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Fredselfish , in Fatal shooting of University of South Carolina student who tried to enter wrong home 'justifiable,' police say avatar

Kid accidentally enter wrong home this was Not Justified. Mother fuckers the law needs to be repealed and done over then.

Shooting someone just for entering or knocking on your door isn’t an excuse to shoot to kill someone. Should at least give person a warning.

I hope that homeowner never finds peace again and better be glad it wasn’t my kid.

PizzasDontWearCapes ,

He didn’t just accidentally enter the wrong home, he was forcibly breaking into the home when he was shot. Even breaking a window to open the door from the inside.

Tragic as he was likely just intoxicated and confused, but understandable that the homeowner would use force to defend himself

While the woman was on the phone with police, Donofrio broke a glass window on the front door “and reached inside to manipulate the doorknob,” at which point the male resident fired the shot through the broken window that struck Donofrio in his upper body, according to police

Fredselfish , avatar

Glad breaking and entering is now considered worth a death sentence.

Godric ,

Keep moving the goalposts!

PizzasDontWearCapes ,

This wasn’t a punishment or sentence.

He was literally breaking through the door to enter the house.

What was the home owner supposed to do? Hope he became non-violent once he got in? Challenge him to a game of chess? Declare a set of non-lethal rules and duke it out?

The homeowner has a right to not be attacked in his own home ffs

slapchop ,

Idk. Maybe yell, “Hey. Fuck off” and call the police? If it is a drunk person, they probably embarrassingly realize it’s the wrong house. Or if they keep trying to get in after, then shoot?

Also the home owner wasn’t attacked. His window was.

PizzasDontWearCapes ,

You may want to read the article - they did call the police. Unfortunately it takes less time for someone to violently smash through a door than for the cops to arrive.

Interesting that you summize that they were apparently silent as this guy smashed their door

And, would you really play the odds that someone violently entering your house would suddenly have a moment of clarity when they entered? He was messed up enough to think shattering his own window was a viable option to get into his house.

vinceman ,

But they never tried yelling at him, did they? Even after he had a firearm, the article says nothing about calling out with a warning first or anything. That seems insane to me.

Fosheze ,

It also doesn’t say they didn’t. Are we going to just list off a bunch of things the article doesn’t say?

entropicshart ,

Go read the article before you comment.

keeb420 ,

He mightve thought he was trying to enter his house. However breaking a window and reaching for the lock is a good way to get either shot or arrested for b&o even if he is drunk as a skunk.

xxkickassjackxx ,

Bro banged on the door and broke a window to try to get in. He was literally forcefully entering a locked house, he didn’t just wander into an unlocked door by mistake.

No telling what the kid was trying to do or would have done if he got in. Home owners have to assume the person trying to kick in the door and breaking a window is there to do harm. Justified self defense to anyone with two brain cells to rub together.

legion02 ,

By all accounts he thought he was entering his own home, thought he was breaking his own windows, etc. Seems to me like a little more dialog and this kid’s still alive and a broken window is the worst part of the event. With castle doctrine laws the way they are mistakes and misunderstandings are much more likely to become fatal.

RoboRay , avatar

Not being allowed to defend yourself until the intruder finishes breaking in to your home and attacks you simply means self-defense isn't allowed, because at that point you're probably already dead.

wahming ,

The homeowners were awake, and calling the cops. Sounds like the kid was drunk to the point he wasn’t engaging in conversation.

tider06 ,

Not by all accounts. Specifically not by the accounts of the people who were inside the home that was getting broken into at 2am.

legion02 ,

In none of the accounts do they mention trying to speak with him before shooting. Just call 911 and wait with gun pointed towards door.

tider06 ,

Which is what they did, until the intruder broke into the home through the window.

legion02 ,

You have a source on that? I’ve yet to see a reference to them attempting to communicate with anyone but 911.

tider06 , (edited )

As many sources that you have that say they didn’t.

legion02 ,

I can’t find anything saying the couple wasn’t high on meth so I guess it’s safe to assume they were.

tider06 ,

Yeah, that’s basically what you’re doing.

starman2112 , avatar

You have to judge it from the perspective if the person living there. They hear someone banging on their door, trying to get into the house, breaking the window and forcing their way in. They had absolutely no reason to believe this was a simple misunderstanding, and every reason to believe their life was in danger.

FoundTheVegan , (edited ) avatar

This wasn't a kid knocking at the wrong door in the middile of the day.

This was a 2 AM and break in where the guy busted a window to get at the door handle. This is WAY MORE than just knocking or a misunderstanding. I would agree that mistakes or even simple burglary don't deserve the death penalty, BUT... if he was aggressive enough to be smashing things in the middle of the night after banging on the door and windows, then what would he also be aggressive and mistaken about when he got inside? At a certain point being concerned for your own safety is legitmate and we crossed that line awhile ago.

