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Hobo , (edited )

Did you censor the word “bitch” or is this some sort of fucking idiot censorship on Fucking swear I’ll leave this instance at a drop of a hat if it is dumbass censorship. (Edit: It’s shitty ass that’s censoring it, which is the above users home instance.)

Words don’t need to be blanket censored on the internet. Go ham with moderation but censoring words is how we end up with weird phrases like “unalive” instead of what they actually are murder, suicide, and death. Which makes it fucking hard to talk about fucking real god damn mother fucking problems people are dealing with you corporate bitch ass shills.

Hobo , (edited )

That’s a bit fucking dumb to reciprocate censorship, but also it would be hard to stop that functionality as well. But yeah I logged out and checked and my comment is 100% intact. Should defederate from .ml and put them on an island. Editing my comment to make it clear what idiot instance is the issue.

Hobo , (edited )

I swear it’s going to be a generational change where it takes a slow adoption by the younger network people as the older network people slowly retire. Kind of like how racism and sexism has diminished. It wasn’t like we changed anyone’s mind, just that people held onto it until they died and younger people just said, “The future is now, old man.” and moved past it.

Hobo ,

I imagine you sitting there like Scotty, “Give me an ip address, not no colon, not no hexadecimal, and not no bloody double colon. Just 4 numbers between 0 and 255 with a dot in between.”

Hobo ,

Fixed. Thanks!

Hobo ,

This actually connects quite a bit for me. I was wondering why so many weird experiments popped up about magnets working/not working in water. Like why would anyone think they wouldn’t?

Hobo , (edited )

Didn’t he kind of pull a 180 on those VERY questionable views? Not even trying to refute that he is not right about everything, as that’s just silly, but I’m pretty sure he pulled back on that particular extremely dumb opinion.

Hobo , (edited )

Many years ago I posted that I could not see anything wrong about sex between an adult and a child, if the child accepted it," Stallman wrote. "Through personal conversations in recent years, I’ve learned to understand how sex with a child can harm per [sic] psychologically. This changed my mind about the matter: I think adults should not do that. I am grateful for the conversations that enabled me to understand why.…/richard-stallman-returns-to-fsf…

Took me a bit to find, but also he talks about how the Minsky scandal was a-okay in that same article. So maybe I should say he mildly changed course instead of pulling a 180. Still a strange opinion to hold.

Hobo , (edited )

I just can’t even begin to reckon that view. I know he pulled back on it (see his quote I posted elsewhere), but aside from a child’s inability to consent, there’s a gigantic power disparity between an adult and a child. I just don’t get the logic on its very face. There’s no child out there that has the world experience to understand what is happening in that sort of situation.

If anything it’s just a gross oversimplification akin to a spherical cow in a vacuum (ie Assume a child with an adult brain, with world experience of an adult, and has the same relationship power as the adult. Also assume the adult that that is perfectly altruistic, has no alternative motives, and truly cares for the child on the same level as an adult relationship). It’s just so far beyond any real world scenario that I struggle to see how you could even logically come to the conclusion that it’s okay.

Hobo , (edited )

For a real answer here’s the Zscaler blog write up:…/technical-analysis-anatsa-campaigns…

It looks like they are doing it after app install with a malicious patch. This patch asks for SMS and accessibility access to gain privileges necessary to get into the banking apps. I haven’t thoroughly read it but just looking at the attack chain that’s what I gleaned.

Hobo ,

Credit cards are fine as long as you pay the balance every month. You even get some small perks and it’s easier to balance your budget (at least for me it is). I’m not sure how buy now pay later schemes work as I’ve never used one of those services. Does it tack on a fee or is there interest involved automatically? They obviously are gonna rake you over the coals for being late, but credit cards do the same thing if you don’t pay the balance.

Hobo ,

Jeez 800s is kind of an amazing bounce back. Good on you!! That took effort for sure.

Hobo , (edited )

Why reach for a fictional example when so many real world examples exist? Just curious because I think of Bezos, Musk, and to a lesser degree Gates as examples of smart people doing bad things. I mean there’s several very smart people that have done good things as well but those are harder to come by. Even people like Alfred Nobel created something he thought would save the lives of miners only for his invention to be used for war. Einstein also did a lot for the advancement of theoretical physics and his work was subsequently used as the foundation of the atomic bomb. It’s actually way harder to come up with a Tony Stark type smart “good guy” in the real world for me because reality is often far more grey.

