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KPED , to bookstodon avatar

A book I edited was written up in the local paper.

So happy to see Shannon Bohrer's book, Judicial Soup: One Man's Wrongful Conviction and What It Means for Criminal Justice Reform, getting some media attention. This is a very relatable book on a hugely important topic. When you read it, first you'll be angry. Then you'll think, "If it can happen to that guy, it can happen to anyone."


firefly , avatar

@KPED @bookstodon

'Judicial Soup' is a good title.

The 'criminal justice' system is an assembly line human trafficking racket run by con artists and villains hiding behind the deadly force of the criminal state.

They secretly say their prayers to Wackenhut for a return on investment. More warm bodies equals more cash in, more 'justification' for their racket.

ChrisMayLA6 , to bookstodon avatar

This week I've been mainly reading, no. 153.

Each of Emma Newman's Planetfall quartet explores a different aspect of the same overarching story of religious driven intergalactic migration. In Atlas Alone (2019), the fourth story centres on an elite gamer & their attempt to uncover & then take revenge for a crime against humanity. To say much more would ruin the plot for you, but as with the others, this is great, fascinating sci-fi, which has a great payoff at the end.


firefly , avatar

@fskornia @TimWardCam @ChrisMayLA6 @bookstodon

The sole purpose of religion is and always has been to control large masses of people.

There has never been any other purpose for religion. Take people's minds, take their labor, take their shekels. That's all it ever was for, a tyranny and a con so the worthless parasites incapable of making anything useful can leech off the masses and elevate themselves above their hosts.

Christians are especially guilty of this. Revelation says that God hates the heirarchical, pastoral grift model, calling it, 'The deeds of the oppressors of the people, which thing I hate.'

firefly , avatar

@stephenwhq @TimWardCam @ChrisMayLA6 @bookstodon

Secularism is the religion of the state. Secularism is ecumenicalism taken to its most logical extreme. It is a religion that subverts all other religions to the power of the state. Secularism was the religion of the Roman empire and remains so today.

Go into the capitol building and look up at the dome rotunda, and you will see their secular gods painted a la fresco for all to see.

firefly , avatar

@fskornia @TimWardCam @ChrisMayLA6 @bookstodon

What thing is being denounced? Specifically, and exactly, what is being denounced?

Are you conflating the Bible with Christianity? The twain shall never meet.

More than half of the Bible was written and in circulation 900-1500 years before the existence of Christianity.

If you read the Bible without Christian blinders on, it is plain that the Bible condemns Christianity and all other religions as idolatry. Rather the Bible authors call men to worship God in spirit and truth without regard to a priesthood or place.

jason_w_karpf , to religion avatar

How New Science Fiction Could Help Us Improve AI - Scientific American

Fascinating article about organizations trying foster positive sci-fi stories about AI. Good reason why AI sci-fi is mainly negative—more plausible given humankind’s record AND more interesting. My upcoming book The HONOR System is case in point.

@bookstodon @religion

firefly , avatar

@ghast @jason_w_karpf @bookstodon @religion

Oh, look, yet another anti-christ bigot. We finally have an oxymoron that makes sense.

jillrhudy , to bookstodon avatar

The actual NORTHERN LIGHTS showed up in Virginia and I was too engrossed in a book to notice. @bookstodon @librarians

firefly , avatar

@jillrhudy @bookstodon @librarians

They are being seen in diverse places, including the midwest and the mid south.

kirby , to histodons
firefly , avatar
TootTropiques , to bookstodon avatar

"One never lies to people, they lie to themselves. A good liar gives fools what they want to hear and allows them to free themselves from the facts at hand, and choose the level of self delusion that fits their level of foolishness and moral terpitude."

--Carlos Ruiz Zafon


firefly , avatar

@TootTropiques @bookstodon

Fools of a feather fantasize together.

SallyStrange , to bookstodon avatar

10 authors, of whose books I've read at least five:

Ursula Le Guin
Kim Stanley Robinson
Octavia Butler
N. K. Jemisin
Becky Chambers
Iain M. Banks
Martha Wells
M. R. Carey
Lois McMaster Bujold
Vonda McIntyre


firefly , avatar

@SallyStrange @Chip_Unicorn @bookstodon

Did you enjoy the read because of the overt sexism and harassment? Asking for Comrade Stalin.

firefly , avatar

Yes the USA loots its own citizens as a matter of constant policy. Even though USA produces so much oil it would have no problem looting a few buckets if the rich who own the politicians would benefit from it. Perhaps an example is in order.

A certain ice cream plant produces ice cream in upstate New York.

The ice cream is shipped to Phoenix, Arizona. They load 44,000 lbs. of the ice cream on a freezer truck. The freezer truck drives 2,200 miles from Jamestown, NY to Phoenix, AZ and delivers the ice cream, which is then distributed to supermarkets in the Phoenix area.

The same freezer truck then drives about 5 miles across Phoenix, to an ice cream plant. The ice cream plant loads the truck with 44,000 lbs. of ice cream. Then the semi hauls the ice cream 2150 miles to Erie, PA, just 50 miles away from Jamestown, NY, where it started.

So over 4000 miles worth of diesel fuel was burned, to move ice cream 50 miles en toto.


Because the ultra rich aristocrats own all the companies. They own the ice cream plants, and they own the trucking company, and they own the oil company that produces the diesel to run the truck and refrigerated trailer.

Since they are all in cahoots, they rig the prices of everything. They also rig the tax rates since they own the politicians, in such a way that the tax system crushes the smaller competitors and keeps them in control of markets and production. This is the real purpose of the progressive income tax on wages and small businesses, to crush them and funnel their capital into the hands of the fat cats on Wall Street and the corporate sector. Such taxes have virtually no effect on these giant conglomerates, who pass the cost of tax off onto the investor, taxpayer, and small businesses that can manage to hang on in such a market.

