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I ordered my daughter a pizza, something I don't usually do. I got Domino's smallest size with two toppings. I got her cheese sticks and two sauces and tipped the driver 20%. $31.07.

Note I did not buy any food for myself.

To head off questions:

  1. No, I couldn’t cook for her. I’m suffering from a long-term illness where I can’t eat solid foods and am extremely smell sensitive. My wife is at a funeral, so I had to order food.
  2. She’s extremely picky and refused to let me order anything but pizza.
  3. We live outside of town, in a not very big town, with very few pizza delivery options, and they’re all at least this expensive.
  4. No, I didn’t also have to buy her the cheesy bread or the second topping or the sauces, but it’s nice to get my daughter a treat and that is no excuse for the order being that expensive.
  5. We’re in Indiana, so this should be ludicrous in terms of pricing. This used to be the pricing I would expect when we lived in L.A. and ordered from a good local place rather than a chain.

Edit: Turns out what I should have been infuriated about is people repeatedly telling me to get takeout and having to repeatedly explain why that wasn’t an option, having people not believe I’m sick, and being repeatedly berated for not magically knowing food coupons exist on the internet when I never order food on the internet. Oh right, and also being a bad parent for not forcing food my daughter doesn’t like down her throat or starving her if she won’t eat it.

By the way, I have another thing to be infuriated about. A huge storm came in and this happened to our trees. I assume I will start being berated for not cutting them down before that happened, but because I have no power or internet at home and have to go to the library to post, your further posts telling me what an idiot I am and how I’m an awful parent and how I’m not really sick will take me a while to read. Sorry to ruin your day. Maybe you’ll find someone else to treat like shit.

Anyway, have fun telling me I’m the worst person on Lemmy, just don’t expect a quick reply.

Oh, and do tell me how stupid I am for not knowing that people who clear up and fix such damage have coupons on their website.

EatATaco ,

You didn’t head off the question as to why you didn’t just pick it up. It looks your delivery costs were a whopping 28% of the total. If you ain’t cooking, you’ve probably got the time to drive. Or better yet walk or bike (obviously only if it’s close enough).

But that being said, I recommend always considering getting a large pie. Remember, the area grows with r^2^

So for 6 extra dollars (to get the 16 inch) you get the equivalent of 2.5 10" pizzas. And you have some leftovers. Granted this doesn’t make sense if no one else is going to eat it but her, but even going to a medium, you get almost an extra half pizza for 2 dollars. That probably would buy at least a second meal out of it for her.

FlyingSquid OP , avatar

You didn’t head off the question as to why you didn’t just pick it up.

I didn’t?

I’m suffering from a long-term illness where I can’t eat solid foods and am extremely smell sensitive.

I didn’t really want to go into detail, but since you and others seem to need me to, here you go:

If I get in my car with a pizza that already makes me ill just smelling it while carrying it out of the pizza place which makes me ill by going into, I’ll be lucky if I haven’t already heaved three times. Then I have to pull over every few minutes to heave some more. Generally, drivers behind me don’t care for that and I try to be polite as a driver.

I hope this clears things up for anyone, but if you still have questions about why I didn’t put a pizza in my car anyway, I’ll do my best to explain it to you, but I would suggest starting to answer that question by sticking your fingers down your throat in short intervals.

Dashi ,

To OPs defense, i didn’t put 1 and 1 together until you spelled it out either. Wouldn’t have crossed my mind that the smell in an enclosed space would bother you.

Regardless of the rest i hope your daughter enjoyed her treat!

FlyingSquid OP , avatar

She did, thank you.

Dkarma ,

Can’t open a window or put it in the trunk or breathe thru your mouth?

This is a joke, right?

Ops is a troll

Dashi ,

I would rather not assume someone is just out to troll. I’m sure in a life-threatening circumstance, they could do any of the lines you listed.

But if they don’t have to and could just pay a little more for someone delivering it oh well. Will they pay through the nose for the convenience? Sure. Is it still a lot of money for the convenience? Yes.

Given how active flying squid is I don’t think he is just out here intentionally trolling. I could be wrong.

EatATaco ,

I didn’t?

