a screen. If those parts were removable, they would be more successful. Tablets would also be more popular if you could use them as PC screens (some from Lenovo already come with this featur).

Manufacturers are moving in the opposite direction, soldering memory, and making as hard as possible to change parts.

GrindingGears ,

13 or so years ago, whenever the first iPads were coming out, that was my first thought. Why don’t they take their laptops, and have the screen removable that it instantly turns into an iPad? Or a windows computer that does the same thing. Microsoft did it with the surface, and it worked pretty well. Still wasn’t quite what I had imagined, but pretty much was. Apple could have made a killing doing something like that, I’m still convinced (if it was PC based when docked though, not their cell phone/iPad OS).

JetpackJackson ,

Wait fr?

CumBroth , (edited ) avatar

Yes. It’s even extreme in some places. For example, more than half of Australian households reported in a 2022 survey that they never accessed the internet from a desktop PC that year (source; also, paywall warning). In Hungary, desktop ownership dropped from 47.5% in 2014 to 39.2% 2019. It’s safe to assume the downwards trend has continued into 2023.

Japan dropped from 81.7% in 2013 to 69% in 2022 (this is for PC ownership in general and doesn’t differentiate between desktops and laptops) and Germany dropped from 64.5% (desktops) in 2006 to 42.9% in 2022.

Even African countries, which had depressingly low computer ownership to begin with, have seen a stagnation at around 7.5% (yes, it’s that low) between 2015 and 2019.

These are just a few examples, but you’ll see a similar trend everywhere you look. Looking at these statistics reminds me of this Apple ad:

Edit: WTH, Spain?

JetpackJackson ,

Wow that’s just crazy. I thought it was going the other way

ZariZari ,

Dude you are talking about “Desktop PC”.

A lot of people have switched to Laptops because they can stay in bed.

Usually TV content is pretty bad and with the “old Netflix” people got a coffe table to put the laptop on the table and watch movies, youtube, etc.

Also a lot of people sees Desktop a non necessity because of phones and tablets. In today standards laptops have become really powerful to even code software or even doing photoshoping reliable.

In the end desktops have become only powerhouses of performances towards gaming, streaming or servers.

Desktop = gaming(usually in 2023).

Desktop are not a dieing breed, people changed and bought devices that serves their purposes. Whi should i buy a desktop anymore if a phones does just as good as a desktop in terms of browsing the internet, whatch videos even netflix. In this case desktops have no purpose again(just buy a phone or a tablet).

ninjan ,

I don’t disagree with PCs being on a strong downward trend. But the point of Windows on PCs has always been familiarity such that it’s what’s prefered and feel easiest for servers. Without their domination of home PC no company would be running Windows Server these days. And the last people to stop using PCs at home are bound to be tech people that have some say in what type of servers to run.

That said Microsoft has been divesting from their reliance on Windows Server so it’s not like they’ll die from this. But it’s going to mean we’ll hopefully be rid of Windows Server soon!

GrindingGears ,

I’m not sure I buy that 12 is going to be subscription based. I think that would be the straw that broke the camels back. I think we are peak subscription at this point, it’s getting hard to justify this ever growing faucet of money outflows to these friggin subscriptions. Cell phones are quickly becoming PC replacements too. Maybe not in our lives, but for a lot of the common folks that just want to browse and email, absolutely they are. This is why you are seeing Apple’s OS and Android increasingly becoming more PC-like. The next battlefield, I think, is going to be Android vs Windows. Android is currently free, which isn’t going to bode well for a 12 subscription model.

ColeSloth ,

They won’t go subscription for most users. They know with 100% certainty that their home market share will crumble if they did, and that would lead into business share.

Linux has become too easy to use and thanks to an awesome hard push from Valve with the Steam Deck, gamers don’t even need windows anymore, with the exception of some online games with brutal anti cheat software baked in.

