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chagall ,

It was just…. ugh. 😞

TropicalDingdong ,

It shouldn’t come as a surprise.

EarthShipTechIntern , (edited )

How is this fascist right wing shit show not a global debacle? Putin, Netenyahu, Bolsanaro, Trump, Modi… Italy & Germany both rolling right. North Korea (of course) jumping on the Russian bandwagon and Xinny the Pooh.

Does Britain’s finally dumping the Tories (after a decade & a half+) make them one of the few to break left at this time on the global stage? {Something about broken clocks being right from time to time.}

LainTrain , (edited )

No I wouldn’t think that about the UK. Tories shifted massively rightwards over the past decade and they are really losing most voters to Reform - a hard right party, so they are simply not hard-right enough for most voters, meanwhile Labour has shifted massively right to occupy the space Cameron-style neocons were in before.

The right win in the long run because if labour wins, the dynamic will be of that between Cameron-esque conservatives under Starmer Labour and hard-right conservatives under Reform/UKIP/whatever Farage party as the two major parties. This is the final form of the overton window shift, on which the UK and US led the world on in 2016.

If anything the lib Dems - if you take their manifesto at face value - are far more progressive than Labour at this point and don’t adopt the “managed decline” style of governance.

This is where the UK FPTP system might actually work well, Reform could get as many as 17% of votes, ahead of Tory 15% and become the 2nd largest party, and yet end up with like one parliament seat because they dont end up with a majority in any one county this time around.

The only hope then is that Starmer is just secretly a really good guy who won’t say so because the tory media would eviscerate him on culture war shit, that he survives the power struggle of a labour seat supermajority and kicks out the likes of Duffield and Streeting.

gentooer ,

Poland and Hungary also did fairly well, if I’m not mistaken

menemen , avatar

This is comparable to a loud family feud carried out on the streets with yelling and throwing stuff at one another and then yelling at the shocked onlookers to move away.

JusticeForPorygon , avatar

We’re the family that gets kicked out of the Applebee’s for having a very loud and emotional fight while some other family is trying to celebrate their kid’s 8th birthday

dumbass , avatar

Nope, you can’t stand there for generations going “LOOK AT ME! LOOK AT ME!” Then get shitty when we do, we want to watch you drive that burning bus into the the ocean.

Donkter ,

We’re literally the family with the drunk uncle who’s really fun at parties but now the alcoholism has caught up and he just gets sad and angry when he gets drunk.

ivanafterall , avatar

We’re Amy Winehouse/Lindsay Lohan/Britney Spears. We love(d) the limelight, but it’s not so great when we’re spiraling downward.

AngryCommieKender ,

Elvis Presley. We’re currently in the fat Vegas years. We should probably stay away from submarine sandwiches, and bathtubs.

BigBananaDealer , avatar

what is americas death on the toilet going to be?

AngryCommieKender ,

An absolute shitshow

LordSinguloth ,

It’s just a face, and doesn’t usually represent the people.

Prez has little power when compared to most world leaders. Their lead is more of a cultural one.

So to say, it’s really not so violently serious

AngryCommieKender ,

I wish Prez had been real, and not just a Sandman president.

match , avatar

Absolutely fair play and you are statistically likely to be in a country we’ve wronged so I won’t begrudge you the schadenfreude

Rentlar ,

As part of the CUSMA trade agreement, I think us Canadians and Mexicans are allotted one sigh of disappointment…

Como parte del acuerdo comercial T-MEC, creo que a los canadienses y los mexicanos se nos permite un solo suspiro de decepción…


Mexicans should absolutely be keeping an eye on American politics. Especially since half the debate was: Sir please explain how much you hate Mexicans and what you’ll do to prevent any Mexicans from entering our fair country and how you’ll remove the Mexicans problem when you’re in power.

Trump: internment camps, American Auschwitz if he can

Biden: further tighten border control and further restrict ability to obtain legal entry

rsuri ,

The crazy thing is everything up to this point was so much better. They’d show biden waiving at “nobody” and then they’d zoom out and there’s someone standing there. Or he’d say “president of Mexico” when he meant to say “president of Egypt”. But then last night was like nonstop fail. It’s the perfect nightmare scenario because now everyone can say “You shoulda seen it sooner!” but really, we couldn’t.

stabby_cicada ,

Sounds like an excuse.

What I mean is: it sounds like his handlers kept making excuses and you kept accepting them because you wanted to believe them.

