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VanillaBean , in Democrats hail Biden's decision to not seek reelection as selfless. Republicans urge him to resign

I hope biden passed a few ‘Official Acts’ before he heads out.

dohpaz42 , avatar

Unless he resigns, he’s still president until January 20, 2025. So we will see; he’s got nothing to lose, AND presidential immunity.

Usually I’d say someone in his position has absolutely nothing to lose, but being he’s such a … typical guy, he won’t do anything and go down in history as a footnote.

Kroxx ,

Well if Harris is running couldn’t any unpopular thing that Biden does potentially be tied to her?

MeatsOfRage , in [Mega thread] - Biden ends bid for presidency
Furbag , in Joe Biden ends re-election campaign

Oh boy, I can’t wait for armchair pundits who were calling for Joe to step down to now turn around and start to nitpick Harris as if that wasn’t going to be the obvious successor.

I’m 100% behind Harris or anyone who gets the Dem nom. Trump must be stopped.

This is still a battle for America’s soul. Are we going to accept the first female president or the first convicted felon president? I sure hope the left turns out for this one, even if they aren’t super stoked about it, because we might never recover from another Trump disaster.

verdantbanana , avatar

and this is exactly why Trumps exist

one party is actively tearing down society and the other is complacent and the voters eat it up

Bernie_Sandals , avatar

Name literally one thing democrats are complacent on and don’t actively want to reform.

verdantbanana , avatar

minimum wage stuck $7.25

cannabis legalization stalled decades ago

women’s rights

police reform

Hoomod ,…

Democrats push for $17 minimum wage…/marijuana-biden-dea-criminal-justice…

DEA rescheduling marijuana

… Are you serious about the women’s rights part? Republicans overturned Roe and they’ve lost every election with abortion rights on the ballot since.

You can look up the DeMoNcRaT cities that have started to send crisis response teams instead of cops for certain calls.…/state-policing-reforms-george…

zbyte64 ,

It’s not just pundits, Nancy Pelosi wants Harris off the ticket. I already donated to her campaign and called my reps to let them know that’s a bad idea.

yeahiknow3 ,

Harris is an absolute disaster. I’ve no problem with her whatsoever personally, but she has no charm and zero leadership skill. I wish these things didn’t matter but they do.

Wrench ,

Yep. She gets my vote as a living, breathing person that seems healthy enough. I’m not excited to vote for her, and I’m really concerned about our chances with her, but she’s not Trump and automatically gets my vote assuming she gets the nomination.

enbyecho ,

I’ve no problem with her whatsoever personally

Oh, I think you do.

cabron_offsets ,

I don’t prefer Harris, but am 100% fine with her. Any D 2024. Fuck the republican traitor filth.

Blackmist ,

She’s a very bland candidate, but at least she’s not 80 and fading.

Whether that’s enough to get people up off their arses and into voting booths, I don’t know.

You really need somebody that’s going to invigorate the centre and left, the way Trump excites the right. Dyed in the wool Dems don’t care who the candidate is, they’d have been happy with Biden’s corpse. The issue is there’s not a lot of time left for experimentation in finding one.

yeahiknow3 ,

There’s a shitload of time. We’ve been conditioned to think it takes 2 years to run a presidential campaign. Nonsense.

Hoomod ,

A female candidate can put Roe v Wade in the limelight the entire campaign, and that’s a really easy winning message (based on all the special elections since it was overturned)

Olhonestjim ,

I’m not super stoked about her, and I’ll crawl across 5 states filled with broken glass to get back home and vote for her.

qooqie , (edited ) in Kamala Harris Launches Presidential Bid: ‘My Intention Is to Earn and Win This Nomination’

We don’t stand a chance with her as the pick. Whitmer would’ve been a much better president pick

You can downvote all you want the polls show dems still losing with her as the pick

Wiz ,

She hasn’t even started campaigning yet, and she was even to Joe or even better.

qooqie ,

She literally has been campaigning? She is the VP she campaigns with Joe. She’s in the public eye, people know her and she still trails trump

finestnothing ,

She has been campaigning… For Biden. That’s the difference between being the backup singer and the lead singer at a concert. Sure the backup singer is still on stage and singing, but it’s just to support the lead singer, not to show off their own talent

TrickDacy ,

How can you possibly think that makes sense?

