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bibliotectress ,

Yeah that message would haunt me for life.

bibliotectress ,

I work in a high school in a California school district where they’re discussing banning cell phones.

Most teachers I’ve talked to about it think it’s really fucking stupid because you’re not going to be able to ban them, partly because a TON of parents showed up at the school board meeting to say they would send them with their kid anyway for a variety of reasons. The board also talked about different things they could buy to take phones and lock them up during class or as students come in. Most of the solutions were pretty expensive, and some of the schools are literally falling apart, so that also pissed people off.

A great start would be to have a campus-wide rule that is CONSISTENT. Some teachers give out a detention if they even see the phone. Some do activities with QR codes and use them as tools. Some have boxes on the corner of their desk and students are required to keep their phone in the box so the teacher can see if they reach for it. We have students with free periods, and if they don’t go home, they hang out outside around campus or in the library. Should phones be banned then too? Or just during class?

There are so many ways to try to deal with it, and at least in my school (not even the district as a whole), every teacher deals with it differently. I doubt the state of New York is all that different.

bibliotectress ,

Honestly, I’m at a loss. It’s so hard to get a single school of teachers to stick to one policy, let alone at a district or state level. When I send an all-staff email at my school (and they’re occasionally important with scheduling details), Outlook often tells me that only 67% of them even opened it.

I feel like you’d either have to: a) incorporate cellphones as a tool in class and have standard repercussions (e.g. 1st/2nd time earn a detention, 3rd time earn a Saturday school) for kids texting/on social media, or b) do something like a box on the desk so it’s visible but they can’t touch it.

I just don’t think it’s possible to ban them at school. Too many parents don’t respect any school authority figures after COVID with all the culture war stuff (fight to return to full day school, fight to not wear masks, fight to censor bipoc and lgbtq+ books/lessons/celebrations, etc.). I think either way, it’ll just end up being another shitty part of a teacher’s job.

bibliotectress ,

They were all pretty close to the books except that they cut out a lot of the pointless bickering that kept happening all the time, so I’d blame JK Rowling for those.

bibliotectress ,

We must’ve stumbled on the same Appalachia videos! I was hooked! He treats everyone with so much respect. Thanks for the reminder that he exists! I have a bunch of videos to catch up on.

bibliotectress ,

Our system isn’t set up that way, so feel free to throw your vote away, but please don’t convince others to do that. Some of us don’t have the luxury of indulging in protest votes.

bibliotectress ,

Oh. Yeah. I just googled it. Boeing and Lockheed Martin. I had even read the article, and it doesn’t mention that Boeing owns ULA anywhere.

bibliotectress ,

Anywhere not on the coast or high in mountains, yes. I’m in a large valley, and summers can be pretty rough. Not Phoenix rough, but still rough.

bibliotectress ,

Sure, no problem. Zero down at 7.125% on a home that now costs $350k, but only cost $150k about 5 years ago. I’m sure that’s affordable for a family right now.

bibliotectress ,

I might move there for work in a bit over a year, and I’m trying not to already be a big baby about it. Summer will be rough for me.

bibliotectress ,

I grew up in Chicago! It’s the best city. I’ll probably go back some day. I’m so glad you enjoy it!

bibliotectress ,

Wow that’s a huge hail ball! I get excited when they’re marble-sized.

bibliotectress ,

They are, and normally I’d agree with you, but they just recently legalized abortion and that SHOCKED me. So who knows?! Mexico might do anything!

bibliotectress ,

How do you get into that line of work??? Not because I want to, just morbid curiosity. I’m too squeamish.

bibliotectress ,

That was super fascinating! Thank you so much for taking the time to explain!

bibliotectress ,

Thank you for the detailed explanation! I remember seeing it on reddit, but never knew why.

bibliotectress ,

I’d kinda favor 401(k)s or something more like that

I’d rather not have to rely on market gambling to survive in my old age. Many people probably agreed with you until about 2008, when a LOT of retirees lost most of their retirement money during the recession and a lot of really old people went back to work. It was pretty bad, and I’ll never forget it.

Not that it matters. I can barely afford to live week to week now, let alone save money for retirement. I’ll probably just die, I guess. 🤷‍♀️

bibliotectress ,

For a long time, Weight Watchers has said that if you just follow their points system, the weight will melt off and you won’t need supplements or anything else. When most people think of Weight Watchers, they’re probably not thinking about the weight loss drugs they now support; they’re thinking of the years of points gimmick that make you feel like you can’t lose weight unless you pay $10+/month to see if you can eat that food or not (rather than teaching anyone about calorie intake vs. output).

