There have been multiple accounts created with the sole purpose of posting advertisement posts or replies containing unsolicited advertising.

Accounts which solely post advertisements, or persistently post them may be terminated.

Zink , to programmerhumor in Unacceptable

I typically stay at work until 5pm because I make no effort to come in early and I take long lunch breaks.

This place is an absolute ghost town by 5, and it makes me happy to see that. It seems people mostly have their heads on straight here.

Moonrise2473 , to selfhosted in Paid SSL vs Letsencrypt

With paid certificates you can target ancient and unsupported operating systems like windows XP and android 2, letsencrypt is relatively recent and it’s not present in the root certificates of those systems

GraniteM , to asklemmy in What were or are your thoughts on the US Pres. Debate?

Kamala is the best version of a normal politician fighting against Trump. It remains to be seen if that’s enough, because he’s just so goddamn weird that it’s difficult to even compare Tool A to Problem B.

I think she’s incorporated virtually all of the strengths of any of her comparable peers, and almost none of their weaknesses. I think that, given the nature of the opponent and his total lack of seriousness, she said everything I would reasonably hope she would have said during this debate.

I also think that I don’t properly understand the collective psyche of the American electorate. I don’t understand how the election could be this close, when it is a choice between a serious, competent, passionate, talented professional, and a man who is literally a collection of all of the worst possible traits a person could have. That it could come down to such a narrow choice is a mystery for the ages.

boredsquirrel , to linuxmemes in Aw hell naw man avatar

I mean…

They have GUI system upgrades, this is kind of a pain in Debian

Okay, now I updated 12 laptops from Ubuntu 22.04 to 24.04 and…

  • it always hangs at “swap deb Thunderbird with snap”, like, always. 12 times.
  • the wallpaper is gone after the upgrade, every single time
  • there are like 10 buttons to click
  • you need to be a sudo user (the updater shows but just vanishes when being a nonsudoer!)
  • on 2 machines some random repo issues caused a silent error. Needed to apt update in the terminal, fixed
  • there are tons of snap packages, and all are outdated, yay! Installing those on a sudo account causes them to fail on the nonsudo account.

Damn this is bad. And this is like, the best of the best distros?

Doubt that. Fedora Atomic has way more potential, while only being user friendly as uBlue.

rand_alpha19 ,

You can install Synaptic in Debian. Problem solved? I love the terminal so this isn't really my fight but you could spend some time to make Debian GUI-based if you wanted to.

Also LMDE exists, which Mint-ifies Debian and gives you a GUI option for basically everything you can imagine.

jonathanvmv8f , to memes in Miss me with that doomer shit

Who’s the guy in the second panel? I swear I’ve seen this guy somewhere recently and it’s been seriously bugging me

0ops ,

Christopher Walken

MossyFeathers , (edited ) to asklemmy in Would you join a fediverse coop?

If you’re gonna charge for social media, you have to have a pretty good incentive for people to join. Social media is expected to be free. Now, if you had a larger network that didn’t just serve social media, but a wide variety of things like cloud storage, webhosting, game server hosting, etc in a walled garden that was designed to allow users to do mostly whatever they want while keeping bots out, now that I might be willing to pay for.

UraniumBlazer OP ,

I see. So just to clarify, you r saying that the incentive to vote for coop legislation, moderator elections and so on isn’t worth paying money for on its own, correct?

MossyFeathers ,

Correct. I’m not all that invested in social media tbh. If all generalized social media went down (like Twitter, Lemmy, Reddit, Tumblr, but not discord, matrix, mumble, specialty media like enthusiast forums, etc), then it’d take some time for me to find a new place to get news and memes, but that’s primarily what I use social media for. News, memes, and occasionally venting into the comment section.

tilefan , to showerthoughts in Is JD Vance mad at cat ladies because they won't let him eat their cats? avatar


confuser , (edited ) to newcommunities in Countries, cities, language-based active communities
shalafi , to nostupidquestions in Seriously, what the f*** is keeping Donald Trump in this presidential race?

Nothing I’ve read has ever explained Trump’s appeal like this article.…/6-reasons-trumps-rise-that-no-one-t…

Nothing in there makes a cute soundbite. “They’re racist!”, is far easier than having to digest what the author lays down.

Seriously, read it. It’s important.

SnotFlickerman , avatar

Honestly, hadn’t read this one and it’s got some seriously solid points in it.

