There have been multiple accounts created with the sole purpose of posting advertisement posts or replies containing unsolicited advertising.

Accounts which solely post advertisements, or persistently post them may be terminated.

Pratai , to asklemmy in Replicating reddit content from AITA

AITA is one of the worst karmafarming subs to exist on Reddit. 4chan is more reliably truthful than that place.

cam_i_am , (edited ) to nostupidquestions in What's up with "whinging"?

It’s a different word. To have a whinge. Whinging. The G is pronounced like a J.

Google says it’s more common in British English. I’m Aussie and we use it too. Mostly to hang shit on the English lol. I.e. whinging poms.

bernieecclestoned ,

Stop whinging you dozy lummox

GentlemanLoser ,

Love it

glimse ,

It started getting used in the US a lot more after it was said by The Hound in an episode of Game of Thrones

“So what are you whinging about?”

“I’m not whinging!”

“Your lips are moving and you’re complaining about something. That’s whinging.”

GentlemanLoser ,

Are you a language statistician or something? How could you possibly make that claim lol

Smirk ,

Seems like a fair assessment, even if it’s unprovable. Not a bad heuristic to assume things get adopted from the biggest show to have ever aired.

You got a counter claim?

GentlemanLoser ,


Baader-Meinhoff phenomenon. They heard it on the show and started hearing it everywhere. It wasn’t mass adopted after the fact.

BolexForSoup , avatar

Sandor Clegane is #4 most related topic when searching “Whinge” on google trends even though that episode aired several years ago. It’s a reasonable assumption. Go look for yourself.

Can we not do that Reddit thing where people just accuse people of bad faith or attribute literally everything they don’t agree with to a fallacy or some such? If you or the other person had literally taken 30 seconds to look at Google trends, you might have even come to the same conclusion yourselves.

Perrin42 ,

This is probably closer to the truth, as I first heard it in Firefly in 2002 before I started hearing it everywhere.

Smirk ,

Not bad, both easily plausible. Next time you disagree, offer a civil counterclaim and it’s more likely to go down well.

How hard was that?

GentlemanLoser ,

But then you wouldn’t get all worked up about it

BolexForSoup , avatar

This is the kind of act we really don’t need around here. We have enough trolls on other forums. At least try and act with a hint of mutual respect here dude.

Smirk ,

“But then you wouldn’t get all worked up about it”

READ: “You’re right”

Take care mate, it’s only a post. Peace

BolexForSoup , avatar


But no I remember this as well. It was quoted a ton after and gained a lot of traction. If you look at google trends since you want a “language statistician,” you can see “Sandor Clegane” is still the 4th most associated topic when “whinging” was searched this past week even though that episode aired 5+ years ago.

It’s easy to be snarky on the Internet. Maybe next time you should just do a cursory Google search or ask for clarification with a little more humility/good intent instead of being needlessly rude and challenging.

glimse ,

Not so sure about the first part of your name

I just saw it getting used by non-british people after the show when I didn’t before. It’s an anecdote. I don’t have statistics and if you care enough to prove me wrong I’ll accept it’s confirmation bias

OhmsLawn ,

This is actually a great insight.

glimse ,

I’m American but I like a lot of British TV so I was already familiar with it but I definitely noticed the uptick. It’s not the most famous scene but people like it enough to have it clipped on YouTube

OhmsLawn ,

Same here with British TV. I hadn’t noticed any uptick, but I’d be happy if the term was adopted.

chumbalumber ,

“whinging poms”

unpleasant ashes memories dragged kicking and screaming to the surface

SharkEatingBreakfast , to nostupidquestions in Why, as a male, when emotionally do I only feel accepted by women but not by men? avatar

Men are often socialized to believe that showing emotion is reserved for children, women, and the weak. They are often taught that emotions are in direct opposition to “strength” and “manliness”.

Unfortunately, if men show emotion, they are often criticized and made fun of (often by other men), calling their masculinity into question. As if having emotions make you weak or less of a man.

Emotions are not a “weak” trait. Emotions are a human trait.

Men need to work hard to be supportive and accepting of other men showing emotion. De- stigmatize emotional men. Stop showing sensitive men or men who struggle or cry as “weak” or worthy of mockery. This is such an antiquated view and needs to be abolished.

Support your bros. Become comfortable with emotional expression. This will help struggling men everywhere, I guarantee it.

Saraphim ,

Men show emotions all the time. The problem is that the only “acceptable” emotion is anger or resentment. People of any gender validate other peoples feelings based on their own experiences. Because women’s emotions are invalidated as weak or useless, women tend to be more sympathetic to others who experience that same invalidation.

