There have been multiple accounts created with the sole purpose of posting advertisement posts or replies containing unsolicited advertising.

Accounts which solely post advertisements, or persistently post them may be terminated.

ThirdWorldOrder , to memes in You kids would not remember.

In 1995 Steve Martin was 50, so it’s not too far off the mark

AttackPanda ,

I’m starting to worry that I look like Steve Martin in this picture but in my mind I look younger. I shall stay away from mirrors to ensure the illusion.

netburnr , avatar

Careful around oil cans too

Spaghetti_Hitchens ,

They are known to spontaneously start leaking

casey , avatar


mindbleach ,

Leave that painting in the attic.

MarigoldPuppyFlavors ,

Seems like he was always silver haired too. I don’t remember him any other way.

Tavarin , avatar

He did grey very young. I had a friend grey in his twenties, so it does happen.

Kiosade ,

Dude no way, if he was 50 back then he’d be almost eigh— (checks wikipedia) — oh… oh no :(

CitizenKong ,

He looks like he’s in great shape though. It’s crazy that Martin Short is the younger of the two (by five years).

14th_cylon , to programmerhumor in When you have THAT DAY at the office.

You should feel bad for their support, which made very unwise decision and stayed operational…

elvith , (edited )

I bet it’s only green, because you can still reach their web portal. It doesn’t check any throughput. Or it does and it’s green because a fuckton of tickets get created and instantly closed with “known error, check status page for updates”.

Shard , (edited ) to programmer_humor in Ya gotta keep up with the times!

Have you seen the one where the company says we shouldn’t use the terms male/female in a technical setting because it implies only 2 genders and apparently genders exist on some sort of spectrum?

So I emailed HR to ask for alternative suggestions and if I had permission to refer to ports and connectors as penis and vagina connectors. I think this will be an important discussion because the have the director of HR, legal and my manager scheduled for a meeting next week.

MrAlex ,

I love trolling over silly policy decisions!
Joking aside, I think "insertive" and "receptive" work just fine while also being more technically accurate.
The justification for the change might make ones eyes roll, because we are talking about plugs not people, but if the alternative is just as easy while also being correct, it's really no skin off my nose to use different words.
That's just my perspective though.

Shard ,

Joking aside I have no dog in this fight. Just tell me what to call it.

Although its a pain in the ass because I work in a country where english is a second language. And technical terms are all borrowed from English. So it may get hilarious when we have to write purchase specs or give instructions to our vendors. They’ll be scratching their heads for a bit.

SomeoneSomewhere ,

Incidentally, there’s a reasonably wide range of connectors that don’t fit traditional identities. Some, like most USB connectors, have a situation where there’s a male prong in the middle of a ‘female’ connector.

Others, like Anderson Powerpole, are fully self-mating.

amanaftermidnight ,

most USB connectors, have a situation where there’s a male prong in the middle of a ‘female’ connector.

A little role-reversal [plug-n-]play 😳

SkyeStarfall ,

male/female did always seem weird to me to call plugs. It would be better if they were just called insertive/receptive. It’s much more self-explanatory and appropriate.

5redie8 ,

At least were not still using IDE…

alr ,

NEMA has called them “plugs” and “receptacles” for decades.

Shard ,

What about mechanical components like pipe connectors?…/…

bamboo ,

Don’t forget about nipples:…/100204171

Shard ,

You have to say mammary points!

Restaldt , to memes in I'd pick the person.

I feel like thats not even that many roaches for a real infestation

Also doesnt mention what kind

And there are proffesionals you can call probably once to deal with that problem.

If you find a human living in your attic unbeknownst to you well

Thats a lifetime of therapy or more to deal with after dealing with the immediate problem

Roaches every time

girl ,

fr, that person might rape and/or murder me but the roaches won’t lol

Boggy ,

Absolutely with you here. Roaches is normal at worst


I was going to say exactly this. 1,000 roaches is not that many roaches, can be easily dealt with, and pose no serious immediate threat.

One human could kill you and your entire family and then burn your house down.

cre0 ,

If you see 1 roach, there’s probably 1,000 more hiding. If you see 1,000 roaches…

pooberbee ,

Then there’s only one hiding?

cre0 ,

yeah but he’s the size of Larry Bird and he sucks at hiding

Ugh ,

I don’t know why, but this made me laugh so hard it hurt my ribs and stomach. I haven’t laughed that hard in a while - thank you!

Drusas ,

Roaches can cause respiratory problems, but I'd take that over potential murder and rape.

Also, I would be very disappointed in my dogs if they didn't notice a person living in the attic. You can find a ball by scent--you'd better notice a person creeping around!

