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Accounts which solely post advertisements, or persistently post them may be terminated.

twistypencil , to nostupidquestions in Are there any negatives side effects to using PGP all the time with email?


bhamlin ,

Aside from the giant target on your back from governments that have a harder time reading your emails.

renrenPDX , to nostupidquestions in Is this a triangle?

It’s a bowl cut with a part down the middle, so no.

master5o1 , to nostupidquestions in Are there any negatives side effects to using PGP all the time with email?

Get an S/MIME certificate and send from an S/MIME compatible email client.

RightHandOfIkaros , to nostupidquestions in Is this a triangle?

Yes, it has three corners and three edges. It is a triangle.

towerful ,

What if it had 3 corners and 4 edges? Or 4 corners and 3 edges?

november OP ,

I don’t think that can be a thing.

towerful ,

Yeh, seems not

RightHandOfIkaros ,

If a shape has 3 corners and 4 edges, it is incomplete or open and therefore not a shape yet but a collection of edges (or possibly, two triangles that share an edge).

A shape with 4 corners and 3 edges is not possible. An edge cannot have a corner in the middle of it, that would make it two edges.

towerful ,

I felt like adding something about the specific case of 180° between edges and a vertice.
Makes sense.
And I guess too many vertices means an open set of edges (ie not close, this not a shape).
I was kinda hoping for a strange edge case, like a mobius strip or Klein bottle.

I guess a mobius strip is a 2d representation of a 1d paradigm. And a klein bottle is a 3d representation of a 2d paradigm.
It would be too much to ask of a 1d representation of a ??d paradigm.

ByteJunk , avatar

Why the down votes? Bro asking a question and being legit curious, don’t be hating on someone that’s looking to challenge what they know just because it’s trivial to you.

RightHandOfIkaros ,

Welcome to Lemmy, first time?

towerful ,

I feel my comment adds to the discussion and wants more details.
But it was too simply phrased.
I guess the details of such a question should be obvious. And if you need the details, the question doesn’t actually add the the discussion… It just seems idiotic!

I felt like there might be a really cool scenario where a vertice isn’t considered a vertice.
Like, there actually might be some case on a 2d plane “where actually” applies.
I’m fine being wrong

morphballganon ,

It doesn’t matter that the edges are curved?

november OP ,

They’re not curved; the space they’re embedded in is curved.

Azzu ,

Well that depends on your definition of curved… If I look at this image from a 3 dimensional coordinate system that includes the sphere, the edges are definitely curved. Of course, if you look at this from the coordinate system “surface of the sphere” then I would agree with you. There are 2 ways to look at this and decide if it is a triangle, and the bro you responded to didn’t understand this and needs it explained.

bdonvr ,

I don’t think this is relevant. Using your first definition there is no possible way to walk in a straight line on a sphere. While true in that context I don’t think it’s what most people are meaning by “straight line”.

Azzu ,

But it’s absolutely clear that the first definition is meant by the person that is being responded to. That is why the clarification is needed. This is not about “most people”, but this specific one person in this specific comment thread. “It doesn’t matter that the edges are curved?” is only said by someone that thinks in the first definition, not in the second.

someacnt_ ,

The space itself has canonical curvature >.>

Donkter ,

The edges curve in 3d space, but not relative to the sphere.

bionicjoey ,

If you were to walk this route along the surface of the earth, you would walk in perfectly straight lines apart from the three turns.

I_Has_A_Hat ,

No such thing. Even if you were walking on a surface with no change in elevation, the acceleration due to gravity would cause your path to be curved as it followed the curvature of the planet.

abfarid , (edited ) avatar

Curved relative to what?

Edit: Nvm, I understood what you mean. But I think it’s a pedantic take. They obviously mean it in the context of the surface of the sphere.

FoxyFerengi , to cooking in [RECIPE] RIP to my favorite yum-yum recipe, and my take on it

Wouldn’t kewpie mayo work? It’s less tangy than American mayo and a tad sweeter

just_another_person ,

It’s mostly sugars.

osaerisxero , to startrek in A Gamble: What will be the plot of *Lower Decks*'s Finale?

