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Wes4Humanity ,

No no no… Gaza can take out a loan with insane terms from the IMF just like every other slave country. /s

Wes4Humanity ,

That’s exactly what they want you to think! Muahhahah

Seriously though… It’s not REALLY the US that’s doing these things… It’s the global oligarchy… They just use American soldiers because we were the only ones left with any after WW2 and it stuck. The oligarchy has no allegiance to any country or people and would absolutely bomb the shit out of America if it profited them.

Wes4Humanity ,

I hope some group starts tracking every bill against p2025, so that any time they try to squeeze anything in it into a bill everyone knows and we can make it impossible to pass. We also need to know if any Dems ever allow any of it to pass… Basically it should become the anti-Bible for the left… If it’s in there, it’s never going to be allowed to happen

Wes4Humanity ,

Gen z understands that the rich are the cause of their poverty, not immigrants or libs or other poor people. That’s a big step in directing action in the right direction.

Wes4Humanity ,

Yeah… I guess it’s more like, millennials were the first generation to have a majority get it, and Gen z is even better about getting it… But it’s still not 100%

Wes4Humanity ,

The boomers grew up in the “Golden age”… Gen x is the boomers first round of kids… Born from hippy free love and mistakes… Then the boomers grew up, got divorced, and started their millennial “real” families… Gen x caught the shit end of the boomer stick for sure, and it fucked them up as a generation… That and the fact that they caught a lot of the boomers pig headedness, probably because they had far less access to information than millennials.

Luckily they’re a small and mostly insignificant generation that won’t ever be able to prop up the old oligarchy parties the way the boomers have been able to.

Wes4Humanity ,

The type of people who seek power probably won’t change generation to generation… But the voters are changing rapidly as boomers die and millennials/zoomers replace them (far more progressive overall)… The voters will force the change, not the small percent that seek their own glory (ie the list you have there)

Wes4Humanity ,

From her Wikipedia page lmao:

Kinjil Mathur is an American business woman known for propagating slavery type employment for Gen z which reflects her capitalist mindset of exploiting people for her own personal wealth. Her quote “You really have to just be willing to do anything, any hours, any pay, any type of job—just really remain open.” 1 been widely slammed by Gen z generation .she is also the current chief marketing officer of Squarespace.[3][4][5] She was in Vogue’s list of “49 incredible Indian women who are creating legacies across the globe”. [6] [1]

Wes4Humanity ,

Kamala/AOC ticket could win it I think

Wes4Humanity ,

Yeah but I doubt subconsciously sexist/racist people would be willing to vote for Trump… They’re stuck with whomever the DNC runs

Wes4Humanity ,

Besides the obvious magas and Republicans, who would never vote blue anyway, Kamala will be weakest with progressive young people. And I know people like to say there’s no use going after those people (now half the voting population!) because they don’t vote, but they actually DO vote when you give them someone worth voting for. Their numbers are also growing, while the centrist boomer population is declining.

Wes4Humanity ,

Michelle/AOC would crush it… That would be awesome

Wes4Humanity ,

No one who was going to vote for Biden is about to vote for Trump just because Kamala is a black woman… Stop worrying what the Republicans are going to think… They were going to think that about any “lib”, and it doesn’t matter because they were never going to vote for a Dem. The only people we need to worry about are the young progressives who still have no one to vote FOR and might stay home because of it… Throw AOC on the ticket and a lot of them will get excited enough to show up.

Wes4Humanity ,

Yep probably… But that’s the wrong move… Those people aren’t about to switch to Trump just because they’re uncomfortable with a black woman… Trump is just too much of a Trump you know? Like if it was Romney running as R… Then yeah, but Trump is different. The people who “always vote” are going to vote blue no matter who… It’s the young progressives that need to be swayed to vote at all. And there are significantly more young people who could be swayed to show up than there are centrists who might switch to Trump instead of a black woman.

Wes4Humanity ,

Yeah I don’t totally disagree there… This would be a great time to force it though… If it was someone like Romney rather than Trump then a lot of centrist Dem/Reps would probably shift to him, but with Trump, I don’t think they’ll do that, at least not enough to matter… They’ll take anyone other than Trump. So AOC doesn’t cost us all that many votes from the center (under these particular circumstances) but she WOULD bring in millions of young progressive votes that will probably just stay home or vote 3rd party if there’s no progressive for them to vote for.

