There have been multiple accounts created with the sole purpose of posting advertisement posts or replies containing unsolicited advertising.

Accounts which solely post advertisements, or persistently post them may be terminated.

UlyssesT , to memes in sToP pOsTiNg pOliTicAl mEmEs!!!

That smuglord in a recent thread that said “ doesn’t allow politics” certainly allows’s nonpolitical politics to ooze anywhere I can see a user address of origin. smuglord

Tankiedesantski ,

“I don’t have time to discuss politics, I’m too busy getting the master and slave drives to work together.”

UlyssesT ,

“That’s just technology. Technology is nonpolitical.” smuglord

Tankiedesantski ,

“Anyway, let me tell you about my next project: the Torment Nexus.”

UlyssesT ,

“If you don’t like the Torment Nexus, just don’t draw the ire of Immortal Cyberlord Bezos. Simple!” lord-bezos-amused

Omniraptor ,

I never got the complaints about that. It’s not inherently bad to have one thing exert complete control over another thing… the problem is when you start doing it to people

Tankiedesantski ,

I don’t think I’ve seen anyone with a problem with the computing concept itself, they have a problem with the unnecessarily unpleasant and offensive nomenclature. There’s lots of ways to express a leader/follower dynamic that’s intuitively understandable. Hell, call them Dom/Sub drives if you want to.

There’s just no good reason to invoke historical attrocity that’s still ongoing to describe a concept like this.

Omniraptor ,

Ok fair point and that is a really funny idea. But afaict dom/sub dynamics aren’t complete control and it would be pretty dangerous if they were

Platform27 , (edited ) to memes in appreciate it

What she didn’t see is me whispering in her mothers ear “I run Arch, by the way”. Then giving her a quick wink.

radioactiveradio ,

Ah, so that’s why she pissed herself.

uis , avatar

Arch for weak, compile Gentoo

flashgnash ,

Pssht imagine using an operating system and not simply manipulating the bits on your disk yourself

theneverfox , avatar

Pssh, imagine using a disk instead of a good memory and quick fingers

snowsuit2654 , to worldnews in US diplomacy at its finest avatar

Joey B himself isn’t updating his own Twitter page.

oldGregg ,


yogthos OP , (edited ) avatar

At this point I’d be surprised if Joe was capable of wiping his own ass without assistance.

edit: thanks for letting me know just how triggered y’all are 😂

RaincoatsGeorge ,

Buying into the bullshit I see. Great look my guy. Even if it were true (it’s not), you’re gonna have a real hard sell trying to prove that point when 3 years of Biden looks a whole hell of a lot less demented and more cohesive than 4 years of Trump.

One comes off as an old man who still has his faculties. The other comes off as a raving madman who can barely string a cohesive string of words together without everyone in the room struggling to figure out if he had a stroke or not.

While there’s a lot to be said about the elderly being in these extremely important political roles, I’ll take 8 years of Biden over one more second of Trump or any of the next 6 republican candidates combined.

To come to any other conclusion after everything we have seen is essentially an endorsement of madness and anti American propaganda perpetuated by internal traitors and external enemies. Full stop. No debate.

So in so many words, congratulations, you played yourself. And we are here to see it. That’s not embarrassing or anything.

yogthos OP , avatar

lol I don’t even live in your shithole country

RaincoatsGeorge ,

Does this somehow absolve you of a shit take? No it does not. Don’t get mad because you got called on it. Be mad at yourself for failing to think critically.

yogthos OP , avatar

The only shit take is your own. Biden is very obviously is not mentally suited to run a country, and the fact that your democratic party can’t find anybody more competent says volumes about how far the collapse of your empire has progressed. The only one getting made here is you while spewing a bunch of nonsense. Maybe try to take your own advice and try to think critically about what’s happening in the shithole you inhabit.

RaincoatsGeorge ,

Hey man nice try, you did your best.


Take a read through OPs post history. They and their identical alts are bought and paid for astroturfing accounts.

yogthos OP , avatar

you should really take your meds


Awwwh. You should be prouder of what you are. And if what you are is embarrassing to you, maybe you should not do those things? It’s not to late to give up the Rubles. They’re basically worthless anyway.

yogthos OP , avatar

Unlike the guy who thinks that everybody who disagrees with him is a paid shill, I have absolutely nothing to be embarrassed about. The fact that you don’t even realize how insane you sound is really just the cherry on top. The tradition of getting the dumbest takes possible coming out continues. 😂


Wait, you don’t get paid? You’re this much of a terminally online, lemmygrad schmuck, for free? That’s even sadder! 😂🤣😂. Ohmahgawd.

