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FrogmanL , in Everytime

What learned was to fight back when no one was watching. No one believed the bully when they said I did it, and I got some payback.

cows_are_underrated ,

I learned it the semi hard way to not fight back. I did it once and imediatly got “fucked” by the teacher. That I had complained to the teacher and even the principal didn’t bother them. So instead of fighting back I let all the bad things I experienced burn into me to a point where I just wanted to kill myself. Holidays temporarily restored my will to live but it wasn’t until 8th or 9th grade that stopped thinking about killing myself, since most bullies either dropped out or changed schools.

Sanctus , in Lead By Example they say! avatar

I think we understand that all leaders involved are shitbags. What we are protesting is the thoughtless slaughter of civilians.

gribodyr , avatar

Which flag are you doing this with?

speaker_hat OP ,

Civilians slaughter is a symptom. The root cause is leaders decisions.

Treat the symptoms won’t solve it, as we can all see.

Sanctus , avatar

Yes because we will all just decide to consume our leaders. That happens so often its actually expected. /s

Come on, man. If we could all rise up collectively, usurp the warmongers and become the peacemakers we would have done so the globe over already.

speaker_hat OP ,

You are correct, the people in Gaza practically cannot consume their current leaders.

So who can? Israel, and this is exactly what it does now: treat the root cause, and destroying these leaders.

Doorbook ,

And the silence of leaders, who pretended to care for human rights yet get so scared to say: “ceasefire”.

Lepsea , in Planes :)

Then the guy goes to lemmy and asks “how to not poo for 3 days” to show his girl that he can change. But it’s all meaningless now because he eats too much beans. Today he just stood in the corner stroganoff his beef

Che_Donkey , avatar

This is poetry

Kusimulkku , in Full power (:

Well you can be both a perpetrator and a victim

ghostdoggtv ,

You stop qualifying for sympathy when you as the victim decide to escalate in the name of revenge

snoopfrog ,

I’m admittedly not well-versed in international affairs, but hasn’t Israel been waiting for an opportunity to do exactly what they’re doing for decades? We’ve armed them to the tooth, and that has always been at least a little concerning because we understood this to be their disposition. I fully expected some light genocide after hearing about the Hamas attack. It’s looking like they might exceed expectations too. I’m a little shocked at our indifference.

blanketswithsmallpox ,

Was about to say. It should be ‘Committing war crimes’ and ‘Also a victim’ lol.

Having 1,200 of your countrymen slaughtered through terrorist violence makes you a victim. It doesn’t give carte blanche to annihilate everything in your path for vengeance though.

GreenMario , in The call of the void is irresistible to toddlers

Little shits under 5 are preprogrammed to fucking try to kill themselves at post haste it fucking seems. That’s why I support using those damn leashes for your suicidal toddler.

How the fuck did humans become the apex species when their young is hell bent into rushing into a sabertooths mouth?

bleistift2 ,

Humans are also the ones publicly shaming parents for not removing their toddlers from sabertooths’ mouths.

Alexstarfire ,

Had enough kids that eventually one didn’t do things like that.

baldingpudenda ,

You would think all those generations would have bred the suicidal tendencies out of toddlers. Instead we got easily fooled eyes and hackable dopamine drip.

Alexstarfire ,

Mutations still occur. They aren’t all good. :)

GreenMario ,

Maybe we were never supposed to protect em lol that’s why the world pop only got above a billion when we started introducing “Hey let’s not let the kids kill themselves” ideas and laws.

The little Jimmy that decided he wanted to pet the Gator didn’t grow up to be Jimothy Bodangles, PHD.

H4mi , in Every Job person now

I love my job and it pays me enough to not worry about it. The secret is living in any western country except the U.S.

DessertStorms , avatar

Right, because there isn't rampant capitalism and wide spread poverty pretty much everywhere else too.. 🙄🙄🙄

(am in UK and you're full of shit. I recommend checking your privilege, or at least taking your head out of your ass long enough to have a look around)

DriftinGrifter ,

L UK citizen

bingbong ,

Common UK L

RickyRigatoni , avatar

You’re lying. British people are mentally incapable of admitting their faults when Americans are around.

Flumsy ,

Poverty rates in former USSR countries have bwen steadily declining since its downfall. Its still widespread but how is capitalism at fault for it?

Starshader ,

Social worker in Switzerland here. I feel pretty OK :)

ToastyMedic ,

OY you got a loicence to order a privlage check? I thought not there good sir!

In the name of the king, you are fined an indeterminate number of pounds, and required revisit your bogus claim.

Rodeo ,

And Canada.

superduperenigma ,

Ah, the land of housing owned exclusively by foreign investors.

