There have been multiple accounts created with the sole purpose of posting advertisement posts or replies containing unsolicited advertising.

Accounts which solely post advertisements, or persistently post them may be terminated.

Zellith , to assholedesign in Google deleted an open source app I love (install from F-Droid) for being "Fake"

Google and Amazon need broken up. Change my mind.

CluckN ,

If they break up Microsoft will buy them and force them to create Master Chief Funko Pops.

zepheriths ,

That’s not all of them… Microsoft, apple, Samsung, Sony, all need it as well

pedro ,

Samsung and Sony are not American companies, I don’t know if they have anti-trust laws in South Korea / Japan

zepheriths ,

I don’t know the laws of America on that but Europe has sued Amazon for being a trust, there is already international president

Treczoks ,

Add Apple, Microsoft, and Disney, and we are OK.

Empricorn , to cat in Cat calling

There is no way this story actually happened.

eating3645 ,

They lost me when his cat came when called.

chaogomu ,

When I was a kid, I had a 90% success rate for getting my cat to come to me and hop up onto my lap.

Now, it would only work if my cat was in the same room, but it did work. Most of the time.

flicker ,

As my (comes 100% of the time when called) cat gets older, I suspect the amount of energy he's willing to expend when I call will change his willingness to do so, and I'm prepared for and even welcoming of that day.

"I would like to pet you" does not necessarily override his comfort once he's old enough that coming running might make his bones ache or interrupt a particularly nice nap.

I do have a little song I sing when he's "missing" and I'm worried, which I trained him to come to (with wet food) when he was a teensy kitty and I would worry he had gotten lost in my home or wedged under furniture. I do it every once in a while as an "emergency" song, and I give him all the treats and affection and play fetch when he answers that one.

For your entertainment reader, the lyrics, which are nonsense (first thought up in a panic):

"I wish I had my kitty man,
So I could pet my kitty man!
And if I had a kitty man,
Then I would pet that kitty man!"

He usually arrives during the beginning of the third line.

This was also helpful the one time I accidentally shut him in a closet. I guess he got shut in and just decided that was a cue for a nap, but once I started singing he started howling and pawing loudly at the door.

NocturnalMorning ,

One of my cats will come if I call them, the other one will sometimes come when I call them. All depends on the cat.

BetaBlake ,

My cat comes 100% of the time when I call him, he loves me

SturgiesYrFase , avatar

My cat comes 40% of the time I call him, the other 60% he hears me and is all: nahhhh, not feeling it pops…

Scrof ,

I had two cats and both knew several words pretty well, like their names and “food”. There is no beast that comes at you faster than a cat when it hears a promise of food.

jordanlund , avatar

Ours know “Who’s hungry?”

thepianistfroggollum ,

All 7 of ours will come if called.

radix , avatar

That’s impressive.

Catoblepas ,

50% percent of the secret to calling a cat is calling them when they want to come.

“I’d like to see a sunset… Do me a favor, your majesty… Command the sun to set…”

“If I commanded a general to fly from one flower to the next like a butterfly, or to write a tragedy, or to turn into a seagull, and if the general did not carry out my command, which of us would be in the wrong, the general or me?”

“You would be,” said the little prince, quite firmly.

“Exactly. One must command from each what each can perform,” the king went on. “Authority is based first of all upon reason. If you command your subjects to jump in the ocean, there will be a revolution. I am entitled to command obedience because my orders are reasonable.”

“Then my sunset?” insisted the little prince, who never let go of a question once he had asked it.

“You shall have your sunset. I shall command it. But I shall wait, according to my science of government, until conditions are favorable.”

beansbeansbeans ,

When my husband and I had two cats both would refuse to come when called, but one would always come running when we called the other. Ya know, because, “Why are you calling the other cat? Hmm? Giving him something tastier than you gave me?”

coffeewithalex ,

I had a cat which responded vocally with “mrrr” when hearing his name. Saying the name repeatedly had an 80% chance of summoning my cat, and a 20% chance that he would come running and jumping up into my hug. I loved that cat so much. Smart loving bastard who liked to also chew on my wife’s foot on her way to the bathroom at night, and lovingly hump his towel when he was bored.

Anticorp ,

We had a cat that if you said “what’s up CatName” she would do a little “what’s up” head nod and go “mrow!”.

spudwart , (edited )

Yeah no.

