There have been multiple accounts created with the sole purpose of posting advertisement posts or replies containing unsolicited advertising.

Accounts which solely post advertisements, or persistently post them may be terminated.

Angry_Autist , to asklemmy in What things would you standardize globally if you were the Supreme Leader? All violations punishable by death.

No fascists

TSG_Asmodeus , to memes in I usually take the piss put of people but respect avatar
lemonmelon ,


geoma , to asklemmy in Men in their 40s, what’s one piece of advice for men in their 20s?

Think it very thoroughly if you want kids

ICastFist , avatar

As someone nearing his 40s, I really do want to have kids, though I’m really afraid my sedentary body won’t keep up

HobbitFoot , to asklemmy in What is the current state of Lemmy?

Lemmy has been stable on users since the Reddit Exodus, which is probably good because I don’t see Lemmy in its current form able to handle growth.

Onboarding new users is a hassle unless those users know someone already on Lemmy to act as a guide. This is just going to push more people to default instances.

I think that the developers need to shift to a more distributed method of developing an open source project, including stakeholder input on what to develop next.

People complain about moderation, but I feel like a decent problem had been in distributing ownership of instances across several people and developing policy from that.

If Lemmy were to grow, it would likely grow as a fork.

Shdwdrgn , to linux in backups for SD card disk image? that don't take up tonnes of space and can be rolled back?

I’m not sure about anything that does rolling backups of full disks, but I have used rdiff-backup for years for rolling backups of individual files. The format for the backup is similar to (and based on) rsync so it’s fairly easy to script. For complete servers I just keep a copy of the install image on hand, in a catastrophic drive failure I can do a new installation to a new drive (creating the partitions, grub setup, etc), then restore the latest backup. An alternative might be to use dd and create a full drive image file to use as your starting point in a full recovery.

One thing to keep in mind though is that the backups should NOT contain any system folders like dev or proc that get generated at boot. If possible, when making a starting image with dd, you want the drive to be separate and not part of the running OS, because some folders like dev and var have a basic set of files in place needed for the boot process which may be different than the final version you see after the OS is up and running. That’s why I find it easier to just plan around a clean install to new drives when needed.

RedSquadCampFollower OP ,

Thanks I will look at rdiff. I am not sure if rsync is able to “see inside” the *.img files to discern the individual files. If it can then it would be helpful because I could just re-write the same file over and over again and keep backups using rsync or any of the various rsync-derrived tools?

The filesystem will be cold at time of back up because I will need to shut it down, remove the card from the console and put it into my computer’s reader so no worries about that.

mindbleach , to asklemmy in What creative project have you long wanted to start but never have?

Methadone for F2P Skinner-box games. An endless treadmill of dungeon-crawling, basically knocking off Path Of Exile or similar - but aggressively free. No mechanism whatsoever for taking your actual money. It’d use all the tricks that make spending bullshit currencies feel good, but you’d actually find those currencies, like it’s a video game or something.

A key conceit of the modern-fantasy setting is that credit cards are naturally occurring. Magic understands that plastic is money now, so they just kinda spring forth, as loot. Maybe less than loot. They’d grow on trees. Have as many as you like - you’ll enjoy it less than playing. The game’s incentive against spraying cash at every problem is that you still have to examine the in-game model and type in some long sequence of numbers to get a random quantity of dollars. It’s amusing but not really fun. You’ll enjoy the game more if you just play it.

What you’d spend that fake money on is a trickle of procedurally-generated variations for every form of content I can think of. Swords, guns, hats, capes, hairpins, familiars, particle effects, et very cetera. A maximized possibility space of stuff to look at and go “want.” None of it’s ever exactly what you had in mind, because each thingamajig is a random sixty-four-bit number. That entropy translates to a bajillion trim and shape combinations and then several materials and colors on top of that. There’d only need to be a few dozen models for each thing, and a few dozen textures for each layer, and their distributions would drift over time to create a sense of changing fashions.

A lot of this was a reaction to every live-service money-pit having “seasons.” That cyclical change would be textual and central. Summer’s ending, and it’ll come around again, but it won’t be the same summer. So - gear has affinity for its period in time. A summer sword is especially good against summer enemies. It’ll struggle against any lingering spring enemies, and eventually, against emerging autumn enemies. By winter’s end it’s just a prop. You can keep it as a display piece if you really like its randomized appearance, but all of its stats are gone.