Weight Watchers relies on a subscription based model to “save” people from their fatness, and Oprah was the biggest WW pusher. She had tons of money and resources, was even on the board of WW, and still needed medications to manage her weight. I don’t give a fuck, but people who bought into her ads and promos probably feel a little pissed off.

bibliotectress ,

Nah, I’m sure they won’t want any “handouts” right? Lol

bibliotectress ,

That was so fun to watch. I doubt they’d ever had that much butter and fat in anything before. Lol

bibliotectress ,

It seems the police in many leftist cities are exceptionally heinous and I’m sure both of these departments are full of Proud Boys and their ilk.

You’re right. I’m from Chicago and the cops there are pretty bad. New York is bad, too. Maybe it’s their safe space? Or it’s cops everywhere. I’m not really sure.

bibliotectress ,

No one should get any time for abortion, but it’s not like this man and woman are hardened criminals. They bought into a fad, did what they saw LOTS of other people doing, and tried their best to put out a fire they couldn’t put out. They fucked up, someone died, and lots of lives are changed forever. Over a million dollars in fines, some jail time, probation, and lots of community service doesn’t seem inappropriate to me. I feel bad for the family of the guy who died doing his job, and I feel bad for all the people who lost their homes and probably some pets, but… I guess I don’t understand how much more you need to feel like justice was done.

Do you all have any tips on activities to do yourself, instead of consuming content all the time?

I’m pretty sick of my content addiction, like watching youtube or netflix all the time. I would rather be spending my time otherwise so figured fun things are the best to start. Do you have tips for fun things to do? Or how I could search for them?...

bibliotectress ,

This is honestly genius, and something I need to get much better at doing.

bibliotectress ,

I can’t remember if I played this first, or Tetris. It was probably pretty close for me?

bibliotectress ,

That’s one of the biggest reasons why I don’t. I was angry I had to start logging in to visit those.

bibliotectress ,

That “cosmetic surgery” saves lives. It definitely did for my daughter’s friend. He was not doing so well before his top surgery, and now he’s so much happier. It’s a crazy difference.

bibliotectress ,

Stop being the language police, and people will leave you alone.

That might literally be the dumbest thing I’ve ever I heard.

“iF yOu DiDn’T cAlL uS oUt FoR bEiNg TwAtS, wE’d ToTaLlY mInD oUr BuSiNeSs”

That doesn’t even make sense. If you hear about using the wrong pronouns, it’s probably someone you know asking you not to misgender them. If you’re hearing about it more than that, it’s probably because of whichever talking head you’re listening to that’s trying to make you mad.

bibliotectress ,

You’re a genius for solving that the way you did.

It’s so uncommon for kids not to like story time, even the squirrely kids. I used to be an elementary school librarian, and there were maybe a couple of kids per grade level (like 95 kids) that didn’t like it. I tried to be as engaging as possible, use different voices, the book pages were always facing the class so they could see the pictures; nothing worked.

Maybe if I had threatened the boogie man… Maybe not. Their parents probably would’ve been pretty mad. Lol

bibliotectress ,

I played that game obsessively over two days and got through ending E, and it absolutely destroyed me. I was depressed for weeks.

bibliotectress ,

Okay, so what would you rather happen instead? Biden… not look for ways to relive student debt? Hope to vote for a 3rd party candidate that won’t get elected? Or you could vote for Trump or another Republican, who want to charge back interest for the student debt pause during the pandemic?

I’m just trying to figure out where you’re going and what you’re trying to accomplish with your rage.

bibliotectress ,

Sorry, derailing the conversation, but super curious: Has anyone sent you pics of their titties?

bibliotectress ,

Thank you for the link! That was deeply satisfying to watch. The camera quality is so good.

bibliotectress ,

I’m a Virgo and now I feel depressed. :(

bibliotectress ,

Math or history didn’t bother you? The last time you had a class called “Science” was probably the same as the last time you had a class called “Math” and a class called “History”: elementary or junior high.

They’re being used as general subject terms…

bibliotectress ,

That game is impossible. I can’t believe how many people in the comments say they’ve beaten it. I never beat it as a kid, and when I tried it again on the switch a couple of years ago, I still couldn’t make it very far.