If the order was

  1. Call the cat
  2. Cat doesn’t come
  3. Shake favorite cat treat bag
  4. cat comes

The post would’ve been believable.

cm0002 ,


chicagohuman ,

Heaven is a place… where. .

Anticorp ,

Love comes first… Let’s make heaven a…

logicbomb ,

It’s possible that there is a guy who likes to cat call women, and afterwards likes to pretend like he was only calling his cat.

phar ,

Who call their cat in a tone that could even been mistaken for cat calling? That’d be as creepy as cat calling…

radix , avatar

I don’t want to sound weird, but I guess i would. “Hey baby girl!!! Who’s the cutest!!”

Madison420 ,

I mean why not? I come home everyday and yell “poop!” And my cat comes running. Do you legit think anything odd just never happened?

neshura , to memes in Double standards or something, I don't know... avatar

ho boy, here we go again.

At this point in time that conflict has been going on for so long, I have no clue anymore who started it. So all I can do is judge both sides by their current actions without historical justification which, to me, results in fanatical religious fascists fighting fanatical religious fascists with neither side caring for civilian casualties. Not exactly a situation in which I’d support any side tbh.

hopelessbyanxiety , (edited )

no historical context needed. History is not useful at all to understand current actions. Do your own research, but i can tell you The british supported jewish militias, to occupy that territory (under british control). That started the ethnic cleasing of palestinians in 1948, displacing millions. I dont know how to link stuff pls help me

camelbeard ,

Also just looking at history isn’t going to solve anything. If that was the only solution we can just get any map remove all borders everywhere and discus how to draw them based on history. We all know this is just going to be a never ending discussion because it just depends on what snapshot in time (of the world) you take as your truth.

ComradeChairmanKGB , avatar

At this point in time that conflict has been going on for so long, I have no clue anymore who started it.

You know very well who started it. You just want to pretend that historical facts are lost to the sands of time because they’re damaging to your centrist bullshit.

atrielienz ,

Just out of curiosity what do you think should happen? Should Israel just give up the land to Palestinians? Should Palestinians give up the land to Israel? Should they coexist and if so how do you see that happening? I really am asking because I really don’t understand how “how it started” is going to make a peaceful ending. I also don’t understand why anyone who isn’t from the locality and impacted by it should be stepping in for either side of what amounts to civil war. Especially not America who has a habit of doing so all over the world which usually ends badly for the people who live there when our puppet regimes tank.

ComradeChairmanKGB , avatar

Israeli settlers should return to the country that they or their family came from originally. This is not like settlers in the America’s where we are talking 200+ years of families living there. This started after WW2 when the bigoted west could not bear to live with jews even after the holocaust, so they had to send them off on a settler project to other lands. Palestinian lands. Israelis should go back home, and the places they came from should pay for the reestablishing of their families. As well as paying reparations to Palestine. Isreal is not a legitimate nation. It is a colonial project occupying the nation of Palestine and the settlers must leave if there is to be peace.

atrielienz ,

“Israeli settlers should return to the country that they or their family came from originally.”

Oh? How far back are we going here? What if their family originally came from Palestine? What happens then?

“This is not like settlers in the America’s where we are talking 200+ years of families living there.” This is an interesting point that is literally under contention right now because those people came from somewhere and we don’t even know who was here first because it changes every few years. How many years of settling constitute the land belonging to you?

Where did the Israeli people actually first come from. Go back far enough and crazily enough I think you’ll find that these people do have historical roots in this locality before WW2. This conflict spans probably close to a thousand years. Picking and choosing which bit of history supports your narrative doesn’t invalidate the rest of it.

ComradeChairmanKGB , avatar

You are being ridiculous by pretending that Israel in antiquity is at all relevant to the current colonial project that was started within living memory. If the families originally came from Palestine then the people are Palestinian regardless of whatever ethnostate bullshit the settler government might have spouted to blur the lines. I am saying that any settler families who have gone to occupy Palestine in the last 80 years should return to their home nations. Anyone else is Palestinian, whether muslim, jewish, or otherwise. And would stay to live under the Palestinian nation.

atrielienz , (edited )

Why do you think this is a peaceful resolution? Why do you think those other countries will just open their arms and take back Israel’s? They don’t have home nations if they were born in Palestine.

This war is fueled by what amount to a religious disagreement. Pretending it’s not is kind of a garbage take and pretending it’s as easy as just send those people home is also garbage. You don’t see it that way because you’re looking at historical context of the last 100 years on purpose.