SharkEatingBreakfast , avatar

That’s my point: anger is an “acceptable” emotion for men, because it often coincides with the masculine concept of strength.

The “weak” emotions, though, are not acceptable.

Which is why OP feels they are more openly able to show these emotions to women but not men.

eestileib ,

“Did Jesus ever cry? No! And neither will I!”

u202307011927 OP , avatar

John 11:35 Jesus wept.

eestileib ,


u202307011927 OP , avatar

Oh, I didn’t get that 🙈

lars ,

“But Daaaaad, I thought you were gonna save Me,” He cried. B&S 4:20:69

lustrum , (edited ) to technology in Any good tech sites without the fluff?

Here’s some that I follow:

  • Anandtech^1: Great general tech website, has some deep dives. It did used to be a lot better
  • Chips and Cheese^2: Insane deep dives into architectures and chips.
  • More than Moore^3: Ex Anandtech editor in chief, does great breakdowns of new AI tech and silicon.
  • igor’s Lab^4: Does some great deep dives into various GPU and CPU issues.
  • KGOnTech^5: Only just followed this blog, seems to do a good teardown on the apple headset.
  • Krebs on Security^6: Blog by one of the best security researchers and breaks down vulnerabilities
  • EE Times^7: Good well written site with overviews on many areas in tech
  • Techspot Featured Articles^8: Mainly gaming and GPU/CPU, but does some good articles exploring games, tech etc
expatriado ,

i am a EE major and i didn’t know about EETimes :O

gruf , avatar

I’d loved Anandtech in the past, for how they used to be. hadn’t heard of those other numbers 2,3,4 before, thanks for posting them!

nixchick OP , avatar

Thanks, there are a few I haven’t heard of.

lustrum ,

Here’s another good idea if you don’t follow RSS feeds, I use these at work to aggregate some sites together:

vrighter , to asklemmy in The government is offering advanced degrees; what do you study?

I’m european. That’s already how these things work.

detectivemittens ,

That’s wonderful. I’m glad education is accessible.

I’m going to go cry in the back corner now, because haha… America #1… in student loan debt.

Fleppensteijn , avatar

Not everywhere in Europe

Viking_Hippie ,

True, only in the GOOD parts 😛

Viking_Hippie ,

Same. * high fives *

PetDinosaurs , (edited )

In the US, PhDs, in STEM at least, are fully funded. Either by research or teaching assistanship. This is the same as in Europe and students are frequently exchanged.

You’ll only be paying for yourself if you’re in art history or something stupid like that (even then you could get a TA) or you haven’t demonstrated that you’re smart enough to get a PhD.

Edit: it’s so weird how this completely factual statement has been so controversial. I actually went through this process.

eruchitanda , to linux in Trying Fedora. Never rebooted so often in my life avatar

Like the other comment mentioned, you don’t need to reboot, unless you’ve updated the kernel.

If you somehow downloaded by mistake an immutable system, like Fedora Silverblue or Fedora Kinoite, know it’s not the classic way to manage Linux systems.

nils ,

But even with an immutable distro you don’t have to reboot. The updated image just gets downloaded in the background and booted into when you restart. There is no harm in still being booted from the old image id you don’t specifically need anything only included in the new one. Nothing forces you to reboot.

ebits21 , avatar

Silverblue is my daily driver. Everything is in flatpaks, which update automatically, or in distrobox which I have a bash script that updates automatically.

System updates download in the background and just boot automatically the next time you boot up. I just ignore them.

Shurimal , to asklemmy in Whats your favorite free open source software that everyone should try?

Home Assistant. If you ever want to do home automation properly, this is the way. Works with pretty much anything—Zigbee, zWave, BT LE, MQTT—while keeping things manufacturer agnostic, local, private and highly responsive (your commands don't need to go through some server 3000 km away and won't have ugly 1 second latency as a result).

DAVx⁵ and Radicale to sync contacts and calendars between devices without snooping middle-men.

Syncthing to sync any files between devices. Works remotely, too, thanks to Syncthing relays.

Navidrome for your personal music streaming service.

Debian, Docker, Docker Compose and Portainer as the backbone to run all your services.

And many others.

GreatAlbatross , avatar

One of the best things about HASS is the counterweight it applies to the home automation industry.
When everyone is trying to lock people in to proprietary systems, the hass community is keen to find alternatives.