Flughoernchen ,

A person creeping around? That’s just Paul, mate. You know Paul, he’s been living in the attic for years. Stupid human, doesn’t even recognize it’s own flatmates.

Drusas ,

Very possible thought line for one of my dogs. The other doesn't trust anyone without endless cajoling.

radix , avatar

Paul — is that the name of the faceless old woman who secretly lives in your home???

BonesOfTheMoon OP ,

My dog would have just befriended the person and convinced them to bring him snacks.

cyclohexane ,

Why do we assume the human wants to harm you? If they’re in your attic, that means they would have already killed you if they wanted.

Chances are if you maintain peace, they will.


I don’t want random dildos hanging out in my house without my knowledge, friendly or not. At least with the roaches, I don’t have to have a conversation.


It’s so interesting that people assume the worst of the human, unironically says something about society. I was just imagining a homeless person.

scubbo ,

I take your point, but the reasoning “this person has already demonstrated themselves willing, able, and motivated to breach a major social contract related to your safety; therefore I fear that they may try to breach more” is not unreasonable. The proportion of “home invaders who are also (willing to be) murderers” is gonna be way larger than the proportion of willing murderers among the general population.

pinkdrunkenelephants ,

Because humans are much more sneaky and vicious than that. People like that in the real world are squatters who can and have harmed them on discovery.

dojan , avatar

What if it’s a nice person though?

Restaldt ,

They would have asked if they could live in my attic

dojan , avatar

May I live in your attic? I’m a great cook.

Restaldt ,

No thanks its currently occupied by spiders and i dont need more roommates

dojan , avatar

I have a spider too! Her name is Bianca-Fabian.

Flughoernchen ,

Mine doesn’t have a name yet, but it caught that really annoying fly yesterday, which was nice.

GBU_28 ,

A LIFETIME of therapy?

knorke3 ,

to be fairy there are also professionals who will be all too willing to take any unregistered humans off your hands…

Guy_Fieris_Hair , to memes in No Adblock is a deal breaker.

It is sad, but through the events of the last few years (Reddit, Twitter, politics) companies have realized they can do whatever they want. While they will lose a significant portion of users, the mass majority will stay. The ones that leave are the ones they can’t abuse and they don’t want them anyway. Profit is better taking advantage of the complacent and losing the activists than the other way around.

Anywho, I will move to Firefox just like I moved to lemmy. Although I’m not sure moving to Firefox actually fixes anything other than giving Google less money. Now I just need to figure out how to have a phone without apple or Google getting a peice.

newproph ,

google pixel 5 bought used, unlock the bootloader and flash it with grapheneOS. download Firefox with AdBlock and use fdroid and aurora store (found on fdroid) for apps.

Guy_Fieris_Hair ,

Does it run all the android apps? Like, the one off apps for like my fridge, security cameras etc…?


No offense, but wtf does someone need an app for their fridge?

SomeBoyo ,

It’s obviously to know what your groceries are doing, while you aren’t looking.

unsignedint ,

Like Night at the Museum but for a refrigerator. There’s a movie in there somewhere.

Radioactrev ,

Sausage party was that movie. And yes, it was as bad as it sounds.

unsignedint ,

Lol, should’ve guessed…

Resistentialism ,

To be fair, the only reason I can see for having a smart fridge is , if you’re at the shops or at work, and you need to check if you need anything, you can just use that.

But, like, I can’t see any other purpose. And even that one is instantly voided by using that magical little thing, and making yourself a list.

Guy_Fieris_Hair ,

I was just using it as an example because I just figured it out on my fridge (it’s useless). I was just trying to figure out if I would be going backwards 10 years if I switched, that was just the first thing that came to mind as an example.


No, you do you. I just don’t understand the engineers’ motivation for creating an IoT fridge.

From the creators of the IoT fridge comes the first IoT toilet, complete with a bowl camera and mic that stares up your ass and notifies your family when the bathroom is in use and whose taking a crap. You can even review your past shits in 4k! 😛

Guy_Fieris_Hair ,

I could maybe see some uses for a fridge on wifi. The only useful things it does is notify me if the temp rises beyond a point or if the door is left open for a really long time. As far as the temp rising without the door open the only cause is either the fridge failed ( It better fucking not) or the power went out. If the power goes out, so does my router so…


That is actually somewhat useful. I don’t know if that use-case is worth it to me, personally, to have a potentially insecure device on my home network, but I suppose you could give it its own network and write decent firewall rules to protect your other gear.

