There have been multiple accounts created with the sole purpose of posting advertisement posts or replies containing unsolicited advertising.

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VantaBrandon ,

Its almost funnier to see every news publication constantly refer to it as “X (formerly known as Twitter”), the constant need to remind people of how stupid the decision was it amusing

funkless_eck ,

I prefer “Twitter (temporarily known as X)”

CaptnNMorgan ,

That would imply he or someone else will change the name back to Twitter

vithigar ,

That’s the joke.

ynthrepic , avatar

I fully expect him to sell it before long and the new buyer will change it straight back again.

funkless_eck ,

or it’ll close down

CaptnNMorgan ,

If it closed down, then it would close down as X

funkless_eck ,

so it would still be temporary, is the joke. It’s just a pune or play on words

CaptnNMorgan ,

It was also temporarily called Twitter though

orphiebaby ,

And we’d still call what it was “Twitter”.

suzune ,

Ex Twitter

moon ,

X is still such a stupid fucking name. I feel cringe saying that.

InternetUser2012 ,

I won’t. It will always be twitter, and he bought it because people made fun of him.

frunch ,

As long as redirects there, it’s twitter 👐

Pika , avatar

agreed, this is how i think of it

HawlSera , (edited )

He offered to buy it as a joke, and was forced to finish the transaction because he had taken it too far by actually signing contracts and putting money down. He was gonna go “Just kidding” and pull out, but then the courts told him that this already constituted a legally binding sell and if he tried to back out now he’d go to jail for fraud.

orphiebaby ,

That sounds like the courts are fucking stupid and ill-prepared to do their jobs.

uis ,

X11 is such a great name. Imagine instead of opening

moon ,

I always just hear it referred to as xorg, which I pronounce “x-org”

zewm , avatar

I like saying it like “zorg”

Etterra ,

Jean-Baptiste Emanuel Zorg

ChronosTriggerWarning ,

“The ever efficient flamethrower. My favorite.”

uis ,


Gork ,

I always pronounce the dot.

bi_tux , avatar

I pronounce it “the 2nd best windowing system currently used by GNU/Linux users”

saltesc ,

It’s very “hacking, trenchcoats, and Muse are cool” isn’t it?

Like, yeah. Obviously this guy thought of it…

yemmly ,

What did Muse do to deserve this?

brambc ,

I want to know but am afraid to search for it… I liked Muse but havent lept up with their recent works.

mjhelto ,

Other than Matthew banging all the models and the bassist getting help for alcoholism, I don’t know of any other news, other than they are fuckin rad!

HEXN3T , avatar

It literally isn’t Twitter anymore. Twitter and X are very different things. We shouldn’t even be pretending that they’re related.

JasonDJ ,

Maybe he should buy Alphabet and rename their search engine.

Ooh or he could buy out Kleenex and rename that.

What the fuck would make someone throw out the name Twitter? It wasn’t a bad name. It wasn’t like…Phillip Morris or something.

radicalautonomy , avatar

Maybe he should buy Alphabet and rename their search engine.

He’d probably do it because of his hatred for “aLphABeT PeOpLE!” like his own kid. That fucking prick. If he were on fire, I’d piss on him, but not at the base of the flames.

Zink ,

I think all he managed to do, other than torching a legendary amount of money, was to create a bunch of easy content for some lazy college students in marketing 101. The ones who don’t want to dig to find something more interesting and nuanced.

0x0 ,

I don’t think he has $1T, which is half the market cap

pyre ,

“wasn’t a bad name” is the understatement of the year. it was one of the most successful brand names ever. normal people with functioning brains would kill to have a brand that’s so ingrained in the language, especially without the threat of genericizing the trademark.

xerox didn’t want people to use xerox as a generic verb to mean photocopy, or kleenex the same for a generic tissue.

but Twitter was never used to mean another social media site, and tweeting never means posting on Facebook or Tumblr or whatever. a tweet is specifically a post on Twitter. that’s the perfect brand.

rekorse ,

Is this just a really bad business deal followed by absurdly poor leadership, but very visible?

