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breton , to random German avatar

Samantha Hill: "Für war die politische Emanzipation der Bourgeoisie der Grundstein des modernen Nationalstaates, in dem die politischen Gesetze von den privaten Interessen der Geschäftsleute bestimmt wurden, die es für nötig befunden hatten, den Staatsapparat zu übernehmen, um das Militär für ihre kolonialen Unternehmungen einzusetzen. Diese Kooptation der Nation und ihre Umwandlung in einen Nationalstaat durch private Wirtschaftsinteressen war der Kern ihres Verständnisses. Und was sie betonte - und wofür sie kritisiert wurde - war das Argument, dass der Antisemitismus vom Nationalstaat politisch benutzt wurde, um seine politischen und wirtschaftlichen Interessen zu fördern.

"Arendt hat dieses Argument nie aufgegeben. Tatsächlich griff sie es in ihrem umstrittensten Werk, Eichmann in Jerusalem (1963), wieder auf, in dem sie Ben-Gurion vorwarf, einen "Schauprozess" zu veranstalten, um das Leiden des jüdischen Volkes auszunutzen, anstatt den wirklichen Verbrecher, Hitlers Cheflogistiker Adolf Eichmann, für seine Verbrechen zur Rechenschaft zu ziehen. Natürlich sei Eichmann antisemitisch gewesen, aber sein Hass auf das jüdische Volk sei nicht sein Hauptmotiv gewesen. Vielmehr sei es seine banale Hybris gewesen, die ihn dazu gebracht habe, in den Reihen des Dritten Reiches aufzusteigen. Das sei die Banalität des Bösen, und sie definierte die Banalität des Bösen als die Unfähigkeit, sich die Welt aus der Perspektive eines anderen vorzustellen."


poke @ideal_CH @germany @israel

breton , avatar

In 1944, "stressed that the return of the governments in exile corresponded to a restoration of national structures[:] collective security, sphere of interest, national alliances - which had played a decisive role in preparing for the war and bringing it about. "There is nothing to expect from restoration", Arendt concludes, since it is also the restoration of what led to the Second World War and the "German problem".

(fr) @histodons

minako , to random German avatar

Sind hier noch andere e Menschlys? Vielleicht auch mit ?

KrusekopfD , avatar


Autistische Menschen sind hier stark vertreten.
Such mal nach
(Du kannst Hashtags hier auch folgen.)
Es gibt auch eine Gruppenverteiler @actuallyautistic an den du posten und dem du folgen kannst, wenn du willst.

Queere Leute (aller Flavours) gibt's auch, wobei ich wenig Einblick habe, wie lesbische zu finden sind.
@iyalei, kannst du weiterhelfen?

janetlogan , to random avatar

I've watched the last two Indiana Jones movies today. Crystal Skull and Dial of Destiny. I enjoyed them both, even under the weather. Yes I am feeling poorly.

One of two possibilities. Either I have a cold, which coincidentally began about 12 hours after the RSV vaccine, or I am having side effects from said vaccine.

Honestly, even if it is from the vaccine, I'm still glad I got it. Vaccines are important, especially at my age. And, no, they don't cause .


janetlogan OP , avatar

I've had intermittent low grade fever, fatigue, stuffy head, and occasional cough. The fatigue could be , but the rest is definitely not.

I'm treating with generic Alka Seltzer Cold and Flu. That and bed rest. No big plans for are being ruined. Not to worry.


@spoonies @actuallyautistic

medievalists , to random avatar

How rich medieval people spent their money

ClaireFromClare , avatar

@medievalists This is a great intro to the household accounts of the , & to Jennifer Ward's translations & overview.

🙏 for mentioning the biography by Frances A. Underhill, 'For Her Good Estate'. I edited the expanded 2nd edition. The booksite at includes a resource page with many free downloads, & an account of the Lady's insistence on choral music at . Book sales support this! the hardback more so.


elonjet , to random avatar

Landed in Austin, Texas, US. Apx. flt. time 1 h 40 min.

elonjet OP , avatar

527 mile (458 NM) flight from 00AR to AUS

~ 846 gallons (3,204 liters).
~ 5,672 lbs (2,573 kg) of jet fuel used.
~ $4,739 cost of fuel.
~ 9 tons of CO2 emissions.

b_rain , to random German avatar

Eignet sich das , um Leseempfehlungen (Bücher) zu erhalten, bzw. gezielt Ideen für neuen Lesestoff zu suchen? Die Instanzen sind ziemlich klein (kaum 100 user), würde sich das trotzdem lohnen, sich da zu registrieren? Oder reicht es vielleicht schon, auf Mastodon bestimmten Hashtags zu folgen?

