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LainTrain ,

And here’s some reality of over a decade of right-wing rule

LainTrain ,

Enough with the goddamn thinness soon that shit is gonna snap if you breathe on it

LainTrain ,

Lolwut? USSR recovered from being a devastated bomb crater of a country faster than Europe did on American dollar while waging a cold war against the rest of the world. They beat the US to space time and time again too.

Come the 80s, their manufacturing was well ahead of the west, and there weren’t any food issues either, so I’m not sure what you mean? The horrors of Stalin’s collectivisation efforts were a good bit before the cold war, and that wasn’t really an issue of food manufacturing.

Nobody was forced to do any type of work more than anybody is under capitalism, if anything under capitalism as it is today - you take what you are given.

In the USSR, higher education being free (as is the socialist tradition) gave people a lot more choice, no need to balance student debt against future potential earnings and as such ability to pay health expenses, like we see in the US today.

They suffered from consumer goods issues because things like game consoles and tamagotchi can’t exactly be planned in a planned economy.

It’s why I personally believe in a dual-economy, where necessities are planned centrally, from housing to infrastructure to utilities and independent worker co-operatives do the rest, I think that’s the lesson there ultimately. Oh and fuck the Russian Federation.

LainTrain ,

In reality, their education system was overly focused on technical skills, neglecting essential life skills like critical thinking, creativity, decision-making, and many others.

The US is the only country in the western world that teaches strictly extra-curricular matters at a university level, afaik. I went to uni in the UK for computer science, all of my classes were only about computer science and it’s subdomains only, there are no “life skills” classes.

This became apparent in the 90s when many supposedly ‘highly educated’ individuals were involved in fraudulent schemes, failed to build and stand for democracy

As opposed to the low levels of fraud and extremely healthy democracies of which countries exactly?

As for the rest of your claims I would like to see direct sources. The “essential items” tidbit in particular I find suspect because the definition is quite fickle and the idea is subjective and depends on circumstances. Cars were famously not very common amongst USSR citizens. What was though is public transport, and we’re now in the west finding out that neglecting public transport and shifting towards personal vehicles has been a huge mistake, so that’s that.

LainTrain , (edited )

Read pretty much any story from those who left the USSR to get a better picture of how life was there.

A very unbiased account indeed

but I find real stories of people trying to flee more valuable in understanding life in an area than books with economic figures.

I don’t. People for the most part are morons that gulp down ivermectin and bleach enemas by the truckload to make their healing crystals work in time for Sunday church, so they can pray away the gay. People are fickle, and are often at odds with facts. As a trans person I know this well.

If life was so good there

That’s the neat part, I never claimed that. The USSR was a shithole, but the user I originally responded to was wrong as well. Two things can be true at once.


Or just nationalize necessities to cut out capitalist middlemen taking a cut. All a UBI of $100 will do is raise prices by $100 because people now have $100 more, and landlords et al. will want those $100. Under capitalism and neoliberalism the rich will always be at the top of the food chain in this manner.

Socialist policies should be limited, imo, to voluntary associations, like co-ops and private unions.

So they can be easily crushed by capitalist lobbying in western “”““democracies””".

I admire neolibs who genuinely want to make things better, and you have my respect for that, but I think you’re just a bit naive and haven’t quite thought everything through.

LainTrain ,

I’m proposing replacing minimum wage w/ something like UBI (my preference is a Negative Income Tax for more of a direct replacement). That way that $100 isn’t being added to peoples’ means, but instead it’s replacing wages

So it will just accomplish nothing, as people will work the same (more if we follow current trends) for $9.00 and hour instead of $12.00, but will have an extra $3.00 from taxes on the middle class (the rich will avoid taxes always).

This is certainly a proposal.

which can keep total inflation stable

Ah yeah, like right now where inflation is low and even decreasing, but things keep getting more expensive, jobs more and more scarce and actual value is ever smaller, while building true wealth through home ownership is ever more unreachable, while being poor is only more and more expensive and social mobility is at an all time low? Lol.

Measures of inflation are like COVID cases being low before we started testing more people.

That gives employees the freedom to say no to poor working conditions and inadequate pay without worrying about where their next meal is coming from.

That’s the thing - it won’t. Capitalists won’t like this, and competing with one another by offering better working conditions will only make them worse off - they will instead band together and price fix the market, or simply complete the ongoing switch to using gig economy “contractors” instead of employees.

