There have been multiple accounts created with the sole purpose of posting advertisement posts or replies containing unsolicited advertising.

Accounts which solely post advertisements, or persistently post them may be terminated.

traches , to selfhosted in Dynamic IP - Self hosting

If you can avoid it, don’t open ports in your firewall, don’t publish your home IP address, and keep everything behind a VPN. If only you and your family will be using these services, go with Tailscale or one of its competitors. Otherwise, VPS or cloudflare tunnel/competitor.

makingStuffForFun , to lemmyshitpost in Twitter avatar

What is deadnaming?

subignition , avatar

Intentionally using the former name ("dead name") of a (typically trans) person with the intent to cause harm

makingStuffForFun , avatar

That is incredibly niche. I’m sure 99.999% of the population would not know what that is, were it happening to them.

I mean, how many names of dead trans people would the general person on the street know?

Samvega ,

That is incredibly niche.

No, that’s you thinking you’re funny when you troll so poorly.

I’m sure 99.999% of the population

Are more amusing than you.

makingStuffForFun , avatar

No, the person I replied to has simply edited their comment to be clearer. They originally wrote it as though they meant a literal dead person.

Lumelore , avatar

It’s not specifically of dead trans people, they meant of all trans people. The term deadname typically refers to the birth name of a trans person that they no longer use.

ieatpillowtags ,

Yeah he’s not asking that question in good faith.

Lumelore , avatar

Oh… I’m not very good at determining if people are, so I tend to treat everyone like they are asking in good faith. Maybe at least someone else will see my comment and find it useful I hope.

Klairabelle ,

You did good 😊

Holyginz ,

It’s just some edgy troll thinking they are being clever

makingStuffForFun , avatar

Thank you for the clarification. Yes, I can see that the person I replied to has now edited their comment also be more specific. It literally read as though they meant someone who was literally dead, and was trans, which made absolutely zero sense.

Catoblepas ,

Let’s say you knew someone named Bob, who later came out as a trans woman named Sue. If you insisted on calling her Bob instead of Sue, that would be deadnaming.

makingStuffForFun , avatar

Excellent description. Thank you for the clarity. That makes more sense.

makingStuffForFun , avatar

Okay, now that you’ve edited your comment to clarify, it makes sense. The term dead seemed quite literal in your previous and original text, but now I can see it is a term for that part of society, when they change their name and leave the ordinary behind., and it is insulting to that person.

Since it wasn’t clear at the start, but that’s okay. Now it makes sense.

subignition , (edited ) avatar

I did not edit my comment. Why are you lying?

Edit: Oh, I did edit it about 30 seconds after posting, to add the first parenthetical. Apologies for outright accusing you of lying. It doesn't display as edited on my instance when done within the first minute. But you replied 5 minutes after my edit, so I think the odds that you loaded the page within 30 seconds of my original reply are too minuscule to be super convincing.

makingStuffForFun , avatar

Look, if you did not, then that’s fine, but I completely read it differently earlier. To me, it read, as though you said, a dead trans person. That made it so niche that it was bizarre and incomprehensible that anybody would even understand it. But as people have commented below, I now fully understand.

makingStuffForFun , avatar

I guess I hit reply. Started typing.

You hit edit whilst I was typing. I replied some minutes later.

Makes perfect sense to me.

adespoton ,

Here’s a deadnaming example that should resonate with conservative women…

You get married and take your husband’s name, but your parents insist on continuing to call you by your maiden name.

01189998819991197253 , avatar

I wouldn’t just say conservative women, since this is a really good explanation for anyone. My cousin and partner changed their last name to something altogether different when they got married. For them, it wasn’t fair to the one for the other take the first’s family name, so they just chose a new one. It was really hard for the rest of the family (there’s a history with that family name that caused the hardship in its change, and the name holds a lot of weight to the entire extended family). Do you know what didn’t happen, though? Absolutely no one, despite how hard it was for them, called the couple by their former name once they announced the name change. Not even our grandmother, whose family name it was and was carried over from her deceased husband. One of their former friends (not even family), however, refused to accept the name change, and kept calling them by their former name. I would consider that dead naming, too.