And this is why USA would invade another country over oil or any other resource. To crush and control competition so that prices for everything may be kept artificially inflated for maximum profit, and so that the means of production remains under their control.

In order to stay on top, they move endless hordes of trucks 4000+ miles in order to have a net movement of ice cream 50 miles. This only makes economic sense when the scheme is devised to cut out all potential non-aristocratic competition.

This is what socialism is really about. And this is why the rich fund socialist revolution at every turn. And this is why the rich pay their parrots to squawk about capitalism, when we don't even have capitalism. We have a centrally-managed, socialist economy--capitalism for the poor, who have no capital, and socialism for the rich, who have all the capital.

Thus the capital of the poor continues to flow one direction, to the rich, and if the rich get into trouble, the government takes more capital from the poor to bail out the rich. That is socialism, not capitalism.

Real capitalism doesn't have bailouts and central management and endless regulatory red tape that favors the rich corporate bosses. Real capitialism is everyone fighting like cats and dogs to provide the best product at the lowest prices, which has not been happening in America since the days before Rockefeller and Standard Oil. So when political weenies gripe about 'capitalism' they don't realize what they are saying, because we live under a hardline socialist regime in the USA. People are decieved by word games into not even understanding their own reality.

So when another country's resource exports would threaten the aristocracy's control of prices and supply in the international market, the US regime sends them democracy bombs.



firefly , avatar

"So you don’t have even a basic understanding of capitalism or of socialism. Even Wikipedia isn’t this wrong."

You are wrongly defining capitalism according to Marxist word play games.

Capitalism was the revolt against feudalism during the Crisis of the High Middle Ages. What you define as, 'monopoly capitalism' is in fact, 'soviet socialism'. It is what it is, not what ideologues say it is.

Capitalism is the idea of private property as opposed to the feudalist idea of aristocratic-owned property, or legalized theft and peonage slavery. In feudalism (and socialism) the state owns all the property and determines its disposition. In capitalism the person who creates the property owns it, and determines its disposition in a competitive free market. Tyrants, grifters, thieves, slavers and other kinds of socialists or feudalists hate competition and private property. They want to use the deadly force of the state to take other people's property and do what they themselves like with the property. They are thieves and robbers, liars and swindlers, all of them. Socialism is a criminal racket and armed robbery sanctioned by state armies and deadly force. If you are a socialist you are threatening to imprison or kill your neighbor if he doesn't hand over his wealth or property for your benefit. Just because you get someone else (the police) to do the cutting for you, doesn't make you any less the robber.

Robber barons were not capitalist. They were socialist robbers using state power to protect their rackets and squeeze out competition, the very opposite of the idea of capitalism. Marxists have muddied the water by introducing new, flexible, essentially meaningless terms like, 'monopoly capitalism' to distract from the monopoly nature of socialism.

America is not, 'monopoly capitalist'. Monopoly is what feudalism maintained. Original capitalism was a revolt against the monopoly power of the state. Socialism is a return to feudalism, disguised as liberation theology by the use of clever word games and propaganda. Instead of the king granting the letters patent to secure monopolies, a cabal of legislators serve the same purpose through legislation and regulation. It is much more difficult to take down 535 sockpuppet dictators than it is one monarch. But it is still the same system owned by the same aristocratic families.

Socialism mass murdered dozens of millions of people in the last century. Socialism was patterned on the USA model of Bellamy federalism, which is feudalism. A rose by any other name is a rose just the same. The appearance of the whole scam is 'democracy' when the substance is the same as it ever was--a racist aristocracy that considers itself descended from a divine bloodline, ruling over the mass of people that they consider racially inferior to themselves. Or did you forget the doctrine of the 'divine right of kings' was a racial doctrine?

Your rulers consider themselves racially superior to you and me. They are descended from the royal and aristocratic bloodlines of the ancient world. They are taught from childhood that they are blessed with 'divine lineage' and by 'divine right' have the right to rule over the rabble by any means and deception necessary. This is their occult religion and that is why you see their occult symbols everywhere in their government logos and flags.

The US flag is one example. The red and white stripes are from the ancient Egyptian and Babylonian aristocracy and royalty. They wore capes with red and white stripes. The blue field with stars was an ancient Egyptian banner of the nobility of Egypt. The fake pablum meaning of the flag is the deceptive explanation that they give to the 'profane'.

The US seal is another example. The eye of Horus atop the pyramid is from the same Pharonic nobility. It signifies their control over the people through a network of spies, symbolized by the pyriamid. Their spies consist of numerous intelligence agencies, government departments, police, courts, secret societies and even hidden societies, all which report 'upward' in the pyramid structure. To the uninitiated they all seem disconnected. To those who understand they can see that all of these organs serve one head honcho, whether wittingly or unwittingly. In order to confuse and divide people, the spies promote ridiculous conspiracy theories so that people don't realize much of the spying is done by the government, and instead focus their onus on one group, such as freemasons. In reality, most government agents are generating data that is collected by the hidden rulers through various channels and many government agents don't even realize what they are participating in.

The world is ruled by racist religious zealots and such has been the case for many centuries. These zealots are descended from ancient Mesopotamian nobility in Babylon and Egypt. They consider their noble bloodlines of 'superior stock' and 'noble breeding.'

They give you 'anti-racist' action as a go-nowhere 'rebellion' that will never overthrow them. This is why they use Jew-baiting to use the Jews as a scapegoat to distract from the real racism regime. This is why right now there is a war in Gaza--to distract from the joint Putin and Zelinski regime killing and oppressing Christians in Ukraine. Both Putin and Zelinski are part of the same aristocracy, and they are working together, while pretending to be enemies. In the same way Churchill, Hitler, Stalin, and FDR were working together to scapegoat Jews and Christians in Germany. This is the false feud scam. And the aristocracy have employed this brainwashing tactic for centuries to keep their serfs loyal by colluding in false conflict with other rulers. This exploits the self-preservation instinct of the serfs on both sides, to galvanize their loyalty to the rulers that are exploiting them.