Capitalism is a race to the bottom. This is ofc a hypothetical, IRL they would never allow any such laws with actual teeth to pass unless a dictatorship of the proletariat showed them to the guillotines.

Sure, and moving to socialism won’t change that, all it does is replace “the rich” with “the well-connected.”

This is an argument so old Marx debunked it himself. But I’ll say this: even if this is true, corruption is indeed possible in any system, but only in capitalism we worship it and call it “lobbying”.

People being rich isn’t a problem, especially since generational wealth is often gone after 3 generation

So just because it hasn’t been 3 generations yet, Musk isn’t a problem? Bezos? Zucc?

The important thing is that who “the rich” are changes periodically so we don’t get into a Russian oligarch situation.

The Russian oligarchs are actually new rich too, most of them got wealthy by picking the corpse of the Soviet Union, during western enforced shock therapy, while the poors were left to heroin and dying of AIDS. What a woopsie that turned out to be with fascist Russia now eh?

As long as that’s improving year-over-year, things are getting better. Whether some people have tens or hundreds of millions doesn’t really impact me day-to-day.

Things have declined since the 1980s in terms of buying power of the middle income young people of today across the board, and that’s before we get into the fact life itself got more expensive (e.g. now a starter crappy job needs an MSc, used to be they hired barely literate lead eaters, who are now bosses).

It’s slightly offset if you measure happiness by socially-funded scientific and technological progress (internet was a government project) but even that is now debatable, as capitalism has sunk its teeth into that also, and more and more social services of the 20th century are privatized into oblivion.

And that’s just the local, street-level stuff. What about the global evil of capitalism? Israel? Afghanistan? Iraq? Neo-colonialism of the global south, American corporations licking dictatorial boots the world over? the blockade of Cuba? Police racism and brutality? Sexism? Ableism?

The neoliberal imperialism of the United States through it’s client-state in Israel alone is enough to wonder, whether this system should be left as-is.

Now the USSR did a fair bit of shit too, and China does a lot even worse, all of it is deserving of critique, but US’s (and it’s western vassals’) issues are precisely as a result of its system. The US is very much an oligarchy, and is three corporations in a trenchcoat, and occasionally, when whistleblowers, whether corporate or military wind up dead, people look up, and it’s important that they blame the right people, because otherwise, they’ll blame each other, and fascism - the final form of neoliberal capitalism - wins.

LainTrain ,

Okay, but is Gaben more deserving of this than white replacement supporter, anti-trans fearmonger and apartheid diamond mine baby Musk? Than makes people piss in bottles in warehouses Bezos?

Is what steam does more predatory than basically every major music publisher (the big three), than MPAA? Than OpenAI? Than Meta? Than the streaming services? Than Nintendo? Than Apple? Than Google? Uber?.. And so on and so on.

So why pick on Valve? I’d go after fucking taco bell before Valve. Make it make sense.

LainTrain ,

You’re forgetting that they’re british

LainTrain ,

I was one too. Glad they caved to the criticisms and reinstated the extension. It doesn’t absolve them of removing it in the first place and trying to pull a sneaky, but at least they listened.

Where are we now? Well wherever we are it sounds like us internet moaners stay winning.

LainTrain ,

Eh, I don’t think the Russian government would literally send hundreds of assassins abroad to kill everyone associated with the project and DDOS their website and whatnot for not complying with an internet censorship request but I see your point

LainTrain ,

That’s not how sports work, even Motorsport has classes, often in the same race, e.g. of course LMP-3 or GT3 cannot compete with LMP-1, and the latter cannot compete with F1 (unless you’re whatever madlads made the 919 Evo at Porsche), but it’s still things people watch. Hell classic motorsport can be a ton of fun and there’s rally classes that drive in 100hp cars that make my overweight nerd heart flutter just watching them

LainTrain ,

There have been years where a lower class is the overall winner in some endurance Motorsport races though.

It’s possible, but that’s not the intention behind having multiple classes. No one gets into a slower car expecting to win by hoping that all the fast cars combust.

So your analogy is wrong

Not really, the exception proves the rule in this case.

Goodwood Revival

I’ll check it out! Thanks

LainTrain ,

This is why I moved to Telegram. Idk if it’s actually native, but often feels much more so, and less phone-centric than Signal which requires weird auth rituals involving the phone.