No, you didn’t. That was your explanation as to why you couldn’t cook. I presumed one reason you got pizza was because it was a smell you could tolerate. Expecting people to understand that your reasoning for not cooking was the same reason for not driving is ridiculous.

I respect that and it makes sense. Why you had to be such a prick about it is beyond me.

FlyingSquid OP , avatar

Because you were like the fourth person to tell me to get takeout after I explained it in the comments multiple times.

EatATaco ,

Because you were like the fourth person to tell me to get takeout after I explained it in the comments multiple times.

My bad. I did search for “drive” and “pick” and saw nothing. But apparently I didn’t scroll down so all of the comments weren’t loaded.

Dkarma ,

Also op paid almost $8 for cheesy bread and almost a buck for each of their two sauces.

This is not “just a pizza”

Op go to Little Caesars, get a $5 pizza and stfu

padge ,

The only way to order from Dominos is to use coupons, and even them I feel like I always spent more than I intend to. I remember a handful of years ago they were putting flyers on the pizza box saying that the delivery few doesn’t count as a tip. Then what’s the delivery fee for???

el_abuelo ,


Maybe I’m missing the point as I’m not from the US (and I assume from your content that you are) - but here we pay a delivery fee which covers the cost of delivery, and a tip is an optional bonus for the delivery person if you feel like they went beyond.

padge ,

In the US, delivery drivers are paid below minimum wage, not to mention they’re usually using their own cars, so it is expected to tip them to make up the difference. The flyer was saying that the delivery fee doesn’t directly go to drivers, if it did then the tip would actually be optional.

Hobo ,

Why would you need to defend yourself for ordering a pizza and being shocked by the high price? Sometimes I think I’ve gotten too old for the internet. People should be allowed to order a pizza every once in a while and not have to formulate a 5 point list of the reasons why it’s okay for them to order pizza.

FlyingSquid OP , avatar

A whole bunch of people have come in to tell me why I should have done things that I already said I wouldn’t be able to do based on those five points, so I suppose you could argue that it wasn’t worth giving them, although I have a feeling even more people would have said “just get takeout” or whatever. Someone even now is telling me to get takeout just put the pizza in a Ziplock.

el_abuelo ,

Did you consider getting takeout?

FlyingSquid OP , avatar

I did not! Thank you for the suggestion!

RizzRustbolt ,

That’s a go order!

Take 'em out!

skuzz ,

Just ignore the trolls, they have meaningless little lives and nothing better to do than try and make a random person online feel like shit so the trolls can feel like their existence matters in any significant way. Which sucks, as they could probably better focus that time constructively, but instead…this.

FlyingSquid OP , avatar

Thank you.

scottywh ,


Pizza is takeout… If they mean picking it up instead of delivery, well yes, you should have.

FlyingSquid OP , avatar

Again- I am extremely smell sensitive.

I go into the pizza place, I heave.

I carry the pizza to the car, I heave.

I drive with the pizza in the car, I have to keep pulling over to heave.

Why do any of you find that reasonable? Would you want to do that just to give someone a pizza?

scottywh ,

Because you’re full of shit.

FlyingSquid OP , avatar

Wow! You also figured out my huge con to tell everybody I’m sick when I’m not. And as a consolation prize for figuring it out second, you get to have an entire paste of what I said to the first guy about how it’s all a big con. Congratulations on both of you for being Sherlock Holmes.

I guess I made up all the posts I made about it in Casual Conversation you’re free to look up, including all the ones I posted while I was at the Mayo Clinic.

It’s been a long con going on since December of 2022.

After all, nothing on the internet is true.

Here you go, here’s a link where I made up being at the Mayo Clinic:

Here’s a link on another forum where I completely made up having my gall bladder removed and how that didn’t work:…/2520?u=flyingsquid

I’m happy to show you other examples of me completely making this up.

Edit: sorry, you don’t get to see my medical records, but I can probably arrange a video chat with one of my doctors if you’d like. Of course, that will probably just a fake doctor that I’m completely making up.

Edit 2: Check out my amazing Photoshop skills!

scottywh ,

You need to fucking grow up.

natecox , avatar

Have you seen the responses here? Paints a picture on why they felt the need to defend themselves.

el_abuelo ,

Well he didn’t just get takeout for some reason /s

Glytch ,


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  • DragonTypeWyvern , (edited )

    Liberals will lick any boot they see as long they’re charged for the privilege.