TeaHands , to asklemmy in Whats a stupid ritual in your life that makes you happy? avatar

Every night when we go to bed, whoever gets up and leaves the living room first gets to wish the other one “good luck with the lamps!”. As in, turning off the lights. I have no idea why it started but it’s been going on for years and years.

If we’re watching a TV show and the last episode of the night is ending the whole atmosphere changes, we get super tense and both start trying to get ready to go without the other noticing and then we’ll spring up and run for the door to be the one who doesn’t have to have good luck with the lamps. If we were lying snuggling together on the couch, we’ll literally wrestle to be first one up. I got him a custom printed mug with it on, and our first lamp is like our relationship mascot. It’s just a whole thing.

We are middle-aged marrieds.

I expect one day, hopefully far in the future, as one of us peacefully passes away while the other holds their hand and gazes tearfully into their eyes, regardless of which of us it is their last words will be “good luck with the lamps”.

SnokenKeekaGuard OP , avatar

That is the cutest thing ever.

madkins ,

I’ve been replacing our light switches with smart switches. We tell Alexa good night and she turns off all the lights and locks the doors. I’m chuckling at the idea of telling Alexa “good luck with the lamps!”

TeaHands , avatar

We actually tried this! Tried to get her to say “Good luck with your lamps” as the reply because we’re British and terminally sarcastic like that, but ofc she doesn’t really do tone so it was underwhelming.

We turned it off and went back to the old fashioned way 😂

fmstrat ,

Google has a decent British voice. But no tone either. I wonder if you made it ‘ya or lamps’

fmstrat ,

I was just thinking… Home assistant routine?

railsdev ,

I do this with a Hue sync box. When we switch off the Apple TV the sync box stops syncing which tells Home Assistant it’s time to put the lights back to normal.

As for going to sleep, I simply set down my iPhone in a Qi charger and Home Assistant powers everything down, turns on a fan and reminds me to close any doors I may have left open (we like to open up our space).

It even adjusts the lights accordingly based on who’s asleep. At one point we carried Bluetooth trackers around so it knew exactly who was in each room but my wife got tired of the tracker real quick.

spitz , avatar

That sounds absolutely mental in the most wholesome way haha.

TeaHands , avatar

Yeah pretty much

Mojojojo1993 ,

We do this with the dog. He refuses to move. He needs to go out and then coerced upstairs to bed. It’s a real hassle. So whoever is last has to deal with it. I’ll leave a show halfway through just so I don’t have to deal with him. Spoiled diva

tias ,

This sounds like the build up of a scary as fuck movie.

One evening, she didn’t have good luck with the lamps.

triclops6 ,

I felt this. Thanks for sharing

d3Xt3r , to asklemmy in What is a story from the internet that will remain in your mind forever?

Not exactly a story, but a picture thread on Reddit where a guy posts a photo of his tattoos on his arms, and someone goes “how did you take this picture”, so he posts a selfie showing him balancing a phone on his shoulder, and someone replies “wait how did you take that picture” and then he posts a photo of him taking a photo of him taking a photo… and this continues until he reveals multiple complex camera setups. Such a legendary thread.

Edit: here it is:

ohlaph ,

I remember that one!

shnurr , to nostupidquestions in Would the internet be significantly faster if there wasn't so much farming of metadata / cookies?

Well if you just try to load a news website with and without an ad blocker you will usually notice a huge difference. So yes.

But also, technology has become much more complex compare to the beginning of the internet. So every piece of software is more bloated than it used to be, sometimes for a good reason, sometimes less so.

Khalmoon OP ,

Thank you, I wasn’t sure if I was just getting impatient with websites and not appreciating how far we’ve come since DSL. It’s made sense in my head but it always felt like a mildy dumb question

SpaceNoodle ,

There’s never a “good” reason for bloat.

WoodenBleachers , (edited ) avatar

Production time. “Bloat” can mean quicker turnaround but less efficient code

fubo , to asklemmy in Whats the least fun fact you know?

Many people who die “of old age” have an utterly miserable time of it at the end, sometimes for months or years. Medical treatment to keep a person alive when they’ve already lost their faculties irrecoverably can be incredibly cruel.