Did Elon make it obvious he had a completely different vision for twitter when he talked about buying it?

pyre ,

no, but he was always chasing that “everything app”, some Chinese apps are like that and are probably insanely profitable so of course he wanted to do it himself for the US.

after he was forced to buy Twitter for a ridiculously high price reserved only for the most idiotic and/or insane of all people, he probably “thought” (a generous metaphor i use to describe the activity inside his cromagnon skull) that he might as well just do that with Twitter and hope it eventually makes enough money to make up for the worst high profile business decision in recent memory. that’s why he’s pushed for more functionalities like making Twitter a video platform, and doing meetups or whatever they’re called.

he wanted “x” to be a thing since before he was really known all that much by the public, and probably felt appropriate with the direction change for Twitter because he still “thought” it would be cool to have something called X because he lives in the past and has the sensibilities of a child who’s desperate to look cool.

so here we are, take the world’s best known brand name and replace it with a single letter that is widely used to mean unknown. fucking idiot.

rekorse ,

Not even unknown, in my area x almost always refers to porn. So yeah he destroyed the brand for a name that at worst offends a large group of people .

fox2263 ,

He’s been wanting to have an “everything” company named X for years, since before PayPal I think. So he jumped at the chance to ruin twitter of course and rebuild it from the top down

masterofn001 ,

He was let go at PayPal because he tried to make it x.

Neon ,


Like, something with AEX12? Pretty sure it doesn’t mean he has an actual dead child

gamermanh , avatar

Using a trans person’s original name when they’ve chosen a new one

Neon ,

Thanks for actually answering and not just downvoting like some toxic fucks in here. It seems that not even Lemmy is immune from social media’s toxicity.

masterofn001 ,

Sometimes people just assume that when someone asks a question that seems obvious to them, the person asking the question HAS to be a troll/bad person.

Also, you’re missing a flag.

Neon ,

Also, you’re missing a flag.

Yeah I know. Problem is: I am a classical liberal in the original, European sense: I don’t care, do whatever makes you happy.

I have no idea which flag supports what. And even if I did: I have heard of “infighting”, so I am scared that my “I support every single one of you” flag gets taken over by some “but not that group” group and I wouldn’t notice and then have a hate-flag on it.

So, since I can’t guarantee I will take the right flag and update it accordingly, I just won’t.

rekorse ,

To be fair your question was phrased a bit confusingly. It was hard to tell if you were asking clarification or supporting Elon in some strange way.

watersnipje ,

He has a transgender daughter, whom he still calls by her old, male name. Calling a trans person by their old name that they no longer use, is called deadnaming.

Snowclone ,

Oh boy. No he has a male to female transgender child, who he intentionally calls by their given name at birth, Also he really switched over to being conservative and anti-trans after said child came out to him. Usually parents go the other way, but he went the extreme hate direction and has seemingly said his child is dead to him.

makingStuffForFun , avatar

What is deadnaming?

subignition , avatar

Intentionally using the former name ("dead name") of a (typically trans) person with the intent to cause harm

makingStuffForFun , avatar

That is incredibly niche. I’m sure 99.999% of the population would not know what that is, were it happening to them.

I mean, how many names of dead trans people would the general person on the street know?

Samvega ,

That is incredibly niche.

No, that’s you thinking you’re funny when you troll so poorly.

I’m sure 99.999% of the population

Are more amusing than you.

makingStuffForFun , avatar

No, the person I replied to has simply edited their comment to be clearer. They originally wrote it as though they meant a literal dead person.

subignition , avatar

The only thing I added was the first parenthetical to clarify that "dead name" was the term for the former name.

Reading "the former name of a (typically trans) person" as "the name of a deceased trans person" is still on you :/

makingStuffForFun , avatar


Lumelore , avatar

It’s not specifically of dead trans people, they meant of all trans people. The term deadname typically refers to the birth name of a trans person that they no longer use.

ieatpillowtags ,

Yeah he’s not asking that question in good faith.

Lumelore , avatar

Oh… I’m not very good at determining if people are, so I tend to treat everyone like they are asking in good faith. Maybe at least someone else will see my comment and find it useful I hope.

