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aaronm , to medievodons avatar
bibliolater , to histodon avatar

🔴 📖 John Eldevik on Reading Prester John

Much of the interest in Prester John appears to have been driven by apocalyptic theology and ideas about the Crusades, the culmination of history, and Christianity’s conflict with Islam. As for where this thing originated, one of the things I do is show how it’s really a composite text that was woven together out of several pre-existing traditions about this priest-king John, the emperor Manuel, and Christian lands in Asia.


@histodon @histodons @bookstodon

podittmar , to random French avatar

Cette semaine sort "Les monstres des hommes " premier livre des monstres en français et en images que l'on a traduit avec Maud Perez-Simon. Ce texte complètement inconnu m’a bouleversé: là au milieu du Moyen Age, on découvrait une voix pleine de colère et de désespoir, appelant les pauvres à s’assoir à la table des nobles à les renverser.

Un texte qui partait de l’insulte – les autres, les étrangers, avec leurs corps, avec leurs attitudes, sont des monstres – pour retourner le gant à la face de l’occident: les pires monstres sont ici, nous sommes tous des monstres.

Bref, on peut le trouver ici pour 18€:

celinecamps , to historikerinnen avatar

In September/October, I'm starting an informal, online working group for PhD students & early-career scholars who are working on or and metalworking, and who want to discuss their work in a safe, collaborative space.

Let me know if you want to join! Please share if you know of anyone who might be interested.
@renaissance @histodons @historikerinnen @medievodons 1/2

aaronm , to medievodons avatar
bibliolater , to anthropology avatar

🔴 🇪🇸 Five centuries of consanguinity, isolation, health, and conflict in Las Gobas: A Northern Medieval Iberian necropolis

By integrating genetic, archaeological, and historical data, we unveil the presence of an endogamous and consanguineous community in Northern Iberia. Despite centuries of turbulent regional history, this community experienced limited external gene flow. Our findings indicate that this community remained relatively isolated for at least five centuries.

Ricardo Rodríguez-Varela et al., Five centuries of consanguinity, isolation, health, and conflict in Las Gobas: A Northern Medieval Iberian necropolis. Sci. Adv.10, eadp8625 (2024). DOI:

@archaeodons @anthropology @medievodons

bibliolater , to anthropology avatar

🔴 🇪🇸 Five centuries of consanguinity, isolation, health, and conflict in Las Gobas: A Northern Medieval Iberian necropolis

By integrating genetic, archaeological, and historical data, we unveil the presence of an endogamous and consanguineous community in Northern Iberia. Despite centuries of turbulent regional history, this community experienced limited external gene flow. Our findings indicate that this community remained relatively isolated for at least five centuries.

Ricardo Rodríguez-Varela et al., Five centuries of consanguinity, isolation, health, and conflict in Las Gobas: A Northern Medieval Iberian necropolis. Sci. Adv.10, eadp8625 (2024). DOI:

@archaeodons @anthropology @medievodons

bibliolater , to anthropology avatar

🔴 🇪🇸 Five centuries of consanguinity, isolation, health, and conflict in Las Gobas: A Northern Medieval Iberian necropolis

By integrating genetic, archaeological, and historical data, we unveil the presence of an endogamous and consanguineous community in Northern Iberia. Despite centuries of turbulent regional history, this community experienced limited external gene flow. Our findings indicate that this community remained relatively isolated for at least five centuries.

Ricardo Rodríguez-Varela et al.,
Five centuries of consanguinity, isolation, health, and conflict in Las Gobas: A Northern Medieval Iberian necropolis. Sci. Adv.10, eadp8625 (2024). DOI:

@archaeodons @anthropology @medievodons

beforewewerewhite , to histodons avatar

America is easily the most religious country among the wealthy western democracies.


Episode 19 of Before We Were White - "New, Improved, and Super-Sanctified, Part 2" is out now.