Edit: the mental picture of you furiously logging into your alts to downvote this thread, as if that means anything, is hilarious. Cope and seethe , little buddy.

yogthos OP , avatar

I’ve got nothing to cope and seethe about, nice projection though. Life is gonna get hard for you in the coming years, and I almost feel bad for you.


Lol. You’d have to leave your babushkas basement before you can try and make my life as shitty as yours. Astroturf all you want, and I know you will because it’s all you’ve got, but you’ll still be you. And I’ll still be me. And that’s a massive fucking “L” for you.

yogthos OP , avatar

I absolutely love how triggered you are. Happy seething and coping to you.

ATQ , (edited )

Haha. Now you’re just copying me. How sad. If you want to be an effective troll you have to actually find something that is true, original, or stings a little. But I’m more or less invincible to a spam bot like yourself. Because my life is your best case scenario and your life is my worst case. You could walk away from this conversation whenever you want, but your fragile ego won’t let you because your internet persona is all you have. Actually, I’ll show you how it’s done. Toodles, princess. Best of luck in your future astroturfing endeavors 😂🤣😂

yogthos OP , avatar

so much projection here, the fact that you reply with a word salad every time kinda gives away just how mad you are 😂

RaincoatsGeorge ,

Sounds about right.

yogthos OP , avatar

Watching y’all rage here when somebody points out that Biden is not mentally competent and the fact that it’s the best dems have to offer is the height of comedy. Your empire is collapsing and you bozos don’t even realize it. Life is gonna get so hard for you going forward. I’d almost feel bad for you if you weren’t so insufferable. You deserve everything that’s coming to you. Go ahead and downvote.

RaincoatsGeorge ,

There’s nothing you can do. Not only in regards to this encounter, in general.

yogthos OP , avatar

Can get popcorn and enjoy the fall of the dread empire.

zephyreks ,

His Twitter page speaks for the US government (@POTUS). This reflects poorly on the US, if nothing else.

aes ,

Dude if you’ve ever struggled getting your pants legs onto your legs this past month I don’t want to hear a fucking thing from you about some intern uploading DCIM_2938484.jpg instead of DCIM_2938483 as a pic for a post on a goddamn microblog site

yogthos OP , avatar

Yup, US is telling Vietnam that they care about the relationship so much that they just had some intern post random pics without anybody actually bothering to even check who’s in them.

zephyreks ,

So the US cares so little for it’s relationship with Vietnam that it can’t be bothered to find an intern they can put on their pants?

dojan , to memes in come on avatar

Eh, it honestly depends on what the climate protestors are doing. If they’re chaining themselves to people’s cars, painting aeroplanes with toxic paint (so the company has to use toxic chemicals to remove it), or glue themselves to the autobahn, then they’re honestly just making a mockery out of climate activism.

Moira who can’t get to work because some cunt chained themselves to her wheel isn’t going to become an ally when she gets scolded by her shitty boss for being late due to something she can’t control. She needs to pay her landlords mortgage and put food on the table for her kids. Her old car might not be the most environmentally friendly but it might be the only option she has.

Picket parliament. Organise big costly strikes. Build gillotines and kidnap the CEOs and investors of big oil. Or you know, do something productive, like show the impact a small pond and some wildflowers can make in a green desert, or maybe work to restore wetlands.

Most people do care, but don’t have the time or capacity to do shit about it. If you have the time and energy to fuck over Duncan on his way to his shitty second job so he can pay for his mortgage and his student loans, you have time to fuck over the people that have the power to help you actually make a change.

PipedLinkBot ,

Here is an alternative Piped link(s):

Piped is a privacy-respecting open-source alternative frontend to YouTube.

I’m open-source, check me out at GitHub.

GreenMario ,

The street gluers must be paid crisis actors (just like the GOP projects) to make climate activism seem like a bunch of crazy people.