LainTrain ,

I was always confused by why Gaben doesn’t just snap his fingers and rid us of the British isles once and for all. He is powerful enough, isn’t he?

LainTrain ,


“switch to Firefox!” Yeah sure. What absolutely typical corporate cowards. Fuck Mozilla.

LainTrain ,

I’m genuinely curious why? I may have worded it strongly, but as a Russian, there are very few things as unethical to me as cooperation of any kind with the Russian government.

LainTrain ,

Would you be happier if they ignored the demands and possibly got Firefox banned in Russia?

Yes, having a web browser banned is absurd and impossible to do in practice, it would be largely inconsequential overall, before you even consider the thousands of forks of Firefox.

Taking down extensions makes them much much harder to get because they are relatively obscure and are usually hosted in one place only - on the extension store, unless you’re lucky and they have a binary on a GitHub.

I want the average Russian to be easily able to use Firefox, even if it takes more work to load some extensions.

I want the average Russian to be easily able to bypass censorship that blocks out truth in favor of misinformation of their government that gets people onboard with a war that’s killed tens of thousands.

What browser they use to do that I care much less about, not that they’ll be able to block Firefox or it’s thousands of forks from every page that hosts builds, installers or even OS ISOs with package on disc, but whatever one they have the extensions need to be available on the store - otherwise they can be extremely hard to find.

I think we simply disagree about the effect of taking down an extension vs “blocking” a browser may be.

LainTrain ,

Fair enough!

On the browser bit, my reasoning is very simple: idk about you, but I don’t have extensions downloaded anywhere. If ublock origin were to disappear, and I needed to install it on a new computer, I would be kinda screwed!

Unless the browser stores a copy somewhere that can be used for installing it again on another machine that I could send. I don’t actually know, but I would assume not, I would wager most people don’t know and would assume that it does not. (Actually I think Firefox might have used or still does just download .crt files and then install them? Chrome definitely does not work this way)

What I do have is an installer of Firefox on at least 3 different computers though, smack dab in the Downloads folder because I am lazy and do not clean my downloads folder and don’t really use it after initially setting up the OS, so if would be gone tomorrow, it would basically not affect me now or ever, there is no “organising” necessary.

Not to mention there are countless websites who will store binaries for something that’s as popular as Firefox also, and it’s very unlikely roscomnadzor would block all of them also, compared to some obscure only regionally relevant extension. And that’s before we even get to forks of Firefox on GitHub…

And then of course, there will always be a Linux compiled binary in the Debian installer also, and the package repo, so the entirety of Debian would have to be blocked too, along with basically every other Linux distro, and I doubt roscomnadzor knows what that is.

Blocking people from using a browser as such is utterly impossible. An extension can on the other hand become difficult enough to get that most people simply don’t bother.

LainTrain ,

Try this:

It’s fruit sake, plum infused also, it does have an alcoholic feel to it but frankly barely tastes like alcohol at all.

Summer is the worst season of the year, isn't?

The sun sucks, being forced to shower like every 4 hours just to not feeling sweaty, the fucking mosquitoes, the fact you can’t wear anything that you want anymore due the heat, the people outside… The fucking beach. I try to avoid it… The fucking sand, not a fan of it. Is scratchy, harsh, annoying and it infiltrates in...

LainTrain ,

Idk summers are pretty sweet! Only time of the year it’s warm enough to wear anything nice. No need to worry about heating, and the beach is a nice place to just chill, the sand is nice and soft and the sun warms the skin in ways nothing else does, ice cold beers, nights warm enough to not wear a jacket, flowers blooming and bees buzzing around gardens filling them with life, loud music and partying around the clock!

For sweat I’d suggest deodorant and at least a shower every few days along with fresh clothing.

LainTrain ,

Yes you can play tennis in bubble jackets rifling through snow but it’s not exactly pleasant, you can put skis on your skateboard but it ain’t the same.

LainTrain ,

Just attach “man” to the end of all of them for maximum offence.

LainTrain ,

Margaret Thatcher even in her death was the inventor of the world’s first gender-neutral bathroom so she can have the exception.

LainTrain ,

God I wish conservatives were as persecuted and marginalized as they claim they are

LainTrain ,

This is so extremely specific dude. You okay? Genuinely man I’ve been in shitty drug situations and if it would help I’m happy to chat here or elsewhere.