    Lightor ,

    Always gotta find a way to pwn those libs, even when the topic is ordering pizza, jfc, have a personality

    DragonTypeWyvern ,

    Stop being such petty, bootlicking sluts and I’ll stop calling you petty, bootlicking sluts.

    Lightor ,

    Sure, I’m a bootlicking slut, you really got me. You sound like you weren’t hugged enough so you inject politics into everything, so you have a reason to insult people. You’re in a cult my guy. Like I said, have a personality beyond “libs bad”, it’s pathetic.

    DragonTypeWyvern ,

    Bootlicking slut taking the side of petty bitches yelling at OP for not liking the way society is progressing says what?

    Lightor , (edited )

    Jesus, that was a bit of a mouthful huh? Also, “says what” doesn’t work when I can just reread it.

    But I love this line of logic. How do you like society progressing? Do you like the push for diversity and inclusion, trans rights, gay marriage, legalizing weed, pushing for socialized health care, gender-affirming procedures, and abortion rights? I’m assuming you like all that. I mean, you wouldn’t want to be a “petty bitch” for not liking how society is progressing. Or are you just bootlicking the GOP and nodding your head whenever they say anything without thinking too hard?

    Edit: funny how you didn’t say anything when brought face to face with you hypocrisy. You just down voted me and stayed quiet. All people like you ever have is hate and name calling, not a single coherent thought or stance.

    petrol_sniff_king ,

    How do you feel about negotiating the price of a new car down?

    Personally, I think it’s really cool that people without social skills are charged more. It’s like “take that! ya fuckin loser.”

    Glytch ,

    Nice false equivalence. This isn’t even about negotiating, it’s about looking at the website you’re ordering from and actively trying to save money. Domino’s doesn’t hide their deals, they put them under the tab labeled “deals”. If you don’t have the reading comprehension to find those deals, you may need someone else to order for you.

    petrol_sniff_king ,

    Exactly! I’m always complaining about the illiterate. I like to write them letters because I know it makes them sad.

    loudWaterEnjoyer , (edited ) avatar

    Why would I care what the internet loser has to say about my life? Why should that impact my behavior in any way?

    I am also highly irritated by the way this post was formulated. It feels like, having the need to post personal information to justify ordering a pizza so he can ramble about the price.

    How can a grown ass man be so insecure about himself. Like what’s the problem with saying fuck I ordered a pizza and damn those fuckers got expensive? Where are we heading, that a grown adult needs to intro everyone with a letter long disclaimer, to justify he bought a pizza.

    PythagreousTitties ,

    They have small frozen pizzas that are in a cardboard box at places like Aldi’s and Walmart. They’re good, they actually have crust, and cheap. $8 for a supreme. I just get one of those sometimes.

    I also ordered a small pizza and wings this past weekend from the pizza place in my area. $27, for take out. It’s like fast food and pizza joints are competing to see who can get more expensive.


    Just bought an ALDIs 16” pizza last night for $8.

    PythagreousTitties ,

    It’s not too bad, right? It’s actually got dough in it.

    HubertManne ,

    why is no one talking about how it adds up to 30.97 unless my head math is no longer sharp.

    skuzz ,

    I got $31.07 here using a calculator. Perhaps you’ve uncovered a plot perpetrated by Big Calculator. (A joke.)

    HubertManne ,

    I might be losing my perspecacity. I add the last two lines and my brain said 92 cents and 18 cents made a dollar rather than a dollar 10. it may seem dumb but thanks as it was messing with my brain. ugh I hate when I do stuff like that.

    skuzz ,

    Hey, it’s good to keep exercising the math muscle, and apparently making mistakes is a better learning reinforcement for us than always succeeding, so I bet it will stick better now.

    HubertManne ,

    i wish but that type of shortcutty my brain took is unfortunately sorta a good and bad thing. It saw the 92 and 8 and just blew by it saying thats gonna be an even dollar so we can jump to the the others and figure out the cents and then add the dollars together. Im like 99% sure I would do the same in future unless I pull out paper (or just have a machine do it)

    TheOakTree ,

    No, it’s $31.07. You likely combined the 92 cents and 18 cents to a dollar instead of a dollar and 10 cents.