There’s a reason that longevity research focuses on prolonging healthy life, not just prolonging life processes.

TrustingZebra ,

Movies lied to me.

Doxin , avatar

There’s no such thing as dying of old age. Just dying of something where you’re old enough where people go “yeah that tracks” instead of “oh no! so young!”.

bluesydney , to asklemmy in What is an extremely dangerous thing that we use daily?


xtremeownage ,

Statistically speaking, you will either die by cancer, or you will die in an automotive accident.

claycle ,

Don’t you mean: Statistically speaking, you will die.

OutlierBlue ,

Statistically speaking I’ll never die. I’m 1-0 so far.

Shrek ,

Heart disease is #1 IIRC.

planish , to mildlyinfuriating in My dog and I got jumped by raccoons this morning. Now I have to pay at least $1500 to make sure I don't get rabies

Call your lawyer and sue the shit out of those raccoons. I hear they’re rich.

LaunchesKayaks OP , avatar
Gieselbrecht ,

He’s a tanuki/raccoon dog, not a raccoon

FlyingSquid , avatar

The law does not make such distinctions!

riskable , avatar

In Florida, you have to use the trash can you were assigned at birth.

curiosityLynx , to nostupidquestions in Why would anyone want to be a moderator?

There's a middle ground between being altruistic and having an ulterior motive:

You want the community you're willing to moderate to not be filled with crap because you personally like it better that way.

curiosityLynx ,

Kind of similar to how most people clean their home primarily because they don't like living in filth rather than to benefit society.

curiosityLynx , (edited )

And some people have Opinions™ about where forks and spoons go in the cutlery drawer and where to put sporks and get annoyed at their flatmates when they blindly grab from where they expect the forks to be and end up with a spoon in their hand instead.

trouser_mouse , avatar

I have an opinion on this - the order in the drawer is: knives, forks, spoons.

(I will take my spork-organising advice from t3h PeNgU1N oF d00m!!!)

FlyingSquid , avatar

Also, big spoons, then little spoons. Not together in the same slot, you monsters!

trouser_mouse , avatar

I would probably have some kind of breakdown if I opened the drawer to find total anarchy like that.

Regna , avatar

… so you’re telling me I need five slots for spoons?

Salt/caviar spoon, coffee spoon, tea spoon, dessert spoon, tablespoon

spoilerSalt/caviar spoon, coffee spoon, tea spoon, dessert spoon, tablespoon

I’m a monster who separates only the tablespoon into a separate compartment.

trouser_mouse , avatar

Jesus Christ

FlyingSquid , avatar

Wait, you have a coffee spoon and a tea spoon? Fair enough, you’re not a monster, you’re just weirdly anal about spoons. I’m not criticizing. I’m being weirdly anal about silverware placement.

Regna , avatar

There are two more spoons I lack in this collection. But no, I just like this series as it’s semi-retro, and I thrift it at second hand stores and at auction sites.

I was joking otherwise, just wanted to throw my punch in this discussion. :D

FlyingSquid , avatar

I just didn’t even know there was such a thing as a coffee spoon!

HeyThisIsntTheYMCA , avatar

Hold on I need to check with the wife if neat spoons are something we’re allowed to invite people into the relationship over but I’m sure it’s okay

Regna , avatar

How do you feel about forks in the same slot?
Pickled herring fork, sandwich/dessert fork, table fork, pickle/crustacean fork

spoilerPickled herring fork, sandwich/dessert fork, table fork, pickle/crustacean fork

Although, I have to admit I keep these in three separate slots.

trouser_mouse , avatar

I can’t live in this kind of chaos! It’s like the last days of Rome

Regna , avatar

Omg, I just found out there are two more forks I don’t have! Going to waste a month tracking them down… (Ignore me, this reignited my sometimes-pastime of completing my cutlery, just wanted to share some of my joy.)

sneeple ,

These are great, the long ass skinny one is my favorite lol. But why is there a fork specifically for pickled herring? And who uses a fork for a sandwich??