I will be incredibly disappointed if it's not a completely obvious backdoor pilot to either movies or another series.

data1701d OP , avatar

I’ve often envisioned what a Lower Decks film might entail. I think one of the side plots would be Rutherford suddenly realizes he forgot his entire family existed and tries to get reacquainted with them. He quickly finds out that with his implant, he has become everything they ever wanted him to be, and that scares him as he realizes they don’t accept who he used to be and don’t have enough grief for the Rutherford that was.

betahack , to lemmyshitpost in beams

but are those high or low beams?

BlameThePeacock , to nostupidquestions in What happens if Biden dies before the next inauguration (see inside)?

I’m just going to point out that trump is only 3 years younger, and has far more risk factors for heart attack and strokes.

Why does everyone seem to think Biden is the one who will die first.

Steve ,

Because he’s so much more elderly than trump.

Lost_My_Mind ,

The right all week accused Biden of taking performance enhancing stimulants. I’m unclear where they got that information, until you remember one thing. When the GOP accuses the left of something, it usually comes out later that its because thats what THEY feel guilty about themselves doing.

Rhynoplaz ,

They don’t feel guilt. They just want to be able to say “Well, there have been rumors (that we started) that Mr. Dem has been doing that for years! Why aren’t you investigating HIM?”

kent_eh ,

The right all week accused Biden of taking performance enhancing stimulants. I’m unclear where they got that information

They pulled it from their asses, just like moat of the idiocy they throw around.

Tramort ,

Because if Trump dies then we have a lot less to worry about

cmbabul ,

We have less immediate issues on that front, but we still got some work to do

corsicanguppy ,

Because if Trump dies then we have a lot less to worry about

Only because I think Biden can take Ms Haley in an election. (You forgot she won a single primary, right?)

OneWomanCreamTeam ,

There are so many more eyecatching things wrong with Trump, so his age never gets brought up. Biden mostly just has his age and the Israel situation, so those are the two things you hear about the most.

RememberTheApollo_ ,

TBH because of his physical presentation at the debate. Yeah, it’s short-sighted, but welcome to the public thought process. Whatever is churned thru the latest 15 minute media cycle seems to be what they believe.

Doesn’t matter if he had a cold and was dosed up on NyQuil or whatever; his voice was weak, he stumbled over making coherent sentence multiple times, and he just had a blank, open-mouthed stare when between questions. I’ve had shitty colds and been drugged up with cold meds and I know that feel of being sore, exhausted, hoarse, and disconnected. You just want to go have a lie-down, not a public debate against a raging, insulting, narcissistic asshole. But it takes someone willing to understand all that and give Biden the benefit of the doubt.

There are far too many that start from the “old” part and just attribute everything possible to that which they find disagreeable.

Lost_My_Mind ,

Did he have a cold, and cold medicine? I’ve not heard those things.

AhismaMiasma ,

Groups have been trying to push this message since the debate. It’s not terribly effective for anyone who actually watched.

A cold and cold medicine don’t account for the very clear confusion and sundowning the rest of us witnessed.

RememberTheApollo_ ,…/biden-has-a-cold-campaign-source-4pXKzK…

I can’t unpaywall the article. The assumption he’d take some kind of meds is my own.

GiddyGap , (edited )

his voice was weak, he stumbled over making coherent sentence multiple times, and he just had a blank, open-mouthed stare when between questions.

And apparently that matters more than the blatant lies and non-answers coming from the other side. Gotta say, Americans do seem significantly dumber than the average world citizen.

14th_cylon , (edited )

And apparently that matters more than the blatant lies and non-answers coming from the other side.

yes, for estimating whether someone dies due to health condition, that health condition matters significantly more than someone else lying. 😜

GiddyGap ,

Trump is 3 years younger. Biden may outlive him by 10 years for all we know.

14th_cylon , (edited )

he may. but the last debate strongly suggested otherwise. someone asked why do people think that biden will be first to die and this is why. because he seem in significantly worse shape.

he looked like he was going to die before the debate ends. i absolutely don’t believe that, if elected, he will survive whole term.