The Republican vs Democrat dog and pony show is a long-running false feud scam. Other false feud scams include Catholic vs Protestant, Left vs Right. There is no real conflict between these groups because they all promote the same systemic structure with mere cosmetic differences that bedazzle and captivate the victims of the scam. No matter which side 'wins' in the struggle, the chieftains who created the sides remain in hidden control over them.

Until people learn that their neighbor is their neighbor and should always come first before any loyalty to an identity or party, this will never change. The rulers exploit this weakness of the human psyche to, 'divide and rule' by creating the identities and parties to divide the people against each other.

"The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves." ~ Vladimir Lenin

In the end it all boils down to religion and religious war. The rulers are a religious cult that believes they are descended from ancient 'gods' with 'superior blood' or 'better breeding'. The rulers believe that the rest of us are racially inferior and by this eugenics mentality that we should be subject to their capricious and arbitrary will. So they construct numerous adverse parties, ideologies, religions, sects, schools, and systems to keep the rest of us fighting with each other while they exploit our labor. Original capitalism was a rebellion against this economic religion of the aristocracy. Socialism is a return to this racialist religion of deception and hate. The rulers have declared racial holy war against the rest of us, and by means of deception and brainwashing they have waged their holy war upon us for centuries.

firefly , avatar

You are trying to make it about me, and assassinate my character with baseless insult and non-sequitur twaddle. In doing so you put your own character on display.

You actually haven't even understood a word I wrote. The truth is not in you. It is your nature to use words to lie and obfuscate and conceal your true intentions. That is the dark heart of socialism.

firefly , avatar

"Unfortunately virtually no one is going to see this."

That's what you think. But others are reading, and taking note, and amusing themselves.

Pray tell, what does your clairvoyant knowledge of the readership have to do with the facts at hand or subject of discussion?

And this is yet another bully tactic of trying to convince the target that he is 'alone and isolated' in his view. Your tactics are transparent. You just 'intuit' what you want to be true and then declare it to be so. Your socialist forefathers did the same, and they managed to murder millions of victims in the process of their incompetence and arrogance. You're on the wrong side of history.

"This is starting to sound like persecutory delusion."

This is more evidence of your tendency to ad hominem bile.

Since you are such an eminent psychologist, should I shudder before your most highly supernatural powers of psychoanalysis? Pray tell, where did you get your license to practice remote psychiatry? I sure would like to know the rocket scientry behind how that works!

Schnuckster , to bookstodon avatar

Looking forward to the Liz Truss book getting remaindered at The Works in a month or so. Sounds like the finest work of comedy since Airplane! The Movie. 📖 @bookstodon

firefly , avatar

@Blinxeto @Schnuckster @bookstodon

No, THE FART OF THE SPIEL, or how to jabber-jaw your way to riches.

firefly , to religion avatar

Heaven in a Bucket : The Telemarketing Wing of Babylon : Branded Religious Providers : Internet Influence Activities

"Paid advertising is mercenary speech for the rich and powerful that obliterates the speech of the poor and weak. In such a climate it is impossible to know who is actually doing any of the speech, and truth is impossible to ascertain. This will eventually cause the destruction of our civilization. The fact that our legislators are merely paid propagandists for lobbyists is the bell weather or canary in the coal mine. There is no representative government while paid advertising, campaign contributions, or lobbying in any form remain legal. Such practices should be banned in all the land."

Full article:

@christianity @religion

firefly , to religion avatar

The trinity is the sun god of Babylon. The true God of Abraham is not a trinity. Turn from the idolatry of the trinity idol and worship God the Father in spirit and truth.

"Hear O Israel, the Lord our God is ONE LORD." (Deuteronomy 6:4)

Prior to this many had been worshiping the trinity idol of the heathen. So the prophet had to tell Israel that the true God is only ONE, rather than three.

"And Jesus said unto him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good but ONE, that is, God." (Mark 10:18)

"As concerning therefore the eating of those things that are offered in sacrifice unto idols, we know that an idol is nothing in the world, and that there is none other God but ONE." (1 Corinthians 8:4)

"But to us there is but ONE GOD, THE FATHER, of whom are all things, and we in him; and one Lord Jesus Christ, by whom are all things, and we by him." (1 Corinthians 8:6)

Only the Father is God. There is no other. He has no equal.

The video below shows the ancient heathen origin of the trinity, which is the central idol of all witchcraft.

"The ancient city of Babylon was the birth place of a mystery religion which has survived to the present day and is deceiving the whole world. In this presentation we examine the origins of this mystery religion and see how it survives and thrives in the form of secret symbols and false systems of worship. See how this ancient mystery religion reveals the identity of the Antichrist power that is alive and well in the world today and which is directing world events for its own purposes. Will you be deceived into receiving "the mark of the beast"? Watch this presentation and arm yourself with the truth so that you will not be deceived!"

@religion @christianity

firefly , to poetry avatar

Ygdrasil, the Internet's first and oldest literary journal is still in operation. Below find two links, [1] to the older archive and [2] to the recent editions.

"Ygdrasil, A Journal of the Poetic Arts is the first Literary Journal to be published on the Internet (1994)."

The oldest archives are here:

Newer issues from about 2017 to date are here:

The ugly old Internet page and archive is here:


@bookstodon @poetry

firefly OP , avatar

@bookstodon @poetry

"Ygdrasil, A Journal of the Poetic Arts is the first Literary Journal to be published on the Internet (1994)."

