There have been multiple accounts created with the sole purpose of posting advertisement posts or replies containing unsolicited advertising.

Accounts which solely post advertisements, or persistently post them may be terminated.

feral_hedgehog , to memes in Firefox gang raise avatar
TimeSquirrel , avatar
IceMan ,

Ah, much better

StarkillerX42 ,

You are required by law to scale the icon size up to emphasize the detail appropriately.

Sanctus , avatar

Installing this as my system icon now brb

aport ,

Every day we stray further from god

ElBarto , avatar

To be fair, he’s been an absent father for centuries, so it’s not our fault.


You mean we stray further from a god. God isn’t a proper noun so it must be prefixed by a determiner.

aport ,

God isn’t a proper noun

You seem so confident for someone who is wrong

gentooer ,

Have you ever heard of a religion (actually a group of religions) called Christianity? They call their god simply God, and they’re pretty far spread along the world.

DestroyMegacorps ,

RIP to the people in the north pole

johnnybravo ,

This is why the Arctic is melting. 😜

Number358 ,

Now make librewolf icon

Send_me_nude_girls ,

Can we have a Furry Fox browser fork?

johnnybravo ,


SuddenDownpour , to memes in Keep fighting for us

Turn the question back, actually. Do the DDOSers even think they’re achieving anything relevant, beyond being a bit annoying? .world is down from time to time, wow, how terrible. It’s not like I can’t log onto any other server and interact with world’s channels and threads from there, only to have my posts and upvotes become globally available as soon as world is back- Oh, wait, that’s exactly how it works.

asdfasdfasdf ,

You can log into non-world instances using world credentials?

Astrealix , avatar

Just make another account, you can usually even use the same username cuz there’s so many instances out there.

SuddenDownpour ,

No, you make an alt-account on a non-world instance and interact with world communities from there. The only issue is that you aren’t carrying over your subscriptions and blocks unless you use a special tool, about which I don’t know much.

tourist , avatar

I tried figuring out how to use the Lemmy API to subscribe to all my subscriptions from my kbin account a week or two ago

I remember getting stuck and giving up, so I think I’m going to do it semi-manually or something later on, unless some kind wizard blesses me with the name of such a tool

portside , (edited )

There is a script for it, I’ve been meaning to use it and create couple of alts but haven’t done yet.

Link -

Buelldozer , avatar

Lasim works very well.

Fissionami , avatar

+1 for LASIM

SlopppyEngineer ,

No. It’s basically like signing in at another e-mail provider. Instead of [email protected] you now have [email protected] and can from then on e-mail the same contacts. Just with posts, threads and comments instead of e-mail of course.

Imgonnatrythis ,

Unfortunately no. I don’t understand this well enough to know why accounts don’t sync, but that seems like it would be much better to me.

Cold_Brew_Enema ,

If .world is down, can you still interact with it from other instances?

SuddenDownpour ,

Each instance keeps a local copy of the communities they’re federated with. Users of that instance interact with the local copy, and instances communicate with each other to tell what’s going on.

This means that, if .world crashes at 5PM, and you have an account on, you can go to’s local copy of world->worldnews, find a thread started at 4PM, comment on it, and other users will see and upvote/downvote your comment.

When .world is back on at 7PM, will tell it: “Hey, Cold_Brew_Enema said [Thanks a lot for the gold kind stranger] and got 6 downvotes”, and .world will update the thread with your comment and downvotes for users of all instances to see.

This is my understanding of how it works, and I’m not familiar with the actual code, but it seems to be close to reality.

Cold_Brew_Enema ,

Excellent thank you!

z3k3lon , avatar

I’m not sure it works like that but it makes sense that way.