    HubertManne ,

    yes. that is exactly what I did.

    tehmics ,

    Never buy chain pizza at menu price. They all run specials all the time, that are around half off. They keep menu prices high so that they can constantly run buy one get one promos and specials to make you think you’re getting a deal. They also happen to gouge people who won’t bother checking the deals section

    DogWater ,

    And similarly don’t order fast food without using the app for promos and deals.

    petrol_sniff_king ,

    I will let myself bleed out in a Safeway parking lot before installing McDonald’s stupid fucking app to get a 1.99 boiling hot coffee to cauterize the wound with.

    DogWater ,

    ? Why lol just use Google/apple pay

    tehmics ,

    Nah that trash isn’t touching my phone unless I’m homeless and starving

    DogWater ,


    s_s ,

    That’s what 3 days worth of unhealthy hot food, delivered to your door should cost. It’s an extravagant service; it should be an extravagant price.

    The real problem is that all those extra fees and expenses just go straight into owner pockets/shareholder value instead of providing the employees with medical care, proper insurance and a real retirement.

    If you want to save money, teach your daughter how to safely cook a frozen pizza. If she’s old enough to be home alone and answer the door when strangers show up, why can’t she fed herself?

    FlyingSquid OP , avatar

    I absolutely would not let my daughter answer the door for strangers if she was home alone. That’s a terrible idea.

    s_s ,

    You are best friends with all the dominos drivers?

    FlyingSquid OP , avatar

    I’m not even sure why her being home is relevant. I was there too and Domino’s drivers will drop the pizza off outside your door and leave.

    TheOakTree ,

    3 days worth of food? Maybe 3 meals for a child, not 3 days.

    librejoe ,

    Lol you’re surprised at this? Don’t come to Canada, your eyeballs will fall out of your sockets. I would have sent her money to go buy groceries instead.

    guacupado ,

    Funny, considering someone else from Canada quoted at half the price of OP’s.

    Glytch ,

    Skill issue.

    Check the deals tab on the website, you could have gotten a medium and cheesy bread for at least $10 less that what you paid for this.

    Don’t blame the restaurant when you won’t even try to save money.

    FlyingSquid OP , avatar

    Sorry, why is it my fault to know that they offered discounts? Why should they offer them in the first place? Why not just charge that amount if they can afford to? Is it because you have to enter extra information for those coupons to work for them to harvest your data?

    spongebue ,

    In my experience, damn near every pizza place has had combo deals and coupons and stuff. And no, I never had to give any extra information or data or app install or whatever that I wouldn’t have had to give for the order anyway. Just say “yeah, add that special to the cart”

    Kinda like if you order a cheeseburger, fries, and drink instead of a #1 combo.

    FlyingSquid OP , avatar
    spongebue ,

    That’s true, I have generally gotten my pizza elsewhere (not that I’m an anti-chain purist snob, but there are several options and Domino’s is my least-favorite). If Domino’s is particularly egregious, why was that your choice? Surely you knew that and a coupon wasn’t the only way they could do it?

    FlyingSquid OP , avatar
    1. We live outside of town, in a not very big town, with very few pizza delivery options, and they’re all at least this expensive
    petrol_sniff_king ,

    I read the first bullet point and immediately had a prophetic, future-sight vision of the comments before even scrolling down. I’m so sorry, man, haha.

    Crikeste ,

    I don’t think it’s reasonable to expect every person to go through the deals tab. Hell, that’s why it exists rather than just lowering the prices.

    FlyingSquid OP , avatar

    I just looked at the coupons tab and none of them apply to what I ordered.

    KrankyKong ,

    The choose 2 for 6.99 seems like it’d work for a you. A medium pizza and cheesy bread for 14 bucks.

    You gotta get creative when buying from these chain pizza places. There’s reasonable deals to be found, but they don’t make it easy.

    FlyingSquid OP , avatar

    I’m not seeing where it says a medium pizza. It also doesn’t say how many toppings, but I’m guessing one.

    On top of that, it’s a waste of food to get a medium pizza for one person.

    Crikeste ,

    Pizza is like the one food everyone agrees is good leftovers lmao. Even cold. You ok, my guy?

    FlyingSquid OP , avatar

    Not my daughter.

