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ShittyBeatlesFCPres , to world in Norway says Israel response to Hamas attack disproportionate

The comments on that article are really missing the point that leveling a city block to kill a few terrorists almost invariably means you created more terrorists than you killed.

logi ,

That is certainly one point and how we are, still Here after decades. Another point is that if you do that, you have become the bad guy.

sab ,

Unfortunately I'm not so sure they're missing the point. I'm afraid there's quite a few people who are just excited to see their scheduled genocide put into motion.

TWeaK ,

Far too many people seem to be itching to find an enemy, all so they can justify their desire for vindictive bloodlust.

Killing is a bad thing, and can only ever be justified when it prevents something worse. But that doesn’t mean you should enjoy it.

cley_faye ,

Far too many people seem to be itching to find an enemy, all so they can justify their desire for vindictive bloodlust.

Finding an enemy, anyone, to rally angry and hate-fueled people has been a solid political staple for at least the last decade or so. The only “new”-ish part is that a lot of people are dying as a direct result of that now.

donuts , avatar


The ultimate tragedy of the last few weeks is that the average Israeli will only be more radicalized against Palestine, while the average Palestinian will only be more radicalized against Israel. It's a perpetual cycle of anger and violence that has no end in sight, and I don't feel any hope for a better future for the region and the innocent people on either side of the conflict.

What should have happened, like yesterday, should be obvious to anyone with a brain and a heart: Hamas should free all of their hostages and turn over anybody who participated in the terrorist attack on Israeli civilians, and Israel should cease fire immediately, call all settlers back and return the Gaza borders back to what they were a month ago. Terrorism and genocide are inexcusable, and the simple fact is that both sides have the blood of the innocent on their hands, all because of the politics of greed.

Browning ,

There is much more Israel should be doing. Not least is allowing travel between Gaza and the West Bank.

donuts , avatar

We are a far cry from free travel between Gaza and the West Bank.

The likelihood of that is lower now than it's ever been.

Browning ,

We shouldn’t be.
The only solution to the region is a Palestine that is prosperous and free. So long as people have nothing to lose, they will continue laying down their lives.

lolcatnip ,

Neither Hamas nor the Israeli government want peace. They’re not going to try to fix a situation neither sees as a problem.

Linkerbaan , avatar

Hamas wants peace but as you can see in the west bank being nice to the israeli colonists will only get you killed and your land stolen.

Violence starts when a party isn’t willing to come to peaceful agreements and in this case the israelis are the ones who keep seeking war.

FlyingSquid , avatar

Hamas wants “peace” in the form of a repressive Islamic state which is run by Sharia law. They are not friends to the Palestinian people. They are Iranian puppets.

meekah , avatar

As Bibi himself said, supporting hamas makes sense if your goal is to prevent a palestenian state.…

PersnickityPenguin ,

Also Israeli funded.

anlumo ,

Hamas wants peace by eradicating Israel. I don’t think that the two can find common ground there.

Linkerbaan , avatar

They want to eradicate the illegal occupation of their land, not the israelis themselves

Israel however seeks to eradicate the Palestinian people. This is a huge difference.

Sparlock ,

Wow look at all those downvote for stating a fact. The pro-Israel crowd sure is sensitive when facts that don’t agree with their propaganda are mentioned.

mwguy ,

Hamas wants peace

I’m going to need a source on this.

I think this would be news to most, including Hamas.

HenriVolney ,

Like in any war of occupation: the ever more militarized government of the occupier and the ever more militarized force of the occupied are objective allies.

ghostdoggtv ,

Wow you must have like, really smart

Linkerbaan , avatar

The first thing that should have happened is the dethroning of Netanyahu. The fact the guy who let it happen is still in charge is by far the biggest cause of this.

Szymon ,

They know this, that’s the point, they want a biting dog that you can euthanize instead of the calm golden lab everyone will be upset with you for putting down

mwguy ,

In the past Israel beloved that. But the organization of Hamas has scared them. They believe that they need to destroy the Command and Control infrastructure Hamas has for its 40k person military or Hamas will simply organize followup slave raids.

Kanda ,

Not to worry, we will kill these up-and-comers too

Linkerbaan , avatar

Maybe israel can beat the previous high score of 6 million

meekah , avatar

palestine only has 4 million people… so they will have to add other minorities to the mix if they wanna beat the high score

Sparlock ,

I feel like that fact won’t stop them from trying anyway.

Szymon ,

Sure, sounds like a well thought out and good pla…

Wait a sec, is that your mom and sister that just got kidnapped and raped? Is that your baby’s dismembered head lying at your feet?

Oh shit, maybe your stupid decisions will actually affect you and you’ll see how it’s not such a good one to begin with.

If you’re cool with suffering as long as it’s not your own, you’re a piece of shit.

rdri ,

Is this the only thing that troubles you? Hamas creates terrorists anyway. Palestinians are being told they need to kill Jews in order to become heroes, which will get them money they really need. It’s not much different from Russia where people are led by propaganda but ultimately decide to abandon peaceful life for a chance to get big money.

blitzkrieg ,

Palestinians are fighting for their land and their freedom against a war-crime-comitting occupier.

rdri ,

Whatever that “fighting” involves, it doesn’t seem to work well for them, does it? Why would you stub yourself with a knife if you want to cure a flu?

blitzkrieg ,

Are you suggesting that they shouldn’t fight for their land and freedom?

rdri ,

Are you suggesting to be able to cure a flu by stabbing yourself with a knife?

blitzkrieg ,

Your terminology is idiotic and useless.

rdri ,

You prefer calling a truth you don’t like useless? Because it’s the truth that hamas will not be able to achieve its goals (kill all jews and destroy Israel) using what they have and receive as aid, even if they build tons of missiles they usually build. This is not how you “fight for freedom” because the freedom will never be the result of it. They need to change a lot in order to even try better. For example build defenses along with missiles for a change etc.

Sparlock ,…/index.html

It’s really insane and the comparison pics are from over a week ago now.

dangblingus ,

I think they don’t mind if everyone in Gaza dies.

jordanlund , to world in 'I am a Zionist,' says Biden at Hanukkah event, promises continued military assistance to Israel avatar

I’ll try to make this as simple as possible:

If you would otherwise vote Democratic and fail to vote for Biden over stupid shit like this, you will be electing someone who openly admits to wanting a purge program here:…/9ec03cc8-afb0-4a06-9770-015e6f718bf7

Your choice is to vote for someone who supports Israel because he wants donations from the true believers, or through inaction, allow someone to get elected who actively says he will start rounding people up HERE. Immediately.

There is no choice. You don’t have to LIKE Biden. You don’t have to tell polls the truth about who you’re voting for. You don’t have to donate, and in fact I advise you do not and you tell the campaign exactly why.

But when it comes to the actual vote, no, you do not have a choice. It’s Biden or complete fucking anarchy.

eksb , avatar

Unless you do not live in one of the 7 states where your vote matters.

Akasazh , avatar

Every vote matters

Duke_Nukem_1990 ,

How so?

Akasazh , avatar

‘my vote doesn’t matter’ is a self fulfilling prophecy. The more people actually believe that, the more they won’t go and vote and then indeed it doesn’t matter.

However if all the people that think that their vote doesn’t matter actually do go and vote, they would be a significant demographic.

It might not make a difference straight away, but thinks only happen if you invest in them.

Same thing with sports. If you support one team, it makes you more invested in the game itself. Your team might not win every time, but if you care only about winning you’re not a true supporter. It will make it easy more satisfying if you do win, though. And one day you will.

GoodbyeBlueMonday ,

To add to this: if the opposition party consistently shows up to vote, the dominant party gets nervous, and has to focus on the chance of losing. Not showing up means they’ve truly won.

It also shows the opposition party that they can and should invest the time in supporting that area, because there’s people who haven’t given up yet.

Also, the president isn’t the only person on the ballot, and small races are where more radical third parties actually have a shot!

theredknight ,

He’s technically correct. As long as the electoral college exists, many peoples votes effectively don’t matter because that state will always go one way. Once that occurs, the opposing votes are effectively erased.

Duke_Nukem_1990 ,

That was what I meant yeah.

Akasazh , avatar

Afaik the American special the electoral college votes for whatever the majority vote of that State is. So votes do count, towards that majority.

If everybody assumes that one party will win and doesn’t go to vote it will never change, if everybody who thinks that their vote doesn’t matter would do that, a change can happen.

Beetschnapps ,

Congressional, state and local elections are held at the same time on the same damn ballot and absolutely matter. They absolutely will affect you and congress is arguably just as important as potus. It’s called being engaged, instead just complaining while letting others take the wheel.

But I guess whining counts as participation…

agitatedpotato , (edited )

Except in actuality where with the electoral college in play, states that have as few electors as Rhode Island have a smaller number of EC votes than every margin of victory in the modern history of presidential elections. You could axe any one state with that few number of electors and you wouldn’t change a presidential result of the last century or more.

lolcatnip ,

The presidency isn’t the only office that matters.

agitatedpotato ,

Okay? My point is that the electoral college means not every vote will count, and that is a system that only effects the presidential. So saying, and I quote from who I replied to “every vote matters” still isn’t telling the whole story as much as something like “every vote matters except the votes for president unless you live in specific places”

Blackbeard , avatar

If your apathy opens the door to a Republican supermajority in your state legislature, then they can more easily a) strip rights from your friends and neighbors, b) assist in the ratification of amendments and calling of Constitutional Conventions, c) gerrymander away your power to influence Congress, d) remove your city’s ability to govern itself, among others. Down-ballot races can potentially affect all of us.

dumpsterlid , (edited )

I think what you are saying is mostly true but also you do have a choice. If you can’t bring yourself to vote for Biden because of well founded reasons I don’t think it’s fair to judge because of that. All the centrists start screaming and losing their minds that they are going to lose because their candidate sucks and blame it on people who have specific, previously vocalized reasons for not wanting to vote for said candidate.

You aren’t the problem if you don’t want to vote for Biden because of his unwavering support for genocide. Yes the alternative is worse, but election after election you can’t just keep handing centrists your vote who don’t give a shit about you or your policies (and actively shit on you while loudly posturing that they aren’t like you at all). At some point you have to make the threat of withholding your vote a real one, there are always consequences to that especially for this election but at the same time nothing is really going to change if we keep handing centrist corporate democrats the reigns to power because this time is an emergency too (just like last time).

I recommend voting for Biden for similar reasons you brought up, but I also don’t think there is any shame to deciding you can’t bring yourself to vote for such a trash candidate and want to choose this election so support a third party. Bad timing? Yeah, but it isn’t the voters fault for not wanting to vote for someone that doesn’t represent them?

Blackbeard , avatar

Yes the alternative is worse, but election after election you can’t just keep handing centrists your vote who don’t give a shit about you or your policies (and actively shit on you while loudly posturing that they aren’t like you at all). At some point you have to make the threat of withholding your vote a real one, there are always consequences to that especially for this election but at the same time nothing is really going to change if we keep handing centrist corporate democrats the reigns to power because this time is an emergency too (just like last time).

Here’s where you’re missing something fundamental. You’re taking as a given that a protest vote will meaningfully register with the Democratic Party, and they’ll chase you around to get your vote back. I’d offer that a significant reason major US parties have drifted rightward over the past 40 years is this. Conservatives skew older. Leftists skew younger. Young people simply don’t vote. Ergo conservatives have an outsized voice in the political sphere. When more leftists disengage, the conservative voice grows louder.

If you protest vote the Democratic Party, you’re just proving to them that they can’t count on your vote. If they can’t count on your vote, they have the option of scrambling to try to figure out what you want, or chasing voters whose support they can count on, and based on recent history that’ll probably result in more of a shift to the right. Because, at the end of the day, right-leaning voters have a weird fervor that leftists don’t share, and leftists disengage at the drop of a hat. If we’re being honest, that’s not a great group of people to have on your team if you’re trying to sustain political relevance.

TokenBoomer ,

I don’t think this sentiment is about protest. It’s about conscious. Many cannot consciously vote for a Zionist president complicit with genocide. Many may change their minds, it’s a year away, but many won’t. We can selfishly brow-beat them into voting for Biden. But in the end, it’s their choice.

voidMainVoid ,

We can selfishly brow-beat them into voting for Biden.

Shaming people into voting for your candidate doesn’t work, but Dems will do it anyway. It splits the left and helps Republicans, but they either aren’t aware of this or don’t care.

TokenBoomer ,

Tempered and reasoned response. Well said. I even saved it.

voidMainVoid ,

you will be electing someone who openly admits to wanting a purge program here:

Understood. You’re okay with that stuff happening in Palestine, but not the USA, because you live in the USA. Supporting tyranny abroad is a-okay because you don’t think it affects you.

AbsoluteChicagoDog ,

“Who cares if we allow genocide to happen here because it’s already happening somewhere else” is such a fucking stupid take. You should feel bad.

voidMainVoid ,

There’s no way you could honestly interpret what I wrote that way. I’m responding to the fans of Joe who are openly saying “Who cares about genocide when Trump is worse?”

I do care about genocide, and that’s (one of many reasons) why I’ll be voting for Jill Stein, not Joe Biden.

AbsoluteChicagoDog , (edited )

So you’re voting for Trump, got it.

If he wins just remember that you share responsibility for his atrocities. Just like everyone else who let him win.

commie ,

tehy said explicitly they are voting against trump: jill stein is running against trump.

AbsoluteChicagoDog ,

If you’re not familiar, the US uses a two party system. Not voting is no different than voting for Jill. There’s no difference between not voting for Biden and voting for Trump.

commie ,

There’s no difference between not voting for Biden and voting for Trump.

yes there is. not voting at all is NOT voting for trump OR biden.

commie ,

Not voting is no different than voting for Jill.

wrong. voting for jill adds 1 vote for jill. not voting adds 0 votes for jill.

jordanlund , avatar

Unfortunately, when the votes are counted, whoever has the most votes wins.

It doesn’t matter if the “not Trump” vote gets split across 1 candidate or 4 candidates, if Trump gets more votes than any one of them HE WINS.

Trump - 40%
Joe - 35%
Jill - 15%
West - 10%

Trump wins. Even though “not Trump” is 60%.

commie ,

yep. i guess the democrats better drop out and throw their support behind a candidate other people can stomach.

jordanlund , avatar

Unfortunately, it’s not up to “the Democrats”, it’s up to the DNC and there is no way they will back anyone else unless Joe has a major medical event between now and election day.