Wes4Humanity ,

Just to clarify I meant AOC as running mate to Kamala… In case that wasn’t clear. However, I think the more the magas run their bs the more the left will recognize whoever they’re attacking as legitimate. I don’t know why people worry what the right is going to say. They’re going to spread their crap anyway. The young progressive left is larger than the center left at this point… Give them someone worth showing up for and they will, and then it won’t matter what the Republicans do. Especially with Trump as the nominee… No one is moving blue to red while he’s running… Maybe fewer centrist reds will move to blue but the young progressives will far outnumber whatever reds decide Trump is better than Kamala/AOC

Wes4Humanity ,

Nailed it

Wes4Humanity ,

Honestly I think a Newsom/AOC ticket would do even better than Kamala/AOC… Just have to have someone actually progressive on there to get the young progressive left excited enough to show up

Wes4Humanity ,

I wonder if they did any other Internet activities on the phone at all too… I don’t know for sure if it matters, but I wouldn’t be surprised if Facebook can track where you go or have been on the Internet to some degree.

Wes4Humanity ,

Seriously though… How the fuck does Israel have so much influence? Like, okay the West needs a puppet state in the middle east for… Reasons… But how does the puppet state end up in control of everything?

Wes4Humanity ,

If you see the upcoming civil war as inevitable, then triggering it now would mean the government forces are on our side, and with Trump dead you’d get a bunch of different maga factions the government could sweep up quickly. Now when the civil war begins, Trump will be president, maga will be united behind him, and the government forces will be working FOR them.

The ICJ Ruling Confirms What Palestinians Have Been Saying for 57 Years (

The United Nation’s top court filed a ruling Friday that echoed what Palestinian advocates have been saying for decades: Israel’s occupation of Palestinian land, including its settlements in the West Bank, is illegal and must end....

Wes4Humanity ,

I think the real question here is, how is this court not corrupt? Does it just not have any real power so corrupt people aren’t attracted to it? Is there some process involved that keeps corrupt people out? We need to figure out how they have been able to stay uncorrupted and start farming that out to everywhere.

Does one have to be an iconoclast or revolutionary these days to be validly left? I consider myself to be left of center, and very much in favor of progressive policies.

However I find myself being disagreed with quite often, mostly for not advocating or cheering violence, “by any means possible” change, or revolutionary tactics. It would seem that I’m not viewed as authentically holding my view unless I advocate extreme, violent, or radical action to accomplish it....

Wes4Humanity ,

Democrats=liberals and they aren’t “left”, they are only left of conservatives, and even then, only on social issues. Dems/libs are conservatives when it comes to fiscal/economic stuff. Which is why the true left has no representation in the US when it comes to the economy, and the 2 capitalist conservative parties will never allow them to have any.

Wes4Humanity ,

It’s almost like the war is not meant to be won

Wes4Humanity ,

“you’re subscription will expire in 3 days. Renew now to avoid testicular incineration.”

Wes4Humanity ,

How do you think sex toys get charged up?

Is my girlfriend gaslighting me? (Edit: No, she is not gaslighting me, but may have some other issues.)

Today, before taking an Uber home, she sent me a text wanting me to be downstairs on the street to greet her as the Uber arrives. I read it and told her that yes, I’ll be there. I didn’t notice any further text because I was in the middle of something....

Wes4Humanity ,


Wes4Humanity ,

This is not gaslighting, but it is odd.

What would have happened if you had just said “sorry I’m really busy with work today and won’t be able to meet you at the drop off”?

If this would cause her to act the same way, then there’s something wrong. Maybe she recently did a true crime binge and is feeling insecure about her safety? Or maybe she’s showing signs of mental illness. If you guys are in your early 20s, that’s when schizophrenia typically shows up, and can definitely have some paranoia to it. But, you’d need to get a professional to diagnose something like that.

If it wouldn’t cause her to act like this, then she’s probably just pissed you didn’t do what you said you would do. Maybe you have a track record of this kind of behavior and she’s starting to get tired of it?