Cold_Brew_Enema ,

Hey doofus did you even read the article? He was breaking into the home. Maybe read the fucking article before spouting bullshit, next time.

Pratai , in The Startling Age Of A Suspect in Racially Motivated (non fatal) Drowning

I’m always glad that in these cases cooler heads prevail and resolve the problem adequately- and that those cooler heads are the best ones to deal with the situation-

Because if I was there, I would have murdered that punk, no question.

FuglyDuck , (edited ) avatar

It ain’t murder if it’s justified. You’re allowed to use lethal force to stop someone from killing someone else. it doesn’t matter if that first someone happens to be 14, 24, or 94. Sure, you have to stop using lethal force just as soon as the threat is gone… and it’s hard to imagine the kind of lethal force that wouldn’t also put the victim in danger… but it ain’t murder if it’s justified.

infyrin , in Bodycam: Pregnant woman accused of shoplifting shot by police avatar

I saw the video hours ago and yeah that officer really overstepped himself here. I’ve watched a lot of bodycam videos and some chases and more times - officers got the fuck out of the way when any vehicle was heading towards them. Smart officers shoot tires and use resourceful means to negate the criminal. Aggressive gun-happy officers just shoot away.

USSEthernet ,

No one should be shooting at tires, that isn’t as easy as they make it in the movies (in this case yes it would have been). However, you should NEVER point a gun at something you do not intend to kill.

cowpowered ,

Yeah and let’s not forget this was simple shoplifting. A crime, sure, but not nearly one serious enough to start shooting at a fleeing suspect. Just let her go and issue a warrant.

Ensign_Crab , in Texas highways are the next anti-abortion target. One town is resisting.

Llano? The same Llano that tried to close its library because they weren’t allowed to remove books about gay people?

sumofchemicals , in White man faces trial in US for shooting Black teen who went to wrong house

I don’t consume conservative media, but I’m wondering is there some current of thought that’s leading to all these shootings after someone goes to the wrong door? Seems like there’s been a lot recently, and makes no sense to me.

EdibleFriend , in Microplastics could reach every organ including the brain, study finds avatar

Everything is past the point of no return.

Fedizen , in Bodycam: Pregnant woman accused of shoplifting shot by police

If you see some store security dork following people to their cars, make sure you trip them or hit them with a shopping cart.

There have reports of people dressed as police officers kidnapping people exactly this way as well.

SnowdenHeroOfOurTime ,

Is the goal to get shot?

Silverseren , in Fatal shooting of University of South Carolina student who tried to enter wrong home 'justifiable,' police say

If someone is breaking into your home, you should defend yourself and your family with whatever means is available. The amount of people here saying you should have a polite conversation or comply with the robber's demands (even if that demand is to harm you) is bizarre.

Microw , (edited )

No one was actually breaking into their home though. Literally nothing would have happened to that home owner if he had been less trigger-happy and tried to comminucate with the kid.

TheFrirish ,

Donofrio repeatedly knocked, banged and kicked on the front door “while manipulating the door handle” while trying to enter the home.

Donofrio broke a glass window on the front door “and reached inside to manipulate the doorknob”

KiloGex ,

He broke the glass and tried to open the door from the inside. If I were inside that house, I’d certainly feel threatened.

Malfeasant ,

The problem is you can’t judge people’s actions on what we know after the fact, you have to look at what the person knew in the moment, and for the residents, it sure seemed like someone was breaking into their house, and it’s not reasonable to expect to have a dialogue with a burglar.

Silverseren ,

That is completely incorrect and shows you didn't read the article. The guy physically was breaking the door open.

chiliedogg ,

But he literally broke a window and reached around to open the door from the inside. After trying to kick the door in.

It’s a tragedy, but the homeowner was 100% justified.

random65837 ,

No one was actually breaking into their home though.

He very LITERALLY broke into his home. Are you delusional?

Touching_Grass ,

Its not bizarre. Its called reasonable force

Silverseren ,

So, defending yourself is only valid once you're actually in the process of being killed? A bit too late at that point. Someone physically breaking into your home is a valid reason to use force in response.

Touching_Grass ,

A bit too late at the imaginary non event in your head?

But the definition of threat is what you described. It is a threat against your life which this was not and its why this is tragic because failing to assess caused an unnecessary death.

Silverseren ,

So, again, someone physically breaking open your door, who has unknown weapons themselves including a potential gun, should be something you do nothing about? Just let them in and hope they don't mean to kill you?

Touching_Grass ,

that’s what you’re saying not me. Use my words, not yours

BubblyMango , in White man faces trial in US for shooting Black teen who went to wrong house

What im wandering is this: is this one of those houses where you have to enter the yard in order to ring the bell/knock on the door? If so, this is an actual death trap - you dont know if this is the right house, and in order to verify you have to step into the property where you may be legally shot.

