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ultratiem , avatar

“You can do it!” 🙃

cheeseburger , avatar

Hire Rob Schneider to do his stand up act. Rob Schneider does his stand up act.

Schneider came out as a clown in 2012.

Unpigged ,

Yeah he really turned into a carrot

ChickenLadyLovesLife ,

Carrot Bottom

formergijoe ,

Rob Schneider is my pick for second cast member of Home Alone 2 to be convicted of a felony.

jj4211 ,

What’s up with all these washed up celebrities coming back to the spotlight just to make an ass of themselves?

Tyfud ,

They were always an ass. That’s the secret.

Nowdays, we just have more visibility into this shit than we did “back in their day”.

Buddahriffic ,

Not even necessarily more visibility, go back 20 years and this kind of stuff was popular. Go back another 5 years and anti-gay humour was also still popular. It wasn’t even considered anti-gay because anti-gay was the default option, so it would have just been called “gay jokes”.

Though it makes me wonder what is considered normal today that will be seen as problematic in a decade and popularly opposed in two.

chatokun ,

He’s been on this tip for a long while, supporting Ron Paul and being anti-vax. Last Week Tonight did an episode on Vaccines, and he shows up in a no longer valid comparison of RFK Jr on the left, Alex Jones wherever he fits in, and even this guy. I remember him also calling for Ron Paul 2012, but doesn’t seem to be from this one, so hopefully I’m remembering that right.

Still, he’s been libertarian and antivax for a long time, and those communities have been heavily aimed at by fascists for recruitment.

MehBlah ,

I don’t really understand these dipshits. The older I get the more tolerant of others outlook on life I get. I might not agree but I don’t have to trash them to make myself feel better. I certainly don’t begrudge them their own preferences. Perhaps one reason for this is that I have become asexual. Or chaste to use a really old term for not interested.

FlyingSquid OP , avatar

I don’t know that asexual is really the same as chaste, because chaste implies you’re using some sort of willpower to avoid sex rather than just not wanting to have sex. Either, in my opinion, is a fine way to live your life, but they’re not really the same. I wouldn’t say that all nuns are asexual, but all nuns are supposed to be chaste.

MehBlah ,

Its the closest thing you can come up with from the past. I think they are the same. Especially in this world. You don’t have to expend any will in this world to be chaste or asexual. Its not like anyone you would want is going to come chasing you.

FlyingSquid OP , avatar

Sorry, responded to the wrong person.

Snowclone ,

In the past terms like ‘chaste’ ‘innocent’ and the like, were used to describe people who seemed to naturally not be interested in sexual things rather than someone who was restraining themselves. Sexual repression really wasn’t a concept until very recently, and in the past people would day Zealous, or similar terms for someone more actively fighting against their natural desires.

h3mlocke ,

I refer to myself as kinda sexual, I guess the kids are calling it graysexual these days, I never thought to use “chaste”, but that’s a good descriptor. I used to always say that I’m just a prude, lol

MehBlah ,

Oh to be sure I find women attractive and I could see myself under certain circumstances being in a relationship again but I’m fine just like I am. I wouldn’t ever consider it for the sake of just having sex. It would have to be with someone who accepts me flaws and all and I of course would have to feel the same about them. Not likely where I live in the world today.

deadbeef79000 ,

IMHO your sexuality isn’t driving your tolerance.

You’re just growing as a person, continuously. Many people stop growing, settling into rigid ideals and reacting with hostility to pressure against those ideals.

treadful , avatar

All these people seem to be in decline as well. I suspect their egos can’t handle it and they resort to weird distorted conservatism so they can blame others for their fall from grace.

