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zeppo , avatar

I’m going to take the free gravel and 7 inch teleportation. The gravel is a valuable commodity which can be sold. 7 inches is enough to get through any doorway.

I_Has_A_Hat ,

7 inches is enough to get through any doorway.

But not necessarily your whole body. Unless you are a beanpole and your entire body is less than 7" thick, part of your body is going to be stuck in the door.

NewDark ,

I want to imagine the real world would freak the fuck out the way some objects in a game engine do when you mash them together.

Fridgeratr ,

Instant nuclear fusion explosion

bingbong ,

So it’s a pretty good super power then

BluJay320 , avatar

Yes, but only once

bingbong ,

Just teleport 7 inches away, duh

That should be a safe distance

BowtiesAreCool ,

Nah there’s enough space between atoms, they’ll just converge into perfect matrix of flesh and door

danwardvs ,

I’m hearing GMod/Source clunking sounds.

zeppo , avatar

I was going to squinch up real tight every time and only teleport through glass doors

Frozengyro ,

That’s how you lose your butt

zeppo , avatar

What happens though? It just gets cut off?

MightyGalhupo ,

Leaves a nut shaped hole in the door and that part of the door appears where your butt was

someguy3 ,

This was my thought.

Rolando ,

Ok wiseguy:

  • hold 8 inch icicle up to someone’s head
  • teleport 7 inches forward
  • "we can’t figure out what killed em!"
Kase ,

If you can make sure it’s just your nose that gets stuck, then pair it up with pill #4, you’ll be good. Hope that helps lol

AeroLemming ,

It doesn’t specify a cooldown on the teleportation. You could potentially move very quickly by rapidly teleporting, kind of like the old minecart trick in Minecraft.

nogrub ,

but when i see a pill it kinda seems like a one use kinda thing

papalonian ,

Feel like these are definitely permanent status effects

Rolando ,

I thought this was like the Matrix, it gives you that ability.

Kase ,

Maybe you gotta take a pill every time you want to teleport

atlasraven31 ,

The scifi book Battlefield Earth uses teleportion as a means of propulsion. The teleportation gives fighter planes a defensive and offensive advantage.

Holyhandgrenade , avatar

By far the least crazy idea L. Ron Hubbard ever had

nUbee ,

I would imagine it would be like Arm pumping.

Rai ,

Does the teleportation create an exact copy of you and destroy who you are, or does it just move you exactly and rebuild your brain perfectly so you’re exactly the you you were before the teleport?

CeruleanRuin ,

Personally it would work the same as when you move through space by conventional means.

TheRaven , avatar

7 inches is enough to get you mostly through a doorway.

Doors are about 1.5 inches thick. The average chest depth of an American male is 11.5 inches.

Teleporting yourself 7 inches forward would put a door 7 inches from your front and 3 inches from your back. You would have to only be 5.5 inches deep in order to make it entirely through the doorway without merging with the door.

zeppo , avatar

It depends how exactly it works. If it’s the very front of my body moves forward 7 inches, yeah, that’s not great. I was hoping for measuring from the center or something. What happens if i overlap something, anyway? Nuclear fusion?

Decoy321 ,

It wouldn’t matter what part of your body moves if your whole body retains its shape (as in, doesn’t stretch or deform in any way). If you stay the same shape, you moving 7" means the whole of you (front, middle, and back) moving 7".

If your body stretched during teleport, then you’ll probably have other problems aside of the displacement issue.

TheMauveAvenger ,

It matters what part of the body the measurement is tied to for start and finish. If it has to be the same point on the body then it’s a problem, but if the anchor point can change then there are greater possibilities.

I can put my hand on the door and extend my foot backwards. If my hand is the anchor point to start and my foot is the anchor point to end, then certain parts of my body have teleported more than 7", but in the aggregate at least one part of my whole body is always within a 7" distance from anchor to anchor. That would mean I could teleport my whole body through any solid item that is less than 7" thick.

BluJay320 , avatar

Now you’re thinking with portals

… wait, wrong power

BowtiesAreCool ,

That makes no sense

wildginger ,

Pre teleport hand position is A.

Post teleport foot position is B.

The distance between A and B is 7 inches.