I forgot to mention that Ygdrasil is saved on the Internet Archive. Here are some snapshots of the old Ygdrasil Journal site on

Newer issues from about 2017 to date are here:

The oldest archives are here:

The ugly old Internet page and archive is here:

firefly , to religion avatar

THEOCAPITALISM And The Sale of Incendiaries Versus the Divine Clock or Zodiac

The stock market in hell shows sales of fire extinguishers and charcoal on the rise. The devil is selling charcoal and fire extinquishers to the slaves of religion.

@religion @christian @bible

firefly , to religion avatar

The Cult of the Eclipse - ROBERT SEPEHR

"Eclipses have inspired fear and awe among civilizations throughout history. In this video I explain its occult esoteric significance and how that relates to the cult that covertly rules the world."

@religion @christianity @christianity @TotalEclipse

firefly , avatar

"Haiku is an open-source operating system that specifically targets personal computing. Inspired by the BeOS, Haiku is fast, simple to use, easy to learn and yet very powerful."


firefly , to programmerhumor avatar

Difference Between Nerd and Geek

Has anyone written a scientific treatise on the differences between nerd and geek?

On the one hand, I could instigate endless debate about the finer points of nerds.

On the other hand I could construct nerds with a 3-D meat printer.


firefly OP , avatar

Exactly as expected!

firefly OP , avatar

This is genius. ^^^

Analysis of the styles and colors of Venn diagrams by nerds and geeks could be represented in yet another Venn diagram. Somebody call Banach for help.

firefly , to religion avatar

"I feel much freer now that I am certain the pope is Antichrist."

Martin Luther
Father of the Christian Reformation
October 11, 1520

"We firmly believe here that the Papacy is the personification of Antichrist’s throne, and feel we are justified in resisting their deceptions and wiles for the sake of the salvation of souls. I declare that I only owe the Pope the obedience due to Antichrist."

"From my heart I hate that man of sin and son of perdition, with all his kingdom, which is nothing but sin and hypocrisy."

Martin Luther
Expositor of the True Christian Faith
August 18, 1520

"Eck and Emser opened my eyes as to the Pope’s sovereignty; for although at first I maintained his right to the human title, I now see that the Papacy is the kingdom of Babylon, and the tyranny of Nimrod, the mighty hunter."

Martin Luther
Fearless Opponent of the Papal Seat Antichrist
October 6, 1520

Antichrist has been on earth for 1500 years! Wake up! The Church is the Kingdom of darkness. “Come out of her, my people!”

Full article:

@religion @theology @christianity

bibliolater , to religion avatar

"Behind this disagreeable theological dispute between eastern and western churches, we gain precious insight into how the premodern mind understood fermentation, and especially what distinguishes it from rot and decay." @religion @theology @christianity

firefly , avatar

@bibliolater @religion @theology @christianity

"... the new testament clearly sets Easter in a traditional context with pessach ..."

The New Testament says no such thing. Easter is a pagan holy day that merely coincides with the unleavened bread in some years. Easter is a very ancient rite of the solar worship cults. And the New Covenant commands no observance of any holy days, and in fact states as a commandment not to burden any brother to observe any holy day or feast:

Let not him that eateth despise him that eateth not; and let not him which eateth not judge him that eateth: for God hath received him.

Who art thou that judgest another man's servant? to his own master he standeth or falleth. Yea, he shall be holden up: for God is able to make him stand [.....]

One man esteemeth one day above another: another esteemeth every day alike. Let every man be fully persuaded in his own mind.

                          • - - - (Romans 14)

Easter is the holy day of idolators. The New Covenant says we are not to regard the holy days of idols. The Apostles warn us repeatedly to abstain from idolatry and, 'flee fornication' which means spiritual fornication with false gods. The New Covenant says that whether or not one wishes to regard the holy days of Moses is a personal matter and one should not be judged on account of this, since the law of Moses is passing away and giving way to a new law of the Spirit rather than the letter.

The Church lies about Easter. The Bible itself tells us all about Easter. It is the worship of the god-man Tammuz AKA Horus, and his Mother Ishtar, AKA Isis.

Easter has NOTHING to do with passover. That is just a lie told by the apostate church religion. It merely coincides with Passover in some years. Rome has tried to change the calendar to try to make the various days of Easter and Passover coincide as much as possible:

"And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time."

"... change times and laws ..."

Ezekiel chapter eight prophesied this idolatry of the Church:

"Then he brought me to the door of the gate of the LORD's house which was toward the north; and, behold, there sat women weeping for Tammuz.

Then said he unto me, Hast thou seen this, O son of man? turn thee yet again, and thou shalt see greater abominations than these.

And he brought me into the inner court of the LORD's house, and, behold, at the door of the temple of the LORD, between the porch and the altar, were about five and twenty men, with their backs toward the temple of the LORD, and their faces toward the east; and they worshipped the sun toward the east.

"... they worshipped the sun toward the east ..."

That is your Easter sunrise service right there. This is the truth about the Easter sunrise Mass. It is idolatry, and God hates it, and God calls it an abomination.

To see what the Bible says about Easter, and how the Church is lying to you, read this article:

Easter is Devil Worship. Easter is a Celebration of the Anti-Christ.

The Christian Church is Mystery Babylon. "Come out of her, my people ..."

firefly , avatar

@religion @theology @christianity

What I wrote is not a rant. Your response is the rant. What I wrote is a call to the truth. What you wrote is lies. You lied about the nature of my words. Then you lied about the nature and meaning of Paul's words in the Bible.

It is no surprise that someone calling himself a goblin would also be a liar. Like father, like son!

In Romans 8, Paul was not writing about people who worship idols. He was not conveying the message that idolators will not be separated from the love of God.

Paul was writing about those who worship the true God of Abraham and Jesus, not those who worship the god of Rome. Those who are saved in Jesus and worship the Father of Jesus shall not be separated from His love.