Klairabelle ,

You did good 😊

frunch ,

This is a good practice, i appreciate what you’re doing. If anything, i occasionally like to respond to posts like that in order to set the record straight for other people who may read the comment. Debating or disproving the commenter isn’t necessary as much as putting correct information right there next to their bullshit. Some people might buy their lies or faux good-faith, but anyone on the fence or unsure will hopefully benefit from having the truth repeated right next to the lie/bs.

Holyginz ,

It’s just some edgy troll thinking they are being clever

makingStuffForFun , avatar

Thank you for the clarification. Yes, I can see that the person I replied to has now edited their comment also be more specific. It literally read as though they meant someone who was literally dead, and was trans, which made absolutely zero sense.

Catoblepas ,

Let’s say you knew someone named Bob, who later came out as a trans woman named Sue. If you insisted on calling her Bob instead of Sue, that would be deadnaming.

makingStuffForFun , avatar

Excellent description. Thank you for the clarity. That makes more sense.

makingStuffForFun , avatar

Okay, now that you’ve edited your comment to clarify, it makes sense. The term dead seemed quite literal in your previous and original text, but now I can see it is a term for that part of society, when they change their name and leave the ordinary behind., and it is insulting to that person.

Since it wasn’t clear at the start, but that’s okay. Now it makes sense.

subignition , (edited ) avatar

I did not edit my comment. Why are you lying?

Edit: Oh, I did edit it about 30 seconds after posting, to add the first parenthetical. Apologies for outright accusing you of lying. It doesn't display as edited on my instance when done within the first minute. But you replied 5 minutes after my edit, so I think the odds that you loaded the page within 30 seconds of my original reply are too minuscule to be super convincing.

makingStuffForFun , avatar

Look, if you did not, then that’s fine, but I completely read it differently earlier. To me, it read, as though you said, a dead trans person. That made it so niche that it was bizarre and incomprehensible that anybody would even understand it. But as people have commented below, I now fully understand.

makingStuffForFun , avatar

I guess I hit reply. Started typing.

You hit edit whilst I was typing. I replied some minutes later.

Makes perfect sense to me.

adespoton ,

Here’s a deadnaming example that should resonate with conservative women…

You get married and take your husband’s name, but your parents insist on continuing to call you by your maiden name.

01189998819991197253 , avatar

I wouldn’t just say conservative women, since this is a really good explanation for anyone. My cousin and partner changed their last name to something altogether different when they got married. For them, it wasn’t fair to the one for the other take the first’s family name, so they just chose a new one. It was really hard for the rest of the family (there’s a history with that family name that caused the hardship in its change, and the name holds a lot of weight to the entire extended family). Do you know what didn’t happen, though? Absolutely no one, despite how hard it was for them, called the couple by their former name once they announced the name change. Not even our grandmother, whose family name it was and was carried over from her deceased husband. One of their former friends (not even family), however, refused to accept the name change, and kept calling them by their former name. I would consider that dead naming, too.

Name changes are hard for the people around you. Not always for malicious reasons. For me, for example, when a trans friend changed names, I kept calling them by the name that was ingrained in my head for a decade. I caught myself, and fixed it during the conversations. I apologized the first few times, and was assured that no apologies were needed, since it was clear I was trying. It took a bit, but the new name has now been associated with them, and I no longer stumble. Some people, I’ve noticed, find it offensive, for some stupid reason, when someone changes their own name, and will absolutely not call them by it. I will never understand that part. It’s not your name–i’s their name ffs–just flippin call them by their preferred name.

I went off on a tangent, but all this to say that you offered a good, generic, applies-to-all-generations explanation.

NeatNit ,

When saying the name of a trans person, it’s when you use their previous name from before their transition. E.g. saying Ellen Page instead of Elliot Page.

Presumably it can also mean just calling someone by their previous name that they prefer to leave behind, even if not trans.

I have no idea who Musk’s child is and no desire to look it up.

marcos ,

He (or she, I really don’t remember) became famous from receiving a really bad name.