UnfortunateShort ,

As far as the ones in Germany go, largely they don’t seem to be. They are really that stupid. Even when they try to target the right people they fuck it up. It is fun to watch however. Some hilarious stories and little to no success have come out of it.

dojan , avatar

This low-key what I believe honestly.

kameecoding ,…/getty-oil-heiress-funds-cli…

The granddaughter of the oil tycoon J. Paul Getty has donated millions to support activist groups like Extinction Rebellion and Just Stop Oil

I mean she claims to be taking action against climate change, but I don’t know, smells fishy

SquareBear ,

Gotta get those sweet tax write-offs

marcos ,

I’ve spent enough time around wannabe revolutionaries to think most of those people are honest and really believe impeding some poor people from going to work will help make the masses adopt their cause.

It does help their belief system that they and most of the people around them were convinced by some asshole doing something similar.

GreenMario ,

They’re are always some true believers. Flat Earth used to be trolls until the OGs got bored and moved on leaving only the believers behind.

The best astroturf is the one that starts growing on its own.

RIP_Cheems , avatar

I’m sorry, how are they getting their hands on toxic paint? Are are they making it themselves? If it’s the later then they have really just undone the entire of their “point”.

iByteABit ,

Eh, lynching the big suits in the oil industry is fine by me.

Make them scared to leave their homes if they want to sacrifice everything for their own profits.

The way things are going, there will come a day when we regret we didn’t become violent against them while there was still time to stop climate change.

paperemail , to memes in Defediverse
Viking_Hippie ,

Excellent! It’s exactly what the Dem leadership does 85% of the time (10% starting off just as awful as the GOP and 5% of the time actually holding firm on the only just course of action)!

peopleproblems , to memes in Another Starfield Post

you guys really think it’s boring? :/

scrubbles , avatar

At this point I don’t trust anyone. Reviewers obviously paid off to give positive reviews, but then just as annoying is all the pure anti Bethesda hate here. I don’t trust anyone to separate their Bethesda love/hate from the review of the actual game.

I think there was one review that was like “it’s a sci Fi Skyrim in space” and that sounds like it’ll be the most accurate.

Viking_Hippie ,

“it’s a sci Fi Skyrim in space”

Tbh, that DOES sound pretty great IMO 🤷

Username02 ,

What is Skyrim but a shadow of Oblivion, which is only a shadow to Morrowind? Hard pass if it’s anything like Skyrim. Stupid puzzles, stupid quests, stupid lore. They treat you like a kindergartener, and you guys like it. 🤷

stufkes ,

Accurate summary. But I still think that Skyrim is fun, in a different way. But yeah I wish they’d go back to the actual rpg of the Elder Scrolls.

barooboodoo ,

Why don’t you just post your IQ and get it over with 🤷‍♂️

adj16 ,


Absolutemehperson ,

And that user’s name? Albert Einstein.

PalmTreeIsBestTree ,

That’s all I really wanted from this game. I like the fact the environments are actually different looking instead of Wasteland Fallout or Fantasy Skyrim.

MtDewaholic ,

For me this is the first Bethesda game I’ve played (other than a few hours of Skyrim but I didn’t get far), and I’ve been enjoying it quite a bit. It’s not a perfect game, probably not even my game of the year, but I’ve been finding myself wanting to play it over all of the other games currently in my backlog.

I really don’t see what the hate is about, Bethesda promised space Skyrim, and that’s basically what we got.

GreenMario ,

sci Fi Skyrim

Shit bro that’s all you gotta say.

I’m a basic bitch like that I like my Bethesda kiddie pools.

dlpkl ,

Buy it and return it after 2hrs if it’s not your style. Or you can pirate it and pay them if you feel like it lol.

Kujo ,

Yea I felt the same way and spent the $30 bucks on Xbox to play it early. I really think this game is a huge “Your mileage may vary”.

If you have a PC I would look into a gamepass trial or something to try it out before buying it. Or like someone said buying it on steam and then refunding if it’s not your thing.

I didn’t have super high expectations but honestly it’s really solid and it does have its flaws that are sometimes in your face, but I’ve had a lot of highs so far when playing too. If you’ve played a Bethesda game before, you can expect what you’re getting into.

scrubbles , avatar

I’ve found if you have a good attitude going into things you’ll generally feel better about them. Going in expecting it to be shit, and all you’ll find is shit.