“To use this temperature sensor, you must use our hub and app”
2 days later: ‘Good news everyone, it’s manchester coding on 433Mhz, and I’ve written a direct integration for rtl_433’

lolgcat ,

Wait a minute, is FLOSS home automation really this robust? Having avoided most wifi enabled gadgets, I’m pretty out of the loop here

GreatAlbatross , avatar

It’s pretty good, honestly!

I also avoid wifi gadgets where possible, I try to go for Zigbee, Z-wave, or 433MHz stuff.

For things that “have” to be IP, I put them on a separate vlan, then interface through them using hass.

Salix ,

You can check what it supports. Though there are some stuff that people have created support for that aren’t on there yet as well

yogthos , avatar

I’d actually recommend Podman over Docker nowadays. It’s basically a drop in replacement and embraces open source while Docker’s moving more in the direction of a closed monetized model.

tebro ,

I really want to use podman, but the compose part in it is still a bit too far behind

yogthos , avatar

I guess I’m pretty basic with my compose files, what did you end up running into with that?

Fatcat560 ,

I was searching for some nice way to keep my KeePass files in sync across my phone + pc. Tried Syncthing as soon as I saw your comment and it’s a life saver :D Thanks so much!

kratoz29 , avatar

Syncthing to sync any files between devices. Works remotely, too, thanks to Syncthing relays.

Wait, does this mean I don’t need a VPN to sync remotely? That has been the doubt I have had since I heard about such software.

jacksilver ,

Yeah, you don’t need a VPN as their is also a relay component that forms a sorta sync thing network. While the data is always encrypted, with the relaying you are using external servers to route the traffic. The relaying also isn’t required, but ensures data can be synced even when a direct connection isn’t possible (e.g. You arent home and aren’t on your VPN).

furrowsofar ,

Yes, you can sync between two on devices anywhere in the world as long as a connection path can be found.

The downside of this is that both devices have to be on. If not on the LAN it may go though some unknown gateways too which makes me nervous (though it should be all encrypted). It can take some time too for the devices to find each other and then do the transfer (even on the LAN).

Some people place syncthing on their NAS so it is the always on device. Also if you do not want your connection to go through other peoples bridges then you can disable that feature (and loose the global WAN transfer capability), or you can put up your own bridge in a VPS on the WAN.

I am no expert on this. For me I use syncthing only sometimes and only on my LAN. Mostly I use SSH, Nextcloud, or Bitwarden Send myself. I’d like to play more with some of the other options though. Seafile or placing Send on my VPS for example seems interesting to me.

w2tpmf ,

I’ve been seeing Home Assistant mentioned a lot lately.

Can it control smart plugs and switches that are made for Tuya/Smart Life?

rufus ,

(I only own older Tuya devices that I flashed with Tasmota before setting them up with Home-Assistant. But I think what they sell nowadays can’t be flashed with a free and open-source firmware. So the Tuya integration should work. But I haven’t tried it.)

ciaocibai ,

It does work although breaks occasionally and you seem to need a (free) token from tuya to get it running now. That said it let’s me use my tuya devices through homekit now which is pretty handy.

w2tpmf ,

Yeah I saw that. It doesn’t help me in trying to break free from those cloud services if I still have to integrate them into my setup.

rufus ,

Unfortunately with the smart home stuff, you’re often stuck with some vendor and their decisions. You have to pay close attention before buying devices. There is a chance your Tuya devices are supported by something like the mentioned Tasmota. They have a long list. But flashing a new firmware on some lightbulb is a bit cumbersome and you can brick the devices easily. It’s probably not something you want to do unless this is your hobby.

I can recommend buying Zigbee devices and a supported gateway, or something alike. That works without some cloud service.

w2tpmf ,

I have a zigbee gateway. I use it for physical buttons that control other smart devices using the scenes in the Smart Life app.

The zigbee stuff has been the devices to give me the most trouble, plus they cost more.

Most of the affordable plugs and sockets are all compatible with Smart Life (which is just Tuya with another brand label). Quite a number of real cheap devices that have their own apps are also just copies of Tuya so they all end up working with Smart Life.

I am going to start looking into flashing firmwares. There’s SO MANY devices running hardware for those platforms, it would be great to break them free of the cloud apps.

rufus ,

Unfortunately things once have been easier. The first Tuya devices contained ESP8266 microcontrollers and had a vulnerability that allowed users to just upload a different firmware. But at some point they started using some cheaper microcontrollers that aren’t as easy to program. So there is no custom firmware available for many/most of the recent devices. Beware if the supported devices repository says “soldering required” or “module needs to be replaced”. I don’t know why they do this, but it requires a hot air soldering station and proper soldering skills.