Even if he did drop out, they would push Harris who is poison right now.

commie ,

lets hope a miracle happens and the next president decides to oppose genocide.

jordanlund , avatar

Won’t happen as long as they need money from Zionists and Evangelists.

Maybe if we had public funding of elections.

voidMainVoid ,

The problem is that, in a democracy, you have to vote for the best candidate. Otherwise, democracy doesn’t work. If you decide to vote for a candidate "you don’t like* (i.e. “strategic voting”), you are contributing to the problem.

People call it “voting for the lesser evil”, but a vote for a lesser evil…is still a vote for evil. So, while it isn’t as wrong as voting for Trump, it’s still wrong.

jordanlund , avatar

Coalescing behind a candidate to defeat the worst choice is not wrong. Especially when the worst candidate will win otherwise.

Now, in an election that goes to a run off if nobody gets 50%+1 - Great, vote for who you want. But be prepared to coalesce in the run off.

Unfortunately, presedential elections aren’t subject to a run off.

commie ,

the US uses a two party system

my ballot often has 4 or more parties on it.

voidMainVoid ,

This isn’t true, even if Jill loses.

  1. It shows the level of support for Jill’s platform.
  2. If the Green Party gets 5%, they qualify for a huge government grant which will help them become a more viable party.
AbsoluteChicagoDog ,

Jill won’t win. It’s slightly better than not voting but ultimately you’re just helping Trump.

GBU_28 ,

The top level argument is that voting for anyone but Biden is effectively a vote for trump. Stein is effectively a democratic spoiler

commie ,

The top level argument is that voting for anyone but Biden is effectively a vote for trump

but that’s not true. a vote for anyone who is not trump is by definition not a vote for trump.

GBU_28 ,

Do you not know the concept of a spoiler?

If there can only be 1 winner, and there are 2 frontrunners who have the only real chance of winning, a 3rd competitor only takes votes from a frontrunner and has no chance of winning themselves.

As someone like Stein is mentioned as an alternative to voting for trump, therefore the person was never a trump voter, they were never going to ADD to Trump’s chances. Their only voting action is to either vote for Biden, or NOT* vote. By NOT* I mean not contribute to bidens vote totals.

Voting for stein is effectively a non republican voter staying home.

This is a major problem with our voting system, there can only ever be 2 realistic choices, and a third party vote has greater game theory implications than independent voters like to accept.

commie ,

every vote must be earned. so-called “third parties” dont take votes from other parties: they earn them from voters.

Voting for stein is effectively a non republican voter staying home.

for a party who believes they deserve every non-republican vote. but in the elections offices across the country, it’s effectively a vote for Jill Stein.

GBU_28 ,

It’s ok to hold your opinion, but it is not realistic with the game theory actually occuring.

I’m not supporting the system that makes this so, I’m only informing you of what is happening, what is real life.

Your only real choices are the 2 frontrunners.

Any non-trump vote for anyone but Biden aids the trump campaign as much as staying home.

commie ,

Any non-trump vote for anyone but Biden aids the trump campaign as much as staying home.

right. but the same is true in reverse: any non-biden vote for anyone but trump aids the biden campaign as much as staying home.

because that’s how voting works. when you don’t vote for someone, you don’t help their campaign.

GBU_28 ,

Please go learn what spoilers are.

The spoiler is attached to what it is nearest.

For example, if desantis ran as an independent, he would be a trump spoiler. Splitting republican votes, and harming Trump’s chances of winning.

commie ,

Please go learn what spoilers are.

this is condescending. i know what democrats and republicans call spoilers. i also know that they both want to preserve their own power.

GBU_28 ,

Let’s be clear: I’m condescending you, because you have a childish understanding and engagement with presidential elections.

Not because you choose to vote 3rd party, there’s nothing wrong with that.

But because you naively dodge the consequences of your voting choices.

Stand on whatever justification you like, but voting has consequences, and 3rd party votes are levers pulled against a competitive candidate. That’s it.

commie ,

But because you naively dodge the consequences of your voting choices.

i know exactly who i’m voting against.

GBU_28 ,

And effectively, who you are voting FOR

commie ,

and who i am actually voting for. tell me, when i voted for howie hawkins, was i really voting for biden?

GBU_28 ,

Whoever the 3rd party was ideologically closest to, you were voting for the OTHER frontrunner.

As the green party is CLOSEST to the Democratic party, you effectively voted Republican by taking a left leaning vote off the table.

commie ,

Whoever the 3rd party was ideologically closest to, you were voting for the OTHER frontrunner.

no, i was voting for howie.

commie ,

you effectively voted Republican

no. i voted green.

GBU_28 ,


commie ,

this is an appeal to ridicule. you can just admit that your rhetoric is a lie.

GBU_28 ,

“rhetoric” lol

commie ,

yet another appeal to ridicule

GBU_28 ,

Basic understanding of game theory is not rhetoric.

Political opinion follows game theory. Not the other way around

commie ,

Basic understanding of game theory is not rhetoric.

a basic understanding of it would tell you it doesn’t dictate human actions, and people frequently make decisions that do not seem to be in their “rational self interest”

commie ,

Political opinion follows game theory. Not the other way around

i guess no one had a political opinion before 1950

commie ,

As the green party is CLOSEST to the Democratic party, you effectively voted Republican by taking a left leaning vote off the table.

joe biden doesn’t lean left, and neither does his super-cop vp.

GBU_28 ,

Obviously compared to trump he is further left.

You can’t be this dense

commie ,

Obviously compared to trump he is further left

are you sure? biden wrote the crime bill and the patriot act and voted to fund every war he could. trump signed the first step act and didn’t start any new wars and he even doubled my unemployment payments. joe promised me 2k and gave me 1200.

and to think that either of them are even trying to be leftist is laughable.

neither is anywhere near good enough to vote for.

GBU_28 ,

But you are gonna get one. No choice. Time to pick which you prefer.

commie ,

i’m probably gonna vote for jill stein or cornel west. i guess it depends on whether west gets ballot access but there is some possibility jill can just win me over.

mrnotoriousman ,

That doesn't change anything about what they said

commie ,

they are implying that people who lean left would vote for Biden/harris but that’s not true. only right wingers want cops and slavestate presidents

commie ,

you’re talking down to me like i haven’t voted against every president who has won since 2012.

commie ,

Your only real choices are the 2 frontrunners.

i expect to have at least 4 real choices on my ballot.

GBU_28 ,

Real as I’m with a statistical chance of winning.

commie ,

they’re not real choices if i don’t want them to win. a bullet to the left knee or a bullet to the right knee isn’t a real choice.

GBU_28 ,

Yes, it is.

Both painful choices.

commie ,

i’m going to choose something else, and if my neighbors make the painful choices, that’s not my fault. i know who to blame.

Blue_Morpho ,

Ah, a both sides are equally bad. Right.

commie ,

oh, you know what? maybe it’s the option of having my foot crushed or amputated. one isn’t quite as bad but neither is really something i’ll be choosing given any other choice.

Blue_Morpho ,

Yep, both sides bad. Right on.

commie ,

yes. both sides ARE bad.

Blue_Morpho ,

“Trump’s presidency was the same as Biden’s. Trump’s promise of dictatorship is the same as Biden’s status quo.”

You’ve shown your cards, comrade.

commie ,

“Trump’s presidency was the same as Biden’s. Trump’s promise of dictatorship is the same as Biden’s status quo.”

i didn’t say that. it’s a strawman.

Blue_Morpho ,


  • Loading...
  • commie ,

    you are literally putting words in my mouth.

    Blue_Morpho ,

    Saying “both sides bad” has implied meaning. I’m only expanding on the words you said without changing anything. If you said, “The Earth orbits the Sun.” and I expanded that to explain Kepler’s laws, I’m not contradicting you or putting words in your mouth.

    If you want to suggest details such as an example where Trump did good and Biden did bad on a particular policy, then please elaborate. Trump said Ukraine needs to surrender. Biden didn’t say Ukraine should surrender so they are both equally bad? Give me an example.

    commie ,

    I’m not contradicting you or putting words in your mouth.

    you are putting words in my mouth and by claiming you’re not, you are contradicting me.

    commie ,

    they are both equally bad?

    i never said that. i said both are bad. i didn’t compare them. i grouped them.

    Blue_Morpho ,

    Ground together doesn’t change your meaning:

    Trump said Ukraine should surrender. Biden said Ukraine shouldn’t surrender and the Republican controlled House of Representatives should help Ukraine. You group both as bad.

    commie ,

    i didn’t say anything about biden’s ukraine policy.

    Malfeasant ,

    Both bad is not the same as both the same. They’re differently bad. That’s the part you seem to be missing.

    commie ,

    It’s ok to hold your opinion

    that’s very gracious of you.

    voidMainVoid ,

    Does everyone who voted for Biden share the blame for the atrocities he’s supporting?

    AbsoluteChicagoDog ,

    Ah yes I remember when Biden ripped apart immigrant families and banned Muslims from travelling /s

    HuntressHimbo ,

    Good thing you do remember since he’s still ripping apart immigrant families. Biden’s border policy is only marginally better than Trumps, he just doesn’t brag about it.

    lolcatnip ,

    That’s a really fucking dumb straw man.

    TokenBoomer ,

    Just hit that nail on the head. Hence, the downvotes.

    jordanlund , avatar

    “That stuff” is going to happen in Palestine REGARDLESS of who the President is. Neither Biden nor Trump has an interest in cutting Israel loose.

    The difference is what they will do HERE. That’s the differentiator.

    GBU_28 ,

    Obviously reductive comment is obvious

    Linkerbaan , avatar

    Really? The first thing you do when seeing this is tell people to vote for Genocide Joe instead of saying “actually let’s try to get a third party going”.

    "No guys we have to vote for Hitler, Stalin is way worse! ".

    Nudding ,

    There are no third parties until ranked choice voting.

    Linkerbaan , avatar

    Then there is no democracy.

    A vote for Biden is a vote for Genocide.

    A vote for Trump is a vote for Genocide.

    Nudding ,

    Now you’re getting it

    coldasblues ,

    Or we could just have a civil war and get it over with

    htrayl ,

    That’s not true either, it is simply that democracy is complex and messy. Vote in primaries, campaign for better candidates, and pay money to organizations that support the things that matter most to you.

    Linkerbaan , avatar

    Yeah before you start talking about student loans maybe you should adress the “committing genocide” part.

    It’s like saying “yeah I voted for Hitler, he was big on our forgiving ww1 loans! The Nazi stuff doesn’t really affect me so I don’t care about it.”

    thecrotch ,

    There’s a whole Wikipedia page of dominant parties that reigned supreme as a duopoly in this country until a third party came along and dethroned them. What you just said shows a shocking ignorance of history. Vote whig.

    htrayl ,

    There is a whole Wikipedia page showing changes in name. The function of the first past the post system means these are fundamentally the same constructs with different branding. If a party replaces democrats or republicans, then we will be back in the same place in an election cycle.

    jordanlund , avatar

    You will never get a 3rd party going. Perot had the best chance in '92 and only ensured Clinton got elected.

    Linkerbaan , avatar

    Then let’s hope the Dems remove Genocide Joe as their nominee for the next election.

    Also never say never. Trump started off as an epic meme candidate too at 1% polling.

    goldenlocks ,

    I’m voting for the Green party because of your post, thanks!

    jordanlund , avatar

    Congratulations on throwing away your vote. I’m sure the 0.2% of people who voted Green in 2020 will welcome you with open arms.…/howie-hawkins-gets-2--of-…

    goldenlocks ,

    Congratulations on throwing away your vote

    You’re doing way worse than throwing away your vote, you’re voting FOR genocide. If you and other Dem voters who want to feel good about yourself weren’t cowards and voted Green we wouldn’t be perpetuating a genocide in the first place.

    jordanlund , avatar

    Any vote is for genocide. You’re voting for either a self avowed zionist (Biden) a literal Nazi (Trump) or throwing away your vote to allow the literal Nazi to win.

    Those are your ONLY choices.

    goldenlocks ,

    Those are your ONLY choices.

    False. I won’t be voting for genocide unlike you. A vote for Jill Stein is 100x more productive to Palestinian liberation.

    jordanlund , avatar

    A vote for Jill Stein helps elect Trump. Congrats, you just voted for genocide. Only here.

    goldenlocks ,

    A vote for Jill Stein helps elect Trump

    No one voting Stein would ever vote Biden so that’s untrue. A tired old argument that’s lost it’s luster, just like all your arguments for voting for Biden.

    commie ,

    only a vote for trump helps elect trump.

    jordanlund , avatar

    Any vote not for Biden helps Trump win because nobody, literally nobody else can beat Trump.

    commie ,

    you’re stretching the definition of “help” to meaninglessness. does it help Trump win if I don’t kidnap all of his supporters?

    jordanlund , avatar

    Making it so Trump supporters can’t vote will definitely hinder his progress. How many died because they failed to take Covid protections? How many can’t vote because they are now Jan. 6 convicts?

    commie ,

    Making it so Trump supporters can’t vote will definitely hinder his progress.

    but failing to do so, or even REFUSING to do so is not the same as helping him to win.

    commie ,

    throwing away your vote to allow the literal Nazi to win.

    last time i voted green and biden won. what is the mechanic by which trump will win this time?

    CosmicCleric , avatar

    what is the mechanic by which trump will win this time

    Not choosing a dog in this fight of the conversation overall, but to answer your point specifically, if the youth vote stays home and doesn’t vote.

    Last election Biden won in key States by a few thousands of votes, with a high amount of young voters voting in those states.

    commie ,

    i know it’s unrelated to whether i vote for a third party in yet-another-election. the question was rhetorical.

    CosmicCleric , avatar

    I wasn’t just replying for you.

    commie ,

    that was clear. my response wasn’t really to you at all.

    CosmicCleric , avatar

    Then it was a mutually beneficial comment conversation then.

    Tinidril ,

    what is the mechanic by which trump will win this time?

    A closer race? It ain’t rocket science.

    commie ,

    my vote made Joe Biden win last time by the logic I’ve seen here. I’m going to keep voting for people who oppose genocide.

    Tinidril ,

    You act like there was a non-genocide option. Once Hamas did that attack, there was no stopping the crazy right wing Israeli government from doing what they are doing.

    So what? The US should take a hard line against Israel anyways, even if it does no good, right? Great, so Israel is removed from the US sphere of influence and goes shopping for a new sugar daddy. That would be China, or more likely Russia. Now Russia is chummy with both Israel and Iran, which has the inconvenient little side effect that the Palestinians will lose the support of Iran. But who cares about the Palestinians anyways.