Cosmos ,

There may be some things that don’t get synced if the instance holding the pending federation messages also goes down or restarts because AFAIK they are stored in memory, not in persistent storage.

idunnololz , (edited ) avatar

From the recent update shared, it seems like the ddos is coming from inside the hoose (ie the ddos attacker might be another lemmy instance). In other words the point of the ddos appear to be to cause people to move off of so in a way it is working. A lot of people are telling people to move off

socsa ,

The ironic part is that unless they have access to a botnet or are operating their own colo facility, they are probably paying more to run the attack than the target is.

Limonene , to lemmyshitpost in BMW

Back when I worked at IBM, there were a bunch of flags hanging in the cafeteria that represented every country where IBM did business. We often wondered, why wasn’t there a Nazi Germany flag? After all, IBM did sell a ton of machines to the Nazis to keep track of Jews and other undesirables, in order to commit genocide. I wonder why IBM wouldn’t want people to know about that? /s

5redie8 ,

Eyebrow, meet ceiling

Scotty_Trees , avatar

“In February 2001, an Alien Tort Claims Act claim was filed in U.S. federal court on behalf of concentration camp survivors against IBM. The suit accused IBM of allegedly providing the punched card technology that facilitated the Holocaust, and for covering up German IBM subsidiary Dehomag’s activities.”

Sadly, a majority of the lawsuits brought up against IBM in connection with it’s dark past get dropped.

CareHare , to lemmyshitpost in jackin off

That guy must feel so included. Very wholesome.

vd1n , (edited )

That’s cool. I get punched for that.

Edit: didn’t mean to post tinder you… But I’m too lazy to fix it so I figured Id take more time out of my life to write this explanation of why my post is threaded to yours. And omg life is so fucked my misspelling of “under” auto corrected to tinder. God save us.

peopleproblems ,

“post tinder” would probably be like the regret you feel after seeing the thousands of likes your 2/10 female friend has and your 2 likes that are bots.

DudePluto OP ,

hell yeah

moosetwin ,

jackin off

Streetdog , avatar

Your house or mine?

maxcharacterlimit ,



Hell yeah

odium , to mildlyinfuriating in You can't uninstall this software without being forced to participate in their survey

My feedback: fuck you, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

slazer2au ,

Or just fuck you with U repeating till the character limit.

ciko22i3 , avatar

Ask ChatGPT to generate long review without actually saying anything of value.

jayandp ,

There once was a browser called Comodo

That promised to be fast and modo

But it was so slow and full of woe

That it made its users go loco

RamesesKnibs , avatar

Title: A Meandering Exploration of Comodo Dragon Browser: A Chimerical Conundrum


In the intricate tapestry of the digital realm, where information surges with fervor and curiosity dances with possibility, one seeks a companion, a guide, a vessel through which to traverse the vast expanses of the internet. Enter Comodo Dragon Browser, an enigmatic entity that beckons with promises of security, speed, and serenity. Here, dear reader, we embark upon a verbose voyage, delving into the ethereal depths of this browser, attempting to unravel its enigmatic essence. Prepare yourself for a verbose reverie of words, meandering through the alleys of ambiguity, while occasionally punctuating the prose with polysyllabic gems.

Aesthetics and Design:

At first glance, Comodo Dragon Browser presents a visage that lies betwixt the ethereal and the prosaic, as if forged from the finest digital artisans of our time. Its interface, a symphony of pixels, harmonizes with the eye, bathed in a palette that dares to meld the hues of timeless elegance with the whispers of modernity. The layout, though not without its quirks, resembles a labyrinthine jigsaw puzzle, each piece interlocking with meticulous precision. Yet, beneath the facade of grandeur, one finds a maelstrom of conflicting sensibilities, resulting in a paradoxical amalgamation of charm and convolution.

Performance and Speed:

Like a sprightly stallion galloping through the verdant meadows of technological prowess, Comodo Dragon Browser embraces the mantle of swiftness with ardor. Its load times, akin to the blink of a myopic owl, are nothing short of astounding. Alas, despite its relentless quest for celerity, the browser occasionally stumbles upon obstacles, a tangled web woven by the whims of fate. This fickle dance between promptness and perplexity, though poetic in its own right, might leave the user yearning for a more consistent experience.

