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Pika , avatar

nowadays it seems they don’t need to, the cars do that well enough on their own. I saw an article the other day about some models with the entertainment center setup that phone home and insurance companies about your driving styles. Scary when you think about whats tracked on you

Pika , avatar

I mean you could have had a kid on the merry go round, it seems normal to me!

Pika , avatar

I use KDE connect…

But my grandfather does the ol reliable method for image upload, which is:

  1. emails it to himself
  2. prints the email off
  3. scans the printout into his computer again
  4. uploads image to faceboom Facebook

I typo’d Facebook originally but thay was too good to get rid of so I just strikethrough’d it

Pika , avatar

wasn’t it always blocked by default? Google’s always given a scare alert on sideloading apps, is this just an additional popup or is it replacing the stock one. Seems rather pointless if a setting and a waste of developer’s resources if you ask me.

Pika , avatar

That is super obnoxious, but I don’t think it was supposed to do that judging by the article it’s supposed to keep your existing settings it wasn’t supposed to be forced on

Pika , avatar

I’ve had this layout for a few weeks now, I agree it’s absolutely garbage. The amount of times that I’ve accidentally modified my Queue or cleared my queue attempting to read the comment section is ridiculous. As is the Queue feature is absolutely atrocious and buggy as hell but like don’t make it worse please

Pika , avatar

lol maybe it’s different in the UK but, no way in hell would this help your relationship with your kid in the states. this would be a surefire way to make your kid never trust you with anything. Animals deserve privacy, and that includes humans regardless of age. If you can’t grant them that basic need then you failed at a parent.

Pika , avatar

oh they’ll take it as a lesson all right, up until they get the quote to fix it suddenly the downtime becomes non-issue as long as it “doesn’t happen again”

Pika , avatar

Yeah the fact that this company calls it feature that they can push an update anytime without site level intervention is scary to me. If they ever did get compromised boom every device running their program suddenly has a kernel level malware essentially overnight.

Pika , avatar

Completely unrelated, I baked a fondant topped cake as part of my senior project in high school years back, it was the first and last time I ever dealt with fondant, it’s the most annoying thing to work with with a cake and it tastes so bad, it looks good but dang does it ruin any cake

Pika , (edited ) avatar

Lesson learned, they regularly do this if you have a website that one of their crawlers hit as active. If you really care about it check in about a year later, chances are if you havent inquired within a year they’ll release the domain and you can pay normal sale price for it

Pika , avatar

Killed Linux gaming? I hard disagree with that. Yes developers may not do Native ports as often anymore but I would much rather have the ability to play games that are not considered a native Port because the ocean is so much vaster. If anything proton in the steam deck put Linux on the map, prior to the deck AAA titles you would never see running on Linux you barely saw AA titles on it. However with the introduction of the steam deck in proton we now have companies moving closer to at least making sure their game is compatible with the deck which is one step closer to allowing it to be Linux compatible. It allows you to take your windows games and for the most part just be able to play it without having to have the studio spend as much for it as they would with a native port, because that’s the number one thing that holds them back from making a native Port the lack of market share. I would not have switched off of Windows if this was not the case because that was basically the only thing that was holding me on Windows still was the lack of decent gaming support

Let’s take Elden Ring for example, it plays beautifully I haven’t had a single problem playing it. They weren’t going to release a Linux branch but they made sure it was steamdeck compatible, which meant that it was proton compatible which then allows me to play this amazing game on my Debian 12, a game that otherwise would not have worked because none of the other translation layers function with it. I notice zero difference in performance it plays flawlessly, but I would not have been able to play this game otherwise. It might as well be a native Port because I’ve had zero issues with functionality.

Pika , avatar

Depending on what is said, in most cases “freedom of speech” doesn’t include the right to slander or harass people. While the company didn’t elaborate on what was actually said, the examples that they don’t allow all include things that would normally not be protected by said freedom of speech laws, those acts being announcements of violent acts, threats, and intimidation

that being said, it shows the culture differences between Japan and where I live because I could never imagine a company directly assisting an employee with those types of cases here.

Pika , avatar

this is timber born but with cats, I’m hoping it’ll have some differentiating factors between the two but it definitly has more similarities than differences judging by the trailer.

Pika , avatar

I get that that article is supposed to be a bunch of good things that they did about the device, but it makes me really uneasy as someone who was curious about fairphone learning that when they had an obstacle in their path they chose to just remove the feature instead of provide workarounds.