Loadouts are visible as a partial halo over someone’s head. Their offensive and defensive capabilities are represented as shapes along that crescent, sliding from the near future into the oncoming past. Someone optimized to hell for right now will have one great spike at the center. And you can probably tickle through their armor with half-faded sword from last season, or any mediocre early drop for next season. All these things have their place and time. There’s never a reason to spend real money on them. They don’t last. They’re not real.

blusterydayve26 ,

I love everything about that. Even a small tech demo with like one kind of item and a single quest would be really cool.

HelixDab2 , (edited ) to asklemmy in Men in their 40s, what’s one piece of advice for men in their 20s?

Get in shape. Lift weights, do cardio, eat healthy. Cut garbage food out of your life completely; no cheat days ever - it needs to be a complete lifestyle, not a “diet”. Learn what macros are, and follow them. Take up running, and make it a habit so that you run every. Single. Day, sun, shine, hail, or snow. (Yes, you can get snowshoes for running in snow. I like barefoot shoes, since that’s easier on my knees and back, but they take a long time to get used to.)

Get an education. Go to school. DO NOT FOLLOW YOUR PASSION; get an education in something that you can stand doing and will actually be employable. Following your passion and trying to make a living doing it leads to burnout. Let your passion be it’s own thing, instead of something that you try to make money from. EDIT - an “education” can also mean going to trade school, if you can’t stomach the idea of sitting behind a desk all day for 40 years. Yes, take English lit classes and art classes if you’re passionate about it, but do that for fun. Depending on a fun thing for keeping a roof over your head quickly leads to fun not being fun anymore.

some_guy ,


Fuck this. I’m a computer guy who didn’t finish high school (credits wouldn’t transfer) and got a GED so I could start college early. I didn’t finish that either. I got a job among CS grads at one of the most prestigious tech companies because I spent a ton of energy learning about computers because that shit was exciting to me.

I’m bored and lazy as fuck about it now. I’m still learning new things (started a new homelab again two months ago) but it’s nothing like when I was younger and had a ton of energy to stay up until dawn learning. I had no future and it still worked out because I pursued my passion to the fullest degree.

If your passion isn’t marketable, perhaps this makes sense. But the all caps “this is a truth” way that this was presented really rubbed me the wrong way.

I love and support education. Go to school. Get an education. Most people will likely not build a career without that. But holy shit, if you’re hardcore about a thing and that thing can make you money, you might be able to do without the education only because your education comes from spending every minute of every day educating yourself outside of the system.

Ok, going back to bed. Apologies if any of this is muddled.

lichtmetzger ,

Relatable. I’ve been working in IT for over eight years now. I didn’t study it because I didn’t qualify for university and people constantly told me I am so bad at math that I would never work in the field. Here I am, doing exactly that, just because I was really interested in computer stuff in my youth and learned something new almost every day just by myself.

I was also able to study at a design school for two years. I have already used this knowlege to design brochures, logos and various other things for customers successfully. My art teacher in school always said to me I would never be able to do something like this because she just didn’t like my art style.

I’m glad I never listened to all of these people and did indeed follow my passion. The added bonus is that I actually like my job (most of the time).

DadVolante , avatar

Counterpoint to all the young people: Never listen to ANYONE who tells you not to follow your passion.

It’s better to try, fail and learn than it is to grow old and wonder what could have been

HelixDab2 ,

Trying and failing with a lot of passions means a lot of debt and lost time. Student debt happens to be debt that you can’t discharge through bankruptcy either.

But you ignored the central point - for most people, taking a thing that they love doing for enjoyment and turning it into something that they have to do every single day or risk being homeless sucks the love right out of it.

orcrist ,

Do you have any data to back up your second point? I know dozens of people that have made careers out of passions that they discovered in high school and college. And those are only the people that I’ve asked about it.