“You” teleport 7 inches, but if “you” is a relative concept thats so far undefined (are your clothes “you”? The contents of your stomach? The air in your lungs? What chemicals dissolved in your blood count as “you”?), and A and B are both “you,” technically youve teleported 7 inches while sort of fudging the actual distance.

As with all magic, the interpretation of the rules is more important than the rules themselves.

swab148 , avatar

I think we’d have to figure out at what part of the brain consciousness originates before we could implement teleportation, because you’d (almost) always want to travel exactly 7" from your point of view.

I_Has_A_Hat ,

No, that’s fundamentally breaking the 7 inch limit.

In that scenario, both your hand and foot would have traveled more than 7 inches. They would have traveled 7 PLUS the pre-teleport distance between your hand and foot. That’s the same distance every part of your body would have traveled.

It doesn’t matter how you cut it, or how you define “you”. You would be teleporting more than 7 inches. There isn’t a single part of you that would ONLY be teleporting 7 inches.

Decoy321 ,

Fair, but at that point you’re just arbitrarily redefining the rule of “teleport 7” away" to cheat this thought experiment.

TheMauveAvenger ,

Not cheating anything, just asking questions to define the parameters of the power.

zeppo , avatar

Thanks, this helps. I had to think about it for a while. I think what I envisioned was “teleport me past any obstacle less than 7 inches”.

GnomeKat , avatar

The more important question is, what is the cool down? If you can just spam it really fast you can essentially move at (7inchs/teleport) * (teleports/second)… if you can spam that multiple times a second you could actually move really fast, even fly.

SadTrain ,

Too bad your clothes stay on the other side. I guess you can try to teleport out of county lockup too

mosiacmango ,

Cops dont even show up to actual crimes. Aint no one grabbing the naked dude blipping in and out of reality as they pass through walls.

zeppo , avatar

What this comes down to is too few details. The fine print definitely matters

kibiz0r ,

If your clothes stay behind, then what else does?

Dirt, dust, dead skin? Oils? Gut bacteria? Dental fillings? Food you just ate? Oxygen in your lungs? Oxygen in your blood? Implants for sure, right? What about hair, or nails?

I can imagine a scenario where someone tries this ability for the first time only to wind up naked, perfectly clean-shaven, bleeding profusely from every orifice and extremity, breathless and doubled over in pain, convulsing on a pile of shit, hair and other gross, getting their back sliced open by disembodied toenails.

Buddahriffic ,

And do you swap places with matter at your destination or just fit your pieces around and into whatever is already there?

If you don’t swap, you could end up with air in your blood stream and bacteria and fungal spores everywhere. And a chance of nuclear fusion depending on how close atoms end up to each other. And if it can fuck with things at a nuclear level, it will also fuck with them at a chemical and structural level.

Or if you do swap, it becomes a powerful weapon where you just pop into someone’s body, putting the parts of them you overlap with where you used to be, then you just pop back out in a different spot. Bank vault door is too thick? Just teleport multiple times and you’ll get through safely as long as you can remain pretty still while going through it. If you can constantly teleport a tiny distance, you might be impervious to all attacks because stuff would get swapped before it impacts you, but that “might” is doing a lot of lifting. Though you probably also wouldn’t be able to hear sound, so you would be vulnerable when having conversations or listening to music.

theneverfox ,

Free gravel is a clear winner… If there’s no limits, you could straight up build artificial islands, you could destroy cities… It’s a legit super power. Hell, unless there’s extreme limits that make it worthless, you could do a lot.

Teleporting is tempting, and if you could use it fast enough you could fly or at least walk at insane speeds… Depending on the limits, I’d take that over gravel

But any toaster? That’s a brain computer interface right there. Even if it’s one way, and you have to do it manually and pay for power? With 30 toasters you could type anything. You could learn stenography to do it faster. Or, if you could manipulate toasters past their capabilities, you could generate infinite power or burn down entire cities


For the gravel, I assumed it meant that any place that sells gravel is forced to give it to you for free. Still really powerful, but you have to think about the logistics.

electrogamerman ,

still OP. Now I control all gravel in the world.


Also if you can telelport but leave your poop behind think how easy pooping would be!

circuitfarmer , avatar
  • Resell my free gravel for huge profits
  • Have a great street magic trick where I ask the spectator to empty a single container out of many with my back turned, but I can always pick out which one

I’ll be Cris Angel, Gravel King

BlemboTheThird ,

Redmond and blutarch are gonna be SEETHING when I collapse the gravel industry

funnystuff97 ,

-Grey Mann

Kase ,

Why is everyone choosing whatever pill(s) they want to and describing what they’d do with it?