Draedron ,

No change this late would have been the best pick. Now the Dems just hand Trump the presidency. Maybe because they are scared of what Trump will do to them so they try to ally with him?

MrJameGumb , in Donald Trump donated to Kamala Harris' campaigns twice while he was a private citizen, records show avatar

People forget that Trump wasn’t a Republican until like 2012. The only reason he ran Republican was that someone convinced him that was the only way he’d ever win. Remember, winning at all costs is literally the only thing Donald Trump cares about.

solsangraal ,

i’m skeptical. but i think i’ll enjoy spending the next 3 months thinking about republicans flying into a blind frothing rage over losing to a black woman

Steve , (edited )

She’s not much better than Biden. She doesn’t even have age as an excuse.

Our imagination might be the only place she wins.

TrickDacy ,

It would be more effective, the spreading of misery, if you went to the local pool and took a large shit in it. You could ruin several people’s day instead of like 3

Steve ,

You sell me short. I’ve got 15 down-votes already!
It’s not my fault if reality is miserable?

She’s not a forgone conclusion.
There’s a good chance for an open convention. Pelosi is pushing for one.

TrickDacy ,

Yeah but if you shit in the pool you could ruin like 40 people’s day.

Steve ,

At this rate, I’ll beat that in another 2 hours.
Got 20 down-votes now! Lets Go People!

casmael ,

Shut up, Steve

kescusay , avatar

Honestly, he’s never been a Democrat or a Republican. Even now, if you go by what the Republican party was before he took it over. He’s always been a Trumpist, nothing more and nothing less. He cares solely, without exception, for one thing: Donald Trump.

Lost_My_Mind ,

Hey! That’s not true!!! You need to be fair here.

…he also loves Mcdonalds.

krashmo ,

I think he loves all hamberders equally

TrickDacy ,

Absolutely true but he will give these fucks what they want in exchange for adoration

ripcord , avatar

Will he actually, though? Or just say he will?

I think the only way that could happen is if it just happened to be something he wanted.

TrickDacy ,

I read that the project 2025 people were ecstatic since he delivered on like 75% (or more?) of their policy goals for his first term. Roe v Wade wasn’t an accident, for example

inb4_FoundTheVegan , avatar

That’s not entirely true, his turn to republicans was a little sooner. Trump was the “Long Form Birth Certificate” guy all during the Obama years.

Kroxx , in Kamala Harris Launches Presidential Bid: ‘My Intention Is to Earn and Win This Nomination’

I don’t like Harris, mainly because of her time as a prosecutor. I’m also not going to lie, I was having a really really hard time grappling with voting for Biden, I was begrudgingly willing to before the debate but when I watched it I was so outraged. I genuinely feel like his administration has been deceitful with his condition for a while. I’m not saying I wasn’t going to vote for Biden, I understand the stakes, but I kept watching his interviews trying to get any genuine motivation for Biden. All I saw was a stubborn old man who refused to even acknowledge reality.

I’ve been following Biden news and this week I was convinced that he would drop out and so I wondered who would replace him. Harris immediately came to mind. Now as I said I don’t care for Harris but before Biden announced this today I personally decided I would be willing to support Harris.

She isn’t ancient, I believe she’s more progressive, and I think she will be good in the debates. She isn’t my 1st, 2nd, 3rd, or even 4th pick, but I have far fewer hangups voting for Harris compared to Biden, and of course over Trump.

She isn’t the best candidate in terms of absolute popularity, but when you factor in funding logistics and the fact that I think many good Dems picks would want to run in '28 when the timing isn’t fucked, I think Harris is the most realistic pick. I’ll happily take her compared to Biden.

