There have been multiple accounts created with the sole purpose of posting advertisement posts or replies containing unsolicited advertising.

Accounts which solely post advertisements, or persistently post them may be terminated.

Badabinski , to memes in Gotta get it right

I hate righty-tighty lefty-loosy. Depending on whether you're looking at the top or bottom of the screw, you can see movement to the right or the left. I hate whoever came up with it, and I wish I had been taught the right hand method. It works exactly the same as the electromagnetic right hand rule:
an example of the right hand rule as it relates to a screw thread

Basically, you take your right hand, stick your thumb out, and curl your fingers like you're grabbing a broom handle. Point your thumb in the direction you want the screw to move to. Want to screw something in? Point your thumb towards the thing. Want to unscrew? Point your thumb away from the object the screw is currently in. Then, just look at the way your fingers are pointing! If it helps, squeeze your fingers into a fist and see which way they move. Alternatively, bend your wrist in, and observe which way your fingers are moving. Works every time.

It sounds complicated, but there are plenty of people who are unable to intuitively differentiate from right and left the way they can differentiate up and down. I am one of those people. Thanks to this method, I've been able to develop the muscle memory/intuition to know which way to turn a screw.

It's important to note that this only works for screws that are "right hand threaded." If the screw is only getting tighter when you're using this method, then it's likely reverse threaded, or left hand threaded. If that's the case, just use your left hand instead of your right hand.

blanketswithsmallpox ,

… Neat.

Alas, most people know which way is left or right. In reality it’s more clockwise vs counterclockwise. A good friend of mine needed that hold their left hand up and make an L to remember. Doing it with your right makes a J. Unless you somehow associate Left with Jeft in which case you probably pronounce gif wrong too.

Whichever works for you is great. It doesn’t mean mean everyone is ND or has a learning disability.

WalrusDragonOnABike ,

Clockwise/counterclockwise still depends on which way you are looking at it. Sometimes you have to unscrew things from the other side.

Jivebunny , to piracy in I finally uploaded a whole terabyte in a single session. I'm a super seeder! avatar

All I see is a fellow ISO 8601 enjoyer (for dates). Edit: sadly not for time. Filthy AM/PM enjoyer 😅

TheImpressiveX OP , avatar

It always made sense to me, because when you create folders for your backups, it will always get sorted chronologically.

Jivebunny , avatar

Yes, that and for most databases as well, easy sorting shit no extra rules or frameworks to make it make sense to the computer.

cmat273 , to piracy in "Piracy is a service issue.." (Image is a real story btw, link in post)

If I could easily do this on my desktop/laptop I legitimately might stop pirating media. I would also stop if the streaming companies just let me watch full quality and didn’t take away what I purchased because the rights holder decided they want you to buy it again on another platform.

whofearsthenight ,

I don’t mind much paying for streaming (although that’s increasingly more and more annoying and I still tend to just download whatever I actually care about) but until and unless I can pay to “own” a movie and they just provide me with a DRM free video file of some sort, I will never “purchase” digital content like this.

If you tried this kind of bullshit in just about any other context, even normal people would think you’re crazy.

Normal Person: “hi there, one blender please. I’ll take this one for $25.”
Sales person: “Cool here’s your receipt.”
NP:: “It says here at the bottom of the receipt that you can just come in my house and take this blender back whenever you want or maybe never?”
SP: “yep.”
NP:: “And you don’t tell people that ahead of time?”
SP: “no when you buy it you agree to that by opening the box and it is on the receipt you get after you bought it.”
NP: “you fuckin with me rn?”
SP: “afraid not, and would you look at that corp says I need that blender back, thanks.”
SP: “oh, shoot. I see here you also bought a toaster from EvilCorp sold in one of our EvilMart locations a couple years ago, we’ve decided to license that brand instead to our new partners FukUMart, so we’ll be taking that toaster but if you want you can head to your local FukUMart and buy that toaster again for more than you paid the first time.”
NP: spontaneously combusts

Redcedar ,

Anyone who has worked in retail will tell you this is absolutely, concretely, and vehemently something corporate would expect their employees to actually say to customers, so don’t go giving them any ideas…


