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Shurimal ,

How does one find out what chips are in what USB sticks? Manufacturers don't make this information available. At best you just find read and write speeds, usually just the max possible read speed and nothing else.

Shurimal ,

KDE Connect is awesome. And completely cross-platform, and FOSS.

Shurimal ,

Windows 11 is easier on the eyes and easier to use. We took the best elements of Windows 10 and refined them to create a soothing place to work and play.

Nah, no, hiding basic stuff behind bazillion clicks in nested menus deeper than hell is not "easier to use".

Wake on approach. Lock on leave.

Windows 11 can automatically wake up when you approach and lock when you leave.

Why would I want that on a desktop that needs to do work even when I'm AFK? My PC doesn't even have a password on it—because if a stranger gets access to it, something has already gone horribly wrong and a burglar seeing my furry pics is the least of my problems🤪

3D spatial sound

This technology makes it possible for you to perceive the sources of sound in games. 3 It requires compatible headphones and is available on both Windows 10 and 11.

I don't use headphones and I already have a bangin' good surround sound setup with 18" sub and tactile transducers.

Smart App Control

Exclusive to Windows 11 is Smart App Control. It provides a layer of security by only permitting apps with good reputations to be installed. Only available on the latest version of Windows 11.

Why the fuck would I want that? I and only I get to decide what programs have the priviledge of getting installed and what don't. I bet M$ will deny "good reputation" to harmless code injection mods for games (SKSE/OBSE et al, ENB) because these are basically hacking while allowing data-stealing privacy nightmares like Discord app.

Shurimal ,

As much as I like Firefox/Librewolf, Vivaldi still has the upper hand in UI/UX. Workspaces, more feature-rich sidebar, one-click access to recently closed tabs right there in the tab bar, speed dial, tab stacks and other QoL stuff that makes just enough difference for me that I can't really daily-drive any other browsers. Until FF reaches feature parity (it's getting close, but still isn't quite there yet) I don't see myself migrating anytime soon. Quess I'll just need to rely more on AdGuard DNS and Vivaldi's built-in adblocker if uBlock becomes neutered on Chromium...

Shurimal ,

The deceased has not yet been identified

Yeah, you need a DNA test to ID someone who's gone through a turbofan. I've seen pics of an aftemath of such incident. You can't even tell the species from remains that have the consistency of tomato juice.

Shurimal ,

Well, that's one way to get closer to your god, I guess🤷‍♀️

Shurimal ,

Child holding a teddybear.
ED-209: "Put down your weapon! You have 40 seconds to comply!"

Oh, who am I kidding, human cops do exactly the same shit...

Shurimal ,

Considering that Russia is regularly commiting cyberattacks at it's neighboring countries, what the fuck do they expect? That we're going to let Putin's forces hack away at our critical infrastructure with abandon? What a bunch of clowns🤡

Shurimal ,

Elder Scroll series. Skyrim for the modding and eyecandy potential, Oblivion for the madness that is spellcrafting (also Shivering Isles is the best ES DLC), Morrowind for the true alien fantasy.

Thief II is the quintessential first-person sneaker.
Independence War II still has one of the best flight models and a great story.

X3: Terran Conflict is the best first-person strategy game.

Half-Life 1 and 2.

Il-2: Great Battles is the best WWII combat flight sim.
DCS is the best jet combat sim.

Elite: Dangerous is the only space sim with actual 1:1 scale galaxy, including many real-life stars and is the best life-in-space simulator with flight model as good as I-War 2 and decent enough on-foot parts (even though there is some jank and glitches).

Shurimal ,

Just for kicks entered the same thing to Brave search and it's AI seems to give a much saner answer. Google search is an absolute joke these days.

Fallout Series (Why don’t I like it?)

I think my first Bethesda game was Skyrim and I love Skyrim. I’ve played through Skyrim when it first came out I played through it again in the DLC came out. I played through it again on the switch I have since played through it again on PC. I love Skyrim. I played it so many times and I know it’s a meme to keep re-releasing...

Shurimal ,

You're not alone. I'm in the same spot. I love the humor of Fallout and I really liked the TV series; I have played Morrowind, Oblivion, more Skyrim playthroughs than I can remember but I bounced off FO3 pretty hard. For me it was the dreary environment and overall decay of the world.

