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Saraphim , (edited )

Please listen to me - stomach distension should ALWAYS be checked by a medical professional. One of my kids had slightly distended stomach which we attributed to a big rib cage and still needing to grow into his bigger frame.

It was a mature teratoma weighing over 20lbs

He had a physical with no issues just three days before we visited the ER for stomach pain. ER found it immediately when they noted the stomach distension during his exam and did scans to find out why.

Maybe it’s nothing. Maybe it’s gas. But also maybe you devoured your twin in the womb and he’s back for revenge.

Please see a doctor and ask for an ultrasound at the very least.

Saraphim ,

I would say you probably won’t have as much success just listening to something than you would communicating back, no matter how much you immerse yourself. My spoken French is godawful, but my comprehension is good so I can follow along with tv shows and such, but my communication doesn’t improve much as there is no back and forth.

Saraphim ,

Please god someone post an ai pic of a borg in flannel

Saraphim ,

I’m in Ontario. I’ve never heard the term “thuggy Mennonite” but it’s fucking perfect.

Saraphim ,

Fuck it. Generally right before I make a large, usually irresponsible decision, I say “fuck it”.

Saraphim ,

I’m proud to be a Canadian today. This guy is a legend. Too bad he’s about to go through a bureaucratic nightmare.

Saraphim ,

I had to work on this issue. I used to massively overcook. My house was always the place people just showed up. I had two kids, friends, family, so I was constantly ready to feed an army. Now one is out of the house, the other isn’t home most of the time and husband works evenings. We don’t have company like we used to before Covid, so unannounced guests happen rarely.

I have to be conscious at all times about what I’m cooking. First I had to admit that my perception of how much food I needed was just wrong and could not be trusted. I started using recipes - even for things I know how to make- purely to reference serving sizes. And when all else failed, however much I felt I needed to make, I’d just make half of that

It took some practice but now I make reasonable sized meals and have few leftovers.

Saraphim ,

Have you ever heard the phrase “salt the earth”? That’s the fastest way to kill everything in the soil and make sure nothing grows for a very very long time.

Saraphim ,

Men show emotions all the time. The problem is that the only “acceptable” emotion is anger or resentment. People of any gender validate other peoples feelings based on their own experiences. Because women’s emotions are invalidated as weak or useless, women tend to be more sympathetic to others who experience that same invalidation.

Buying neices and nephews Christmas presents?

At what age would you stop buying presents for nieces and nephews? I have 3 and they’re all officially out of college now. They live in a different state. When they were little kids the presents made sense but now it seems forced. I just don’t know how to transition away other than just not doing it.

Saraphim ,

Money. They like money. Everyone can use money. I have a nephew who is 29 years old - he came into the family at 13 and so wasn’t really part of the whole gift/celebration thing and didn’t visit with our family much. But he was still a kid and I wanted him to feel like someone was thinking about him on holidays. Now he’s got a wife and a baby and he’s a full ass adult and I don’t care. I still give him $50 on his birthday and Xmas. Because I still love him. Maybe he uses it to gas up his car. Maybe he uses it for diapers. Maybe he buys himself something with it - doesn’t matter. My nieces and nephews always get a present from me no matter their age, but after 13, everyone likes money.

Saraphim ,

Get closer by Life In Film. Good Day by Nappy Roots Dancing in the Moonlight by Toploader

Listen to those and tell me you’re not in a better mood. I dare you.

Saraphim ,

Maybe because they’re not delusional about the state of the world we live in that these right wing nut jobs seem to be hell-bent on making worse until we’re all living in a post-apocalyptic Gillead. I’m fucking depressed too.

Saraphim ,

This is what I was thinking. It’s Saskatchewan. But then I started reading the comments about Alberta and they’re also true. But still. It’s Saskatchewan.

Saraphim ,


Saraphim ,

I’ve only been to Utah once, and it was like some creepy children-of-the-corn situation where everyone looked exactly the same. I left with the impression that everyone there is related. It was … disconcerting.

Saraphim ,

This makes sense and it’s kind of what I thought has happened. No one could really be that unaware as to write a character reference for someone convicted and not expect backlash. But why wouldn’t they just say that then ? Why not make a statement saying the reference was old, and they’re shocked and disappointed someone they trusted could do such a thing.

That’s what I don’t understand

How many ingredients does it take to call it a salad?