CaptainEffort ,

The one time ign was actually on top of it, and people mass disliked the video. That 7 was deserved.

googlrr , (edited )

People are weird when it comes to Bethesda. If you like Bethesda games, you’ll probably like this one. I haven’t gotten to play myself yet but watching friends who have it it looks fun. Does it look 10/10 GOTY? Not really. But it looks full* of fun stuff.

I think in some way all Bethesda games can feel ‘boring’, but kinda in a good way? Like sometimes you’re just wandering a city with no real goal. It isn’t thrilling or adrenaline pumping, but it’s cool and immersive. Some people find that kind of slower pace boring. I think it’s cool. Not everything gotta be full throttle all the time.


CryptoRoberto ,

I think they’ve been putting out very similar games since like fallout 3. If that’s what you are looking for, it’s fun. People for some reason seem to put unrealistic expectations on things. I assume this game is just improved graphics fallout 3 in space. Which isn’t a bad thing, but if you expect a revolutionary game you are in for disappointment.

SimplyATable ,

That’s about what I was expecting, glad to hear it’s mostly true. I’ll be able to play it in a couple days

PolarisFx , avatar

Some of my friends played and immediately hated it and brought up comparisons to newer games, but this isn’t the new Unreal engine, this is the same Creation Engine they’ve been using for 11 years, which is based on the 26yr old gamebryo engine.

Personally as someone who loves Bethesda games, and who understands the limitations of the engine, I am thoroughly enjoying myself, will it beat bg3 for goty? Unlikely, but it’s still fun

PalmTreeIsBestTree ,

At some point they gotta ditch the Creation engine and make a new one from scratch. The reason Halo Infinite ended up being a turd was because of its engine.

PolarisFx , avatar

TES6 is confirmed to be using Creation Engine as well… That’s like 4 or 5 years down the line. Think of that

mind ,


  • Loading...
  • googlrr ,

    LOL yeah i missed that one. Not even really a huge fan I just try to temper expectations goin in

    _jonatan_ ,

    How could they? They haven’t played it.

    Mr_Buscemi , avatar

    This is sadly the first Bethesda game that hasn’t held my attention. The moment I had to deal with that space combat tutorial I knew I would never want to fight in space again for how boring it felt rotating in circles to keep hitting the same button to fire locked on attacks. Nothing about that felt fun or enjoyable and then trying to fast travel and having to go through the menus was worse.

    Then when i got to the first area after the prologue I kept getting my AI robot companion running into as I tried exploring. I lost count of the number of times I tried looking in corners of small rooms only for Vasco run straight up to me and push me into a corner I have to spend 1 minutes trying to jump over.

    Finally New Atlantis made me ask for a refund from how horrible the map system was. Trying to explore the large place was tedious and just such a step back from all Bethesda’s previous work with making the maps detailed for you to see where stuff was. Here I was just using the mission waypoints and ignoring everything else.

    I had fun at the beginning but there are just many things that caused me sway my opinion into not wanting to play it again. Hopefully I can get the $32 refund for the premium shit since I don’t think I’ll be sticking around for the DLC.

    totallymojo , avatar

    I played 10hrs on Steam then refunded.
    I was expecting a 2023 game with 12 years of development and 6 months delay for polish.
    I got Fallout 4 (2015) with scifi-skin.

    The thing that pissed me off the most:
    It’s not as open and “huge scale” as people seem to think it is. It’s kind of “fake open” if that makes sense. You cannot get into your ship and fly 800m east to your mission. If you do that, a new instance is loaded and your mission is not there. You have to run that 800m.

    Xylight , (edited ) avatar

    How do you refund after 10 hours? You get 2 hours max i thought

    hangonasecond ,

    Steam can refuse a refund after that time, but they are usually incredibly flexible because a) they want to keep customers on Steam and b) many jurisdictions have much firmer and consumer favoured laws around product refunds, Australia for example is a large reason for Steams current refund policy in the first place.

    Seraphin , avatar

    imo refunding after 10 hours is not the right thing to do, and could undermine the whole refund system if it becomes a common thing people do.

    The original idea for allowing refunds for digital games (or anything, really) is if you get a broken or defective product. If the game won’t launch, or it’s a buggy unplayable mess, or not what was advertised (and I’m talking blatant false advertising, not some vague speculative comments) you get a refund. If you simply don’t like the game, then you need to own it that you made a bad purchase and move on. It happens.