    Crikeste ,

    That’s fair.

    KrankyKong ,

    You gotta do a little poking around. It’s a medium 2 topping pizza. Stuffed cheesy bread is also on there. Just have to click in the link to find that out.

    FlyingSquid OP , avatar

    Well then I definitely wouldn’t have ordered it. I am not going to waste food to save money.

    Glytch ,

    Yes. They don’t hide their deals. They put them all in a convenient tab labeled “deals”

    Ignoring your rhetoricals

    No you don’t need to enter more info you just need to look at the website you’re ordering from.

    FlyingSquid OP , avatar

    You can ignore the fact that Domino’s is taking advantage of people for not knowing things all you like. They still are.

    By the way, as I showed others, the closest coupon would only get me a medium pizza, which would be a waste of food since it wouldn’t get eaten. But that also seems to be irrelevant somehow… that I have to get exactly the order that Domino’s wants me to get or they charge me a whole lot more.

    People really seem to think Domino’s should charge whatever they want as long as the person is below a certain level of intelligence.

    Glytch ,

    Well duh, welcome to capitalism learn to live with or overthrow it. Corps will try to take your money any way they can it’s your own responsibility to not let them.

    A fool and his money are soon parted.

    FlyingSquid OP , avatar

    Yes, again, I understand that you and others think that people of low intelligence deserve to be charged a premium for it by corporations. You’ve already made that clear.

    People with intellectual disabilities deserve punishment.

    Glytch ,

    Are you on the Olympic track and field team? Because that was a leap worthy of a gold medal in long jump.

    Dominoes has no responsibility to save you money regardless of whether or not you’ve actually got disabilities, you’re broke, or (what I suspect is true in this instance) you’re just a quixotic dumbass.

    Capitalism doesn’t care about you. Work to overthrow it of you don’t like it.

    FlyingSquid OP , avatar

    Ah, corporations can do whatever they want and that’s okay because we live in a capitalist society. What a wonderful attitude.

    Glytch ,


    I’m not happy about it, I’m just telling you the truth. If we want to solve the problems we both have with our profit motivated society and the immoral corporations that control it we need to organize to overthrow it and install something better.

    Until that happens we have to take responsibility for protecting our own funds and that means taking advantage of whatever we can and paying attention to the places we’re buying from to make sure we minimize the amount they are able to take from us.

    FlyingSquid OP , avatar

    You seem pretty happy about it to me. You also don’t seem like you want to solve anything. You also suggested that Domino’s was doing the opposite of something immoral.

    So make up your mind.

    If you really wanted to solve this problem and weren’t okay with it, you wouldn’t be berating someone for talking about how it is a problem.

    So I have no idea why you’re expecting me to suddenly believe you’re anti-capitalist after all of these defenses of Domino’s business practices. Sorry, you’re not going to make me believe you’ve become someone who is anything but pro-corporate overnight.

    Glytch ,

    You believe what you want, I don’t need to explain myself to a fool who can’t keep hold of their own money.

    FlyingSquid OP , avatar

    Cool. Enjoy your hail corporate lifestyle. Hope that works out for you. I’m sure you’ll never get overcharged by any corporation when it turns out you didn’t have to be. And if that does happen, I’m sure you’ll berate yourself for lacking the intelligence to not be cheated. Because you feel the same way about yourself than you do about a stranger on the internet you know you can get away with berating since you’re not in the same room.

    Glytch ,

    And you enjoy getting offended and defensive when someone tells you to read for your own good or take responsibility for your own actions.

    FlyingSquid OP , avatar

    I don’t enjoy it, I just don’t see why I should accept that Domino’s is doing something that it’s okay to do.

    I understand that you think it’s acceptable for Domino’s to have a two-tier pricing system depending on how smart you are. I don’t. I can’t help not being smart no matter how much you think I can.

    Glytch ,

    I don’t enjoy it,

    I doubt that, you seem to get off on being berated and called stupid.

    FlyingSquid OP , avatar

    So if I say you’re pro-corporate, that’s beyond the pale, but you’re allowed to say I enjoy being berated?