Digital goods in the 20s be like

renzev ,

“If buying it isn’t owning it, that means pirating it isn’t stealing it”

RavenFellBlade , to memes in poor Dean avatar

King is my favorite author, hands down, but I don’t understand why so many people seem to look down at Koontz. If we’re really being honest, Koontz would be much more well regarded if it weren’t for the fact that he’s so frequently directly compared to King, and Stephen King is a one-of-a-kind, once in a lifetime literary master. Absent the comparison to King, the bulk of Koontz’s work holds up quite well. It’s entertaining writing with relatable characters that are easy for become invested in. Hell, some of his ideas were not only terrifyingly imaginative, they were also oddly accurate predictions of the future. Demon Seed is uniquely chilling in that it was almost comically over the top with its seemingly ridiculous technology that has since very much become a reality.

I would also argue that Koontz has had a few film adaptations that ended up better than the King adaptations of their time. Phantoms, Watchers, Servants of Twilight, Whispers, Intensity, and Mr. Murder were all pretty great.

Koontz has a great track record. He simply suffers from living in the shadow of a modern day colossus like King. Absent the comparison, I feel Koontz would be much more favorably viewed.

DokPsy ,

I see your point but I counter with Neil Gaiman.

RavenFellBlade , avatar

Love him, too. Currently watching Good Omens and loving every moment.

rtxn , to programmer_humor in what the hell is happening in ultramarine linux

Right now I’m listening to Adeptus Ridiculous (W40k lore podcast) and the image of giant cat-eared Ultramarines won’t leave my fucking mind

Malix , avatar

Yes, Inquisitor, that user right there.

Nunya , to asklemmy in What Are Your Favorite FOSS Android Apps?

Great lists so far. I’ll add one that I picked up from a previous thread:


URLCheck acts as an amazingly customizable and powerful intermediary when opening url links, allowing, among other things: to remove trackers, affiliate links, unnecessary elements, check Hosts, facilitating link holding and sharing, protecting against certain phishing techniques and many more…

stepanzak ,

URLCheck is a life changer!

frogmint ,

URLcheck has been amazing for me, great for tracking links in apps like Slickdeals (non-FOSS) to skip the tracker especially if you block it on a DNS level

wiki_me , to linux in Is Ubuntu deserving the hate?

It’s pitched as a open source operation system, yet the snap store is closed source and vendor locked, one of the reasons some of us use Liniux is because we prefer open source (and there are rational justifications for that).

Hate is a strong word, but there is legitimate criticism, I also think the closed source nature of snap led to the fact that it has no volunteers and that eventually caused malware to appear on the snap store multiple time, it never happened on flathub as far as i know.

Today for beginner i think opensuse and linux mint are better.

Regarding debian having old packages , i use nix but it is fairly immature, flathub should also work.

FinalRemix , to memes in Cause friendships never end!

Would that it were that easy to matter as member of the “voting public”.

GiveMemes ,

Imagine thinking that sitting on your ass commenting on lemmy is gonna make you matter.

Try going door to door convincing people or something or just stop fucking complaining all the time holy shit.

I love this site. I love the political landscape of it for the most part, but seeing all of this bullshit is starting to get to me bc I know people just like this. People that listen to rage against the machine and say death to all nations but have never done charity work in their life, nor tried to actually push the political agenda they believe in in a meaningful way (commenting online and consuming socialist media doesn’t count, sowwy.)

Frankly, it’s pitiful.

TimeSquirrel , (edited ) avatar

I spend dozens and dozens of unpaid hours a month in my free time developing open source hardware and software and give the schematics away for free. That dedicated enough for you? You have no idea what goes on in the personal lives of each and every member of a forum, and you're painting us all with a broad brush right now.

I encourage others to reply to this comment on what it is they contribute to their cause. Because I'd be interested to hear that. On the Internet, we're just words on a screen that are easily categorized onto groups of people. But people are individuals, everybody has a story.