Security and Privacy:

In the labyrinthine world of online vulnerabilities, Comodo Dragon Browser emerges as a valiant sentinel, brandishing its shield of security with resolute determination. It pledges to guard your digital footsteps from prying eyes and shadowy hackers, imparting a sense of calm amidst the chaos. Encryption, firewalls, and safeguards, all woven together with the deftness of a digital tapestry artist, form the backbone of this browser’s security arsenal. However, like the unpredictable whispers of the wind, a sense of doubt persists, as if the gates of privacy might not be as impregnable as they purport to be.

Features and Customization:

Comodo Dragon Browser, much like the mythical chameleon, adapts to the whims of its user, offering a myriad of features and customization options. From tab management to ad-blockers, from password managers to incognito modes, the browser is a cornucopia of digital tools that empowers the user with a sense of control. Nevertheless, amidst the plethora of possibilities, a confounding labyrinth emerges, an intricate mosaic of bewildering menus and options, leaving the user to navigate a convoluted path in pursuit of simplicity.


In the grand tapestry of digital browsers, Comodo Dragon Browser stands as an enigmatic figure, its allure intertwined with a mosaic of contradictions. It beckons with its elegant aesthetic, tantalizes with its promise of speed and security, and captivates with its plethora of features. Yet, beneath the veneer of charm lies a complex web of ambiguity, occasionally entangling the user in a quandary of convolution. Ultimately, the choice to embark upon this esoteric expedition rests with the discerning user, who must decide whether the allure of Comodo Dragon Browser’s chimerical conundrum is a siren’s song or a symphony worth embracing.

lackthought , avatar

I got be honest, that makes me want to try out Comodo Dragon Browser

theUnlikely ,

I can’t believe I read the whole thing

xodiak ,

(From ChatGPT)
Long review without actually saying anything of value:

I find it imperative to delve into the intricacies and nuances of the subject matter at hand. It is only through this meticulous examination that one can truly appreciate the multifaceted nature of the topic. By considering every aspect, both overt and covert, I aim to present a comprehensive evaluation that reflects a discerning analysis.

Let me begin by stating that the topic I am reviewing is undoubtedly captivating. Its allure transcends traditional boundaries and beckons the audience to indulge in its myriad offerings. The breadth of its scope is truly impressive, and it effortlessly weaves a tapestry of intrigue that captivates the senses.

Upon initial inspection, one is immediately struck by the sheer magnitude of the subject. Its influence reverberates through time, echoing the aspirations and dreams of countless individuals. It engenders a sense of wonder and curiosity that compels the seeker to venture further into its depths, unraveling the layers of mystery concealed within.

The surface-level impressions are undoubtedly impressive, and it is only upon closer examination that the true essence of the subject begins to reveal itself. The subtleties and nuances that lie beneath the facade gradually emerge, painting a vivid portrait that is both thought-provoking and evocative. Each brushstroke contributes to the grandeur of the masterpiece, adding depth and dimension to an already captivating tableau.

Yet, as I navigate the labyrinthine corridors of this topic, I cannot help but ponder the meaning behind the seemingly profound statements and elaborate intricacies. Is there a hidden message lurking beneath the surface, or are we merely grasping at ephemeral wisps of substance? The answer remains tantalizingly elusive, further fueling the fervor of inquiry.

The subject at hand embodies a fusion of intellectual discourse and sensory stimulation. It traverses the boundaries of traditional thought, challenging preconceived notions and beckoning the mind to expand beyond its self-imposed limitations. It demands an active engagement, enticing the individual to contemplate its implications and unravel its enigmatic nature.

Through its tapestry of words, imagery, and emotions, this topic provokes a visceral response, igniting the fires of inspiration within the recesses of the soul. It invites the audience to participate in a grand symphony of ideas, harmonizing disparate elements into a cohesive whole. The crescendo builds with each passing moment, reaching a climax that leaves one breathless and yearning for more.