Regarding Zigbee: I bought some Ikea stuff. The lightbulbs work fine. But I also had issues with the buttons.

w2tpmf ,

Fucking GREAT info! Thanks!

Hussvin , to reddit in How many people actually dropped Reddit for Lemmy?

Count me in. I do really miss Reddit though and Lemmy is nowhere near as interesting as Reddit. But no one said protesting is easy.

Jahuffine ,

This is the way

Letto ,

Well summarized!

The issue with FOSS software is it attracts people who use FOSS software. I’m not saying I want the reddit of 2021 back, but the reddit of 2016 would be nicer than the reddit of 2009 we are emulating now.

Once a few of us get our friends on board and we grow a touch more, I think Lemmy has a real chance of capturing some more of the “middle” tech literacy users, giving us some of what I, and I presume you, miss about Reddit.

samus12345 , avatar

FOSS software

PIN number

ATM machine

Letto ,

Correct. I meant to say FOSS stuff, but my shame will live on the internet forever.

Lightor ,

This. And I’ve found that putting my Sync for Lemmy app where reddit was on my phone makes it easier, I impulse scroll sometimes. Yah it’s dryer but also I don’t waste hours scrolling, I get a small taste and move on.

Jaluvshuskies ,

I want to count myself in, but man am I struggling so hard - I basically attempted/started to migrate to fediverse day 1 of the api announcements. When I browsed reddit, I would find content entertaining and makes me laugh, stuff I would share, and I would have fun browsing. I am finding a whole different humor that I don’t like, too political and unfunny. Maybe I need to fix my subscriptions but idk

Maybe I haven’t figured out lemmy yet but there’s a lot that’s a hassle for me, I feel like I’ve subscribed to most things I enjoy. I’ve tried various apps and have enjoyed Connect the longest but am holding out for Boost for Lemmy. Like I have a lack of notifications for replies (which I thought I figured out), lack of things I’m used to that reddit has, desktop browser view not having expanded cards (I like to see full media and not having to click), having different instances not all 1 account (like I had posts from which I switched off of, now I’m in but I wish I could have all my history and everything, being duplicate communities across different instances, home page sorting view (I’ve tried 6h, 12h, top month, new, I just feel like I see the same old posts way too often and not new hot stuff). Then there’s just small stuff here and there, like seeing the card preview that looks like an image, so I click it, but get redirected to an article which I don’t want. There’s more stuff, but I’m already rambling way too much, I’ve just been looking for somewhere to post this

There’s so many times where I have a question about something or need advice, like intermittent fasting or gym stuff, and could quickly and easily post and find on reddit. I feel so dirty using reddit but all this complication makes me want to give up and give in. I care about not supporting a shitty app and garbage CEO/decisions but now this is probably affecting me more than them

I was a Boost user, I still have it installed and once in a while use it when finding information, and at least it still works somehow so fingers crossed lol

Like you said though, protesting isn’t easy. This is just a lot of effort and sacrifice man that most people probably aren’t willing to give, which is understandable. I’m not sure if this will ever fully replace reddit unless reddit keeps killing itself and manages to somehow push away casuals that don’t care about ads or shitty app design or shitty decisions

ChaoticEntropy , to asklemmy in What is the one most astonishingly dumb things that, as a child, you believed was absolute truth? avatar

That adult humans knew what they were doing and had things in hand.

June ,

I turn 40 in March and still have no idea what I’m doing. I just make it up as I go.

Hobo ,

Sucker! I have a whole 6 months to figure it all out before I turn 40. I’m a terrible procrastinator so I’ll probably just wait until the night before to start really working on it though.

June ,

Wait that’s less time than I have. I don’t think I’m the sucker, I think you are.

Hobo ,

Dang I misread it as I turned 40 in March. Guess I am the sucker!

June ,

Muahahaha! … ?

Summzashi , to asklemmy in What are some video games that made you a better gamer?

Multiplayer games taught me that I generally dislike other people.

Case ,

I’ve been on a decade long hiatus from multiplayer aspect of games - aside from games I was with people I knew in RL.

I only occasionally get a twinge for the comraderie of some epic raid in an MMO, or tight unspoken squad tactics where everyone just does their job as expected (not necessarily well lol) and came out on top.

But really, I don’t have the time to commit to either of those.

Then I hear about my friend in GW2 (RL friend) who is going through some toxic guild BS and I don’t miss it.