This is the equivalent of the movement in America who want to end birthright citizenship. It doesn’t make sense and it’s specifically tied to anti-immigration sentiment that ignores that essential the US is made up of immigrants. It’s similar to pretending Columbus discovered America when we know the Vikings were here before him and the Natives before them and so on.

Like. I’m not pro Israel. I actually think this is a conflict that can’t be one and both sides are wrong. But you seem to have drawn your line in the sand and therefore this conversation is over.

ComradeChairmanKGB , avatar

Why do you think this is a peaceful resolution?

The current status quo of apartheid and genocide is not exactly leading to a peaceful resolution is it? Why must Palestinian survival and liberation be entirely bloodless? And why can settlers not leave without bloodshed?

Why do you think those other countries will just open their arms and take back Israel’s?

Luckily the settlers have had decades of looting Palestine, so they could afford to leave if necessary. An option that the Palestinian people have been denied by the exploitation and literal encirclement under apartheid.

They don’t have home nations if they were born in Palestine.

They have settled within living memory and know very well where they came from.

This war is fueled by what amount to a religious disagreement.

No the war is fueled by the continued expansion of a colonial ethnostate which is genociding the native population. You are the one spewing ahistorical garbage. You said as much in your top comment when you admitted to having no knowledge of the situations history. Edit- Sorry, I confused you with the first person, who claimed memory issues to pretend history started on Saturday. The rest of the point stands.

You don’t see it that way because you’re looking at historical context of the last 100 years on purpose.

You previously wanted to dilute the issue by examining things as far back as antiquity. Now you want to throw out historical analysis from the relevant time period because it’s inconvenient? Do you have any ideas at all or will you simply say whatever is required?

This is the equivalent of the movement in America who want to end birthright citizenship. It doesn’t make sense and it’s specifically tied to anti-immigration sentiment that ignores that essential the US is made up of immigrants.

This is not equivalent at all. Israeli settlers are currently genociding the native population. Whereas in America the current population are settlers who have nearly finished their genocide. Current immigrants to America are not genociding the population. How is that a take you just seriously put forward? Are you a white supremacist buying into great replacement theory?

Like. I’m not pro Israel.

You support the status quo that ends with the eradication of the Palestinian people and the dissolution of their state. How are you not pro Isreal?

But you seem to have drawn your line in the sand and therefore this conversation is over.

Yes it’s called having an actual position. But sure we can be done now that I’ve had a fair chance to speak.

S8N ,

God damn… It must be hard having more chromosomes than brain cells. Is there freedom of religion in Palestine? Are women equal to men in Palestine? Are gays allowed to openly exist?

Will you get murdered for drawing a cartoon of Abraham or Moses in Israel?

Poor them, they were open to peaceful coexistence or a two-state solution but those evil Israelis said no… Oh wait.

Speaking of history and genocide, ever heard of Amin al-Husseini? There’s a pretty clear reason why he and Adolf got along so well.

I harbor mostly equal disdain for all religions but I’ve never heard of Jews giving people a choice between conversion or being executed.

PS, don’t bother replying, I’ve wasted enough time on your smooth-brained bullshit already.

atrielienz ,

Thank you. There’s way too many people claiming one or the other side is justified or worse and frankly at this point they’ve both committed so many atrocities against one another that it’s hard to have an emotional or subjective response other than, they’re both pretty shitty.

chrizbie , to memes in The race for "Worst Dumpster Fire" is heating up. Everyone place your bets! avatar

Elons shenanigans has to be worse than spez surely

SlopppyEngineer ,

Spez just copies what daddy Musk does, so give it some time

Rolando , to memes in Wedding pricing makes so much sense.

Here’s the alternative:

  • Justice of the Peace ceremony: $43 (including license, supply your own witnesses)
  • session at photography studio: $13-$500 (including prints and downloads)
  • BYOB party at your place that evening: $0

Basically, finding out your partner wants a big wedding is a huge go/no-go moment. Save the money for when you really need it.

LilPappyWigwam ,

Yeehaw! A thirteen dollar photoshoot!

Rolando ,

Photoshoot’s free. The $13 is for the print you get.

You mock, but my grandparents only have a couple photos of the day they were married. But they did stick together all their lives, and they did raise their kids as best they could within their means.

BastingChemina ,

There was a study a few years ago that showed that people who spend less on wedding have a lower chance of divorce.

On the other hand not going for a honeymoon increase divorce rate.