    Any hope the US had of restraining Israel in any way whatsoever is contingent on our continued support. Without that, we have no influence and someone else steps in.

    I’m not claiming that Biden has handled this perfectly, but the general direction he has gone has been in the best interest of saving as many Palestinian lives as possible. There are no clean hands in foreign policy.

    commie ,

    You act like there was a non-genocide option.

    Howie wouldn’t support genocide. cornel west doesn’t support genocide. jill stein doesn’t support genocide.

    there are always options.

    Tinidril ,

    Yikes. Way to miss the point. I was laying out the unintended consequences of naive foreign policy, and your pointing to a list of people you think are naive enough to do it - and you seem to think that’s a good thing. Assuming you are right, they would be fucking over the Palestinians in order to be smugly pro-Palestine. Form over function and virtue signaling instead of getting to better outcomes are hallmarks of third party politics in this country.

    commie ,

    if you were as skilled at diplomacy as you’re pretending, you wouldn’t be wargaming here. you can’t know any better than I do what would happen.

    commie ,

    Way to miss the point

    you are the one derailing the discussion about the actual policy of the candidates to make up stories about what you think would happen.

    Tinidril ,

    The outcome of a policy isn’t irrelevant to a policy, it’s the whole point of the policy. I didn’t make a wild guess or rely on my own intuition. That scenario is one of several that foreign policy experts are warning against. The worst case is Iran getting actively involved, but that’s far less likely.

    commie ,

    let’s see any expert say what you said, and I’ll show you an Israeli shill

    commie ,

    You’re doing way worse than throwing away your vote, you’re voting FOR genocide.

    no, a vote for biden or a republican is a vote for genocide. a vote against both of them is a vote against genocide.

    TokenBoomer ,

    Not proud. I voted for Perot. I was dumb and young. He had charts and graphs.

    jordanlund , avatar

    92 or 96? 92? Nobody blames you. :) 96? That’s on you!

    TokenBoomer ,
    1. 96 voted for Clinton.
    Magnergy ,

    I was too young to vote at the time, but the charts and graphs thing was rad.

    TokenBoomer ,

    He brought them to debates. To the naive, like me, that was big brained.

    commie ,

    the analysis shows that perot actually hurt clinton’s margin of victory.

    jordanlund , avatar

    Not if you knew any Perot supporters… He was Ron Paul before it was cool. :)

    commie ,

    your anecdote doesn’t debunk fivetgirtyeight

    jordanlund , avatar

    It helps that I was on the ground living it in '92, fivethirtyeight was not.

    commie ,

    not really: eyewitness testimony is some of the worst we can ask for. you should ask carville, though, you don’t have to: he’s in the mini-doc i linked.

    commie ,
    Tinidril ,

    Third parties are fairytale nonsense. We fix the Democratic party, or we fail.

    Linkerbaan , avatar

    There is nothing too fix. It’s rotten from the top and it won’t allow anything to rise which isn’t under its control.

    You cannot fix a rotten organization by joining it. You have to create a new one.

    Tinidril ,

    You could say the exact same thing for the exact same reasons about the US government. If you can’t fix a rotton organization, then any attempt at political action in the United States is a fools errand. Thankfully, you’re just talking out of your ass. We get it, you’re edgy.

    Linkerbaan , avatar

    The corrupt politiicians aren’t getting elected by themselves. You’re voting them in.

    Tinidril ,

    Setting aside that you know nothing of my voting history, this is entirely irrelevant.

    The Democratic party used to be what the Republicans are today. Eventually they became the party of FDR and the new deal. Now they are the party of Bill Clinton and third way neoliberal corporatism. Things change, and we can influence the direction of that change. Forcing Biden to the left has made him a better president than anyone on the left expected. He’s still not the president we want, but we shifted him in the right direction. The Democratic party as a whole is better now than it was 10 years ago.

    Go ahead and piss on the progress that’s been made, but then be prepared to explain how third party movements have done any better.

    naturalgasbad OP ,

    Democracy is when you get to choose between voting for genocide and voting for fascism.

    TokenBoomer ,

    T-shirt. Sell it on Etsy. Profit.

    naturalgasbad OP ,

    Capitalism is when your government system slides into fascism but you still need to pay your bills 🤷

    sailingbythelee ,

    Clever, but wrong. You actually get to choose between:

    1. Continuing to give $600 million in annual aid to Gaza and diplomacy to try to get Israel to minimize civilian casualties while they understandably pursue Hamas terrorists, Or,
    2. Fascism and complete disregard for civilian casualties.

    Perhaps neither is to your taste, but there are stark differences in the two positions.

    Yes, I know, actual rational policy-making is so boring. It is much less satisfying than over-simplified, one-sided memes. But, you know, that’s what adults do. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

    jordanlund , avatar

    Democracy is when you get to choose between genocide over there OR genocide over there and right here too. Because you know damn well Trumps policy on Israel won’t be any different.

    PugJesus , avatar

    Sure it will. He'd have US jets running sorties on Palestinian civilians in addition to the aid so he could feel like a Big Boy.

    Sagifurius ,

    I mean, he was the first president since Carter to not start a war, so, no, that really wasn’t his act.

    PugJesus , avatar

    Go lick orange asshole elsewhere. Or did you forget when he tried to start a war with Iran by assassinating one of their generals on Iraqi land against the Iraqi government's wishes?

    Sagifurius ,

    None of that changes what I said. Look up how many Biden and Obama did that to.

    PugJesus , avatar

    Look up how many Trump did that t- oh, wait, he revoked the rule implemented by Obama that demanded drone strike deaths be publicly reported, and outright ignored the legal demands to release the strikes, so you can't.

    Fucking dumbass. Keep chowing on Great Orange's literal shit, and maybe he'll deign to grab you by the pussy too.

    Sagifurius ,

    I’m not American. Trumps track record was a serious improvement for people hold that office, all you have to do is look at the facts and numbers, and ignore how unpleasant he was. I know, I know, Baracks class n charisma made everything seem OK when they were literally murdering a head of state to intentionally destabilize but it wasn’t

    PugJesus , avatar

    I’m not American.

    Clearly it hasn't stopped you from attaching your lips to Trump's asshole. "Just look at the numbers!" right after being shown that numbers are quite literally not available because of Trump's explicit reversal of previous policy. It's like those pig-fuckers saying "Read the transcript!", not realizing one of the first fucking lines of the document is saying that it's not a transcript. Just utter, brainless cocksucking for a STD-ridden loser.

    Sagifurius ,

    You don’t need the numbers supplied by the American government to get the numbers you fucking doofus.

    PugJesus , avatar

    You have fun sucking off your orange messiah. :)

    brain_in_a_box ,

    Least homophobic liberal

    PugJesus , avatar

    Least homophobic liberal

    Only men are allowed to suck cock?

    brain_in_a_box ,

    If you’re going to seriously try to insist that there’s no homophobic subtext in “You have fun sucking off your orange messiah”, then you’re more dishonest than Trump himself.

    Sagifurius ,

    You are just gonna have so much fun under his 2nd term

    Daft_ish ,

    He didn’t start a war?!? That must mean he is a pacifist!

    Sagifurius ,

    As compared

    Reality_Suit ,

    Kang and Kodos

    lolcatnip ,

    Voting for fascism is also voting for genocide. You’re choices are a little genocide without fascism or a lot of genocide with fascism. I know what I’m choosing.

    naturalgasbad OP ,

    How about voting for no genocide?

    lolcatnip ,

    Go ahead and vote for an option you know for sure won’t win. I hope it satisfies your vanity.

    Kleinbonum ,

    From a utilitarian point of view, it probably makes more sense to attempt to minimize suffering rather than opting out of the decision and thereby passively enable greater suffering.

    But hey, it’s the trolley problem all over again, and people hate even thinking about that one.

    Semi-Hemi-Demigod , avatar

    over stupid shit like this

    For a lot of people this isn't stupid shit

    blazeknave ,

    Someone else’s genocide pales in comparison to our own when we aren’t here to help them.

    jordanlund , avatar

    A lot of people also don’t understand that Biden is pleading to his donors. He doesn’t actually care what Israel does or doesn’t do.

    voidMainVoid ,

    Oh, he’s doing it for money! That makes it okay, then.

    SCB ,

    For a lot of people this isn’t stupid shit

    Yeah that’s false lol

    brain_in_a_box ,

    “Palestinians aren’t people, but remember, it’s the other guy who’s a fascist!”

    ShittyBeatlesFCPres ,

    What an inspiring message. Biden will win for sure if we all make just one lecturing, patronizing post each day. Bonus points if you can find someone who had family killed in Gaza! They need the most reminding that Trump is the real threat.

    SCB ,

    Bonus points if you can find someone who had family killed in Gaza!

    I’d love to hear from this mythical voting bloc that keeps coming up.

    ShittyBeatlesFCPres , in Michigan. Their votes actually matter and they have a whole Palestinian-American congresswoman.

    Sadly, I don’t live in a swing state so it doesn’t matter who I vote for. My vote, whether it be for Biden or a third party, is effectively a protest vote against the state’s electors voting for Trump. I can vote, not vote, vote for a third party; it really doesn’t matter.

    SCB ,

    Hilarious, if pretty racist, that this is how you think about this.

    RickyRigatoni , avatar

    The people making these comments act like there’s literally nobody else in the democrat party.

    CosmicCleric , avatar

    The people making these comments act like there’s literally nobody else in the democrat party.

    This. Give us another choice in the same party to vote for.

    RickyRigatoni , avatar

    Whatever happened to “vote blue no matter who” anyway?

    CosmicCleric , avatar

    Whatever happened to “vote blue no matter who” anyway?

    Even though I belong to one political party, I personally always vote on a case-by-case basis, for the best person for the job/country, and not automatically for party.

    RealFknNito , avatar

    Fuck Biden, still voting for him because I’m not retarded.

    BartsBigBugBag ,

    You are ableist though.

    RealFknNito , (edited ) avatar

    Oh here we go. I’ll condense my thoughts down into a fun, fully animated, 20 second video.

    ViscountMochi ,

    This post makes me want to not vote for Biden twice as much as I already don’t want to vote for Biden.

    pikasaurX4 ,

    “There is no choice.” “You do not have a choice.” Classic catchphrases of a healthy, functioning democracy

    jordanlund , avatar

    It won’t be healthy until Trumpism is out of the picture.

    graymess ,

    Shit take. Fascism is never out of the picture and spouting “vote blue no matter who” only pushes the window closer to it. You’ll just say the same thing in 4 years when it’s Trump again or one of his many soundalikes vs another genocidal Zionist wearing a D by their name. Engaging with the 2 party system validates it and it will never be “healthy.”

    brain_in_a_box ,

    American fascism goes infinitely deeper than just the person of Donald Trump.

    Goferking0 ,

    It hasn’t been healthy for years

    SCB ,

    As this situation only applies to a small minority of voters, this is literally the definition of how democracy works.

    pikasaurX4 ,

    Not sure what you mean, but it sounds like you just don’t care because it doesn’t affect your choice. I wonder how you will feel if one day your party’s candidate finally crosses your line

    htrayl ,

    Very few people love their candidate, even with alternative voting systems. Compromise is indeed part of the deal.

    brain_in_a_box ,

    So what compromise will the Democrats be offering?

    CoggyMcFee ,

    Did someone say this was a healthy democracy? We’re talking about fucking survival

    BlackNo1 ,

    or how about we overthrow our shit govt instead of participating in this fucking circus act year after year. also this isnt stupid shit its a genocide you daft cunt

    fuck the usa fuck israel

    jordanlund , avatar

    Good luck with that.

    Syntha ,

    this is what cosplaying as a revolutionary looks like

    BlackNo1 ,


    IHadTwoCows ,

    The purge program would be fine of Democrats weren’t pussies and doormats

    macrocephalic ,

    You could join a party and vote in the primaries. It’s about the only way to make a change now it seems.

    jordanlund , avatar

    Or join the opposite party and try to send a message in that primary…

    Not that it will matter when #2 is 30 points behind…

    CosmicCleric , avatar

    If you coerce/force someone to vote the way you want them to, then can you truly say we live in a free country?

    There’s nothing stopping the Democrats from putting someone else up to run against Trump.

    And don’t say no one else can be Trump, there’s a whole year still, and it’s going to be the undecided Centrists who decide who wins in any case, so you just need to put someone up that appeals to them mostly.

    jordanlund , avatar

    Nobody is going to tell the sitting president not to run again, that’s a decision he needs to come to all on his own, and if he doesn’t, the DNC will not oppose him.

    CosmicCleric , avatar

    Nobody is going to tell the sitting president not to run again

    Actually if the warning signs were dire enough, the inner democratic party elites would push hard for it. Some are saying that the Cali Gov is already running a stealth run, being ready to jump in if Biden exits.

    TotallynotJessica , avatar

    As a Cali native, Newsom would be worse than Biden. If he ran in a Democratic primary, he might lose California because Democrats here don’t like him that much. If the primary was between him and Biden, I would vote for Biden because he’s less elitist and has a better moral compass. Newsom honestly doesn’t seem to have serious principles beyond political success. He’s a distilled version of what people hate about Democrats.

    CosmicCleric , (edited ) avatar

    As a Cali native, Newsom would be worse than Biden. If he ran in a Democratic primary, he might lose California because Democrats here don’t like him that much.

    Actually he was doing a lot better until just recently when he started supporting Biden, basically pissing off Californians as he moves to the middle for a national race. But historically he’s had good (for a Governer) ratings.

    This article describes what I’m saying in full.

    From the article…

    The survey showed Newsom’s popularity has tumbled this year as he continues to amplify his national profile and campaign outside of the Golden State to support President Biden and attack Republican governors and their conservative political agendas.


    Newsom honestly doesn’t seem to have serious principles beyond political success

    Yeah he does come off is being slick and opportunist, and I hate saying what I’m about to say, but at the same time he’s a politician. /shrug

    The kind of person I’d like to vote for never seems to run for office.

    TotallynotJessica , avatar

    Newsom hate isn’t new. There was genuine worry he was going to lose his recall election, replaced by a radical Republican with a plurality of support from only those that voted for his removal. Left wing Democrats who were critical of Newsom united and organized to prevent a fascist rising to power. We put aside our gripes with corpocrats to prevent someone even worse from winning.