ILikeBoobies ,

I am curious what anti-vaxx routine he thought was appropriate for a medical event

solsangraal ,

LOL it’s hilarious that rob fucking schneider is the only “celebrity” they can get to trumpet their bullshit

sndmn ,


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  • solsangraal ,

    i was a tween when he was the “comic relief” in the stallone dredd movie, and rob fucking schneider was the most cringe thing i remember about that shit. and no, nothing else he did was ever funny

    Malfeasant ,

    He was good as the heel in down periscope…

    Snowclone ,

    He’s also been wealthy and famous for a solid two decades, he may be on the C list, but he hasn’t had to worry about money in decades, and he had been living the the Newport culture of rich LA assholes who do a lot of dumb shit because they think being rich means they’re also smart, like being anti-vax, thinking PETA is an innocuous animal rights charity, thinking cancer is an dietary issue, having $10k ‘‘purebred’’ dogs makes you an animal lover, and that cooking your own food is a really creative hobby.

    JimVanDeventer ,

    Cooking is a creative hobby. I invented the spanakomosa. It’s spanakopita filling wrapped in samosa dough and deep fried.

    ChickenLadyLovesLife ,

    I invented the Ethiopian burrito: yemisir wat wrapped up in injera like a burrito. Problem is it only lasts for about three seconds before dissolving into a mess.

    NegativeInf , (edited )

    Please, give an example of an unbiased news org. They don’t exist. This one just wears its bias on its sleeve.

    Edit: putting this here so people will stop going off.

    I was trying to respond to this nutcase’s response. I’m saying that bias is fine. But at least this one says what it’s for.

    .lgbtqnation just the best news site nobody could ever think they could be biased in any way.

    But I guess Lemmy fucked it. So sure, down vote.

    FlyingSquid OP , avatar

    And what do you think the truth here is? Do you think that the Regina Leader-Post, the local newspaper they got the information from also wears its bias on its sleeve? How about the foundation whose public apology they printed? Is that fake news?

    NegativeInf ,

    I was trying to respond to this nutcase’s response. I’m saying that bias is fine. But at least this one says what it’s for.

    .lgbtqnation just the best news site nobody could ever think they could be biased in any way.

    But I guess Lemmy fucked it. So sure, down vote.

    FlyingSquid OP , avatar

    Oops, that sucks. I removed my downvote and upvoted for what it’s worth.

    NegativeInf ,


    Snowclone ,

    AP news, agrigated articles are difficult to all fudge in the same direction. Is there bias in seperate articles? To some degree it’s going to happen, does every single article have heavy bias in exactly one direction? Nope.

    BBC, Reuters, NPR, and a few other services generally avoid heavy bias by using similar methods of agrigated content from multiple contributers that aren’t all working in a single location, for one entity, with the same editor, working for the same owners. There’s much less bias found across their platforms, and what’s there in terms of bias isn’t all to one particular US political party.

    NegativeInf ,

    I don’t know what you are arguing. You can have a bias towards reality. Some have a bias towards centrism, even when one side has lost its mind. My original comment was to an idiot claiming that lgbtq wasn’t news because it has a bias.

    My point was that everything has a bias in some way, even a bias towards truth or whatever. It’s still a bias. Lgbtq nation simply tells you what the bias is explicitly. Which is good. I’d rather they be upfront so I can find news not filled with right wing anti gay screed.

    Snowclone ,

    I wasn’t arguing. I just took your question about where less biased news could be found seriously, and tried to explain why I thought so on the sources I mentioned.

    beaxingu , avatar

    .lgbtqnation just the best news site nobody could ever think they could be biased in any way.

    jpreston2005 ,


  • Loading...
  • FlyingSquid OP , avatar

    Oh wow, this is the guy who told me I was using the internet wrong because no one has called me a bigot.

    beaxingu , avatar

    oh you can remember something. but as i told you before you only seem to remember what benefits you. i told you that if nobody has cold you names on the internet you are using it wrong just look at the comment you are replying too. you also seem to miss that this implies that you mostly seem to talk to people who already agree with you with your long history on the internet. that was a very funny reply. as if calling someone asshole on the internet is somehow argument.

    FlyingSquid OP , avatar

    I wasn’t talking about remembering or not remembering things.

    Did you even read my comment?

    beaxingu , avatar

    yes i know you only remember what benefits you. this was only a very small part of my reply and that's the only part you reply too. a references to what you said in a reply older then a day ago. i still remember that's why i said it.