People in FO3 just didn't seem to care much about their living conditions and this doesn't seem like what would happen in actual post-collapse society. People in general love surrounding themselves with art and beauty, rusty scrap metal shacks wouldn't be around two centuries after the bombs drop. Earthship, stucco and clay bricks are low tech but can be made very pretty and livable. Murals and paintings made using various pigments, colorful textiles, basreliefs, carvings and sculptures of ceramic, wood and stone would be everywhere, sprinkled with surviving pre-war artifacts that's been restored, maintained and cherished with pride.

Plant life would also recover quite fast and be lush in a post-atomic war world—Chornobyl is a prime example how nature claims back human-abandoned land just decades after a nuclear event. Deserts in FO should not be all dreary brown misery; there would be a thriving ecosystem of both flora and fauna. Two centuries is enough time for the most dangerous radioisotopes to decay away and you wouldn't really find places where radiation would stop wildlife reclaiming the land. More mutations and birth defects, yes, but life will find a way.

And this overall miserable representation of post-apocalyptic world is the reason FO games never really clicked for me even though the satire and tone hit the spot.

Shurimal ,

He literally is having a blast in all of his videos🙂

Shurimal ,

At this point there's just a few pieces of software that keep me on Microshitty's teat. Foobar2000 being the biggest one—there simply ain't no good alternative for Linux, and I've tried them all. Freesurround, actual dB scale volume control via Jscript, waveform seekbar, precision spectrum analyzers, modtracker player are just some of the essential plugins, as is ASIO (in addition of bypassing all OS audio stack shenanigans it has the accidental benefit of not only auto-muting , but also auto-stopping auto-playing videos on websites that might slip through uBlock).

Also, is so good for converting .dds files. Never got .dds to work properly with Gimp.

Shurimal ,

DeaDBeeF sort of is similar but doesn't seem to have the plugins I need to do a proper full-screen 10ft GUI, Facets-like library browsing, surround upmix, DLNA streaming to other rooms etc.

I have to give Krita another try and see if it can import/export .dds, but my impression from playing with it for a few hours is that it seems to focus more on digital painting instead of photo manipulation (which modding textures essentially boils down to). I also have my GIMP workflow down to muscle memory, it only takes me minutes to do eg a recolor or upscale+fake details via sharpening and noise.

Shurimal ,

Use it or lose it.

What's the point of saving when real inflation rate* is higher than the interest banks apply to saving accounts? Or even average investment account interest rates? Saving now only makes sense in short term, for things you know you're going to need and can save up for in less than a year—home appliances, phones, laptops, small home improvements etc—and even then leasing or credit card may make more sense if prices continue to rise.

And that is assuming you have money left over after paying for necessities in the first place... It's not as if you can pay for eg renovation of your bathroom after a year of being able to set aside just 30 or 50€, even if you don't have an emergency expense taking you back to square 1.

*This essay is from 2021 but things haven't got better since:

Shurimal ,

I mean, they’re taking lyrics and the logo from one of Pink Floyd’s most famous albums

Two albums—the bugger didn't even get that right. Another Brick In The Wall was from The Wall, not from The Dark Side Of The Moon. (And I'm not even that big of a Pink Floyd fan...)

Shurimal ,

I love when musicians do things like this. Jikkenteki has albums years apart that seamlessly flow into each other, the next one starting where the previous ends.

Shurimal ,

Nice! Too bad they got caught, though.

No sympathy for cryptobros and trading bots.

Shurimal ,

But on the instructions of Judge Chris Hehir they were restricted in the evidence they could bring regarding their motivation for taking part in the protest and mentions of the climate crisis, and told they could not mount a defence of justification.

Kangaroo court.

Shurimal ,

That's a very silly morals indeed.

Shurimal ,

Especially with movies, the people who made the thing are already paid by the time it is released. As little as possible. VFX houses are often fucked royally and don't even break even. Even big-name actors are usally screwed over by Hollywood accounting.

By paying you only feed the leeches who then use their resources to fuck over everyone else.

Shurimal ,

Yeah, sorry, no. Even if I had the space, when I get home from work at 1900 the last thing I want to do is more work. It's not like you can just plop some seeds into soil and do nothing until the harvest is ripe—I know, we had a decent family garden when I was a wee lad. Took a lot of work to keep it going.

If I worked 4 or even 6 hours a day—sure, I could add some homework to my day. But not when working 8 hours+commuting. And many people are working even longer days.

Shurimal ,

They're not jets. They're ducted fans. Different things. "Electric jet" makes as much sense as "electric V8 engine".

