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coffee_with_cream , to nostupidquestions in Seriously, what the f*** is keeping Donald Trump in this presidential race?

The Overton window has shifted dramatically in the last 10 years. He represents aversion to that

DarkCloud , (edited )

Propagandizing a proclaimed shift, and there being an actual shift are two different things.

Trump’s side have proclaimed a shift which isn’t actually a significant reality. Things change over a decade, but nothing notably significant has changed in terms of the over all running of the system, or the reproduction of culture/society.

It’s mild progress being pushed by right wing propaganda as “civilization ending chaos”.

coffee_with_cream ,

I would be cautious about writing off an entire side’s viewpoint as overdramatic. When they do that to the left, does anyone change their mind?

This is all about division.

We need to work on understanding the root cause of issues and working towards fixing that.

I think economics is actually at the core of the problem.

A lot of people don’t have the basics right now, and they lash out at anything they can to try to fix it.

DarkCloud ,

I didn’t write them off as overly dramatic, nothing of the sort. They’re dangerous (for some of the reasons you point to, division), and it’s a very well organized, well funded, and well oiled machine that keeps them dangerous. Funded by technocratic and Libertarian billionaires.

So I agree with you, that it’s an economic issue, but we can’t just all sit down and “fix it” (that’s a pipe dream) - you can’t sit down with those invested think tank billionaires to solve the problem any more than you can play Jenga with someone who wants to smash the tower before it’s built.

It doesn’t work that way.

coffee_with_cream ,

Thanks! Good response. I think it is always worth the effort to try and understand and talk to people and use words to convince them. I think everyone can be convinced, we just have to pull the right levers.

But if it’s the community’s opinion that that is not an option, and only violence is the answer. I have very low hopes for our country’s future.

DarkCloud , (edited )

sorry for the wall of text — (Up to you whether you can be bothered reading it)

No offense, but when you say you believe in talking sense to people, have you been specifically occupying their rightwing spaces and trying to talk sense into them for the past ten years?

Most people haven’t, those who have in an ongoing/consistent way, will understand it’s not the community controlling the ideological messaging being posted repeatedly EVERY SINGLE DAY, the community is complicit in its brainwashing, but they’re not the majority stakeholders or main sources of the crypto-fascist extremist economic Libertarianism currently posing as conservativism and “Classical (free speech) British Liberalism”.

Ergo, violence isn’t necessarily a constructive answer where you’d essentially be attacking people who are merely complicit in their own brainwashing (often self-indoctrinating for very personal and individual reasons) - leaving the question of: well what is the answer to these groups then?

I don’t have a single answer or silver bullet, and it’s probably upon the genuine left to now layout many answers on the table, including violent revolution, and parallel governments of mutual aid, but also, extending to culturally corrective efforts (consistent generational brigading/infiltration)… and even all the way down to the solutions of the establishment left.

But I think the big problem is that all of these can and will be folded back into the system. Incorporated. Worked back in, either by tyrants, profiteers, democrats, or PR agencies… So it becomes a question of - what parts of the system will proposed solutions necessarily extend, and will those extensions aid us to think outside the system, beyond it, beyond the current limitations of our own lives and societal limitations.

I would say mutual aid, and parallel governments/services probably do this. The system’s responses to these tend to generate more rights, more service responsibilities, a better system, with more empathy.

Violence is better in times of direct fascist/reactionary violence, this might be more appropriate if Trump’s fascism becomes violent again…

…and cultural solutions beyond PR campaigns, they can be valuable but without solid education in far left discourses, around unionism, marxism, anarchism, mutual aid, black liberationism and civil rights, labor history, schools like the Frankfurt school, ect. then people end up as establishment leftists…

…so it’s also important to figure out how to extend resistances there too (resistances towell meaning but moderate leftists drifting right into centrism or further)…

But ultimately I figure it has to be about knowing how the system will react (and fold/co-opt answers presented into its self), and predicting how those reactions either extend problems or extend solutions/further possibilities…

…with the goal being the liberation of as many people from the struggles of class oppression under capitalism, as possible.

It’s not an easy task, nor can it easily be thought about. Anyways, that’s all I have.

Sorry again for the length, thanks and congrats if you got this far.

coffee_with_cream ,

This is great suff and I agree for the most part.

I have not been occupying right spaces online. Don’t have the time / energy. And I don’t really put in the effort to try to change anyone’s mind Online because people are change resistant online.


I do argue politely IRL for things that would help. Better infrastructure, trains, good jobs, love everyone, let people do what they want, and made in America. Still unlikely to change minds but at least making friendships with people different from me.

I guess my overall thesis would be: online discourse is has proven unproductive. I’m tired of reading vitriol and “other side is so dumb wow.”