I don’t personally use aod myself but it’s never a good thing to add a feature to a phone and then remove the feature cold cut for better battery performance. A simple on/off toggle would have sufficed greatly like what every other phone with AOD has

Pika , avatar

This is what is supposed to happen with that option, in reality there is a very good chance that it just doesn’t shut itself off afterward. Back when I used the OS I would have it set to auto update and since I shut my computer off nightly I didn’t have a problem with it, but I found that it had a fairly good chance that if it updated when I shut it down my computer would still be running when I woke up in the morning. My work around that I put for it is I put a scheduled shutdown in task scheduler for early in the morning when I knew I was never up so if the system had restarted but failed to power itself back off again it would turn itself off.

Pika , avatar

concidering the lack of staff in these stores, I think safety is the least of their problems, I’m amazed that they can make a profit, no surveillance whatsoever, no security, I’ve seen people walk in, grab a handful of items and just walk out cause they know they won’t be stopped and that the store lacks the staffing for anyone to identify anything

Pika , avatar

if it isn’t fucking me over I don’t care, but like if it’s fucking me over I’m not afraid to fight fire with fire and I will stoop to their level until mgmt addresses the problem

Pika , (edited ) avatar

Not the person you replied to, but I do think it’s a fair comparison, most are operated by a buy product sell product to customer system. Take retail for example there is nothing in a restaurant environment that retail isn’t having to do at store level, because it’s still buying products with the intent to supply it to the customer base. You still have to deal with the same mechanics still have to deal with waste you still have to deal with pricing for the consumer you still have to deal with your wages, so my question is how is the restaurant industry not the same.

This of course is also not including the majority of the other countries that do not use our system and seem to be handling it just fine.

As a consumer I would much rather have to deal with a higher menu price with the sign that saying tips not required then have to deal with trying to figure out how much the transaction is going to cost plus whatever the tip is going to be which seems to be getting higher and higher. Plus it also helps the employee out because if they’re in a lower end restaurant that isn’t getting many customers or they get assigned a crappier area, they don’t have to keep track themselves to make sure they’re reporting to their employer “hey I didn’t actually make minimum wage this week so you’re going to have to pay the difference” it also removes a lot of volitily in terms of how much you’re actually going to get paid

Pika , avatar

Crunchyroll has a comment section? I had seem ratings but never looked at the comments

Pika , (edited ) avatar

You are missing part of that definition the full definition is as follows

something (such as a headline) designed to make readers want to click on a hyperlink especially when the link leads to content of dubious value or interest

A clickbait does not have to have information that contains dubious value or interest, it just frequently does.

You could make it seem less click baity by removing the question part of the title, have the title be a statement instead of something that forces the reader to have to try to answer the question.

Please note that I’m referring exclusivley to what the title of this post is, the actual video linked seems to have a good title because it’s very clear going into it when it’s going to be about. The linked videos title is kind of clickbait but I think since it ends with rumors and speculations and it’s very clearly showing an opinionated background that is fine.

That being said, I liked the video, thank you for it.

Fedora 40 Firefox 100% CPU doing nothing and doesn't close unless killed

Anyone else have this issue? I thought maybe it was just my shitty surface pro 3 but it happens on my T530, T460s, and my desktop. I thought maybe it was an extension I had so I uninstalled them all except ublock. Still happening. For now I’ve just switched to librewolf and installed all the extensions I had on Firefox. Works...

Pika , avatar

something similar happens with Debian 12 currently, it’s super obnoxious and has made me seriously reconcider using Firefox. It freezes all Firefox windows, you can close them but it no longer updates the icons as you hover, nor let’s you do anything in Firefox, and if left unchecked will eventually hard crash plasma

Pika , avatar

how the hell are they going to judge engagement, like that’s the number one thing most of their user base wants is the ability to feel special and popular

Pika , avatar

I hard disagree with that actually, there are a lot of people on the platform that Karma dive and intentionally try to do post that will up their interaction. But if you remove those systems then they’re not going to care about the platform anymore. Not that those people are adding good content to the platform in the first place but they will leave the platform to find other areas due to this change

Pika , avatar

Very true, I was meaning more from a users standpoint, they spend money on the posts for people to see it, if everyone leaves they won’t spend money on it, and what little advertisers they have left will bail or lower what they are willing to pay as well.