Hobo , (edited )

Gates is insanely intelligent, like demonstratably so. Musk and Bezos are also very highly intelligent people. Do they have terrible, awful, even downright despicable views? Absolutely. But don’t be fooled, all three of those people are incredibly smart with actual high IQs (not in the braggart, “I have a very high IQ.” sense either).

Intelligence doesn’t translate to empathy or wisdom. Some of the least book smart people I’ve met have been profoundly wise at times, and some of those same people were incredibly empathetic. Unfortunately, I think all three of those people (Musk, Bezos, and Gates) are lacking in those traits, but saying they aren’t in fact measurably intelligent is only fooling yourself.

I say this as someone who was raised by a measurably very highly intelligent person who could be, and was, a complete monster at times, and had some really twisted views on the world/other people. Lucky for me I didn’t inherit that innate Intelligence I guess!

Hobo , (edited )

Yeah totally that’s why I said they were basically morally corrupt and used them as an example of smart people doing bad things… Maybe your judgement is a bit clouded?

Boeing Will Launch Starliner With Helium Leak (

Boeing and NASA are moving ahead with the upcoming Starliner demonstration launch despite an active helium leak. The launch is now on the books for Saturday, June 1, at 12:25 p.m. EDT. If all goes as planned, Starliner will rendezvous with the International Space Station the following day and return to Earth on June 10. If not,...

Hobo ,

I can just imagine you sitting there with a little astronaut helmet on, eating astronaut ice cream, and drinking Tang while watching the Challenger go up. Just slowly taking off your helmet, pouring out your tang, and chunking the astronaut ice cream in the dumpster. Then little InternetUser2012 just kind of saying to themself, “Yeah I don’t know what I was thinking. That shit is WAY more dangerous than I thought!”

In fairness, just reading about the Challenger also made me do about the same thing when I was a kid. I thought going to space was about the coolest thing I could think of to do. Then when I was in the like the 3rd or 4th grade I read about the Challenger and was like, “On second thought, I don’t think I want to go to space after all.”

Hobo ,

Bands who break through walls with speakers

Not just try to sell you sneakers

You want bands who wanna sell you things

Or bands who wanna tell you things?

  • Jeffery Lewis and the Rain, WWPRD

One of the last punk dudes still making a statement instead of doing shows for 50 year old execs.

Hobo ,

This is such weird logic. The Foo Fighters are millionaires that have a ton of leeway with what shows they do because they don’t really need more money to survive. The guy that frames houses probably isn’t working for a morally great company but that dude starves without the job.

Hobo ,

That’s a completely different argument…

Hobo , (edited )

Get the evidence before going to HR because there’s more than a small chance they are going to laugh while escorting you out if the building.

Hobo ,

My boss is like, “Okay cool.” I’m glad I have a good boss.

Hobo ,

Look I’m not saying you’re wrong or anything just that I really don’t appreciate you stalking me.

Hobo ,

Anyone aware if they are also getting data from their slack for government offering? I was looking at the govslack site and I can’t tell one way or the other. While they claim to meet most of the big compliance regs I don’t see anything about training AI being included/excluded.

I know that stealing trade secrets is a concern but seems like stealing state secrets might have some other implications. I know you’re not supposed to talk on slack about any classified info, but that doesn’t mean that sensitive info isn’t shared which also has some rather profound implications as well.

Hobo ,


Is this theory what you’re referring to? Just curious because it always seemed interesting to me but I’m not educated enough to even know how to approach the subject beyond going, “huh neat.”

Hobo ,

At least you didn’t pull upwards like I did. Glad the ceiling was there or it could’ve been much worse.

Hobo ,

Like literally literally or literally figuratively? Because the thought of someone popping out the hatch with a sack of potatoes and just wildly chunking them at a drone is kind of hilarious.

Hobo , (edited )

Motorcycle isn’t abad choice. You get an alternator and a battery out if the deal. You can rig up a simple water turbine to charge it easily enough. You also get a bunch of steel, rubber/plastics, some wire, tubes, and a couple of pretty good lightbulbs (possibly even an LED one depending on the headlight/taillight). Taking the magic Moog as the 2nd option seems like the best idea considering it’s magic.

Hobo ,

I don’t even know what that is, man. I worked, I didn’t play with stocks.

4th option confirmed. Everyone that has a 401k in some capacity, and isn’t sure how they work, please go check your 401k elections right now. It isn’t really “playing stocks” but just putting it somewhere that isn’t cash equivalent. Otherwise your money is depreciating in value from inflation. This is your chance to learn from WarmSoda’s mistake and hopefully will keep you from making the same mistake!

Hobo ,

At least it’s an affordable shithole!

