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After Supreme Court immunity ruling, Biden draws sharp contrast with Trump on obeying rule of law

President Joe Biden warned Monday that a Supreme Court ruling granting presidents broad immunity from prosecutionwould make an unchecked Republican Donald Trump “more emboldened to do whatever he wants” if he regains the White House in November’s election.

Biden, under intense pressure after his disastrous debate performance against Trump last week, urged Americans to think carefully about their election decision and signaled he had no intention of dropping out of the race.

Criticizing the decision by the court’s conservative majority — which all but guarantees Trump will not face trial in Washington ahead of the November election over his actions during the violent riot on Jan. 6, 2021 — Biden said it now fell to the American people “to do what the courts should have been willing to do but will not.

“The American people have to render judgment about Donald Trump’s behavior.”

halferect ,

Hey biden you are the fucking president right now why don’t you use your new freedom to do something

p5yk0t1km1r4ge , avatar


Get off your geriatric ass and do something…

p5yk0t1km1r4ge , avatar

Every move like this gets them closer and closer to full on fascism, and gives them more and more power to destroy us and all we can do is hope the idiot democrats put a stop to it, even though all they’re doing is sTrOnGlY cOnDeMnInG their actions…

RememberTheApollo_ ,

Biden was a sharp contrast to trump regarding the law before the SCOTUS ruling, too.

b161 ,

America is absolutely cooked. Biden won’t do shit.

exanime ,

A gesture that has no meaning and even less significance

“To the violent, non-violence means nothing”

PanArab ,

Except for this law.

IANAL, he is probably breaking other laws too.

Grandwolf319 ,

About a month ago I made this comment about Biden jailing trump:

People downvoted at the time but I knew the writing was on the wall. We were always gonna arrive here in 4 years.

ASeriesOfPoorChoices ,

Trump wouldn’t be the first candidate to campaign from jail.

Not even the second.


All y’all are forgetting that if Biden does some wild shit, it would create a precedent and make it OK for Trump to do it too. Please think literally one step ahead.

NineMileTower ,

Like he’s not going to do it anyway. Foolish child.


But it won’t be “OK” to do. And things that aren’t OK can be prosecuted.

You’re expecting Biden to do your revolution for you lmao

If the system is as broken as you say that you need the president to commit crimes, get out of your armchair.

BorgDrone ,

if Biden does some wild shit, it would create a precedent and make it OK for Trump to do it too.

How would Trump be able to do it if he’s dead?

Biden is above the law now, so he should just have Trump and the SC executed.

girlfreddy ,

Once the Court is cleared (and possible Congress) enact laws that forbide POTUS from doing anything that’s on the law books now. That should hog-tie the orange asshole for a bit anyway.

Unless ofc he’s one of ‘cleared’ people. Then America will be fine.

No_Eponym , avatar

You are under the illusion that Trump will be constrained by mere precedent.

ColeSloth ,

Damn it, democrats. Quit being little bitches. For 30 years ive watched you roll over or play nice and its gotten us screwed over. Have the 5 or 6 Supreme Court justices who decided this hung for treason. Show a country that’s sick of corruption. Politicians used to be afraid of the stick. America quit carrying one decades ago.

drunkpostdisaster ,

He has solid justification too. I would not want that immunity to stick any longer though

Boddhisatva ,

You don’t want the immunity to stick? Then show SCOTUS why it’s a bad idea. Arrest their families. Use eminent domain to take their property. Abuse your power as president to show them how fucking stupid they are being.

ColeSloth ,

The remaining 3 justices and the new ones would quickly undo this shit.

Freefall ,

That is what they are counting on!

twistypencil ,

He needs to pledge to over turn this, and citizens united, put the us on a trail path

Telodzrum ,

Anyone telling you there is a practicable path to overturning Citizens United, Trump v. United States, or Loper Bright is outright lying to you.

flicker ,

If Biden starts officially executing people, he can accomplish anything he wants.

AshMan85 ,

He needs to take the gloves off. The traitors are literally acting out their plan for a civil war and democrats are waiting there bent over to take it.

Aqarius ,

I mean, that’s kind of what happened with the last civil war too.

ExperiencedWinter ,

In what way is this like what happened with the civil war? States started leaving the union before Lincoln was even in office, not 3 years into his term

Aqarius ,

IIRC, the secessions were preceeded by a period where it was sort of an open secret of what’s gonna happen, with stuff like future confederate generals transferring cannon stock to southern bases, and moving themselves and their families south, and the North by and large stood by and let it happen under the rationale that “we shouldn’t anger them, they may still come around”. To the point that, again, IIRC, the commander of Fort Sumter saw trouble brewing across the river and requested reinforcements just before the war, and was turned down.

samus12345 , avatar

Then after the Civil War, we treated the treasonous States with kid gloves and allowed them to openly idolize their traitorous leaders, leading to where we are now.