Name changes are hard for the people around you. Not always for malicious reasons. For me, for example, when a trans friend changed names, I kept calling them by the name that was ingrained in my head for a decade. I caught myself, and fixed it during the conversations. I apologized the first few times, and was assured that no apologies were needed, since it was clear I was trying. It took a bit, but the new name has now been associated with them, and I no longer stumble. Some people, I’ve noticed, find it offensive, for some stupid reason, when someone changes their own name, and will absolutely not call them by it. I will never understand that part. It’s not your name–i’s their name ffs–just flippin call them by their preferred name.

I went off on a tangent, but all this to say that you offered a good, generic, applies-to-all-generations explanation.

NeatNit ,

When saying the name of a trans person, it’s when you use their previous name from before their transition. E.g. saying Ellen Page instead of Elliot Page.

Presumably it can also mean just calling someone by their previous name that they prefer to leave behind, even if not trans.

I have no idea who Musk’s child is and no desire to look it up.

marcos ,

He (or she, I really don’t remember) became famous from receiving a really bad name.

NeatNit ,

yeah I was thinking, is it the one with a random sequence of letters, digits and maybe even symbols that I vaguely remember existed at one point? But I still do not care.

skulblaka , avatar

Different child, I think. Vivian Wilson is Musk’s trans child who has disowned him. She’s 20 now. I don’t know what her birth name was but “X AE A-XII” was the one born in 2020 that was all over the news for having an absolutely insane name.

Though most of the rest of his kids names aren’t much better. “Techno Mechanicus Musk” is in that list, as is “Exa Dark Sideræl Musk”. He has 11 children and counting, and their names have gotten increasingly more unhinged as time goes on. So for all I know Vivian did have some insane name that she abandoned.

Anyway, she changed her last name and disowned her father when she came out as trans and he responded by posting all over Twitter that she had been, and I quote, “killed by the woke mind virus”. As in he literally told the world his child was dead, rather than publicly accept his daughter as the person she is.

GregorGizeh ,

Oh god I thought I couldn’t despise him more, what are those fucking names… Like he played some 40k and also wants to colonize mars so he made a kid named adeptus mechanicus I guess? What an absolute imbecile

TallonMetroid , avatar

Different kid, actually. IIRC he’s got a bunch of IVF kids with different women because apartheid emerald money is sexy or something, but he couldn’t be bothered to actually fuck them properly. Also couldn’t be bothered to be present in their lives as a dad properly either.

elliot_crane ,

This is Musk’s oldest child, she chose the name Vivian when she came out and despite being genetically related to Musk actually seems like a pretty cool person. She went through some legal procedure to remove herself from his family, and IIRC basically walked away from all of that generational wealth because severing connections with an abusive father was worth more to her.

Barx , to asklemmy in Fiat doesn't work on a finite planet. Crypto has failed on its goals. What is a better way to be economically secure?

The working class cannot win without overthrowing the owner class. The owner class is the ruling class and functions, under capitalism, to extract from the working class and make capital into more capital. It cannot escape this role so long as capitalism exists and the owner class is in charge. The fundamental mechanisms by which that system works is coercive on both classes. “Nice” members of the owner class are hammered into complacency through failure and exit (becoming working class again) or abandonment of their principals. Or they luck out and are minor and largely irrelevant, facing no competitors or predators. Real solutions require that we organize and spread class consciousness.

On an individual level, you can try to protect yourself from some of the most extreme economic violences, but they are inherently limited. Fiat currency only has value because the issuer is “good for it” and you can use it as capital and for personal purchases of commodities. Crypto is not money at all, it is an unlicensed security. If your interest is in money-like things, I would recommend inflation hedge-alikes gold and real estate. But these require you to already have significant savings. And they are something to hawk in order to leave the country and cannot replace a functional economic base or allow you to weather a true crisis staying in the country. Having a backup shelf-stable food supply and means to boil water is also a good idea.

Our fates are all tied together under this economic system. We will quickly starve and die of preventable disease in a real, sustained crisis, as it will disrupt agriculture and utilities. Only a stable productive base, a real economy that produces what humans need, can provide when borders close or trade halts. And, realistically, everything you can do as an inflation hedge is much better when done at the community level. Mutual aid is more effective than a personal bean stash (do both!). A network of like-minded people can secure travel and estimate when to leave vs. fight. You can buy real estate with less capital if you go in together. Etc etc.

SatansMaggotyCumFart , to lemmyshitpost in Twitter

He looks high as giraffe pussy in that picture.