SchrodingersPat OP ,

I tried DOTA once. Once was enough.

deathbird ,

I can play on my own time, and I can play with friends, but god help me I HATE playing on the server’s time. I can kinda do it with Pokemon Go, but that’s one you can play as casually or as hardcore as you like since you’re mostly playing for yourself after a point.

darkmogool , to piracy in Am I obligated to be a pirate in Starfield if I got the game via piracy?
echo , to gaming in I watched 2 hours of starfield gameplay and an hour of review

It looks like Skyrim in space and I don’t really get why anyone was expecting something else

sexy_peach OP ,

But Skyrim is beautiful even with its older graphics and has an interesting world to explore. Grey space metal structures on grey planets just aren’t interesting. Also even more so if the story starts with “you touched a weird rock”, don’t know why but here have my spaceship.

In Skyrim you’re waking up going to be executed next moment there’s a dragon attack.

dudewitbow ,

I mean id argue Skyrim isnt that great to look at either, given its a continent full of tombs and snow due to its climate. Its just gray and white.

Both Morrowwind and Oblivion had more interesting places to look at than skyrim did.

KevinDeRodeTovenaar ,

I disagree, skyrim had beautiful nature, landscape and skies.

dudewitbow ,

Are you about to bring up skies of all things, and compare to a space game with multiple skies due to having multiple planets?

KevinDeRodeTovenaar ,

Haven’t played starfield yet, i just know that Skyrim has beautiful star constellations

Caligvla , avatar

Right? There was this one guy on Lemmy the other day expecting the game to be like Freelancer… Like, dude, it’s Fallout with a space suit, we’ve known that for years now. I feel like gamers always have the most stupid and unrealistic expectations imaginable.

DoucheBagMcSwag ,


“We don't own this place but we have an understanding with the people who do.”

ConfuzedAZ , to showerthoughts in Lemmy probably feels like Reddit when it first started, all warm cuddly and friendly to newcomers eager to discuss and collaborate around central topics.

I don’t know, I’m a pretty left leaning person. The vitriolic, almost violent responses to some of my comments is shocking. I knew Lemmygrad was a thing here, along with tankies, honestly it’s off putting to say the least. OP talks about Reddit being an echo chamber. I got news for you. This place is just as bad for lefty type discourse being regurgitated. My experience is that it has been anything but friendly.

TacoButtPlug , avatar

Also just as hostile to women as reddit, sadly.

Project_Straylight ,

Found the woman

TacoButtPlug , avatar

Please no crucify.

Number358 ,


tired_n_bored ,

GOP/Russian/Qanon propaganda everywhere

Millie ,

I honestly wouldn’t give those people the dignity of calling them leftists. They’re too concerned about cosplaying as activists and dunking on people to actually give a shit about advancing the rights of real people or trying to protect anything good.

gowan , (edited ) avatar

Seriously the number of people who defend DPRK and Pol Pot claiming they were socialists is shocking.

Edit: the “they” refers to the nation states not the posters

Millie ,

I feel like those posters aren’t really socialists either. There’s a point which just claiming a worldview isn’t enough to justify the accuracy of that label while holding all the opposing positions to its values.

kucuva OP ,

lol i put up a post on here and people analyzing it from a “socialist perspective” the thing is i thin kits limited to certain cats [what u call communities] lemmy is like america 1790s, all kinds of people comign in here, some of the rejects from other countries, some criminals, and some opportunity seekers

danielton , avatar

I’ve had several people here already tell me (directly or indirectly) that I’m really a Trump supporter in disguise because I dare criticize Biden and centrists don’t exist. But that isn’t a problem specific to Lemmy, and the sites that aren’t like this are alt-right “Ultra MAGA” cult sites that I want nothing to do with.

freeindv ,

The left has turned into the fascists they pretend to despise

danielton , avatar

Absolutely. If you can’t look at your own side critically, you’re in a cult.

irmoz ,

Anyone who supports Biden isn’t left wing, especially if they get mad at your criticism.

The left has a lot to say about Biden

SgtSilverLining , avatar


  • Loading...
  • Sarcastik ,

    Given your comment I’m not sure if this a positive comment on lemmy or whether you agree with the comment you responded to?

    Someone being banned for arguing politics would never happen on Reddit, so given they were banned from two instances in <6hrs is a land speed record.

    irmoz ,

    I see comments like this, complaining about tankies, more often than i see “tankies”.

    On the occasion politics comes up, and i say anything socialist, I’m jumped on by people who seem either angry or smugly dismissive of the notion of people organising.