AuginTuga34 ,

This is flippin great actually xD

ohlaph ,

Epic choice

toastedenough ,

Babe wake up, new copypasta just dropped

lemann ,

Someone made a ChatGPT lemmy bot, forgot the username though lol. Would’ve been handy to ask it…

FiskFisk33 , to linuxmemes in LOL
crazyminner ,

Looks like it was originally a search for “Crowdstrike”:

possiblylinux127 ,

They got publicity all right

I wonder if this was a stunt by the marketing team

meekah , avatar

That would definitely be next level marketing. I wouldn’t be surprised if this actually helped them long term.

gregor , avatar

Wow there are a lot of such queries.

boredsquirrel , avatar

I only get an error on that website.

Diplomjodler3 , to memes in It happens...

Not every racist is a police officer…

EonNShadow ,

… But every police officer is racist!

Rookwood ,


OsaErisXero ,

Even if it's obvious, it's still important to say

EonNShadow ,

I added that line because they got downvoted, assumed it was because someone thought it was just a statement rather than starting that train of thought

somethingsnappy ,

Hashtag notallracists

ShinkanTrain ,

Yeah, some of them are prosecutors

Venator ,

Or judges

Th4tGuyII , to maliciouscompliance in Work from home avatar

It really saddens to me see how many managers out there treat their subordinates terribly, and then act surprised when their subordinates do the same - as though employees are meant to greatful for their terrible treatment

ech ,
brbposting ,

Does ring true dunnit?

Sometimes people use “respect” to mean “treating someone like a person” and sometimes they use “respect” to mean “treating someone like an authority”

and sometimes people who are used to being treated like an authority say “if you won’t respect me I won’t respect you” and they mean “if you won’t treat me like an authority I won’t treat you like a person”

and they think they’re being fair but they aren’t, and it’s not okay.

ZeroTemp ,

I recently was recently reprimanded for using the term “subordinates”. I was informed that term has fallen out of favor. Direct Reports is the proper way to say it these days.

Nouveau_Burnswick ,

What about indirect reports?

toddestan ,

That’s who you are to all the people who aren’t your boss but think they can tell you what to do anyway.

Nouveau_Burnswick ,

Or just your direct reports’ direct reports.

explodicle ,

Sounds good to me, I’ve never gotten in trouble for indirectreportination.

Excrubulent , avatar

Honestly calling someone a “direct report” sounds even more dehumanising. At least calling someone a “subordinate” acknowledges that you’re belittling their existence. A “direct report” sounds like a piece of paper.

Th4tGuyII , avatar

Fair enough. Subordinate is the term I've always heard used. Direct reports just sounds like the sugar coated version to me.

ZeroTemp ,

Oh yeah it’s totally the sugar coated version. It’s funny because I was only using the term “subordinates” because that is what the software platform I was training on calls “direct reports”.

Audacious , to aboringdystopia in Everything must be a subscription service

Both probably give the same exact water at the same temp.

mdd ,
The_Picard_Maneuver OP , avatar

Oh yeah, Steve called the manufacturer about that, and they’re supposed to be sending someone out this month. Maybe next. Our deepest apologies for the inconvenience.

No, the system won’t allow us to discount or refund.

Excrubulent , avatar

That’s my favourite line, “I’m sorry we can’t do that because of how our system works.”

“But you’re ripping me off and that’s illegal.”

“I’m sorry, the system won’t allow me to refund you.”

“So you’re admitting that your company built a system that rips people off and breaks the law as a matter of policy? You realise that’s worse, right?”

archon ,

It’s just finger pointing to avoid liability.

“Oh no, that’s not our fault! It’s these guys who did it, so talk to them!”