    California is guaranteed for the Democrats in the modern era, so we usually sit on the sidelines of the fight for the presidency and hope other states make the right call. However, the recall race showed that we were also willing to hold our nose and vote for the lesser of two evils.

    That’s part of why I get so frustrated by the anti voting shit. Biden is more of a genuine human being than Newsom, yet people fall for accelerationist propaganda. They delude themselves into thinking that not voting will strengthen the left when the opposite is true. The unreliability of young, left wing voters reinforces the establishment bias of not appealing to them. If they won’t even turn out for Bernie in the 2020 primary, why rely on them?

    CosmicCleric , (edited ) avatar

    Newsom hate isn’t new.

    From the article…

    The survey showed Newsom’s popularity has tumbled this year as he continues to amplify his national profile and campaign outside of the Golden State to support President Biden

    Any governor in any state always gets some hate, but Newson popularity’s gone down allot just recently because of his support for Biden and his move towards the center for a possible national run.

    There was genuine worry he was going to lose his recall election, replaced by a radical Republican with a plurality of support from only those that voted for his removal.

    In California? Highly doubtful (the italicized part).

    I was here, and I saw that the local news pushed that angle (probably for ratings) but the people in the streets weren’t really saying that.

    They delude themselves into thinking that not voting will strengthen the left when the opposite is true.

    I actually agree with this, but, I think the nation should come before ideology, and definitely for party. And at the end, you have to do what you think is right, not what is best for a particular organization.

    Bottom line, I don’t believe Biden is physically and mentally able to hold the office for another four years. He should leave with the thanks of a grateful nation for steering us away from Trump, and not cling on for another four years.

    Give me another Democrat to vote for, and I’ll happily do so, or a good/decent centrist Republican for that matter. The choices we have to choose from these days are horrible.

    TotallynotJessica , avatar

    I get the physical part of Biden being unfit, but not the mental part. I’ve not seen any evidence of his age making him less intelligent or mentally. He’s not physically well, but whenever someone says he’s senile, I automatically assume they don’t know what they’re talking about. “Senile” is not synonymous with “out of touch.”

    With the recall, concern wasn’t just coming from some rando or only Democratic partisans. I heard it from respected political scientists. They thought Newsom was likely to win, but there was still great risk of a Republican governor getting elected without popular support. It’s how Arnold Schwarzenegger, a moderate Republican, managed to get elected. The Governator never could have won a Republican primary, and didn’t even win the popular vote. If it weren’t for serious campaigning in the last few months, the recall could have been close.

    Newsom always had majority approval, but the concern about the recall came because people were only lukewarm on him. He isn’t an exciting candidate, which is what the left claims to want. Like I said before, Biden seems more genuine about his morals and principles than Newsom. Newsom is more of what the left hates than Biden.

    CosmicCleric , (edited ) avatar

    I get the physical part of Biden being unfit, but not the mental part. I’ve not seen any evidence of his age making him less intelligent or mentally.

    The regular main news goes out of its way not to show him being in that state, for obvious reasons, but there are moments caught on camera. Not only because they help support him, but what it would mean for Americans and their worry factor if they thought their current president was incapable of doing the job.

    He’s not physically well, but whenever someone says he’s senile, I automatically assume they don’t know what they’re talking about.

    That’s honestly kind of insulting to say that, and it shows a lack of awareness on your own part. You’re making one hell of an assumption that people aren’t informed and that they’re making a diagnosis without putting any thought behind it.

    “Senile” is not synonymous with “out of touch.”

    Also, it’s not binary, we’re not talking about perfectly sane or completely senile, there’s a range in between, and there are moments of clarity, and moments of not clarity.

    {Comments about Newson’s unpopularity.}

    I’m not going to hash this out detail by detail, but just say that you and I must have lived in different California’s, because as a native, I didn’t see what you’re describing.

    There are other Democrats that could run against Trump and have a better chance of success.

    Finally, there are literal medical tests that he could take that test for mental competence. If he took those tests from a trusted source, and passed them, then that would be good enough for me. It’s not the literal age, it’s the ‘mileage’, that’s the determining factor of capability.

    TotallynotJessica , avatar

    That’s honestly kind of insulting to say that, and it shows a lack of awareness on your own part. You’re making one hell of an assumption that people aren’t informed and that they’re making a diagnosis without putting any thought behind it.

    I’m not out of line in thinking that people can’t diagnose Joe Biden of being mentally unfit. People couldn’t definitively diagnose Trump with narcissistic personality disorder, and he didn’t have a known disorder that could interfere in a diagnosis. Biden has a well documented stutter, making it hard for any observer to parse his communication disorder from cognitive impairment.

    People who are informed would recognize this, and even those willing to diagnose politicians from TV appearances would need solid examples of abnormal behavior that could only be explained by cognitive impairment. I don’t take armchair diagnosis seriously because I have some expertise in psychology. People want a reason to have someone other than Biden, so they assume mental disability can be determined by the public. I don’t think we can with the info available. Gut feelings will just reinforce your biases.

    CosmicCleric , avatar

    People who are informed would recognize this, and even those willing to diagnose politicians from TV appearances would need solid examples of abnormal behavior that could only be explained by cognitive impairment. I

    I’m aware of that condition, I’ve heard/seen it before. Still, I’ve also seen other things.

    You’re assuming they are mutually exclusive, that if you have a stutter, you can’t have mental cognizance problems, and that’s not true at all.

    As I mentioned before, if he took a legal mental capacity test and passed it then that would alleviate my personal worries, but I don’t see that happening, at least I haven’t heard them speak of it.

    Tinidril ,

    It’s not centrists who decide elections by choosing a candidate, it’s the people fed up with the system who decide elections by choosing whether or not to show up for the vote.

    CosmicCleric , (edited ) avatar

    It’s not centrists who decide elections by choosing a candidate, it’s the people fed up with the system who decide elections by choosing whether or not to show up for the vote.

    Well I speaking towards from the pool of people who actually show up to vote, decide the vote. Not the no shows.

    These days the two sides are ‘baked in’, so it’s going to be the undecided middle that decides.

    I’m assuming that if the Democrats choose somebody else besides Biden, that the younger voters have more of a chance of showing up to vote, than with Biden.

    Tinidril ,

    No, it is never the middle that decides elections in the US. Democrats win when turnout is high, and Republicans win when turnout is low.

    Know how AOC won her seat from Pelosi’s presumed successor who was considered unbeatable? She focused her campaign on unlikely voters. When she actually spoke to those people, they showed up to vote. That’s the path to victory for Democrats.

    Hillary dominated with moderate voters in 2016. She was also an uninspiring elitist which led to terrible turnout. Biden wasn’t much better, but four years of Trump drove record breaking turnout,band Biden won.

    It’s all about energy and engagement. Biden sure isn’t going to bring that next year, but maybe there is enough anti-Trump sentiment left to drive turnout. Of course Trump might not be the candidate. I think Biden might beat DeSantis, but not a slightly more obscure candidate like Nikki Haley.

    CosmicCleric , avatar

    You are right about the energy level scenario, but I wasn’t speaking towards that. I’m assuming that unless a candidate really screws up that everyone will come out to vote, since we’re very much in a party warish voting mode these days.

    I was speaking about what the size and a large turnout vote, the people who are not already baked in for one party or another, always vote just for one party, and when there is a large turnout.

    Basically everyone else, the centrists, those are rarely vote, those who literally jump back and forth and decide on a case by case basis based on the individual running in every election, etc.

    TotallynotJessica , avatar

    America isn’t that free of a country. Democrats were always going to run their incumbent. The time to choose a left wing candidate was the 2020 primary, which is why I was devastated when Biden won. I knew we would be stuck with him for 8 fucking years. The left didn’t turn out enough in that primary, and the establishment went with one of the worst choices.

    The fact that there isn’t some popular Democratic alternative at this point means it will not happen. Biden has been the most left wing president in over half a century, and none of his shitty decisions have been due to his age. Organize with the DSA or promote left wing Democrats if you’re fed up with the establishment. Recognize that becoming cynically apathetic makes you a pathetic asshole, not a person who’s better than those that try.

    brain_in_a_box ,

    There is no choice.

    Alright, then I won’t vote.

    hungryphrog ,

    Trump thanks you in that occasion.

    brain_in_a_box ,

    That’s ok, I don’t need his thanks, I’m happy just to see you fascist ghouls squirm.

    hungryphrog ,

    Oh, I’m a fascist because I don’t want trump to win?

    brain_in_a_box ,

    You’re a fascist for insisting that I have “no choice” but to vote for your genocidal ghoul.

    hungryphrog ,

    Well, let another even more genocidal ghoul win then if that’s what you want for your hellhole of a country and the world.

    brain_in_a_box ,


    dbilitated , to news in Far-right minister: Nuking Gaza is an option, population should ‘go to Ireland or deserts’ avatar

    Eliyahu also voices his objection during the interview to allowing any humanitarian aid into Gaza, saying “we wouldn’t hand the Nazis humanitarian aid,”

    you are the Nazis at this point mate.

    ghostdoggtv ,

    The Nazis never had nukes or the backing of the United States. They didn’t have a state religion. They weren’t dispatching military assets to settle their neighboring territories. Zionism is worse than naziism.

    too_high_for_this ,


    superduperenigma ,

    They weren’t dispatching military assets to settle their neighboring territories.

    My brother in Christ, what exactly do you think the Nazis were doing all over Europe during WWII?

    Pips ,

    They weren’t dispatching military assets to settle their neighboring territories.

    What exactly do you think happened in the Western Front in WWII?

    ZombiFrancis ,

    Also the Eastern Front. And Czech lands. The Sudetenland. Austria.

    It’s like, the thing that they did.

    Pips ,

    Adolf Hitler: Famed Isolationist

    SheeEttin ,

    They didn’t have a state religion, but not for lack of trying. Most of Germany was Christian in some way, and that was exploited by the Nazis, but they generally wanted their people to be Nazis first and anything else second. If Nazi Germany had continued, I’m sure Nazism would have been the state religion.

    SaltySalamander , avatar

    They weren’t dispatching military assets to settle their neighboring territories

    So, what exactly would you call what they did during WW2? I'm with you on everything else you said, but this statement makes me think you know very little about history.

    JustZ ,

    Well this is the dumbest thing I’ve read online lately, maybe ever.

    TropicalDingdong , to world in Hamas official says group aims to repeat Oct. 7 onslaught many times to destroy Israel

    Hamas and Netanyahus rhetoric; name a more iconic due.

    These fuckers fit hand and fucking glove.

    avidamoeba , avatar

    Like a well oiled meat grinder.

    MxM111 ,

    Netanyahu does not state that killing of civilians is his goal, nor does IDF purposely do that. Imagine the amount of civilian deaths if it were actually IDF’s goal, as it is for Hamas.

    Quacksalber ,

    This is an important distinction in my opinion. Does the IDF care if they kill palestinian civilians? No. But they aren’t actively trying to murder as many palestinian civilians as they can either.

    snek , avatar

    They aren’t? So why did they bomb Jabalia twice?

    Quacksalber , (edited )

    How should I know. What I do know however is that if the IDF wanted, they could kill many more Gazans.

    snek , avatar

    Seriously look at their actions and decide for yourself whether or not they are going out of their way to kill civilians or whether they are so careless they kill anyone on their way

    The idea that the IDF would have to beat Gaza into a pulp so we can finally admit to ourselves that they don’t care about civilians is weak, not to mention a logical fallacy. This isn’t the indication to look for when war crimes happen. It’s the actions of the IDF themselves.

    Just look at all the times Israel told civilians to move to one place them bombed the shit out of the place.

    lolcatnip ,

    Maybe they just want plausible deniability more than they want immediate genocide. It sure looks to me like that’s what they’re doing, and that it’s working.

    Earthwormjim91 ,

    Because Hamas has used it as a base for decades…

    Just like every other piece of civilian infrastructure.

    You say Jabalia like it hasn’t been a city since the 40s. It’s not some tent city. It’s a legitimate city that has been around for decades, which Hamas only took control of after 2007.

    snek , avatar

    Yes totally, that is enough excuse to shoot dead over a hundred people and wound hundreds more.

    Tents or not, you’re basically saying Israel bombed a crowded area and I’m afraid they are losing this one in the media. 😊

    It’s a refugee camp because people who live there are more victims of Israeli displacement.

    Earthwormjim91 ,

    It’s not a refugee camp at all. It’s a city that has existed for almost a century.

    You can cheer for Hamas. Your emojis don’t mean shit lol. Nobody else supports them. Even “the media” (you sound like my drug addicted religious dad here).

    snek , avatar

    First, I didn’t cheer for Hamas.

    Also, That area is still a refugee camp. You are confusing Jabalia city with the Jabalia refugee camp.. It’s okay to be wrong, you just have to admit it to yourself.

    And the very fact that somehow bombing people taking refuge in a city rather than a refigee camp is something you needed to point out as though that changes anything … That’s very telling.

    And lastly, Israel is losing the media war. 😊 It’s not sustainable to kill more people and get away with it, not when even holocaust historians are alarmed at the Israeli rhetoric and massacre it keeps committing on a daily basis.

    steventhedev OP ,

    Jabalia Refugee Camp was established in 1948.

    It’s not a temporary housing measure. The buildings are all high-density multi-family dwellings constructed from reinforced concrete.

    Calling it a refugee camp cheapens the word for people who are displaced from their homes and forced into temporary housing during a war.

    snek , avatar

    It’s still a refugee camp. It houses refugees who have been displaced. Many Palestinian refugee camps are X number of years old because Israel has been ethnically cleansing them for decades. It doesn’t matter how you define it, no one “made shit up”, it’s classed as a refugee camp. The UN set it up as a camp, but here comes some random regular jackoff on lemmy trying to tell us otherwise.

    The audacity of pro-Israelis in twisting all international definitions is beyond me.

    Again, the very fact that it’s been a refugee camp for decades where people have shitty living conditions makes this bombing that Israel did worse, not better.

    steventhedev OP ,

    The people living in that camp were done dirty by the 1949 armistice, don’t get me wrong. But it’s been 75 years; they need to move on.

    Palestinians are literally the only refugees on the planet who pass down refugee status to their children. That’s based on the definition that the UN made up because the Arab countries didn’t want to take in Palestinians.

