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cybersandwich ,

Most people get their flatpaks from the same handful of places though, right? Flathub and ??

This isn’t a snap specific issue is what he is saying. It could happen to other stores.

Also, my snap nextcloud is amazing and was the easiest to set up and maintain.

cybersandwich ,

I’m over here just wishing tmux copy and paste made any fucking sense.

cybersandwich ,

I know this is going to be a hot take especially on the lemmyverse, but that’s not the fundamental problem.

The issue in question is: should a company that provides a product, one whose value proposition is focused on a cohesive ecosystem and experience, be forced to break down their walled garden to let people create a new app store or install apps in a way that’s outside that companies vision for their own product.

My personal opinion is that it’s a dumb fight for apple to take, because 99.9% of their users will never deviate from their app store. But I understand why they are fighting it. I’d fight it too. Huge companies that have made a fortune benefiting from the apple ecosystem have gotten so big they want to take even more and forgot how much value apples environment and user based provides them.

cybersandwich ,

The price of cars is through the roof. It makes sense that insurance would go up to cover it.

When a new car is double what it was 10-15 years ago, our insurancehas to go up.

The issue here is stagnate wages.

cybersandwich ,

That’s a bit dramatic. The way the market works: You charge a competitive price that allows you to cover your costs and make a profit. If your product provides enough value to the buyer, they’ll pay for it.

There is competition here, though. It’s not like it’s a single insurance company monopoly. You can usually get a better deal by shopping around.

The constraints everyone is working with are: vehicle prices and the cost of repairs. Both of those have gone way up. Insurance only works if they pay out less than they take in. If the cost to pay out rises, what they take in (aka what they charge) has to rise.

I’m not a fan of insurance companies. They aren’t your friend. it’s a business arrangement. But they aren’t colluding to eek every ounce of money from people. Those greedy bastards would undercut their competition in a heartbeat if they’d get more customers and make more money.

Like I said, the problem isn’t with the costs of these things as much as the stagnate wages. Wages haven’t kept pace with inflation and cost of living so you end up with things like $50-75k new vehicles when household incomes are…$50-75k.

It’s more expensive to replace vehicles and more expensive to repair them (like the article says) so everyone’s premiums are going up. But people aren’t getting paid more.

cybersandwich ,

Nix is the vim of package management but without good documentation. So it’s incredibly powerful and useful once you get into it, but imagine trying to learn vim without any docs or guidance. Vim has a steep learning curve with good documentation, YouTube tutorials, blog posts, and forum guides.

Nix doesn’t really have a wealth of that.

That’s nix package management and nixos in a nutshell.

cybersandwich ,

Nah, that ambient computing and “just speak things and they happen” interface, a thing of science fiction a couple decades ago, is amazing.

It’s a fantastic way to interface with your devices and you can be all grumpy about it but it’s way more convenient it a lot of cases.

I’m sure there was a version of you 100 years ago that said “don’t flip one of those switches, just fill up the oil and light the lamp. It’s not that hard”

cybersandwich , (edited )

Email is inherently insecure and not private. If you need private and secure communication use a different protocol.

If you just don’t want Google or Microsoft to read through your emails ( completely reasonable) then that’s where the “private” and “encrypted” providers come in, imo.

No matter what, your email provider can read all of your emails if they want unless you encrypt the actual content before sending. But even then the meta data is all available. So you have to trust your email provider.

But also it’s not a secure protocol. Pick something better if you need security and privacy.

cybersandwich ,

Meh, they get taken seriously at least where I work. Especially if they were a high performer or if there is a significant trend in departures.

That said, some leadership will hear parts that don’t make them feel so bad and gasp onto those.

How Do I Completely Remove A Docker Container And All Dependencies?

I’m using tessypowder/backblaze-personal-wine, and I need to reinstall it due to some drive changes. I have tried docker rm [container ID], but when I add the container again, it seems to be stuck with the old wine settings. I have also tried adding it with a new name so it would theoretically be a totally new container, but...

cybersandwich ,

It sounds like you are using a volume and it’s reading the settings you saved. What is the command you ran exactly and I can probably tell you what you need to change or delete to get rid of your old settings.

cybersandwich ,

Lol, well it’s not immune to either. As soon as anyone thinks Lemmy has ROI, it will be targeted by bots, corporate greed, and scrapers.