I really do think his end goal is just a full shutdown, but he wants to do it a little at a time because if he just nukes it, one he’s out a lot of money

Pika , (edited ) avatar

I agree with the waste of money, I like them but they are far too expensive to be worth it.

as for the environmental impact, I don’t really care, there are far worse things that people could be focusing on environmental wise instead of things that help bring joy in this already gloom world. I would prefer efforts be wasted on that then wasted on trying to ruin others fun.

Pika , (edited ) avatar

Honestly I think instead of banning non-competes they should just make it a hard requirement that a non-compete must be X percentage(no smaller then 30 or 40%) of your salary per year for the non-compete. Which in my opinion is fair because the entire point of a non-compete because you know information that a competitor could use that would give them a financial advantage so it makes sense that they would have to pay for your silence that you’re not going to give that information away. If a company is saying they’re not willing to pay that money that means the information you know isn’t enough for them to care about so a non-compete shouldn’t be in place in the first place

Like I’ve seen it non-compete clauses for web designers, which I find absolutely fucking ridiculous because there is little nothing that a web developer should be able to learn about a company that would financially harm it by going elsewhere, it’s clear in those cases that those complete clauses are exclusively there as a trap to try to make it so their devs don’t leave. The arguments those companies use is that there’s financial incentive for that compromise. So a “well yeah you can do non-competes but they must be paid” will more or less blow their entire argument out of the water.

Personally I think if something similar like that gets implemented, you’ll see a lot of the jobs that currently have a non-compete as part of their onboarding process will magically lose that as a requirement

Pika , avatar

Actually since their permanent non-removable tribes, I would say wherever you replace them, if they’re meant primarily for storing user-based data you can do like what I used to do which was store them in within the home directory just as specific names. Like my old setup before I went proxmox was /backups was my backup drive, /home was my home drive that stored most of my users /home/steam held all my game server drive and /home/storage held my long term cold storage drive.

Why do you still hate Windows?

I realize this is a Linux community, but I was wondering why you still hate Windows. I mean, I love Linux, but I will not argue that it’s more convenient to the average person in most use cases to use Windows, I recently had to switch back to Windows and I realized how convenient it all was and how I was missing so many things...

Pika , avatar

Honestly, privacy and freedom of choice alone is why I switched back.

I will give windows credit, it’s definitely better than any other platform out there when it comes to support and it is really nice just having things “just work”. I went relatively 8 years having almost zero issues with gaming with the exception of my graphics driver which was a fault of AMD not necessarily Microsoft. All I would have to do is install a program maybe restart the computer and then run the program the way I went. With my current system I can’t even guarantee if the software I want to use will work because the ecosystem is geared towards Microsoft so every product out there is Microsoft first Unix if we get around to it.

My only reason for switching was the lack of choice I was getting. While I never had to restart for updates because it automatically updated nightly when I turned it off so it was very non-invasive, the fact that I I wasn’t trusted enough with my computer to be able to turn those updates completely off if I wanted to, on top of the fact that every major update seemed to hard push the office suite, and every update seemed to respect my privacy less and less was already putting me on the edge of switching every time that I had it happened to me.

But the recent rumor wave that was going through that Windows 10 when it reached end of life wasn’t going to be the same way that every other OS that they’ve had has been where they will release security updates past closing and instead they’re going to open the business only support tier to your Standard customer and offer Windows 10 at a subscription price instead, on top of the fact that Windows 11 wasn’t going to support how I wanted to set my computer up without having to reinstall it anyway, I just took the plunge and went back to Linux. Overall it has been enjoyable, but I really do miss the ease of being able to just install something and have it work that comes with being in the dominant ecosystem. That being said, It is nice not having to worry about what a mega company thinks I should run the computers that I paid for, built, and set up myself.

Pika , (edited ) avatar

Yeah that’s my fault, I wasn’t clear with what type of support I was talking about, I should have put that line at the end of the paragraph that way it was clear I was talking about compatibility as the rest of that paragraph was and not software support.