    They’ve had 75 years to move out of that camp and make their own lives better. At some point, they need wipe the snot off their noses and stop crying. The Jews who were ethnically cleansed from the Arab countries faced adversity when they moved to Israel, but they’ve moved on and made their lives much better.

    toallpointswest , avatar

    @steventhedev @snek The Jews didn't "move on" , they literally created "Zionism" and STOLE land they had only a mere historical connection to. Your entire post was completely delusional

    snek , avatar

    It’s called the right of return. That’s what you get when you create an apartheid state that does ethnic cleansing for breakfast.

    steventhedev OP ,

    It’s wonderful to see you agree that Arab Jews also have a right of return, and deserve reparations for their stolen assets during the ethnic cleansing of Jews from Muslim countries

    EDIT: I’m trolling you with this comment, but I feel a little bad about it. Let’s just agree to disagree and take the rest of the day to cool off

    snek , avatar

    Of course they do. What happened during that time was wrong.

    I’m trolling you with this comment, but I feel a little bad about it. Let’s just agree to disagree and take the rest of the day to cool off

    I think you mostly talk out of your ass, but that’s okay.

    toallpointswest , avatar

    @steventhedev @snek Oh wait, I misspoke, the "Jews" of the 1940's didn't have a "historical" connection to the last, they only had a RELIGIOUS connection to the land. Religion doesn't convey physical property rights, so talk about making shit up.

    davepleasebehave ,

    what a shill. no where did the above comment support Hammas.

    fosforus ,

    Jabalia refugee camp consists of an area that is 1,4 km^2^. It had a registered population of about 50 000 inhabitants in 2017, who knows how much these days. It’s not exactly a small place, even if the term “refugee camp” might give that image.

    So who knows. Perhaps they’re just murdering civilians, or perhaps a place like that is a perfect breeding ground for extremism.

    snek , avatar

    Exactly. Israel bombed a giant refugee camp. How is this helping Israel’s case?

    fosforus ,

    I dunno, as – believe it or not – I’m not part of IDF. But you can of course wonder: are they fighting a popularity war or an actual one?

    HelixDab2 ,

    Well, I, for one, hope that the IDF is finally fucking losing the popularity war. Until the US stops propping them up no matter what, they have no incentive to seriously work towards peace.

    If they were fighting an actual war, then the leaders of Israel would be pulled into the ICC for war crimes.

    bingbong ,

    Quick update, they bombed it a third time today

    Plopp ,

    Being so incredibly nonchalant about killing civilians as the IDF is it’s almost an insignificant difference imo.

    bus_go_fast ,

    Lol bullshit.

    Barbarian , avatar

    Your argument might have more weight if the head of national security wasn’t a former member of the Kach party, a group Israel designated a terrorist group in 1994.

    fosforus ,

    “When he came of age for conscription into the Israel Defense Forces at 18, he was exempted from service by the IDF due to his extreme-right political background.”

    What a guy. I thought militaries (and police) love those people.

    DanL4 ,

    Israeli military is not for volunteers, it’s for everyone. The top ranking generals and chiefs of staff were prominent against Netanyahu and this extremist incompetent government. They are also said that human rights activists that give a voice to solders that saw atrocious acts of the idf itself. This is not the norm, contrary to what the media would have you think. This, according to the top ranking Israeli ex officers, is how the idf should fix its wrongs.

    RememberTheApollo_ ,

    But they kill plenty anyway.


    Shardikprime ,

    Right human shields don’t exist

    RememberTheApollo_ ,

    Both can exist. Don’t get binary.

    assassin_aragorn , (edited )

    They bombed a refugee camp. Twice.

    If I were a military commander in WW2 with the same technology we have today, and Hitler was out in the open at an elementary school graduation next to a preschool, I would not make that order. Instead, I’d mobilize intelligence agents to get there immediately and tail him, while moving my forces nearby.

    I find it hard to believe that Israeli military and intelligence agencies could not track him and wait. The IDF just cares more about their own skin than they do of Palestinian children.

    MrSpArkle ,

    It took the US 10 years to track down Bin Laden, all the while he was still communicating with cells. In your example that is a LOT of quality holocaust time for Hitler.

    There is no easy way out of the trolley problem of slippery genocidal targets popping up with a limited time window to execute.

    lolcatnip ,
    bus_go_fast ,

    Netanyahu does not state that killing of civilians is his goal, nor does IDF purposely do that.

    Wrong. Cannot believe how many people upvoted this comment. He literally stated that he wanted to two days ago. Jesus christ.

    Earthwormjim91 ,

    Netanyahu: Hamas is a terrorist organization that wants to eliminate the Jewish nation

    Hamas: yeah he’s right

    SlikPikker ,

    That’s why Nethanyahu funded them.

    All his investments paid off in this neat little casus belli.

    ours ,

    He allowed Hamas to be funded but it’s still horrific the hand he had in making this monster. He allowed Hamas to grow so it would fight those looking to negotiate toward a two-state solution.

    Shardikprime ,

    Proof or it didn’t happen

    Five ,

    I think this is what @SlikPikker is talking about:

    For years, the various governments led by Benjamin Netanyahu took an approach that divided power between the Gaza Strip and the West Bank — bringing Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas to his knees while making moves that propped up the Hamas terror group.

    The idea was to prevent Abbas — or anyone else in the Palestinian Authority’s West Bank government — from advancing toward the establishment of a Palestinian state.

    Thus, amid this bid to impair Abbas, Hamas was upgraded from a mere terror group to an organization with which Israel held indirect negotiations via Egypt, and one that was allowed to receive infusions of cash from abroad.

    Hamas was also included in discussions about increasing the number of work permits Israel granted to Gazan laborers, which kept money flowing into Gaza, meaning food for families and the ability to purchase basic products.

    Israeli officials said these permits, which allow Gazan laborers to earn higher salaries than they would in the enclave, were a powerful tool to help preserve calm.

    Toward the end of Netanyahu’s fifth government in 2021, approximately 2,000-3,000 work permits were issued to Gazans. This number climbed to 5,000 and, during the Bennett-Lapid government, rose sharply to 10,000.

    Since Netanyahu returned to power in January 2023, the number of work permits has soared to nearly 20,000.

    Additionally, since 2014, Netanyahu-led governments have practically turned a blind eye to the incendiary balloons and rocket fire from Gaza.

    Meanwhile, Israel has allowed suitcases holding millions in Qatari cash to enter Gaza through its crossings since 2018, in order to maintain its fragile ceasefire with the Hamas rulers of the Strip.

    Most of the time, Israeli policy was to treat the Palestinian Authority as a burden and Hamas as an asset. Far-right MK Bezalel Smotrich, now the finance minister in the hardline government and leader of the Religious Zionism party, said so himself in 2015.

    Excerpt from For years, Netanyahu propped up Hamas. Now it’s blown up in our faces by Tal Schneider and published by The Times of Israel.

    SlikPikker ,

    Just so!

    Syntha ,

    Nowhere does this say that Netanyahu funded Hamas.

    xc2215x ,

    Both of them have caused so much harm.

    ghostdoggtv ,

    Hurricane of shit meeting tornado of blood


    Gigan , to world in Norway says Israel response to Hamas attack disproportionate avatar

    I’m glad a western country had the balls to say it.

    bemenaker ,

    Ireland and Norway have historically been critical of this.

    FlyingSquid , to world in Egypt intelligence official says Israel ignored repeated warnings of ‘something big’ avatar

    Did they ignore it or did Netenyahu want it to happen to start a war?

    dontcarebear , avatar

    Crime minister is blatantly denying it. If facts surface that he did, he is done.

    A_Random_Idiot ,

    the latter.

    slurpeesoforion ,

    I heard it compared to 9/11, which conspiracies held was allowed to happen to justify the US’s actions in the Middle East.

    Would Natty let his people suffer for his own wants? Absolutely. Did he know about it before hand? Who knows.

    altima_neo , avatar

    Yeah he called it Israel’s 9/11. I can see why now… In that they knew about it but ignored it.

    c0mbatbag3l , avatar

    The USA didn’t ignore it, poorly thought out government regulations that didn’t allow US intelligence agencies to share information between each other caused it.

    Clent ,

    No, bush 2 ignored it. There were reports something was going to happen. The sharing of information was justification for the patriot act.

    He then fabricated weapons of mass destruction to fan the flames for iraq. The other countries intelligence agency said it was bullshit, but we were told ours were more smarter.

    Freedom fries were our measured response to the French being correct in their intelligence assessments.

    Neato , avatar

    It would make sense for Netenyahu to want something big and despicable enough to wage total war against Palestine. Israel has been slow rolling invasion and genocide for decades. It's definitely a conspiracy theory since there's no real proof yet but I element be surprised.

    Siegfried ,

    He is probably one of the persons (if not the only one) that can take advantage of this shitshow

    CrypticFawn , avatar

    This question is going to plague a lot of minds for years to come, mine included.

    Doorbook , to world in Surveillance footage shows Hamas bringing hostages into Shifa Hospital on Oct. 7

    Again people lose sight of the fact that regardless of hamas actions, that doesn’t justify the killing of thousands of kids and families that are taking shelter in the hospital.

    If anything, the medical staff and families are also hostages and they shouldn’t be killed either.

    People kept arguing about the tunnel and the hospital ignoring the genocidal killing of Palestinians.

    Tunnels or Hamas using the biggest and maybe only hospital Doesn’t justify the bombing of the hospital while people still getting treated from other bombing…

    DolphinMath OP ,

    Let’s be accurate here. Thousands have died in Gaza as a result of this conflict, but Israel clearly did not kill thousands at Shifa Hospital.

    hark , avatar

    You’re right, the hospital bombed itself.

    Hatsune_Miku , avatar

    they haven’t actually bombed al shifa, or any hospital for that matter.

    Catoblepas ,


    If I was this ignorant I would simply shut the fuck up.

    DolphinMath OP ,

    I mean, I read through what you posted and it literally never says Israel bombed hospitals.

    HRW just cites a Tweet by “WHO in occupied Palestine” that is very non-specific while sounding specific.

    The relevant bits from the Tweet used as the primary source by HRW:

    “We are horrified at the latest reports of attacks on and in the vicinity of Al-Shifa Hospital, Al-Rantisi Naser Pediatric Hospital, Al-Quds Hospital, and others in Gaza city and northern Gaza, killing many, including children.”

    “Over the past 36 days, WHO has recorded at least 137 attacks on health care in Gaza, resulting in 521 deaths and 686 injuries, including 16 deaths and 38 injuries of health workers on duty.”

    Catoblepas ,

    If I thought I knew better from my seat in a chair what was going on in Gaza than the humanitarian organizations on the ground there then I would simply log off and touch grass.

    palal ,

    Clearly the UNRWA and the doctors at MSF don’t know what they’re talking about. Only the IDF does.

    Argonne ,

    Clearly you can’t even read or are mentally broken. The link above doesn’t say the hospital itself was bombed. Go to sleep, it must be late in the morning, tankie

    DolphinMath OP ,

    I mean, when you are calling people liars because they don’t agree with you, especially when your own sources don’t support what you say, I’m pretty sure that’s a sign you need to log off and touch grass.

    Is it possible Israel has bombed hospitals in Gaza? Certainly.

    Did you provide proof? No.

    Argonne ,

    You are the liar, or just an idiot. Your own source doesn’t say anything about the hospital itself being bombed

    lolcatnip ,

    The Israeli military’s repeated, apparently unlawful attacks on medical facilities, personnel, and transport


    jordanlund , avatar

    Keep it civil. Removed.

    Catoblepas ,

    Super cool how lying about hospitals not being bombed is “civil” but calling it out for the lie that it is somehow isn’t.

    jordanlund , avatar

    Attacking the contents of an article is absolutely allowed, attacking other users is absolutely NOT allowed.

    So in your comment:


    That’s fine. “Liar” is maybe a little strong, I personally would have allowed it, other mods may not have. Your mileage may vary.

    It was the personal attack against the other user AFTER that where you crossed the line and caused the comment to be removed.

    Catoblepas ,

    I disagree that saying someone is ignorant or that I would STFU if I was that ignorant is a personal attack. I also do not see how that is somehow more objectionable than lying about bombed civilians.

    jordanlund , avatar

    It’s literally an ad hominem attack and is not allowed.

    You’ve also been warned about this before according to the modlog (which is public information):

    If you keep it up, you’re cruising for a temporary ban.

    Catoblepas ,

    I haven’t received notifications for any of those other warnings as far as I can tell, the links in the log won’t actually load for me. I also stand by them and encourage everyone to check out my forbidden opinions. It’s hilarious that one of them is literally a single sentence of me asking a mod for clarification.

    Btw, why is lying about murdered civilians fine but calling someone ignorant is beyond the pale?

    jordanlund , avatar

    Not all mods bother replying to comments they remove, I choose to because I believe transparency is an important part of moderation.

    As to the question, engaging in personal attacks violates rule 5 in the sidebar (which I wrote BTW):

    “Rule 5: Keep it civil. It’s OK to say the subject of an article is behaving like a (perjorative, perjorative). It’s NOT OK to say another USER is (perjorative). Strong language is fine, just not directed at other members. Engage in good-faith and with respect!”

    Catoblepas ,

    Ok, I understand that your stance is that ignorance is not a neutral statement of fact but a personal attack, and I do appreciate you replying unlike the last mod I asked that just deleted my comment without answering. Which I also had no idea about because I don’t monitor the mod log of every place I comment.

    It’s just a really awful policy for the exact reason I’ve been underlining over and over: if polite lies about mass murder are fine and calling someone ignorant for saying heinous shit isn’t fine, you’re just creating an environment where impoliteness is worse than bigotry. And yeah I see the rules against that, doesn’t seem to be doing anything about the overt lie that hospitals haven’t been bombed.

    “It’s the rules” is a terrible justification for leaving up lies about mass murdered civilians as long as they’re polite.

    jordanlund , avatar

    If the facts are on your side, I absolutely encourage you to refute incorrect information, just don’t attack the other user in the process.

    “I’m sorry, you’re wrong. - Link.”

    “Reality disagrees. - Link.”

    That’s all cool.

    Ad hominem attacks cross the line. When you start going after the other user, that’s a problem and we don’t want flamewar threads top to bottom. That’s why the rule exists.

    Catoblepas ,

    If you don’t want flame wars then removing obvious flame bait–like lies about mass murdered civilians and hospitals not being bombed–would go a lot farther than deleting everyone that calls that shit what it is.

    jordanlund , avatar

    I’ve explained the mod position multiple times. It’s not up for debate. You’re now starting to shade over into a different form of disingenuous argument affectionately called “sealioning”.