AwesomeLowlander ,

That was an amazing read.

rustydomino , avatar

It’s a good article. It explains rural America. It doesn’t explain the well off assholes living in Huntington Beach CA. It doesn’t explain the well off assholes living in suburban Inland SoCal. It doesn’t explain rich privileged shitheads like Musk and Thiel.

magnetosphere , avatar

It doesn’t explain them because that’s who the author assumes he’s speaking to.

roscoe ,

Exactly. I get the frustrations of the son and grandson of factory workers that finds it hard to imagine anything more than working at Walmart wanting to tear it all down. What I don’t understand is my neighbor in Dana Point.

kbal , avatar

Is it a good article? I don't know. There's some truth in there, but I'm pretty sure there are a hell of a lot more suburban Trump voters than there are rural Trump voters. And in my experience of it the people who live in small towns, medium-sized cities, suburbs, edge city, and even actual rural areas are in general not nearly as monolithic and politically unified as they're portrayed there. Even if it's always clear which party is going to get the majority of votes, they most often don't get all the votes. Perhaps like the writer of that article many of them like to romanticize the idea of being "rural" because they mow their own lawn and could drive to a farm in half an hour if they wanted to, but although there's some truth in there I think it's mostly foolish rationalizations. Big cities are alien to me too, that's not a real reason to buy into all that cheap right-wing mythology that gets used to explain why we should vote against our own interests.

Telodzrum ,

Of course there are more of them in the suburbs, the plurality of the population lives in suburban census tracts and the race is a tossup.

DelightfullyDivisive ,

People like Musk are cynical, attention-seeking manipulators and narcissists. They aren’t afraid that their way of life is being threatened, they’re using the fears of others to further their own ends, and consider themselves above it all.

That article was the most cogent take I have seen on this subject. I have a similar cultural background (rednecks and urban, religious Polish-Americans), but see myself as a science-literate atheist. I have seen this first-hand, but wasn’t able to articulate it as well.

Today ,

Good read. Thanks!

Wav_function ,

Good read thanks

tacosanonymous ,

I remember reading this and thinking it had some points. Then I remembered that despite having some of the same issues, we have vastly different responses. When I’m lied to and beaten, I don’t look to the person that did it for help.

For instance, the church being the only social space. They could have a community center or a library. Sure funds are hard to come by but what kind of political party would even consider that? The answer is probably further left than democrats but fifty years of red scare won’t let anyone accept that.

The “writing them off” part comes from their willingness to not ostracize evil people when they get something they want. We can all be bullheaded or blinded by bias from time to time but accountability and decency shouldn’t be political.

gamermanh , avatar

They could have a community center or a library. Sure funds are hard to come by but what kind of political party would even consider that?

Funny enough here in the rural parts of CA I’ve seen Raleys and Holiday Markets putting in large community areas with amenities like cheap (sometimes free) printers, office space, children’s areas, etc.

They’re not perfect or anything but its wild to see capitalist behemoths pull off something actually close to what the ideal would be, even if it’s likely to manipulate people somehow

Make it law that communities with a dollar general or fuck it any grocery store we all have to eat have a community center of halfway decent quality in it like those places have done willingly and you’ll have an improvement, guaranteed

DarkCloud , (edited )

This explains a demographic analysis without explaining anything meaningful or unique. The article could be about any post-Regan Republican campaign (such demographic analysis is used by all modern campaigns, on bith sides), so it wasn’t a satisfying article. Combined with all the pop culture references, it comes off as quite immature and an unextraordinary explanation. Mediocre.

danciestlobster ,

I mean it’s definitely an interesting read. I’m just not sure what to actually do with this information. The fundamental problem feels like a generally small bubble, and at times a specific disinterest in venturing outside of it. If anyone’s whole worldview is shaped entirely by their tiny rural hometown, it’s easy to understand why others with radically different backgrounds feel scary.

But at the end of the day, it doesn’t feel like a good enough reason to drag the rest of the country through rigid christofacist moral dogmas and support the industries that prop up those small towns at the expense of the planet as a whole. But as long as those people aren’t interested in venturing outside their communities and meeting other different people, im not sure how to convince them of this.

Maybe if the cost of living becomes too untenable in major cities and work from home continues in certain industries rural areas will see more growth and this will improve somewhat? Idk

BigDiction ,

Great read. There’s 70+ million people out there choosing to vote for Trump, why? Even if the answer is complicated you can’t dismiss them all outright.

I see a decent amount of comments painting all republics with one brush. I think it’s low effort and unproductive.

Waldowal , avatar

I feel like this is just gift wrapping being a dumb racist hick in prettier paper. They are scared of cities because their full of black people, gays, and Mexicans. They like assholes who show the same level of hate as they do - who will keep the black people, gays, and Mexicans away. And they like someone who justifies hiding behind religion so they can tell themselves that God made them this dumb and rascist. So they can delude themselves into thinking they are really the good guy.

jjjalljs ,

Low density places are always going to kind of suck on a lot of metrics. You just don’t have the people to support a lot of stuff. I’m sorry that small towns are dying but like there’s not really a reason they’d thrive.

Cities have been important since like the dawn of history. At least farms grow food. Suburban sprawl is the worst.

Cost of living needs to go down and wages up, but no one should be vying for low density.

tanisnikana ,

Jason Pargin is a goddamn hero.