Samvega ,

“We keep letting other people make the world worse, and no one seems to love us for it. What gives?”

ShaggySnacks ,

We tried nothing and we’re all out of ideas.

  • The Democratic Establishment
Samvega ,

As shit as trying nothing is, it’s still better than trying hatred, which is why I am still motivated to vote.

demizerone ,

The democratic party is complicit as far as I am concerned.

AmbiguousProps ,

Biden literally has the power to do something now, but is instead using this to campaign? Infuriating, we got you in office already, to protect against this exact thing from happening. Stop sitting on your ass and do something if you want the American public to forget the debate.

andrewta ,

Name a specific thing that you want Biden to do to fix this problem.

Mun_Walker ,

Murder political opponents with seal team 6. Lol

andrewta ,

The seal team would call that an illegal order under the ucmj. Hidden couldn’t be prosecuted for giving the order, but the seal team would say no.

girlfreddy ,

Biden could legally hire mercs to do the job and never once get called out on it.

AmbiguousProps ,

Has the ruling not fully sunk in for you yet? He could legally find a way to do anything now. He could make it legal and override the ucmj. The hired guns (SEALs or mercs), in this hypothetical, would not say no. Especially not from the commander in chief with new dictator-level powers.

AshMan85 ,

Yeah a lot people don’t understand how serious this is.

ryathal ,

He can’t be imprisoned for it. That doesn’t mean what he does is just allowed today any more than it was last week.

AmbiguousProps , (edited )

So, what happens when he officially declares mar-a-lago a threat to national security and takes it out? Because before this ruling, he could’ve been imprisoned at the very least. But somehow it’s still the same now, even after this ruling? If that’s the case, then why did the Supreme Court even rule?

Freefall ,

Specifically that Seal team…because people are stupid.

Kbobabob ,

Name a specific thing Biden could do that would be considered illegal now.

RaoulDook ,

That’s pretty simple, he could walk outside the White House, declare to the public “I’m on a fuckin’ smoke break bitches” and immediately punch a child in the face. This would be an Unofficial act of the President and a violent crime.

WolfLink ,

Incorrect, because statements the president makes to the public cannot be used as evidence of his acts being unofficial.

(This was part of the ruling too)

samus12345 , avatar

Anything, because the SCOTUS decides what is and isn’t “official.” Democrat does it = unofficial. Republican does it = official.

AmbiguousProps , (edited )

First off, he’s the one in office, not me. He’s the one we voted to in to fix this and he hasn’t done that. He already campaigned on the fact that we had to prevent a dictatorship in the last election. He’s had four years to figure out what to do. That’s the issue at hand here.

Secondly, he can now legally do anything. So use your creative juices, it’s pretty obvious that he can do something, especially now. Not only was Trump given keys to a dictatorship, Biden was given those same exact keys. It’s time to play hardball.

eran_morad ,

Get Justice to arrest and imprison Thomas and Alito. Nominate 2 liberals to the Court and get Justice to arrest and imprison McConnell et al when they pull their bullshit. Continue until 2 liberals are seated.

I fear that if we don’t start playing by their rules, we will have no more stake in the country.

Bonskreeskreeskree ,

All you idiots keep preaching two wrongs making a right. Biden doing this shit would just empower the next republican to do the same. Sliding into tyranny is not ok just cause your side is doing it against the side you don’t like.

eran_morad ,

Are you fucking dense? We’re already past the point of no return. We’re already being victimized by them, and you’re fucking rolling over. Fuck off.

Bonskreeskreeskree ,

What has this ruling done to victimize any of us so far? How is trying to overturn an election an “official” act of the president? I’m not rolling over. I’m pointing out your solution is fucking stupid and not a solution.

eran_morad ,

Christ on a shitstick - the Supreme Cunts have decreed that one man stands above justice, and you’re out here asking dumbass questions like “HuR hOw DoEs DiS vIcTiMiZe??”

Fuck off already.

Bonskreeskreeskree ,

Official acts as president. Not unofficial. Official could be seen as airstriking another country. Unofficial can easily be interpreted as trying to steal the election. Yet most of you are out here advocating for biden to set precedent of assassinating an opponent… really makes you wonder what narrative some people are trying to push. Surely seems like destabilizing the remaining bit of a country we have.

LoreleiSankTheShip ,

As an outsider looking at American politics right now, I don’t see you getting out of a dictatorship and civil war without a lot of realpolitik from the democrats. Assassination may be extreme and strategically unsound for the dems (making Trump a martyr), but as I understand it, it would be feasible to, for example, add 10 more people to the SC, wouldn’t it? Or change electoral laws to make it so convicted felons can’t run for office? Maybe changing first past the post and abolishing the electoral college? I admit I am fairly ignorant of the American system, but wouldn’t those be achievable to Biden if he set his mind to it and damned the consequences (since he can’t be prosecuted for those anyways?)