I know, I’m frustrated too. I dismissed the Alex Jones Fox News crowd because they were known liars, they’d lied to us for decades, and this really did seem like standard conservative projection to deflect from their candidates’ obvious mental issues.

Hate to admit it. But the conservatives were right and we were wrong.

mhague ,

I don’t see how what conservatives say has to do with reality.

Biden has been “senile” and “too old” for years now, during which time we’ve had a functioning Biden administration.

The Trump admin was limp, chronically understaffed, weak, ineffectual. That’s what they’re pretending is better than Biden. Conservatives don’t even care about senility so if you hear them rag on Biden and think they’re right, you’re not understanding what they’re really saying.

DogWater ,

Don’t make the mistake of thinking the 1st trump term will be like the second if he wins. This time people are prepared and have a playbook to do as much damage as possible. Google project 2025.

justaderp ,

We’ve seen this before with Reagan. We took the military industrial complex to the next level. If history repeats with banks deregulated as they are now… It won’t matter one fucking bit, really. It’s not very important whom they choose to front their cons. No President can save us, or would want to. Our oppressor is not our savior.

brucethemoose ,

No, plenty of nonpartisan and even liberal people were yelling this too. I had no illusions of Biden’s age.

America is not just two internet echo chambers… even if it feels like it right now.

ShitOnABrick , avatar

ZzzzzzzzzzzZzzzzzzzzzZzzzzzzzz I skibdi with um COVID dealing with uh everything hmmm we had to uh deal with uh OOOooorere if we finally beat Medicare

p5yk0t1km1r4ge , avatar

We are so fucked if this is Joe’s new demeanor. My god, the orange bafoon handled it so much better…fuck

ShitOnABrick , avatar
GiddyGap ,

My god, the orange bafoon handled it so much better

Yeah, if you completely ignore anything that came out of his mouth. His sentences very maybe more coherent, but the content was certainly awful.

CancerMancer ,

Trump’s still in control of his (meager) faculties and that’s the issue. They’re going to have to put someone else in against Trump or admit that the past few years have been Weekend at Biden’s

FluffyPotato ,

No chance, I usually don’t care about American politics but I’m not gonna miss the chance to watch 2 geriatric fucks attempt to debate one another.

It was so much worse than I envisioned it to be though. Like one guy seemed to make up literally everything with insane claims that were delivered with confidence only rivaled by how stupid they were and the other sounded like his brain turned to soup if he spoke for more than 5 seconds and when not speaking he looked like a frog seeing a very tasty fly on the wall.

I really hope Europe can get our collective shit together and supply Ukraine once the US shits the bed there.

match , (edited ) avatar

one guy seemed to make up literally everything with insane claims that were delivered with confidence only rivaled by how stupid they were

that’s exactly how he was when he was president from 2016-2020. he tried to nuke a hurricane and buy greenland. his own party basically lets him say whatever dogshit he likes as a distraction while they engage in graft and tax evasion

Annually2747 ,

Your family is in our neighbourhood and in this domestic dispute I’m just wondering if I need to call the police or the abundance.

CancerMancer ,

I’m just wondering if I need to call the police or the ambulance

Both? One of these guys is a convicted felon turned robber baron and the other is a retirement home escapee who has lost the light in their eyes.

match , avatar

I say this as an American: maybe start making friends with the other countries because we are not gonna be okay whatever happens.

WeirdGoesPro , avatar

In America, you can’t call just one—you’ll still get police if you ask for an ambulance.

Source: am American, have tried calling for only an ambulance before.

match , avatar

Did they charge an extra $10k for the police?

WeirdGoesPro , avatar

Indeed, the person in the ambulance went bankrupt. I’m not even kidding.

revlayle ,

We call an ambulance we get fire dept first responders, then an ambulance if you need it. Never got the police, and we have done it many times with my father in law with heart issues.

… And I live in Tulsa

atrielienz ,

Who’s driving that ambulance?

NMeneses ,

As a foreigner I sinned for I disobeyed the advices and watched it…

I couldn’t believe it was so bad… once I saw it I couldn’t believe I was watching that.

Treczoks ,

But think of all the popcorn we are able to consume watching you shitshow. This is way more entertaining than the usual movies, series, and shows that you produce!

Diplomjodler3 ,

I’d rather drink bleach than watch this shitshow.

evranch ,

America needs some perspective. You complain that your only choices are a doddering fool or a toxic narcissist who wants to actively destroy the nation.