    This is why it’s important to wait for reviews and actual gameplay on YouTube/Twitch first, so you have a much better understanding of what you’re getting. Hell, this why YTers/streamers get free codes on release, so their audience will see the game and want to go buy it.

    It’s been said a million times over but I guess it needs saying again: STOP 👏 PRE-ORDERING 👏 VIDEO 👏 GAMES

    hangonasecond ,

    I agree with your points around not preordering, or waiting for reviews etc. However, I disagree with you that refunding after 10 hours isn’t the right thing to do for a few reasons.

    First, the size of the game in question. For a short, 10-20 hour story driven game, a refund beyond 2 hours is ridiculous. For a large, open role playing game, where somebody spent 120 AUD expecting to get 50-100+ hours of gameplay, 10 hours is perfectly reasonable if you’re really not enjoying the product. If I can send back a meal at a restaurant that I’ve had (relatively speaking) two bites of, I should be able to refund a game the same way.

    Second, again speaking for Australia as a jurisdiction, is the behaviour of brick and mortar stores. I can purchase a physical copy of a game, play it non-stop for two weeks, and get a refund. They have no way to know I finished it three times, but strong consumer protection laws enable me to game the system like this. I agree that it’s the wrong thing to do, but Steam is aware of the fact that the same consumer protection laws apply to them. While they have enough information to stop people from outright gaming the system, Steam needs to balance that against driving people to other storefronts or back to physical retailers.

    Finally, your premise that people can’t reserve the right to get a refund just because they don’t like something. I would agree with this, if game demos were still a wide practise. I can’t get a change of mind refund on a shirt I buy in a physical store most of the time, but I can try the shirt on in the store to see how it looks on me. I can get a change of mind refund on most shirts I buy online, because I have no idea how it’s going to look. Yes, you can wait for reviews and watch gameplay, but it’s always different when you actually play the game. At the end of the day, it still comes down to “I thought this game would be X but it’s actually Y”.

    A firm, inflexible refund policy in my mind achieves the opposite of what you are looking for. If people can never get a refund because a game simply isn’t what they thought, what barrier is their to a mildly successful company ridiculously overpromising, securing the bag, and disappearing into obscurity? If everyone buys the game on Steam and can’t get their money back, the company has won in the short term. If 50% of preorders get refunded, the company has just lost all of that money.

    UnverifiedAPK ,

    2 hours max for a guaranteed refund, anything else (within 2 weeks) needs to be approved by a human to make sure you’re not just beating the game and returning it after.

    totallymojo , avatar

    Steam are usually nicer with games that is not officially released yet.

    liquidparasyte ,

    Oh that’s gonna suuuuuuuck for me

    I am the person who will cheese distance running in NMS by triangulating an objective and summoning my ship to it, and Starfield apparently says “lol nope motherfucker you’re walking”

    abbotsbury , avatar

    Bethesda hasn’t really changed their formula, so if you’ve played Skyrim or Fallout 4 you quickly fall into the ‘quest marker->dungeon->vendor->crafting’ loop and the game stops being stimulating

    iheartneopets ,

    Except you’ve left out a huge bullet point from that loop that has always kept me enjoying their games: quest marker->EXPLORATION->dungeon->vendor->crafting.

    The procedural generation of this game immediately told me I wouldn’t enjoy it (even though I hoped they knew what they were doing), because walking around Bethesda worlds has always been one of the best parts of the exoerience, and they went and optimized it out so that it’s mostly a series of menus. And damn if that’s not been their game design strategy for the past decade-plus—‘optimize’ out all the fun parts, make the game as simplified as possible, even if it means cutting out core features fans love.

    bandario , (edited ) avatar

    It really is. At first I was excited about the apparent scale, but the way they’ve hashed it all together all it does is make you jump through a bunch of janky menus and poorly done travel sequences to get to your next carbon-copy action sequence. Combine that with forcing you into a walking simulator when you COULD just use your god damn space ship and it’s just boring and procedural.

    I can see some people really getting into it: the grind to gather resources and build bases etc but really it’s nothing new and if you don’t get off on this kind of mindless gameplay then you are going to be disappointed. Just raid, pick up a bunch of random junk, sell it, build shit. God, how many times have we got to play the same game in a different setting?