    FlyingSquid OP , avatar

    That’s nice, dear.

    beaxingu , avatar

    okay dude i did not know i was talking to a grandma.

    FlyingSquid OP , avatar

    I see. I’m both a dude and a grandma.

    beaxingu , avatar

    if that's how you feel

    FlyingSquid OP , avatar

    How I feel? I’m not the one who called me that.

    Or is this some sort of “sly” bigoted anti-queer thing you’re doing?

    beaxingu , avatar

    yes because you took it that way its your feeling. like i meant you are literally a fucking grandma. you really just take everything seriously and just go too bigoted anti-queer. only 2 options 1 you really don't know and everything just goes over your head and think people are being "sly". 2 you do this on purpose so nobody can actually take anything you say seriously.

    FlyingSquid OP , avatar
    beaxingu , avatar

    again don't be a grammar Nazi.

    FlyingSquid OP , avatar

    Incidentally, punctuation is not grammar. I’m a punctuation Nazi. Get it right.

    beaxingu , avatar

    hehe was my reply too good so they had to delete it. and so it begins. that is some weak shit man . hey maybe by this logic you are just always correct. blame the pirate for spoiling all the fun that's not what a pirate is superposed to be at all. that OP thing in your account name what does that mean that cant be anything important can it?

    FlyingSquid OP , avatar

    Please take your meds.

    beaxingu , avatar

    you seem very sensitive no wonder the mods seem so busy.

    reason: Harrassment i guess it does not take very much. by this logic you have been harassing me all along

    beaxingu , avatar

    Incidentally punctuation in what do you use it? and when do you learn it? i don't know because i never learned. might this grammar thing have anything to do with it?

    beaxingu , (edited ) avatar

    thank you for letting me know you can press buttons on site on the internet. i feel sorry that you could not find anything better too say. only smart people make it personal instead of replying too what i actually said. i don't feel the need to comment like a baby.

    jpreston2005 ,


  • Loading...
  • beaxingu , avatar

    well im not the one calling people names that seems pretty pathetic too me. almost seems like you have no arguments. i don't really think you are the person that should bring crying into this.

    jpreston2005 ,

    troll gonna troll

    NutWrench , avatar

    Rob . . . Robbyyyyyy . . . The Robster . . . The Robaroonie . . . cracking the bad jokes . . . coasting on what’s left of his SNL cred.

    RGB3x3 ,

    Rob Schneider is… The Bigot! Rated PG-13

    Snowclone ,

    A Bigoted C list celebrity riding on the coat tails of his friends pees on the grave of a child killed by a lynch mob at midnight on a full moon while wearing black face and is stuck by lightning while making eye contact with his 15 year old mtf trans athlete niece he kidnapped to sell to child sex trafficers and they Freaky Friday switch bodies! Will The Bigot learn life’s not so easy or trendy after Republican elective officals publicly attack him and he recieves dozens of credible death threats, and thousands of rape threats? Will he discover trans people just want to exist, and culture shock isn’t a great reason to want to harm people you don’t even know? Find out this summer, in THE BIGOT starting Rob Schneider and that guy from King of Queens, with a cameo appearance from Adam Sandler as a man in a 30min uninterrupted Pringles Comercial in the middle of the film for no reason, this summer at limited release locations in exclusively rural areas four to five hours away from you!

    arc ,

    I got blocked by him on Twitter (in 2012!) for mocking his whackjob antivax views. He was espousing shit headed antivax nonsense long before it was fashionable.

    Kanda ,

    8 years ahead of his time is some proper foresight

    DuckPuppet ,

    12 years ago friend

    moistclump ,

    I think they’re saying before the Covid anti vaccine crowd.

    Kanda ,

    Aye, and 2020 is 4 years ago

    FlyingSquid OP , avatar

    I hope you are happy to have that honor. I would be.

    arc , (edited )

    I certainly am. I also got blocked by Kirstie Alley, Rudy Giuliani and Michael Avenatti for criticizing their cult, grift & grift respectively. I’m sure there are a few others I don’t know about.