FlyingSquid , avatar

That’s true in the U.S. as well in many cities. Chinese investors buy up huge numbers of apartments and houses.

Rodeo ,

I’m so lucky I can just live with my parents 🥲

LemmyIsFantastic ,

🙄 the US has plenty of not the majority of high paying jobs. Working in high skill STEM pays absurdly good.

It’s like skill jobs that get fucked.

noobdoomguy8658 ,

The absolute number doesn’t matter much if the expenses of living in the STEM-riddled areas are just as high, if not higher.

LemmyIsFantastic ,

And Europe isn’t expensive to live? Canada? Australia? All of them have very high CoL in population centers. Especially tech hubs. The only place that’s significantly out of whack is CA and to be honest, much of the time it’s still worth it. Go remote and get the best of both worlds is quite common and easy.

Stumblinbear , avatar

Remote work fixes that for many people

Source: me, hi, I work remotely to LA and get paid absurd wages

Coreidan ,

Is this sarcasm or are you just clueless?

Hawk ,

He’s right though, live in western Europe and I got both the time and money to enjoy life.

Even the poorest in my country have a “right to vacation”, special programs allow them to travel for barely any money.

rgb3x3 ,

What country do you live in?

ipkpjersi ,

That’s not true, there are other countries with this problem like UK and Canada.

Grimble ,

Yeah no way could you leave out Canada lmao. As soon as i graduate i’m fucking moving.

Western Europe? Scandinavia? China? Uhh Albania? No idea yet. As long as it’s not this soulless nightmare petrostate. Fuck the rent here and fuck the work culture.

rab , avatar

Lol Canada is like the most expensive place on the fuckin planet

howrar ,

Ridiculously expensive housing without the salaries to match. But at least I don’t have to worry about going broke if ever someone in the family gets sick I guess.

rab , avatar

If you get sick you just die, at least here in Victoria. There are no doctors and and people are dying of untreated cancers hahahah man life’s good in Canada

hiramfromthechi , in Pain avatar

Revenge bedtime syndrome. It’s legit.

Source: it’s 4 am right now

Rizoid , in Go watch Invasion if you don't believe me avatar

Invasion isn’t a bad show but ignoring the fact that See, Silo, Severance, Slow Horses, Foundation, For All Mankind, and most other shows on Apple TV exist is just dumb. Ted Lasso was mid after season 1 imo but Apple TV has an unmatched quality level with most of their library. I dislike Apple but they’ve been making banger after banger compared to every other streaming service and I hope Monarch is just as good as everything else.

swiffswaffplop ,

Severance was one of the best shows to come out in the last few years.

MissJinx , avatar

I don’t like the other but Silo and Severance?! C’mon they are amazing! I do like Invasion too so IDK what’s this meme is about either

railsdev ,

Invasion season one was terrible honestly. I just couldn’t understand why I even bothered to continue watching.

When season two came out I gave it another chance and was blown away.

OtisRamflow ,

I really enjoyed For All Mankind.

railsdev ,

New season just dropped.

LilB0kChoy ,

I feel like the difference in Apple TVs shows versus other streamers is the cinematic quality.

It reminds me of the days when the difference between network tv shows and premium cable shows was distinct.

I can’t seem to find the exact words but it feels like Apple TVs programming is just more polished, whether the plot/writing/pacing etc. is not great it still feels like a polished product that fell short.

some_designer_dude ,

Apple understands that trying to cut every corner to reduce cost is a recipe for garbage. More than that, they’re not afraid to spend what’s necessary to achieve better than “good”. I think they’re evil in other ways for sure, but I respect this about them. It shows in everything* they produce.

  • Except for the butterfly keyboards…
joneskind , avatar

That keyboard was the absolute worst.

And they did 3 different versions of that shit before killing it for good.

It’s kind of cool to see them back to basics. Good keyboard, good connectivity, no touchbar BS, crazy good CPU and GPUs, crazy battery life.

jimp ,

Slow Horses is phenomenal! One of my favourite series in years

Semi-Hemi-Demigod , in Get out and vote! avatar

Voting is like paying taxes: It sucks, you don’t get anything you want, but not voting leads to problems.

I mainly vote to prove it doesn’t help and I haven’t been proven wrong since 2000

joemo ,

Your presidential elections are like the last step in the process. If you want to make real change, you need to start from the bottom up. You can’t just say (not saying you do this) “oh shit there’s a presidential election this year? And I dislike the Democrats candidate? Time to vote for a third party candidate to show them!”

It’s kind of like baking a cake I guess. If you just jump in at the end and taste the cake, well you’re stuck with what it is. "Oh I wish this was a chocolate cake instead of vanilla. I’m not going to eat this cake. I’m going to eat this other cake ", well you should have gotten involved earlier and who knows what’s in that other cake, it could have those disgusting flavored jelly beans in it.

