There have been multiple accounts created with the sole purpose of posting advertisement posts or replies containing unsolicited advertising.

Accounts which solely post advertisements, or persistently post them may be terminated.

TrueStoryBob , to lemmyshitpost in Improvise. Adapt. Overcome.

My Nephew: “What’s a fax machine?”

Me: “A landline network of low quality printers people used to use to do invoices and file for divorce.”

My Nephew: “Landline?”

jubilationtcornpone ,

So my oldest kid was grounded from her iPhone one time. Feeling generous one evening, I told her she could use the desk phone in my office to call friends on. It’s an old school red landline with no frills. Just buttons to dial the number and an actual bell that rings. The kind that’s only an upgrade from a rotary disl. It’s mostly for emergencies and never gets used.

Anyway, she sits down at the desk, stares at the phone, and is like, “Ok. What do I do?” It took me a second to realize she was asking how to make a phone call. I told her to pick up the handset and dial the phone number. The whole time she’s just shooting me looks like she doesn’t believe this is actually going to work.

Octopus1348 , avatar

Is she used to contacts and doesn’t know how to dial a phone number even on a smartphone? Or just unsure because it works a little different.

Plopp ,

What’s a phone number?

Thteven , avatar

All I get is ads and scam calls, might as well disable the phone app at this point.

v81 ,

Sounds like she’s rarely out never noticed you use it either… Which makes it interesting both because of the uncommon UI and workflow, and she has not had regular observations to learn from.

For those of us that have operated both it’s a non issue.

But think of how you’d go about it with zero knowledge. I bet most would try dialling the number without lifting the receiver.

cleek ,

And the name of the kid: Albert Einstein

fruitSnackSupreme , to aww in Steve would be proud

Imagine the pressure on them. What if they didn’t actually want to work with animals?

CurlyMoustache , avatar

“I want to be a plumber!”

“Yeah, nah, fuck that mate”

RootBeerGuy , avatar

“Now go put that thumb up that drop bears asshole!”

Godnroc ,

They could probably just do that. Just move to a different career path and show support for an animal activist group; they would get a chance to talk about a cause they support, talk about their father on camera, and honor what so many people remember him for.

stufkes ,

This, so much. Every time they get posted I just feel very uncomfortable by this. Just because no one is holding a gun to their head, doesn’t mean that they don’t feel obligated to keep their father alive as it were. I honestly just can’t believe that this is genuine.

GBU_28 ,

If you watch them talk about, and work on this stuff, it is beyond clear they are happy/satisfied.

You’re projecting uncertainty on some very certain people.

stufkes ,

Yeah I have seen multiple interviews. It’s just a feeling I get

SapphironZA ,

I am sure they have the pressure of expectation on the, but from how genuine they come across, they were inspired and shared their father’s and mother’s (don’t forget her) love for animals.

I am not sure that can be faked so convincingly.

wildcardology ,

Who doesn’t want to work with animals? If I can I will go to Australia zoo and apply for a job there.

fruitSnackSupreme ,

Um I don’t. Animals are fine, but I don’t want to work with them.

rtxn , to memes in Standards shouldn't be behind a paywall

You’ve just become the nemesis of the entire unix-like userbase for praising the space.

meekah , avatar

What’s the issue with the space?

rtxn ,

On the command line, space is what separates each argument. If a path contains a space, you either have to quote the entire path, or use an escape character (e.g. the `` character in most shells, the backtick in Powershell because Microsoft is weird, or the character’s hexadecimal value), otherwise the path will be passed to the command as separate arguments. For example, cat hello world.txt would try to print the files hello and world.txt.

It is a good practice to minimize the character set used by filenames, and best to only use English alphanumeric characters and certain symbols like -, _, and .. Non-printable characters (like the lower half of ASCII), weird diacritics (like ő or ű), ligatures, or any characters that could be misinterpreted by a program should be avoided.

This is why byte-safe encodings, like base64 or percent-encoding, are important. Transmitting data directly as text runs the risk of mangling the characters because some program misinterpreted them.

meekah , avatar

but what does the command line matter for dates? sure every once in a while you’ll have to pass a date as an argument on the command line but I think usually that kind of data is handled by APIs without human intervention, so once these are set up properly, I don’t see the problem

rtxn ,

<span style="color:#323232;">rsync -a "somedir" "somedir_backup_$(date)"

If the date command returns an RFC-3339-formatted string, the filename will contain a space. If, for example, you want to iterate over the files using for d in $(find…) and forget to set $IFS properly, it can cause issues.

meekah , avatar

Hm, I guess I just don’t agree that CLI usablity comes before readability.

rtxn ,

Again, it’s not just CLI, it’s an insurance against misinterpreted characters breaking programs.

meekah , avatar

honestly, if a space breaks your program, it’s kind of a shit program.

rtxn ,

Yeah? I once spent an entire week debugging a plaintext database because the software expected the record identifiers to be tokenized a certain way, but the original data source had spaces in those strings.

The software was the ISC DHCP server, the industry standard for decades and only EOL’d a year ago.

meekah , avatar

Sounds like a weekend that you could have saved if the software was just implemented properly and accepted spaces.