    I will say that they have dramatically improved gunplay compared to past titles. Like REMARKABLY, and I found the graphics to be pretty decent but if you want to play with everything on ultra and no resolution scaling, you’d better have a supercomputer. Indoor fights are difficult to lose even in the very early game, but trying to raid abandoned space bases etc will put you in a situation where the AI has got a bead on you from 4 or 5 different angles at once. Top, mid and bottom levels, incoming fire from enough places that you simply can’t find cover - the way that you win is by not attempting to take these bases until you have sufficiently upgraded your HP and shields. Literally you are corralled down the story path through sheer necessity until you get to the point you can just jetpack to each enemy whilst taking fire and take them out without too much worry.

    EDIT: Another bit of playtime.

    Imagine if they left you free to use your ship as you see fit? Crew it with NPC’s, upgrade the firepower and put in a few manned turrets. Maybe let you play with friends and form a pirate crew? You know, the way that battlefield has allowed for this sort of open world vehicular co-op for the last what, 13 years? Once you got good at flight maneuvers you’d be just about unstoppable low flight altitude and it would be fun as hell.

    Alas, the ship is nothing more than a teleporter with some janky, repetitive space combat out the front window. What a missed opportunity.

    jdeath ,

    are you playing on PC? I’m on xbox and the shooting feels harder and less natural than it did in FO76 or 4. I wonder if they optimized it for PC more than xbox

    Kujo ,

    I’m on Xbox and enjoying the shooting far more than any fallout. My favorite part of the game so far is the combat I think

    jdeath ,

    huh, maybe it’s just me then. i’ll give it some more time, only about 4 hours in the game so far.

    bandario , avatar

    Yeah playing on PC. It’s certainly not the best combat ever but it is worlds better than any previous Bethesda title save possibly for their involvement with RAGE, but I think that was more of a publishing deal and the gunplay was all ID software.

    I can’t comment on using a gamepad, it has always felt like writing left-handed to me.

    XanXic ,

    Really dial in the sensitivity I’d say. It took me like legit cranking it up and then adjusting down by 2% at a time to find a sweet spot. But it’s definitely much more responsive and tighter than any other Fallout-esque game they’ve done. Those always felt mushy.

    I’ll say too it’s probably that the games aim assist is very light. Like almost hardly there. For a single player offline game it could use a small increase. Like I’m still able to head shot dudes but it’s noticeable, and combined with muscle memory for similar games, having hardly any ‘magnetism’ is an adjustment. I keep meaning to look if there’s a slider in the settings.

    jdeath ,

    ok thanks for the tip! i’ll give that a try. i think i got too used to the mushy shooting in fallout and compensated by using a lot of left stick (moving) to handle the finer aiming. so it’s just not what i got used to haha

    Jdreben , to memes in I don't get it avatar


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  • PipedLinkBot ,

    Here is an alternative Piped link(s):

    Piped is a privacy-respecting open-source alternative frontend to YouTube.

    I’m open-source, check me out at GitHub.

    saltnotsugar ,

    I watch this lecture at least once a week.

    u202307011927 , avatar

    On a voluntary basis?

    bigkahuna1986 ,

    You’re doing God’s work son.

    Shortstack ,

    Nice try.

    If I see XcQ, the link stays blue.

    FleetingTit ,

    Just a tip: the ?si= part of the url is believed to be a tracking token. You can remove it without breaking the link. ?si=hyv2h-IgUcNHrExq

    PipedLinkBot ,

    Here is an alternative Piped link(s):

    Piped is a privacy-respecting open-source alternative frontend to YouTube.

    I’m open-source, check me out at GitHub.

    JackbyDev , to piracy in Pirate Pro

    Pirate? No, no… A privateer!

    Skies5394 ,

    Can’t see that word and not think of Barrett’s Privateers

    PipedLinkBot ,

    Here is an alternative Piped link(s):

    Piped is a privacy-respecting open-source alternative frontend to YouTube.

    I’m open-source, check me out at GitHub.

    Nationalgoatism ,

    I love that song, too lol

    c0mbatbag3l , to mildlyinfuriating in The Spotify Car Thing cost $100, but I can't use it anymore. avatar

    Wait, so let me get this straight.

    You purchased a device that presumably has no local storage and are upset that it needs you to login to a server that can then stream you the music?

    Or is this an issue of not having a paid account?