    F_this_stuff ,

    Dude is a Canadian landlord. But I guess since the right wing has literal nazis now, anything left of that is ‘pretty left leaning’

    Franzia ,

    Hey, I better not be seeing any disrespect for landchads here. Now you add 5% more rent to this month’s tip, hear me, rentoid?

    freeindv ,

    the right wing has literal nazis now

    No more than the left does

    irmoz ,

    Mate, it ain’t possible to be left wing and a nazi.

    freeindv ,

    That’s a lie

    irmoz ,

    Nazism is a far right ideology, my ignorant friend.

    freeindv ,

    The Nazis are socialists

    irmoz ,

    Lmao. The furthest you could possibly get from socialism is nazism. Got any logic or proof to back up your claim? Marxists, socialists, communists and other assorted leftists were among Hitler’s first targets in the night of the long knives. Also, the famous poem, “first they came for the socialists…”

    Try again.

    freeindv ,

    False. The Nazis were the socialist party in Germany. They were left wing

    irmoz ,

    Poor trolling. Do you have any evidence they were socialist? Anything more convincing than me calling myself a unicorn and expecting you to believe me?

    freeindv ,

    LOL pointing out the fact that the National Socialist German Workers’ Party is socialist is… Trolling? Get out of here when your trolling

    irmoz ,

    Oh, boy, I was waiting for this. I even pre-empted it.

    I claim to be a unicorn. Am I then, a unicorn?

    How avout the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea? Are they democratic? They must be! It’s in the name!

    No one would ever lie about what they are! I say this as a pegasus.

    EvilBit ,

    You must be very confused by the titmouse.

    Also you have no critical thinking skills or self-awareness. Nothing but the ability to parrot superficial and mindless “talking points” because you’d prefer to be told your fear and bigotry are correct and righteous without actually putting in any thought or self-reflection of your own.

    freeindv ,

    Lol all you people are the bigots. With the whole “the paradox of intolerance means I HAVE to be intolerant. I don’t choose bigotry, the world forced me into it!”

    irmoz ,

    This has to be rage bait. Such an obvious and pathetic strawman. That is not what the paradox of intolerance means. It means that a society, in order to truly be considered tolerant, must not tolerate intolerance; allowing intolerance only lets it fester and spread, and soon you are no longer a tolerant society.

    freeindv ,

    It’s a hateful creed adopted by the left to not only excuse, but treat as a demand to be intolerant.

    It may sound sensible in normal times, but you people literally define being conservative as making one intolerant. Of which half the country is. Your belief system literally demands hate and discrimination against half of our fucking population. So incredibly hateful and pathetic

    irmoz ,

    You have both misunderstood the idea and the application.

    Very likely on purpose. How does it even make sense to call it a “creed”? It’s hardly even a belief. It’s an argument.

    Do better.

    freeindv ,

    It’s a belief system used to justify bigoted discrimination.

    irmoz ,

    Source? Any proof?

    freeindv ,

    Source: reality

    irmoz ,

    So, none.

    EvilBit ,

    Literally no actual defense, just baseless counterattack. Nice. You’re a troll and an idiot.

    ConfuzedAZ ,

    It’s shit like this. I’m just a normal guy, I have a job, kids, hobbies. I believe in less military spending, national healthcare, social programs, and support for our vulnerable population. I got into real estate because it seemed like a good investment. People on here make it seem like anything that doesn’t fit their idea of “left” or"socialism" just be part of the conservative machine. Jesus, my investment decisions are not politically motivated. I made the mistake of trying to be part of a discussion and ended up with someone telling me I’m garbage and that I should give my investments to the tenants. Lol.

    irmoz ,

    Being a landlord is a deliberate choice to make money through other people’s work.

    It’s welfare for the rich.

    That’s not to say you, or any specific landlord, is evil. It’s just an evil thing to do. If you don’t live in the house, you have no business owning it.

    ConfuzedAZ ,

    And honestly, today I agree with you (although I think there is some merit in a rental system as some people prefer to rent). I haven’t bought a property for 15 years and I see what the younger generation is going through. If I knew then what I know now, I would not have purchased rentals. But at the time the real estate market was much different. Hell there were decent properties for sale for 70k back then.

    irmoz , (edited )

    some people prefer to rent

    Utter bullshit. The only reason people rent instead of buying is because prices are too damn high.

    And prices are too damn high because of landlords. If you are both problem and solution, your job needn’t exist.

    If I knew then what I know now, I would not have purchased rentals. But at the time the real estate market was much different.

    It was exactly the same, only cheaper. And it was the flood of landlords buying when it was cheap that led to prices getting higher.

    People like you are the reason this problem exists.

    If I knew then what I know now, I would not have purchased rentals.