Or do you believe that bowing to a pagan idol fills you with the love of Jehovah? Do those filled with the Spirit and love of Jehovah teach people to venerate the idols of sun worshipers?

This information at this web site exposes the mental prison of the false god of Christianity:

firefly , to religion avatar

The Gospel of Cain

False teachers and judaizers often preach the gospel of Cain. They speak lies in hypocrisy. They claim to love god by offering the fruit of the ground as a sacrifice instead of the acceptable sacrifice that God provided with righteous Abel.

The gospel of Cain is a gospel of religious works and pretended declarations of spiritual superiority. The false teachers say that one must keep a law or set of rules to be saved and accepted by God.

One of the most nefarious versions of this false gospel is the version that proclaims you must love God to be saved.

And this requirement to love god is a lie. You do not need to love God to be saved. The entire Law of Moses is summed up in, "loving God."

"Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God is one LORD: And thou shalt love the LORD thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might." (Deuteronomy 6)

No man can keep this commandment. Yet Jesus taught that this commandment is the entirety of the Law of Moses:

"Master, which is the great commandment in the law? Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets."

The way of Cain teaches that you must offer a sacrifice of this love, being feigned and fake, as the 'fruit of the earth' or the fruit of the law. Cain's gospel demands that to be saved you must keep the greatest commandment which equates to keeping the whole of the law of Moses. But we know that no man is saved by the deeds of the law.

"Therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight: for by the law is the knowledge of sin." (Romans 3:20)

"Therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law." (Romans 3:28)

The command to love God is a deed of the law.

The sacrifice of Abel is different. Abel chose an acceptable sacrifice of the firstling of the flock. Abel's sacrifice is the sacrifice that God appointed and provided. Cain's sacrifice is what Cain provided by forcing the ground (religion, law) to bear fruit (outward deeds, creeds).

And we know that Cain was a murderer and hated righteous Abel. So we should examine the difference between the sacrifices of Cain and Abel to understand how Cain perverts the gospel.

From time to time the reader may see false teachers advertising the false gospel of Cain as the only way to salvation. These false teachers will say things like this:

"You must love God with all your heart, soul, and mind."

It sounds reasonable to those unlearned in the way of truth. But it is not reasonable and it denies the truth. Jesus came to save not the righteous, but to save sinners. The Law of Moses kills the sinner, rather than saving him. No man can keep this law to have perfect love for God. No man has the power to love God. No man can choose this love. Rather it is God who chose to love man:

"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life."

The way of Abel is to trust in the lamb, which God caused to grow fat and acceptable as a sacrifice for sin. Jesus is the unblemished firstling of the flock that takes away sin. Cain's sacrifice is the result of Cain's own work, rather than the work of God.

The way of Cain is to toss around pithy platitudes about how a man must eke out his salvation by pantomiming that he has great love for god and is loving god with all his mind, and showing it in his works, or in his own sacrifices and declarations of piety.

If a man tells you that you must love god to be saved, he is denying that we are saved because God loves us. He is preaching works as the means of salvation, offering up your own fruit for sacrifice in place of the lamb that God has provided. We learn this also from Abraham:

"And Isaac spake unto Abraham his father, and said, My father: and he said, Here am I, my son. And he said, Behold the fire and the wood: but where is the lamb for a burnt offering? And Abraham said, My son, God will provide himself a lamb for a burnt offering: so they went both of them together."

Abraham said that God will provide himself a lamb for the sacrifice. This is the way of Abel. The way of Cain is for men to provide their own sacrifice of creeds, deeds, and high-minded screeds which have no power to save. You can have creeds, deeds, and screeds. Or you can have the word of God. One is death. One is life.

So the liar that preaches that you must love god to be accepted by God, is teaching that you must offer your own righteous sacrifice, a thing that no man can do. Every sinner already is at enmity with God and can't love God because of sin. Yet the gospel of Cain demands that you must first love god before God can love and accept you. Instead, the true gospel teaches we must trust in the sacrifice that God provided for us to be saved:

"He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned."

The prescription for salvation is simple: believe on Jesus Christ. Pretending to love god with all your mind cannot merit salvation. Such false piety is the gospel of Cain which merits damnation. The modern gospel of Cain is sacrificial judaism disguised under a false Jesus mask. Cain denies the simple gospel of child-like faith and replaces it with a bellowing dragon that demands perfect love from imperfect souls, and threatens constantly to punish them for failing to do the impossible. With man it is impossible to please God, but all things are possible with God:

"But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible."

Perhaps that is why Cain was so angry and persecuted his righteous brother. His righteous brother did nothing to earn God's love and approval. He simply took hold of the sacrifice that God provided, and God did the impossible for him. Whereas Cain has his own righteousness to boast of, a righteousness that Cain planted himself and toiled hard to grow, and God rejected it.

''' ----------------

And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God."

When his disciples heard it, they were exceedingly amazed, saying, Who then can be saved?

But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible.

------------- (Matthew 19) '''
The rich man is the religious man, rich in the religion of the world, or rich in the fruit of the ground grown up by Cain's work. We see these modern Cains polluting the gospel of grace with their holier-than-thou and lovelier-than-thou and more-biblical-than-thou spiritual mumbo-jumbo. Mark them and avoid them. Do not trust in your own righteousness to be saved. Trust that Jesus took away your sin, and you shall be saved.

You will falter. You will fail. You will doubt. You will make mistakes. None of this can undo what God has already promised to those who trust in Jesus Christ. Jesus will guide you into all truth. He will guide you into the perfect love of God. Once you trust Jesus and are saved, then you will have power to love the Father. The gospel of Cain puts the cart before the horse, and requires you to muster up love for God in order to be saved. But it is God's love that saves us, not our own love for Him.