So better save money on the wedding and spend it on a honeymoon.

LilPappyWigwam ,

I didn’t realize you were referencing something from like 50-60 years ago. All in all, you make valid points… I have lived long enough to personally validate them. It was just the “thirteen to five hundred dollars” range that made me chuckle!

Kecessa ,

As my sister in law said, even for expensive weddings, if you do things properly you’ll end up making profit from the gifts you receive.

And yes, that’s fucking disgusting.

PlantDadManGuy ,

I mean you’re right, but I believe the converse is what she was getting at. Invite respectable guests and they will know the unwritten rule: bring a gift worth at least as much as your meal, drinks and party favors. It’s not necessarily bad to expect that much.

Kecessa ,

I personally think that yes it’s bad to expect that much. You’re the one who decided to organize a party for a day that’s all about you and your SO, it’s not my problem how much you decided to spend on it. Even for my best friend’s wedding I told him “You charge me something or expect me to give a gift worth X, I’m not going, it’s your decision to do something special that day, you assume it, the day I invite you to a party I won’t charge you or expect a gift.”

lightnsfw ,

I hate big weddings as much as anyone but the idea of bringing a gift isn’t to “charge” you. It’s that you want to help set up the newlyweds in their life together. The party is all about them but most of what they’re spending is on things to make sure their guests have a great time. I’m sure it happens but I’ve never been to a wedding where anyone demanded a gift as the cost of entry.

criticon ,

My wife and I were planning our wedding a year from then when I got a job offer to the US and we had to get married in a hurry to avoid some issues with the visas.

Best decision ever, we had a small party at my SIL patio, my parents got us tacos catering, a friend of my wife who has won some iPod battles was or “DJ” and we got some cheap wines at costco and told people to BYOB

We only had to rent some chairs and tables but it wasn’t very expensive

We were planning to celebrate our 1st anniversary doing a “wedding” party but we decided to use the money to travel 3 weeks to Japan instead

captain_aggravated , avatar

My mama’s got a tiny little diamond in her engagement ring. Dad offered to get her a bigger one, but she said no, let’s save that money for something more important. I believe that money got put toward a renovation of the house.

Give me a girl like mama, whose got a tiny diamond and a solid home.

SnipingNinja ,

Get an “artificial diamond”, much cheaper but basically the same thing

bufordt , avatar

Or better yet, get an artificial emerald. Green is prettier anyhow.

bear , to linux in I had a journey

sudo apt-get install anarchism

Celediel ,

I now love Debian more than I previously thought possible.

brb installing Debian on all my hardware.

edit: there’s a fortune-anarchism too, amazing.

backhdlp , avatar

AUR package:
(the pkgbuild is literally just extracting the deb and archiving it again to an arch package lol)

sharedburdens , to memes in Not sure how the girl's skin tone is relevant, but apart from that...

This meme feels like projection.

Online discussions about capitalism:

People who have to pay rent jesse-wtf

30 year old comfortable software developer:

“I know more than you” smuglord

rodhlann , avatar

The vibe when you're a 30 year old software developer and still could never afford a house in this economy....

JGrffn ,

30 year old software developer from a third world country here, 8 years of job experience on my CV. My 60k/year salary from working as a contractor for US companies puts me at around the top 99th percentile of salary earners in my country. I still cannot afford to buy a house and have instead opted to live with my parents until I’ve saved up enough to move out.

Nakoichi , to memes in Not sure how the girl's skin tone is relevant, but apart from that... avatar

This is a stupid meme. Most people alive today that lived there before its collapse wish it had not.

Furthermore its dissolution was literally illegal and undemocratic.

OsrsNeedsF2P ,

Well yea, most people prefer quality of life not going down

Nakoichi , avatar

Not just quality of life, but average life expectancy. The deliberate destruction of the Soviet Union was cause for one of the single largest drops in life expectancy in recorded history.

The collapse destruction of the Soviet Union also ushered in an era of unrestrained capitalist exploitation without a rival power to incentivize better social programs.

Literally the entire world felt the blow of this tragedy.

Sharp312 , to linux in Btw, I'm..

Oh no… The Arch Vegan is here! Run!

tdawg ,

What kind of powers do they get?

jaybone ,

They block your bytes on FAT.

elbowgrease , to memes in Jim "Scumbag" Farley

I thought he looked a lot like Chris Farley!….

