There have been multiple accounts created with the sole purpose of posting advertisement posts or replies containing unsolicited advertising.

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Stalinwolf , to lemmyshitpost in Harry Potter and the Forbidden Substance avatar

“Ya’ll don’t wanna see ma hog wart…”

therealjcdenton , to lemmyshitpost in Harry Potter and the Forbidden Substance

Gmod irl

MrJameGumb , to lemmyshitpost in Harry Potter and the Forbidden Substance avatar

It certainly adds new context to the story of the “Philosophers Stone”… 😰

sirico , to lemmyshitpost in Harry Potter and the Forbidden Substance avatar

Mate you got a spare incendio?

superbirra , to lemmyshitpost in Microsoft paid $13B for this tech

it’s meta and some assembly is required: the meme is the broken response so you can screenshot it and post on lemmy

EvokerKing ,

The response isn’t even broken. It’s not finished. It gives responses in markdown, same as Lemmy. That is the syntax for a picture embed, it’s just still typing the rest and it doesn’t show it until it’s finished typing.

ChaoticNeutralCzech ,

I analyzed it in another comment: the header says the image is 300x300px 8-bit RGBA but the data is invalid. Most viewers will notice that and show an error.

However, the syntax it used for embedding images is valid, as data:image/png;base64, is the start of a valid image URL and you can use it like other image URLs in supported Markdown interpretors.

Example, using the 103-byte Google Maps’ sea tiles, and a 178-byte GIF:

<span style="color:#323232;">![Google Maps sea map tile]()
</span><span style="color:#323232;">![wink.gif]()

renders as

Google Maps sea map tile wink.gif

Works in the default web interface

Gradually_Adjusting , to lemmyshitpost in Harry Potter and the Forbidden Substance avatar

I like to think he would make that face if he saw this meme

Diplomjodler , to lemmyshitpost in Why does this exist?

Have you people never heard of chicken soup?

Actionschnils ,

Obviously they never cooked one

dream_weasel ,

If I’m making chicken soup, WHY would I start with canned meat? It’s like buying the shittiest plain cake at the store to bring home and decorate with your own, painstakingly homemade frosting.

Chicken carcasses to make soup/broth base (and get some of the meat) is all stuff you would otherwise throw away and is basically the same effort yeah?

dream_weasel ,

If I’m making chicken soup, WHY would I start with canned meat? It’s like buying the shittiest plain cake at the store to bring home and decorate with your own, painstakingly homemade frosting.

Chicken carcasses to make soup/broth base (and get some of the meat) is all stuff you would otherwise throw away and is basically the same effort yeah?

Actionschnils ,

No, the point is that if you’ve made one, you wouldnt be disgusted by this picture. The Chicken looks quite the same during the process. An they are somehow, because both are boiled chickens. But still i would always prefer the self made chicken.

dream_weasel ,

That’s 2 cans over.

DigitalTraveler42 , to lemmyshitpost in Anti-racism be like

This feels like one of those right wing memes that could go either way, but let’s break it down like this Uncle Ben and Aunt Jamima are both domestic servants, do you think that’s an appropriate mascot for a company? Do you think black folks want them as some of their oldest icons?

Land of lakes also has a stereotypically dressed native woman who probably wouldn’t dress like that at all even back in the day.

I get that most people couldn’t give a shit either way but when you use your brain to think about how messed up presumably white owned companies are for using slaves and genocided people as their logos or mascots is pretty fucked.

But hey you’re not here for an insightful discussion, you’re here to get those hate clicks.

MacNCheezus OP , avatar

Well, the Sun-Maid girl is clearly working a job that’s mostly done by immigrants from the south these days, so using a white woman instead of a brown one denies them representation. But using a brown woman would also be racist because it would perpetuate harmful stereotypes… hm, what to do?

Little Debbie is clearly a child. Do you want children to be exploited for marketing purposes?

At least a Quakers are historically against war and slavery, so I guess he can stay.