Something being an industry standard does not necessarily mean it’s good. Sometimes it just means it was the cheapest, or sometimes even just because it was used for so long. How long did it take for Torx to somewhat replace philips head screws despite being better in most cases?

I think date strings are made for human and machine readability. Similar to XML or JSON. So, why not improve systems so that we can have more human readable date strings? If you don’t care about human readability and want to make sure there is no confusion with spaces, you can just use epoch timestamps.

lolcatnip ,

But $(date) does return a string with spaces, at least on every system I’ve ever used. And what’s so bad about the possibility of spaces in filenames? They’re slightly inconvenient in a command line, but I haven’t used a commuter this century that didn’t support spaces in filenames.

rtxn ,

Bro, literally re-read the comment you replied to. It has an example of what might happen.

lolcatnip ,

Ok, I just reread it. I don’t see what you think I’m missing. You mean an improperly written find command misbehaving? The fact that a different date format could prevent a bug from manifesting doesn’t seem like much of an argument.

black0ut , avatar

Spaces can exist in filenames. The only problem is that they have to be escaped. As the comment that you reread explained, cat hello world.txt would print the files hello and world.txt. If you wanted to print the file “hello world.txt” you’d either need to quote it (cat “hello world.txt”) or escape the space (cat hello world.txt)

lolcatnip ,

Oh, the horror!

calcopiritus ,

Both arguments are surrounded by ", which should be space-safe.

At least in the shells I use, putting " makes spaces inside paths a non-issue.

rtxn ,

For the rsync command, yes. But this:

<span style="font-weight:bold;color:#a71d5d;">for</span><span style="color:#323232;"> d </span><span style="font-weight:bold;color:#a71d5d;">in </span><span style="color:#323232;">$(find . -type d)</span><span style="font-weight:bold;color:#a71d5d;">; do
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    </span><span style="color:#62a35c;">echo </span><span style="color:#183691;">"$</span><span style="color:#323232;">d</span><span style="color:#183691;">"
</span><span style="font-weight:bold;color:#a71d5d;">done

will process the space-separated parts of each path as separate items. I had to work around this issue just two days ago, it’s an obscure thing that not everyone will keep in mind.

Knusper ,

I’m not exactly fond of the space either, but man, the T is noisy. They could’ve gone with an underscore or something, so it actually looks like two different sections.

saltnotsugar , to lemmyshitpost in You may want to sit down

Scissor me timbers!

ininewcrow , avatar

Jonathan Livingston Fellacio!

LordKitsuna , to memes in Japan is on its own wavelength.
half_built_pyramids , to aboringdystopia in Imagine voting for someone that wants to get rid of the department of education.

How to loudly announce you’re part of the fasc in-group.

ShitOnABrick , avatar

He’s not facist. He’s libertarian two completely different modes of goverment one wants to disband the state the other wants complete and utter control and so wants to make the state into a one party state

Arcity , avatar

Then why does he want to ban abortions, change currency and oppose labor unions? Disband gubbermint my ass

driving_crooner , avatar

Milei: Denies the dictatorship where 30000 people disappeared hapens.

This guy: he’s not fascist.

half_built_pyramids ,


There’s this great thread in the Disco Elysium reddit from years ago. This guy posted and complained that all the family first nation first choices that were part of his morals were making him align with the fasc. Having to do the thumb up the ass salute. All that stuff.

You played disco? Try it out. See if you give it a thumbs up.

Shyfer ,

Can you find that thread? It sounds hilarious. I’ve tried to do some Google searching myself and I’ve fallen into a rabbit hole if old Disco Elysium reddit threads that have made me want to replay it, but I haven’t found that exact one.

irish_link , to memes in I wasn't in a hurry anyway

The heck you buy? 400lb weights?

GamesRevolution , avatar

Tungsten cube

FinalRemix ,

Those have free Prime shipping in my experience. Granted, I never ordered the 50-pounder.

son_named_bort ,

I need tungsten cube to live.


Taser ,
nova_ad_vitum ,

Bonus points for not easing the edges of the cube at all.

reddig33 , to aboringdystopia in Good question.

Meanwhile people are concerned that the post office isn’t turning a profit.

Dettweiler42 ,

Which has never made sense to me. It’s a government service. It’s not supposed to be profitable. It just needs to be affordable and reliable.

stringere ,

And yet they used to turn a profit. Until Republicans passed a law requiring them to prefund retirements for 75 years out with the USPS Fairness Act. Fairness Act, which imposes this burden on the USPS while no other federal agency (or private business) is required to prefund retirement benefits…quite fair.

BigDaddySlim , avatar

This has been revoked recently, we no longer are required to prefund the plan. One good thing DeJoy has actually done.

It hasn’t been beneficial in terms of us getting a raise or anything since there hasn’t been a contract with the NALC in almost 2 years now but I’m sure it shows in the now 66¢ cost of a stamp (price may be more by the time I press send on this message).

tigeruppercut ,

a law requiring them to prefund retirements for 75 years out with the USPS Fairness Act

If I’m reading this article (or this one) correctly the USPS Fairness Act was the thing that stopped the need to prefund retirements. The one you’re thinking of is apparently called the Postal Accountability and Enhancement Act.