Disappointed to see the echoiness of the echo chamber on Lemmy

tgm , to linuxmemes in Aw hell naw man

Is this real?

possiblylinux127 ,

Somewhere similar happened a while back

everett ,

It was more like this.

Kolanaki , to showerthoughts in Is JD Vance mad at cat ladies because they won't let him eat their cats? avatar

He’s mad that they won’t let him fuck their sofas.

atro_city , to nostupidquestions in how do I accept I'll never know why any employer rejected me?

Send out so many applications and keep busy, so that every response is a surprise. Only after a response can you set a reminder to reach out after a week. After a reminder, send a message and do not set a reminder. Keep applying to other jobs.

I just lose track of jobs I applied to in my head. If they aren't responding, they don't care and neither should you.

circuitfarmer , to nostupidquestions in Seriously, what the f*** is keeping Donald Trump in this presidential race? avatar

At one time it would have sounded like a conspiracy theory, but you don’t get here without a massive disinformation campaign.

Trump’s supporters have been so programmed to accept everything he says at face value or, in some cases, just to ignore what he actually said in favor of the party’s updated spin. In all cases, they believe it is impossible that he could do any wrong, so any semblance of incongruity or poor leadership or any negative aspect of Trump at all must be due to lies of his opponents – even if that means the entire system would have to be rigged against him to an extremely unlikely degree.

The last time the world saw these tactics used to such an extreme extent and with such success required a widespread campaign of so-called “denazification” after a very prolonged war.

DarkCloud ,

The left have been asleep at the wheel since 2014 (this is the smaller of the two problems), and centrist neoliberals will not wake up because they’re inculcated into the systems that keep them asleep at the wheel (this is the larger of the two problems, and likely includes establishment leftists like Kamala).

It’s the problems of “the one dimensional man” where we can’t even think outside of the systems we know to be the problem… and most people don’t even make any serious efforts to try to.

gedaliyah , to nostupidquestions in how do I accept I'll never know why any employer rejected me? avatar

I used to work in sales and I did a lot of cold calls. The world-weary senior sales guy would always just shake his head at me when I got frustrated. “It’s a numbers game,” he would say. “It’s just a numbers game.” In the beginning I would waste a lot of time researching each individual call, but that didn’t help me make sales. The truth was a certain percentage of people that I could call would have a need for the product I was offering. Of those people who had a need, a certain percentage would choose us over a competitor, because we were the best fit.

Looking for a job is the same as sales. Your product is your labor. It can feel personal, as though the product is you yourself. But you’re not selling yourself, you’re selling your work product. A certain percentage of buyers (employers) will need the labor that you can provide. A certain percentage of those we’ll choose you over a competitor because you are the best fit. It’s a numbers game. It’s not personal, it’s just a numbers game.

SnotFlickerman , (edited ) to linuxmemes in Linux rule avatar
MajorHavoc ,

Lol. If Rust fans want a Rust kernel, no one is stopping them from building one.

TimeSquirrel , (edited ) avatar

It's hard to overcome the Hurd problem though. Although it would be fascinating to see how it would diverge on the design of the Linux kernel.

k4j8 , to linux in Best Email Client

I use Mailspring. The only thing missing from Mailspring for me is seeing what folders my emails are in when I run a search. Otherwise, it’s the only non-CLI client I’ve found that let’s me use the keyboard to select multiple emails and move them to a folder, something I do in Gmail.

If anyone knows of others, let me know! I’ve tried Claws, Evolution, Geary, KMail, and Thunderbird in addition to Mutt and aerc in hopes of finding something to replace Gmail.

BearOfaTime , to nostupidquestions in how do I accept I'll never know why any employer rejected me?

The same way you get over not knowing just about anything else.

Let it go.

Does it serve you in any way to continue to be bothered by not knowing?

You are irrelevant to them. Just like I’m irrelevant to you. That’s life.

Maeve , (edited ) to nostupidquestions in how do I accept I'll never know why any employer rejected me?

I had applied for a job in a busy area a long time ago. I followed up a week later, nothing. I called a few days later. Nothing. I went to the office in person and *spoke to the receptionist, who was pre-screening resumes. She picked up a box the size of a case of paper, and showed me another, half full. The full one were resumes she'd not looked at yet; the half full was what she had.

spankmonkey , (edited ) to nostupidquestions in how do I accept I'll never know why any employer rejected me?

Employment is like dating, there are frequently things that happen outside of the process that impact the process and there are often reasons to avoid direct rejection even if the reasons are different.

Jobs might be posted and then the position itself is made redundant during the interviews, so they are no longer hiring. Or they liked your interview, but want to offer you something else and have to do the HR circus to make that offer happen and the whole thing falls through. Or during the interviews they decide they want to change the position into something else. Orbthey are incompetent and HR forgot to follow up on the job offer. I have seen all of these happen!