Kolanaki , avatar

He’s been granted tyrannical power without asking. He should definitely use it to get rid of those trying to destroy democracy, and then also destroy the rules that gave him that power in the first place. Doing absolutely nothing at all and expecting things to get fixed is so beyond stupid, there isn’t even a word for it.

Sabata11792 ,

Seal Team 6 the supreme court, then have the new justices remove the powers from him. If he is the new dictator then he needs to play the part before Trump dose. Were fucked no matter what.

ieatpwns ,

Send out a hit squad on 45 with his new presidential immunity

Or impeach/remove the corrupt justices and pack the court

TreeGhost , (edited )

I’m no legal expert, but could he possibly form a judicial ethics committee to investigate supreme court justices. On any evidence of violating ethics, he could sign an arrest warrent to remove them from the court.

Asafum ,

The supreme court are the only ones responsible for their own ethics. We just recently tried to force this.

We’re literally a fucking joke of a country. Supreme court “justices” don’t even need any experience whatsoever. You or I could be a justice.

TreeGhost ,

So they say, but they also just said the president had immunity for official acts. If Biden did this while at the same time urging Congress to pass judicial ethics laws, who could stop him? Hell, expand it to the federal court system and tell the committee to move fast and prioritize the most unethical judges in key positions and either the Republicans have to play ball with Democrats on passing judicial reform through law or the remaining sane judges reverse a few key decisions to unfuck our current judicial quandary.

JovialMicrobial , (edited )

I agree on this one. The Supreme Court is clearly compromised and needs to be thoroughly investigated for corruption and have their recent, self interest driven rulings revoked.
It’d be a super presidential act that’d definitely benefit all of us. Guess they can’t charge him for breaking the rules to fix this cluster fuck.

HurlingDurling , avatar

The supreme court has basically given Biden the power to act as a King now, then take advantage and…

  1. Dismantle the supreme court, and start the process of HIM choosing who will be the new supreme court.
  2. Imprison all who seek out to destroy our democracy for financial gain.
  3. Forgive all student loans
  4. Change the constitution to codify roe vs wade
  5. Give all homeless a home by taking away property for rent that’s been on the market for more than 6 months.
  6. Dismantle or block the entirety of Project 2025.
  7. Make law that no entity can legally own more than 5 or 10 properties.
  8. Make law that no one that has been recently convicted of a crime in the last year can run for any office (much less the president).
  9. Force term limits on congress and the house.
  10. Force term limits on the supreme court.
  11. Stop treating coorporations as people.
  12. Codify the chrevron ruling that got overturned.
  13. Forgive all medical debts and make Medicaid for all to all americans.
  14. Delist any news organization that either overly exaggerates or lies to the public (ie. Fox, Newsmax, CNN).
  15. Let NOAA make their weather app they wanted.
  16. Implement the green new deal properly now.

Use the weapons of your enemy against them.

There probably more this to add, hut that’s just on the top of my mind.

WolfLink ,

The court didn’t grant him more powers to do things like this list, it only grants him immunity from committing crimes.

HurlingDurling , (edited ) avatar

Ok, then he can abuse his power and do these things anyway.

I mean, this is literally what Trump will do (the abuse of power and illegal shit), and we should not take the high road because WE WILL loose to them.

queermunist , (edited ) avatar

he can do literally anything now wtf

Grandwolf319 ,

Ban felons from running for president.

Pretty good rule tbh

Also, here is me saying he should jail trump a while ago when they were arguing that a president could do anything:

People downvoted at the time but I knew the writing was on the wall.

andrewta ,

ban them sounds good on it’s face. but it’s a state issue of who is on the ballet.

but here is another problem : while biden couldn’t be prosecuted for issuing the order, would the order hold up in court? you know the thing would go before the supreme court. would it hold up there?

i do like the idea though.

RampantParanoia2365 ,

Jail the conservative justices, expand the court, have Trump shot in the fucking face, and barr any felons from serving or running for President.

andrewta ,

? jail them for what? exactly? what law did they break? the courts would release them over night.

Burn_The_Right ,

The notion is to commit a criminal act of false imprisonment, since he is immune from prosecution now. He is allowed to commit crimes, so he should use that power for good instead of just sitting there on his ass waiting for conservatives to show us how it’s done.

Hello_there ,

This speech was a capitulation by Biden. He basically said 'no, executive isn't going to check the judiciary.' His response is 'people need to vote's? What? Where's the vision or game plan to overturning this?
It's so fucking simple to grasp the shortfalls here.

Xanis ,

I’m hoping he’s just giving us a chance to correct this. That will do good in the long run if we manage it. Should we fail it is also my hope that he uses his remaining time in the chair to abuse those executive powers to all hell.

In reality, yes, he could do more right now.

Grandwolf319 ,

Why would he do that though?

Biden is the status quo president, why would he be a martyr?

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