White House warns Congress the US is out of money, nearly out of time to avoid 'kneecap' to Ukraine (

The Biden administration on Monday sent Congress an urgent warning about the need to approve tens of billions of dollars in military and economic assistance to Ukraine, saying Kyiv’s war effort to defend itself from Russia’s invasion may grind to a halt without it....

bibliotectress ,

Probably also the country of Ukraine, our ally that was invaded by Russia.

Masimatutu , to memes


h/t to @StefanThinks

bibliotectress ,

You’re right; he didn’t specifically say that. He called a Twitter post that said Jewish people hate white people was “so right.” And that’s a big Neonazi thing.

So… he didn’t say Hitler was right, just that a major Nazi tenet is.

bibliotectress ,

bOtH pArTiEs ArE the SaMe

Please for the love of Jebus, look at voting records of both parties. They’re very, very different. I can’t believe with access to all of this info at your fingertips, you’re still trying to tell people that both parties are the same and voting does nothing. Mind-blowing.

A Message from Scholastic on U.S. Book Fairs | Scholastic Media Room (

There is now enacted or pending legislation in more than 30 U.S. states prohibiting certain kinds of books from being in schools – mostly LGBTQIA+ titles and books that engage with the presence of racism in our country. Because Scholastic Book Fairs are invited into schools, where books can be purchased by kids on their own,...

bibliotectress ,

Hi! was an elementary school librarian for 7 years and ran our school’s reading intervention program for 5 of those years. Now I work in a high school library with students who love to read and reluctant readers.

The books don’t matter. They really don’t. Some books can be silly, have tons of pictures, be a book of knock knock jokes, have world records, have everything you ever wanted to know about sharks, or be written in a journal-style like Diary of a Wimpy Kid (which are actually a 4th/5th grade reading level, depending on the book). As long as it gets kids reading, and ENJOYING reading, it really doesn’t fucking matter what it is. If they enjoy it, they’ll continue to read and their tastes in what they read will change and grow with them. Parents’ and teachers’ biggest job is to get them reading, no matter what it is. The absolute WORST thing you can do for children’s literacy is to be a book snob. Some of my most successful growth in readers has been the kids who go home and play Roblox because they have to be able to read and type in chat in order to interact with their friends.

Now if you want to talk about Scholastic book binding, we could absolutely talk about how quickly they fall apart (though the books are usually 1/2 of the price they are at Barnes and Noble, which again, makes them more accessible). ALL BOOKS HAVE MERIT, even the ones I think are dumb.

bibliotectress ,

Oh. That’s one of those words I’ve only ever read (generally in brit lit), and thought it was pronounced as row like row a boat. Thank you for the correct pronunciation!

bibliotectress ,

I want a cat just so I can call him Bumbleboobs.

Florida school district orders librarians to purge all books with LGBTQ characters (

Librarians in public schools in Charlotte County, Florida, were instructed by the school district superintendent to remove all books with LGBTQ characters or themes from school and classroom libraries. The guidance by Charlotte County Superintendent Mark Vianello and the school board's attorney, Michael McKinley, was obtained by...

bibliotectress ,

I work at a high school (in a library, actually) in California, and we’ve had student walkouts for much less. Are the angry students doing any major protesting that you’ve seen? Or are the schools cracking down so hard already and they don’t want to risk it, or a high enough percentage of kids are assholes so they mock kids who care and it keeps those kids from protesting? I’m sure there’s a lot happening that we don’t hear about, so I’m curious what it’s like for Gen Z who overall doesn’t seem to stand for bigotry in general.

UAW strike Day 4: GM threatens to send 2,000 workers home, Ford cuts 600 jobs (

Union strategy: 13,000 autoworkers at the three Midwest plants, about 9% of the unionized workforce at the Big Three automakers, were the first to walk off the job. Now, more workers are temporarily out of work as the automakers are asking hundreds of non-striking workers not to show up to work....

bibliotectress ,
  1. There’s an election coming up. 2) Even though he’s Biden, he’s still not a Republican, so there’s a chance he’ll possibly side with labor.
bibliotectress ,

Money. Because they were striking in December right before the holidays, and people get mad about shipments and economic problems right before the holidays. Also, he’s Biden, not Bernie Sanders. From Reuters:

A rail strike could have frozen almost 30% of U.S. cargo shipments by weight, stoked already surging inflation, cost the American economy as much as $2 billion a day, and stranded millions of rail passengers.

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