    From here:

    Don’t argue with mods. You can’t win, you can only get removed or banned.

    Catoblepas ,

    If you want to run a community where it’s more offensive to say someone is ignorant than it is to lie about mass murdered civilians I’m not under the delusion that I can make you do anything else. Just don’t expect me to not say it’s a shitty policy or to ignore what it allows and what it doesn’t allow.

    jordanlund , avatar

    Warned, 3 day ban.

    Catoblepas ,

    So the rule actually isn’t “don’t make personal attacks”, it’s “don’t tell the mods that their policies are bad.” Maybe you should add that to the sidebar.

    jordanlund , avatar

    Repeated sealioning. 7 day ban.

    Catoblepas ,

    I am very civilly pointing out that the idea hospitals haven’t been bombed is a disgusting piece of propaganda and someone who done even the bare minimum of reading non-IDF sources should know that. Personally I would feel more shame about lying about the deaths of civilians.

    Hatsune_Miku , avatar

    okay, can you link any evidence of hospitals being bombed?

    Thief_of_Crows ,

    Can you open any news article not written by the IDF?

    SuddenDownpour ,…

    Literally Doctors Without Borders explaining that an ambulance right outside the hospital was blasted during bombings.

    I’ll remark the words of the other user:

    Personally I would feel more shame about lying about the deaths of civilians.

    blahsay ,

    Hamas surrenders, releases hostages and it’s done. But Hamas is the one pushing this war and they’re using the suffering of their own people to push propaganda - and people like yourself support their efforts.

    newcockroach , avatar


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  • Nutteman , avatar

    You can barely string together a sentence

    newcockroach , avatar

    That doesnt make me wrong leftie

    Nutteman , avatar

    Lmao you’re cute

    Kepabar ,

    ‘the allies did worse than the Holocaust’ is certainly a hot take.

    Thief_of_Crows ,

    If Hamas surrenders, Israel will simply compete the genocide they’re in the middle of.

    teichflamme ,

    They have literally no chance to win while causing great suffering on everyone around them.

    I don’t know how a sane person could advocate for HAMAS to continue their terrorist actions.

    Doorbook ,

    Put yourself in Hamas miltant shoe. Mostly now had lost family members, living since born in a prison, you cannot go to sea, or cross to Egypt or even other part of the country.

    What do you think Winning means for them ?

    teichflamme ,

    I guess for me it would mean to have at least some of my family members survive instead of dying pointlessly

    Eldritch ,

    They’re going to die pointlessly regardless of what they do. While I disagree with what they’re doing. I can’t exactly fault them for feeling powerless and lashing out. When people have nothing to lose. They don’t care how much anyone else loses either. And the Israeli government has the largest part of the blame on this. They helped Hamas come to power and use them extensively to justify their genocide. They don’t want Hamas to stop.

    teichflamme ,

    I think we should totally fault them for committing acts of terrorism. It does nothing to advance their cause.

    While the Israeli government has fucked up, too, they are the one of the two parties that historically at least tried to negotiate a compromise.

    I don’t believe for a second that they want the terror to continue, they’re not comic book villains. You’re selling your opinion as facts.

    Eldritch ,

    Netanyahu’s own cabinet has literally said on video that Hamas is an asset to them. Those are the facts. Netanyahu and his ministers have also done a lot to help Hamas as well. Mind you, I’m not defending Hamas. Fuck hamas. Palestine is not Hamas however. Most the people living in Gaza never voted for Hamas. And don’t support Hamas. And would love to get rid of Hamas. But they don’t have the power to. The people that have the power to would rather come in and slaughter innocent citizens of Gaza under pretense of going after Hamas. Creating more Hamas and the process rather than actually getting rid of Hamas. These are the facts. Netanyahu’s government’s actions are indefensible.

    When the so-called rescue response has killed multiple times more than the initial terror attack. It is a terror attack in its own right.

    itscozydownhere , avatar

    Alas Lemmy is a shitshow in this regard. Not sure if Reddit is the same but the vibe here makes me barf

    RGB3x3 ,

    Nobody is supporting Hamas. They’re saying that there’s no justification for the genocide that Israel is engaging in.

    It doesn’t matter what either side has done when the response is to murder children. It’s all unjustifiable.

    sock ,

    well if an ant bite kills your mom and you go and poison bomb the whole colony, then the surviving ants come bite and kill your dad. are you gonna just let the ants keep killing your family or are you gonna poison bomb the whole colony again

    this is just an analogy (works for the nukes in japan too) at this point both sides are shitty and idek how to have a take about it anymore.

    Aaroncvx ,

    Yes let’s reduce this conflict to ant extermination, can’t see any problem with that analogy…

    itslilith , avatar

    as far as analogies go, comparing Palestinians to ants to be exterminated is a bit too on the nose, don’t you think?

    sock ,

    then lets convert it to people then instead of ants

    or is that hitting too close to home

    Mrkawfee ,

    Reddit is a Zionist mouthpiece.

    Yawnder ,

    So let’s advocate for the bigger of the two terrorist states to continue their terrorist actions until the smaller terrorist state surrenders!

    teichflamme ,

    That take is so stupid I won’t even bother sorry

    Thief_of_Crows ,

    It is certainly better to kill Israeli soldiers than it is to not kill them. Peace has been tried for over 30 years, but Israel has refused. It’s about time Palestine started fighting back. Genociders do not listen to anything short of warfare and terrorism.

    teichflamme ,

    Israel has refused? Israel is the one side that negotiated and offered multiple solutions to the conflict lmao

    Thief_of_Crows ,

    Yeah, any solution that isnt “Israel gives back the land they stole and stops genociding Gaza”.

    teichflamme ,

    Dude what are you on about? Israel offered land.

    If you think what Hamas is doing now is the better course you’re just absolutely deluded

    Thief_of_Crows ,

    What land did they offer, and when? Was it even one thenth of the land they’ve stolen since the 1960s?

    SCB ,

    As opposed to the heavy resistance Hamas is currently putting up?

    If Israel wanted a genocide they could easily accomplish it. They clearly do not. This entire line of argumentation is beyond stupid.

    samokosik , avatar

    What genocide are you talking about? About the non-existent one against Palestine? How come they are under genocide when their population literally doubled over the last 70 years?

    Can I ask you whether you support Hamas and their actions? Do you consider them terrorists?

    Thief_of_Crows ,

    Are you aware that Israel doesn’t need to literally kill every palestinian in order to succeed at genocide? Do you think the Holocaust wasn’t a genocide?

    I don’t give a fuck about Hamas, Palestine should fight back against the genocidal state by any means necessary. Nothing Hamas has ever even been claimed to have done is worse than genocide, so criticizing them at all is a logical fallacy. If palestine thinks incorporating terrorism into their war effort is necessary, I’m not arrogant enough to claim I know better. Every repercussion of this war on both sides is the fault of Israel, just like was true of Nazi Germany.

    samokosik , avatar

    I know that for genocide you don’t have to kill the whole population. Issue is that during the genocide, population goes down. During holocaust, 1/3 of the jews were killed and the population of jews was 30% smaller at the end of the genocide. This is not happening with Palestinians as their population literally doubled and there has never been a significant dip in their numbers. So no, Israel is not a genocidal state.

    In the second paragraph you are finding excuses for Palestine for fighting genocide (why by the way doesn’t exist). Hamas is a terrorist organisation which does not care about Palestine at all. They are only capable of killing Jews, tying opposition to cars and dragging them around. They were also the ones who broke the ceasefire and made the population of Gaza so radical that no one wants to have anything with them. Even PLO rather stays away from Gaza. I am honestly shocked how can you support terrorism and blame Israel for everything. You also ignore the fact that Hamas is not Palestine.

    Thief_of_Crows ,

    So if Israel kills 2 million Palestinians, but elsewhere 3 million are born, that is still genocide. Also, source on their population going up? You mean like world wide or something? Certainly not in Gaza. No, Hamas did not violate a ceasefire. Laying seige to an open air prison for 20 years does not count as ceasing fire. Hamas attacked Israel in retaliation to them getting worse and worse.

    samokosik , avatar

    Israel never killed 2 million palestinians. The number is far lower. Stop spreading bullshit.

    Population in Gaza went up throughout the time. It’s literally one of the most densely populated areas in the world (…/gaza-strip/).

    Furthermore, Gaza is not Israel’s open air prison and it was Hamas who broke the ceasefire.

    I honestly see no reason in this discussion when you keep inventing random facts and when you support terrorist organizations. This is truly unbelievable.

    Thief_of_Crows ,

    They haven’t killed them yet,but they very much intend to. If you’re not trolling, I highly suggest you do some research on this subject before speaking confidently on it. Basically everything you’ve said is incorrect. I can’t educate you to that degree in a couple comments. But if you are well meaning, and you can ditch your pro America/ pro imperialism bias, you will come to learn a lot about how the world works overall by doing a deep dive on this subject. But let me be very clear: Israel is the bad guy, and America is bad for supporting them. This is a fact. Genocide is always evil, no matter who is doing it.

    samokosik , avatar

    Honestly it’s funny that you say I am wrong and pro-american but at the same time you are the one supporting terrorism and spreading complete bullshit. I don’t know who of us should educate themselves on the subject.

    Can I ask you 2 simple questions?

    1. Where is the “land of Palestine”?
    2. Do you agree with Bin Laden’s Letter to America?
    Thief_of_Crows ,

    The land of Palestine is where it was when the borders of Israel were drawn in the 50s. Israel has expanded itself drastically since then, and most (all?) of that stolen land is Palestine.

    Never heard of it before, but based on the summary, I assume he says some real wack job shit, alongside his factually correct points, such as America bringing 9/11 on itself. He’s right that when America targets civilians, they justify attacks like 9/11 in return.

    “Why are we fighting and opposing you? The answer is very simple:

    Because you attacked us and continue to attack us”. Yep, he is 100% correct.

    He also blames interest on loans as core to America’s failings, which is honestly way more than I expected from him. Though, I figured out that capitalism is evil at like 25, while living inside capitalist propaganda, so it’s probably not that difficult to figure out. Not that interest is literally capitalism, but it’s a decent stand in for it that fits within his wack job religious message.

    It’s an interesting comparison between 9/11 and the recent Hamas attack though. It’s not good that 9/11 happened, it just was wildly obvious that it eventually would. Meanwhile the exact opposite is true of the Hamas attack. It’s good to kill people genociding you, but I’m surprised it actually happened.

    samokosik , avatar

    This is my point here. If you start thinking that Osama was in some ways correct, it’s not him being correct, there is just sth wrong with you.

    Thief_of_Crows ,

    What? No. Osama also believes the sky is blue, does that make us all lunatics? If people say true things, it is intellectually dishonest to disagree with them. That is how brazenly obvious it is that capitalism is evil.

    samokosik , avatar

    Yes, I should have been more exact that if you agree to his values, then you are wrong. I know capitalism is not ideal but what’s better? Communism?

    Thief_of_Crows ,

    Sure, it’d pretty much have to be, right? Anything that isnt currently causing all of the world’s problems has a very low bar to clear, and if you think communism is the answer, Im not gonna disagree with you. What we replace capitalism with is much less important than the fact that we get rid of capitalism in the first place.

    snek , to world in Norway says Israel response to Hamas attack disproportionate avatar

    Actually what this guy said is:

    “International law stipulates that [the reaction] must be proportionate. Civilians must be taken into account, and humanitarian law is very clear on this. I think this limit has been largely exceeded”

    But the Times of Israel likes to erase this from the title and make it sound like they just went one woopsie too far. Poor genocidal Israel… pout

    sfgifz , to world in IDF soldiers film themselves abusing, humiliating West Bank Palestinians

    Let’s see what new excuse the US and Europe come up with to justify this while condemning the same acts by Russia.

    loutr , avatar

    Come on, we’re not monsters… We’ll express our concern and politely ask them to stop.

    Blapoo ,

    “I’m alarmed”

    Annoyed_Crabby , (edited )

    Biden slam lone wolf attacks on Palestinian at West Bank

    "It’s a lone wolf attack, there’s nothing we can do about it." Said Benjamin Netanyahu when questioned.

    Blapoo ,

    Those pesky wolves. Running around kicking people out of their homes. Wut ya gunna do?

    Annoyed_Crabby ,

    “we arm them!”

    “the villagers?”

    “no, the wolfs!”

    Alterforlett ,

    It’s both infuriating and embarrassing

    Shotgun_Alice ,

    Easy don’t acknowledge that anything‘s going on now. I’ve been watching western news media and there is now no coverage of Russia Ukraine situation.l, other then US politicians trying to get an aid package to Ukraine. Unsurprisingly, it’ll be tied to aid for Israel. This way they don’t need to preform mental gymnastics to condemn Russia and not Israel. I think the only story I’ve seen about Ukraine was about a family of 9 that was massacred in their sleep.

    GenEcon , (edited )
    1. The war of Russia against Ukraine is still covered in most news – its just not happening much due to the current stalemate.
    2. The general consensus regarding Israel is the same like before the war: the Settling is breaking international law and needs to stop. At the same time Hamas is a terrorist organization. It’s a classic ‘everybody sucks here – but one side is significantly worse’ and the palestinians are suffering from the conflict between Hamas and Israel.
    dimspace , avatar

    War in Ukraine is still very much covered in the print/digital news. My two go-tos (the guardian and the bbc) both have dedicated section for the Russian Invasion.

    I don’t watch television news, but I can imagine there is less coverage on that simply because there is not much suitable video content to be broadcast and what there is is usually several days, or even weeks old for operational reasons.

    satan ,

    For countries where killing millions abroad is simply a mistake, killing thousands doesn’t even register in the conscience.

    abracaDavid , to world in IDF soldiers film themselves abusing, humiliating West Bank Palestinians

    The article says that the only repercussions will be “talks” with the soldiers.

    Just a few bad apples, right?

    MxM111 ,

    Just imagine if Hamas were investigating humiliation of Israeli civilians by its fighters and having any punishment for that.

    theinspectorst , avatar

    Just imagine trying to use a terrorist mob as a yardstick to excuse the misdeeds of the advanced 21st century military of a modern democracy.

    febra ,

    I wouldn’t go as far as to claim Israel is a modern democracy… but I agree with the advanced 21st century military part.

    MxM111 , (edited )

    No excuses, but it helps to remember context. People are people, and there are always shitty people in any state. It is what considered acceptable is important. What more do you want from IDF? Execution without investigation?