Excrubulent , avatar

For the individual phone line worker yes, but as a system it’s an intentional layered diffusion of responsibility. The decision makers employ goons to tell you about their decisions and blame it on the “system” which is actually just a decision made higher up. You can get as angry as you want at the goons, they have no decision making power so the anger is likely to get nowhere. Even if you ask to talk to a manager, in most situations they’re only a middle manager and yet another layer of security for the person who’s actually screwing you.

archon ,

Exactly. It is very rare that I find someone willing to claim responsibility for an issue nowadays, but when I do I feel it reflects very positively on them.

uis ,

Oh wow. Imagine that in functioning court.

plz1 ,

Or they warm the tap water

yannic ,

If the water is cooled with a low-energy method like a Peltier cooler, the heat has to go somewhere.

this_1_is_mine ,

You mean Into a different environment right… Right.?

yannic ,

It’s been radiated to another environment.

Transporter_Room_3 , to mildlyinfuriating in The way my daughter's middle school health class classifies drugs is insane. avatar

The people who blabber incessantly about weed being a gateway drug are the exact REASON that I agree with them, but we VERY much disagree on the specifics.

Think of it this way:

Every adult in your life has told you that weed is JUST AS BAD as heroin and cocain and meth. You hear it repeated ad nauseum, ESPECIALLY if you were in DARE.

Now one day someone you have known for a long time offers you some because “it’s not that bad, trust me you’ll be fine” and they go ahead and take a puff or twelve. Turns out it’s not that bad. They were fine after some initial uncoordinated attempts at doing something.

So if weed is this interesting, maybe heroin isn’t that bad either?

Yeah turns out heroin IS that bad, and lumping it in with weed is like tossing the kindergarten bully into a maxsec prison.

So yeah, it’s only a “gAtEwAy dRuG” because you fucks lied for decades and made false equivalence of things and taught kids they can’t trust you.

jordanlund , avatar

Turned out, the gateway drug was tobacco…

Daft_ish ,

Arguably one of the worst drugs to be taking. Death is slow and agonizingly painful. The addiction is deep seeded. The high is very minor, like you see me going out on heroin you know I’ve experienced things your greatest orgasm could never compare too. Smoking, I got to like, stand outside for 5 mins at a time.

RGB3x3 ,

I’ve experienced things your greatest orgasm could never compare too.

But to anyone reading this, DO NOT DO HEROIN. It’s life-ruining. There’s that story of the guy on Reddit who decided to try it, and gave updates as it ruined his life. He stopped updating and people assume he’s just dead.

Seriously, heroin is some fucked up shit.

Kyatto , avatar

I looked it up to read it, harrowing but I don’t think he is dead. He posted a few years ago saying that the account is too much to log in on, from all the messages and I get that. I once made some posts/comments about being suicidal that got nowhere near the attention he got and I was getting DMs about it for years. I can’t imagine the stress of logging in to that account with how many mentions, DMs and comments it must receive, about a really really shitty time in your life.

RGB3x3 ,…/its_been_a_while/?context=3

Oh well would you look at that. Good for him, says he’s been clean.

Iceblade02 ,


Archived that shit - read it when I was a teen and it convinced me to stay far away from drugs and addiction.

tourist , avatar

While drunk, I got insane cravings for cocaine and nicotine

While high, I get insane cravings for pizza and Tame Impala

Daft_ish ,

I just get hang overs.

Weed doesn’t hit like it use to. I think weed/stress and responsibility is a bad combo.

Daft_ish ,

I’ll agree but sooner or later everyone is going to make the leap its just a matter of how far they think the fall is.

Say we start thinking about weed the same way we think about alcohol now. Ok but there is molly, mushrooms, LSD, and ketamine that can all easily step into the space that weed had occupied. Say we discrimininlize all that too. Now people understand how mood altering substances work and aren’t afraid them. Does heroin seem more accessible now?

I’m not saying a tier system is good and maybe society is just fundamentally flawed in the way it thinks about mind altering substances. Some how though, we need to show people before they learn the hard way, that substance abuse has lasting adverse effects including death.