LainTrain ,

I think maybe there was a misunderstanding, your comment sounds like it’s implying all gays are at fault

LainTrain ,

Seems like they have issues but are actually more happy than not and most are happy with the benefits.

Also CW before you click the link to the article, the comments on it on the site are full of transphobia (usual boomer fearmongering rhetoric of the internetz are transing the children)

LainTrain , (edited )

I’m a little confused by the grading here…/818542-Lush_Body_Spray_Dads_Garden_Lemo…

Says it has allergic effects. No shit? It’s full of citrus, as it says on the Lush website.

Says it has irritation for eyes potential. No shit? Don’t put citrus in your eyes, somehow this isn’t an issue for denatured alcohol though, which is toxic on purpose (so as to prevent it’s consumption as surrogate alcohol).

Then says it has Fragrance in it, fair enough that is proprietary, could be some shit in there.

The page for it says Allergies & Immunotoxicity is the only high common concern.

Again obviously you can have an allergy to everything so it’s a bit redundant, no? A full list of potential allergens would just be a list of everything, no?

If citrus fruits are a potential irritant, then so is ethanol, no?

Lush uses “DRF Alcohol”, which they claim is from Beets:

“This alcohol is made out of beets in Europe.”

So there’s a pretty good chance it’s an Ethanol with added bitterant, and possibly some small quantity of methanol ala

This is commonly used in perfume, you can find this on sale for DIY fragrance makers as well with a quick Google search. The safety data sheet lists quite a few hazards, one of which is irritation and being harmful if swallowed.

And yet,…/700215-ALCOHOL_DENATURED/

The ingredient page doesn’t even list potential irritation as a low risk issue. Idk, I’m not a chemist, but I wouldn’t spray perfume into my eyes, not any ethanol for that matter.

Well what about the problematic ingredients in that lush spray, “fragrance”, what does it say?…/702512-FRAGRANCE/

For immuntoxicity, the table just shows a bunch of vague and uncited claims, referencing some mystery “open science literature”.

Neither the product nor ingredients pages explicitly link to specific claims from peer reviewed sources such as journals doing literature reviews on the topic or even studies or papers on the subject, nor do they include a mechanistic explanation for the phenomena.

Known human immune system toxicant or allergen

How can it be known if the whole point is that it’s unknown and proprietary?

Human immune toxicant or allergen - strong evidence

What evidence? Where is it linked?

One or more human case studies show significant immune or allergenic effects

So is it one, or is it more? Which study? Where?

Then in Data Gaps it says:

“6578 studies in PubMed science library may include information on the toxicity of this chemical”

May? So do they or don’t they? Which studies?

I’m not a scientist, but this doesn’t scream exactly scientific, you can’t just write “Source: science literature” I would’ve been expelled from uni trying to pull that shit even at first year bachelors’ level in an engineering course.

So it seems that this isn’t science or even evidence based, cursory Google search seems to suggest this EWG is a dodgy lobbying group that claims to be a non-profit. Where there is lobbying - there’s power/money and incentive/goal.…/cleaning-up-the-ewgs-dirty-dozen/…/food_safety_science_vs_gre…

They also made a film called “Not So Pretty”, which urged people to throw away their “toxic” and “harmful” existing beauty products per the ratings, and buy ones that EWG recommends in the app and database they very conveniently provide with direct purchase links for your convenience, where they lay out unsourced unscientific claims about the safety of various products.

It doesn’t help that instead of taking donations in a more true non-profit spirit, the use referral links, which they do state to be fair:

When you make a purchase through retailer links on our site, we may earn commission through affiliate programs. All affiliate fees EWG receives support our nonprofit mission.

With all that in mind, I gotta say I have doubts

Take this as you will, but if you ask me, this seems like a simple marketing scheme to prop up certain products and sell them to those who want to do right by the environment and look after their health by creating a fake “certification” of sorts with no basis in or reference to science, from a dodgy lobbying group complete with convenient referral links to buy said products right on the page, no different from recycling symbols on soda bottles, this appears to be more marketing than truth.


Their legal disclaimer reads:

Accuracy. EWG has worked to ensure the accuracy of the information it provides through its products and services, including through EWG’s web, database, e-mail, and mobile application properties. The product ratings, images, conclusions, recommendations, and findings that appear on EWG’s web, database, and mobile application properties, or in e-mail messages, reflect EWG’s research at the time of publication

So it seems like this is just entirely their research. They don’t state how they have “worked to ensure” accuracy of information, just that they did, which is corporate bs speak, and not very advanced at that. The fact it also says this is just “EWG’s research” seems to suggest they don’t want to explicitly cite evidence either.