I do agree that not voting leads to problems.

Semi-Hemi-Demigod , avatar

I agree, which is why I've been voting in local and primary elections since 2000. And it doesn't work because the system of government we have is shitty, old, and broken.

rishado ,

We tried that with Bernie, also doesn’t work

RQG , avatar

It might not look like it helped but who knows what would have happened if you and several others didn’t go.

Semi-Hemi-Demigod , avatar

I guess the entire world going straight to hell at 300 mph is better than at 400 mph. Still going to hell, though.

RQG , avatar

That’s the spirit!

FlashMobOfOne , avatar

If you’re someone who is living paycheck-to-paycheck, you’re only voting for one party, because no matter who you elect the end result is still low wages and severely high cost of living.

Semi-Hemi-Demigod , avatar

Yep. We'll still have a shitty health care system, a shitty education system, a shitty transportation system, a shitty housing system, a shitty food system, a shitty economic system, and a shitty diplomatic system.

But goddamn do we have a lot of guns so we've got that going for us.

Metal_Zealot , in I won’t download your stupid app avatar

Lol you went back for the porn

CluckN ,

If Lemmy was better for Porn Reddit would’ve been abandoned by now.

Zehzin , avatar

Give them a break, porn on the internet is notoriously difficult to find.

9point6 , in My opinion changes on Pringles so far

Anyone that thinks that Pringles are the pinnacle of flavour are wasting the true potential of their tongues.

Like I’ll eat them, but they’re not even the best version of shaped potato crisps (that would be discos)

TheAnonymouseJoker , in This is literally the internet nowadays without an adblock avatar
Classy ,

Whew, what an interesting blend of nostalgia and dread.

Zerush , avatar

Yes, typical screens from these years, from a user who, as a newbie in the Internet, clicked on these beautiful banners and animations that were on certain pages with nice freeware stuff, screensavers, games, funny Powerpoints, etc… Nowadays these things do not appear and you can only notice that the PC goes every time slower and you know that you belong to the big family of the botnet community.

01189998819991197253 , avatar

Kind of like smartphones today with an app for literally every friggin thing.

kumatomic ,

All the better to track you with so you have no choice but to agree and agree to their arbitration clauses if you want to use their and their competitors’ products with no alternative to avoid it. Sometimes you can’t even use the mobile site when so many services and businesses have flat out broken their mobile sites just to force the app. I don’t like DuckDuckGo’s browser but I use it to block trackers in the background.

01189998819991197253 , avatar

This is correct. I use ddg for the same reason, and the “Desktop site” option for those little shits that broke their mobile site to force the app. If that option doesn’t work, I leave the site.

PersnickityPenguin ,

I found that Firefox mobile with adblocker solves 100% of my advlock issues, and usually fixes format and display issues with websites. Half the websites I view on chrome mobile don’t even fit on my screen anymore!

01189998819991197253 , avatar

Last time I tried ff mobile, it was sluggish, and had no extensions. I’m guessing they fixed those issues? I like ddg mobile browser well enough, but I’d love to use ff on my mobile, too. And, yes, I did notice those formatting issues. I thought it was just bad design, but it’s the chrome engine? Interesting. Not at all surprising, though, but interesting.

flerp ,

Ah this brings back the memories of the race to close pop-ups as you can hear your parents coming home. For every one you close, three pop up to take it’s place. You can hear the key in the lock. Sweat pouring down your face you finally do it, you hit the last X and nothing new pops up. You have defeated the pop-ups… this time.

And009 ,

I got caught once… At a friend’s home by his mom ¯_(ツ)_/¯

radioactiveradio ,

This gonna give me a seizure if I stare at for too long.

PersnickityPenguin ,

Lol, Jesus Christ. 🤣

My computer never looked like this

thorbot , in Meta AI supports spooky dookies

Let’s not normalize screenshots of AI chats please especially fucking Facebook ones

Technus OP ,


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  • PerogiBoi , avatar

    This is the stupidest advertisement for Metas AI. You are woefully underpaid.