How do you protect yourself when you have to visit a house but are not sure which is the correct one?

Stuka ,

You can’t legally shoot someone for entering your yard…thats why he’s on trial.

BubblyMango ,

I think there is a low in the US that if someone infiltrates your property you can legally shoot to kill. Not sure about the specifics. I assume this case was either too extreme or that there are more specifics to this law.

some_guy ,

You’re talking about “Stand Your Ground” laws. They allow you to shoot in self-defense when someone enters your home or otherwise threatens you. This is why George Zimmerman got off after murdering a child. Don’t forget, kids, George Zimmerman killed a child.

Being on your property probably doesn’t count in most states, but I say “probably” because some states are fucking insane, so who knows.

reverendsteveii ,

George Zimmerman killed a child.

Hey now, that’s not fair. Zimmerman stalked a child through the night after police told him not to, started a fistfight with that child, and only murdered the child after it became evident that he was losing the fight he started.

That’s what stand your ground is for, shooting your way out of fights you start. Ask Marissa Alexander, it’s certainly not for firing warning shots at your abusive ex husband when he’s on your property in violation of a restraining order and threatening your kids.

zimmernan ,

I know How could this monster

Have really killed this totally innocent angel of a child,

His social media post were so innocent!

reverendsteveii ,

BuT hIs SoCiAl MeDia

Get fucked

skittles ,
Stuka ,

No, specifics depend on the state but in none are you allowed to shoot someone for entering your yard.

Dark_Arc , (edited ) avatar

These laws, castle doctrine, are not anywhere near that crazy. They’re the same idea as self defense… however, normally you have a “duty to retreat”, what castle doctrine says is if you’re in your own home you no longer have that obligation.

You still have to meet the bar for self defense, i.e., they need to be a threat… someone walking in your yard or knocking on your door that’s not brandishing a weapon is not going to meet that bar.

Edit: Wikipedia disagrees with me … though I’m not sure if that’s a factual disagreement or an editorial disagreement.

Justifiable homicide[2] in self-defense which happens to occur inside one’s home is distinct, as a matter of law, from castle doctrine because the mere occurrence of trespassing—and occasionally a subjective requirement of fear—is sufficient to invoke the castle doctrine. The burden of proof of fact is much less challenging than that of justifying homicide in self-defense. It would be a misconception of law to infer that because a state has a justifiable homicide in self-defense provision pertaining to one’s domicile, it has a castle doctrine protecting the estate and exonerating any duty whatsoever to retreat therefrom.

There’s a lack of citation here which honestly should probably be raised on the wiki. The cited source does not support that text (I’ve added the appropriate citation requests on the wikipedia side – if anyone can prove these claims, we should contribute the reference there as well).

BubblyMango ,

Yeah i remembered seeing something similar to this somewhere. Either way US laws are completely irrelevant to me so this is pure mild interest.

reverendsteveii ,

The laws on self-defense are extremely state specific. Your understanding of self defense laws is highly sensationalized and I recommend in the strongest possible terms you do some research before they become relevant to you personally one way or the other.

BubblyMango ,

I dont live in the US and dont plan on visiting there in the near future. I am aware of the laws in my country.

Dozzi92 , avatar

But you had no qualms opining about those laws on the internet.

BubblyMango ,

My posts here were full of “i think” and “not sure”. Also not sure which part here was an opinion.

And this is the internet. Not an academic paper. This IS the place to ask/discuss topics you are not sure about. Just dont go around claiming to be an expert in something you are not.

roastpotatothief , in The problem with America’s high homeownership rate

The argument is mostly valid. But the real point is that capital gains tax needs to change. That would solve the stated problem, without reducing home ownership.

As a result, a majority of the population is literally invested in seeing the value of homes always go up.

This is actually not true. In general, ome owners do not benefit from global house price increases.

Cryophilia ,

Yeah they do. Home equity is a powerful tool.

roastpotatothief ,

How do you mean “a powerful tool”? Tool for what?

Cryophilia ,

Collateral, mainly

roastpotatothief ,

Oh like a security for further borrowing? Could be.

Cryophilia ,

HELOC loans are a big one

Also reverse mortgage can serve as a supplement or even substitute to retirement savings

It’s a financial tool that you can utilize

efrique , in 'Trump isn't funding any of us': Co-defendants in Georgia case are struggling with mounting legal bills

face, meet leopard

MNByChoice , in Texas highways are the next anti-abortion target. One town is resisting.

Do Federal dollars help build these roads? (I don’t know.)

0110010001100010 ,

If they are US routes or interstates then yes. If they are state or county/township roads than probably not. Though if I recall correctly if a local road has an over/underpass of an interstate federal funds could be used to help maintain or rebuild those bridges. That part I'm fuzzy on though so could be wrong.