Valmond ,

As a European (we had slavery, made more wars than you can imagine and have probably the worst history you can’t even imagine) nice try locking people up in “black” vs “white”.

MacNCheezus OP , avatar

Literally every culture on earth has practiced slavery at one time or another. Europeans were actually the first to abolish it.

Valmond ,

Let’s stop making “racial” (there is only one human race) stereotypes then.

MacNCheezus OP , avatar

So we get rid of the people on the right as well? Because those are also stereotypes.

mojofrododojo ,

so what do you want, a fucking cookie?

like you were involved with the effort and take such pride in your works?

this is such a bullshit post by someone who’s obviously racebaiting and loving every second of it. ignore the chuds people.

MacNCheezus OP , avatar

No, I’m just pointing out that “they practiced slavery” isn’t an argument you can just throw at any race or nationality in particular without inflicting massive self-damage. Literally everyone is guilty of it.

mojofrododojo ,

Literally everyone is guilty of it.

haha no. such a huge claim requires substantial evidence - and you left yourself an easy out. Many cultures practiced slavery, true. Most cultures? Maybe an argument could be made. All?


That requires substantial evidence there’s absolutely nothing supporting it.

Now I get it, the easiest way to debase your enemy’s righteousness is to drag them down to your level. But you don’t get this one shitbag. Slavery isn’t universal. You just want it to be so it makes you feel better about your premise.

MacNCheezus OP , avatar

Good thing others already did the work for me:

Since you’re the one making the claim that not all cultures have a history of it, I’ll leave it to you to find me a single counterexample of a culture that never practiced it. But even if that should exist, I think there’s certainly overwhelming evidence that it was extremely widespread and common practice on every single continent at some point in history.

mojofrododojo ,

That’s not how extraordinary claims work. Nothing in that article says ‘all cultures’ it just lists the cultures that are known to have.

Cute though, nice try.

MacNCheezus OP , avatar

Okay, I change my claim to “almost all cultures”. I think there’s enough evidence here to support that.

Happy now?

mojofrododojo ,

Why is it so important to you that “almost all cultures” practiced slavery? What does that do for you?

It doesn’t absolve the inherent evil of the institution. No amount of “well billy and tommy did it too” makes it right, kiddo.

MacNCheezus OP , avatar

Why is it so important to you that “almost all cultures” practiced slavery? What does that do for you?

At the risk of repeating myself: “they practiced slavery” isn’t an argument you can just throw at any race or nationality in particular without inflicting massive self-damage.

It doesn’t absolve the inherent evil of the institution. No amount of “well billy and tommy did it too” makes it right, kiddo.

I never claimed that. But I’m still waiting for you to find me a single example of a culture that never practiced slavery.

mojofrododojo ,

why wait for me when you have google dipshit?……/25853…/which_societies_have_never_had_slave……/which-ancient-civilisations-didnt-pr…

So… Now that you have multiple examples, what then sport? Will you reevaluate your flawed premise and integrate new information that refutes your logic, or will you just piddle along with the flawed reasoning that got you here?

BrokenGlepnir ,

I hope you’re willing to learn because that is historically incorrect. The first nation to abolish slavery was Hati around a decade before the first European country (Denmark). That is if we are talking abolish and keep abolished in all territories controlled. Persia is possibly the first country recorded to have used slaves but they would have periods of “abolishment” which were probably good for causing slave revolts in new areas they were thinking of conquering. Arguably the first country to have and to abolish slavery.

MacNCheezus OP , avatar

That is if we are talking abolish and keep abolished in all territories controlled.

Ah yes, if we pick and choose our definitions, we can get pretty much any outcome we want, can’t we.

Haiti didn’t abolish slavery as much as revolt against it (by killing all the slave owners), and they didn’t even manage to keep it abolished for very long, as it’s currently one of the worst countries on earth with regards to child slavery.

Is that really the hero you want to choose?

BrokenGlepnir ,

I didn’t say they were hero’s but by your definition here no one had ever abolished slavery.