    SuiXi3D , in Work is fulfilling and fun 🙃 avatar

    I feel incredibly blessed to have a job that allows me to do my work on my own time, and to utilize company resources to educate myself while on the clock. I honestly get excited to go to work nowadays, and it’s great. :)

    alsaaas OP , avatar

    You have drawn a good lot it seems. Tho no matter how pleasant the job, you still create more value for your boss than you get paid back by them… (value extraction for profit lessss goooo)

    solariplex ,

    True, although this can be alliviated by working in a worker-owned cooperative business

    alsaaas OP , (edited ) avatar

    not rly, market machinations force co-ops to behave like for-profit capitalist companies regardless. The hell of capitalism is the firm, not the fact that it has a boss. Even if you have great conditions as a worker-owner, your privilege is just built on the backs of non-owner (aka. 2nd class) workers and outsourcing (see Mondragon in Spain for example)

    Don’t get me wrong though: co-ops are still virtually always better than “standard” corporations imo. What I mean to say is that the systemic problem of capitalism is not solvable by just creating companies “of a new type”

    silasmariner ,

    You’re forgetting the fact that your work has zero value in a vacuum though. If you enjoy your employment and are well remunerated for it, then a cut for the enabler isn’t actually unreasonable. Having said that, the cut taken is usually way too high, but that’s another discussion…

    alsaaas OP , (edited ) avatar

    The thing is: just owning the means for someone elses work is not a service you provide to others (ie. employment). That whole position (the private ownership of the means of others work) is redundant and leeches off of society

    jlou ,

    The employers' claim extend beyond a cut. They solely appropriate 100% of the whole positive and negative product of the firm while employees as employees have 0% claim on the whole product

    silasmariner ,

    Well that’s not really true… It’s very common for employees to be granted shares in some form or another, and of course your salary comes from some proportion of the firm’s profits. Don’t get me wrong, if I could just work on open source stuff all the time and have money magically appear in my account I’d be chuffed, but in the absence of a market, one arises - some people don’t want the hassle of figuring out what people actually want and are happy to lend their arms to the oars in exchange for someone else to figure out where to go, and of course some people feel like they have a good vision as to what will be productive but don’t have the ability to create the whole edifice themselves.

    Regulation is, of course, important - in a democracy, the theory is that everyone has a right to vote for a government who will in turn protect their interests in what can otherwise become a very leveraged position for the employer - but the notion that every CEO is inherently a leech on society simply by virtue of being an employer seems a little too lacking in nuance for me to get onboard here.

    In the context of the real world, I think it’s unquestionably the case that director-level positions are over-rewarded and insufficiently taxed and regulated, but I see that more as a failure of implementation; I’m not sure how people could ever cooperate on the diversity of projects that currently exist if the employer/employee relationship we’re forbidden. A lot of people are simply unable or unwilling to play the role of general; not everyone falls into that category of course, and it would be an interesting world if one could just join a collective effort and from the get-go be as highly rewarded and as listened to as the project’s progenitors, but it can often take a long time to build up context…

    Anyway what I’m saying here is that dictating a global framework for the structure of collective effort is genuinely really hard, and that’s before you even get into the issues of what mandate is required for a body to be able to stipulate such a framework to begin with

    jlou ,

    The latter problem could be solved by banning having non-member workers at the legal level and requiring giving workers voting rights in the firm they work in.

    Worker coops don't behave exactly like for-profit companies. Anti-capitalism is more than just worker democracy. For example, another aspect is common ownership of land and natural resources with fees for use. This would ensure that worker coops factor in environmental costs

    Rentlar ,

    It’s pretty plain for me to see it. I still like my job as well, but I know my company charges clients 3x my hourly wage for an hour of my time.

    alsaaas OP , avatar

    If you and your co-workers cut out the middle man…

    Zoidsberg , avatar

    We get sued for breaching the non-compete clause in our contract?

    SuiXi3D , avatar

    Oh believe me, I’m well aware. Having a healthy work environment doesn’t change the fact that it gets harder and harder every year to pay rent.

    alsaaas OP , (edited ) avatar

    That’s why it makes me livid when landbastards talk about “passive income”… it’s just extorting money from working ppl (who actually create value) for the “privilege” of having one’s basic needs met

    ina ,

    did you start planning your communist revolution yet?

    Catsrules ,

    Is there is job that isn’t value extraction for profit?

    That is the entire point of hiring someone is to make more profit.

    vsh , avatar

    The problem is we are severely underpaid while the high positions make a bank

    specfreq , avatar

    Workers cooperatives typically focus on more than pure profit since the values of the workers and owner are aligned.

    These can be broad and intangible goals compared to seeing the money numbers go up and down, like instead of getting laid off in economic hardship, the worker/owners receive a pay cut. Or you might hire more people than there’s work so that everyone can leave a bit earlier.

    tigeruppercut , in Almost a shitpost.

    While the lack of mexican food in large parts of japan is indeed tragic, the fact that you can go to any countryside izakaya (pub/restaurant) and get bottomless beers and whiskey sodas for 2 hours for like 20 bucks means that the fancy toilets are getting explosive diarrhea on a regular basis.

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