    I guess Spotify didn’t realize someone who didn’t pay for Spotify would be likely to pay 100 bucks for a device to stream Spotify, and in most cases I’d say they’re probably right.

    sparr ,

    upset that it needs you to login to a specific server before it will let you stream music from other unrelated servers


    A7thStone ,

    Must be nice to be privileged

    c0mbatbag3l , avatar

    If you can drop 100 bucks on a random bullshit device instead of just using your phone or something then you’re the privileged one.

    Reduce and reuse was just a way of life for some of us.

    Plus it was on the marketing, not much to be done there unless you just can’t read.

    chuckd ,

    I pay for a family account, but apparently that’s not the same as a premium account. I’d have the same problem using this device without having to upgrade my Spotify account.

    dyerat ,

    family accounts work with it

    chuckd ,

    Oh good to know. I’ve received the premium gripe on other features so I figured this would be the same.

    RQG , to memes in Wealth shown to scale avatar

    Now This is Doom Scrolling.

    nyakojiru , to memes in As an owner of children, I approve this message avatar

    Seems that everyone forgets they were kids once . I mean, we were not born adults and intolerant, right?..

    Fjaeger ,

    Tbh, I don’t have a single memory from when I was an infant.

    Chariotwheel ,

    Most babies are born crying and yelling for a manager, they're just bad at forming sentences.

    Anamana ,

    That’s so true lol

    crossal , avatar

    Is it a Sync problem or a Lemmy problem that comments seem to be in wrong threads? 🤔

    minikieff ,

    Fine in Jerboa.

    RealEarthHuman ,

    That’s irrelevant. Yes, we were all kids once. That doesn’t make children any less annoying to travel with.

    dopeshark , avatar

    I used to think that way until I had my own baby. I understand the parents a lot more now. We don’t bring our babies in flights/places to annoy anyone (some parents might do it, Idk :v). It’s a complicated situation where we want to stay with our loved ones and at the same time don’t be yelled by strangers who can’t handle baby noises, trust us, we try to calm them down, if we could, babies wouldn’t annoy so much, but they kinda have a mind of it’s own 🙂 (stubbornness at its peak) I don’t expect anything to change, specially in the terms lf having patience with strangers, but… idk :v

    r00ty Admin ,
    r00ty avatar

    I think perhaps you misunderstand. Most people don't think parents bring their kids along to deliberately disrupt travel. At least, I certainly hope that's not what people think.

    But, intent is irrelevant. It doesn't stop it being annoying for some/many people.

    As for the picture here. I suspect the reason more people are looking this way than usual. It looks to be a business class cabin. I know many people book business class because it more likely puts you at some distance from the noisier cabins. This looks like they probably have a dedicated business class boarding door. So they likely realise they're coming to sit in the same cabin.

    If you book in economy, you're used to and expect it more, I think.

    dopeshark , avatar

    The main point here was: parents wants their children to be quiet as much as strangers do

    r00ty Admin ,
    r00ty avatar

    Yes, and I'm agreeing with you. But the animosity is a general illogical (but human) thinking of "Why did you bring them on MY flight?"

    Like I say, when people reflect, they're not angry at the people, they're angry at the situation they're in. At least, I hope that's what normal people are doing.

    riceandbeans161 ,

    just stay home then

    you chose to have children, in this day and age where all they’ll ever know is suffering and pain

    so don’t make everyone else’s life worse because you just had to creampie someone.

    Blank ,

    Believe it or not, we’re not all despondent nihilists, hell bent on self fulfilling prophecies of negligent apocalypse incapable of empathy and compassion for those who still gently carry that same flame that brought us all here, not yet lulled like so many into a dark shroud of self doubt and loathing by gluttonous corporations who grow fat on the grief and despair of those who are content to take what is given and slip through life soundless and meak, refusing to create change, however individual, however small, so sure that three hundred thousand years of humanity is unquestionably doomed to the darkness you choose to wallow in.

    Some of us want to fight and we love our kids (and yours) and this world, and yes, we even love you nihilists, and we’ll fight for you too.

    pulsereaction ,

    I’m one of those nihilists but it doesn’t mean I’m apathetic, it just means I’d rather help other people survive this shit than add another number to the count.

    Also damn, are you the reincarnation of Hemingway or something? here I am checking out lemmy and you wrote a full on award winning post.

