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TrueStoryBob ,

Nobody forced them to make risky business decisions.

Exactly… you want to make a nearly risk free investment? Try a long term bank deposit or invest in government bonds.

TrueStoryBob ,

Unlikely. There’s kind of only two hard-and-fast rules for nuclear war:

  • Never strike first.
  • Never strike a non-nuclear enemy.
TrueStoryBob ,

If Russia were to strike Ukraine with a nuclear bomb, first and foremost that puts every nation on a knife’s edge globally… someone else with an itchy trigger finger could launch against Russia in the confusing hours afterwards. Next up, the PRC and India would likely abandoned Russia as waves of condemnation would flood the global media. Finally, the whole goal of the war is to take Ukraine, not to make it uninhabitable… why nuke what you want to own?

TrueStoryBob ,

Yeah, more clean but not completely… this is not to mention the amount of damage caused by the bomb. Striking Kiev or another city would effectively decimate Ukraine’s infrastructure and economy for decades. If the goal of the war is to subjugate, you don’t want to be in the hook for all those repairs. A nuke on any of Ukraine’s cities would make that dam break last year look like nothing.

TrueStoryBob ,

Nah, they’re probably planning to do what Amazon did with their “Just Walk Out” stores… force children into mines and just claim it’s actually AI. As NFT’s, Cryptocurrency, and so many other hype tech fads have taught us: marketing is cheaper than development.

TrueStoryBob ,

Jeans, a t-shirt, unbuttoned long sleeve flannel, and crew shoes. I keep a hoodie in my desk just in case.

I work at a TV station, it’s 68°F (20°C) in here all year round.

TrueStoryBob ,

You want a nearly risk free investment, I suggest a high interest bank deposit. No one “deserves” a return on mass mortgage speculation.

US Lemmys what could Biden do in the next 6 months to EARN your vote? (other than just not being Trump)

Sorry this is kinda political. Is there an asklemmypolitics group this would be better for? I’m hoping not to get into the libs vs progressives political debate we see everywhere on here… Just want to know what people are actually looking for.

TrueStoryBob , (edited )

He’s already got my vote. He’s by zero means perfect, but I live in a swing state and cannot throw out “meh it’s terrible, but good enough considering” because it’s not perfect.

Here’s some things he could do to make “meh, it’s terrible but” into just “good”:

  • Put any kind of pressure on Israel.
  • Expand the Supreme Court.
  • Executive order giving the NLRB Sectorial Bargaining at the Federal Level.
  • Force the FCC to regulate data collection.
  • Go back in time and allow the railroad workers to strike and threaten nationalization if the hedge funds that own the railroads don’t play ball.
TrueStoryBob ,

Also, like as a joke, it’s just lazy. There are better and funnier ways to mock Trump and his allies. Going “her dur gayz” is hack.

TrueStoryBob ,

Grounds Keeper Willy voice * They’re mortal enemies, like punk rock fans and k-pop fans, or punk rock fans and rap fans, or punk rock fans and punk rock fans… DAMN PUNK ROCK FANS, RUINING THE PUNK ROCK FANDOM!!!

TrueStoryBob ,

I’m having the same issue with message/reply but otherwise it’s a great app.

FTC Non-compete rule published in Federal Register (

This goes into effect September 4, 2024. Employers with existing non-compete agreements must post the notice on page 163 (38504). After that date you may accept a job offer from anybody, including a direct competitor, and not worry about violating any non-compete agreement.

TrueStoryBob ,

Whoa. This is freaking huge in the media/entertainment industry.

TrueStoryBob ,

In Catholic school in the nineties and early 2000’s, we were all told that the sex abuse scandal was serious but that it was also “a small number of incidents.” That we needed to pray for the victims and the souls of the perpetrators.

Then I went to college. Come to find out not only was the child rape widespread, not only did the church actively hide monsters from legal scrutiny, not only was this all directly effecting the local arch diocese (not my school specifically, but church leaders were forced to quickly rename another high school when allegations against a dead bishop proved too numerous to ignore)… not only all that but that it’s still going on, just not in first world countries with robust networks of journalists and legal systems. That an alleged pedophile was (while I was in college) living in the Vatican, being directly sheltered from extradition by South American authorities.

I guess the lie was that it was all over. That it was a small problem. That the church was a safe place people could turn to. I left the church at 18 over it, became an atheist by 19, and that’s where I’m at now at 35.

TrueStoryBob ,

I mean, it’s a bunch of Linux people and communists… dunno what you were expecting.