The instructions explicitly say you can only pick 2. Everyone gets gravel. Smh.

Franzia ,


SandLight ,

That’s all I want anyways though it would be cool to speak another language.

Atomic ,

2 and 3 easy.

Free gravel for life. So I have an endless supply of product I can sell for profit? Yes please.

And I see no time-limit on the teleportation. 7 inches at a time. Sure. But what stops me from instantly teleporting another 7 inches? And who says I can only do it horizontally. Pretty much giving me the ability to fly here. I’ll take it.

ehsan301 ,

I think the teleport one is only a one timer. You take the pill, you teleport away for 7 inches.

applebusch ,

I agree with your choices but your logic for the teleportation doesn’t hold up. You’ve assumed your momentum wouldn’t be conserved through the teleportation in a weird way. Assuming momentum is conserved, you would still fall just as quickly. In fact, you would reach terminal velocity in short order, and would have to continually teleport to keep yourself from crashing into the ground. By itself that would be bad enough, but you moving through the air between teleports would cause the air to move as well, so assuming you could keep up and hold your elevation, your velocity relative to the ground would increase to some number higher than terminal velocity. Think Chell continually falling through portals. Now you’re stuck unless you can also teleport slightly to the side without falling. Best case you go to one of those indoor skydiving places and get in so you can slow down without dying. I was going to explore what would happen if your momentum somehow wasn’t conserved, but that would imply some absolute fixed frame of reference or magical mumbo jumbo, neither of which exist.

You could totally travel faster though, without even needing to walk. You would also be super dangerous in one on one combat sports. A well placed 7 inch teleportation can easily get the win in the right sports.

Numenor ,

But Midi-chlorians…

remotelove ,

I love the thought experiment. However, what really makes me think is how air behaves.

Would the air from the destination get teleported back to fill the void that you left? Does the person just displace the air at the destination when they teleport?

What really gets me curious is what would happen during several quick teleports if the air is just displaced at the destination. Regardless, there would be an extreme vacuum at the starting location for a very short period of time. There was no specific time given about how long a person needs to wait between jumps, so you could leave a heck of a trail of destruction in your wake.

Some air would be displaced backwards after the teleport decreasing the volume of the void, but a void would still be there.

Would the forces be strong enough to suck the person backwards? Would the atmosphere simply collapse the void creating a bit of thunder and heat?

I can’t even fathom what happens to time. If you teleport instantly, that may imply that you are traveling faster than the speed of light. The universe implodes?

BeardedGingerWonder ,

You know when you see people teleport on TV and they just appear in a different place with no major world breaking repercussions? It works like that

remotelove ,

Sure. But that is boring. The magic of TV does a poor job of taking fictional situations and showing how things work in real life. Real life can be much more dramatic and interesting. (Or much less dramatic and interesting, in some cases. Like car explosions.)

applebusch ,

We can make some estimates for what would happen. The specific enthalpy (basically energy per kilogram) of air, modeled as a diatomic ideal gas, would be 7/2RsT, where Rs is the specific gas constant of air and T is the temperature. The specific gas constant of air is 287.05 J/(kg K), so at 293.15 Kelvin (20 C, ~70 F) the air would have 294kJ per kilogram. An average human displaces about 0.06522 cubic meters (65.22 Liters, 17.2 gallons), and air at standard conditions has a density of 1.20 kg/m^3, meaning you displace about 0.078 kg. This means an average person teleporting would create an energy difference of about 23kJ between the vacuum they leave behind and the surrounding air. That’s as much energy as a 1kg mass moving at 214 m/s (478 mph, 770 kph) or about Mach 0.62 at sea level, or a 1000 kg mass moving at 6.78 m/s (15 mph, 24.4 kph). So imagine getting crushed against a wall by Grandma driving a small sedan at a human running speed, except the wall doesn’t take any of it. That is also a bit more energy than a .50 BMG bullet, which apparently is used to shoot down helicopters.