    You at least deserve credit for admitting this.

    ConfuzedAZ ,

    There are many European families that I know in Canada that are financially able to buy but choose to rent.

    irmoz ,

    Then you know many fools.

    ConfuzedAZ ,

    Some people like the flexibility, some may not be in the area long term, some may believe the stock market has better potential. In our free market type society, that is their choice. You can rail against the status quo, but whether you like it or not, it’s the current reality. As shitty as it is.

    irmoz ,

    You can rail against the status quo, but whether you like it or not, it’s the current reality. As shitty as it is.

    Such a pointless statement. Also, “it’s their choice” is massively overselling it.

    cubedsteaks ,

    if you agree then why aren’t you getting out of it entirely?

    ConfuzedAZ ,

    Honestly? I went into it as an investment, from a capital appreciation stand point I have done very well. I’ve mentioned in another post that I basically charge minimum rent (30% below market). When I had kids I thought the properties would provide decent income for the kids so it would supplement what they earn in the long term. But then one of my children ended up with a life long disability. My properties are in a condo/town house community close to many amenities. It’s very possible they may end up living in one of the properties while the other parts for their expenses. If I had wanted to get out I would have done so last year. But as it turns out I may actually need the properties to ensure my kid doesn’t end up as a disabled homeless person. So at the end of the day, I’m not interested in making money off the properties, I just cover expenses. It’s probably who I’ve had the same tenants for 12 years. I literally don’t even remember their names.

    cubedsteaks ,

    This is a pretty good explanation as to why. I feel for your kid too and I hope you do end up just letting them live there so they aren’t homeless as a disabled adult.

    That kid sounds super lucky though. Other people’s parents don’t necessarily have something like that up their sleeve so when its time to be an adult- that kid just has no where to go or they keep living at home with the parents.

    I get that you’re not interested in making money off these properties but then you ended on

    It’s probably who I’ve had the same tenants for 12 years. I literally don’t even remember their names.

    This is definitely part of why people don’t like landlords and you’re gonna keep getting shut down with the brunt of the argument.

    The only time I had a landlord that knew my name was one that I was already friends with beforehand. Otherwise it’s a purely transactional relationship. And people don’t like financial relationships. They’re disingenuous. And they lead to statements like “I don’t even know this persons name”

    Like those people are just nobodies to you that you get rent from.

    ConfuzedAZ ,

    I pay for a property management firm to take care of all the problems that come up at the properties. They are the ones who originally found the tenants. The houses are in a different city, I guess I could reach out, but my life is busy enough. It is purely transactional at this point. But after 12 years I am guessing it’s at least acceptable. I do find it interesting the hate that landlords get on this site. I mean I used to rent and never had an issue. But back then renting and owning worked out the same after 30 years if you invested the difference between your rent and monthly house expenses. That sadly isn’t the car any more.

    cubedsteaks ,

    Yeah, part of the reason for the hate is because its a purely transactional relationship.

    You’re not really helping someone by renting out a place to them through a company. And its a low bar to set if you think “oh well at least they are not homeless”

    ConfuzedAZ ,

    My tenants get 30% below market rate on rent. They get 24/7/365 access to maintenance calls for any issues. Every 4 years I renovate a room of their choice. I never get up on their business. Anyone else would say they have the best deal going. But here on Lemmygrad I am still the bad guy because of an investment I made 15 years ago, and decided to maintain in order to ensure my disabled son has a home. I respect your opinion, but I’m done defending myself on this site. No one here lives in reality. It’s almost comical. You have a great life. I sincerely hope whatever you are looking for in life you find. Cheers.

    cubedsteaks ,

    Sorry, the “you’re not helping” isn’t directed at you specifically. It’s you as in landlords who do that and then say they’re helping someone not be homeless.

    I live in reality, but I don’t live where you do. Where I live, homelessness is a HUGE problem and the streets and people’s backyards are filled with tents. I’m not even exaggerating. Go look at Portland, Or news. It’s all about homeless people. People have an extremely hard time finding housing here.

    There’s nothing comical about being homeless.

    acceptable_pumpkin ,

    Unfortunately the same could be said of the stock market. When it comes to financial planning for retirement or longer financial stability, one can choose between real estate or the stock market (among other choices).

    I think the real issue with property ownership is having some reasonable limits and regulations. 1) no foreign investments in certain home types, 2) a cap/limit on the properties owned by any individuals (or LLCs they are associated with), and most importantly a complete ban on corporations owning residential properties.