Cain is still in the world today. Cain is still murdering righteous Abel. Cain has risen up in the field using his false gospel as a cudgel to beat the life out of those who trust in Jesus instead of their own works. And like his father, the devil, he does it with a lie, teaching that salvation comes from your own will to choose righteousness. Don't be deceived. God is the chooser. God is the accepter. And God is the one who provides the sacrifice.

''' ----------------

Therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight: for by the law is the knowledge of sin.

But now the righteousness of God without the law is manifested, being witnessed by the law and the prophets;

Even the righteousness of God which is by faith of Jesus Christ unto all and upon all them that believe: for there is no difference:

For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;

Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus:

Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood, to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are past, through the forbearance of God;

To declare, I say, at this time his righteousness: that he might be just, and the justifier of him which believeth in Jesus.

Where is boasting then? It is excluded. By what law? of works? Nay: but by the law of faith.

Therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law.

------------- (Romans 3) '''
The command to, "love God" is a deed of the law. If you are required to first love God to be saved, then you are doomed. But if you believe that God loves you and gave Jesus as a sacrifice for you, then you are saved. Having love for God will be something God works in you, not something you work for Him. And we know who loves God--those who love the brethren and speak the truth without hypocrisy. This, Cain does not do. For Cain this is impossible. Cain hates the brethren of Jesus and wants to destroy them with his false gospel.

NightBulb | | Flip the night switch.

@bible @bible @religion

firefly , avatar

Welcome to Mastodon and the fediverse. If you don't agree with the hive-mind 'consensus' then your speech is a 'violation' of some ambiguous 'policy' and must be censored. They will always invent spurious reasons for censoring things they hate, such as, 'misinformation' or 'hate' or 'square dancing in a round room.' This is how psychotic bolsheviks lord their power over others.


firefly , avatar


'tortious interference'

Musk is a wart on Pinocchio's nose. I feel no pity for him after all the lies he tells.

Many of his haters are his own kind of people envious that he climbed on the gravy train and they didn't.

firefly , avatar

Difference between Bloods and Crips ... or Mexican cartel vs. Columbian cartel.

firefly , avatar

No. You are not clarifying. You are insinuating and muddying the water. My comment is about hypocrisy and vague rules made by hypocrites, rules designed to hide the real motives for censorship. They hide their real motives for censorship behind fake tropes and social signalling objectives. It doesn't matter if it is X, Facebook, Mastodon, or any other platform. A huge chunk of the moderators of such platforms are criminally insane and are only interested in suppressing speech based upon partisan objectives rather than objective reality or objective morality or objective civility. Basically it is gangs competing for power in the mindshare space and that power is enforced through acceptable speech policies that have nothing to do with civility and everything to do with compliance and obedience to the gang.

Their acts of censorship and the fake motives they give expose their true character as fundamentally orwellian and dishonest.

A person who is orwellian and anti-goldstein would not understand. A totalitarian never thinks of himself as a totalitarian. He is a hero and genius in his own mind. Gangbangers think their gangs are in a war with, 'the man' and the same goes for politcos.

> "... let you screech anything you want ..."

They are the ones screeching. Even their nebulous and inconsistent censorship rules are a screech. Almost everything they say in public is screeching. And if you don't screech with them, you are the one who gets muzzled. If you screech with them, you're a 'freedom fighter' or 'warrior' or 'hero' or 'virtuous' or 'patriotic' or a 'true OG' or whatever.

firefly , avatar

No, you once again are playing the smug, snide troll just insinuating your cult speak nonsense. I explained the true motives behind censorship, as opposed to the pretexts supplied by the liars. My point was that these people are liars who play mind games and wordsmithing games, just like you are doing. You are a false accuser and a slanderer trying to pump his preconceived cult notions. Your arguments are banal, childish, and simple-minded.

Don't bother responding. I won't see it. The next time you nymshift to harass me I will immediately block you and report you to the system administrator. Quit following me around the Internet, creepy stalker kook.

firefly , to religion avatar
<br></br>        _.--^--._         <br></br>      -~   ___   ~-       <br></br>     -     | |     -      Men make wooden and MENTAL images and<br></br>    -      | |      -     idols. God the Father made a FLESH<br></br>    - NIGHTBULB.NET -     Image for men to bow down to--Jesus<br></br>     -     | |     -      Christ of Nazareth.<br></br>      -    | |    -       <br></br>       -   | |   -        <br></br>        -__|_|__-         <br></br>        |_______|         <br></br>        <_______>         <br></br>        <_______>         <br></br>           _/            <br></br>                          <br></br>                          <br></br>  Flip the night switch.<br></br><br></br>


appassionato , to bookstodon avatar

Moneyland: Why Thieves and Crooks Now Rule the World and How to Take It Back by Oliver Bullough

Join the investigative journalist Oliver Bullough on a journey into Moneyland - the secret country of the lawless, stateless superrich.
Learn how the institutions of Europe and the United States have become money-laundering operations, undermining the foundations of Western stability.


firefly , avatar


Someone is paying attention ...

The 'stateless' crooks are the same generational crooked families and dynasties that ran Europe through the dark ages. They consider themselves a superior breed of being, endowed with divinely blessed bloodlines.

The 'divine right of kings' is a racial supremacist religion. And it is still the religion of the aristocratic rulers.

JorisMeys , to academicchatter avatar

I said it before and I'll say it again: scientific journals have hardly any relevance any more, except for academic careers.

AI is just speeding up this evolution. We urgently need to rethink scientific communication!


firefly , avatar


> "We urgently need to rethink scientific communication!"

The solution to lazybones using AI for journal manuscripts is to simply go back to the old school model of charging a submission and reading fee for all journal article submissions. And then issue a refund of the reading fee ONLY to the authors of articles chosen for publication--those which show up to the conference to present the paper.

This would weed out the majority share of the nonsense and ensure staff could be paid to really review manuscripts.