If you teleport really close to your starting position, we can assume the total energy would be doubled. Also consider that this analysis is conservative. The faster the teleportation happens the more energy you’re going to release. This only accounted for the energy of the air itself, not the kinetic energy of all the air that would rush in to fill the vacuum, or the energy you add to the air when you pop back in, which could be significantly more if you pop back in really fast. So it could be quite a bit of energy. I always imagined that a superhero or villain that could teleport would need some kind of force field just to survive the process, and that they could develop their ability to teleport faster to use it as a weapon, or teleport slower for stealth and not destroying their destination. Looking back at Jumper the amount of damage they do when they teleport is pretty minor, considering the math. The energy released would only grow if you could take stuff with you.

Atomic ,

I disagree with your teleportation assessment. Just as I don’t think my momentum would be conserved, you think it is. You have no more reason to believe it would than I have to believe it wouldn’t. Because there’s no foundation for teleportation as it doesn’t exist.

I’m not sure what logic you want to use with something that is made up. But im gonna go ahead and assume my teleportation will work on my rules since no rules were ever specified.

You can feel free to use whatever made up rules you want for your own magical power.

applebusch ,

Conservation is a law of nature, making it natural to assume it would still hold even with a hypothetical power. But you do you. It’s ok to be wrong sometimes.

miss_brainfart , avatar

But what if teleportation doesn’t move you from A to B, but just lets you disappear and reappear while you’re just standing there, so that there’s no momentum at all?

remotelove ,

Where does the energy go if you are already moving when you teleport? Do you somehow lose all mass for a brief second? Instant transportation from point A to point B means that there is no in-between state to change the variables of nature. Zero time passes between being here one second and there the next.

Most everything that has mass and is moving has momentum. If momentum were to somehow be cancelled, which it can’t be, your body would probably just stop completely. Even electrons have mass (9.1093837 × 10-31kg) and just stopping all electrical signals in your body at the same time seems like a bad thing. (I say “most everything”, because there are these strange things called photons. It doesn’t have mass, but has momentum. It’s also a particle (err… “energy packet”?) and a wave, which is even weirder.)

Sure, we are taking about a completely fictional situation when it comes to teleporting so this conversation is just really just a thought experiment.

If you were granted any wish, but you only received an extremely literal version of that wish, what are the consequences? That is humorous to think about, actually.

miss_brainfart , avatar

Where does the energy go if you are already moving when you teleport?

If you are in fact moving, there’d be momentum, like you say. But if you don’t? If you just sit there, and teleport from one comfy armchair into another, not changing anything about your position?

remotelove ,

That goes back to my point about the humble electron.

There are a ton of things moving in your body all the time regardless if you are sitting still of not. The only thing that I can think of that would be drastically impacted by instant cancellation of momentum is electrical signals. I admit, that is absolutely pushing the boundaries of what I know about physics at that scale.

Stopping every electrical signal in your body simultaneously and assuming it will just resume spontaneously seems odd to me, is all.

MightyGalhupo ,

Well you see, there’s also the problem that if you teleported and it got rid of your momentum, unless something immediately speeds you back up to the speed of the earth, it will just woosh past you. Even if something like the air sped you up, while it’s speeding you up, the friction would likely tear you apart.

theoretiker ,

conservation of momentum is only a true, when translational invariance holds. In addition, there may be a countless number of mechanisms by which teleportation changes a persons momentum. E.g. maybe the way this kind of teleportation works is Star Tek-like and your atoms get disassembled and reassembled, meaning they don’t need to have the same overall momentum, when whatever is doing the dissassembly stops atoms for dissassembly.

remotelove ,

There are a ton of conditions that are left floating, for sure. Some people here are imagining this as “instant” teleportation. As in: here one second, there the next.

If zero time passes when a person is teleported, that causes some problems. I like thinking about that one, TBH. That starts to dive into the realm of breaking space itself, which is super cool to noodle on. (Wormholes FTW!)

My own questions would be more about how disassembly and reassembly would maintain original state. If an electron is moving when it is transported, where does that momentum go and how is it reapplied.

ohlaph ,

I was going to say 2 and 3 for the exact reason. And just dumping large amounts of gravel in random places.

empireOfLove ,

Options 2 and 3.

Free gravel, assuming that means it just sort of appears where I want it in as much volume as i want, means I can simply create a massive stockpile of it in a very convenient location for construction projects and sell it by the yard for literally free money. Or sell it directly and conjure it up right where the foreman wants it.