Cuttlefish1111 ,

Back to the lesser of 2 evils. It never ends

LustyArgonianMana , avatar

The only way you’ll get a candidate that aligns with 100% of your personal beliefs, is if you run for office yourself

That being said, I’d love a real leftwing candidate

TrickDacy ,

BOtH sIdEs

ShepherdPie ,

Both candidates are right wing so it’s not really “BOtH sIdEs.” People on the left would like some representation for once.

TrickDacy ,

Not surprised you’d say that

PunnyName ,

What policies have the right and left regularly agreed upon? What bills put forth have unanimous votes?

TrickDacy ,

Don’t worry they will totally respond with facts here…


DragonTypeWyvern ,

Fighting universal healthcare. Refusing to revoke Citizens United. Refusing the Right to Repair.

The Patriot Act. The Iraq War. Enabling The Genocide of Palestine. The continuous decline into corporatocracy.

All bipartisan efforts.

You shitlibs genuinely do not understand the conversation happening in front of you. We know you don’t, or you wouldn’t be a shitlib, you’d be a social democrat at worst.

TrickDacy ,

Using the term sHiTliB renders you exempt from discourse. It’s like screaming that you’re unreachable and a huge waste of time

ShepherdPie ,

What an embarrassing response after your own “BOtH SiDEs” and “yeah they’ll totally respond with facts” comments. You can’t even address the numerous examples they listed?

TrickDacy ,

I don’t argue with people who tell me it’s hopeless to. I will say though, you’re living up to the tag I gave you in the past.

DragonTypeWyvern ,


Angry_Autist ,

Yes, that’s what rational people do, pick the less damaging choice.

What the FUCK is wrong with you people who actively choose the more damaging choice for lulz?

Cuttlefish1111 ,

I never endorsed anyone

Sc00ter ,

History has shown what that impact is. Get out and fucking vote

elbucho , avatar

You know what? I felt the same way before today. But I’ve been thinking about it a lot since the announcement, and the more I think about it, the more convinced I am that Harris is the best possible presidential candidate.

Like you, I don’t think she’d make the best president. Hell, she wasn’t even in my top 10. I’d have vastly preferred someone like Hakeem Jeffries. But here’s the thing: the person best suited for the office of president isn’t necessarily the best person to run for president.

Harris has all of the advantages Biden had: she can run on this administration’s record, since it was her administration too. Every positive talking point about the stuff that Biden’s done for the country can equally apply to Harris. Additionally, she gets his entire war chest, and with the president’s blessing today, she’s likely going to have 100% party support as well. To make matters even better, she doesn’t have any of the flaws he sported: she’s young, she’s sharp, she’s great in debates, and because she’s the antithesis of Biden in all of these respects, all of the criticisms pointed at Biden (which could also 100% be applied to Trump) will now all be applied to Trump and Trump alone.

Lastly, I think that now is the most favorable moment in our country’s history for a non-white, non-male person to become president. She’s got the built-in support of everybody who dreads another Trump presidency. A significant number of people who would vote for Biden but not Harris due to sexism or racism will be rethinking that position when the opposition is Donald Trump. Also, something like 40% of people in the US just simply don’t vote. Biden would never appeal to those people, but a black / asian woman who has succeeded in a mostly male dominated field could be very inspirational to a large number of otherwise apathetic non-voters.

I honestly think that Harris being endorsed for President is just an unalloyed good. I don’t see any realistic downsides, and an incredible number of upsides. It actually has me excited, which is a feeling I haven’t felt since 2008.

Olhonestjim ,

Don’t forget that the fascists will push away moderates everywhere because they have no idea how racist and sexist they are, nor how to hide it, because it’s their entire platform.

Angry_Autist ,

It’s attitudes exactly like this why American Democrats are center right, and why we have had almost zero meaningful legislation to help the normal people for 40 years.