But we could expand a little bit and make your claim more likely to be true, and also more reasonable. For example, if Jimmy loves playing the guitar, he could try to form a rock band and get successful enough to make a living touring. That’s kind of hard. Possible but the odds are against him. So he might try that and later transition to some other job that’s still in entertainment. This example, and generally the shift from a single job to something else that’s related to it, is something that young people should expect. Focusing too much on one area could be a weakness if you have to change jobs later. And in general, the majority of workers will make major changes to their careers at least once in their lives.

celeste , to fediverse in what happened to kbin? avatar

The guy in charge was having medical and personal issues. And doesn't seem to have access to everything at the moment. It's a bummer, and I hope things get better for him, but that's how projects like this go sometimes.

CrabAndBroom , to asklemmy in Do flat earthers think other planets are flat? All of them or some of them? Are stars (including and excluding the sun) flat too?

I’m definitely not a Flat Earther, but I watched a documentary about them and a lot of them seem to think the Earth is flat and the sky is like a glass dome, and the other stars and planets are presumably just projected onto the dome somehow? Kind of like this:…/flat-earth-1.jpg

As for what’s beyond the dome or why nobody’s ever encountered the edge of it, I honestly couldn’t tell you lol.

Kit ,

I used to work with a flat earther and this is the description he gave. He was raised Christian and attended a Christian college, so I guess he was never taught much science.

linuxoveruser , to asklemmy in What is the best alternative to Cozi? (shared calendar and list app)

nextcloud provides apps for both calendars and lists, if you’re comfortable getting into self hosted services. of course, there are a number of other self-hosted apps that provide similar functionalities as well, but nextcloud is probably a good place to start

mesamunefire ,

Yeah next cloud has some great options. The only issue I have is I don’t know of an app on the phone that syncs easy. But the web looks great and does what is needed.

_edge ,

Davx5 but it depends on what you call easy

trk , avatar

DavX doesn’t get much simpler for Android… it’s even included in the Nextcloud installer which launches DavX and prefills half the fields for you.…

For iPhone, you can copy the shared link from the Nextcloud web interface and add it as a CardDav account. Not sure of a simpler way, I don’t use iPhone and had to just figure it out one time for someone else

pigup , to noncredibledefense in The more things change the more they stay the same

what if ur born in the middle east

Jordans_Vision ,

Then Allah deployed you in the middle east.

JohnSwanFromTheLough ,

Join another server.

YourPrivatHater ,

Well you are either born in a country where you can leave, like Israel, UAE, Saudi Arabia or Turkey or you die in middle-east sooner or later…

YourPrivatHater , to noncredibledefense in The more things change the more they stay the same

I mean you can always just go there… With a ballistic west and a helmet…

makingStuffForFun , to lemmyshitpost in Twitter avatar

What is deadnaming?

subignition , avatar

Intentionally using the former name ("dead name") of a (typically trans) person with the intent to cause harm

makingStuffForFun , avatar

That is incredibly niche. I’m sure 99.999% of the population would not know what that is, were it happening to them.

I mean, how many names of dead trans people would the general person on the street know?

Samvega ,

That is incredibly niche.

No, that’s you thinking you’re funny when you troll so poorly.

I’m sure 99.999% of the population

Are more amusing than you.

makingStuffForFun , avatar

No, the person I replied to has simply edited their comment to be clearer. They originally wrote it as though they meant a literal dead person.

Lumelore , avatar

It’s not specifically of dead trans people, they meant of all trans people. The term deadname typically refers to the birth name of a trans person that they no longer use.

ieatpillowtags ,

Yeah he’s not asking that question in good faith.

Lumelore , avatar

Oh… I’m not very good at determining if people are, so I tend to treat everyone like they are asking in good faith. Maybe at least someone else will see my comment and find it useful I hope.

Klairabelle ,

You did good 😊

Holyginz ,

It’s just some edgy troll thinking they are being clever

makingStuffForFun , avatar

Thank you for the clarification. Yes, I can see that the person I replied to has now edited their comment also be more specific. It literally read as though they meant someone who was literally dead, and was trans, which made absolutely zero sense.

Catoblepas ,

Let’s say you knew someone named Bob, who later came out as a trans woman named Sue. If you insisted on calling her Bob instead of Sue, that would be deadnaming.

makingStuffForFun , avatar

Excellent description. Thank you for the clarity. That makes more sense.

makingStuffForFun , avatar

Okay, now that you’ve edited your comment to clarify, it makes sense. The term dead seemed quite literal in your previous and original text, but now I can see it is a term for that part of society, when they change their name and leave the ordinary behind., and it is insulting to that person.