Teleporting 7 inches is enough to pass through most doors which are less than 2" thick. That is infinitely more useful than you think it is…

samus12345 , avatar

Doors may not be that thick, but you’re thicker than 7 inches even if you’re skinny. So you’d end up with part of your back inside the door.

IndefiniteBen ,

But then you haven’t travelled 7 inches. If you want to measure how far someone has travelled, you measure the distance from a body part in one position to the same body part in the second position. If you measure from the back of the foot in one position why would you measure to the front of the foot in the other position?

Zeshade ,

If a door is 2 inches thick and thickest part of your body is the length of your foot in inches, let’s say 11 inches which Google tells me is a reasonable length for a man’s foot, then to travel far enough into the direction of the door so that the back of your foot ends up on the other side of the door, you’d need to travel 11+2 inches.

samus12345 , avatar

Depends on how it’s measured. I was supposing a position at the center of your mass being used, but there are no guidelines to go by. Guess you just have to take the pill and see how it works! Personally, I’d pick something else unless I had a way to verify how it worked beforehand.

CrzyRusski ,

Ammm, that proves that you’ll likely end up in the door. If you stand facing the door and measure 7 inches from the back of the foot towards the door, you likely won’t pass the door.

IndefiniteBen ,

Right. I seem to have confused myself.

Also another point is that it says “up to” 7 inches. Who knows if that distance is a choice or random.

CrzyRusski ,

Lol right, didn’t catch that small detail

kablammy ,

If it is a choice, then stand back to the wall and teleport -24 inches to safely teleport through the wall.

empireOfLove ,

Speak for yourself. How do you know I’m not a 2-dimensional lifeform?

samus12345 , avatar

Must be difficult to eat!

Sotuanduso ,

Just teleport again. What could go wrong?

Imgonnatrythis ,

Cath here is that if you teleport accidentally into an object that object becomes a part of you.

RGB3x3 ,

So I just become a Katamari?

Fine by me.

Imgonnatrythis ,

You can do this already without the pill, you are just limited to objects that are somewhat sharp.

samus12345 , avatar

rolls around on a floor full of tacks

“Ha-ha, (ouch) na, na-na (ouch) na-na (ouch) na-na (ouch) na-na, (ouch) Kata(ouch)mari Dama(ouch)cy!”

Pulptastic ,

Ba baaaaa bababadabada

Selmafudd ,

The teleport one if it has no cool down could be used to fly, just keep using it

samus12345 , avatar

If it stops velocity it would also be useful for dropping long distances without dying. A little like Mario doing a butt-stomp just before he hits the ground in Mario 64.

Sotuanduso ,

MLG teleport clutch.

x4740N , avatar

Could just also use it to travel any speed too if it stops velocity

You could put on an astronauts suit and warp across space

merc ,

Theoretically it could be used to travel, but “realistically” it probably couldn’t. Even if it’s an ability that’s as easy to activate as blinking, a typical blink lasts 1/3 of a second. If you can teleport 4x per second, you can only move at 28 inches per second, which is slower than walking speed. If you did it while you were running you could theoretically add 28 inches per second to your speed, but that would only increase your speed by about 10%.

It seems unlikely you could use the ability hundreds of times per second, because there really isn’t much that you can do intentionally hundreds of times per second.

empireOfLove ,

Physics teachers hate this one simple trick

Mouselemming ,

As long as you maintain a personal diameter of <5 inches. If not, some door will trim it for you.

bhamlin ,

some door will trim it for you.

Hang on, let’s hear him out…

surewhynotlem ,

Speak for yourself. I’m more than 7" thick. I’m not making it through a sheet of paper.

merc ,

Not just doors. Many walls are thinner than that. Any window or glass wall, even reinforced bulletproof ones, immediately become an entrance and exit. You could presumably walk into Fort Knox, grab a few bars of gold and walk back out. If you’re arrested, no jail could hold you.

You could easily be the most famous magician alive, doing impossible escapes from sealed boxes, or disappearing by teleporting 7 inches into a hollow but completely sealed object.

Entertainmeonly ,

3 and 7 💯. I’m breaking into all the places.

kpaniz ,

Didn’t even think of a building as a container

bustrpoindextr ,

It’s just a big container

Infynis , avatar

Exactly. One power lets you see if it’s safe, and the second one teleports you into the space you know to be empty.