Guy_Fieris_Hair ,

Never really thought about that. Hmm. I mean, it’s GE, a somewhat reputable company, but apparently they were just bought out by a company in China. But it goes through my network, communicates with a cloud service, who communicates with the app on my phone. It would seem possible that whoever runs that cloud service has the ability to do whatever they want in my network through my fridge.

I run a raspberry pi for some automation in my house and use tailscale as a VPN so I can access it as a server when I’m not home. As long as I can trust tailscale, it is encrypted straight from the raspberry pi to my phone. There is no middle man. But having that cloud service for the fridge app is something I need to research.

Blimp7990 ,

to ask alexa to buy more milk, duh

its like you dont even 2023

ruination ,

You can get yourself sandboxed Google Play Services and everything should work fine. Personally, I have a separate profile for apps that need it.

Blimp7990 ,

i mean, they will run. the question is if the app developers hate you.

and since for the most part app developers care about having you as a user so they can sell your personality to advertisers, what i actually mean by “if the app developers hate you” is “if the app is a bank”.

Many banking apps will work on secure roms like calyx/graphene. Techlore set up a submittal system here you can check:

As a concrete example, it indicates if the app works without google spyware at all vs if it works with the microg spyware simulation service, and indicates my former bank chase has support for migrog but not totally-google-free operation.

However, sadly (and I assume because the head dev of graphene has clear mental disorders and took a massive dump all over techlore for months at a time a couple summers back), somehow the play services question doesnt get answered on the techlore site. For that, you have to go to a different site:…/banking-applications-compatibility-…

newproph ,

sorry ik it’s months later. yes, things work for the most part. anything that doesn’t I just enable exploit protection compatibility mode for and it works no problem then. you can even just straight up install Google play as a normal app without admin privileges.

TwoGems ,

Get an android phone that you can root with an OS.

sounddrill ,

I’m running a bacon right now!

I’ll soon upgrade to an oxygen(mi max 2) when mi unlock allows me to :(

HawlSera ,

What really has me paranoid is all the ones suddenly deciding to power trip and give out bans over nothing. We need to create a safe place on the web where the corporations can’t get to us.

nasi_goreng , avatar

TikTok already did this in Indonesia.

They remove any videos that being critical towards TikTok. Especially, they’re trying to flood Indonesian market with cheap Chinese goods via TikTok Shop.

yoz ,

Donate to Pinephone

seitanic , avatar

Wouldn’t it be better to just buy a Pinephone?

hermit3 ,

GrapheneOS. Don’t use Firefox on Android

Blimp7990 ,

GrapheneOS is a rom and firefox is a browser

You mean: “use vanadium, which is only available if you have a pixel and the technical skills and can-do to install a thirdparty rom”

hermit3 ,

Security on Firefox for Android is a significant concern.

Blimp7990 ,

not necessarily relevant to my message, but ok. can you provide a list of specific issues or CVEs?

Resonosity ,

Fairphone 4 from certain vendors comes preloaded with e/OS which is like a deGoogled Android. Might work for people looking to move away from Google. I’m considering it myself for my next phone.

RoyaltyInTraining , to programmer_humor in Java avatar

Makes sense, cause double can represent way bigger numbers than integers.

pomodoro_longbreak , avatar

Yeah it makes sense to me. You can always cast it if you want an int that bad. Hell just wrap the whole function with your own if it means that much to you

(Not you, but like a hypothetical person)

lysdexic ,

Also, double can and does in fact represent integers exactly.

Killing_Spark ,

Only to 2^54. The amount of integers representable by a long is more. But it can and does represent every int value correctly

parlaptie ,

*long long, if we’re gonna be taking about C types. A long is commonly limited to 32 bits.

Aux ,

C is irrelevant because this post is about Java and in Java long is 64 bits.

vox , avatar

you should never be using these types in c anyway, (u?)int(8/16/32/64)_t are way more sane

karlthemailman ,

How does that work? Is it just because double uses more bits? I’d imagine for the same number of bits, you can store more ints than doubles (assuming you want the ints to be exact values).

nile ,
karlthemailman , (edited )

No, I get that. I’m sure the programming language design people know what they are doing. I just can’t grasp how a double (which has to use at least 1 bit to represent whether or not there is a fractional component) can possibly store more exact integer vales than an integer type of the same length (same number of bits).

It just seems to violate some law of information theory to my novice mind.

towerful ,

I’m going to guess here (cause I feel this community is for learning)…
Integers have exactness. Doubles have range.
So if MAX_INT + 1 is possible, then ~(MAX_INT + 1) is probably preferable to an overflow or silent MIN_INT.