But all of our posts are publicly available in the Internet and in my opinion should be fair game for web crawlers, archivists, or whoever wants to use it. That’s the free and open Internet.

What’s shitty is when companies like reddit decide it’s “their” data.

Taylor Swift launches legal broadside at a college student who tracks private jets via public data (

In late December, Swift’s camp hit Jack Sweeney, a junior studying information technology at the University of Central Florida, with a cease-and-desist letter that blamed his automated tracking of her private jet for tipping off stalkers as to her location. In the letter, attorneys from the law firm Venable accused Sweeney of...

cybersandwich ,

I’ll probably join you at the bottom of the dog pile but I have to say:

If I was a multi-millionaire with enough money for a private jet, I would 100% own and travel with a private jet.

1st class?? Pfft what am I, a peasant? No, I’m flying in my private plane where I don’t have to fuck with TSA and customs meets me at the bottom of the steps when I arrive.

I’d fly anywhere longer than a 3 hour drive and I’d probably buy a helicopter for those pesky short trips. I don’t have time for traffic. Actually, if I had that much money I’d have enough time for whatever the fuck I wanted, but I wouldn’t want to sit in traffic–and what’s a $5k helicopter ride downtown?

Everyone on here acting all sanctimonious about their environmental impact would be on a private jet next week if they won the lottery today.

Speaking of which, I’m gonna go buy a lotto ticket.

cybersandwich ,

Did you read the article?

It’s not about CO2 emissions

cybersandwich ,

As a former PM/PO who has moved up the chain, your PM is full of shit and you should look around. Looking out for your top talent is how you succeed as a PM.

cybersandwich ,

There are different audiences for demos though. It should be that way at the “working level”. When you start moving up the chain with more senior leadership in your org, it starts to make more sense to have the PM do the demos/briefs.

Usually devs don’t particularly care or want to and sometimes they aren’t really qualified to–its not their skillset. But if it’s a good PM, that’s where they shine. That’s the value they bring to the project. They (should) know the politics, landmines, things that specific leaders would care about (and to highlight for them), and how to frame it to current business needs. They have the context to understand when a seemingly innocuous question is actually pointed. They might not know the intricacies of your code, but they (should) know the intricacies of the organization. That’s not something most developers know, and why should they? That’s not their job.

Sometimes it even involves groundwork meetings and demos to make sure you have support from other key components in your org-- like getting your CTO excited because one of his performance goals was x and your project is the first real implementation of x. Now, you have the CTO ready to speak on your behalf in front of the CIO. As a PM you know that the CIO has been getting flack from the CFO because there hasn’t been a good way to capture costs for Y, but your system starts the org down the path to fix that. Now they are both excited about the project and in your corner. Etc etc

cybersandwich ,

Deviating from 45° actually means you ACCEPT the offer. It is known.

cybersandwich ,

It’s also the boy-who-cried-wolf syndrome. When you make shit up all the time, no one is going to care when it actually matters.

cybersandwich ,

It could have been roids. They were all taking them.

cybersandwich ,

9-5 going into the office is horrendous. That’s peak traffic both ways so the commute is longer than almost any other time.

9-5 working from home is okay.

I have to go in 3 days this week for a special meeting /event. I spent an hour and 15 minutes in my car this morning and 50 min on the way home. That’s 2 hours and 5 minutes I didn’t get to spend with my baby or walking the dog, working out, cleaning the house, etc.

cybersandwich ,

Supply and demand. The people that have a lot of experience with those systems are retired or should be retiring soon.

Supply is pretty low. So they can demand higher pay.

DB’s demand is pretty strong. If those systems go down, trains don’t run, and that costs them millions.

It’s cheaper to pay someone a lot of money vs having their systems fail.

cybersandwich ,

I said this a while ago but you know how we have “pre-atomic” steel? We are going to have pre-LLM data sets.

is there a foss project to automatically sort files

do you know that minecraft mod that autosorts your inventory? is there are project that can autosort a messy file system and put all of your files of a similar nature into a well organised, well named order. obviously this would require ai that could do image, language, and audio recognition but is there anything in the works? i...

cybersandwich ,

Typically you keep you /home on a separate drive or partition. Your /root and /swp are on others. When you install the new OS you do custom partitions and mount options install the OS on the root then mount /home to your home partition/drive.