Lost_My_Mind ,

…ya know, I’m 40 years old, and up until this point in my life I’ve never once considered what a giraffe pussy looks like…and my brain isn’t capable of doing so. Maybe that’s a good thing.

SpaceNoodle ,

They got a zoo in your town?

popekingjoe , avatar

I don’t think I like where this is going…

SpaceNoodle ,

… To the zoo?

popekingjoe , avatar

Yeah it’s way too hot for a zoo trip. 🫠

SpaceNoodle ,

It’s giraffe pussy, why do you think that’s hot?

popekingjoe , avatar

Any hole is a goal.

EurekaStockade ,

They kick you out if you get too close to the animals genitals :(

SpaceNoodle ,

Binoculars, buddy.

QuantumSparkles ,

It got bad enough they had to put up signs

PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S , avatar

Ask and you shall receive:

NSFW, but not pornographicClick here for a non-sexualized video of the birth of a baby giraffe. It’s pretty high!

idiomaddict ,

Did she prolapse or is the baby just wearing the amniotic sac? Jesus, birthing hooves seems unpleasant

thermal_shock ,

black lips to match the tongue

Banichan , avatar

Joe Rogan, is that you?

itsgroundhogdayagain ,

The bottom eyelids are a dead giveaway

WormFood , to memes in When you write your academic papers in Word

typeset my thesis using latex, biber and zotero. Very painless, the only slightly painful part was configuring the character encoding

finley , to asklemmy in Fiat doesn't work on a finite planet. Crypto has failed on its goals. What is a better way to be economically secure?

Socialism. The problem here isn’t with currency, it’s with capitalism.

LaGG_3 , avatar

curious-marx why have money when you could have a moneyless classless society

jlou ,

A moneyless society that scales up to billions of people is unlikely to be possible

Postcapitalist alternatives that use currency to facilitate trade between actors without social ties seem much more plausible

Mubelotix , avatar

I have socialism at home and fiat is still an issue

davel , (edited ) avatar

Do you have socialism at home? Because if you’re in Europe, no, you don’t. Social safety nets under capitalism is not the same thing as abolishing private ownership of the means of production.

Do you have fiat money at home? Because if you’re in the Eurozone, no, you really don’t, because you don’t have monetary sovereignty. What you have is a cartel of European private banks running the show, as Yanis Varoufakis and Michael Hudson will tell you. Europe’s Transition From Social Democracy to Oligarchy

LaGG_3 , (edited ) avatar

Looking at their post history, they’refrance-cool. Not even close to socialism lmao

nelsnelson , avatar

Every time I see the flag of France, I am reminded of this TNG scene.

LaGG_3 , avatar
Skua ,

How is a lack of national monetary sovereignty relevant to whether or not a currency is a fiat currency? The euro isn't backed by anything, it's as much a fiat currency as any other.

davel , avatar

It is fiat money, it’s just that it’s not theirs, meaning their country’s government. It’s the unelected, undemocratic private bank cartel that has control of it.

Skua ,

Most central banks are run by unelected civil servants appointed by the head of government or a similar position/body. By this logic, the US dollar, Japanese yen, Chinese renminbi, and British pound equally do not belong to those countries. The ECB is just subject to the heads of 27 governments instead of one.

davel , avatar

In the case of the US, the Federal Reserve is our “central bank,” and it too is largely the cartel of US private banks. But it doesn’t create new money—bank loan-created money notwithstanding—the Treasury does. And the system is intentionally made more complicated & opaque than necessary so that almost no one understands how it all works. So in practical terms you’re somewhat correct. But the US government isn’t as under the neoliberal thumb of the private banks as Europe is, at least when it comes to printing money for the military-industrial complex. Why the [US] Government Has Infinite Money

EleventhHour , avatar

Without any sort of specifics, this is just a meaningless non sequitur. The equivalent of “nuh-uh!”

hendrik , to selfhosted in Dynamic IP - Self hosting

I think you got enough recommendations for several tunneling solutions.

Apart from that (and free DynDNS) you could also use a regular paid DNS provider. Some of them also offer DynDNS or an API. I think I saw some regular providers in the list of my DynDNS client on my router, next to the super cheap or free ones.

xantoxis , to asklemmy in Fiat doesn't work on a finite planet. Crypto has failed on its goals. What is a better way to be economically secure?