Regna , avatar

The long ass skinny one is great for pickle jars on the dining table. We love pickles.

The herring one, well, it’s called “sillgaffel” in Swedish. We do use it when we eat pickled herring, but also for olives and other small delicacies served in small bowls instead of using tooth picks to pick them out.

The “sandwich” one is accompanied by a “sandwich” knife, and are intended to be used for appetizers, and according to an older friend, single sandwiches with ham and (sometimes melted) cheese would be served as appetizers occasionally.

There are dessert forks as well, but they are rare. There are proper crustacean forks too that I would like, as they’d be useful.

There also are supposed to exist fish forks (and fish knives) in the series as well, but I kind of stop before that.

Thank you for subscribing to obscure Swedish cutlery facts. Reply with NOOOOO STOOOOOP! to unsubscribe.

jago ,

I hope you have named these forks after Muppets.

From left to right, they are clear to me as: Robin the Frog, Kermit, Bunsen Honeydew, and Beaker.

MargotRobbie , avatar

TTRPG enthusiast u/trouser_mouse, omg. (sometimes I get mistaken for you) Is it true that you once painstakingly arranged hundreds of aluminum sporks inside your trousers and set half a dozen mice loose as an experiment to create a makeshift automatic xylophone?

trouser_mouse , (edited ) avatar

Yes, it is! I can’t believe you know that!

It was a very complex process, fraught with danger because of both the sporks and the half dozen mice. To be honest, I didn’t really think it through - but then isn’t that how all the best inventions involving mice and/or sporks happen.

The mice despite my best efforts have actually been breeding, so the descendants of the original mice are currently preparing to play Barbie Girl by Aqua for the premier of Barbie on July 21, 2023.

This is what it might be like (fyi this is not footage from in my pants).

MargotRobbie , avatar

Have you bought tickets for yourself and all of your mice yet?

trouser_mouse , avatar

Yes we all have tickets! One of the mice said they hope to be on the soundtrack for the squeakel

MargotRobbie , avatar


darkstar ,

I clean my home because we have guests over often and I don’t want them to hate me

trouser_mouse , avatar

(Unless it is well-crafted and beautiful crap)

FlyingSquid , avatar

Yep, I’m usually not a moderator, but occasionally if they are being asked for and the community I’m part of is turning to shit, I’ll step up.

livus , avatar

Well said. I think this idea we all have that altruism and self interest are mutually exclusive, is wrong.

In reality, when we're in a community, what benefits the community and what benefits us, are often the same thing.

Regna , avatar

Beautifully said.

Terevos , avatar

This is exactly it.

I volunteered for several subs because I didn’t like all the junk I was seeing and wanted to clean it up.

And now I’m starting some communities here on Lemmy because I’d like to enjoy similar content without going to that other platform.

AnarchistArtificer ,

Sometimes it’s reluctance tinged duty. Like "I really like this community, it’s well moderated and the current mod team are pretty balanced in their decisions. Except they’ve said they’re struggling with the load. Oh no, if it becomes too arduous, we’ll start losing mods and then we’re at risk of losing the culture we’ve built up here if newer mods have different priorities.

Sometimes chipping in as a mod is the lazy option when the alternative is a worse browsing experience (or finding a new place when a community goes to hell)

Like you say, it’s a misplaced between altruism and my own motives

FearTheCron ,

This especially holds true for niche subjects. I love back country skiing so I created and moderate /c/Backcountry . The mirror community on Reddit is extremely small and dumb crypto spam sits around for days before removal because there is only one mod. He seems like a cool person dedicated to the sport, but he just can’t be there all the time. I created the community in the hopes that I can invite and keep a larger mod team.

sbv , to asklemmy in What's something that seems obvious within your profession, but the general public seems to misunderstand?

Electronic voting is a terrible idea. Lil’ bits of paper with representatives watching the vote counters is a pretty solid system. There’s no problem there that needs to be fixed.