You’ll still have to install the applications again, but all of your configs and history is still there. It feels surreal the first time you do it.

cybersandwich ,

I get that you have the choice at install on debian which is nice, but the flavors and choices of Ubuntu (eg kubuntu ) are super readily available when making your install media. And I unless you are making it a game time decision as you go through the installer, which I doubt most people are, this seems like an incredibly trivial distinction.

cybersandwich ,

Fair point

cybersandwich ,

Pretty terrifying as a parent of an 11 month old right now. You don’t get the MMR shots until 12 months.

cybersandwich ,

That is a huge plus. Sounds like an incredible maternity leave policy!

My wifes job gave her tons of flexibility and we are both remote workers at this point (for the most part I go in occasionally) so we are incredibly fortunate to not have to deal with daycare either.

The other silver lining is that it does seem to be mainly people and children that went to known hotspots. The article talks about khazikstan. So I guess we’ll avoid international airports for the next few months!

cybersandwich ,

This honestly feels like a Russian intelligence op. Not that these yokels are Russian spies, but that they’ve been duped by misinformation, spun up my Russian troll farms, and aimed at the southwest border.

They are dumb enough to do the rest on their own.

Beelink or Steam Deck for work/gaming on RV?

Hey all, I want to upgrade the setup that I use on my RV. I use a Raspberry Pi 3 for basically watching videos and some retro gaming. I want to be able to play more resource-intensive games, although definitely do not require anything AAA in the highest settings - I’m talking about Starcraft 2, Shieldwall, TABS, Humankind…...

cybersandwich ,

I had to look up beelink because I had never heard of them. They look cool.

It sounds like the decision is:

Do I get a gaming device that can do light computing?


Do I get a light computing device that can do gaming?

As a steam deck owner, it would probably get by doing the things you mentioned and it would probably be a more stable/easy gaming experience. But I personally wouldnt want to use it as a computer. As soon as you want to do anything non-super-basic it’s gonna be annoying since it’s an immutable distro and not set up the way most Linux distros are. A dock would solve the port issues. But You also said you are going to switch to Ubuntu and at that point…

The beelink would give you a little more flexibility and if they games you play already run on Linux, then it’s gonna be pretty easy to get it working (assuming beelinks hardware is all 100% Linux capable.) I’d go with that. The only benefit of a steamedeck is steamOS and the backing of valve to make sure it’s going to work and the portability. You plan on getting rid of the first benefit and don’t seem to care about the second.

If I were you, I’d go beelink.

cybersandwich ,

Quite the opposite. “Yo, we should probably come at you, but this next thing ain’t us. You’ll know when it’s us”.

cybersandwich ,

I have a buddy with a bumper sticker that says “I bought this beforehe was crazy”

A Texas school's punishment of a Black student who wears his hair in locs is going to trial (

A judge ordered Wednesday that a trial be held next month to determine whether a Black high school student in Texas can continue being punished by his district for refusing to change a hairstyle he and his family say is protected by a new state law....

cybersandwich , (edited )

violates a district dress code that limits hair length for boys.

This is a thing?

I’m actually glad they have so many pictures of him in the article. Lmfao, how is that too long???

My hair looks longer than that and it’s a standard dude haircut.

I just googled mens haircuts:…/img2.jpg…/img10.jpg…/img11.jpg…/img15.jpg

Seriously, almost half of these are longer than this guys hair. None of them would be suspended.

Here is the link of the top 70 styles for men:…/best-haircuts-men-top-mens-hai…

There are obviously haircuts for men that are shorter but I wouldn’t even put this kids hair, as styled, in the middle of the hair length bell curve.

cybersandwich ,

Yea, the single black guy in there…has longer hair than this guy.

Jon Stewart Returns to ‘Daily Show’ as Monday Host, Executive Producer (

After scuttling a months-long search for a new host, the Paramount Global network said it had enlisted Jon Stewart, who presided over the late-night mainstay’s most popular era, to serve as its host on Monday nights throughout the 2024 election cycle and to run the program. He is expected to oversee the program through 2025....

cybersandwich ,

His apple+ show kinda sucked though tbh. I wanted to like it but it didn’t have “it”. I could never get into it and stopped watching it pretty quickly

cybersandwich ,

Which is ironically part of the reason he’d be so good at it.

cybersandwich ,

Serious response: the average consumer doesn’t give a fuck.

Most people don’t know this is going on.