TrueStoryBob ,

It seems the way VC’s throw money at pure unadulterated hype, don’t count them out just yet. So long as you’re good at marketing, you don’t have to be good at development; you don’t have to have a good idea; you don’t have to have a product that does what you’ve promised, works or even exists… they’ll shower a literal pile of shit with money until it sparkles like a Faberge egg if you can only generate buzz.

TrueStoryBob ,

Me: * checks to make sure this wasn’t Georgia *

Me: “Tennessee, thank God… oh and the delivery driver wasn’t killed, that’s good too.”

Sears From A Joke Being Torn Down (

American comedian Ron White frequently tells a story about how his van was damaged in a comedic way by the technicians at a Sears Automotive Center in Savannah, GA. This week, that Sears Automotive Center is being torn down. While the shopping mall that former Sears location is a part of is otherwise doing well, the Sears has...

TrueStoryBob OP ,

Yeah, even back in the nineties they were still making good stuff. My mom always bought my jeans there as a kid because they sold a store brand that had reinforced knees. I was an outdoor child and ran through clothing at an alarming rate.

TrueStoryBob ,

Okay, that makes sense. Was going to ask how proprietary/locked that charger system was as it seems to be the immerging standard.

TrueStoryBob ,

I was wondering when someone was going to create a Fediverse platform like this. Figured it would be the folks at either PixelFed or Peertube. Can’t wait to try it out!

TrueStoryBob ,

So… like Pornhub has done for years now?

TrueStoryBob ,

The porn hasn’t been very good. I can get around dudes and chicks with like fourteen fingers, no toes, and nipples that hover over their skin… but I draw the line at the dirty talk being “I’m glad I could help you with that.”

TrueStoryBob , (edited )

While we sound rabidly pro-Taiwanese, the US diplomatic position on the PRC/ROC is some wild Cold War type shit. Technically, we recognize both claims as claims that both organizations have made and that both organizations have the right to make those claims. Vague as vague can get. The State Department was seriously like “we agree to disagree… with ourselves.”

TrueStoryBob , (edited )

Umm. Not really, it’s because Amtrak is involved now in Texas and the Build Back Better Act has sent money for several projects not just Houston to Dallas. Cali HSR, Las Vegas to LAX, Orlando to Tampa, Seatle-Tahcoma-Portland, and Atlanta to Charlotte all got funds. All these projects (with the exception of Cali) are using federal/private funds, so state governors can’t really pull the plug (Cali HSR is a constitutionally mandated project approved by the voters of the state… to use state funds).

TrueStoryBob ,

That’s probably the thing conservatives are going to go after when they’re done banning birth control medication.

TrueStoryBob ,

Respectfully, Dave Ramsey can suck my whole ass.

TrueStoryBob ,

The American Israeli Public Affairs Committee is one of the largest political lobbies in the United States.

TrueStoryBob ,

Didn’t someone have a picture of a Tesla in the wild with a bumper sticker that read something like: “I bought this before I knew Elon was a complete idiot.”

TrueStoryBob ,

I remember watching her first interview with Tucker Carlson and thinking “oh thank god she’s a black hole for charisma.” She’s just a void of intellect and nuance collapsing in on itself… of course Ron DeSantis likes her.

TrueStoryBob ,

Needs exactly four Republicans House Reps to do what I could only describe as the funniest thing ever.

TrueStoryBob ,

An election year is a great time to blow up the only part of the government your party controls… I say let them flight.

TrueStoryBob ,

Her district is germandered at like +25 Republican… she’s going no where. But also, having the Republicans do a ton of party infighting during an election year is great if you don’t like them. Makes them less appealing overall to voters. Let them flight.

TrueStoryBob ,

An Acquaintance: “Oh my goodness and they said that people could actually be living on Mars soon! Isn’t that just neat-o?”

Me: Having watched enough hours of “Science Fiction and Futurism with Isaac Arthur” to qualify for a doctorate

Me: “Yep. Sure is super neat-o.”

TrueStoryBob ,

For anyone unfamiliar, “Science Fiction and Futurism with Isaac Arthur” is a prolific YouTube channel. He’s cranked out dozens (if not hundreds) of hours about everything from building archologies on the moon, colonizing the surface of the sun, to settling what’s left at the end of the universe. What that guy does is genuinely a public service and he’s gotten awards for his work.

I love gen-Z's attitude towards corporate culture (

i recently lost my job and it’s horrible being in the ‘unemployed’ class – you’re made to feel worthless, you have to take advice from people, perfectly well meaning of course, that are basically encouragement on digging your own grave - i love being in the position where i have to do some fake elizabethian courting...