The objection about a “finite planet” is about capitalism, not currency. A 100% communist system can still have fiat currency and function perfectly well, the two aren’t even related.

It’s capitalism you don’t like, not money.

Prunebutt , (edited )

Communism: A classless, moneyless society, based on the principle of “to each according to their needs, from each according to their ability”.

davel , avatar

I think you’re conflating communism and socialism a bit.

Communism is a classless society where it is “from each according to their ability to each according to their needs”. Moneyless is often mentioned as well, but I don’t think it’s strictly necessary.

Socialism is a transitional stage on the way to communism, where the working class controls the state (having taken it from the capitalist class’ control), and it is usually described as “from each according to their ability to each according to their labor,” though when they say that I don’t think they really mean that those who can’t perform labor should simply starve.

testfactor ,

I don’t understand why you think that guy was conflating communism and socialism. He claimed communism is moneyless, and in your response you said “neither is moneyless.” What’s being conflated?

And it’s worth noting that most definitions include, if not expressly the word “moneyless,” clauses about all property being held in common. And if there is no property, then there is equally no money, by definition (as money is simply a system for the valuation and exchange of property).

davel , avatar

Yeah you’re right. Sorry, @Prunebutt!

I didn’t say that neither is moneyless, only that I don’t think it’s strictly necessary for a society to be moneyless in order to be considered communist.

nickhammes ,

It’s a question of the most stable thing to use to mediate value for exchange of goods and services, right? Fiat currency is just the choice of “the state” as a stabilizing force. Certainly it’s better than trusting the scarcity of rare metals, but eventually “just trust the state” will become a problem, and we’ll need to think about rebasing currencies. In theory, computational complexity isn’t a bad choice, but nobody has come up with a solution that actually functions well as a currency.

But I agree, the finite planet has nothing to do with any failings of fiat currencies, and only makes sense as a failing of the “number must go up” mentality endemic to capitalism.

bobr , to asklemmy in Fiat doesn't work on a finite planet. Crypto has failed on its goals. What is a better way to be economically secure? avatar

What makes you think that “crypto has failed on it’s goals”?

richieadler ,

That’s a good question, because as a scam it has worked wonderfully.

usernamesAreTricky ,

Not OP, but as someone who was at one point excited by the potential of crypto, the ecosystem has moved more and more towards what it claimed to stand against initially

It’s supposed to be decentralized, but things like mining pools have lead to heavy amounts of centralization in block production. If we look at Bitcoin, for an example, we see that over 51% of block production is controlled by just two mining pools. That’s not limited to just Proof of Work mining either. Proof of stake sees centralization in staking pools as well. That’s only just looking at one aspect of the network

It has also not really been seen as a currency. People’s view of it as an “investment” which have the opposite qualities you really want to see. People are encouraged to hold it and never let go, meaning they won’t want to spend it which is adverse to its use as a currency. This has also lead to it being incorporated and dominated by the very financial systems it was initially supposed to move away from

I don’t want to type out an essay, but I could keep going on in other ways that’s not really lived up to its promises.

bobr , avatar

Well, this is a fair criticism… of Bitcoin :)

It’s supposed to be decentralized, but things like mining pools have lead to heavy amounts of centralization in block production. If we look at Bitcoin, for an example, we see that over 51% of block production is controlled by just two mining pools. That’s not limited to just Proof of Work mining either. Proof of stake sees centralization in staking pools as well. That’s only just looking at one aspect of the network

Centralization of mining pools (and mining in general) is indeed a serious problem. In Monero we now have p2pool which is totally decentralized. For now it’s just shy of having 10% of total hash power, so there is a long road ahead, but we are moving there. ASIC resistant RandomX also helps to ensure mining decentralization.

It has also not really been seen as a currency. People’s view of it as an “investment” which have the opposite qualities you really want to see. People are encouraged to hold it and never let go, meaning they won’t want to spend it which is adverse to its use as a currency. This has also lead to it being incorporated and dominated by the very financial systems it was initially supposed to move away from

I don’t think this applies to Monero, which is more or less the only currency used in DNMs.