Here in Canada we look at our options and think “America is so much better, I wish we had an option to vote for a doddering fool. All we have are narcissists”

No joke I wish we had a leader as good as Biden. The bar is so low that the devil is doing the limbo with it down in Hell.

saigot ,

No I would definitely vote for trudeau a 100 times over before Biden, and we have at least 3 choices in almost every riding. We don’t have to worry about gerrymandering and voters reform while unlikely is at least a topic mainstream politicians will tall about.

Comparing ourselves too much to the states is why canada is the mess it is, it’s still no contest with the states.

evranch ,

Trudeau over Biden?

Trudeau is importing the world’s problems in the name of propping up the real estate investor class (of which he is a member) and pumping up fake GDP numbers. GDP per capita is plummeting in Canada with excess immigration.

Singh is in his pocket, a waste of a vote. I was an NDP voter all my life, I’m done.

Polliviere is an absolute idiot who will ride a wave of hatred for Trudeau into office.

Voters in Canada have no power and no representation as all votes are whipped. Your MP is a seat filler. We have no ballot initiatives or direct democracy options that America has, and reform will never come.

Biden listens to people who know what they’re doing and stands out of the way… Passed legislation supporting workers and unions, energy infrastructure etc. meaning he’s both more left than Singh and more business-friendly than PP

saigot ,

Well your clearly not here in good faith so I’ll keep it brief.

Singh is in his pocket, a waste of a vote. I was an NDP voter all my life, I’m done.

Sorry can’t hear you over the sound of my dentists drill.

Polliviere is an absolute idiot who will ride a wave of hatred for Trudeau into office.

Worse than Biden, probably, worse than Trump no way.

Voters in Canada have no power and no representation as all votes are whipped. Your MP is a seat filler

No I live in a green riding.

evranch ,

No I’m serious, I’m here in SK and we’re trying to push Moe and his cronies out for the NDP this fall, and our biggest problem is the federal NDP damaging the brand by backing Trudeau. All we say all day is “The SK NDP is not affiliated with the federal party, we stand for working Canadians, vote Moe out”

If you think $500 for low income and seniors is anything other than a bone thrown to pacify the poor then Singh has pulled the wool over your eyes.

The requirement for “no access to insurance” absolutely torpedoes the entire thing. Private insurers need to fall, universal coverage is the only way. Dental is the Canadian equivalent to the entire USA health insurance racket.

Congrats on living in the one green riding, which does give you some power over your single seat party… Which ultimately holds no power at all in our broken system.

I’m sorry to say I voted Trudeau on the promise of electoral reform, which he then told us we didn’t want. I’m in a safe blue riding which means my vote is pointless, so I’m going full protest vote next time for the PPC 🤣 Max is laughable, especially his obsession with dairy supply management, but enough votes for “burn it down” will hopefully send a message.

boatsnhos931 ,

Hey Everyone! That was just a funny joke, haha parody…you know how we do! Real debate next month haha

JATtho , (edited )

A dum question: if both candidates are unable to function, then what happens? (Trump for his crimes, Biden for getting dementia…)

Meanwhile in Finland: the Finnish version of “build the wall”:

Parliament’s Administrative Committee will not resume its discussion of the Refoulement Act until after the weekend. The committee is still so far behind schedule that it could not complete its work today. The debate on the bill continued during the committee meeting, which started at 5 p.m. but ended quickly. Peltokangas says there was no drama at the meeting.

The bill needs 5/6 parliamentary approval and politicians are already sweating over it because it touches too many international treaties + constitution. Debate is mostly: is it ready yet? is it ready yet? is it ready yet? (While the committees checking the bill are getting more uneasy by the bill’s content…)

Also you got link text and url backwards.

Oops, fixed.

justaderp ,

If it’s after they’re elected then it’ll run down the line of succession: VP, Speaker of the House, president pro tempore of the Senate, then the cabinet.

If it’s before they’re elected, I’m no expert but I believe the Democratic and Republican parties are private organizations that can do whatever the fuck they want, even fail to abide by the results of their own primaries.

match , avatar

Checked out the Refoulement Act and it looks ugly, I wish you good luck over there with your own government

uis ,

This reminded me about comment I’ve seen that French parlamentarism is now shipped from Finland.

Also you got link text and url backwards.

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