Squeak ,

What’s the point in breaking in if it’s empty? How empty does it need to be? Does it need to be a vacuum or does air still count as empty?

deegeese ,

Most walls are more than 7 inches thick. You’d just get stuck.

Entertainmeonly ,

Doors exist.


Free gravel for life. Just become a gravel wholesaler. Corner the market instantly.

Wogi ,

The price of gravel has plummeted. You now have a mountain of gravel and no one willing to buy it for more than what it would cost to transport it.


So what you’re saying is, I have a ton of free rocks!

Let’s goooooo

Rediphile ,

That fine, I’ll take the loss for now and later raise prices again once all the other gravel suppliers die out.

dual_sport_dork , avatar

Depending on the fine print that comes with these powers, some of them could be significantly less useless than they appear.

For instance, “look 10 hours younger.” Always, or can you do this on command? Can do you it on command more than once? Does the effect stack? Does it include your clothes? Etc. Because if it for example includes your clothes and/or makeup, you could use this to disguise yourself pretty elaborately, or equip yourself with a lot of stuff about your person in advance, then take it off and show up anywhere up to 10 hours later and conjure that stuff out of the air. Imagine the Matrix lobby scene, except you don’t have to set off the metal detector on your way through.

Infinite gravel could be pretty OP if you can conjure it at a fast rate, and especially so if you can conjure it at a remote location. Like, above your enemy’s head. Or inside his vehicle. Etc. Even if it’s just some kind of deal where you present your magic coupon at the Gravel Depot, you could corner the world’s supply. There are a lot of roads that need building in the world.

Or if your 7" teleportation range has no cooldown period, you could just chain-teleport pretty much anywhere that doesn’t require passing through anything thicker than 7". That’s tantamount to flight or super speed running, but you could do it without removing your asscheeks from your chair. Or depending on how the telefrag rules work, you could cause a lot of damage to anyone or anything you wanted by just teleporting through taking 7" bites out of your target each time.

justlookingfordragon OP , avatar

#7 could be useful for gambling - when you can see into one container but not the other, you instantly know which one has the prize in it.

JoMiran , avatar

Due to a recent Supreme Court ruling certain areas classified as wet land by the US Corp of Engineers are no longer under build restriction. To make them buildable they need fill. A few million tons of gravel fill seems like something someone would pay a lot of money for.

someguy3 ,

What really? Great let’s take away flood protection.

JoMiran , (edited ) avatar

Yeah, it’s crazy. A couple from Idaho took the EPA to court and won. Wetlands not adjacent to bodies of water are no longer federally protected.

Caboose ,

If you think about it, if looking 10 hours younger was constant, you basically created eternal youth. I’d say that’s pretty great.

BigBlackCockroach , avatar

you can’t teleport through things because you are thicker than 7"

Clbull ,

2 and 3 without question.

You’d make ludicrous money from the construction industry with an unlimited supply of gravel, while being able to teleport 7 inches would be useful for break-ins.

Halvdan ,

My thoughts exactly. God-tier talents, both of them. But if you got #2 you don’t really need to steal. I would use #3 to undress. Easily saves 5-10 seconds at bedtime. Or become the naked burglar of course.

HauntedCupcake ,

The teleport for break-ins only works if you and the object you want to go through are less than 7 inches thick. I’m not sure you could do anything with it

kolastor ,

Most doors and fences are, in fact, less than 7 inches thick. You probably couldn’t get into a vault, but simple B&E would be trivial.

maniclucky ,

Yes, but how thick are you? If you are 7.1 inches thick, your back will move forward into the thing you’re trying to avoid.

kolastor ,

Ah, I figured it was measuring front to back, not center to center. I’d say they’re both valid interpretations.

captainjaneway , avatar

It depends. Is 7" measured from the center of my body to the next location? Or is it measured from the tip of the front of my body and the back of my body will end up 7" away from that position? Because the former would likely be useless for breaking into places. My body would make up the majority of the travel distance. I basically would only have 1"-3" or teleport distance to work with. Most walls wouldn’t even work.

As someone else said, if I could spam the teleport command, then it would be great. Then I could travel across oceans and such. But I’d have to be careful to not transport myself inside of a boat’s hull and get spliced.