But for the sake of responding to that comment, if we are talking about actual user support and not power user support, I think you’ll find it hard to do the exact same things you have listed there under any of the other distributions, especially if it’s using pulse audio or pipe wire as that’s actually one of the issues that I encountered switching off of windows, as my headset has a double Channel mixer on it that separates chat and game and nothing so far has been able to properly identify it as that and I had to actually go in and tell it that it had two channels and even then the current GUI programs available are not able to handle it, so if I change anything it resets it again

Pika , (edited ) avatar

I have attempted every solution I have found so far on remapping the channels for my headset including adding specific device profiles for it, none of worked so far. My current solution is patchwork that was supposed to split them by adding a device profile that knows how the device is to separate them(because it uses a dual channel layout, one stereo one mono iirc with one being chat and the other game), but it lacks the ability to handle/process those channels as a whole so I only can use one of the two channels at a time but since I at least have one channel that’s functional I have mostly given up on it. It’s just annoying cause that was the main reason for getting this headset, the ability to have a chat mixer to change voice call volume and game volume separately, it’s one of the few things that worked flawlessly on windows that I have been unable to get to work on the new system. I’m glad that you could find a solution that worked for you though, I have had no luck lol

that being said, if you know of a non-cli method of setting up pulseaudio custom profiles, I’m down to try that as well, maybe I just screwed my custom profiles up somewhere.

Pika , avatar

I personally will never use nextcloud, it is nice interface side but while I was researching the product I came across concerns with the security of the product. Those concerns have since then been fixed but the way they resolved the issue has made me lose all respect for them as a secure Cloud solution.

Basically when they first introduced encrypting folders, there was a bug in the encryption program, and the only thing that ever would be encrypted was The Parent Directory but any subfolder in that directory would proceed to not be encrypted. The issue with that is that unless you had server-side access to view the files you had no way of knowing that your files weren’t actually being encrypted.

All this is fine it’s a beta feature right? Except for when I read the GitHub issue on the report, they gaslit the reporter who reported the issue saying that despite the fact that it is advertised as feature on their stable branch, the feature was actually in beta status so therefore should not be used in a production environment, and then on top of , the feature was never removed from their features list, and proceeded to take another 3 months before anyone even started working on the issue report.

This might not seem like a big deal to a lot of people, but as someone who is paranoid over security features, the projects inaction over something as critical as that while trying to advertise themselves as being a business grade solution made me flee hardcore

That being said I fully agree with you out of the different Cloud platforms that I’ve had, nextCloud does seem to be the most refined and even has the ability to emulate an office suite which is really nice, I just can’t trust them, I just ended up using syncthing and took the hit on the feature set

Pika , avatar

It all depends on your threat model, I own my Hardware as well but I’m still not going to use a software that is shown to me that they don’t take security seriously but I’m also more paranoid than most

Pros and cons of Proxmox in a home lab?

Hi all. I was curious about some of the pros and cons of using Proxmox in a home lab set up. It seems like in most home lab setups it’s overkill. But I feel like there may be something I’m missing. Let’s say I run my home lab on two or three different SBCs. Main server is an x86 i5 machine with 16gigs memory and the others...

Pika , (edited ) avatar

I’m currently running proxmox on a 32 gig server running a ryzen 5600 G, it’s going fine the containers don’t actually use all that much RAM and personally I’m actually seeing a better benchmarks than I did when I just ran as a Bare Bones Ubuntu server, my biggest issue has actually been a larger IO strain than anything, because it’s a lot more IO heavy now since everything’s containerized. I think I easily could run it with a lower amount of ram I would just have to turn off some of the more RAM intensive items

As for if I regret changing, no way Jose, I absolutely love the ability of having everything containerized because I can set things up how I want it when I want it and if I end up screwing something up configuration wise or decide that I no longer need that service I can just nuke the container without having to remember well what did I install on this program so I can remove it and do other programs need this dependency to work. Plus while I haven’t tinkered as much in this area, you can hard set what resources you want a lot to each instance, so if you have a program like say a pi hole that you know is never going to use x amount of resources to be able to appropriately work you can restrict what it can do so if something does go wrong with it it doesn’t use all of your system resources

The biggest con out of it is probably having to figure out how to do the networking side because every container is going to have a different IP address, I found using a web dashboard is my friend because I can have heimdel tell me where all my services are and I just have to click the icon to bring me to the right IP address, it took a lot of work to figure out how it’s operational and how to get it working, but the benefits I’ve gotten of having it is amazing. Just make sure you have a spare disk to temporarily clone partitions to because it’s extremly difficult to use existing disks in the machine. I’ve been slowly going one at a time copying it over to an external drive nuking the and then reinitializing the disc as part of the proxmox lvm and then copying the data back over onto their appropriate image file.

Pika , (edited ) avatar

I’m not sure but, I always recommended Mint for it’s ease of use, I tried fedora, didn’t like it, will likely never use it again. First impressions are a pain cause if you fail the first impression you lose before you begin. It could be an amazing system but, it was a bigger pain to setup and get going plus had less resources for me to get started while using more lesser known tools that wern’t easily transferrable from the previous systems I has tried.