Shurimal ,

Seems like that Jamaican town has some...

...serious beef with that musician😎


Shurimal ,

PC. Because:

  1. Better controller support—I'm not limited to what MS or Sony deem as "certified" or "authorized" hardware. Most of the really good hardware (VKB, Virpil, Arduino) will never be available for consoles and what little is available is bad at best.
  2. Best sims are PC only (DCS, Il-2, E:D, X series, Hunternet etc)
  3. Sims support 3rd party auxiliary software (TacView, EDDiscovery, OMH, EDMC etc) for better experience and that's simply not going to be possible on consoles, ever.
  4. For other games, modding experience on PC is simply better. SKSE and ENB is what keeps Skyrim going and makes it still relevant 13 years later. Can't have this kind of code injection and wrappers on consoles.
  5. If I ever get into retrogaming, emulation is the way, especially since actually acquiring retro console games in their original physical format is bound to become a very expensive collector's hobby if you don't have your own collection from childhood already or don't have local second-hand options.
Shurimal ,

Downvotes shall list better headphones.

Moondrop, Truthear, 7Hz.

And from the old guard Shure, Ultimate Ears, Westone.

Shurimal ,

Hey, it works in video games—just loot some lvl 1 dungeon or take pickaxe to a rock, then sell the stuffz at the local shopkeeper! You'll start small, but make thousands of gold in no time! Why wouldn't it work in real life, too? Just get some stuffz and sell it for profit, you lazy bum!

/s in case it isn't obvious

Shurimal ,

At these prices I'd expect at least 32 GB of RAM. 8 GB is for entry level phones and SOHO 2 to 4 bay NAS boxes.

Shurimal ,

Like Skyrim this one is far more playable in third person, and I really recommend giving that a try.

Haven't played FO, but hell, no, Skyrim (and Morrowind, and Oblivion) in 3rd person is janky AF. Bethesda games never were meant to be played in 3rd person—I suspect the option is there simply for vanity cam, screenshots and modding.

Shurimal ,

Third party apps: "OK. We'll show ads. Muted. Behind a black overlay. If we really can't find a workaround."

Shurimal ,

In 2006, it became possible for anyone to search WorldCat directly at its open website [REDACTED], not only through the subscription FirstSearch interface where it had been available on the web to subscribing libraries for more than a decade before.

So how is this "hacking" if the information is publicly accessible for all?

Shurimal ,

Pretty much any Batman movie. It's subtle, because it's not chaotic evil, but lawful evil—the status quo, established hierarchic power structures and systemic injustices that plague the city remain in place. In fact, enforcing and protecting status quo is the whole raison d'entre of Batman, who is an extremely priviledged rich individual benefitting and profiting from the status quo. And thus has no desire to enact real societal change, unlike eg Baine.

I'd argue James Bond is also the same. Yes, Bond villains are evil—irrationally and comically so—but like Batman, Bond represents, enforces and protects the same hierarchic power structures and systemic injustices that give rise to these villains.

Then there is Star Wars and all this light vs dark side. But if you stop and think about it, Sith and Jedi are just two sides of the same medal. Jedi mind trick that coerces someone to do something against their will is extremely evil by its very concept. Especially in how trivialized its use is in the movies. Also, there is nothing civilized about lightsabers. These are horribly dangerous to the wielder and their opponent alike, will easily cut through hull plating by accident (a bad thing when a cm of material is all that's standing between you and hard vacuum). And would in reality not make a clean cauterized cut, but explosively flash boil the target with the end result like being blown from a cannon.

Lawful, systemic evil is the most devilish kind of evil; it's so subtle it goes unnoticed and is even celebrated as good, no doubt in no small part due to the vast propaganda machine lawful evil loves to build up around itself.

Shurimal ,

StarWars Anarchists: Fuck 'em all! Power to the people!✊🏴

Shurimal ,

In-ear phones have the potential of having the highest fidelity of all headphone types. So, no, being a "codec snob" is completely justified. Though I personally won't be using BT phones before we get lossless connection as a standard. Wired are cheaper, last longer and have less environmental impact during production and after EOL.

Shurimal ,

Nothing to do with ADA conversions (and digital-to-digital, eg SRC or bitdepth conversion, is completely transparent if done even remotely adequately). Small drivers close to eardrum with good seal just seem to be easier to manage when it comes to frequency response and distortion. Most open circumaural headphones, for example, seem to have deficiencies in lower end no matter the price.