Since it wasn’t clear at the start, but that’s okay. Now it makes sense.

subignition , (edited ) avatar

I did not edit my comment. Why are you lying?

Edit: Oh, I did edit it about 30 seconds after posting, to add the first parenthetical. Apologies for outright accusing you of lying. It doesn't display as edited on my instance when done within the first minute. But you replied 5 minutes after my edit, so I think the odds that you loaded the page within 30 seconds of my original reply are too minuscule to be super convincing.

makingStuffForFun , avatar

Look, if you did not, then that’s fine, but I completely read it differently earlier. To me, it read, as though you said, a dead trans person. That made it so niche that it was bizarre and incomprehensible that anybody would even understand it. But as people have commented below, I now fully understand.

makingStuffForFun , avatar

I guess I hit reply. Started typing.

You hit edit whilst I was typing. I replied some minutes later.

Makes perfect sense to me.

adespoton ,

Here’s a deadnaming example that should resonate with conservative women…

You get married and take your husband’s name, but your parents insist on continuing to call you by your maiden name.

01189998819991197253 , avatar

I wouldn’t just say conservative women, since this is a really good explanation for anyone. My cousin and partner changed their last name to something altogether different when they got married. For them, it wasn’t fair to the one for the other take the first’s family name, so they just chose a new one. It was really hard for the rest of the family (there’s a history with that family name that caused the hardship in its change, and the name holds a lot of weight to the entire extended family). Do you know what didn’t happen, though? Absolutely no one, despite how hard it was for them, called the couple by their former name once they announced the name change. Not even our grandmother, whose family name it was and was carried over from her deceased husband. One of their former friends (not even family), however, refused to accept the name change, and kept calling them by their former name. I would consider that dead naming, too.

Name changes are hard for the people around you. Not always for malicious reasons. For me, for example, when a trans friend changed names, I kept calling them by the name that was ingrained in my head for a decade. I caught myself, and fixed it during the conversations. I apologized the first few times, and was assured that no apologies were needed, since it was clear I was trying. It took a bit, but the new name has now been associated with them, and I no longer stumble. Some people, I’ve noticed, find it offensive, for some stupid reason, when someone changes their own name, and will absolutely not call them by it. I will never understand that part. It’s not your name–i’s their name ffs–just flippin call them by their preferred name.

I went off on a tangent, but all this to say that you offered a good, generic, applies-to-all-generations explanation.

NeatNit ,

When saying the name of a trans person, it’s when you use their previous name from before their transition. E.g. saying Ellen Page instead of Elliot Page.

Presumably it can also mean just calling someone by their previous name that they prefer to leave behind, even if not trans.

I have no idea who Musk’s child is and no desire to look it up.

marcos ,

He (or she, I really don’t remember) became famous from receiving a really bad name.

NeatNit ,

yeah I was thinking, is it the one with a random sequence of letters, digits and maybe even symbols that I vaguely remember existed at one point? But I still do not care.

skulblaka , avatar

Different child, I think. Vivian Wilson is Musk’s trans child who has disowned him. She’s 20 now. I don’t know what her birth name was but “X AE A-XII” was the one born in 2020 that was all over the news for having an absolutely insane name.

Though most of the rest of his kids names aren’t much better. “Techno Mechanicus Musk” is in that list, as is “Exa Dark Sideræl Musk”. He has 11 children and counting, and their names have gotten increasingly more unhinged as time goes on. So for all I know Vivian did have some insane name that she abandoned.

Anyway, she changed her last name and disowned her father when she came out as trans and he responded by posting all over Twitter that she had been, and I quote, “killed by the woke mind virus”. As in he literally told the world his child was dead, rather than publicly accept his daughter as the person she is.

GregorGizeh ,

Oh god I thought I couldn’t despise him more, what are those fucking names… Like he played some 40k and also wants to colonize mars so he made a kid named adeptus mechanicus I guess? What an absolute imbecile

TallonMetroid , avatar

Different kid, actually. IIRC he’s got a bunch of IVF kids with different women because apartheid emerald money is sexy or something, but he couldn’t be bothered to actually fuck them properly. Also couldn’t be bothered to be present in their lives as a dad properly either.

elliot_crane ,

This is Musk’s oldest child, she chose the name Vivian when she came out and despite being genetically related to Musk actually seems like a pretty cool person. She went through some legal procedure to remove herself from his family, and IIRC basically walked away from all of that generational wealth because severing connections with an abusive father was worth more to her.