    ArcticLynx ,

    and we’ll fight for you too.

    how will you fight for nihilists?

    RoquetteQueen ,

    Or like, you could stay home if normal things that happen in public bother you so much.

    ArcticLynx ,

    here’s a solution:

    don’t take planes for a few years until the child doesn’t cry for no reason anymore

    Anamana ,

    And you think you didn’t annoy the fuck out of your own parents when you were one?

    3TH4Li4 , (edited ) avatar

    That’s irrelevant. Yes, we were all kids once. That doesn’t make children any less annoying to travel with. Source: RealEarthHuman

    Anamana , (edited )

    Huh? Maybe you should reread my comment

    Edit: I love it when people just downvote without providing context

    Xariphon ,

    One of the best things about moving here from the bad place was how their senseless, rabid hatred of young people didn't carry over. It's heartbreaking to see sentiments like this starting to spread.

    GreenMario ,

    Come on. It’s not that bad. Plus “maybe don’t take babies on plane trips” doesn’t equal “kill all babies” or “fuck Dem kids”. There are many subtle levels.

    bermuda ,

    I definitely recommend revisiting this post about 12 hrs later. It’s kind of wild in here. Saw a comment with 19 upvotes referring to children as “cum pets.”

    Xariphon ,

    I don't think I could bear it. Activism for the rights and freedoms of young people has been such a big part of my life for such a long time that that kind of anti-child attitude burns my soul.

    toxicbubble ,

    yes but they chose to have children

    Enigma ,

    Not anymore in some states.

    mnemonicmonkeys ,

    Except people don’t hate the babies for screaming on the plane. They blame the parents for bringing them on the plane.

    Honytawk ,

    I was never a kid on a plane, because I don’t have bad parents.

    oregoncom , avatar

    I’m sorry your family was too broke to ever leave whatever shithole you come from. If your parents were good at your job you wouldn’t be threatening to hurt children.

    peetabix , to lemmyshitpost in My favourite piece of Internet history avatar

    I think Bobson Dugnutt is my favourite.

    ArrrborDAY ,

    It is an awesome name

    Nioxic , to memes in Abe-sama gives advice

    How would they have time? They all work 15 hours per day

    Mothra , avatar

    Hmm maybe during the commute?

    Roundcat , avatar

    I mean that's when some get frisky.

    ICastFist , avatar

    According to some, ahem, totally legit drawn stories I’ve read, they do that a lot in trains

    NoneOfUrBusiness ,

    Okay what? Isn't the average workweek length in Japan only slightly longer than in the West?

    red ,

    The official work hours, sure. All the unpaid, unreported overtime they have to do, nope.

    Addfwyn ,

    Technically the work week is the same, not factoring in commutes. Folks who work in Tokyo often live in neighboring cities like Saitama and commute in.

    There’s typically a lot of unpaid overtime though. There is the concept of “black companies” that force employees to work up to 100 hours a week. To some degree the government has been trying to crack down on it, and has met with some success, especially with the bigger international. My company is the Japanese branch of a US company, so we are a little better than most, but some of that still happens. I probably work about 45-50 hours a week on the clock on average, plus maybe 2-3 off the clock. I don’t live or work in Tokyo anymore, so my commute is fairly insignificant.

    Thankfully the “you have to go out drinking with all of your coworkers after work” thing has mostly fallen by the wayside. Those events still happen, but it is way more acceptable to just…not go.

    Source: I have worked in Japan my entire adult life

    ch1cken , (edited ) to reddit in Just deleted my reddit account, along with all my posts and comments.


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  • quixotic120 ,

    This also has the benefit of (eventually) changing your comments in the number of archives of Reddit that exist…/1JSYY0HbudmYYjnZaAMgf2y_GDFgHzZ… and this is the form to remove your data from pushshifts archive

    HumbertTetere ,

    I would experience negative emotions about Lemmy/k in if I found a reddit thread describing my problem and the lauded solution was changed to say the user moved there. It would not make me want to switch.

    MiddleWeigh , to cat in What are you looking at? avatar

    One time I thought I was gonna have a seizure, I layed down and curled up saying fml, and my cat came running from the other room and layed on my chest. No seizure. love you buddy, my familiar.

    MisterChief ,

    Good kitty.

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