Shurimal ,


  1. Good IEM-s don't really need ANC. If the silicone tip doesn't isolate enough you can use foam tips that basically function like hearing protection earplugs.
  2. No battery is even better than replaceable battery.
  3. Wired IEM-s never get obsolete. At worst you'll need to replace the silicone tips from time to time, or the cable and today even 20€ Chinese IEM-s have replaceable cables. With good care wired IEM-s can last decades.
Shurimal ,

No, it isn't. It just has higher bitrates, but still not enough for lossless.

Shurimal ,

Saying that AptX is lossless since 2016 is blatantly false. And yes, just like with HDMI and USB, AptX standard naming and Qualcomm feature naming schemes are a misleading mess.

There are 4 flavours of AptX (linked article states this as well), and only the latest supports lossless, but is available only on very few chipsets and devices so I even forget that it exists, because for all practical purposes it doesn't.

Denon Perl Pro, Bose earbuds and Cambridge Audio M100 are the only non-chinese earphones that I know of that support AptX lossless and the latter are not even listed by my local importer. Plus, you need a very specific (expensive) phone to use them because AptX Lossless is not available for all chipsets. Basically, Asus ROG 8 or Xiaomi Redmi K70 Pro for ones available to buy for me, and then it's not available at every retailer, either, and the b2b wholesalers I have access to through work only list ROG Phone 8 (~1200€ retail).

In conclusion, to make use of lossless AptX you have to jump through many hoops and spend a lot of money—700+€ phone and the 200+€ earphones. The standard is far from being, well, a standard; common and widespread. 99,9% of devices on sale and in use by people only support older AptX standards, mostly AptX HD (which is not lossless!).

Shurimal ,

...and when a bunch of really talented modders make things better than great a loud minority starts crying out "Nooo! Can't play Skyrim with mods, it's cheating! I don't want anime tiddies and Thomas the Tank Engine in Skyrim! It's not what Todd envisioned! Waaaa!".

And yes, there actually is a certain bunch who think mods in a single-player game==cheating. Somehow.

Shurimal ,

Writes a song at 115 BPM. Makes it use double time. Occasionally changes tempo to 161 BPM half-time. Adds three layers of polyrhythms to it. Spices things up with metric modulation between 4/4, 13/8 and 17/7. Hides a sample of the "trolololo song" somewhere in there.


Shurimal ,

Took me about 2 minutes to piss off the pigs🤪

Edit: 60 seconds to make zionists lose their mind🤘

Shurimal ,

Guess it's time to dust off those VOR navigation skills, then..

And, as ususal, fuck Putler and his cronies.

Shurimal ,

There's a beautiful saying in my country: "Dumb head is a burden for the body".

Tempo – An open source music client for Subsonic built natively for Android, with Android Auto support and synchronized lyrics and it's available on F-Droid (

Hello community, today I want to present to you the work done on Tempo in recent months. This new version brings improvements to Android Auto, a first use of the OpenSubsonic API, synchronized song lyrics and the ability to customize the home screen....

Shurimal ,

Looks pretty and is stable, but two fatal flaws:

  1. Browsing by genres displays individual pieces/songs, not albums. Browsing albums or artists doesn't allow any filtering by genres, years or any other metadata. Haven't found a way to change that behaviour and as someone who listens to albums, not songs, and has thousands of albums this is a complete dealbreaker for me.
  2. No support for UPnP/DLNA to stream from my phone to my stereo (or, for that matter, any modern AV receiver/streamer/network stereo receiver all which support UPnP/DLNA).

Disney Board Foe Nelson Peltz Questions ‘Woke’ Marvel Films: ‘Why Do I Have to Have a Marvel [Movie] That’s All Women? Why Do I Need an All-Black Cast?’ (

Nelson Peltz, the activist investor agitating to win two Disney board seats, criticized the company’s “woke” strategy — specifically questioning Marvel’s “Black Panther” and “The Marvels,” which featured Black and women leads, respectively....

Shurimal ,

Oh, snowflakes would absolutely melt. Remember the gamers going "Waaaaa!😭" about The Last Of Us part 2? Or Horizons: Forbidden West?

Shurimal ,

...and I'm telling you that if Alien was released today snowflakes who complain about Aloy and Ellie would also enter a meltdown over Ripley.


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