Wes4Humanity ,

When healthy people are angry they use healthy coping skills to deescalate and then approach the conversation in a calm and rational way. Regardless of whether this is a full-blown mental illness or not, assuming this was really her reaction, something is not okay.

Wes4Humanity ,

Yeah… We’re all going to vote for him if he’s the nominee… But he’s still going to lose… That’s the point, the point progressives have been making all along. BIDEN. WILL. LOSE. Like the sun will rise in the east, it’s just a fact of nature. They need to nominate someone who will get Gen z excited to come out, so at least there’s a chance of stopping Trump.

Wes4Humanity ,

Nazis are people… They’re just shitty people… It’s important not to allow dehumanization of anyone

Wes4Humanity ,

With national name recognition and wildly popular policy plans

Wes4Humanity ,

It’s not that Biden is old, it’s that he’s senile… Bernie is sound of mind, has the national name recognition, and is wildly popular

Wes4Humanity ,

Okay, but if we do this, we’re gonna need the whole rest of the world to stand against the US and decide to fight against our corrupt government. It’ll suck for us, but let’s be honest, we’ve had it coming. Some of us are willing to sacrifice to make the world a better place. Probably a good idea to all stand against Russia and China too… Everyone just stand together against the 3 big bullies… Deal?

Wes4Humanity ,

People staying home historically effects Democrats far more than Republicans. That’s why Dems win when people are excited about a candidate and more people actually show up.

Wes4Humanity ,

I feel like the opposite is true?

Wes4Humanity ,

Kinda seems like crime spiked during the pandemic, and now it’s actually just getting back to normal.

Wes4Humanity ,

That bad apple has long since ruined the bunch

Wes4Humanity ,

Fear… At the bottom of it is always fear

Wes4Humanity ,

Probably selling them to our corrupt government… So we can all be left holding the bag

Wes4Humanity ,

Huh, I wonder if any of those refugees they keep murdering might have been able to do some work?

Wes4Humanity ,

This is kinda how I feel when liberals keep arguing for Biden. What I hear them saying is “Vote for Biden because at least he’s only making THEIR life miserable… Trump will make MY life miserable! (And I might actually have to start caring!)”

It sucks that people only care about the world’s misery when they are personally threatened, but since that seems to be the way it is, maybe letting Trump make everyone miserable will speed things along a bit/get more people to wake up and fight back?

(Mostly playing devil’s advocate here… I do think we should be trying to stop Trump… Just wish the DNC was trying too)

Wes4Humanity ,

Okay, I get this… Hell I FEEL this, even though I only scroll through Lemmy. But let’s say I do want to stay informed, but don’t want it to just be info about the bad stuff: does anyone know of a good source that aggregates all the good stuff people are doing? Like what’s the squad up to? Who’s fighting to take back power from the corporations? Who’s fighting and winning? Who’s inventing ways to stop climate change? That kind of stuff… Not so much the cutsie “I have a crush on my husband” stuff

Wes4Humanity ,

People who sell bullets and bombs really want this

Wes4Humanity ,

10-15% of household in the US are “housing insecure”… There’s 127m households… So about 15 million housing insecure families. I think we should go with that. You’re probably right that the 600k is street homeless. Many people are “homeless sheltered” meaning they can couch surf, or the state is putting them in a motel, or whatever.

Wes4Humanity ,

Oh good… There’s a list… Let’s make sure we get that list for the revolution

Wes4Humanity ,

Mental health crisis clinician: dementia is not considered a “mental health” issue

Also, we can’t force people to get help just because they are acting wildly “crazy”… Even if it’s clearly psychosis, mania, etc. Even if the cops are getting called everyday because the person keeps trashing stores or harassing people. (And, in my state, the cops aren’t allowed to arrest them either, BECAUSE the behavior is due to mental illness).

There’s some serious issues with our mental health system in the US.

California socialite Rebecca Grossman sentenced to 15 to life for killing 2 kids in crosswalk (

A wealthy California woman who co-founded a burn center foundation in the Los Angeles area was sentenced to 15 years to life in prison Monday for the hit-and-run killings of two children while they were in a crosswalk more than three years ago....

Wes4Humanity ,

I get the sentiment… But what we want is justice… Rape can never be justice… And jokes about raping someone just make you look… gross.

Remember… THEY are the monsters… Not us

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