    Also, as I have said many times, I am stupid. Calling me stupid is factual. You just think it’s okay to take advantage of stupid people.

    skuzz ,

    Learning to “life-hack” a web site for deals (especially when in a crisis) shouldn’t be a prerequisite for purchasing food at a reasonable price. The onus should not be on the consumer to not get ripped off by the seller.

    This is just a continuation of systemic failure of business running rampant on the web without any reasonable regulation to prevent it.

    MolochAlter ,

    This isn’t like, basic necessities food. This fast food.

    The cost is the manpower and prep involved in being able to deliver food, fast.

    The deals are there to make you check the rest of the website and be acquainted with their products, in exchange you get a price reduction.

    There is no ripping off, you’re just not doing an additional bit of trading. If you don’t want food at the price Domino’s offers nobody says you must purchase from them.

    Glytch ,

    Reading the top bar of a website is not a “life hack” it should be common sense. Generally the “deals” tab is right next to the “menu” tab.

    Pizza places don’t hide their deals, they want you to use them and if you call the restaurant and aren’t a jerk the person on the phone they will likely apply a deal that fits your order and saves you a ton.

    BURN ,

    Never order dominos without coupons. It’s exponentially more expensive than anything you can get with a coupon.

    Dominos largest profit margins are on orders exactly like this. It’s often more economical to order more food at a cheaper price.

    FlyingSquid OP , avatar

    I just looked on the coupons page on their website. None of the coupons would have applied.

    BURN ,

    You’re never going to find exactly what you want, but the 5.99 deal for a medium 2 topping also applies to the cheesy bread you ordered, bringing the total down significantly.

    FlyingSquid OP , avatar
    BURN ,

    It looks like it’s now the 6.99 deal

    It’s been 6 or 7 years since I worked for dominoes

    scottywh ,

    That pick any 2 for $6.99 each deal would have saved you a bundle.

    So would picking it up.

    FlyingSquid OP , (edited ) avatar

    Again- I am extremely smell sensitive.

    I go into the pizza place, I heave.

    I carry the pizza to the car, I heave.

    I drive with the pizza in the car, I have to keep pulling over to heave.

    Why do any of you find that reasonable? Would you want to do that just to give someone a pizza?

    Yes, I know. The answer is “downvote this comment” rather than accept the fact that it is something I cannot do because of my illness (which I am apparently completely making up).

    scottywh ,

    Breathe through your mouth.

    There is zero chance someone really developes something that debilitating without learning how to cope with it.

    FlyingSquid OP , avatar

    Yep. It’s definitely all a lie. You and the others figured it out. But this is another chance to show off my amazing Photoshop skills.

    I Photoshop that to pretend I spent all my birthday money on a medical bill. Isn’t that awesome?

    scottywh ,

    Keep posting your hospital bill.

    It doesn’t prove shit except that you are committed to your stupid lie.

    FlyingSquid OP , avatar

    I have a nutty idea! You keep harassing me, and I keep flagging you and then I will report you to admin eventually if that doesn’t work. Sound fun?

    scottywh ,

    No one is harassing you by calling out your bullshit…

    But feel free to be as wimpy and whiny as you’d like.

    Crozekiel ,

    Dude could have saved like $6+tax and gotten more food, and is still arguing that nothing could have been done…

    Lead a horse to water and all that…

    Godric ,

    Did you order online?

    Did you ignore the deal they shove in your face as soon as you visit the website that would have made the order much cheaper?

    FlyingSquid OP , avatar

    You mean the deal where I have to order two of something and pay $7 for each one? That would have been more expensive and a waste of food.

    Godric ,


    Don’t complain about how things work when you don’t know how things work XD

    Click on the 2 or more deal and do some exploring, this is a learning moment that will revolutionize your Domino’s experience forever!

    FlyingSquid OP , avatar

    Don’t complain about how things work when you don’t know how things work XD

    Again, why is it my fault that Domino’s is taking advantage of my not knowing how their system works? The last time I ordered a pizza before this, you had to do it by phone. I don’t order pizza. So why should I be expected to know how ordering pizza over the internet works? Am I supposed to absorb the information indirectly somehow?

    What exactly do you have to gain by defending corporate deceptive practices?

    Godric ,

    Buddy I’m not “defending deceptive corporate practices”, I’m trying to teach you how to use the deals they shove in your face so you can save money.