    Also this is honestly goes as nitpicking. Yes, there are always bad apples. But as far as I can see IDF reacts correctly. It is disturbing in my opinion that there is so much anti-Israel propaganda (not even criticism) is ongoing and supported by clearly more than half of the fediverse (judging by upvoting), where even correct behavior is criticized, and completely ignores the realities that Israel has to deal with. Not even criticizing the use of Himan shields by Hamas, for example.

    Skates , (edited )

    What more do you want from IDF? Execution without investigation?

    Oh, heavens no. That’s not what I want from the idf. At this point, that’s what I want for the idf.

    It’s worrying for me that you’re confusing anti-israel propaganda with anti-terrorism discussion. At this point, Israel is a terrorist state. It shouldn’t ‘disturb’ you that people discuss about it and find that they don’t agree with their actions. People are rarely alright with mindless murder for any reason, let alone for land-grabbing masked as religion. Bombing civilians and hospitals, humiliating people because you’re holding a gun and get off on being “powerful”, raping people and committing war crimes, ethnically cleansing a region for the past 70 years, holy shit, this is what you see from a terrorist organization masquerading as a legitimate state and you draw the conclusion that it’s disturbing to be against that? Maybe you should be disturbed by your misshapen world view where all of this is acceptable.

    breakfastmtn , avatar

    In response to the evidence, the IDF said that “the [soldiers’] conduct that emerges from these scenes is grave and inconsistent with the values of the IDF. The incidents are under investigation. The IDF commanders will hold talks with all the soldiers on the front. One soldier has been dismissed from reserve service.

    NoneOfUrBusiness ,

    Being dismissed from service is too little for actual murder.

    breakfastmtn , avatar

    Agreed, but none of these incidents involve murder.

    NoneOfUrBusiness ,

    Oh I hadn't read the article; so this time it's not murder. My point still stands but I guess that's a relief.

    Sparlock ,

    shot a journalist in the head crushed a 23 years old woman from the US to death with a bulldozer

    You suck.

    breakfastmtn , avatar

    Hey look it’s some asshole who didn’t read the fucking article and they’re quoting some other asshole who didn’t read the fucking article and who’s somehow oblivious to the comment from the person I replied to that says “oh I didn’t read the article.” (emphasis added)

    Although I’m awed by your commitment to being the dumbest motherfucker on the planet, you could’ve spared yourself getting so upset about this water-is-wet statement of fact by just reading for a minute before opening your dumb mouth.

    rambaroo ,

    Your previous comment was pretty vague about what you were responding to. You should have made it clear you were responding to the article and not the comment you actually replied to because that’s what it sounds like. You really don’t have a right to respond this aggressively.

    breakfastmtn , avatar

    I disagree about the clarity. It’s a thread of replies that begins with a direct quote from the article. Any vagueness could be cleared up by either asking a question or reading the article.

    When someone replies directly to me quoting something completely irrelevant and unrelated saying “you suck,” I reserve the right to mock them. Especially when my original comment should be as controversial as saying the article was published in the Times of Israel on November 1st.

    Sparlock ,

    On top of making a shit ton of incorrect assumptions that were unjustified you doubled down on proving you suck.

    Keep up the good work champ.

    I’ll stand by my assessment that you suck.

    breakfastmtn , avatar

    Meh. I’ll live.

    I made a single, well-founded assumption that you didn’t read the article. If you did read it, it’s worse. I was giving you the benefit of the doubt that, had you read it, you would have actually replied to what I said and not posted something completely irrelevant.

    Care to elaborate on how videos not depicting death of any kind are evidence of murder? Or what the IDF’s very specific response to the very specific crimes shown on these very specific videos has to do with what you quoted? Or what that has to do with my very narrow (and true) statement that the videos in question don’t depict murder?

    Annoyed_Crabby ,

    Better than transfered to another department.

    febra ,

    Remember when they shot a journalist in the head and provided a fake investigation into it that they then took back but still concluded in the end that the journalist was at fault for getting shot?

    Remember when they crushed a 23 years old woman from the US to death with a bulldozer because she was protesting the demolition of palestinian homes, then they started an “investigation” where they found out they hadn’t done anything wrong because they didn’t see her even though the woman has been protesting there for hours and the soldiers that were there testified that she was being a nuisance for hours?

    Remember the laws they passed that let the IDF destroy palestinian homes if they deem by internal investigation that they’re somehow connected to “terrorism”?

    Remember the laws that let IDF soldiers shoot kids if they throw rocks at soldiers in occupied territories?

    Yeah… just a few bad apples.

    Annoyed_Crabby ,
    snek , avatar

    Remember the march of return? That was fun. /s

    Bye , to world in Surveillance footage shows Hamas bringing hostages into Shifa Hospital on Oct. 7

    Can we yet dispense with the fiction that hamas is fighting some just war?

    Hiding behind civilians and intentionally using their deaths as propaganda is terrible.

    Also, free palestine, fuck hamas, fuck likud, fuck Iran, and fuck Russia.

    blazera , avatar

    Where is Gaza's military allowed to be?

    Bye ,

    Certainly not at Israeli music festivals

    paintbucketholder ,

    Well, what was “Gaza’s military” doing outside of Gaza committing torture, rape, infanticide and murder on 1,200 civilians?

    Catoblepas ,

    How many Gaza civilians does Israel get to kill in retaliation?

    100? 1000? 2000? 5000? 10,000? We’re still not at the actual number that have been killed just since Oct 7th, by the way. If killing 1200 Israelis is bad why is killing 15,000 Palestinians just shit that happens that everyone should just get over?

    Hatsune_Miku , avatar

    cuz idf isn’t going out of their way to kill civilians. else they would’ve levelled gaza instantly.

    rambaroo ,


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  • Linkerbaan , avatar

    With their current numbers they would need to kill 3 million Palestinians in Gaza to wipe out Hamas.

    There are 2.2 million in Gaza.

    They’re actual doing worse than possible.

    blazera , avatar

    Trying to break the walls of their open air prison thats killing everyone inside.

    And bear in mind the reports of torture and rape are just accusations from an occupying military.

    paintbucketholder ,

    Trying to break the walls of their open air prison thats killing everyone inside.

    Hamas murdered 1,200 civilians in Israel.

    If you think that’s just fine in order to reach some abstract goal, you really have no leg to stand on complaining about the IDF killing civilians inside Gaza.

    blazera , avatar

    Its abstract to you, because youre not gonna let the plight of gazans be a real thing that matters to you. But its very real, well before this recent assault. A humanitarian crisis for hundreds of thousands of people short on food, water, and shelter due to Israeli military oppression

    paintbucketholder ,

    Hamas is not fighting for the “plight of Gazans” - they’re on record saying that the Palestinians are not their responsibility.

    That’s probably why they don’t give a fuck if their rockets detonate and explode in Gaza, killing hundreds of Palestinians. That’s probably why they launch rockets from hospitals and schools. That’s probably why they hide weapons production facilities next to places of worship. That’s probably why they shoot Palestinians who are trying to evacuate. That’s probably why they abduct, imprison, torture and murder Palestinians who they perceive to be enemies. That’s probably why they close down, shutter and burn down Palestinian coffee shops, hotels, shops, water parks, and entertainment venues out of “religious concerns.”

    Really, you’re assuming that Hamas is fighting for the Palestinians, but all evidence points to the exact opposite.

    They’re a terrorist organization that murders people in cold blood, and they rule over Gaza in a reign of terror.

    Madison420 ,

    Neither was Lehi and now they’re officially part of the IDF, you know the terrorist group.

    All of these things are the exact same thing Israel did in mandatory Palestine including using schools, hospitals and temples to store weapons and fighters. Their terror organizations murdered people for religious concerns and quite honestly still do.

    And yet lehi and similar were the same but are now praised as freedom fighters.

    You could say the same if the idf dude, they literally absorbed about a half dozen terrorist organizations into the idf as an official matter with commendations for attacks that killed civilians.

    Why do you simp for one or the other, they’re both dogshit.

    blazera , avatar

    Sorry this is a barrage of accusations i dont have the time to try and dig through myself. I tried searching for them closing down coffee shops and found nothing, and them claiming no responsibility for palestinians and only found an israeli news article. Im dubious of the rest of the claims

    idiocracy ,

    and if it’s true?

    paintbucketholder ,

    Sorry this is a barrage of accusations i dont have the time to try and dig through myself.

    I understand.

    You’re trying to defend the massacres committed by Hamas as legitimate self-defense. You’re trying to defend Hamas as a bunch of freedom fighters protecting Palestinian civilians.

    Of course you’re not going to look up evidence that Hamas has been making Palestinians’ lives miserable. That would run counter to that narrative.

    Madison420 ,

    They didn’t, isreali police say that number is lower and includes IDF dead and IDF friendly fire incident.

    paintbucketholder ,

    Yes, they corrected the number down to 1,200.

    They originally assumed that it was 1,400 dead civilians, but identifying mangled and burned bodies is apparently taking a while.

    Ah the same time, the number of dead at the festival has been corrected from an estimate of 200 to at least 350.

    SCB ,

    Hamas built that prison, when they tried to overthrow the Jordanian and Egyptian governments while also calling for the genocide of Israel.

    There’s a reason people are stuck in Gaza and that reason is entirely Hamas.

    samokosik , avatar

    Which open air prison are you talking about?

    blazera , avatar
    samokosik , avatar

    The restrictions taken in place by Egypt and Israel were inevitable due to the presence of terrorist groups and the complete radicalization of the country. Many tend to blame Israel for the situation in Gaza but if the population there were peace-loving individuals, they definitely wouldn’t have so bad relationships with Egypt.

    blazera , avatar

    If they were peace loving they would have been killed off long ago like the hundreds of thousands of palestinians Israel drove out in the name of their religion.

    The radical religious terrorist group is Israel

    samokosik , avatar

    What are you talking about? Israel is the only democratic country in the middle east. It is also the only country there which respects basic human rights. That’s true despite the fact current Netanyahu’s government is quite right-winged.

    It was Hamas who decided to kill thousands of people just because they were jews. There are literally more than a million Arab people living in Israel.

    If Palestinians were peace-loving individuals, the solution would have been found man decades ago.

    Israel has done many mistakes but it definitely is not a terrorist state and I honestly don’t understand why people find excuses for Hamas.

    blazera , avatar

    Hamas was democratically elected in Gaza. Ive already given you citation for Israels human rights abuses, so at this point its just willful ignorance.

    samokosik , avatar

    Yes, Hamas was democratically elected 18 years ago. Since there, there were no elections. Name any democratic country which has elections once in 18 years or so. Furthermore, the fact they were democratically elected does not give them right to be terrorists. That’s like with communists: the fact they were elected once does not mean that everyone will want them forever. That’s not how democracy works mate.

    cecinestpasunbot ,

    You’re just lying. Not even Israel claims Hamas killed 1200 civilians. That number includes active duty military and police.

    Madison420 ,

    Gaza or specifically Hamas controlled Gaza doesn’t have a military, they’re quite literally banned from having one.

    blazera , avatar

    Can you get me a definition for military that Hamas doesnt fall under? Theyre definitely armed forced of a country.

    Madison420 ,

    They’re a military force, they aren’t a standing military but difference.

    blazera , avatar

    You, me, and the guy i was responding to said military

    Madison420 ,

    Yes, my point is they’re not allowed in Gaza at all, weapons are technically illegal there and if Israel catches you with one you’re pretty likely to be shot or rapidly made multipart.

    blazera , avatar

    This is goddamn insane, imagine Russia trying to tell Ukraine theyre not allowed to have a military. Of course the genociders dont want their victims armed. Tell Israel theyre not allowed to have a military

    SCB ,

    Hamas militants have tried to overthrow or commit genocide against literally every surrounding nation. Hamas made their bed, quite intentionally.

    cecinestpasunbot ,

    Do you always lie when you have no arguments left to justify ethnic cleansing?

    SCB ,

    Lol how do you not know about this? Might want to look up Egypt and Jordan’s experiences with Hamas

    cecinestpasunbot ,

    I’m well aware of the history of Hamas and their relationships with neighboring countries and organizations.

    That’s why I know you’re just lying. Back up your claims with sources instead of pretending I don’t know any better.

    SCB ,

    So what exactly was the lie?

    cecinestpasunbot ,

    Just scroll up and look at the comment where I first accused you of lying. It’s not that hard.

    SCB ,

    Yeah I’m not sure what exactly is the lie there?

    Israel: attempted genocide

    Egypt: coup

    Jordan: coup

    cecinestpasunbot ,

    Hamas did not try to coup Egypt or Jordan nor did they attempt a genocide in Israel. None of what you’re saying is true or even close to being true. There’s not even a way you could bend the truth to fit your narrative. You’re just lying.

    SCB ,

    Lmao dude this is just history. Hamas had the destruction of Israel in its charter. Their intent is caliphate. They’re religious extremists.

    Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood and Hezbollah are all directly linked, and all funded by Iran. Why do you think Egypt and Jordan closed their borders after their respective problems?

    This is not even a controversial take, much less a lie.

    cecinestpasunbot ,

    So then where is the evidence that Hamas attempted genocide in Israel or tried to coup Jordan and Egypt? If this is “just history” then it should be easy to find reliable sources right? Unless of course you were just lying.

    SCB ,


    Some light reading:

    Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt:…/Muslim_Brotherhood_in_Egypt#….

    This is why Egypt has supported Israel’s blockade of Gaza, and destroyed access points to their own country.

    Lol did you really think I was just making shit up?

    cecinestpasunbot ,

    You are making things up. Hamas is not the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood nor did they try to coup the Egyptian government.

    SCB ,

    Lol ok

    cecinestpasunbot ,

    In this whole thread your only source is a Wikipedia article that doesn’t mention Hamas even once. Truly amazing.

    SCB ,

    You’re maybe the dumbest person alive lol.

    cecinestpasunbot ,

    Whatever helps you sleep at night! I’m sure it’s not easy justifying the deaths of over 5000 children but by god you’re trying your best.

    SCB ,

    I’m sure it’s not easy justifying the deaths of over 5000 children

    That does seem difficult, yes. Glad Im not trying to do that! Tomorrow is thanksgiving so I need my sleep. Really dodged a bullet there.

    cecinestpasunbot ,

    When you’re about to share what you’re thankful for, I hope you think about those children being ripped apart limb for limb by a bombing campaign you support. Maybe then you’ll find what little humanity you have left buried beneath all the propaganda and lies.