Imagine if the USPTO didn't charge a fee for patents and trademarks. Now you know why they do. The Patent and Trademark system would self-destruct in a fortnight. Instead of painstakingly perfecting one's claims to avoid wasting money, claimants would throw a never-ending stream of crappy claims applications at the patent examiners.

Many poetry journals and magazines formerly charged reading fees to submit work. This limited the amount of garbage they had to sort through. If you have to pay to play then you're much, much more likely to play your best.

The online revolution and the entitlement mentality created by misguided anti-copyright zealots have convinced an entire generation that, "information is free." Well, no, actually, it isn't. If you want good information, it costs sweat, blood, tears, talent, and time to produce--and all the same pains to filter out the garbage.

firefly , avatar

@JorisMeys @academicchatter

I think back to these hoaxes, which con-artists invented to convince people that evolution is real:

Piltdown Man

And other "scientific" hoaxes which will get me banned from the soviet-controlled, fedposter-infested, censorship-friendly fediverse if I even name them ...

Publish or perish ...?

firefly , avatar


'generally accepted' and 'consensus' prove absolutely nothing. Science is not a democracy. And Wikipedia is not science.

The historical record proves much about where the theory of evolution really originated, thousands of years before Charles Darwin: racial supremacist, human sacrifice cults. I'll say more on that later, but first I will lay some groundwork on what evolution is really about: power.

Like I said elsewhere, modern so-called scientists have more in common with social media influencers and youtube grifters than they do with real scientists.

Paleontology is a pseudo-science cooked up by evolutionists to 'prove' their religion of evolution. In future ages paleontology will be viewed with the same disdain as phrenology and racial hygiene and other things cooked up by evolutionist apparatchiks and their brainwashee parrots.

And who relies on Wikipedia as 'scientific' proof? Seriously?

Have you ever even done a real scientific experiment where you actually falsify or verify claims? Isn't it interesting that everything paleontologists present is unfalsifiable and unverifiable because you're not allowed to examine the physical evidence and are required to take their word for it? Unverifiable claims violate common sense and the scientific method.

The goal of your rulers is to convert everyone to their evolutionary religion so they can remain in power and so that no one dare question their authority.

"Away, therefore, with all the scientific moonshine that would connect men with monkeys; that would have the world believe that humanity, instead of resting on its own characteristic pedestal — gloriously independent — is a sort of sliding scale, making one extreme brother to the ourangou-tang, and the other to angels, and all the rest intermediates!" ~ Frederick Douglass

"Evolution" was a religious cult in ancient Greece and Rome. It did not originate with Charles Darwin as the evolutionist apparatchiks have taught in the past cenury. Evolution was a religious doctrine of Darwin's grandfather, Erasmus Darwin, who was an occultist. Erasmus Darwin wrote religious poetry about his evolution belief, which is the same as the ancient evolutionary religion of the ancient Greek gnostics.

And almost 2000 years ago in the Greek and Roman civilization the believers in evolution practiced human sacrifice and witchcraft. Their great grandchildren live among us today and concocted the modern theory of evolution to convert Christians to their religion. The ancient Greeks called their evolution religion, 'gnosis' or 'knowledge' or 'science.' The Apostles warned us almost 20 centuries ago about their so-called science:

"O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called:" (1 Timothy 6)

The ancient evolutionists were racial supremacists. It is no wonder that modern evolutionists who promoted Darwin's books were also racial supremacists. That is the core of their religion, a 'master race' from a 'divine bloodline' that is to rule over all the 'inferior races.' That is the origin of the theory of evolution. It's religious nonsense from an ancient racist death cult.

Modern evolutionary paleontology is from the same source. It is a religion dressed up as science by grifters, compromisers, nitwits, rubes, and brainwashees to convert people to their religion under the rubric of 'science'. It is a criminally insane assault on the intellects of young children and students. It is a slave's anthem for a fascist society rules by a supremacist cult. That's what it was 2500 years ago, and that's what evolution remains today.

More history of the matter is shown here:

Those who Manufacture Your Beliefs are Your Rulers: Evolution is Ancient Devil Worship Dressed up for Today

firefly , to religion avatar

Lawsuit to Protect Abortion as a Religious Sacrament

I'm puzzled. If abortion is, 'health care', how healthy is abortion for the baby?

Abortion is a religious sacrament.

I've been telling people for many years that abortion is a religious rite, or a religious sacrament:

Somehow these people feel that banning abortion violates their religion. So we know they have a religion with a rite involving the destruction of the fetus. That rite of human sacrifice is called euphemistically, 'abortion'. That's like slitting a senior citizen's throat and calling it, 'prebortive compassionate death care.'

Abortion is a long established rite of witchcraft blood magic:

As we have said before, the practice of abortion is an ancient rite of Moloch worship. Some practitioners would kill the baby in the womb and expel it to harness the power of the baby's life for magic.

Some would give birth then burn the newborn in a furnace to invoke magic for economic and agricultural benefit from the god, Moloch.

This religion of child sacrifice is still alive and well. The witches and idolators want to preserve this blood magic ritual under the rubric of, 'womens rights' and 'health care.'

I'm puzzled. If abortion is, 'health care', how healthy is abortion for the baby?

The rulers want you to sacrifice your children so as to maintain the human population at manageable levels that the rulers can control.

It is clear they have a religion that is centered upon human sacrifice. But it is more than human sacrifice. It is the sacrifice and murder of the innocent and defenseless for the gain of the powerful. That sounds like some political regimes, now, doesn't it?

Who wants to be the religious leader that goes down in history declaring infanticide and foeticide as part of your religion? Any takers?


firefly , avatar

Have you considered the International Harvester Scout?

firefly , to academicchatter avatar

Scientific Supremacy : The Church of CyberScientology

It is time to unveil a new religion: cyberscientology.