GiveMemes ,

Guess somebody feels a little called out :(((

TimeSquirrel , avatar

So what do you do?

wafflez ,

They pick their nose and cry when they hear their farts

MrVilliam ,

After a very brief skim of a few comments, they seem to do a lot of whinging on Lemmy and it’s been about as popular as you might expect. I’m assuming they work at a movie theater because they appear to be a real projection artist.

erev , avatar

well deserved L ratio

Facebones ,

I live within my means, avoiding the capitalist loop/profit printer of debt. I donate to a number of local charities working to feed, clothe, and house those in need. I volunteer my labor occasionally to various organizations. I advocate against car centric infrastructure and improved public transit in my local government. I offer free tech repairs to people, and if I have a needed part laying around I just provide it free. Before my car died I participated in a service to give people rides to the store or wherever.

No, I’m not changing the world, but I’m living my life in a sustainable way that I feel serves others and I find that fulfilling.

ssboomman ,

Hey! Another open source developer. What are some things you’ve been working on?

TimeSquirrel , avatar

I have a completed project up on my Tindie page in my profile, it's an ESP32 based input/output control board powered by PoE that was designed for ESPHome software.

Lately I've been working on a fully featured modern MP3 player with tiny OLED screen and a PCB the size of a credit card. I've been frustrated with every project on the web that has anything to do with playing MP3s, they all kinda suck and most don't go beyond the "hello world" equivalent of playing an MP3 file. So I'm making sort of a "core" base firmware that will include all the basics, like browsing for a file to play, creating/editing playlists, non-blocking interrupt driven playback, internet streaming, and an alarm clock. Others would then be able to extend the functionally of this core system by just directly using its documented libraries and classes. It's all based around an ESP8266 and the VS1053 decoder chip.

MrVilliam ,

As a layman, I don’t understand most of what you just said but it sounds like it’s a small, cheap, elegant mp3 player for the modern time and that’s surprisingly exciting. As enshittification spreads more and more, I wouldn’t be surprised to see an upcoming exodus from music streaming subscription platforms and a return to a napster-like boom of music piracy as we collectively realize that we really only like listening to like 200 songs anymore anyway, and storage is absurdly cheap compared to 20ish years ago.

What is the best pitch for why somebody should use your device over the phones most of us have within reach? My hunch is that it’s related to privacy or maybe for kids whose parents won’t let them have a phone? Or is this purely a personal project that you’re not looking to monetize?

TimeSquirrel , avatar

It's just something for people to tinker with and modify if they wish, and learn from. Kinda like Arduino microcontroller kits. My goal isn't to produce the next iPod. My goal is to open up the iPod and let anyone build one.

MrVilliam ,

That’s really cool! My knowledge and experience only goes about as far as building a desktop PC. I’m playing with duplo blocks and you’re over there figuratively the director of R&D at Lego. Best of luck!

Willy ,

Try going door to door convincing people or something or just stop fucking complaining all the time holy shit.

please don’t. just don’t.

this works for so few things.

distantsounds ,

I hope you can appreciate the irony here

Rachelhazideas ,

Try going door to door convincing people or something or just stop fucking complaining all the time holy shit.

Are you the one guy who tries to walk up to corporate front desks with a resume and firm handshake, loudly asks for a job, only to realize how out of touch you are 3 after the receptionist tells you applications are all online now?

bartolomeo , avatar

Voting with our dollars is much more effective. Whenever possible, don’t buy evil. Evil is the cheaper option because they really need your support, or else they’re beached. This is a big reason for wage stagnation and a permanent underclass.

DragonTypeWyvern ,

Nah, you see, most people are morons who are fine with evil they don’t directly see.

Stegget , to memes in My cousin said the gas savings for a prius and a motorcycle were the same.

Plus think of all the groceries you’ll haul on that motorcycle. The savings are endless!

ratman150 , (edited )

I can haul about the same amount of groceries on my bike/partner’s scoot as our car…which tbf is a fiat 500 but nonetheless I can easily get a weeks groceries on a bike.