Grayox OP , avatar

Just broke my brain a little bit, that crazy!

db2 ,

Looks like while all of Chris’s brothers got in to comedy his cousin Jim decided to become a laughing stock of a person instead. You did it all wrong, Jimbo.

teft , avatar

Maybe he never watched Tommy Boy.

Grayox OP , avatar
teft , avatar

Maybe he’s like those guys who listen to fortunate son and think it’s glorifying war?

dingus , avatar

MFs life is literally the plot of the movie Tommy Boy. In the movie, Tommy’s father is an industrialist who owns Callahan Auto.…/god-we-were-lucky-ford-ceo-shares-f…

Here’s an article about it. Kind of makes you like the movie less because it’s glorifying this fucking prick.

Kinda makes you think if Farley had lived, we probably wouldn’t like him so much, either. We didn’t have time to learn how big of a pile of shit he was thanks to his family.

Bobert , avatar

Helluva presumption to just pull out of your ass about someone whose only relation to this matter is family name.

dingus , avatar

I don’t fucking live vicariously through rich celebrity twats. In my experience, most of them are absolute shitheads, and when they wrote the movie to glorify *checks notes… the guy who is referenced here for being a selfish cunt who doesn’t want to pay his employees worth a damn, maybe, just maybe it means they view his assholery as quite OK.

Sorry that I’ve known enough rich families with asshats like that in them that I know they support those people. Especially if they take the time to write a whole god damned movie loosely based on them. Give me a fucking break, people in this country are way too ready to defend celebrities, and by extension their provably shitty families.

scrotumnipples ,

Holy shit, they’re cousins!?

dingus , avatar…/god-we-were-lucky-ford-ceo-shares-f…

Tommy Boy is literally based on this loser fucking prick.

Bobert , avatar

Source: Jim Farley

Here’s a little FYI for ya. Tropic Thunder is based on my experiences in Vietnam.

FnordPrefect , avatar

I wonder if there was family drama when Tommy Boy came out:

“You can’t make a movie where the bad guy is an evil capitalist who doesn’t care about the auto-workers. That’s a direct attack on your cousin!”

jaybone ,

He should live in a van down by the river.

ZILtoid1991 , to memes in nEvEr fOrGeT avatar

They always talk about how planes are hitting buildings, but those buildings were never angels. Also they never talk about building-on-building crime.

Plane lives matter.

Respect to our officer planes.

Some punisher logo painted on an airplane.

TheImpressiveX OP , to linux in I'd like to interject for a moment... avatar

Here’s some more excerpts from the book that I found amusing:

As you learned in Chapter 1, Linux is an open source operating system, meaning that anyone can download and modify it. Open source operating systems can benefit from improvements contributed by thousands of programmers. Some people choose open source operating systems out of an anti-establishment spirit; others choose them as a practical matter because they are free.

“Anti-establishment” isn’t the word I’d use, but I guess that fits.

One of the most popular distros for casual users, Ubuntu, comes with a DE called Unity (shown in Figure 5-16)

That hasn’t been true since 2017.

Be suspicious of free apps. In the best-case scenario, the app does what it says but installs ads or other software. In the worst-case scenario, the free app is, or contains, malware that might steal personal information from your device, encrypt your data files and demand a ransom for decryption, or monitor your device usage. Installing an app sometimes asks for specific permissions that the app will use. Be selective in allowing app privileges to items such as contact lists, GPS location, e-mail messages, and so on.

Okay, I’ll admit this is good advice if we’re talking about “freeware”, but there’s also free/libre/open-source software, which has all of the benefits of freeware, and also gives you the freedom to read/mofify/share the source code, if you wish.

As for that “malware” you speak of, you might as well be describing Google Chrome.

No media player supports all formats, so it’s important to find one that supports the formats of the clips you want to play.

Clearly, these people haven’t heard of VLC.

Codec is short for “compressor-decompressor”

It actually stands for “coder/decoder”.

And that’s just one page…

DryTomatoes ,

Paid apps can also steal user data and also I’d be way way more concerned about ‘free’ mobile apps than open source programs.

Mobile apps can and will get a jarring amount of your data just for being installed.

lukas , avatar

Or the paid app doesn’t even exist. Carders now trade your credit card information. Achievement unlocked.

DemBoSain , avatar

The “best-case scenario” is adware or malware. Someone didn’t get hugged as a child.

CaptainFlintlockFinn , to piracy in Pirate Pro

How do you go about getting an invite to one of these holy grails?