Sascha_Raubal , avatar

Da knall ich doch einfach mal meine allseits gefür… äh, beliebte Liste von Gruppen und Hashtags zu dem Thema rein. 😁


Und falls Du was mit Fantasy anfangen kannst, schau in mein Profil.

mckra1g , to random avatar

One of my quiet guerrilla tactics against book banners is to buy banned books at the thrift store and place them in Little Free Libraries:

RunRichRun , avatar

@mckra1g In the same vein, I try to get info out about free eCards for youth:

giotras , to science Italian
vim_b ,
Virginicus , to random avatar

Help me out, . I’m looking for a Bildungsroman in 21st-century American English with a female protagonist. Any suggestions?

theotherotherone , avatar

@Virginicus @bookstodon There's The Secret Life of Bees, though it is set in 1964.

georgiamuseum , to random avatar

👋 Hello, new followers! We stopped posting on our fairly active Twitter account more than a year ago and moved here. We're the Georgia Museum of Art at the University of Georgia, both a university museum and the official state art museum. We celebrated our 75th birthday this year, and we have a collection of over 18,000 objects: American paintings, decorative arts, works on paper, much more. Mastodon feels like a good place for us given our academic and public focus. ❤️

NatureMC , avatar
luckytran , to random avatar

A new study shows that vaccinated children are less likely than unvaccinated children to develop Long COVID. Please get your family boosted with the updated COVID vaccine!

poloniousmonk , avatar


I have an ex-friend who told me he didn't vaccinate his kids. I immediately blurted, "do you make them wear seatbelts?".


FractalEcho , to random avatar

The Mad Scholars Anthology Project is finally happening.

Mad Scholars: Reclaiming and Reimagining the Nuerodiverse Academy

Edited by Melanie Jones and Shayda Kafai, this book contains chapters by numerous Mad Academics, including myself.

Published by Syracuse University Press

" of the most timely, conscious, and robust contributions to the field of Mad Studies that I have yet to encounter. The world needs this book, and it needs it right now." - Syracuse Reviewer

My chapter is called "The Subject is Mad" and flits about through various vignettes of madness from Academia to childhood, and explores how madness informs practices of reading, writing, speaking, and percieving.

Of my own chapter, a reviewer wrote, "It’s beautiful; it also gestures toward a variety of Mad epistemological interventions while leaning heavily into Mad stylistics. I appreciate the way they emphasize Mad community and ancestry."


rebekka_m , avatar

@FractalEcho wow - the above future publication about neurodiversity in academia will be of interest to the @actuallyautistic and also the @actuallyadhd and other ND folks, I believe!

realcaseyrollins , to technology
astraeus , avatar

I saw this in Carole and Tuesday, they were the only “natural” songwriters left because computers wrote songs for everyone at that point. I don’t know if that’s a realistic take, but it’s depressing nonetheless. Why can’t we have computers do things that take joy from us instead of the things that bring us joy? You know, like cleaning up dumps or solving problems we would rather not think about? Why are they taking the arts away?

agenderfox , to random avatar

wait, how did Jake go from like 4 years old to 12 in only 3 years???

also I can no longer watch the opening of without hearing Ransom saying "just circle around and pretend we're in awe of the pylons"

agenderfox OP , avatar

the first thing I do when I get a new phone is turn off audio and haptic feedback ... the scene where O'Brien is trying to move the space station made me realize that would be hell for me @actuallyautistic

aggualaqisaaq , to random avatar

Every time I come across a good resource on topics like critical thinking, media and science literacy, misinformation, analytic techniques, etc. I'll add them to this pinned list

First up: I randomly first came across this free course/reference from the University of Hong Kong well over a decade ago and have retaken it several times since and I can honestly say it has changed my life. Don't let the abstract stuff fool you. You'll be surprised how useful it can be:


appassionato , avatar
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