Pika , avatar

If you open up the host instance, you’ll only see one other commenter anyway so I think they are down voting due to it seeming like a demand, but since no one’s messaging why I’m just guessing

Pika , avatar

I mean it gets the point across, regardless of the service dog or a pet(which shouldn’t be in the TSA security line in the first place cuz generally airports will have a designated drop off or require Kennels) , in this case it doesn’t matter how dense you are, it’s clear: do not pet the dogs, if the reader wants to say that it means no petting dogs on the entire trip, the airport doesn’t care as long as you’re not petting the dogs at the airport, and therefor not getting in the way of procedure or causing a potential safety issue for the port

Pika , avatar

I’m not sure of the complaint, is the tag not accurate? If you use AI to make something are you not making it with ai? Like if I use strawberry to make a cake would the tag made with strawberries be inaccurate?

Like I failed to see the argument, if you don’t want to be labeled as something accurate don’t use it otherwise deal with it.

Pika , avatar

I exclusively use it because content creators I follow are stubborn and won’t leave the platform. I regret every time I’m forced to open it because it’s mostly spam now, but they won’t go elsewhere

Pika , avatar

I really thought they got rid of that future, you know after the absolute dumpster fire it’s launch was, like it doesn’t look good when your launch stream is buggy and barely runs

Pika , avatar

Yeah I get that, but the primary one that I use it for has stated that he doesn’t want to have to learn a new platform and that if his Twitter ever died he’s not going to learn another platform. I would rather have updates on a shitty platform then no updates at all. Of course that’s also under the assumption that everybody left the platform as well because me alone leaving wouldn’t do anything

Pika , avatar

The fact that I can’t tell if you are joking or if there’s actually a car wash mode scares me lmao

Pika , avatar

I just read the how to clean your Cyber truck article from Tesla and holy cow you might as well have written purchase vehicle, store directly in garage indefinitely, cause just about anything damages it lol

the link if anyone else was curious

Pika , avatar

I was moreso referring to the do not wash in the sun, do not use hot water, do not use car washes that use pre-cleaners, and the fact that apperently having tree resin or dead insects on the vehicle is enough to cause corrosion of it.

I agree the carwash mode sounds logical, I’ve just never heard of it or needed it for any of my vehicles, I just don’t open the doors or windows in the wash.

Pika , avatar

Seconding this, I took the plunge a month or two back myself using proxmox for my home lab. Fair warning if you have never operated anything virtualized outside of using virtualbox or Docker like I was you are in for an ice Plunge so if you do go this route prepare for a shock, it is so nice once everything is up and running properly though and it’s real nice being able to delegate what resource uses what and how much, but getting used to the entire system is a very big jump, and it’s definitely going to be a backup existing Drive migrate data over to a new Drive style migration, it is not a fun project to try to do without having a spare drive to be able to use as a transfer Drive

Pika , avatar

To add information on that the other person didn’t, YouTube was purchased by alphabet in 2006, it was purchased in a very unstable state, it was bleeding money, but they wanted it because they saw potential in the platform for Data Tracking and video analytics along with the fact that it had a very high traffic ratio.

When they purchased it one of the first things they started working on was trying to turn it to be green instead of red, but despite this they still didn’t start seeing any real decent change until about 2009, and it wasn’t until 2015 that the platform itself started running in the green.

All this happened with YouTube being one of the most popular video platform sites out there. YouTube doesn’t have to do anything to actively block competitors from doing it, with their established market dominance, search engine self promotion tendancies(there was an ongoing lawsuit in Australia regarding this) and the amount of sheer money they have, no company is going to try to compete, the closest arguably is likely twitch but they are pushing the reverse direction with streaming instead of video hosting

Pika , avatar

honestly I don’t think there is a better way, like others have said you can use a trash program or you can chmod the git directory before deleting but, I would recommend against the comments saying alias the command, that can lead to even bigger problems if you typo thr alias or mess up in the script. rf can’t break anything unless you say the wrong directory which would be the same with aliases anyway,

My recommendation out of them all would be using a trash program to move it to the trash that way if you do screw up the location you have a way to restore it otherwise you could make a script to list the files affected using ls and then prompt a yes/no prompt using read before doing the rm script, but that’s something you definitely want to test in a sandbox or user restricted environment if you’re not used to scripting in case something breaks

Pika , avatar

I haven’t heard about this game in years man that brings back memories

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