(and that is ignoring the fact that having a pulse is quite low threshold for presidential candidate)

GiddyGap ,

Don’t know about you, but I vote for policy, not a person. But you do what a lot of Americans do, vote for a personality, and that’s why Americans seem significantly dumber than the average world citizen.

14th_cylon ,

i am not an american, but i can confirm for you that you seem significantly dumb to me.

if you see an error in any fact i stated, please point it out. i can’t do anything about your emotions…

GiddyGap ,

Your error: Voting for a person, not policy. There.

14th_cylon ,

i meant error in facts, not your inability to understand topic of the discussion (this isn’t discussion about policy), or the fact that i am not an american, so i am not voting for anything in us elections.

Dark_Arc , avatar

Gotta say, Americans do seem significantly dumber than the average world citizen.

Presumably what an American once said about Germans. It can happen anywhere with the right stream of propaganda.

illi ,

And is actively happening. Sadly, most people will choose comfortable lies over hard truths.

14th_cylon ,

Why does everyone seem to think Biden is the one who will die first.

because we recently saw them in televised debate and one of them looked in significantly worse shape than the other.

GladiusB , avatar

I did not take him as in worst shape. I saw a person who couldn’t believe the bullshit being said by a narcissistic moron. I would have the same look at my face in disbelief if I had to debate with someone that I thought still asked for crayons at a restaurant.

14th_cylon , (edited )

I saw a person who couldn’t believe the bullshit being said by a narcissistic moron. I would have the same look at my face in disbelief

that’s really not an argument in biden’s favor.

he had known trump for at least 9 years and he had been lying narcissistic moron that whole time. if he didn’t expect the most expectable thing in the world from him, and being surprised threw him off the rails in such manner that he wasn’t able to put together coherent sentence, how is he qualified for a job where there are actual surprises of enormous consequences on a daily basis?

BlameThePeacock ,

Just goes to show how little people know about how people die.

14th_cylon ,

yeah, nobody knows. but (un)fortunately “he isn’t able to put together coherent sentence, but maybe he isn’t going to die tomorrow” is not qualification for presidential office.

HelixDab2 ,

My grandmother lived with dementia for 20 years before dying at 101.

14th_cylon ,

good for her. i assume she didn’t run for a president.

chiliedogg ,

Let’s look at oldest mainline Presidential nominees in history:

  1. Biden - 2024 (81)
  2. Trump - 2024 (78)
  3. Biden - 2020 (77)
  4. Trump - 2020 (74)
  5. Reagan - 1984 (73)
  6. Trump - 2016 (70)
  7. Reagan - 1980 (69)

Next President who was elected was William Henry Harrison, but we’re getting “young” enough there may be unelected nominees I’m not aware of.

Also: fun fact. Jimmy Carter’s post-presidency lifespan has been over 43 years so far, while Teddy Roosevelt was only 42 when elected Predident.

corsicanguppy ,

so far

Thank you for being generous.

chiliedogg ,

I really want him to make it to October 1st and become the first one to break 100.

StaySquared ,

There’s 100 year olds that are more competent than Biden.

craigers , avatar

Because Trump now thinks he has full immunity to assassinate his political rivals

statist43 ,

Full immunity to disease too he supposes, while injecting desinfectant and thinking about his triumph

bstix ,

Let’s not hope both take a stroll on 5th avenue at the same time.

Steve , to nostupidquestions in Is my girlfriend gaslighting me? (Edit: No, she is not gaslighting me, but may have some other issues.)

To answer your specific question, in this example, no she’s not gaslighting you. Gaslighting is a special form of lying intent on having you doubting your own reason, judgement, and even memory, in favor of someone else’s.

In this case, it sounds like she’s afraid of her own neighborhood, and is depending on you to make her feel safe. Were I in your position, I would talk to her about looking for someplace to live she does feel safe.

Hacksaw ,

No, this is abuse. Being scared of where you live doesn’t justify abusing your partner. Missing someone’s text doesn’t justify this kind of behaviour. The silent treatment is abusive and not the way mature adults communicate with their partners. The fact that he calls the attention seeking follow up “the usual” also shows the extent of the problem, especially when it’s pretty clear she expects him to provide the “correct” response. This post has so many red flags I thought it was a communist party parade.