    DudeImMacGyver ,

    It was never fashionable.

    silasmariner ,

    Think Andrew Wakefield was before that. I wanna say… 2006? 2008? 2020 is just when it started killing even more people

    Got_Bent ,

    Antivax goes back at least a decade before your 2012 blocking. My kid was born in 2001 and the whole vaccines cause autism thing was already big. In fact, I’d suggest it was nearly mainstream at the time.

    When the study that suggested the correlation with autism got thoroughly debunked, nay, proven willfully fraudulent, it fizzled out a little bit, but has still stuck around like a raging case of herpes to this day.

    arc ,

    Yes I know. I’ve was there for it too mocking these dinguses. But it only became mainstream with COVID when it sort of metastasized and merged with a bunch of other deranged conspiracy nonsense via MAGA & QAnon.

    svcg ,

    Rob Schneider peaked literally last century with Deuce Bigalow. As if that were not bad enough…

    nexguy , avatar

    I believe he peaked at “making copies…” on SNL. Deuce just sped up the downhill roll

    FlyingSquid OP , avatar

    He peaked at the first “making copies” sketch. Then they didn’t stop.

    jj4211 ,

    Yeah, that was particularly bad habit of SNL back then. They hit upon a mildly amusing joke and then just beat it to death by doing it over and over when it was barely a little funny the first time.

    It’s a wonder they didn’t create a “making copies” movie with how they were back then.

    FlyingSquid OP , avatar

    On the other hand, sometimes those movies were surprising.

    Remember that The Blues Brothers was a one-joke SNL sketch, as was Spinal Tap.

    From that era, the Wayne’s World movies weren’t high art, but they were pretty funny.

    Mr_Dr_Oink ,

    Wait! Spinal tap wasn’t an SNL sketch.

    It was a sketch on something called “The TV Show” according to wiki.

    It says they worked on a pilot for The TV Show, which had spinal tap as one of the sketches.

    I guess it still started as a sketch so you are right in your point that sometimes these things start as nothing more than that but it wasnt SNL. Although the cast have all been on SNL at some point.

    FlyingSquid OP , avatar

    Oh, I’m sorry, you are correct. It was The Folksmen from A Mighty Wind that started as an SNL sketch. Exactly the same people, so you can see why I was confused.

    ikidd , avatar

    January 19, 1991. JFC.

    Snowclone ,

    But what about all those Adam Sandler movies where he shows up for 20 seconds to say ‘‘you can do it’’?

    Passerby6497 ,

    Rob Schneider? You mean that ‘you can do it’ guy from the Adam Sandler movies?

    RubberElectrons , avatar

    Just about the only good thing he’d done.

    brygphilomena ,

    He was pretty good in Surf Ninja. Like a lot of people, he’s better when he’s just a supporting character.

    Olhonestjim ,

    You mean last millennium?

    siR_miLLs ,

    dude isn’t even funny in the first place. he can’t do a Dave Chappell. Pander to the bigoted masses with a modicum of talent. Now if Dave Chappell wasn’t a pos he could easily be the funniest man in comedy instead of a fringe washup but here we are. Used to love them both for their niech humor but lets be honest Rob was only ever funny cause he was proped up by mid Adam Sandler scripts.

    Potatos_are_not_friends ,

    I went to see Rob Schneider perform comedy round 2015. Tickets were free for a Saturday night. It was at 80% capacity, which is unusual since it’s always sold out.

    He was pretty rough and attempted to be edgy. He already had gay jokes and there was polite laughter, but nothing compared to the professional comedians who opened for him.

    Honestly I thought he’d quit after a few years.

    A_Random_Idiot ,

    blame adam sandler.

    Hes been clinging to Adam Sandlers career and been artificially buoyed by it for over a decade.

    cordlesslamp , (edited )

    Why is Dave chappell is a POS? Did he do something awful recently?

    I haven’t watch anything from him since forever because I don’t find his jokes funny, it’s mostly him complaining or trash talk other people.