Converts get the power to claim anything they believe (or sell) is 'science' and has, 'academic consensus.' Since facts are democratic this is a perfect religion.

Converts also enjoy the privilege of paying others to promote the consensus and curse unbelievers with labels and political action, because we know that is how science really works.

Converts get the privilege to cancel anyone who questions the 'science' or refuses to buy the product.

Converts may anathematize anyone who fails to show enough spirited support of the consensus. Agreement is not enough. Believers must manifest fiery and fanatical agreement to prove their zeal in the faith.

Converts get the privilege of placing a scarlet letter upon anyone who questions the, 'scientific consensus' or demonstrates lackluster zeal for the consensus.

Heretics against cyberscientology shall be deleted after a rigorous slander campaign branding them as:

{ heretics, fascists, communists, nazis,
neocons, traitors, oppressors, jingoists,
snowflakes, retards, far-left, far-right,
liberals, conservatives, anti-semites, haters,
racists, bigots, nuts, psycho, evil, mental ...

(choose your magic power word for slaying the enemy)}.

Converts get 'hall monitor' privileges to police the speech and writing of all other persons and to immediately mobilize an army to dogpile and attack them, shadowban them, ban them, get them canceled, dox them, and organize protests to have them imprisoned or economically destroyed.

The cyberscientology digital bridge to freedom shall consist of proving agreement with the Pope-ular consensus. The faithful convert will squash all academic divergence from the consensus. All unbelievers will be required to apologize profusely for any divergence from the scientific consensus, and then they will be canceled anyway.

Selection of the new Cyber-Pope of the Church of Cyberscientology will be done, 'scientifically' using the, 'collective method' of inquiry (inquisition).

If you don't trust the science cyberscientology will 'burn' you!


firefly , avatar

BASHers ?

BASHionado ?

BASHist ?

firefly , avatar

I am a cyberspace bashtronaut ...

firefly , avatar

Here, carry this big beam. It won't be long now if you stay the course.

"And he said to them all, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me." (Luke 9:23)

"For if ye live after the flesh, ye shall die: but if ye through the Spirit do mortify the deeds of the body, ye shall live." (Romans 8:13)

"I protest by your rejoicing which I have in Christ Jesus our LORD, I die daily." (1 Corinthians 15:31)

firefly , to bookstodon avatar

@bookstodon @poetry

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


May seven tears in every week
Touch the hollow of your cheek,
That I--signed with such a dew--
For a lion’s share may sue
Of the roses ever curled
Round the May-pole of the world.

Heavy riddles lie in this,
Sorrow’s sauce for every kiss.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


In a nook
That opened south,
You and I
Lay mouth to mouth.

A snowy gull
And sooty daw
Came and looked
With many a caw;

“Such,” I said,
“Are I and you,
When you’ve kissed me
Black and blue!”

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


After reading Ronsard’s lines from Rabelais

If fruits are fed on any beast
Let vine-roots suck this parish priest,
For while he lived, no summer sun
Went up but he’d a bottle done,
And in the starlight beer and stout
Kept his waistcoat bulging out.

Then Death that changes happy things
Damned his soul to water springs.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


After looking at one of A. E.’s pictures

Adieu, sweet Angus, Maeve, and Fand,
Ye plumed yet skinny Shee,
That poets played with hand in hand
To learn their ecstasy.

We’ll stretch in Red Dan Sally’s ditch,
And drink in Tubber fair,
Or poach with Red Dan Philly’s bitch
The badger and the hare.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Author: John M. Synge
Original Publication: Dublin: Maunsel & Company, Ltd, 1909
Source: Project Gutenberg eBooks

apodoxus , to religion avatar


Hey monotheistic people, does your conception of ever give you an emotional feeling of safety? I'm asking specifically about the psychological effect here.

firefly , avatar

@paelse @apodoxus @religion

God has your hairs numbered and definitely has a plan which is being flawlessly executed.

"Remember the former things of old: for I am God, and there is none else; I am God, and there is none like me, Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure: Calling a ravenous bird from the east, the man that executeth my counsel from a far country: yea, I have spoken it, I will also bring it to pass; I have purposed it, I will also do it."

"According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love:"

"But with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot: Who verily was foreordained before the foundation of the world, but was manifest in these last times for you ..."

It is natural for man to anthropomorphize the divine One, but God does know the beginning from the end. Never forget that he does know it all from start to finish and that he is not in the least bit limited like us. Nothing any of us says or does has ever been a surprise to the Almighty. His joy is in our shock and surprise at how wonderful creation is, much like you and I would have joy in the antics of a toddler discovering new toys, or a furry pet chasing tail or toys, God has joy in our amazement.

firefly , avatar

@Varyk @davel

If we wanted national data and communication security we would shut off the transatlantic cables and physically separate the U.S. Internet from the rest of the world. All matters of diplomacy could be conducted in public courts at the coastlines instead of over telephone wires and emails. Problem solved. We could set up a nice star-spangled curtain and let all the globalists rot from the fallout.

bibliolater , to religion avatar

"In this paper, we apply the methods of graph theory to reveal hidden relations within the corpus of the Hebrew Bible texts. The structure of relations between different texts was studied based upon their interpretation of the otherworld and the afterlife. We have identified 43 most relevant texts that contained concepts related to the notion of the otherworld and constructed a graph representing the relations between the considered texts."

Tantlevskij, I.R., Evmenova, E. & Gromov, D. Identification of the network structure of the Hebrew Bible texts based upon the notion of the otherworld and the afterlife. Humanit Soc Sci Commun 11, 411 (2024). @linguistics @philosophy @religion

firefly , avatar

@bibliolater @linguistics @philosophy @religion

When all the writers understand the subject matter in the same way and have the same message to write, you should get a cognizable graph. If you go into the Hebrew roots and graph them with the corresponding Greek of the New testament that should be interesting too.

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