MacNCheezus OP , avatar

I suppose that once again depends on definitions. There’s likely a reason people often use the term “wage slavery” these days even though on paper, salaried workers are by no means slaves, since they can quit whenever they want to, but that doesn’t mean that in practice, people don’t end up in situations that feel like slavery anyways.

Debt slavery is another one that gets thrown around, even though the possibility of declaring bankruptcy and thus getting off the hook for only a fraction of what you owe is technically available. It almost seems as if slavery is part of the human condition, and if not externally imposed, people will find a way to self-impose it in one way or another.

Either way, it seems silly to suggest that only the slavery imposed by one particular group of people on one particular group of other people is morally objectionable, and I’m also not entirely convinced that erasing any reminders of it does anything at all to right that wrong. At some point, it must be possible to look back at the past and say “well, that was awful, but at least we’re over it now”, but that isn’t possible if you erase any and all traces of it, is it?

DigitalTraveler42 ,

Quakers are also who gave us the “puritanical work ethic” that plagues our society as we try to adapt to a more convenient era of work.

MacNCheezus OP , avatar

Alright, guess he guess to go as well, then.

LinkOpensChest_wav , avatar

Quakers may have perpetuated this concept as well, I’m not sure, but this is literally named after the Puritans, not Quakers

feedum_sneedson ,

Protestant work ethic.

Remmock ,

Always thought the Sun-Maid mascot was Hispanic, but so am I.

MacNCheezus OP , avatar

Well if she’s hispanic, that’s clearly racist because it associates brown people with low-paid manual labor. (semi /s)

Ep1cFac3pa1m , avatar

Yeah it’s hard to have a good faith debate about a post that wasn’t made in good faith. Anyone who’s being intellectually honest wouldn’t try to equate these company mascots.

MacNCheezus OP , avatar

Username checks out I guess.

You can’t just assume the post wasn’t made in good faith in order to prove intellectual dishonesty, that’s begging the question.

Learn yourself some debating skills.

wesker , avatar

Uncle Ben is supposedly based upon a southern maitre d. Aunt Jemima though, undoubtedly problematic.

MacNCheezus OP , (edited ) avatar


From 1946 to 2020, Uncle Ben’s products carried the image of an elderly African-American man dressed in a bow tie, which is said to have been based on a Chicago maître d’hôtel named Frank Brown with the name “Ben” being a possible reference to a shrewd rice farmer from Houston. In 2020, Mars told Ad Age, “We don’t know if a real ‘Ben’ ever existed.” According to Mars, Uncle Ben was an African-American rice grower known for the quality of his rice. Gordon L. Harwell, an entrepreneur who had supplied rice to the armed forces in World War II, chose the name “Uncle Ben’s” as a means to expand his marketing efforts to the general public.'s_Original

EDIT: here’s a longer article portraying the people that the characters of Aunt Jemima and Uncle Ben were based on.

Rai ,

Uncle Ben helps one grow the most excellent Golden Teachers.

MacNCheezus OP , avatar


Maggoty ,

Only the picture. There was an actual Uncle Ben who was a rice farmer. And an actual Aunt Jemima making pancake mix. Both were born into slavery, both had white corporations exploit them. Uncle and Aunt are also both titles used in the Antebellum South for older house slaves trusted by the family.

lewdian69 ,

You are in a shitposting community friend.

starman2112 , avatar

I’m not making a statement about the post, but “it’s just shit posting” is a reeeeaaal good way to turn this place into a nazi bar. Not calling OP a nazi, just saying that this argument right here is chum in the water for them

Maggoty ,

This isn’t a shit post though. It’s alt right propaganda.

AlligatorBlizzard ,

Mia, the Land o Lakes butter maiden, is actually rather interesting, at least the modern version they got rid of. The artist was a member of the Red Lake Chippewa and the design included traditional Ojibwe floral motifs. Yeah, it needed to go, but it wasn’t the worst by a long shot.

mojofrododojo ,

I just love the idea of a native american being iconfied for… butter.

like, wow, that’s so very, very native and authentic - butter.