    RogueAozame ,

    He insults transgenders in routines and bitches about people calling him out for it. He also throws out stupid stereotypes about various other groups but they aren’t generally direct insults like with trans people. He tops it off with complaining about cancel culture cause apparently he can insult and call other groups out for just living their life, but if somebody calls him out on that crap it’s bad.

    radicalautonomy , (edited )

    “Transgenders” is not the way to refer to trans people, but thank you for the support.

    stoned_ape ,

    His shows are pretty much him making fun of trans people and whining bc people call him on his shit for doing nothing but making fun of trans people.

    Here’s some excepts from The Closer in 2022. I watched this begrudgingly to prove to a buddy of mine that he was, in fact, being transphobic (said buddy is no longer buddy), and I haven’t watched anything of his shit since but it’s probably just him whining even more now:

    • Every time I come out onstage, I be scared. I be lookin’ around the crowd, searching. For knuckles and Adam’s apples to see where the threats might be coming from.
    • And then she hikes her skirt up and she pulls a real live, meaty dick out!
    • If I was honest, I wouldn’t have fallen for it. I’d have just looked at the picture like, “Look at that big chiseled jawline, that big thick Joe Rogan neck. Is that a dude? Is your daughter a man?” Can’t say that shit. It’s really annoying.
    • trans-bitch from the picture.
    • A couple of more drinks and these fellows are gonna start asking her for some pussy, she might not have.
    • I was careful to call her a bitch, ’cause I didn’t want to blow her cover.
    • “Well.” I am a girl now, n*gger. You must treat me as such.
    • Gender is a fact.
    • Now… I am not saying that to say, that trans women aren’t women. I’m just sayin, that those pussies that they got… You know what I mean?
    • I’m not saying it is not pussy, but that’s like Beyond Pussy or Impossible Pussy. You know what I mean? It tastes like pussy but that’s not quite what it is, is it? It’s not blood, that is beet juice.

    And here’s what the actual goat comedian who had a lasting impact in the industry beyond a mediocre skit series in late 90s Comedy Central and one movie might retort to Chappelle

    Evotech ,

    Idk, kinda unfair to just post excerpts, his sets are stories with a point.

    rob_t_firefly , avatar

    What sort of non-bigoted story do you think capable of containing all those particular posted punchlines?

    Evotech ,

    I mean I’ve watched them. It’s not that bad

    FlyingSquid OP , avatar

    Do you think trans people think those jokes are not that bad?

    It seems more like you don’t care that they’re hurtful.

    Evotech , (edited )

    Chappelle makes fun of everyone, sounds like you’re just mad because this time it was about you.

    FlyingSquid OP , avatar

    I’m not trans and I’m not sure why you think “he makes fun of everyone” is an excuse to say hurtful things.

    stoned_ape ,

    I watched The Closer. It is in fact that bad. I’m not giving him the time for anything else

    Idk why that’s the argument his defenders make, that we wouldn’t criticize it if we watched it. Maybe you’re skinnermeming yourself. “I can’t be wrong it’s the trans supporters that are wrong!”

    FlyingSquid OP , avatar

    Especially when the people who watched it criticized it.

    Of course, some people posting refuse to even believe that.

    stoned_ape ,

    That was… The point though? He thinks trans women aren’t women. That was like a full third of the show’s transcript, and I even left some off

    So what do you view as the point of saying all these things or the point of the show itself?

    I guess the point was about the one token trans person he deemed worthy of his respect (who killed herself, probably unrelated) bc she was totally fine with him making fun of her identity so that makes it ok to just dead gender her after talking about how he pretty much bullied her and she took it bc of his position in the industry so that makes it ok to just degrade whole group of people

    Or something

    Go off though if you wanna defend transphobia I guess

    Passerby6497 ,

    You wouldn’t even need to change that many words from the Carlin interview for it to be 100% accurate to today. Andrew > Dave, Jewish > Black. Done.

    DudeImMacGyver ,

    It’s not blood, that is beet juice.


    stoned_ape ,

    I guess in Chappelle’s view women are just their cycle or something

    ripcord , avatar

    Nice, you got down voted for asking a question

    Jakeroxs ,

    Tends to happen, they swung back to positive tho!

    kelargo ,

    Sucking up to Elmo comes to mind.

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