    Domino’s isn’t “taking advantage of you not knowing how the system works” when they plaster the deals in all caps on their homepage. They want you to use the deals, and make it very easy to use the deals.

    I would think there’d be less obstinate boomerism on Lemmy, but apparently not. You have eyes, you have fingers, and presumably a brain. You could have used them, you didn’t. You paid more than you had to as a result. You now have the option to learn, and not make the same mistake again.

    FlyingSquid OP , avatar

    Considering people keep insisting I do something I didn’t know was a thing I could do and berating me for not knowing it, I think getting mildly annoyed by people saying that, and the people telling me to get takeout when I can’t, is damn reasonable after dealing with people saying it for a day.

    I’m sorry I don’t know what I don’t know and I’m tired of getting berated for not knowing what I don’t know as if I somehow should have known it through osmosis.

    I’m not a boomer, I’m 46. I just don’t order pizza. Hence my putting that in the headline. I probably won’t order pizza again either unless something unexpected like this happens again.

    itstoowet ,

    I feel for you dude, the pizza should just be the fair price without having to dive into some stupid deal system. Just sell the pizza for the price of the damn pizza. The other guy sounds like a silly domino’s evangelical lmao. “I have dominos wisdom, hear my words!!”

    Such a weird thing to defend their business practices, it’s not even quality pizza.

    naeap ,

    Hey man, just wanted to say that I'm on your side

    I hate it that prices are getting somewhat hidden or I need to shop in a specific manner to get a discount.
    Just tell me your fucking price and then I'll decide, if it's worth it for me.
    I don't care to read or search through your website for offers. I want to order what I want and that's fucking it

    FlyingSquid OP , avatar

    Thank you. Exactly.

    DarkDreamer13 ,

    But in the picture you can see CHEESEY BREAD is among the options you can choose along with pizza. So the TWO THINGS you did order would count for the TWO THINGS you need. It would therefore be cheaper and the same amount of food. You’re getting mad at people in the comments because you didn’t take the time to read, nay, even LOOK AT THE DAMN PICTURES of the deal.

    FlyingSquid OP , avatar

    What size pizza? How many toppings?

    And, yet again, I didn’t know these coupons were a thing.

    TheOakTree ,

    By utilizing the Choose 2 combo, the total cost (assuming same delivery cost and adjusted tax) would be about $25 dollars including a 20% tip (based on total and not subtotal, as in the picture). However, that would include a medium pizza instead of a small pizza.

    It’s not a massive difference. It is definitely a meaningful difference, but it’s still pretty costly for 2 meals worth of food.

    Crozekiel ,

    What’s mildly infuriating here is OP… People are trying to explain how you could have saved almost 1/3 of your purchase price and you just argue with them and keep shouting from your soapbox.

    Unfortunately, price shopping is a part of every transaction if you are trying to get the best deal. If you aren’t invested enough to read the largest banner on the shop website to save almost 1/3 of your total, then getting the best price was clearly not a concern when you ordered. Yes, you are expected to do that yourself, just like buying anything else in the commerce system we have been using for decades. It’s real boomer/privileged energy expecting that to just be done for you.

    FlyingSquid OP , avatar

    Because I wasn’t trying to get the best deal, I just wanted some damn pizza and, as I have already said, why can’t Domino’s just charge that price? Why is a coupon needed? Please explain to me why that should be necessary rather than Domino’s just charging the lower price, since they obviously can afford to?

    It’s real boomer/privileged energy expecting that to just be done for you.

    I never asked anyone to do it for me. So I didn’t expect anything.

    Is it privileged to have people do it for you when you never asked them to?

    Crozekiel ,

    You are expecting dominos to do it for you. That’s literally what you are asking. They aren’t going to do that for you because they make more money if you ignore the “deals”. Even a tiny barrier is going to keep out some number of people that don’t find value in spending 30 seconds to save 25% on a $30 tab because they have the money to not even notice, which increases profitability. Their line goes up. Our system forces all these companies to worry about that line going up.

    That said, they aren’t trying to hide it from you, it is the largest thing on their store page, and their people on the phone will happily tell you about it.

    Someone else made the same analogy, it is just like going to a drive through and ordering a burger, fries, and drink separately and not asking for a combo. Same products, but most places it will cost you more to order them separately than to order the combo.