Mr_Blott ,

I’ve never had any need, except for audiobooks. Getting into myanonymouse is just a case of knowing the rules and passing a wee test. Maybe start there?

muse , avatar

No way in hell am I sending anyone my piss to get into a website

Ubermeisters ,

here have my DNA!

Nobsi , avatar

Then you don’t need the audiobooks. NEXT!

gears ,

Are there good audiobook trackers? I’ve used audiobookbay and haven’t failed to get a book I want so far

athos77 ,


dditty ,

I recently joined myanonamouse and it’s working great so far. The only thing I haven’t figured out yet is how to make my qbitttorrent + vpn docker container accessible for seeding.

das ,

You need to use a VPN that supports port forwarding, such as PIA, and qbittorrent needs to get set to use that port.

dditty ,

I’m using PIA and qbitttorrent is set to use that port. I also forwarded the port in my router, but myanonamouse wouldn’t show me as online/connectable.

das ,

Don’t forward the port in your router, it’s not required and is just adding a vulnerable entry point into your network.

You can use a port checker tool to see if the port you are using is open (using the VPN IP). If it’s just myanonamouse that’s not recognising it, I recommend asking for help on there :)

das ,

Don’t forward the port in your router, it’s not required and is just adding a vulnerable entry point into your network.

You can use a port checker tool to see if the port you are using is open (using the VPN IP). If it’s just myanonamouse that’s not recognising it, I recommend asking for help on there :)

Mr_Blott ,

I followed this guide cos the others were too confusing! -…

dditty ,

I’m logged into my account but it says permission denied when I click that link 🤷‍♂️

nestEggParrot ,

You dont have send it in. Just taste your own on a video call. Safe and private.

AzzyDev ,

It’s a good idea to start with MAM since they have interviews twice a week, and you can access invites for other trackers in the forums once you get to vip (which requires 4 weeks of membership, and a ratio above 2.0)

One of the nicer things about it is that you can gain bonus points (which is how you buy extra upload credit and VIP) just by being an available seed. Due to the shear number of books on the site, you won’t be seeding often, but they make it desirable to keep it available in case someone needs it by giving you a certain number of bonus points per hour depending on various factors.

AphoticDev , avatar

That’s a lot of work. I can’t imagine putting that much effort into downloading, not when Usenet doesn’t require anything but a couple dollars a month.

iHUNTcriminals ,

What’s a good Usenet?

metaStatic ,

I'm using frugal and nzbgeek

Pulp ,

Usenet doesn’t have all instantly

Mr_Blott ,

I can’t imagine putting that much effort into downloading

*Uploading, and that’s why you wouldn’t get an invite for a private tracker

AphoticDev , avatar

No, that’s why I wouldn’t even ask for one. No point wasting so much time tending a ratio when I’ve got a faster experience that doesn’t require me to do anything, and doesn’t depend on random strangers to work.

Pulp ,

Open signups/interviews then climb up the ladder.

Appoxo , avatar

opensignup pages like r/opensignups (now retired) but there are alternatives online, the AvistaZ/CinemaZ/PrivateHD discord has surprise invites and usually they open around christmas and/or black friday.

infyrin , to mildlyinfuriating in The Spotify Car Thing cost $100, but I can't use it anymore. avatar

I’m just as annoyed at the name. Car Thing? They fucking call it ‘Car Thing’? Stupid fucks.

Asudox , avatar

can’t blame the devs, it’s a thing for a car. better than spoticar

Viking_Hippie ,

better than spoticar

Barely, if at all.

tammie , avatar

Unironically Spoticar would suck less

VulKendov , avatar


bingbong ,

better than spoticar


cubedsteaks ,

I guarantee you that some idiot working there thought it was “quirky”

MxM111 , to lemmyshitpost in Am I actually in charge?

The most worrying thing is that this “you” who is in some kind of “charge” is just a figment of your imagination.

dingleberry ,

So I’m a countryball.

MxM111 ,

Or meat popsicle. But with hallucinations!


And since your cells are constantly dying and being replaced, you isn’t even you anymore.

x4740N , avatar

That depends on your view of what we are, I do not believe we are pur bodies and my opinion on that is not up to debate of you want to argue with me on it

figaro ,

I like the buddhist idea that our consciousness is what governs our mind, and our mind governs the body. Through meditation, you can start to see from the perspective of your consciousness, and not just your mind.

Is that what you are talking about?

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