    Sure we could transition into removing real estate as an investment vehicle, but unfortunately I really can’t see a realistic path to this.

    irmoz , (edited )

    Unfortunately the same could be said of the stock market

    You seem to think I wouldn’t agree there, too. Yes, the same could and is rightfully said about the stock market.

    When it comes to financial planning for retirement or longer financial stability, one can choose between real estate or the stock market (among other choices).

    And that is an indicator of a poorly planned economy.

    I think the real issue with property ownership is having some reasonable limits and regulations. 1) no foreign investments in certain home types, 2) a cap/limit on the properties owned by any individuals (or LLCs they are associated with), and most importantly a complete ban on corporations owning residential properties.

    I mostly agree, but I’d go even further. A single law:

    It is illegal to own a home one does not occupy for more than 9 months of the year; or any holding wherein others are employed to work for a wage; or to monopolise access to resources or facilities necessary for social production

    TL;DR abolish private property.

    Sure we could transition into removing real estate as an investment vehicle, but unfortunately I really can’t see a realistic path to this.

    Right above! You may call that unrealistic, but the only wrinkles are rich bastards being upset they can no longer leech. I don’t believe that worthy of consideration.

    cubedsteaks ,

    Jesus, my investment decisions are not politically motivated

    I agree but what you chose to do effects the lives of others. You’re participating in something that is built to hurt people for not being as lucky as you are.

    ConfuzedAZ ,

    Agreed, especially in today’s market. It wasn’t the case back when I bought the properties. 15 years ago, it was a renters market. Landlords were under pressure, but cheaper prices and low interest rates made it feasible. My first house that I bought was cheaper per month than the apartment I was renting previously.

    ConfuzedAZ ,

    I just said I knew they were present, I didn’t say I specifically had a problem with them. I personally think that we’re don’t have enough unions. Any time corporations are against something, that usually means it’s good for employees and the environment. (I have no particular opinion on people’s political notions). It’s sad that people here on both ends of the political spectrum can’t voice their opinion without being jumped on. Honestly it’s worse than Reddit.

    Franzia ,

    just as bad for lefty type discourse being regurgitated

    You allergic to being correct or something?

    ptz , (edited ) to asklemmy in What are you boycotting right now and why? Are there any Boycotts you've ended? avatar

    At this point, what am I not boycotting? lol

    I guess this is the abridged no-go list:

    • Nestle (duh)
    • BP (still haven’t forgiven them for lubricating the Gulf of Mexico and being like “oops, sorry”)
    • Verizon (injecting tracking IDs into customer web traffic to sell to advertisers while also charging me $60/mo for 2 GB of data – I’m a product or a customer. I will not be both.)
    • RWNJ-owned businesses (Chick-fil-A, In-n-Out, Hobby Lobby, Applebees, etc)
    • AT&T (After so many years, I forget exactly why, but they’re just evil)
    • The entire states of Florida and Texas
    • The lottery (I’d have the same payout and more fun just setting the money on fire)
    • Microsoft (It’s MY computer, not yours)
    • Apple (Overpriced hardware, control-freak walled garden, everything needs a damn $29 dongle, etc)
    • Reddit, Facebook, Twitter (also blocked in firewall)
    • Amazon (except the 2-3 times a year they give me a free month of Prime and I buy all my stuff, take the free 1-2 day shipping and cancel before they bill me)

    Late additions:

    reddig33 ,

    You should add Exxon to that list for Valdez.

    ptz , avatar

    Yeah, true. Forgot about that one. Also, they knew about climate change for over 40 years and still spent millions of dollars promoting denialism and misinformation in the name of profits.…/exxon-knew-about-climate…

    xapr ,

    My list is pretty similar to yours, with major exceptions that I include all the giant multinational oil companies (i.e., BP, Chevron, ExxonMobil, Shell - I get gas from Arco). I also substitute Google in place of Apple. I avoid Amazon like the plague, unless there is absolutely nowhere else I can buy something. I also have all the US mega banks on my list. Kroger’s grocery stores. Probably a few more things I can’t think of right now.

    ExLisper ,

    BP (still haven’t forgiven them for lubricating the Gulf of Mexico and being like “oops, sorry”)

    Same. Started avoiding them after the disaster and never had the need to go back. I drive electric car now.

    tallwookie , avatar

    really? I like BoA - the tellers are friendly and I’ve never really had any issues with extra fees. been with them for over 20 years now

    shinigamiookamiryuu , to asklemmy in What do you think human civilization will look like in 10 years?

    Same as it does now, just with slightly less effective money.

    tsonfeir , avatar

    Maybe a little sweatier and thirsty.

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