Most people couldn’t care less about side-loading apps. They’ll only ever get stuff from the app store.

And then there is the contingent that buy apples products because of their walled garden ecosystem. They want to trust the apps they download are vetted by apple. They don’t care if the air pods don’t have all the features if you use them on Android because they’ll always have an iPhone. They don’t care if they can’t customize xyz on their phone because they like the design choices or will always adapt to the choices apple made.

If all of this sounds really shitty to you, you probably aren’t their target demographic.

Continue not buying their stuff. It crazy how worked up non-customers get over this stuff. It’s not like rabid apple fans are grabbing their pitchforks. It’s always Android weenies(self included in that group) that do the bitching.

I have seriously considered switching the last few years because, at the very least, they pay lip service to privacy. They also have different incentives in terms of data harvesting since they don’t also run a giant ad business at their core (Google). This type of lawsuit isn’t the reason I haven’t. It’s dumb shit like not having a back button or knowing where basic things are.

FTC bans TurboTax from advertising ‘free’ services, calls it deceptive (

The Federal Trade Commission ruled in a final order and opinion Monday that TurboTax, the popular tax filing software, engaged in deceptive advertising and banned the company from advertising its services for free unless it is free for all customers....

cybersandwich ,

Huge W for the Biden Administration.

I feel like this is the kind of shit he’s been coordinating in the background that doesn’t get the credit it deserves. Yea yea,I know we are talking about it here but it should be a bigger deal because this is what good government should look like.

Love him or hate him, he’s moving th needle in a few areas in a positive way.

I still think he’s one of the most underrated Presidents we’ve ever had.

cybersandwich ,

They aren’t a patent troll. This is literally their business. They are sueing apple becsuse they are violating their patent and could have or has had a negative impact on their business. This is the kind of suit patents were designed for.

Patent trolls buy up patents but produce nothing and do nothing with those parents–except for suing people to make money.

cybersandwich ,

I found that my interest in football is directly correlated by how easy it is to access the games. If there is any friction I just won’t watch the games.

If it’s on a TV somewhere, and I am there, I’ll watch.

I used to watch all the time but I don’t have 3 hours to devote to each game where 2 hours and 45 minutes is talking heads or commercials and you make it hard to find? Nope.

The only football I’ve be watched this season was a few minutes of a Thursday night game because it was on prime.

cybersandwich ,

It’s simple math. 97% of the population uses those two operating systems.

There isn’t much more incentive to go after the 3% Linux users. You know the population that loves free and open source software and isn’t exactly known for dropping a bunch of cash on software. Not to mention it’s a fragmented 3%. Even the flatpak, snap, app images of the world that were supposed to make devs lives easier are fragmented across distros.

cybersandwich ,

you may need to check your server’s DNS configuration or make sure that the hostname “lemmy-ui” is correctly defined and reachable in your network. It looks like it’s expecting the lemmy-ui to be on the .57 machine. If you are expecting it on the .62 then something is misconfigured in the script.

It just looks like it can’t find that host.

Sorry I can’t be more help. I don’t run a Lemmy instance and I’m not familiar with the ansible config you are using.

cybersandwich ,

I never had contact with it so they are still one up on me.

cybersandwich ,

He actually fits the bill of the anti-christ described in revelations.

cybersandwich ,

These articles are so bad. There is no actual research behind them. It’s all “it could be this”…well fucking dig into that maybe and get back to us with actual journalism.

Not to mention it’s all based on ba consulting firm findings. It’s McKinsey so they probably just want to lay people off and are using this research to support that recommendation.

VPN to home network options

I currently have a server running Unraid as the OS, which has some WireGuard integration built in. Which I’ve enabled and been using to remotely access services hosted on that server. But as I’ve expanded to include things like Octopi running on a Pi3 and NextcloudPi running on a Pi4 (along with AdGuardHome), I’m trying to...

Boomers won’t part with their homes, and that’s a problem for young families (

Buying a family-sized home with three or more bedrooms used to be manageable for young people with children. But with home prices climbing faster than wages, mortgage rates still close to 23-year highs and a shortage of homes nationwide, many Millennials with kids can’t afford it. And Gen Z adults with kids? Even harder....

cybersandwich ,

At this point I think gen x is getting conflated with boomers because what people often mean when they say “boomer” is old people. And let’s face it, you Xers aren’t exactly spring chickens.

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