TrueStoryBob ,

The only time “networking” has ever resulted in me getting what I wanted was when I worked in the Disney World transportation department. It was my day off, so me and my boy friend at the time decided to go to the parks. We waited in line for two hours for the Rocking Rollercoaster and, after we got off the thing, I spotted another employee who I recognized from Tower of Terror. I didn’t know the guy personally, he was just my favorite lift operator on that ride as he always hammed it up like he was auditioning for a Wes Anderson film. I walked up and told him as much, he thanked me as I explained that I was a cast member in the park on my day off. He asked if I was there with anyone else and I replied my boyfriend. He told me to go get him and to meet him by this door off to the side of gift shop. He took us behind the scenes and back to the front of the line… we got to ride Rocking Rollercoaster almost twenty times without waiting in line. It was fucking incredible.

TrueStoryBob ,

I left the Catholic Church shortly after leaving Catholic school. Like, in Catholic high school, they taught us about the “issues” (read: CA scandal) the church was “going through” and how we all need to “pray for the victims” of these “isolated incidents.” You then step into the real world and learn that the church protected monsters from the law for DECADES (and continues to do so), it really fucks with your head. In college, I went “spiritual but not religious” for a while and then landed squarely into atheism town… been a resident there now for more time than I was ever Catholic.

TrueStoryBob OP ,

Automation and it’s also possible this was a repeater tower… so, not the main broadcast tower but one that fills in a dead zone within the market. Radio and TV stations use repeaters in areas with a lot of hills or tall buildings.

TrueStoryBob OP ,

I’m guessing it was a tower like this one.

Balanced on a single anchor point foundation with guy-wires stabilizing it from all sides.

TrueStoryBob ,

Basically, the idea is to build orbital solar farms (where is always sunny), then beam the energy produced back to the ground with microwave transmitters and ground recievers. It’s technically feasible, unlike fusion we have all the technology needed to do it right now. However, it’s cost and resource prohibitive. The US government studied building such a system in the 1970-80’s after the energy crisis. We could do it, but building it would take a generation to get running and about double the US’s current military annual budget. Launch costs are coming down since then, but the industrialization of space and the moon will take generations and would need to be an international effort to have any chance of success.

TrueStoryBob ,

I’m sorry… are depictions of Jesus not supposed to be erotic?

TrueStoryBob ,

Outlook is super buggy on FireFox for my phone. I found that Vivaldi has been running it fine enough though. It still fails to launch on first try from time to time, but I’ve never gotten frustrated enough to consider downloading the app.

TrueStoryBob ,

The joke is on them… the game is definitely rigged, she’s paid off the NFL so that she can announce she’s running for president on an independent ticket against Trump and Biden.

TrueStoryBob ,

Homer Simpson: “We live in the dumbest possible timeline… so far.”

TrueStoryBob ,

Kind of a “duh” thing but, only buy used cars.

Always have a trusted mechanic who doesn’t work for the dealer look it over before you buy. Usually new car dealerships are reputable and are looking to move their trade-in inventory, especially at the end of the year when they need to clear the lot for the next year’s models. You can even find deals on vehicles that are only a year or two old like a returned lease, with a moderate number of miles on them and little to no wear and tear. Those are usually just as good as new but so much cheaper.

Be super cautious of the used car dealer chains, like Drivetime and Carvana, they have loads of customer complaints and legal problems in a couple of states (basically, if it seems too good to be true, it is). Do not ever buy a former rental car, unless it’s true love at first sight or you’re desperate… even then think about how people, who’ve only paid like $10-20 for rental insurance, have probably treated that vehicle and reconsider.

The newest and most expensive car I ever bought was a previous model year’s dealer demo. A dealer demo is what it sounds like, it’s the car the dealership displayed in the show room, used for test drives with unsure buyers, running office errands, and showing off at the mall or in parades. Cons: There’s only a few of them, they’ll have a couple hundred miles on the odometer, and you don’t get to pick the color or options. Pros: They’re usually at a decent trim level, in an agreeable color, and well maintained… for thousands less than brand new because they’ve already left the lot a whole bunch.

TrueStoryBob ,

Well, what I meant was don’t just take a dealership’s word for the maintenance of a car they’re trying to sell you. But yeah, dealer mechanic shops can be some of the best out there especially for their particular brand.

TrueStoryBob ,

I’ve often wondered, how were the economics of renting a car to drive for a service? Did you usually make back your money for renting and fuel, etc?

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