    If you are still mad about it, you aren’t mad at Dominos, you are mad at the core of our current economic system.

    Lightor ,

    Yes, greedy companies charge more and are making it harder to get things at a responsible price, that’s the mildly infuriating bit.

    hypnicjerk ,

    Because I wasn’t trying to get the best deal

    then why are you mad that you didn’t get the best deal?

    Lightor , (edited )

    I feel like people have to be purposefully missing the point to make comments like this.

    You used to be able to just order pizza and it be a reasonable price. If you have to do research and build out a coupon spreadsheet just to get a responsible price, that’s a problem.

    WordBox ,

    Idk in the days where you had to call in you still had to ask if they had deals… Otherwise you’re paying menu price (unless the cashier was feeling extra nice)

    Lightor ,

    Sure, I think deals and coupons were always a thing, but there were actually deals. I can’t speak for everyone, but I feel like these “deals” now just take an inflated price and make it reasonable. They’re not a deal so much anymore, just a way to make things somewhat reasonably priced.

    ASeriesOfPoorChoices ,

    I just paid $2.67usd after tax for a large pepperoni Domino’s pizza. That’s a deal.

    Lightor ,

    And not the norm

    ASeriesOfPoorChoices ,

    EXACTLY. This isn’t new or news.

    ZeroHora , avatar

    Exactly, thanks god. Is mildly infuriating read comments with people reasoning the late stage capitalism practice with basically “git gud” mentality

    poke ,

    This post is a good mildly infuriating post. The pizza does cost too much.

    However, it also seems like the poster wasn’t ready for discussion when posting to a discussion board.

    tamal3 ,

    I hear you, but OP already said he didn’t use the internet to make the purchase. Honestly, even as a millennial I order out so infrequently that I probably wouldn’t use their site either. Yes, the economic system that has created this reality is the main issue, but that doesn’t mean it’s incorrect to be frustrated at Dominos.

    ASeriesOfPoorChoices ,

    he DID use the internet. He used their website, and still ignored all their deals.

    Linkerbaan , avatar
    RizzRustbolt ,

    8 dollars for bread and cheese is beyond “mildly” infuriating.

    Rivalarrival , (edited )

    The 15% or 20% guidelines are based on the amount of work performed by the tipped employees (who earn less than minimum wage before tips.) the amount of the check correaponds pretty closely to how much time a waiter has to spend serving a table.

    Drivers are not usually employees; they usually have $0/hr in wages, and pay their own fuel and vehicle expenses. Delivery services typically pay $2 per trip, and a trip will involve 2-4 stops. The base pay from the delivery service does not even cover fuel costs, let alone the driver’s time.

    The amount of work a delivery driver performs is not at all related to the amount of the check. The 15%/20% rules are not remotely close to the amount of work the driver performs. $8 on a $20 order is a garbage tip if it’s a 10-mile delivery to a fourth-floor walkup. $4 on a $70 order might be a decent tip if it’s a 1-mile delivery to a front porch.

    The appropriate tip for delivery is based on mileage, not food price. $1 for pickup, $1 for dropoff, and $1 per mile is a pretty basic tip. A driver can complete about 3, $2 runs per hour. $3 tips gives him a gross income of about $15/hr, and he can net about $10-12 of that after expenses.

    FlyingSquid OP , avatar

    The appropriate tip for delivery is based on mileage, not food price. $1 for pickup, $1 for dropoff, and $1 per mile is a pretty basic tip.

    Ok, so then I should have only tipped him $4? Because it’s around 2 miles away.

    Rivalarrival ,

    In my area, I would not feel insulted by a $4 tip for a ~2-mile delivery.

    FlyingSquid OP , avatar

    Well, I gave 5. I guess I insulted them.

    Rivalarrival ,

    That was uncalled for.

    FlyingSquid OP , avatar

    Was it? All this time I was told I was undertipping and now I’m overtipping.

    Can people please make up their mind?

    Rivalarrival ,

    A $4 tip plus $2 from the service nets me $6. I average 3 to 5 deliveries per hour, grossing $18 to $30 total. Minus $3 to $5 in expenses, and I’m earning $13 to $27/hr on that. Not great, but not terrible.

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