My significant other ate cucumbers and onion with some ranch. I called it a cucumber onion salad. She says there aren’t enough ingredients to call it a salad, because “it takes multiple ingredients”. I pointed out she had three and asked what the minimum is. She refuses to answer so I ask Lemmy.

Saraphim ,

Two ingredients must be present for something to be a salad - a vegetable and a dressing. I make all sorts of salads. Some have lettuce, some don’t. I make salad with just fennel and an oil/vinegar dressing. I make salad with tomatoes & cucumbers with a dressing. What she ate was 100% a salad. This is a weird fight.

Saraphim ,

I feel like that’s a grey area because it’s called salad but only in the context a product with dressing (the mayo). but it’s not really a salad, it’s just called chicken salad the way Kraft dinner isn’t really a dinner but it could be a dinner. I say if it only has chicken and mayo, that’s not a salad, that’s a sandwich filling. If it has celery, onion, etc, you could make the argument it was salad.

Saraphim ,

I got into a convo with a guy from my office about animals - lions and apes specifically. He was super enthusiastic and knew everything, and I was super enthusiastic about discussing all of it. Best convo ever. It took about a half hour before I realized other people were watching us with quite a bit of amusement. Turns out he has autism. I have adhd. No one else found this topic as fascinating as we did.

Whatever man. I learned a lot about lions and apes (which are completely different thank monkeys thank you very much)

Saraphim ,

Just a couple months - around July 2023. No point in being on Reddit anymore since I got a sitewide ban for not being an Andrew tate fan.

Rapist psycho misogynists deserve to have a horrible penetrative thing happen to them in prison. I’m not sorry.

Saraphim ,

I used to like joe Rogan as a comedian. His entire set was basically the first thing my brain thinks of - an easy crack joke with some wit. But one cannot live one’s life according to the fastest, easiest joke you can conceive of. Deeper thought reveals most of these impulse thoughts as stupid, over simplified and with surface interpretation only. But he seems to just run with it, and has made that his public and political personality. My smart ass should not be making any meaningful decisions.

Saraphim ,

Legend, the princess bride, labrynth. Never ending story. Last unicorn. Lady hawk. Excalibur. Dark crystal.

Saraphim ,

You’re a bad bad person. But this might work.

Saraphim ,

I had really bad carpal tunnel in both wrists. The first stop was my GP who gave me a referral to a neurologist. They check your sensory response in your fingers and there is a rating system for how well sensation is received by your brain. Once they establish sensation is below a certain threshold they’ll refer you to the appropriate professional. For some, this means physio, stretching exercises, wrist braces, etc. if it’s bad enough, you’ll be referred to an orthopaedic surgeon. My recovery was relatively easy after my surgery. I couldn’t do anything complicated with my hands for a few weeks but I was back at work the next day since I just use a computer - I just finger pecked for a few days. Pro tip- get a bidet fixture for your toilet that activates with a button turn or press instead of a trigger handle. I did both hands at once and just got it over with. No regrets.

Saraphim ,

Usually when I see older articles like this I assume it was written in another language and then translated to english.

does anyone else find that deoderant/antiperspirant makes them sweat more?

So firstly, I don’t sweat a lot to begin with. I’ll go for a run and I’ll be at a mile before I feel sweat beading up. I’ll get a little clammy throughout the day, but rarely have whole body sweats. As a result, I have very low body odor. If I don’t shower, it’ll take several days before my significant other will...

Saraphim ,

Dove deodorant makes me feel like I sweat more. It also actually somehow makes me smell worse than if I were wearing none at all. Maybe it’s a body chemistry thing.

Saraphim ,

Bro. I don’t even need to read anyone else’s answer. You win.

Saraphim ,

Someone has adhd. This is the exact amount if insanity I would participate in.

Saraphim ,

Wtf is a cocktail pod?

Saraphim ,

Well that’s just fucking brilliant.

Saraphim ,

I usually puke and then go to sleep for 4-6 hours. I’m sure this is not healthy, but you asked how I do compel not how I should. These other responses about Tetris and healthy coping mechanisms are much better than what I do.

Saraphim ,

Oh shit yeah. It’s worse than highschool.

Saraphim ,

Scat (musical) - the bee bop beeping boo jibberish people sing in jazz music

Scat (scientific) - animal droppings (poop)

Scat (internet/modern) - people who participate in sex involving poop as part of their kink.