NONE_dc , to asklemmy in What is a product you would never recommend? avatar

Any Apple product, mostly the iPhones. If you live in Latin America, those things are more a burden than something useful. They are too expensive, too fragile, and too Eye-catching for burglars.

They eats up your phone plan in hours just by existing, you can’t borrow a charger because everyone around you has Android. The simplest things to do on Android are an ordeal on Iphone.

The only way it can be worth it is if you have all Apple products (iMac, AppleTV, iPad, etc). But for that, you better be prepared to pawn your soul.

crystenn ,

The first paragraph, I can get along with and understand where you’re coming from.

The second paragraph, could you elaborate what you mean by “eat up your phone plan just by existing”? I personally use an iPhone and have had very normal data usage rates that is accurately tracked through both the phone and my carrier’s app.

Also regarding borrowing a charger, they just moved to USB-C so that will be a non-issue a few years down the road when lightning is phased out.

all-knight-party , avatar

Plus how can you hold "borrowing a charger" against a phone company? If you don't have a charger on hand that's your fault.

qaz ,

Because they insisted on using the inferior lightning connector instead of using USB C like everyone else.

all-knight-party , avatar

Yes, that would've been a very valid reason for that person to not recommend an apple product. But to not recommend it because they can't borrow one from everyone around them is such a weird way to put it that I didn't even consider Apple's absurd reasoning for using the lightning connector

NONE_dc , avatar

Well, it is necessary to clarify that I speak not so much from my own experience but from those close to me (family and friends who have or have had iPhones, I have only had iPods). With regard to the phone plan, the people I know who have had iPhones always tend to have no data to browse, because the data on their phone runs out surprisingly faster than on Android phones. I don’t know what the technical details would be, I suspect it has to do with processes running in the background that require internet.

With the chargers, on the one hand the thing is that most iPhone phones circulating in Latin America are older, so none have the Type-C port that is now Standard. And for the iPhones that do have it, correct me if I’m wrong, but I think those iPhones have a particularity that only cables manufactured by Apple can effectively charge the iPhone, while any other cable either can not charge it as quickly or can even damage it. I think something similar happens with the Nintendo Switch, that its port is Type-C but only cables made by Nintendo work, but I insist in saying that I could be wrong.

To conclude, I must say that this is just my opinion according to a specific context. I am sure that in more developed countries like the United States, Japan or European countries, the experience of having an iPhone is as normal as with any other phone, or even better.

crystenn ,

Gotcha. It could be entirely possible that the anecdotal experiences regarding phone data that you’ve heard could be simply because they’re heavier users or that they purchased a smaller quota. From personal experience, I really have not noticed any background processes that suck up data.

Regarding the type-C cable though, I have actually experienced that problem where cheaper cables do not work for charging. This part is PURE SPECULATION on my end, but I suspect Apple stops cheaper cables from charging on the off chance that it increase the risk of a fire (cheap cables = thinner wires = more resistance = more heat) because when stuff like that makes the news, the headline is typically “iPhone caught fire while charging” and not “Cheap cable caused a fire.” I spent a lil more on a third party USB-C cable that was higher quality and rated to charge up to 65W and have had no problems with it. I’m not sure what the economic situation is in Latin America, but where I am (Malaysia), I spent about RM60 (which is roughly equivalent to $13) on the cable that worked compared to RM20 for the cable that didn’t, just to give you a point of reference.

EuroNutellaMan , avatar

Should probably point out thatbthey were forced to move to USB-C

crystenn , (edited )

Sure, but whether they were forced to move over or did it out of the (non-existent) goodwill of their hearts wasn’t the point of contention in the discussion and results in a similar outcome. The initial commenter pointed out that they couldn’t share a charger and I just mentioned that this should be a non-issue once lightning is phased out.

limerod , to android in Is there anything like Native Alpha using the Firefox engine?

There is. Check Web App - Lite Private Browser app which uses gecko as its rendering engine.

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