I get it, it’s the land-o-lakes, minnesota, and they take butter fucking serious folks, they make it, they eat it, they sculpt it, so yeah, they’re REALLY into butter… but why the stolen iconography? why associate the native americans, who didn’t domesticate cows, with butter of all things?

like what the actual fuck was the line of thought?

CoffeeJunkie ,

Your thoughts are interesting, but I always presumed it was just a simple tribute of sorts. Like you said, Land-O-Lakes, beautiful, natural scenery of America…accompanied by a beautiful Native American woman.

Now take the product itself, like you said, make it make sense. Ehh. Maybe you just can’t. They wanted a mascot & instead of a smiling cow or potato, they chose a woman. Sex sells!

mojofrododojo ,

cultural appropriation sells. It’s not just any sexy lady. recognize it for what it actually was and everyone moves on.

mojofrododojo ,

cultural appropriation sells. it’s not just any woman kneeling serving up the dairy products, nah… keep telling yourself it didn’t mean anything, maybe one day you’ll believe yourself, but make no mistake, they wouldn’t have put a white woman kneeling there.

so figure it out.

LilB0kChoy ,

Interesting read about this..

The native cultural influence is pretty strongly interwoven in the fabric of Minnesota. It’s very possible the thought process was just that the locals associated that image with their state, just like the brand name.

The Anishinaabe and Dakota have had major influence on the state and that’s been recognized more in recent history with the renaming of certain places back to their native name, like Bde Maka Ska.

Most of the naming in the metro(and the state name) comes from the Dakota peoples. The Anishinaabe were located more in northern Minnesota and Wisconsin so you’ll see the influence there. For example the town of Biwabik in the iron range which is the Anishinaabe word for iron.

mojofrododojo ,

The Anishinaabe and Dakota

The Anishinaabe and Dakota were the lost butter tribes?

No? No, no they weren’t. Make it make sense lol

mojofrododojo ,

The native cultural influence

so is cultural appropriation of iconography that doesn’t belong to white people. and to have the person ‘serving’ up the butter, kneeling?

think they would have done that with a white woman?

What’s the Anishinaabe word for racism?

Thcdenton , to lemmyshitpost in Anti-racism be like

Better not get rid of my sunmaid waifu.

MacNCheezus OP , avatar

Uh-oh, sexualizing an attractive woman because she’s doing subservient field work, are we?

That’s highly problematic. BRB, gonna start a special interest group to get her removed because it’s sexist.

PeriodicallyPedantic , to lemmyshitpost in Anti-racism be like

I’m just gonna say… I don’t really think this was the kind of media representation were looking for. Or needed. Or found helpful in any way.

MacNCheezus OP , avatar
felixwhynot , avatar

From that article:

“The character of Aunt Jemima is an invitation to white people to indulge in a fantasy of enslaved people — and by extension, all of Black America — as submissive, self-effacing, loyal, pacified and pacifying,” Twitty wrote in a recent NBC Think essay. “It positions Black people as boxed in, prepackaged and ready to satisfy; it’s the problem of all consumption, only laced with racial overtones.”

This piece is interesting but even the relatives understand the imagery to be racist.

MacNCheezus OP , avatar

Except Twitty isn’t a relative, as the previous paragraph to the one you quoted will tell you. He’s just a “culinary historian” with an opinion.

felixwhynot , avatar

Yes. I’m referring to the family’s quote at the end of the piece.

MacNCheezus OP , avatar

Then why didn’t you quote that?

felixwhynot , avatar

I wanted to highlight that quote

MacNCheezus OP , avatar

Well, why didn’t you?

felixwhynot , avatar

I posted exactly what I intended. Why?

MacNCheezus OP , avatar

Because it sounds like her actual relatives didn’t want her memory to be erased.