Steve ,

Sure all of that is true. But also outside the scope of the direct question.

Hacksaw ,

It’s a response to your second paragraph which is “she’s not gaslighting you and you should reward her abusive behaviour by moving to a nicer neighborhood”.

Steve ,

“She not gaslighting” was the first paragraph.

Looking back I don’t see anything I wrote, that says they should move, or anything about abuse at all.

My second paragraph recommended a conversation. One which I’m sure would illuminate more of her thoughts; Possibly exposing inconsistencies in her logic, if she is genuinely being manipulative and abusive.

Or possibly we’re both wrong, and reading things that aren’t actually written. You’ve certainly proven a tendency for that with what I’ve written.

Hacksaw ,

This you?

To answer your specific question, in this example, no she’s not gaslighting you. Gaslighting is a special form of lying intent on having you doubting your own reason, judgement, and even memory, in favor of someone else’s.

In this case, it sounds like she’s afraid of her own neighborhood, and is depending on you to make her feel safe. Were I in your position, I would talk to her about looking for someplace to live she does feel safe.

Steve ,

That is me. Numerous people have called me “The most literal person I know”. I wrote only exactly what I meant.

I would TALK to her about looking for someplace to live she does feel safe.

And literally speaking, Advocating Talking about something, is not advocating Doing that thing.

misterbngo , to fediverse in Help to crowdsource data for a comprehensive map of Reddit -> Fediverse group?

Seems similar to the work done by

rglullis OP , avatar is definitely the first, but it has not been active for quite a while, is not focused on fediverse groups (also list Discord as alternatives) and I reckon that our database is already larger than theirs.

misterbngo ,

Ah good to know, shame it’s been left by the wayside a bit. Was super useful in the early days

mecfs , to fediverse in Help to crowdsource data for a comprehensive map of Reddit -> Fediverse group?

If you want me to help out, I’m gonna need a more mobile friendly design. I can’t use laptop due to disability.

rglullis OP , avatar

I will see if I can some improvements. In the meantime, can you please tell me if it’s possible to work by switching to Desktop mode and landscape?

Fisch , to fediverse in Help to crowdsource data for a comprehensive map of Reddit -> Fediverse group? avatar

I’ve added some alternatives to subreddits but I also saw that my Lemmy communities aren’t categorized yet. Is there a way for me to do that or do you have to do that?

rglullis OP , avatar

Thank you! Communities can be managed on You can add them by going to

_haha_oh_wow_ , to fediverse in Help to crowdsource data for a comprehensive map of Reddit -> Fediverse group? avatar

Is there way to help without signing into reddit and granting account access?

rglullis OP , avatar

Great question and thank you for your interesting in helping. Authentication via Reddit OAuth does not give “access” to the account. Reddit will send only your username and the list of subreddits you have subscribed to. I’ve set it up this way to help build out the list of subreddits.

In any case, you are right that other authentication methods are needed. I’ll change the setup soon to allow “traditional” sign-up, and I can also add other signup methods.

_haha_oh_wow_ , avatar

That would be good, a lot of people deleted their reddit accounts because of Spez & Co.

rglullis OP , avatar

Yeah, totally understandable. I was going to suggest you to create a throwaway account, but then I realized that I am actually considering denying access to newly created accounts precisely to avoid bots and sockpuppets.

rglullis OP , avatar

Hi! Just wanted to let you know that it’s now possible to sign-up to Fediverser with more traditional methods. :)

_haha_oh_wow_ , avatar

Cool! Looks like it’s returning a 500 error at the moment though.

rglullis OP , avatar

Sorry! I was overconfident with a change. Please try again.

CuddlyCassowary , to science_memes in biodegradable

Sheep intestine condoms ftw!


DahGangalang ,

This, but un-sarcastically.

Would be an interesting boost to the Sheep industry.

stebo02 , avatar

aren’t sheep about as bad as cows for the climate?

DahGangalang ,

I don’t think so. But I think that that’s going to vary a lot based on how you want to measure “badness for the climate”.