Hobo ,

Feel your pain. Did the same thing for about a decade and it wasn’t awesome. At the end of it I felt like all I did was commute, work, commute, and repeat the next day. Barely saw my family. Hope it gets better for you though!

Hobo ,

Yes but it’s been quite a while since it was. Now it’s a heinous cash grab that puts young people, that don’t understand basic finance, into lifelong debt. Long ago a tool like this would’ve probably been adopted by academia as a tool you need to learn to leverage on order to get to a better, more thorough, understanding of a subject. We’ve capitalismed education and it’s hurting everyone.

Hobo , (edited )

The only thing I remember is a bunch of restaurant owners changed french fries to freedom fries. I also was living in a fairly rural (redneck) area at the time. Depending on how long they stayed “Freedom Fries” really spoke volumes about the type, and quality, of the food that was served.

  • Up for a short amount of time: Food is probably fine. Restaurant owner was bandwagoning and probably didn’t want to alienate his clientele.
  • Up for several months to a year: More likely to be greasy spoon type place. The food is probably okay with only a smallish (5-10%) chance of explosive diarrhea after eating there.
  • Up for 1-2 years: Literally every menu item has gravy on it somehow. You could probably order a piece if dry white bread it would come pre-soaked in gravy. You have about a 50/50 chance of shitting your brains out after eating here
  • Still “Freedom Frying” 2-3 years on: These places serve rat meat. It’s the only explanation for how they are in business. Expect everything to have a weird taste like stale Marlboros. The people that own/work in the restaurant couldn’t collectively come up with a full set of teeth combined. Food poisoning is part of the experience.
  • “Fredum Frys” in 2024: This is front. You should not ever eat here. You will most likely get food poisoning from walking in the front door. Those french fries are actually surplus from the Iraq invasion. They make meth in the back and their cook has a loaded pistol sitting on the counter.
Hobo ,

I don’t disagree with your point, but the flipper zero for sure lowers the bar of entry. Before the flipper came out the, “You must be this tall to ride” required some pretty good knowledge of microcontrollers, hardware peripherals, and software engineering. The people that had that sort of knowledge tended to actually have paying jobs, which is like the biggest factor in not being a street criminal.

The flipper made the barrier of entry at about the level of being able to operate a TV remote which any dipshit can do. However, the fact that the flipper exists at all means that the cat is out of the bag. As you said, someone else is just going to come along and release a similar product. You can’t just ban the flipper and expect it to have any impact. My concern is they will decided to make certain code illegal, which gets really stupid.

Hobo ,

Ask Kia/Hyundai owners how it can’t be used. There’s for sure cars that are susceptible to this attack still driving around, and the barrier to entry for executing the attack was lowered substantially. It’s like if you made an out of the box pentesting tool that was highly effective at breaking into vpns, identifying high value targets, and downloaded those high value database’s data at the click of a button.…/hyundai-kia-vehicle-theft-sett……/kia-boys-car-theft-steal-tiktok-hy…

Hobo ,

Yes but the flipper requires zero base knowledge to use it whereas setting up the hardware, installing the software, and troubleshooting any issues takes about the same amount knowledge as a helpdesk gig in IT. Again, I don’t think making them illegal does shit. I do think it’s rather obstinate to not acknowledge that the barrier for entry to execute those attacks was lowered substantially by the flipper though.

Hobo ,

I’m onboard with that but putting it at the level of operating a tv remote really casts a wider net. You essentially have to be barely literate to use the thing, where before you had to at least be able to read and execute some walkthroughs. Also you had to kind of be in the security/tech scene to even understand that it was an option, where the flipper has, for a lack of a better word, popularized the attack.

There’s a reason that when you go on sites like exploit db well over half of the exploits require some fiddling to make work. Metasploit is similar as well because it requires you to actually be able to use a cli on some level. While that isn’t a huge bar of entry, it’s still keeps the riff raff out for the most part. The flipper pretty much said fuck it, and let not only the skiddies in, but any dipshit with $80 buy a car stealing autopwn.

Hobo ,

Your response really highlights that you do not get what I’m saying. I’m not arguing it should be banned. I’m saying that acknowledging that the barrier of entry was lowered is at least somewhat of an important factor to consider. Doing it the way flipper did is irresponsible at best, and more realistically ethically corrupt. It’s been done though and you can’t put the cat back in the bag.