“Take the logo away, because it is offensive, but my aunt Lillian was a beautiful, intelligent lady that had to do domesticated type of work to make a living,” Harris said. “I just don’t want that erased from my family history because it’s almost like erasing a part of me.”

hugetechnerd , to lemmyshitpost in Anti-racism be like

Only people that are racist have no idea why the figures on the left are racist and not those on the right.

MacNCheezus OP , avatar

Only people that have no ability to think for themselves have a need to put others into categories of acceptability based on what the dominant culture around them thinks instead of judging them based on their individual merits.

Reddfugee42 ,

No, they were right and you just proved it.

MacNCheezus OP , avatar

Source: trust me, bro.

PeriodicallyPedantic ,

You’re not doing yourself any favors.

RedAggroBest ,

You need to fuckin go back to school with your “think for yourself” crap if you think anything on the left is justified.

And no, nothing on the right is racist, they’re not caricatures of enslaved people.

bort ,

what’s wrong with uncle bens?

MacNCheezus OP , avatar

You need to fuckin go back to school with your “think for yourself” crap if you think anything on the left is justified.

Interesting way to admit that the opinion you hold on this matter was beaten into you by the school system and isn’t the result of your own thinking process.

And no, nothing on the right is racist, they’re not caricatures of enslaved people.

The Sun-Maid girl is quite literally a caricature of a farm worker. No one who actually picks grapes looks like that except in a commercial.

eatthecake ,

What if someone’s judgement of your individual merits just happens to agree with the dominant culture around them? Or is that not possible? Does the ability to think for ones self necessarily lead to disagreement with whatever is commomly believed? I think that would just be dumbass contrarianism.

MacNCheezus OP , avatar

What if someone’s judgement of your individual merits just happens to agree with the dominant culture around them?

Oooh, now that would be very convenient, wouldn’t it?

Does the ability to think for ones self necessarily lead to disagreement with whatever is commomly believed?

At the very least, it requires entertaining ideas and possibilities widely believed to be unthinkable, even if you do end up discarding them for lack of evidence.

sharkfucker420 , avatar

You’re genuinely saying that those on the right aren’t racist?

ieightpi , to lemmyshitpost in Anti-racism be like

I’ll be honest, this comment section is confusing. I’m not sure which comment is agreeing with which. Personally I think it’s bad to put slaves on your products but why am I supposed to feel bad about the white people?

Maggoty ,

It’s bad faith concern. They’re accusing those brands of erasing minorities under the aegis of anti racism. When the original intent of those mascots was appropriation and playing on the black house slave theme.

spookedbyroaches ,

So they literally cannot do anything that’s not racist.

Keep: racist appropriation Remove: racist minority erasure

BrokenGlepnir , to lemmyshitpost in Anti-racism be like

I don’t remember the call to get rid of uncle Ben though. It feels like at best the company was trying to get out ahead of it, at worst they wanted to stop paying his family residuals and had an excuse.

MacNCheezus OP , (edited ) avatar

Apparently the character was based on a black , so it wasn’t even particularly racist, since many white people also do this job, and it certainly isn’t slave labor (they tend to get very good tips, especially at fine dining restaurants, which the suit and bowtie he was wearing kinda implies he was working at). Therefore I’m inclined to believe the second reason might have been their actual motive, and the supposed racism was just a convenient excuse.

felixwhynot , avatar

Remind me why we have tipping in the US?

MacNCheezus OP , avatar

To Insure Proper Service

felixwhynot , avatar

I suggest you have a quick search for the “history of tipping”

Here’s one:…/tipping-jobs-history-slave-wage-cbs…

Maggoty ,

No. That was simply the man who originally posed for the picture. The brand was officially named after a sharecropper. However Uncle was also a common title for an older male house slave. Same with Aunt. Both the original rice farmer and pancake mix inventor were born into slavery and had their products lifted from them by white corporations.

eatthecake ,

I have no ides about this, being Australian. Are you saying that the people on the boxes represent real people who had their recipes stolen?