If your family survives this coming shitshow of a fasist coup, I hope you beg their forgiveness and tell them your small part in helping start it.

Kroxx ,

So the DNC gets to make this decision not me. This is a last minute situation that hasn’t happened since the 60s, every ounce of divisiveness will only embolden the “facist coup”. The time is up, whoever they pick we’ve got to unite behind and hopefully rally voters to the booths. Honestly the presidency needs to be D so it can’t veto/ can veto, the VP can tie break, and executive orders. She will hopefully be a beacon to encourage voters to get more D in the senate and house. The house/senate flips and your meaningful legislation point becomes moot. Lastly I have no clue what you are saying in the 2nd paragraph, somehow voting for Harris makes a facist coup? No clue what middle steps are included to achieve that outcome but you must know something I don’t. Regardless I have no worries about my family but I appreciate the concern!

ColeSloth ,

As to that 2028 topic…If Harris wins, it pushes all of them all the way back to 2032. Many of those hopefulf may like their odds right now, as opposed to 8 years later, unless those same people are confident Harris will lose against Trump.

EleventhHour , in Donald Trump donated to Kamala Harris' campaigns twice while he was a private citizen, records show avatar

when you’re a star, they let you do it

retrospectology , (edited ) in Donald Trump donated to Kamala Harris' campaigns twice while he was a private citizen, records show avatar

This is the best response when conspiracy nuts try to talk about the Trump shooter donating to a Dem PAC to prove he wasn’t one of their own.

Plus he donated in response to whether or not Dems should pardon Trump.

Lost_My_Mind ,

I think the better response, even if a democrat voter DOES do something like this in the future is “Yeah, ok, but it’s your policies that allowed him to get a gun so easily without any mental wellbeing checks, or any gun control. Our policies would have stopped him. Your policies gave him free reign.”

kent_eh ,

"Yeah, ok, but it’s your policies that allowed him to get a gun so easily without any mental wellbeing checks

That’s not an effective argument.

It wasn’t his gun, it was his father’s, and he took it without the knowledge or permission of the gun’s legal owner.

Fondots ,

Stricter storage requirements could have potentially have prevented this. Legally Pennsylvania doesn’t have any particular gun storage requirements, had his dad kept tighter control of his gun, perhaps to comply with a law mandating it be locked up and prevent his son from having access to it without his permission, it wouldn’t have happened.

OlinOfTheHillPeople ,

Isn’t that completely unproven, and likely a different person with the same name?

Nougat , in Donald Trump donated to Kamala Harris' campaigns twice while he was a private citizen, records show

Side note: He's a private citizen right now.

DmMacniel , avatar

with immunity though.

catloaf ,

I was going to make a “just been revoked” joke, but I suppose someone tried that already.

paddirn , in Kamala Harris Launches Presidential Bid: ‘My Intention Is to Earn and Win This Nomination’

Wow, so the DNC might actually be interesting to watch this year if another candidate gets any traction.

VelvetStorm , in Listeria outbreak: What to do with deli meats and what to know

No you said

Yes, in fact.

card797 , in Johnson: Replacing Biden on ticket would be 'wrong,' 'unlawful'

Well. Biden is still in charge. He can declare and emergency and make whoever he wants appear on the ballot.

Zachariah , in Donald Trump donated to Kamala Harris' campaigns twice while he was a private citizen, records show avatar

He should probably drop out of the race.

Chozo ,

The human race.

p5yk0t1km1r4ge , in Secret Service says full federal resources weren't given to Trump 'in some instances' avatar

Christ it’s almost like they aren’t THAT adament about protecting him.

lemmyman ,

Well I wasn’t conscripted to be on his detail (and neither were you) so i guess they didn’t do all they could

TransplantedSconie ,

They asked me to, but I was washing my hair that day.

ElcaineVolta , in Listeria outbreak: What to do with deli meats and what to know avatar

just don't eat corpses, easy.

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