FiniteBanjo , to games in Sony cancelled the PSN account linking requirement for Helldivers 2

The lack of humility in their statement makes me think they haven’t learned anything.

RampageDon ,

Yea, this reads more like a sorry, this was too forced we will do something more subtle in the future. Not an actual apology.

FiniteBanjo ,

They don’t even say sorry. They did not use the words Sorry, Mistake, Problem, Wrong, or Fault. They say the approximation of “We see you’re absolutely outraged. We’ve decided to change our decisions. We are always improving.”

intensely_human ,

Yeah but the humility in their actions shows they did.

FiniteBanjo ,

AFAIK the game is still banned in countries where you can’t get a PSN account and also it still ships with a rootkit, so…

Statick , (edited )

People were saying that might have been Valve just covering themselves from potential lawsuits. We’ll just have to see if it’s reverted.

Nope nevermind, I was hopeful it was good guy Steam but it was in fact Sony. Fuck Sony. Will never buy another Sony game.

wildcardology ,

Valve should have done that from day 1.

djsoren19 ,

They haven’t. Ghosts of Tsushima’s PC release is going to require account-linking from day 1 for the online component. The only thing Sony has learned is that the shittiness has to be ready and working from the start.

MeanEYE , avatar

Translated: Dear suckers who keep giving us money for half-finished products. We are sincerely sorry, sorry for getting caught. We thought we could squeeze through with this one, but apparently our PC fans are not as gullible as our console fans.

Ulvain , to science_memes in Checkmate, science

What cracks me up is the piece of metal, labeled metal, attached to the one metric ton of… Metal

RedditWanderer ,

It’s to differentiate from the trucks where the front is entirely made of very bring LEDs

Hupf ,


You sure about that?

bloubz ,

Also since they’d want iron specifically

dogsoahC ,

Well, nickel or cobalt should work too, if middle school science memory doesn’t fail me.

bloubz ,

Indeed, great memory comrade

late_night , avatar

Well, the metal sees the magnet and wants to eat it so it move toward it. It’s the ol’ Magnet on a Stick trick and metal is easily fooled.

jose1324 ,

Cars these days are like 80% plastic crumble zone

TheWolfOfSouthEnd ,

Doesn’t the Cyber Truck have no crumple zone? It might apply to that.

SeekPie ,

It doesn’t need one, when running over pedestrians you wouldn’t want to dent your car now would ya?


KingJalopy ,

Pedestrians are the crumple zone. It’s revolutionary really.

A_Random_Idiot , to lemmyshitpost in RIP in pieces

how dare you give me false hope

Conyak ,

I would prefer to read that he lost all of his money and is now homeless. I’m not a fan of wishing even the worst people dead.

A_Random_Idiot ,

Nah, fuck that.

Some people, the greatest gift they can give to society and the species, is their removal from the gene pool.

basxto , avatar

Musk has 10 children, he is plenty present in the gene pool either way.

brbposting ,

Down for an equitable & fair (based on societal support of/contributions to his empire) redistribution of his wealth especially if it comes with a significant deplatforming, since he can’t stop spewing such vile opinions.

He can have a one-bedroom apartment no problem, heck even a house if he decided to ever see any of his million kids.

Certainly not a desirable fantasy, jumping straight to wanting somebody dead, unless that were the only way someone’s brutality could conceivably be stopped.

TimewornTraveler ,

What’s sad is that even if he’s gone in body or in wealth, some other jackasses will still be around to ruin everything for us.

Brosplosion ,

Prefer dead. Estate taxes would be a field day

Corkyskog ,

What percentage are estate taxes? What if the solution to wealth inequality is just murdering the 0.1% and heirs until the money has all been collected back by the government…

Fallenwout ,

What a shit community this has become when hoping someone is dead has this much upvotes.

Strykker ,

The man is an asshole and stain on society, his death would likely marginally improve the world’s future outlook.