Maggoty ,

They weren’t stolen in the legal sense. There was a contract but it wasn’t an equal contract. The US actually has a history of this from the Reconstruction period right through the Civil Rights period (about 1865-1965). Especially with black musicians who supported white bands via record companies buying the songs off of them for a pittance compared to what they were worth.

RedAggroBest ,

Uncle Ben is literally a generic name given to house slaves. There were many Uncle Bens all across the south.

MacNCheezus OP , avatar

My Uncle Ben at yo momma’s house last night.

UsernameIsTooLon , to lemmyshitpost in Why does this exist?

It looks nasty but I bet you that “gelatin” actually makes for some fantastic stock

SpruceBringsteen ,

If you love Buffalo chicken dip you’ve probably enjoyed this type of chicken before.

MacNCheezus OP , avatar

I looked up the ingredients and apparently it’s only chicken, water, and salt, so it’s gotta be the chicken’s own stock (since it’s fully cooked).

Looks disgusting I guess but I suppose it’s far healthier than many of the more delicious looking products the food industry churns out every day.

UsernameIsTooLon ,

It looks disgusting cuz it’s canned and cold lol. Whenever I cook with real chicken or even beef and there’s broth leftover, it will turn into slight gelatin due to the collagen in the bones! There is flavor and protein in there. It’ll just liquidify when you heat it up and it’s some seasonings and a pinch of flour away from being gravy too.

Wild how cooking can get when you start to understand ingredients more

grrk , to lemmyshitpost in Anti-racism be like avatar

Hell yeah, get rid of ALL the people while we’re at it!

Uncle ben is a brontosaurus

Aunt Jemima is now a giraffe

Little debbie is little ducky

Quaker oats has a giant sentient, “THE Quaker oat”

Sunmaid is the literal sun in a french maid outfit

And of course land o lakes should be the lochness monster or some similar native american cryptid.

MacNCheezus OP , (edited ) avatar

I would be okay with this.

Quick, someone fire up the AI to make it happen.

EDIT: well, I gave it a try, here’s what I got:

Uncle Ben’s

Apparently the AI doesn’t know what a Brontosaur is. Also I’m not sure what “converted” rice is, but it’s kinda adorable anyway. 3/7

Aunt Jemima

This prompt was blocked by the filter because apparently it’s racist or otherwise problematic to combine a giraffe with pancake syrup. Sorry about that. 0/7

Little Debbie

This is by far my favorite. Would absolutely buy. Perfect score, 5/7.

Quaker Oats

Honestly, looks crunchy and wholesome. Would buy. 4/7

Sun Maid

Yes mommy. This will probably give your kids weird fetishes. 2/7

Land O’Lakes

Perfect choice if you enjoy bone-chilling nightmares. 1/7 please make it go away.

CaptPretentious ,

Can you do a second one with Land O’Lakes but use the prompt ‘Duluth dogman’

MacNCheezus OP , avatar

This is the best version I got. Probably far cuter than the actual Dogman.

CaptPretentious ,

Appreciate you doing that! Not even remotely what I thought was going to come back, lol. But instead of creepy we got wholesome. 👍

MacNCheezus OP , avatar

I’m not complaining. Certainly beats whatever the fuck that other thing was.

CoffeeJunkie ,

Upvote for good doggo!

MacNCheezus OP , avatar

Upvote for upvoting good doggo

atomicorange ,

I love the land o’ lakes mothsquitoman!

MacNCheezus OP , avatar

Found the nightmare enjoyer.

atomicorange ,

Every time you hear a buzzing in your ear, or see an eerie glow emanating from the woods, it would help you remember that you need to pick up butter at the store! That’s marketing.

CaptPretentious ,

Since Land O’Lakes is a Minnesota company it should be a Minnesota crypted. Minnesota shares mini cryptids with many other locations mothman, Bigfoot, etc.

But if you want to really place it, brand and cryptid… Then Duluth Dogman is perhaps your best option that I am aware of.

RedEyeFlightControl , avatar
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