Then there is the all too common scenario of finding out the candidate is a woman or a minority and sone jerk killing the process. Can’t admit that so they ghost. They might have a valid reason not to hire, but don’t want to be sued for giving a reason. They might also have posted the thing to meet a requirement although they know who they were going to hire from the start. I have seen all of those as well.

Or they don’t want to tell a candidate they didn’t meet the position for fear of violence. This is likely being over cautious and not specific to the applicant!

Or the applicant reminded an interviewer of someone they don’t like.

These often line up with dating because they are all things that have no real specific explanation that can be given as what the csndidate can even do to change. Knowing they are possible won’t really impact how the interview/dating should go in the future either, because they are all external to the interview or dating process.

So the best way is to come to terms with the fact that there is likely to be someone who is a better fit, or the position wasn’t really stable, or you didn’t want to work or date them anyway if they didn’t follow up.

NoIWontPickAName ,

Shit man, you forgot someone else was just better suited for the job.

Even though you might be 97% perfect for the job, if they find 98% you’re done and it’s not your fault. Hell you were an excellent candidate for the job and just got unlucky enough to happen to be in the same pool as them.

spankmonkey ,

The final decision on who to hire never comes down to who is the ‘most qualified’. There will almost always be multiple people who are qualified and the tiebreaker is interpersonal stuff like a matching sense of humor, attractiveness, and not reminding the interviewer of someone they don’t like.

Someone might be told it is based on the most qualified, but working well with others is part of a job and not in the written qualifications. It is also a subjective determination and varies wildly depending on the job and who is interviewing.

NoIWontPickAName ,

I said nothing about qualified.

I said better suited and gave percentages of perfect for the job.

Perfect for the job included everything, social interactions, qualifications, hair style, maybe holding the door for one of the people on the panel yesterday at the doctor.

30p87 , to linux in best linux terminal avatar

Foot because it’s sway default. It’s also configurable, has shortcuts and sixel support.

Blizzard , to nostupidquestions in how do I accept I'll never know why any employer rejected me?

You should send them one of those annoying feedback surveys.

1. On a scale from 1 to 10, how do you rate the overall quality of my application?

2. How well did my qualifications match the requirements for the position?

Very well matched

Somewhat matched

Not well matched

3. On a scale from 1 to 10, how would you rate the clarity of my resume/CV?

4. Was there any specific skill or experience you felt was missing from my application?

Yes (please specify)


5. On a scale from 1 to 10, how effectively did my cover letter convey my interest in the position?

6. Were there any areas in which my application could have been improved? (e.g., resume formatting, better alignment with job requirements, etc.)

7. On a scale from 1 to 10, how well did I communicate my strengths during any interviews or communications?

8. Would you consider my application for future opportunities within your organization?


Maybe, depending on the role


9. On a scale from 1 to 10, how likely are you to recommend me to another employer?

RustyShackleford , to showerthoughts in Is JD Vance mad at cat ladies because they won't let him eat their cats?

Of course, we already know he’s an illegal alien from space. He only married his wife because she already had children he could claim were his own. In truth, he sleeps in a separate room with the chaise lounge he’s currently with.

vk6flab , to news in Linda Ronstadt roasts the Don and JD avatar

A Statement From Linda Ronstadt

Sept. II, 2024

San Francisco

Donald Trump is holding a rally on Thursday in a rented hall in my hometown, Tucson. I would prefer to ignore that sad fact. But since the building has my name on it. I need to say something.

It saddens me to see the former President bring his hate show to Tucson, a town with deep Mexican-American roots and a joyful. tolerant spirit.

I don’t just deplore his toxic politics, his hatred of women. immigrants and people of color, his criminality, dishonesty and ignorance although there’s that.

For me it comes down to this: In Nogales and across the southern border, the Trump Administration systematically ripped apart migrant families seeking asylum. Family separation made orphans of thousands of little children and babies, and brutalized their desperate mothers and fathers. It remains a humanitarian catastrophe that Physicians for Human Rights said met the criteria for torture.

There is no forgiving or forgetting the heartbreak he caused.

Trump first ran for President warning about rapists coming in from Mexico. I’m worried about keeping the rapist out of the White House.

Linda Ronstadt

P.S. to J.D. Vance:

I raised two adopted children in Tucson as a single mom. They are both grown and living in their own houses. I live with a cat. Am I half a childless cat lady because I’m unmarried and didn’t give birth to my kids? Call me what you want, but this cat lady will be voting proudly in November for Kamala Harris and Tim Walz.

Link Ronstadt

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