11181514 ,

“People” aren’t. It’s regressives that are trying to disenfranchise mail in voters. Then they put a regressive in charge of the USPS who is trying to run it into the ground so they can be like “oh gosh look how bad it is!”

UnknownHandsome ,

Republicans want to privatize every public work. USPS isn’t supposed to turn a profit. It’s supposed to be a public good that is sold at cost so we all benefit. It used to be subsidized.

Republicans want to turn it into a new industry a la UPS, FedEx, etc, so it’d cost way more to send a letter. The love of money is the root of all evil. It’s also the root of the Republican party.

theluddite , avatar

For anyone interested in the history of that ideology and its consequences, Naomi Klein’s Shock Doctrine is great.

ButtDrugs , to pics in [OC] The USS Constitution, the oldest naval warship still afloat.

Fun fact about th USS Constitution, the US Navy maintains an entire white oak forest in Indiana just to use in the maintenance of this one ship.

Kingofthezyx ,

That actually is a very fun fact.

Madison420 ,

It’s also a trained forest, essentially using bonsai style techniques to form specific branch points and curves that are needed for specific timbers.…/planting-oak-trees-to-build-f…

smeg , to lemmyshitpost in The Sacred Hole

The children, they yearn for the mines

69420 ,

This is why children are called minors.

FartsWithAnAccent , to lemmyshitpost in She's Thawing! avatar

You know damn well this shit is starting in November

general_kitten ,

damn climate change

EvilEyedPanda ,

Thanks Obama!

Veedem , to lemmyshitpost in Hmmmmmm 🤔🤔🤔🤔 avatar

There was actually follow up tweets all about equal opportunity for women. It was a GREAT way to get people to slow down and read the rest.

Ryan213 , avatar

This screenshot is like reading just the headline and then commenting. Lol

ShitOnABrick OP , avatar

Most twitter users can only read the headline

Ryan213 , avatar

Pretty sure that applies to Reddit and oftentimes here too.

ShitOnABrick OP , avatar

Yeah true I was about to say lol the amount of people I’ve seen riled up over nothing or not having the proper context is insane especially on lemmy

aes ,


snooggums , avatar

Twitter's original design was a bunch of headlines.

ShitOnABrick OP , avatar

The guy they put in charge of social media marketing must of have been trolling tbh lol

watson387 , avatar

Genius, also. lol

ShitOnABrick OP , (edited ) avatar

Genius nono vile man this isn’t the right correct set of words he is a golden god A GOLDEN GOD and his rage is untethered and holds no bounds HE SHALL UNLEASH HIS FURY UPON YOU LIKE THE CRASHING OF A THOUSAND WAVES

sour , (edited ) avatar

is good clickbait

am accept

Catsrules , to memes in Sure it is

I am more stressed out about the construction of the building. Looks like a basket weaver decided to lay some bricks.

Jordan_U ,

Partially AI generated “photo”?

isildun ,

Definitely AI generated. Look at the bottom-right of the Confederate flag. It’s all messed up, classic generative AI “artifacting” for lack of a better word for it.

Edit: lower down in the thread the original was posted. This was upscaled (very poorly) by AI.

dugmeup ,

Good call!

AlexWIWA ,

I don’t think so. I saw this back some time before COVID.

This one may be generated by I’ve definitely seen a picture like this

SaltyIceteaMaker ,

This looks ai generated but im 99.9% certain that there is a real version of this picture

AlexWIWA ,

That’s what I think too. I’ve definitely seen this exact layout, but I think this either has a filter or some weird generation.

PersnickityPenguin ,

Wow it is ai


0x2d ,

Ai generated

TokyoMonsterTrucker , to memes in Much Better

Are you trying to give people hot Satanic nun fetishes? Because this is how you give people hot Satanic nun fetishes.

I’ll be in my bunk suffering from my new fetish. Thanks, asshole

Viking_Hippie ,

I was in a band called Satanic Nun Fetish. Surprisingly, we played bluegrass.

Feirdro ,

That tracks.

janus2 , avatar

do you have any recordings posted anywhere? i very much enjoy bluegrass

Viking_Hippie ,

Unfortunately not, as it’s a fictional band I just made up for a joke 🤷

Obi , avatar

My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.

Viking_Hippie ,

Aww I’m sorry! Would it help if I pointed out the fact that your hair looks great today?

Obi , avatar

Yes, yes it absolutely would thank you.

Viking_Hippie ,

No problem, haver of great hair!

Slow ,

If you like this kind of thing, I recommend the music video “Semargl - god is not love”.;t

Be careful nsfw.

Semi-Hemi-Demigod , to lemmyshitpost in Just sayin'... avatar

All these memes have happened before. And all of them will happen again.

Orbituary , avatar

That’s not AI?

Feirdro ,

Seems like it.

thisbenzingring ,
hark , avatar

Huh, the roarin’ 20s were really memey:

andthenthreemore , avatar

So say we all

WhiskyTangoFoxtrot ,

By your comm… I mean so say we all.

andthenthreemore , avatar

all along the watchtower starts to play

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