NeatNit ,

yeah I was thinking, is it the one with a random sequence of letters, digits and maybe even symbols that I vaguely remember existed at one point? But I still do not care.

skulblaka , avatar

Different child, I think. Vivian Wilson is Musk’s trans child who has disowned him. She’s 20 now. I don’t know what her birth name was but “X AE A-XII” was the one born in 2020 that was all over the news for having an absolutely insane name.

Though most of the rest of his kids names aren’t much better. “Techno Mechanicus Musk” is in that list, as is “Exa Dark Sideræl Musk”. He has 11 children and counting, and their names have gotten increasingly more unhinged as time goes on. So for all I know Vivian did have some insane name that she abandoned.

Anyway, she changed her last name and disowned her father when she came out as trans and he responded by posting all over Twitter that she had been, and I quote, “killed by the woke mind virus”. As in he literally told the world his child was dead, rather than publicly accept his daughter as the person she is.

GregorGizeh ,

Oh god I thought I couldn’t despise him more, what are those fucking names… Like he played some 40k and also wants to colonize mars so he made a kid named adeptus mechanicus I guess? What an absolute imbecile

TallonMetroid , avatar

Different kid, actually. IIRC he’s got a bunch of IVF kids with different women because apartheid emerald money is sexy or something, but he couldn’t be bothered to actually fuck them properly. Also couldn’t be bothered to be present in their lives as a dad properly either.

elliot_crane ,

This is Musk’s oldest child, she chose the name Vivian when she came out and despite being genetically related to Musk actually seems like a pretty cool person. She went through some legal procedure to remove herself from his family, and IIRC basically walked away from all of that generational wealth because severing connections with an abusive father was worth more to her.

ILikeBoobies ,

I’ll call it twitter until is a different website


He fired to much people to recode every single dependency.

Bahnd ,

I go with “The website formerly known as Twitter” mostly for the Prince bit…

Sabata11792 ,

I mean, that is what corpo media calls it, so it’s correct enough.

Lost_My_Mind ,

Hey, good news, Elon. Most of us have gone from calling it “twitter” to calling it “that facist shithole that used to be twitter”.

Good job wasting 43 BILLION dollars only to see it’s traffic literally cut in half, you micro-penised shitstain on society. You will not be remembered as the genius your group of ass kissers tell you you are. You’ll be remembered as being dumber than a one brain celled orange tabby.

Hobbes_Dent ,

And it’s now less than one year salary because greed.

Lost_My_Mind ,

…who’s salary? I don’t make anywhere close to 43 billion a year. What job do YOU have???

tamal3 ,

They’re talking about Musk’s income…

ceenote ,

You’re being optimistic. He won’t be remembered at all.

Moob ,

All the biggest disasters are remembered.

Yurgenst ,

That’s giving him too much credit, orange cats are just dumb not evil. He sucks the life of of people, encourages the spread of disease and death. He’s a mosquito. Just an annoying, insignificant bug that will only be remembered for the discomfort he caused.

uis ,

I thought we always called it “radical shithole”. Not much changed. It’s just SJWs making indie gamedevs suicide were replaced with Christians making everyone else suicide.

HawlSera ,

God I hate the pedo hunts, like yeah even if they find real freaks… The fact that so many who weren’t guilty had their lives ruined and in some cases ended over bullshit accusations is offensive, especially since evidence collected in an illicit manner is not admissible in court. Prosecutors call it “Fruit from the Forbidden Tree”

Lucidlethargy ,

Nag, I just call it shitter when I’m bored of “Twitter”.

Lightor ,

Well he did take a fairly neutral platform used to spread ideas and form movements and destroy it. So I’m sure the right and the rich are happy about that.

dejected_warp_core ,

They are. This is the equivalent of a 19th century steel tycoon buying up newspapers all across the country. It’s an investment.

mechoman444 ,

Asking out of genuine curiosity how would one go about moderating or restricting deadnaming on Twitter from an applicable technical perspective?

rekorse ,

Might not be popular but you dont want to restrict that type of stuff in tech, because people very quickly and easily find ways around it, usually by using new similar words that call back to the prohibited ones.

This is an area where moderation is key, and I think people might need to reconsider who they allow to send them direct messages. Especially I expect there to be a better way to vet someone who is trying to directly reach a stranger.