My instinct is to look at Feed to Gain Ratio, which is the measure of food eaten to weight gained. This will vary animal to animal based on the animal’s purpose (meat cows vs dairy cows, meat lambs vs wool sheep, etc) and the type of food they’re fed.

Still, there are reliable bands for estimating for each animal. According to This Article, it looks like sheep can fall into a 4:1 to 6:1 ratio while cows are closer to 12:1 (this is a bit higher than I was taught in high school biology, but not by much). Of course, the higher these numbers, the “worse” the animal is for the environment.

AlligatorBlizzard ,

They might have been asking about methane production, that’s a big topic for cattle because it’s a very potent greenhouse gas and having a lot of cattle produces a lot of methane - and it’s a byproduct of how their digestive systems work and all ruminants, sheep included, have that problem to some degree.

I wasn’t able to find a definitive answer, but per animal sheep aren’t as bad, but it’s due to their smaller size and if western countries kept eating the same amount of meat but ate more sheep (due to it being cheaper from the demand for sheep condoms, lol) instead of beef I’m not sure it would be better. (Replacing chicken with sheep would definitely be worse though.)

DahGangalang ,

So what I’m hearing is that we just need to selectively breed people to have smaller penises so we can just use chicken intestines for condoms instead?

psud ,

About as bad as any of the animals that can eat grass, wild or farmed

PervServer ,

Classic supporter of the Sheep-Sex-industrial complex… But not the Welsh kind.

ramble81 ,

As long as it’s not still in the sheep.

Raverbunny , avatar

I see you’re unaware of what goes on in New Zealand…

With love from across the Tasman 😁

grysbok , avatar

They’re not as good at preventing STDs, but they’re decent at preventing pregnancy.

just_another_person , to selfhosted in LDAP to UNIX user proxy

I think you’re missing the point of LDAP then. It’s a centralized directory used for querying information. It’s not necessarily about user information, but can be anything.

What you’re asking for is akin to locally hosting a SQL server that other machines can talk to? Then it’s just a server. Start an LDAP server somewhere, then talk to it. That’s how it works.

If you don’t want a network service for this purpose, then don’t use LDAP. If you want a bunch of users to exist on many machines without having to manually create them, then use LDAP, or a system configuration tool that creates and keeps them all eventually consistent.

kevincox OP , avatar

Yes, LDAP is a general tool. But many applications that I am interested in using it for user information. That is what I want to use it for. I’m not really interested in storing other data.

I think you are sort of missing the goal of the question. I have a bunch of self-hosted services like Jellyfin, qBittorrent, PhotoPrism, Metabase … I want to avoid having to configure users in each one individually. I am considering LDAP because it is supported by many of these services. I’m not concerned about synchronizing UNIX users, I already have that solved. (If I need to move those to LDAP as well that can be considered, but isn’t a goal).

just_another_person ,

Then it’s the same situation. Find a box, setup an LDAP service, populate it, and you’re good to go. That’s it.

kevincox OP , avatar

The concern is that it would be nice if the UNIX users and LDAP is automatically in sync and managed from a version controlled source. I guess the answer is just build up a static LDAP database from my existing configs. It would be nice to have one authoritative system on the server but I guess as long as they are both built from one source of truth it shouldn’t be an issue.

just_another_person ,

You’re thinking too hard about this.

There needs to be a source of truth. LDAP is just a simple protocol that can be backed by whatever. You’re worried about the LDAP server going down, but guess what? It’s all in flat files. Go ahead and set it up in a bit repo for config management service for the server/protocol portion, and backup the DB. Easy peasy.

You can also cluster your LDAP service amongst all of your nodes if you have 3+ nodes and un-even number of them to ensure consensus amongst them. You can even back LDAP with etcd if you really want to go down that road.

You’re being paranoid about what happens if LDAP goes down, so solve for that. Any consumer of LDAP should be smart enough to work on cached info, and if not, it’s badly implemented. Solve for the problem you have, not for what MIGHT happen, or else you’re going to paranoid spiral like you are now because there is no such thing as a 100% effective solution to anything.

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