Part 2 explores the Medieval Catholic Church, and how its quest for total political, economic, and spiritual power and authority led to the birth of Protestantism.


aaronm , to medievodons avatar

I'm looking for a source with the text of Papal or other late medieval indulgences. Just the text of the actual indulgence, not a bunch of history of theology about the concept, preferably in the original and in translation. Anyone know of such a thing?

aaronm , to medievodons avatar
celinecamps , to historikerinnen avatar

A 16th century spiral staircase in an artisan's house, several floors high, with its central pole carved out of an oak tree which grew there & around which the house was built. The trunk is still visible at the bottom of the pole.

I'm never leaving this place ❤️

@histodons @historikerinnen @renaissance @medievodons


celinecamps , to historikerinnen avatar

A 16th century spiral staircase in an artisan's house, several floors high, with its central pole carved out of an oak tree which grew there & around which the house was built. The trunk is still visible at the bottom of the pole.

I'm never leaving this place ❤️

@histodons @historikerinnen @renaissance


litteracarolina , to histodons avatar

This is a long shot, but is anyone using my book „Reading Nature in the Early Middle Ages“ on a course syllabus? I’m doing an evaluation and it would be very helpful for me to know.

@histodons @historikerinnen @medievodons

Books_of_Jeremiah , to historikerinnen avatar

It's Europe, you're a ruler that is pious and learned (actually an accomplished poet as well). What else are you going to do than make sure a monastery is taken care of?


appassionato , to bookstodon avatar

The Once and Future Sex Going Medieval on Women's Roles in Society by Eleanor Janega, 2022

A vibrant and illuminating exploration of medieval thinking on women's beauty, sexuality, and behavior.
What makes for the ideal woman? How should she look, love, and be? In this vibrant, high-spirited history, medievalist Eleanor Janega turns to the Middle Ages, the era that bridged the ancient world and modern society...


appassionato , to bookstodon avatar

The Very Secret Sex Lives of Medieval Women by Rosalie Gilbert, 2020

Romance, courtship, and behind closed doors. The intimate lives of medieval women were as complex as for modern women. They loved and lost, hoped and schemed, were lifted up and cast down. They were hopeful and lovelorn. Some had it forced upon them, others made aphrodisiacs and dressed for success. Some were chaste and some were lusty....


ClaireFromClare , to medievodons avatar

The Coronation of the Virgin as Queen of Heaven is celebrated on 22 Aug, a week after the Assumption.


aaronm , to medievodons avatar

No new from the this week. Instead I updated some of the Fond descriptions for R and S

@bookhistodons @medievodons

litteracarolina , to medievodons avatar

Does anyone know of a or funding programme that would fund a small project (3-12 months) from April next year? I unfortunately missed the announcements from earlier this year and the deadlines have passed. This is for a programmer on my team who needs further funding.

@DHd @jobsfordevelopers @medievodons @historikerinnen

ClaireFromClare , to medievodons avatar
ClaireFromClare , to medievodons avatar

I've been fascinated by her posts on making medieval inks & manuscripts, so have just preordered 'Medieval Scriptorium' by Sara Charles. It's due out next week, & a review by Richard Ovenden has been liberated from its paywall:

Here's the book description on Sara's website:

@medievodons @bookstodon

ClaireFromClare OP , avatar

@medievodons An old post by Sara Charles discusses the practicalities of making & illuminating manuscripts, & whets my appetite for her new book 'Medieval Scriptorium':
No affiliation, just looking forward to receiving this !
@medievodons @bookstodon

aaronm , to medievodons avatar

Update on 2020HEM-56, the minim height on the calendar pages is barely 1mm with 15 lines per page, but the main text relaxed to 10 lines and a massive ~1.5 mm minim. That means 2.5mm baseline!!! @medievodons @bookhistodons

ClaireFromClare , to random avatar

Aristocratic ladies were important patrons of English communities of the Order of St Clare, the Franciscan nuns also known as the Minoresses or Poor Clares.
had died on 11 Aug 1353; from the excellent Wikipedia page that she’s now the patron saint of television!
🧵 1/
🎨 detail of fresco from San Damiano convent in Assisi
📷 Gunnar Bach Pedersen / Wikimedia

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