MNByChoice ,

That is really informative. Thank you!

EdibleFriend , in Bodycam: Pregnant woman accused of shoplifting shot by police avatar


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  • Thoth19 ,

    That’s horrible. It would be bad for public health to leave corpses rotting in the street. Bodies need to be properly disposed of to avoid breeding dangerous bacteria.

    sndmn ,

    I believe one thing about UK policing is correct. Unless there’s reason for officers to be armed, they’re not even carrying guns. I realize that’s untenable in the US because of the proliferation of handguns but here in Canada, I think it should be policy.

    SaltySalamander , avatar

    Wouldn't work here, for the simple fact that there aren't more guns than UK citizens in the UK.

    eran_morad , in 'Trump isn't funding any of us': Co-defendants in Georgia case are struggling with mounting legal bills

    Lol, fuck ‘em.

    oldbaldgrumpy , in Canada advises LGBTQ2 travellers to be aware of U.S. state laws

    OK, I can’t keep up, what’s the 2 mean? LOL

    AngryAnusHornets ,


  • Loading...
  • Kit ,

    Jesus. At this point can we just say LGBTO and have the O mean Others? It’s getting cringy af, and I’m saying that as a trans person.

    macracanthorhynchus ,

    That was the whole point of the “Q”! In fact, we could ditch the LGBT and just stick with a fully inclusive “Queer”.

    n3m37h ,

    Don’t worry there are only 107 recognized genders. I’d like to hear any politician throw that one around

    Kit ,

    Why can’t those 107 genders fall under T for trans? I feel old for saying this, but if you don’t identify with your birth gender then doesn’t that make a person trans? Why do they need a extra letter on LGBT for it?

    n3m37h ,

    I don’t know, I don’t subscribe to any of that shit. I don’t care whatya do in your personal life but if you come up to me and look like a guy, I’m gonna say what up dude. You get offended by that ya can GFY lol

    vinceman ,

    So you’re a transhpobe? At least just say you’re a transphobic person, it’s a lot easier than typing in that cringy comment.

    n3m37h , (edited )

    No, I couldn’t give a shit what you do in your life. I’m not changing for anyone, I am me. If you don’t like it, go elsewhere. If that’s transphobic, sure what ever. I really don’t care because it doesn’t affect my life

    vinceman ,

    But your actions affect others, you being unwilling to properly gender a person means that others hate will reach them easier. Just because you aren’t being affected doesn’t mean you can’t help things improve. And if you aren’t willing to gender somebody properly, what did you think that made you before? It’s simply hateful.

    Kit ,

    So if the CEO of the company you worked for introduced himself with male pronouns but you thought he looked feminine, you’d call him by female pronouns? Or if you got pulled over by a female officer but she looked masculine to you, you’d call her “Sir”? Yikes. It sounds to me like you just like having a shitty excuse to disrespect people.

    n3m37h ,

    Jesus fuck you are stupid. I only acknowledge 2 genders. Male and female.

    I am not disrespectful in any way unless you do something stupid like interrupt me to let me know your bullshit ideology about genders.

    You and the people in your life can do that. Don’t force your moronic ideology down my throat.

    That’s it. It’s not hard.

    I don’t care if you love dick or vagina or neither, you do you.

    Get that ideology through your thick skull and STFU about it when in public, unless you’re with people you know, then do it with them and no one else.

    WhiteHawk ,

    Recognized by whom? Most countries recognize 3: male, female, and everything inbetween

    SCB ,

    You don’t even need the O, because that’s what the Q means.

    Kit ,

    I’d love if we could get to a place where the Q encompasses all of the identities. As it stands, it feels like Queer has taken on an identity of its own.

    SCB ,

    I’d love to get to a place where there is no LGBTQ+ community at all. That’s what actually winning looks like.

    IdealShrew ,

    this is so stupid lol

    AngryCommieKender ,

    It’s a Native American term that has been in use for thousands of years longer than whatever newbie civilization your ancestors came from.

    RizzRustbolt ,

    You get to be in the acronym. But you’re on your own for affordable food.

    rab , avatar

    You should look up Trudeau rattling off this acronym like it’s nothing lol. He likely practiced a lot in the mirror

    Sekoia ,

    It’s more relevant for NA, it’s an indigenous thing iirc.

    Compactor9679 ,


    afraid_of_zombies ,


    Electricorchestra ,

    It means two-spirited and it’s part of an Indigenous concept of gender and worldview.

    Franzia ,

    Thank you! 2 Spirited was my first introduction to what it meant to be Queer, and it’s pretty cool to see this variation on the acronym.

    Electricorchestra ,

    Hey no problem glad I could help. It’s part of decolonization to include everyone in on Indigenous terms.

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