A_Random_Idiot ,

how dare you be mean to Fallenwouts big beloved internet daddy.

Anderenortsfalsch ,

What a shit guy who cares more about people who live in thousands of years than people who live today:…/longtermism-an-odd-and-peculiar……/why-longtermism-is-the-worlds-most-dang…

Why do I think this ideology is so dangerous? The short answer is that elevating the fulfilment of humanity’s supposed potential above all else could nontrivially increase the probability that actual people – those alive today and in the near future – suffer extreme harms, even death. Consider that, as I noted elsewhere, the longtermist ideology inclines its adherents to take an insouciant attitude towards climate change. Why? Because even if climate change causes island nations to disappear, triggers mass migrations and kills millions of people, it probably isn’t going to compromise our longterm potential over the coming trillions of years. If one takes a cosmic view of the situation, even a climate catastrophe that cuts the human population by 75 per cent for the next two millennia will, in the grand scheme of things, be nothing more than a small blip – the equivalent of a 90-year-old man having stubbed his toe when he was two.

Bostrom’s argument is that ‘a non-existential disaster causing the breakdown of global civilisation is, from the perspective of humanity as a whole, a potentially recoverable setback.’ It might be ‘a giant massacre for man’, he adds, but so long as humanity bounces back to fulfil its potential, it will ultimately register as little more than ‘a small misstep for mankind’. Elsewhere, he writes that the worst natural disasters and devastating atrocities in history become almost imperceptible trivialities when seen from this grand perspective. Referring to the two world wars, AIDS and the Chernobyl nuclear accident, he declares that ‘tragic as such events are to the people immediately affected, in the big picture of things … even the worst of these catastrophes are mere ripples on the surface of the great sea of life.’

This way of seeing the world, of assessing the badness of AIDS and the Holocaust, implies that future disasters of the same (non-existential) scope and intensity should also be categorised as ‘mere ripples’. If they don’t pose a direct existential risk, then we ought not to worry much about them, however tragic they might be to individuals. As Bostrom wrote in 2003, ‘priority number one, two, three and four should … be to reduce existential risk.’ He reiterated this several years later in arguing that we mustn’t ‘fritter … away’ our finite resources on ‘feel-good projects of suboptimal efficacy’ such as alleviating global poverty and reducing animal suffering, since neither threatens our longterm potential, and our longterm potential is what really matters.

He does not care about us, why should anyone care about him? Unfortunately other rich people are also into this, because it helps them to ignore the worlds problems and to do whatever they want to the people living now.

JoMiran , to science_memes in Unbothered. Moisturized. Happy. In My Lane. Focused. Flourishing. avatar

Flesh eating bacteria. Brain eating ameba. Snakes. Gators. Snapping turtles. Mosquitoes by the trillion.

That’s a no for me dawg.

stelelor ,

And leeches. Can’t forget the leeches.

Slovene ,

And Shrek.

photonic_sorcerer , avatar


Slovene ,


kameecoding ,

Didnt know landlords started buying up swamps, damn

Lepsea ,

Flesh eating bacteria. Brain eating ameba

I was wondering if I would find this in lemmy because I found it in almost every post on Instagram that is similar to the photo.

I understand the fear but you’re more likely to die from drowning in the swamp than from flesh eating bacteria and brain eating amoeba

fleabomber , avatar


lesnout27 , to programmerhumor in I just ask my problem bro...chill....
GBU_28 ,

I prefer the tau version

brbposting ,


GBU_28 ,
brbposting ,
GBU_28 ,

Oh man you got a lot of TILing to do. Lots of lore

deathmetal27 ,

It would be more appropriate if the Imperium replied with the Navy Seal Copypasta.

Rolive , (edited )

That would still be around 38k years later.

Omega_Haxors , (edited )

Of course it’s a 9gag reupload. Couldn’t even be bothered to get the original. His website is right there

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