Saraphim ,

Ontario here. The numbers they report are the “average” but I call bullshit. Reality Average one bedroom apartment $2500, 2 bedroom basement $1800. Utilities extra. Buy a townhouse $700-$1m. Detached $1m+. We are so fucked.

To be able to afford a 1 bedroom apartment one person must make around $80k a year. If you want to purchase a house, we’ll good luck unless your household income is over $200k and even then you’ll be scraping the bottom of the price barrel.

Saraphim ,

I love the look of pesos. They look like Canadian coins but with more badass.

Saraphim ,

I wasn’t before but you’ve inspired me. I’m easily influenced.

Saraphim ,

24 Celsius, which is about 76.5 f. My husband disagrees.

Why does “come here” bother me so much?

Ok, I have no idea why this bothers me and I don’t even know what to call it. My husband is a “come here” guy. Something he thinks is interesting and wants to show me - hey, come here! Nuclear apocalypse - hey, come here! Why the hell wont he just tell me why he wants me to get up, trudge to wherever he is, so that he can...

Saraphim OP ,

This is good. I’m going to try this.

Saraphim OP ,

I hhaaaaate looking at things on his phone. We don’t find the same stuff funny and I hate videos. I’ve got the joke after the first five seconds, please don’t make me watch 8 minutes of this.

Saraphim OP ,

I guess that’s what I’m here for, context. I feel like I can’t adequately explain why it’s upsetting when I can’t even explain it to myself. It seems like such a small silly thing to object to but it really freaking stresses me out and ticks me off. Sometimes other people’s thoughts help give context to your own.

Saraphim OP ,

Oh come on that’s not fair. What I’m talking about is not a healthy amount. It’s an excessive amount. Sometimes it feels like I’m a tv set. I’m his entertainment. He even makes me play video games I don’t want to play, so he can watch me play. I love spending time with him but I also value my own personal time. And it’s unfair that I should be spending my personal time doing activities that I’m not particularly enjoying so that he can watch me do it like a tv.

Saraphim OP ,

This isn’t investing in time, thought and energy though. This is random impulsive things, regardless of if I’m at work, or on a call or just trying to wind down after a 12 hour day. I work a full time job and a side gig, and he is, at this point, semi-retired. I do the majority of the housework and childcare jobs. We contribute to our household income at about 5:1. Im already exhausted, but I feel like he wants me to spend any free second I have entertaining him. He has no interests except his guitar (which he gets his fill of at work as a teacher about 25 hours a week) and his PS5. So if neither of those are entertaining him, then I’m expected to provide entertainment for him. I’m really just tired and frustrated. Have you ever had someone who literally just wants to fill up every spare moment you have with something they need before ? There are days where I’m cleaning the kitchen at midnight and he’s getting snippy because he’s been waiting forever for me to get finished to come and play this game so he can watch (he makes it sound like it’s really a favour for me because he’ll rub my back halfassedly while I play). He’s not investing in anything, and he’s got a lot of energy to spare. I don’t.

Saraphim OP ,

“You’ll see! Just come here!” 80% of the time it’s nothing at all. The other 20% it’s something bad involving blood or damage to our house or something equally awful and devastating. It’s horrible to do the execution walk to see which one I’m going to get. He even once needed stitches and was bleeding everywhere and wouldn’t tell me what he wanted, just that I needed to hurry and he needed a hand. I had to experience the big reveal and see the blood everywhere before he told me he needed a towel from inside the house where I’d just been.

Even emergencies he won’t tell me. “I’ll see” when I get there. Surprise!

Saraphim OP ,

I have talked to him. He acknowledges he does it but doesn’t know why. I’ve explained how stressful it is for me, and he says he understands. I’m bitter because it annoys the fuck out of me, not because he’s trying to “share” with me.

Saraphim OP ,

I have adhd ironically. I don’t do this. Of course I have a lot of trauma from working a high stress job that requires an insane amount of executive function, plus I also do most things at home, and am the main wage earner so I spend my entire day in disaster/panic mode. By the time I’m finished all that the last thing I need is my eternally bored husband jump scaring me at random with this shit. Why can’t he just read a fucking book and entertain himself?

Saraphim OP ,

Not sure why you’re getting downvoted here. This is accurate with every word.

Saraphim OP ,

What the fuck is wrong with you ?

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