Loduz_247 ,

What do the acronyms of a DNM mean?

usernamesAreTricky , (edited )

Not the person you are replying to but

Loduz_247 ,


FaceDeer , avatar

Proof-of-work has inherent centralization pressures due to economy of scale. You get more profit per hash per second of mining power when you've got a bigger mining operation. That's not the case for proof-of-stake.

chicken ,

There has been significant growth of crypto as currency, particularly in the developing world with use of USD pegged stablecoins. It remains the only practical solution to make online transactions privately or when alternatives have been censored, potential pitfalls notwithstanding.

Centralized control is a threat, but it’s one that is taken seriously, and by practical metrics crypto has been largely successful in defending its integrity here. Other related values measures worth looking at are credible neutrality, permissionlessness, and trustlessness, also basically areas it continues to succeed. You submit a valid transaction to a major blockchain, it’s getting included, even if powerful people would rather it wasn’t. Transactions that are illegal as per US sanctions are treated more or less equally to any other. Miners and stakers are not taking control of the money printer dial for their own enrichment. And there’s reason to think this will continue, because in a lot of ways control is a liability, and giving it up is valuable; “CEO of Bitcoin” is not a sane title to aspire to because it would make you the responsible party and valid target for all sorts of legal threats and obligations, and just having it would destroy the value of what you control.

That said, as a means for the economic salvation of the median person like OP seems to be talking about, it was never going to do that on its own, no one who thinks honestly about it would promise that, and anyone who did is full of shit. It’s just a new type of p2p money with some cool properties, that obviously isn’t going to be enough to fix the mess that is the world’s economic and political systems.

Genghis ,

XMR is decentralized and its seen as a currency

atro_city , to asklemmy in How to know if university has access to my computer and phone?

When on the fediverse, there's a good chance someone will tell you to install linux. With this sort of question, honestly I guess there's no way of knowing how much access they have if you logged on with your work account on your personal computer. IMO, you shouldn't be using your personal computer for work stuff unless they are somehow separated. I have no idea how to do that with software, so the easiest is to ask my job to provide a laptop and only use that laptop for work.

Andrew15_5 , to memes in When you write your academic papers in Word avatar

Let me introduce Typst:

qaz ,

Just started using it today and it’s pretty neat

Andrew15_5 , avatar

I’m using it for a year and it came a long way. Though still in beta and still have some major bummers (which require hacking). But it only came out in 2023. The next update should add a ton of QoL things, so this will be pretty exciting.

TCB13 , to selfhosted in Dynamic IP - Self hosting avatar

Free Dyndns services seem to be a bit crap

Why do you say that? and are very solid and if you’re looking for something more corporate even Cloudflare offers that service for free.

krash , to asklemmy in What email provider do you use? Would you recommend it?

I use gmail and my own domain with uninbox. The latter is a quite new FOSS email front/backend, but its still very new and lacks essential features.

If I’d make the switch, it would probably be to tutanota.

blazera , to showerthoughts in If malls continue to shut down and decay over the next twenty years, someone should turn them into retirement communities for GenX and Millennials. avatar

Not even renovated, just set me up in a hot topic.

Texas_Hangover ,

Dibs on Spencers!

themeatbridge ,

Have you been in a Spencer’s recently? Remember the skeezy area in the back? That’s now the whole thing.

Texas_Hangover ,

Last time I was in one it was all Blacklights and shit that was cool when you were stoned lol.

Aggravationstation ,

Can’t. The goth kids burned it down

ssm , (edited ) to piracy in Is it a crime to share my jellyfin library with only one friend of mine? avatar

to send:

<span style="color:#323232;">GZIP</span><span style="font-weight:bold;color:#a71d5d;">=</span><span style="color:#183691;">-9 </span><span style="color:#323232;">pax -wz /some/files </span><span style="font-weight:bold;color:#a71d5d;">| </span><span style="color:#323232;">openssl some-cipher -k </span><span style="color:#183691;">'really secure password' </span><span style="font-weight:bold;color:#a71d5d;">| </span><span style="color:#323232;">ssh user@host </span><span style="color:#183691;">'cat >file.ustar.gz.enc'

to unpack:

<span style="color:#323232;">openssl some-cipher -d </span><span style="font-weight:bold;color:#a71d5d;"><</span><span style="color:#323232;">file.ustar.gz.enc </span><span style="font-weight:bold;color:#a71d5d;">| </span><span style="color:#323232;">pax -rz

if your distribution sucks and you don’t have pax, tar should work too.

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