I say this as a Canadian who has volunteered as an observer in federal elections. I know Americans have their thing going on, but seriously. Paper ballots all the way.

Reverendender ,

We don’t have a unified thing. We definitely don’t.

sbv ,

oh it’s a thing

Reverendender ,

Ok, i made an edit

MajorHavoc , (edited )

As a software development expert, I take issue with

“our entire field is bad at what we do, and if you rely on us, everyone will die.”

That’s way off base.

She under-stated the hell out of that.

Our average practitioner is bad at both their own job, and at the jobs of those whose lives their shoddy work complicates.

Anyone trusting us with their lives or livelihood should be very very alarmed.

We’re also now producing artificial intelligence tools that allow us to do equally shoddy work, but now in dramatically greater quantity.

Edit: Let’s say this is 60/40 sarcasm and sincere, and I’m not sure which is the 60%…

I work with some of the best, and I’ve worked with plenty of the worst. I’ve also been both, on different days.

sbv ,

this Lemmite is, indeed, a software development expert

Jimmycrackcrack ,

Lemmite? I was always figured Lemmings seemed the most appropriate name for Lemmy users.

Sylvartas ,

I have never volunteered to count or observe elections. However I am a professional programmer, and I absolutely agree, electronic voting opens up tons of new attacks, whereas paper voting “security” is basically a solved problem at this point

CanadaPlus , (edited )

I’ve been there too. It’s works pretty good. Voting machines don’t always for whatever reason, even though it’s a simple problem.

I don’t really buy the conspiracy theories, but it should be waaay down the list of things that need automation, since elections are only occasional.

Croquette ,

This is naive me, but having a robust, online voting system would make it a lot easier for direct democracy.

But we would also have to pressure politicians into using that system.

CanadaPlus ,

I actually question if direct democracy would be good, after the amount of exposure to typical voters I’ve had, lol. Representatives can be questionable, but at least they know what they’re deciding on.

Autocracy is just completely awful and depressing, though. No doubt about that.

yamanii , avatar

Brazilian elections continue to be fine for decades, this fear mongering is precisely what the right does whenever they lose.

If code was impossible to make safe banks would still be doing manual labour and ATMs would’ve been phased out.

emergencyfood ,

If code was impossible to make safe banks would still be doing manual labour and ATMs would’ve been phased out.

Financial transactions are logged and the logs maintained for a certain number of years. You can definitely use a similar system for voting when the stakes are low - local elections, for example. But an electronic voting system cannot be both secret and verifiable. In practice you make finding out how someone voted as hard as possible, and hope that a future government will not put in the effort to crack your system. All of which is completely unnecessary when paper ballots exist, and can be both secret and verifiable.

wolfpack86 ,

Local elections are not low stakes. Most of the services you receive are from the municipality you live in.

Just because they’re less polarizing doesn’t mean the stakes are lower.

emergencyfood ,

‘Low stakes’ as in ‘the new mayor isn’t sending everyone who didn’t vote for their party to jail’.

mecfs ,

Works fine in french election abroads.

But yes vote by mail is best.

grue , to memes in I need to achieve this stage, too

Do you want a fascist dicatorship? 'Cause letting assholes be dangerously wrong without pushback is how you get a fascist dictatorship.

Steve ,

How do you know? Its not like we are living in this situation right now

rustydrd , avatar

You know what, you’re absolutely correct. Enjoy!

Steve ,


abrinael ,

I have MAGA family members and it’s not just 1+1=5. It’s a word-vomit tsunami of absolute bullshit. And if you convince them that point 1/367 is not factual, they won’t accept that it disqualifies anything else (including the idea that he never tells lies), and you will have to re-prove that point 1/367 is not factual a few weeks later. It’s exhausting, and I’m fairly sure that is the point (and I’m fairly sure this is also an actual Russian propaganda technique called a “firehose of falsehoods”, regardless of whether it’s being used in that context).

grue ,

That’s when it’s time to shame, ridicule, ostracize, and exile. People like that do not deserve the benefits of living in a society.