And somewhat more damning is that they say they obtain information from “many sources” but once again don’t specify it, and don’t guarantee any accuracy:

Please be advised that this information frequently relies on data obtained from many sources, and accordingly, EWG cannot guarantee the accuracy of the information provided or any analysis based thereon.

Yeah seems sketch.

LainTrain ,

Honestly I used Vanced patches to get rid of ads in Insta and thought I’d finally actually browse the app for once, but then I just never did.

LainTrain ,

Consume product, then get excited for the next product!

LainTrain ,

Are you trying to say that Communism would have done a better job?


We’ve already seen how that has played out a few times already.

Yes indeed, the USSR had affordable housing, low homelessness, high employment, no rents, no bills and after a devastating land war against a superior power that flattened half the country, they still had the science and tech to beat the US to space (and develop nuclear tech without cowtowing to nazi scientists) and got the GDR to decriminalise homosexuality all while US still had Jim Crow laws. It is obvious to anyone - especially the corpos - that a planned economy is superior in allocation of resources.

Sure luxuries weren’t as available, but normal, working people lived comfortably and without financial stress.

That’s not to say that USSR’s own imperialist ambitions were misguided at best and crimes against humanity at worst, though.

LainTrain ,

Agreed on all bits except the liberty. USSR really wasn’t throwing people in prison for being disagreeable, undesirables and those branded enemies of the state more than the US.

Spotify is raising the cost of Premium subscriptions, again (

Spotify is officially raising its Premium subscription rates in the US come July, following reports of the move in April. The platform is increasing its Individual plan from $11 to $12 monthly and its Duo plan from $15 to $17 monthly — the same jump as last year’s $1 and $2 price hikes, respectively. However, its Family plan...

LainTrain ,

It’s time to move away. Anyone know how to download the metadata of a playlist? That’s the only thing keeping me subbed.

LainTrain ,

I’m not paying anyone for anything, not OpenAI techbro grifters and not any freelancer grifters

What should I understand about Guardians of the Galaxy as someone who's never watched any of the movies but I'm playing the game right now?

So I am playing the game because it was free on my PlayStation plus premium and I got a reward on my PlayStation app for playing it. I’ve kind of gotten into Guardians of the Galaxy now but I went into the game basically blind. I knew who Rocket Raccoon was and Groot but that was about it. So I do understand that Rocket...

LainTrain ,

They’re a team of misfits who go about the galaxy doing stuff, mostly good stuff but sometimes petty. That’s it!

It’s actually better to not have seen the movies or read the comics or played the somewhat rightfully forgotten telltale game as this game’s version of the characters differs from all and it’s best to take it as it is rather than having “I wish it was more like the movies” in the back of your head.

LainTrain ,

Need to check this out now. I loved TWD S1/S2 and TWAU

This stuff about the price reductions after 4 years of blatant gouging is really freaking me out

I mean, that’s 4 years of our lives taken! 4 years of opportunities that were more challenging because they wanted a number on a computer to go up! 4 years of feeling worse than necessary about my finances and management of them and general personhood because i felt like i couldn’t afford anything because everything was...

LainTrain ,

“Taiwan’s strongest earthquake” sounds like a variation of those “strongest soldier” memes

LainTrain ,

Accuse others of that which you yourself are doing - a conservative classic throughout history and time

LainTrain ,

Huh? Sam Altman is CEO of the OpenAI corporation, has nothing to do with anything FOSS or open source lol, that shit is as locked down corporate trash as it gets.

Oh I see. You lot fell for his marketing of calling it “open ai” and just assume it’s FOSS (or don’t know what that is) and don’t know what you’re on about, talking from entirely wrong assumptions, as is the usual case with the luddite side of AI discourse.

LainTrain ,

But where? I haven’t seen anything of this sort personally and definitely not that specific one. I do think Lemmy is very hive-mindey in my xp, especially towards hating AI and crypto etc. usually fairly mindlessly as well so I was disappointed, plus shitjustworks has the dumbest people overall

LainTrain ,

Oh yeah don’t trust randos in comments obviously, that is always misinfo or opinions on any platform. I thought you meant like highly upvoted article posts everywhere.

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