But Math.ceil probably expects a float, because it is dealing with decimals (or similar). If it was an int, rounding wouldn’t be required.
So if Math.ceil returned and integer, then it could parse a float larger than INT_MAX, which would overflow an int (so error, or overflow). Or just return a float

EvilHankVenture ,

It doesn’t store more values bit for bit, but it can store larger values.

karlthemailman , (edited )

I don’t think that’s possible. Representing more exact ints means representing larger ints and vice versa. I’m ignoring signed vs. unsigned here as in theory both the double and int/long can be signed or unsigned.

Edit: ok, I take this back. I guess you can represent larger values as long as you are ok that they will be estimates. Ie, double of N (for some very large N) will equal double of N + 1.

Akagigahara ,

I would need to look into the exact difference of double vs integer to know, but a partially educated guess is that they are referring to Int32 vs double and not Int64, aka long. I did a small search and saw that double uses 32 bits for the whole numbers and the others for the decimal.

karlthemailman ,

Yeah, that was my guess too. But that just means they could return a long (or whatever the 64 bit int equivalent in java is) instead of an int.

Akagigahara ,

Okay, so I dug in a bit deeper. Doubles are standardized as a 64 bit bundle that is divided into 1 signed bit, 11 exponetioal bits and 52 bits for decimal. It’s quite interesting. As to how it works indepth, I probably will try to analyze a bit conversion if I can try something

unawareallium ,

You can think of a double as having a fixed precision, but, in contrast to an integer, this precision can be moved over the decimal point depending on the value you want to represent. Therefore, despite representing floating-point numbers, a double still has discrete steps determined by its binary representation of 64 bits. If the value of a double gets larger, it reaches a point where the smallest difference between two subsequent doubles is greater than one. For float (32 bit), you reach this point at 16777216. The next larger number to be represented as a float is 16777218 (i.e., +2).

Here is a nice online tool that demonstrates this (and contains much more information on the encoding of floating-point numbers):

karlthemailman ,

I agree with all that. But I’m talking about exact integer values as mentioned in the parent.

I just think this has to be true: count(exact integers that can be represented by a N bit floating point variable) < count(exact integers that can be represented by an N bit int type variable)

whats_a_refoogee ,

It doesn’t. A double is a 64 bit value while an integer is 32 bit. A long is a 64 bit signed integer which stores more exact integer numbers than a double.

LeFantome ,

Technically, a double stores most integers exactly ( up until a certain value ) and then approximations of integers of much larger sizes. A long stores all its integers exactly but cannot handle values nearly as large.

For most real world data ranges, they are both going to store integers exactly.

nile ,

Oh now I get what you mean, and like others mentioned, yeah it’s more bits :)

fsxylo ,

Also because if you are dealing with a double, then you’re probably dealing with multiple, or doing math that may produce a double. So returning a double just saves some effort.

disencentivized ,

Why not just return a long?

thegamer ,

A double could also be NaN and any operations with NaN should return NaN afaik

Beanie ,

doubles can hold numbers way larger than even 64-bit ints

RoyaltyInTraining , avatar

A double can represent numbers up to ± 1.79769313486231570x10^308, or roughly 18 with 307 zeroes behind it. You can’t fit that into a long, or even 128 bits. Even though rounding huge doubles is pointless, since only the first dozen digits or so are saved, using any kind of Integer would lead to inconsistencies, and thus potentially bugs.

joshuaacasey , to maliciouscompliance in Businesses can discriminate against their customers? Alright then... avatar

to be fair, it was always legal to discriminate against trump supporters since political views are not a “protected class”

damnYouSun ,

Wouldn’t supplying Trump come under religious belief.

EcchiSukecchi ,

Trump support is a practically a cult.

CeruleanRuin ,

It is also definitely religious-based.

elgordino , to pics in [OC]One of the only cybertrucks I've ever seen

Was it left outside in the rain?

Zier , avatar

I think they tried to drive it through a car wash and it started on fire.

BruceTwarzen ,

There is the problem, you’re not supposed to drive them

Thebeardedsinglemalt ,

Nah, it was just a late summer day with middling humidity

SnotFlickerman , to programmer_humor in Ah yes, the I in LLM avatar

Similarly, the “S” in LLM stands for “Secure”

pivot_root ,

The “P” stands for “Private”

simple ,

It’s private if you run it locally

xmunk ,

The “J” stands for “Job Security”

ggppjj ,

Man, I never knew that my ISP was working so hard for me.

Vladkar ,

Will the real SLLM Shady please stand up?

doughless ,

You forgot the I.

gravitas_deficiency ,

Nah it looks right to me

doughless ,

Oh, you’re right, I forgot it already has an i for intelligence.