Facebones ,

Thats our national issue, democrats care far less about the fascist vomit of the right than they do being polite, “understanding,” and “reaching across the aisle.”

J6ers tried to overtake the govt, hang em for treason. If their backers violently rise up, take em out too. Problem solved. Instead, dems make excuses for Republicans every day, say they can’t do anything about anything, then push a bunch of policies to further snuff out the left instead.

crusa187 ,

Democratic politicians feel this way because they are mostly friends with their colleagues across the aisle. They all eat at the same luncheons together, hang out at the same establishments in DC, attend the same fundraisers and lobbying events.

I think the voters tend to have a different point of view from those in DC. Consider that even Republican lawmakers were running for their life on Jan6. Dem voters are growing fatigued with the constant gaslighting from the establishment politicians, and hopefully soon might provide cause for their “elected representatives” to flee as well. At this point we’ve been left with painfully few alternatives.

Lastly just want to say I do agree with full treason charges for anyone involved with Jan6. Obstruction was a laughable wrist slap, this is far too serious for such measures. The rioters kind of had the right idea but for literally all of the wrong reasons. It’s tea party republicans all over again (which was funded by Koch bros of course). Instead of addressing this in a serious manner, Dems considered doing nothing at all for 2 years before they finally started bringing the wrong charges. Pathetic.

someguy3 ,

They reach across the aisle because they basically never have control of Congress. Dems need all 3 (presidency, house of reps, and Senate) to pass anything. When they don’t have all 3, they have to reach across the aisle to pass anything. So guess how long they’ve had all 3? They’ve had it for 4 years of the last 24 years.

And if they didn’t reach across, guess what happens. The GOP shuts down the government like they did to Obama.

So what can you do move things left? Give Dems consistent and overwhelming victories in all 3 houses.

Facebones ,

Rewarding them for moving further right hasn’t worked for decades, but surely it will this time!

There’s a reason they cant pull the votes to get all 3, turns out the people voting for Republicans aren’t going to switch parties cause dems chase after them year after year abandoning anyone left of mid right establishment dems.

someguy3 ,

Everytime the Dems lose, they go to the center to find votes. And they find them! That’s how Bill Clinton won, he went to the center (some say right, whatever). Gore went a little left and then lost. So Obama learned to not run left and instead ran on broad “hope”. His reward for passing the ACA was losing Congress for his last 6 years. Thanks voters. Clinton went a little left on climate change, supposedly the important issue for the left, and lost. So Biden learned to not run left, and he won!

Every time the Dems go left they lose. So they go to the center to find voters and they find them. And you wonder why they go to the center?

Facebones ,

Every time the Dems go left they lose

I’m sure it has nothing to do with immediately abandoning those talking points once they’re elected. A single Republican gripes and “well there’s nothing we can do we’re just doing their thing now. Sucks to suck 🤷‍♂️”

Of course, as illustrated here they’re happy to blame the left though even though their entire thing is “fuck the left.” whether its outright like it is right now, or the passive “WE’LL TOTALLY DO LEFT STUFF GUYS JUST VOTE FOR US…whoops sorry someone said no so we’re conservatives now”

someguy3 , (edited )

Is this the conversation where I said dems have had control for 4 years of the last 24 years? Yeah it is. Dude they are forced to reach across the aisle. Because they have lost control for 20 years of the last 24 years. That’s how Congress works, if you don’t have all 3 then you are forced to reach across the aisle and compromise. I’ll say it again, forced to. Because left voters never show up.

No matter how much you gripe, that’s how it works. So if you want them to do left things, then give them all 3 (presidency, house of reps, and Senate) consistently and overwhelmingly. It’s that simple.

(Want to go back further and include Bill Clinton? Then Dems have had control for 6 years of the last 32. Want to include Bush senior and Reagan? Then it’s 6 years of the last 44 fucking years. Read that again: Dems have had control for 6 measly years of the last 44 fucking years. And you wonder why we have slow progress?)

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