BlameThePeacock , to nostupidquestions in how do I accept I'll never know why any employer rejected me?

It really doesn’t hurt to keep asking. Nobody that matters is going to be offended by it. Eventually someone will tell you, but just be aware that different people may have different reasons so don’t assume feedback from one employer applies to all employers.

BombOmOm , avatar

At the end of my interviews, before saying bye,I ask what I could have done better. Almost always received constructive criticism. I highly recommend it.

Seraph , avatar

This is a seriously good idea! Employers want employees that are looking to improve themselves.

Either you fucked up and they'll tell you so you can improve next time, or they'll just be impressed at your desire to grow.

prime_number_314159 ,

Whenever I’ve been on the hiring side of an interview, the people seated in the interview aren’t given any special “Keep the company safe” training, but the HR person coordinating always have been. I suspect that’s why it works much better to ask in the interview than after it.

Boozilla , to nostupidquestions in how do I accept I'll never know why any employer rejected me? avatar

There are thousands of possible reasons and many of them won’t have anything to do with you. There are fake job postings. There are many jobs where the hiring manager already has someone in mind for the job (but they have to check the required boxes and pretend to open the position to any candidate). Another candidate may have gone to the same school or been in a frat with the hiring manager. The list goes on and on.

MajorHavoc ,

This is a good list. Another, often overlooked is:

Sometimes we just get incredibly unlucky and interview at the same time as someone wildly unusually more qualified.

SnotFlickerman , (edited ) avatar

someone wildly unusually more qualified.

Or at least someone who lied big enough on their resume to pretend that they’re wildly more qualified.

In my experience the people who do the hiring can’t fucking tell the difference.

I really hate the whole “you need to inflate what you did on your resume” because it’s just fucking lying.

You know what’s a fucking really valuable thing in this world that gets shit on: Having a fucking sense of humility and of a keen knowledge of your own limitations. Having that being viewed as a negative is fuck stupid and how we get fuck stupid people running the show.

EDIT: I accidentally the whole word

RisingSwell ,

I could list ‘works with wildly dangerous substances in a public environment’ or ‘drug dealer’ and both are technically accurate.

I work at a petrol station and between caffeinated drinks, the medical aisle and cigarettes, I sell a lot of drugs. Dangerous substances being the 100,000 litres of aggressively flammable fluid we stand on all day.

Rhynoplaz ,

I’ve been on both sides of this and when you’ve spent the whole day talking to a dozen people who all seem competent enough to do the job, you go with the person that either has a little more (or more relevant) experience, or whoever you enjoyed talking to the most.

I’m a huge dork, so if you happened to mention something like D&D or Fallout during the interview, you’re probably going to get it. (Assuming everyone is equally qualified.)

But at the same time, I’d never mention anything like that at an interview, because I wouldn’t expect the interviewer to appreciate it.

rekabis ,

There are fake job postings.

IIRC, there was one very recent (mid-2024) study of job ads that strongly suggested that 60-75% of them were never meant to be filled. As in, the company posted them for entirely unrelated reasons.

It’s why these are called “ghost jobs”: they don’t exist.

Boozilla , avatar

I haven’t seen the numbers. I have read that they do this for a few evil reasons.

  • It makes their business look like it’s thriving.
  • They can gather intel on who’s job hunting.
  • They can use job application tasks to get free work out of candidates.
rekabis ,

Great summary.

Zachariah , to nostupidquestions in how do I accept I'll never know why any employer rejected me? avatar

Some people fell better when they find fault in others. So blame them for being too stupid to see your worth and be thankful you don’t have to work somewhere with people like that. It’s their loss. You’re waiting a company worthy of your talents finds you.

BombOmOm , avatar

So blame them for being too stupid to see your worth…You’re waiting a company worthy of your talents finds you.

Careful with this. If you legitimately feel you are entitled to be hired by a specific employer, you are almost certainly less likely to get the job. Nobody wants to deal with entitled people.

Zachariah , avatar

Yeah, during the interview, realistically you’re looking to see if it’s a good fit.

But after the fact, feel free to cheer yourself up by blaming their incompetence.

Maeve ,

There's a balance though. Not a specific company, but with a company who sees my needs and value, and meets or exceeds that, with appreciation.

borrina , to asklemmy in Would you join a fediverse coop?

This might be of your interest:

UraniumBlazer OP ,

Thanks for the resource! This seems to be more of a fediverse server hosting coop. I was talking about a coop for developing the software that these guys host (and a coop that might also have its own instance hosted as well).

Basically, getting a developer or two, paying them a wage to develop this stuff.

BlueLineBae , to showerthoughts in Is JD Vance mad at cat ladies because they won't let him eat their cats? avatar

JD Vance is a closeted childless cat lady pass it on

capuccino , to linux in best linux terminal avatar

kitty with fish

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