0laura ,

It’s very secure.

Catoblepas , to insanepeoplefacebook in The sovcits have their own social media site and things go as well for them over there as they do on Facebook.

“Worst day of my life,” proceeds to list nothing but problems entirely of his own creation. I wish my life had so few problems that I had the time to invent some for myself.

OopsOverbombing ,

Don’t misquote him. He said "worse day of my life"

JackbyDev ,

He was born yesterday.

Crazyslinkz ,

… so far.

FreshLight , to programmerhumor in (⁠ー⁠_⁠ー⁠゛⁠)

Hands down, I think “My vacation starts tomorrow.” is a valid point when considering impactful decisions.

MashedTech OP ,

That’s true, never make impactful decisions in a rush. But I feel like the last panel only works in the current context of escalating code changes

frezik ,

Valid, but if it needs to be decided, then there should be something concrete scheduled to do that followup when people are back in.

Honytawk , to greentext in A kick right in the selbstbild

Not only that, but they were also defeated by the cooperation of different nations that would let anyone join if they wanted.

So the Nazis were literally defeated by diversity and inclusivity.

ameancow , (edited )

I have been involved in “big business” at several times in my life, someone actually gave me authority to build teams and create projects. I discovered that there are different schools of thought about what makes the “perfect team” to work on a project, and most managers go through the hiring process in mind of getting candidates that all are the same, all have the same personality, skillset and background, under the belief that homogeny makes for a more harmonious, predictable team.

Not me fam. I painted goddamn abstract art with a pallet of people. I got the most diverse teams I could, I got outspoken, angry black mothers alongside timid, pasty nerds alongside combat vets alongside immigrant chefs.

It took constant “babysitting” to make sure everyone was getting along and understanding each other, but we kicked ass. It’s an amazing feeling putting together a team that can handle changes and can provide input on things you never thought of and who actually care about the results. Not only did we succeed at every challenge, I made lifelong friends and learned new things every day.

Diversity and inclusion is literally being used like a slur lately and it burns me. Diversity of backgrounds and perspectives is one of the most valuable strategic assets you can have around you. The people who surround themselves with people who already agree with them and have nothing new to add may pass challenges, but if you want to defeat challenges, you need a spectrum of perspectives.

h3mlocke , to lemmyshitpost in I'm terrified of the Netherlands now

Worst fucking graphic ever lmao

Obi , avatar

It has to be a joke haha.

profoundninja , to aboringdystopia in What fresh hell is this?

Please don’t log my calculator inputs it’s more embarrassing than my browser history is.

Andromxda , avatar


humbletightband ,

Why? Does it have 80085?

invisiblegorilla ,


Zorsith , avatar

Worse, lots of really basic math

jballs , avatar

Get a load of this nerd! He calculated 7 x 4

pdxfed ,

32, big deal

UltraGiGaGigantic ,


Sludgeyy ,


AngryCommieKender ,

13 ± X

user224 , avatar

You’re joking, but sometimes I put even simpler stuff into a calculator and then realize what the fuck I just did.

E.g.: 4 * 100.

diemartin ,
BudgetBandit , to memes in never turn off uBlock

Wanna have something to chuckle?

I’ve made a specific email for NSFW 18+ internet websites (there’s one with achievements and I wanted to have recommendations) and this email address, being used at every single site I’ve visited more often, never got leaked.

Meanwhile I log in with Google and 4 hours later the nigerian prince asks me why I have changed my email address.

RandomLegend , avatar

Yup, i have one for adult sites aswell. Never got spam, never got leaked, nothing.

But the one from the free mail provider i used to login into big data websites is full of shit at this point.

Dirk , avatar

Configure an individual Mail address for every site you need one for. You then know who sells or loses your address without telling you.

qaz ,

I do this

fritolay ,

Do you have some tidbits to share on who is being naughty? I’m curious.

qaz ,

Sadly no, I haven’t received any spam on my 131 forwarding addresses. I have however, received spam on my new main account after sharing the address with my local hairdresser.

Aussiemandeus , avatar

Fucking hair dressers, can’t trust em. That’s why I’m bald

BeardedGingerWonder ,

What you need to do is get each individual hair cut by a different hairdresser and then you can see which one is selling your account details or something

Aussiemandeus , avatar

But then I would lose my completely plausible excuse for having no hair. I’d have to admit to myself that is my genetics and not by choice haha

psud ,

Nothing recent, one magazine publisher from back when magazines were paper

foo ,

I recently started getting spam to my dailymotion account.

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