The gravel would be great though. With an unlimited supply, I’d just create a turbine which is turned by an unlimited amount of gravel pouring over it. The gravel would have to end up somewhere… Can’t just leave it on earth. So I would ask countries - in exchange for the free energy - to build a space elevator/launching mechanism. The gravel would be launched into space towards the sun. This would be a problem in a few million or billion years. I’d accelerate the death of the sun by increasing its mass or maybe my gravel would add too many sunspots. Idk. But who cares. By then we will be space faring. One major issue is I’ll die in 50 years give or take. So I’ll need to spend most of my time spawning a surplus of gravel somewhere so the governments of the world can continue turning the turbine? Idk. That’s a big problem.

Maybe I’d just start a construction company.

Clbull ,

Another thing to consider, if you miss your mark, do you blink as close as possible to the object you’re trying to go through or does it impale/telefrag you?

captainjaneway , avatar

Definitely impale

captainjaneway , avatar

Definitely impale

NeonWoofGenesis , avatar

Well then the air molecules will also impale your whole body

captainjaneway , avatar

Oh that’s true. I guess we have to allow for displacement. If that’s the case, yeah I want this power 100%. Spam teleport. I could destroy anything in the world just with displacement. I could punch a hole through tanks just by teleporting. And if I have no “cool down” when teleporting I could level entire armies. I could teleport once every nanosecond even bullets that are timed to hit me down to the nanosecond would only penetrate my body a small amount before I teleport and displace them.

Clbull ,

Well option 3 suddenly sucks a lot more.

Maybe it’ll be a neat party trick.

captain_aggravated , avatar

Well if I can only pick #2 I guess I’m gonna get free gravel.

lime_red ,


Daft_ish ,

Dude all I’m thinking about is redoing my driveway. All these other people are looking to be gravel tycoons.

captain_aggravated , avatar

Yeah do you get like a choice of gravel? Because I’ve got a bluestone driveway that’s in piss poor condition, so being able to pick the matching flavor would be really convenient.

shifted_drifter ,

2 and 7. Free gravel? Sign me up that shit’s expensive. And I think another way to interpret 7 is that you can instantly tell whether any closed container is empty or not, since you can only see into empty containers.

Not_Alec_Baldwin ,

2 and 7 feels OP compared to any other combo by a mile. Definitely getting nerfed in the next patch.

Nelots ,

For some reason my mind skipped straight past 2 so I never considered it. I was going to go 5 and 7. 7 for the same reasoning as your own, and I could probably use 5 as some sort of weird toaster-only magic show to make money. 2 Is definitely the far superior moneymaker here, but I’d probably go with 5 anyway because it’d be more fun to have as an ability.

Aqarius ,

Depending on the exact rules, you could probably control anything you can bolt a toaster to.

Nelots ,

For no real reason other than it sounds reasonable in my head, my personal head canon is that you can’t move anything heavier then the toaster itself. So a cloth on top of the toaster is fine, but a car just wouldn’t fly.

It’s fun to imagine what it would mean with no limits though. Could I send the earth spiraling into the sun simply by placing the toaster on the floor?

Aqarius ,

Even with limitations, like, would installing a toaster into a car, pimp my ride style, make the car a driveable toaster?

janAkali ,

Free gravel it is 😒. Why would someone make a quiz with no choice ?!

faintwhenfree ,

Sell free gravel you got Gravel to construction companies by the ton.

Crap_your_hands ,

Definetly 2. You can make millions with that shit.

itsgroundhogdayagain ,

Does the gravel have to be delivered or does it appear out of thin air?

Tar_alcaran ,

It comes out of your nose

superduperenigma ,

That second nose might be useful after all

Poiar ,

Can one decide where to grow it? I’d rather it not be on my face. I think the butt crack would be the most inconspicuous place, however it might not be inactive.

Decisions decisions…

x4740N , avatar

2 and 3

Assuming I have the ability to Summon free gravel

I could use it for all sorts of things such as making money, using it as a throwing weapon, etcetera

With the teleportation I could just chain I and travel to any country while maintaining a safe speed limit for my body during transition in and out of teleporting

zipzoopaboop ,

Yeah no contest. Gravel can be sold, can teleport through walls or doors

Rhllor ,

3 is just like diablo 2 sorcs just with more button spamming

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