Now governments are trying to ban them, but when 100s of new clones come out I can almost guarantee governments are going to start doing increasingly silly shit to stop it. Do you think that giving every joker a key to any kia/Hyundai is going to lead to governments cracking down on security on the manufacturing side? Or do you think it’ll just give them a bigger excuse to make invasive laws? I’m pretty sure I know where it’ll lead and I seriously doubt it will be leveling laws against the poor old car manufacturers that donate to campaign funds…

Hobo ,

Does the user have a gpo that enables the setting? That’s what it sounds like to me considering:

I haven’t been able to replicate the behavior on other PCs, but a number of X users replied to my post about this saying they have experienced the same thing in the past.

I’m also not clear if they are saying when they checked the setting was disabled, or if they’re saying it was enabled and they don’t recall setting it.

Of the 100s (possibly 1000s) of complaints I have about Windows, and Microsoft in general, some dude whose not sure how Edge imported settings is pretty far down on my list. Especially when the claim doesn’t come with a before after screenshot, or the ability to reproduce it.

Hobo ,

Right but they didn’t include a screenshot. To my hazy recollection it still shows you what the setting is even if it’s org managed. Their description isn’t exactly clear to me either:

I found a setting in Microsoft Edge that imports data from Google Chrome on each launch. “Always have access to your recent browsing data each time you browse on Microsoft Edge,” reads Microsoft’s description of the feature in Edge. This setting was disabled, and I had never been asked to turn it on.

The last line isn’t clear to me if it was disabled when they checked, or if they think is was disabled before they checked and when they checked they discovered it was enabled.

To your incredibly valid point, it very well could be a bug in the buggiest software known to man, but the fact that it isn’t reproducible means I really doubt that, “MiCrOsOfT wAnTs My ChRoMe TaBs.”

Hobo ,

Damn 4chan existed in 1956 when the Flat Earth Society was started? Is there anything 4channers won’t try to take credit for?…/Modern_flat_Earth_beliefs#Fl…

Hobo ,

Sure as well as every other social media platform since the inception of the internet. I remember seeing Flat Earth insanity on myspace, digg, and even fark. But no one runs around and claims flat earth was popularized on those sites. What they’re saying above isn’t based in reality unless you’re willing to say the same about every single social media platform.

Hobo ,

The only people that believe that crap are 4channers dumb enough to believe that being an amoral asshole makes you smart. The reddit thing is true though.

Hobo ,

I think that’s also made up propaganda. Kitty litter is used by janitorial staff basically everywhere (at least in the US) to clean up vomit and other semi-wet solids. Children are prolific pukers so it’s not surprising that basically every school has a bunch of kitty litter in their janitorial closets.

Hobo ,

Like basically every school in the US has a dress code already. Don’t get this twisted into something else, this is purely performative nonsense by some backwoods inbred redneck.

Hobo , (edited )

Even if you inherited your parents property if you already have one you should have to pay extra taxes on it from the day they die until the day you sell it, period.

This seems needlessly callous to me. At least give them a 6-12 month period to clean up, do repairs, and sell the house. Not everyone that inherits a house is making enough to pay increased taxes right out the gate like you’re proposing. Also, from personal experience, cleaning houses of deceased relatives tend to require a bit of work to get ready for selling and is incredibly emotionally draining. What you’re proposing is going to be extremely painful for the people at the bottom, and emotionally wracking, since as soon as a loved one dies you’re now under the gun to sell.

I agree though, second homes should be extremely heavily taxed. I just think we need to approach it with an even hand and make sure that we are targeting big corporate rental agencies and the very wealthy, and not some family that just lost their parents/grandparents. Something about targeting those people seems needlessly aggressive and not really the intention being discussed…

Hobo ,

I don’t have those problems with my bluetooth devices nearly as much anymore. The exception being in my car where it’s absolute crap. I blame that mostly on car companies because they are notoriously slow at adopting new technology and/or updating their existing tech.

I’m not an expert with bluetooth or anything, but my understanding was that if the source/destination both supported the codec then there wasn’t any compression from bluetooth. Could be wrong about that, but that does seem to be the case in my very limited testing. Not sure why your car/phone pairing is crap but most likely it’s that your car bluetooth is a bit shitty.

I think you might be omitting a few important features of bluetooth over wifi. The really big advantage to bluetooth is that it is that it is low power. You wouldn’t be able to run your earbuds for several hours on a tiny battery if it was running wifi compared to bluetooth. The low power feature is great for portable speakers too. It’s also more user friendly then setting/connecting wifi, but I’m not sure if that matters as much anymore.

Hobo ,

You did better than me. Every way I slice it, the set of circumstances required to get there are a lot fucked up.

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