Love the down votes lol, you may disagree with me but facts are facts.

kn33 ,

That doesn’t incorporate the hassle factor. Even if you can, it’s a lot more hassle

ratman150 ,

It just isn’t, I can quickly and easily park my bike in basically any spot. If I know I’m not buying a lot I’ll just bring a backpack and put my groceries in there as I checkout and if not I probably brought the scooter which has the same trunk as a small car.

I don’t have to fuss about in traffic, look for a spot, or try to turn my car around in my tiny neighborhood. (Not the fiat…I do own one of those oversized American cars that’s literally 18.5 ft long because it was cheap)

But hey maybe I’m just dead wrong, give a bicycle a try. (If possible I recognize not many north American places are bicycle friendly) try getting some groceries on a bicycle. You might actually enjoy the benefits, yes it’ll be tough the first time and likely even the fifth…but you might come to enjoy it.

XeroxCool ,

If I’m already out, the hassle isn’t bad at all to get 1-2 days of groceries with the bike, excluding liquid or paper goods. But since I gear up fully, that’s the real hassle. I do my 20-min work commute on the bike about 1/3 the time though and that’s perfectly fine because half the gearing is done on the clock

Nindelofocho ,

It is not. I have a sport touring bike with large panniers. They carry enough where I rarely use a backpack for my shopping trips they also detach with a simple key turn and have handles so they act like luggage which means i can carry all the groceries in in one simple trip without doing the stacking thing.

Nindelofocho ,

I do often carry all my groceries and still have room for a full size first aid kit on my bike. Panniers are a game changer and I dont even need a backpack 90% of the time

NENathaniel , avatar

I go on grocery trips on my cheap Escooter 🤷 it works, just get a good backpack

DudeBro , to lemmyshitpost in Behold!

Was that knight planning on just charging head first into what he perceived to be a stone castle wall?

NutWrench , to memes in Surprised Pikachu avatar

Back before web browsers had ad-blocking extensions, we had programs like Web Washer. It was a local, ad-blocking proxy program that you ran along side your browser. To use it, you just changed your browser’s network settings to point to Web Washer. And the ads would be filtered before they even reached your browser. It would be no problem to implement this again.

notasandwich1948 ,

blocking YouTube ads can’t really be done just with a DNS adblocker tho. if it could then my pihole would be blocking them too

loutr , avatar

It’s a proxy though, so it could inspect the actual content, detect ads and do something about it. Peertube, Grayjay etc bypass ads just fine so I guess it could be done with the webapp?

Bene7rddso ,

If you install a TLS certificate theoretically yes

notasandwich1948 ,

it can’t inspect the content because https exists. it can only see where you are attempting to connect to

loutr , avatar

Well yeah it would have to MITM the connection, like Avast does.

zagaberoo ,

PiHole is the most common way I hear of network-level ad blocking these days.

Boozilla , to memes in F#€k $pez avatar

I still love Lemmy. It’s nice to be able to post or comment without getting an automated response telling you you’re doing 15 things wrongs for trying to participate like happens on schmeddit.

TangledHyphae ,

Was there some stat released somewhere showing lemmy “losing users”? I’m pretty new and plan on sticking around, the quality here is infinitely better than reddit.

ohlaph ,

I feel the communities that I’m part of here have decent engagement. Even if it’s losing users, I feel it’s still high quality.

magnetosphere , avatar

Yeah. I’m more concerned with quality than raw numbers.

ChaoticNeutralCzech , to memes in It's my first day, how bad can it be?

Think of better things that happened that day.

Inductor ,

That looks really cool.

Obi , avatar

That video really took me back, what a vibe. And so very Berlin.

cashews_best_nut ,

Are you in Czech Hunter?

ChaoticNeutralCzech ,

Maybe. Which character do you think I am?

rug_burn , to memes in dualbooting: its the best of both worlds

Please tell me Hannah Montana Linux is based on arch…

hamburglar26 ,

Sorry it is Kubuntu I think.

rug_burn ,


At least show us the neofetch


Zaphod ,

it’s based on Kubuntu 🐵

ComradePupIvy , avatar


autonomous ,


thatsTheCatch , to cat in Furry off-sider

Holy shit is that bigfoot?!

CarlsIII ,


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