If you are literally going to open your door to the whole world some bad stuff will fall in, but you dont have to let them into your private areas just because they made it in the front door.

Trust networks are another idea, essentially verifying new people through acquaintances.

sandbox ,

The same way that we deal with every other thing that social media platforms restrict. You make it against the rules and then enforce them. If you’re feeling fancy you could program some heuristics to determine the likelihood of a message containing deadnames - for example, maintain a list of common targets, look for people tagging them or related hashtags in tweets containing their dead name, and use sentiment analysis, to determine whether those messages should be subject to moderator approval before appearing publicly.

dejected_warp_core ,

I agree with the other responses you have here.

I’ll add one observation: the more petty the censorship, the bigger the backlash. People in general loathe that kind of behavior, and internet geeks with a vivid collective memory of being bullied by people like this? Oh, you reap the whirlwind in such cases.

OopsAllTwix ,

Shitter. That’s what I’ll always call it.

SatansMaggotyCumFart ,

He looks high as giraffe pussy in that picture.

Lost_My_Mind ,

…ya know, I’m 40 years old, and up until this point in my life I’ve never once considered what a giraffe pussy looks like…and my brain isn’t capable of doing so. Maybe that’s a good thing.

SpaceNoodle ,

They got a zoo in your town?

popekingjoe , avatar

I don’t think I like where this is going…

SpaceNoodle ,

… To the zoo?

popekingjoe , avatar

Yeah it’s way too hot for a zoo trip. 🫠

SpaceNoodle ,

It’s giraffe pussy, why do you think that’s hot?

popekingjoe , avatar

Any hole is a goal.

Branch_Ranch ,

You’re gunna need a ladder!

EurekaStockade ,

They kick you out if you get too close to the animals genitals :(

SpaceNoodle ,

Binoculars, buddy.

QuantumSparkles ,

It got bad enough they had to put up signs

PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S , avatar

Ask and you shall receive:

NSFW, but not pornographicClick here for a non-sexualized video of the birth of a baby giraffe. It’s pretty high!

idiomaddict ,

Did she prolapse or is the baby just wearing the amniotic sac? Jesus, birthing hooves seems unpleasant

AlligatorBlizzard ,

I’m not going to watch the video, are giraffe babies born with fairy fingers like horses?

idiomaddict ,

I’m very grossed out after looking it up, but I can’t tell and I don’t want to watch it again, tbh.

thermal_shock ,

black lips to match the tongue

Banichan , avatar

Joe Rogan, is that you?

itsgroundhogdayagain ,

The bottom eyelids are a dead giveaway

inb4_FoundTheVegan , avatar

Corporations are not people. They do not have a sense of identity. They do not deserve the same rights as humans. They are not capable of being affected by things like gender dysphoria. A corporation does not have feelings and is only a word we use to describe a collective form of actions made by ACTUAL humans.

You literally can not deadname a company. But Elon should understand the hypocrisy none the less.

Lightor ,

I agree with you, but then there’s this, which is silly.

Annoyed_Crabby ,

There’s no such thing as deadnaming a company/corporation/brand, they aren’t a living entity and have no will of their own, the one offended is their owner.

Jumuta ,

except they get more rights

Ensign_Crab ,

And yet Elon’s mad that everyone still calls the platform he’s managed to actually make worse “twitter”.

FlyingSquid , avatar

I’m fine with offending Musk by calling his precious website Twitter. Aren’t you?

Annoyed_Crabby ,

It isn’t exactly dead naming, of course i’ll happily do it. I did it for multiple other corporation that change hand and name, i’ll still call the name that i used to call it, confusing the younger generation is a plus, offending the CEO is the goal.

FlyingSquid , avatar

Sure, it isn’t really deadnaming, but if you want to offend him, saying it is deadnaming will also help.

Lightor ,

You’d be rightfully surprised.

Agent641 ,

Is there anything the average person can do to increase the running cost of Twitter without increasing their revenue?

Like, can we just automate uploading videos of nothing meaningful, and re-loading them over and over forever?

Resol , avatar

I prefer to call it “dead Larry”.

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