    SCB ,

    It’s unlikely, but maybe I’ll think about this conversation, because I am truly thankful for it.

    Madison420 ,

    I don’t think anyone is saying the war is just but rather relatable. If someone occupied my country, killed my family and took my family land I can’t say I’d react any different.

    floofloof ,

    You’d sneak into their villages and go door to door killing thousands of innocent people in their homes? And do the same to young people at a music festival?

    I think we can all relate to resistance, but this is something else.

    Madison420 ,

    A. Isrealis have been doing that for the better part of 50 years.

    B. Sure, that’s abborant but yeah I think we can all picture being so frustrated and stuck you lash out at whatever is nearby.

    It’s resistance, resistance has never been pretty not even when proto Israeli terrorists were bombing civilian targets in 1946 and hiding weapons and fighters in schools, hospitals and temples.

    idiocracy ,

    u call raping women and burning babies a “resistance”?

    Bye ,

    Yep I’m sure that’s what they’d say. You know how the Indians drove out the British and ended their apartheid state? By shooting people at electronic music festivals and committing necrophilia and by killing babies.

    Same thing in South Africa actually in the 80s: they killed white babies, and shot white South Africans at electronic music festivals.

    Oh and don’t forget Martin Luther King Jr. in the USA. He actually personally attended electronic music festivals and killed his fellow Americans, regularly. He had a huge kill-count. The tunnels he dug beneath hospitals are fucking legendary, all school children learn of his wanton murder during the civil rights movement, and we venerate him for it. Every chance he got, he called for the extermination of white people, and of Jews, and of Asian people too. That’s how he became a fucking hero. Never tried to unite people together, not even once. Americans are so fucking proud that he sewed division and hate, and killed people all the damn time. That’s why he has a street in every single major city in the USA and in other places too.

    lolcatnip ,

    The protagonists in the Old Testament do exactly that more than once with less provocation, and millions of people still consider them the good guys. Israel’s PM in particular has specifically cited one of them as a model to emulate. Look up his comment about Amalek.

    So yes, a lot of people would do that, and the people in charge of this massacre in particular would definitely do that given a chance. Or, you know, you can look at the fact that they basically are doing that right now, just with bombs rather than small arms.

    Bye ,

    You know you’re on the moral high ground of relatability when your evidence comes from the fucking Old Testament. Like when your morality comes from 4000+ years ago, wow, that’s some good shit right there. Hold my beer, I’m about to say that I read slavery is ok in the Old Testament. Watch as I drive down to Whole Foods with a net gun and get myself some laborers from the produce isles. It’s ok because they wear multiple kinds of cloth at the same time, and I saw one pick up a lobster so he can definitely be my chattel. There goes one holding hands with his partner, give me a minute while I righteously smite them in the name of my lord; pour out some salt for them!

    lolcatnip ,

    Man, you suck at reading comprehension. I’m using the Old Testament as an example of what people believe, not a source of factual information. You understand those are different things, right?

    Bye ,

    Dude you suck at reading comprehension because that’s exactly what I addressed in my comment. If one’s belief system is actually based in or otherwise aligned with the Old Testament, their opinion is invalid and they are morally bankrupt.

    The Old Testament is so fucking brutal and devoid of morality, that 2000 years ago people started Christianity just to get away from its brutality; that was literally the appeal of jesus. To say “god did a take back and the world doesn’t have to be so brutal”.

    SCB ,

    You’d become a hardline religious extremist, torture your own people, and massacre civilians in cold blood?

    Weird thing to admit to man.

    Madison420 ,

    I’m not religious so no, and I made no mention of religion. Israel was forged by hard-line religious extremists as well but is technically a secular nation.

    You should look into every revolution on earth, 98% of which will include religious extremists. Your point is idiotic, the American revolution had religious extremists lol.

    SCB ,

    Hamas is explicitly a jihadist regime. Do you… not know that?

    Madison420 ,

    I do know that. I don’t think it matters the reason they’re fighting if it’s the same effect either way.

    SCB ,

    If someone occupied my country, killed my family and took my family land I can’t say I’d react any different.


    Madison420 ,

    You’re being tedious. You know what I meant and notably hamas is not the only dog in this fight buddy. The narrative is it’s hamas because they’re religious extremists and it tends to discount the fact that regardless of their intent or reasoning the effect is the save, armed defense of Gaza. Without hamas the place would have been annexed 30 years ago.

    SCB ,

    I’m not being tedious. You specifically said you’d join Hamas. That’s what Hamas is. If you want to say something differently, just say different words.

    Without Hamas there would literally be a Palestinian state, and it would be a secular state, and I know this because this is the reason Hamas exists.

    They seized power and canceled elections forever specifically because Palestinians were going to be their own secular state, and Israel would exist. They find that unacceptable. Just like the entire reason for the October attacks was Israel normalizing relations with Saudi Arabia.

    These things are not secrets or opinions man. This is history.

    Madison420 ,

    You are, meaning by context is a thing. I did not specifically say I’d join hamas, hyperbole is absurd when there’s an objective record just above your comment.

    Not at all, there’s good evidence that Israel was always writing against that namely the Israeli government paying hamas and letting them thrive so long as they took out targets beneficial to right wing Israelis.

    SCB ,

    paying hamas and letting them thrive so long as they took out targets beneficial to right wing Israelis

    By which you mean “people who want a two state solution and a secular Palestine.”

    And yes, you do mean that’s because that’s who they fucking targeted.

    You’re so against Israel that you’re back to rooting for a shitter Palestine.

    Madison420 ,

    Yes because we all know you end a terrorist organization but providing them funds they can then use to buy weapons and fighters? Weird plan bud.

    You clearly don’t know what I mean bud, and it kinda seems like you’re not paying attention.

    I’m against both lol.

    SCB ,

    That’s a really dumb position to have, frankly.

    Madison420 ,

    No it’s not, they’re both terrible and need to be dismantled and reformed in a less shitty way. Simple as. I think it’s idiotic to “take a side” in the war as a multiple century religious holy war. What Israel is doing right now with people like you cheering it on is killing more then ten times as many people in “self defense” and then lying about what they find to justify murdering civilians. That’s objectively wrong.

    SCB ,

    Imagine thinking I’m cheering this war on because I don’t have hot takes like “terrorism is cool” and “Israel shouldn’t exist”

    If this isn’t you, you’re part of the problem:

    “people who want a two state solution and a secular Palestine.”

    Madison420 ,

    To be fair I don’t think either should exist and I never said terrorism is cool, hyperbole is idiotic when it’s so easy to prove otherwise.

    idiocracy ,

    shows u have no clue what ur talking about. Israel wasn’t forged by religion extremists, on contrary. I will never understand people like u who talk with such confidence about matters they have no clue about.

    Madison420 ,


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  • idiocracy ,

    nice personal attack, maybe because facts are not at your side? fake news, half truths, and propoganda is all I get from u. good luck with that I’m out

    Madison420 ,


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  • Hegar , to world in Norway says Israel response to Hamas attack disproportionate avatar

    Disproportionate response has been Israel's policy for decades.

    sirboozebum ,

    It is literally their stated policy of “Mowing the grass”

    rengoku2 ,

    They learned it from the best teacher, big bro murica.

    Ya know, atomic bombs, 20 years of Afghan, Vietcong war blah blah.

    Sarmyth ,

    Disproportionate responses end some conflicts faster because they remove the illusion of a fair fight your enemy might still believe they could win.

    Of course, it makes you look like a psycho, but thats kinda the point.

    Linkerbaan , avatar

    America sure ended Iraq and Afghanistan fast.

    SaakoPaahtaa , (edited )

    The first gulf was so effective it saved countless Iraqi lives. Presenting airpower so goddamn unfair thousands just ran into the desert rather than stay and get killed. It really is as fast and humane as it can be, as long as the execution is perfect

    ArianaGrande ,

    Found Dick Cheney

    SaakoPaahtaa ,

    He didn’t really have nothing to do with the execution of the attack, gen Schwartzkopf or however the fuck his name is written was in charge of that. I mean I know you’re memeing but I’d just like to make that point. Really interesting guy too check out his memoirs.

    ssboomman ,

    Bro really just said “war crimes sure makes war much easier!” What???

    Sarmyth ,

    A disproportionate response is not necessarily a war crime. That said, you are right that war crimes make war crimes easier!

    Sarmyth ,

    People didn’t like this post, but the truth is unpopular. It’s not like I’m encouraging war crimes after all, but you just haven’t been paying attention if you think they don’t make additional war crimes easier.

    War crimes have definitions, though, so lots of terrible things aren’t war crimes… they’re just war.

    olafurp ,

    Wikipedia search gives some results. Wiki search for “Disproportionate response”

    MrVilliam , to world in Israeli academics slammed for signing letter accusing Israel of ‘plausible genocide’

    “Slammed” huh? Take a shot, everybody.

    They’re getting suspended and fired. Just say that. Stop with the slamming bullshit. It doesn’t mean anything.

    FlyingSquid , avatar

    Especially when getting fired is a much bigger deal than whatever the media usually considers ‘slammed’ to mean (people on Twitter and TV saying mean things).

    Altofaltception ,

    Ah yes, Israel, that bastion of free speech.

    LazyBane , (edited ) to world in Hamas tried to send fighters to Egypt in ambulances for wounded Gazans — US official

    Isn’t it convenient how every time the US or Israel bombs civilians they automatically know they we’re secretly terrorists the whole time?

    homoludens , (edited )

    Almost as if they were intentionally targeting terrorists…

    Not saying they aren’t lying, but this proves exactly nothing.

    mwguy OP ,

    Ya it’s like they’re using the multiple billions of dollars we’ve invested in spy satellites and other technologies to track people against Hamas or something…

    Sarmyth ,

    It’d like the largest military and intelligence network was involved somehow…

    Also these guys aren’t all “secret” terrorists. They go on TV and shit.

    LazyBane ,

    Is the US intelligence that good?

    It just seems that in USA it’s self they can know about a guy whose been calling for help because he’s on the verge of shooting up a place and they don’t do nothing about it until they start shooting things up. US intelligence seems incredibly dysfunctional and if they can’t sort things out at home I don’t know how they would figure these things out abroad.

    Sarmyth ,

    Internal affair with 1 citizen is a police matter. Terrorists are the intelligence community’s focus. The same organizations wouldn’t be involved in both examples.

    LazyBane ,

    Fair point.

    gmtom , to world in Zelensky: Israel has ‘indisputable’ right to defend itself from terror

    And what about palestianians defending themselves form Israeli terror? Or do brown people not get that right?

    Or if everything Israel is doing is “defending itself” then maybe we should let Russia “defend itself” against Ukrainian terror?

    masterspace ,

    It’s a stupid article that didn’t deserve reposting.

    Zelensky is obviously going to take Israel’s side, since Israel might actually provide Ukraine with weapons, aid, or intelligence, whereas Hamas will provide Ukraine with nothing and is aligned with Iran who are actively supplying Russia with the drones that are murdering them.

    But yeah, from an analagous standpoint, Israel would be Russia who has illegally occupied the land of Palestine, and this is roughly the equivalent of Ukraine striking back at Russia in Russia’s territory, though there certainly seem like far far more civilian casualties than in any of Ukraine’s operations, at the same time Palestinians are also far more desperate and have face decades and decades of oppression, conditions likely to foster extremism.

    gmtom , (edited )

    Also ukraine has high tech guided munitions and drones. Hamas has incredibly low tech and Inaccurate rockets.

    rattboi ,


    ASeriesOfPoorChoices ,

    Their rockets were born without the first sin.

    Bernie_Sandals , avatar

    Damn is that why ours keep killing kids?

    ASeriesOfPoorChoices ,

    It’s why ours do it without remorse. :-(

    gmtom ,


    Side note: how do we live in a world with ChatGPT but still have such awful autocorrect?

    NightAuthor ,

    Idk I feel like the autocorrect on the iPhone with iOS 17 has gotten much better and apparently it gets even better with time as it learns your words and other aspects of how you wrote.

    Ok, I swiped the above as fast as I could without corrections. Only issue is I didn’t put any punctuation, bc I’m not use to typing that way. Usually a two thumbed, tapping typer.

    argues_semantics ,

    I think you meant to say inaccurate. Immaculate is when you set someone free, particularly of social or legal restrictions.

    Spzi ,

    There’s another way to spin the analogy, and I believe that’s closer to what Zelensky had in mind.

    Both Russia and Hamas target civilian buildings with rockets. Both recently advanced in a military invasion into the sovereign territory of Ukraine / Israel. Both kidnapped and murdered citizencs. So the analogy is Russia / Hamas vs Ukraine / Israel.

    I think it’s a bit weird Zelensky would ally with a country which behaves like Russia from his point of view. I agree he probably might still do it, since he needs the weapons. But given this incentive, I think the alternative analogy becomes far more appealing and convincing.

    masterspace ,

    Eh, that alternative analogy is a worse one though, since it falls apart the minute you look at Israel’s past indiscriminate killing of civilians and current unilateral and internationally condemned occupation of Palestinian territory.

    gmtom ,

    Both Russia and Hamas target civilian buildings with rockets

    Thats disingenuous. While im sure Hamas would have 0 problem with targeting civilians if they could, the reality is their rockers are far too primitive to target much of anything.

    Spzi ,

    Lol, true. Then let’s rephrase it a bit: They shoot rockets in the expectation to hit civilian buildings, if anything.

    jcit878 ,

    gunning civilians down during a music festival is “defending themselves” now? God I’m sick of people outright defending literal monsters. IDF and Hamas are both evil organisations. the people being killed on both sides are not. I cannot understand how anyone can sit here and justify killing civilians on any side for any reason.

    gmtom ,

    Thats kind of my point. Im pointing out the absurdity of claiming Israels actions are “self defence” by comparing them to Hamas’ actions which are just as clearly not self defence.

    salvador ,

    you won’t believe, but that’s what Russia is doing – preemptively defending itself.

    gmtom ,

    My dude, for your own sake get a hobby or something. Spending your time being a troll on lemmy is just about the most wasteful thing you can do with you life. When youre old you dont want to look back on your life and realise then how much time you wasted on this nonsense.

    salvador ,

    You’re my dude, read the history of the war way back to 2014. Read about Donbass. Find other sources.

    Can you speak russian, you expert?

    gmtom ,

    Oh, you’re a bot, thank god, im glad a real person isnt that sad.

    salvador ,

    Yeah, I am a bot. You aren’t?

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