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areyouevenreal ,

Depending on what battery protection modes are in play, many have smart charging or other features designed to prolong life. Also a fair few batteries come out with greater than design capacity from the factory. It’s called a design capacity and not an absolute capacity for a reason. A phone battery that left the factory at 110% could conceivably still be at or above 100%.

Fyi it’s not overnight charging that’s the issue either, it’s charging to 100%. What one device consider 100% varies and devices will essentially lie to you about it. 4.2V is normally considered 100% full for Lithium Cobalt Oxide batteries yet some devices push higher than this while others skirt under to pad capacity and cycle life respectively. It’s about tradeoffs.

areyouevenreal ,

Why not hybrid or plain ICE vehicles powered by biofuels? Even things like waste vegetable oil can be turned into viable fuel, and it can actually be less environmentally destructive than getting rid of it in other ways. ICE technology is very mature, and we currently produce more food than we need and waste much of it. Why not put it all to some use?

Pretty much any fat could be used in compression ignition engines with the right treatment, any carbohydrates turned into ethanol for spark ignition engines, and all waste wood burned for electric power and domestic heating.

areyouevenreal ,

You’re forgetting things like used vegetable oil which is waste that would be thrown away otherwise. Same for the stuff wood pellets are made from, they are typically mostly saw dust and other waste products. This should hopefully cover airplanes and maybe diesel trains and some cars for when electric isn’t practical.

Even if you were to start planting crops for biofuels, how much less efficient than solar plus batteries would it be? The problem with solar and especially battery storage is that the materials used to make them are not renewable, and cause all kinds of issues in their mining and manufacturing. We’ve grown plants sustainably for thousands of years now. I’ve yet to see anyone make a solar panel from sustainable or recycled materials.

areyouevenreal ,

Right, let’s start with old oil. How much do you think is generated world wide? It’s about 1/20th of the amount of oil we use currently and that created not recycled so that number is far lower so really that’s a niche. Likewise wood pellets. Unless you’re actively chopping trees down to make into pellets you’re not going to have any real volume there. Plus as I said previously, all of that takes energy to be made into usable fuel. Where does that energy come from and also why not just use that energy directly?

5% of our current oil demand is still a big improvement. That’s probably enough to move a significant portion or even all of aviation to sustainable fuels. Aviation is one of the places where batteries don’t work yet, and probably not anytime soon either.

As for the last paragraph, no, sorry you’re just misunderstanding that whole arena. Batteries are more than 90% recyclable and that number is going up as we design them to be easier to recycle. Plus that’s most likely 20 years from now on average. As for solar panels they’re aluminium (easily recycled) glass (easily recycled) metals (easily recycled) and silicon (mostly recyclable) and again they’re being designed to be recycled better than they were. Ontop of that they now last up to 40 years with greater than 90% of their original capacity left so basically they’ll outlive most of us on here.

Can you give me some evidence?

We’ve grown plants sustainable for thousands of years except for in the last 150 where we have systematically wrecked the ecology at the same time as massively increasing our population. The average westerner uses 32 times more resources than the average Kenyan. Do you want to have the same lifestyle as they have? Because they want what westerners have so that means we can’t keep going as we are and have to change.

So you’re saying sustainable agriculture is impossible? If so then climate change is inevitable and there is nothing we can do.

areyouevenreal ,

We already have sustainable aviation fuel that is being used in commercial air travel. It’s not certain that Hydrogen will ever be safe enough for air travel. Current battery technology isn’t good enough in terms of energy density to be used here.

Lots of people are very dismissive about hydrogen technology anyway, based on it being difficult to store and inefficient. Do you have evidence counter to this?

Look, I get it. You don’t like what you’re seeing, that doesn’t mean it’s wrong and it’s OK to change and adapt when presented with new information.

That’s not it at all. Lots of people here on Lemmy like to talk the talk about climate change without actually understanding practical or engineering considerations. It’s the same as the socialists and communists who rarely have an economic plan to implement after a revolution.

The future is a mixture of technology that we have, are developing and haven’t even thought of.

That’s precisely why I don’t like you dismissing biofuels out of hand. There are certain applications where batteries just don’t work like aviation. I still am not convinced about lithium batteries as lithium is a fairly limited resource, sodium ion seems like the future of batteries for cars and trains, but sodium ion has lower energy density.

I am not saying biofuels will replace electric vehicles or solutions for grid power like nuclear, wind, solar, and so on. Just that they have a place in the larger strategy. People talk about electric vehicles making sense for most situations especially for city dwellers, I am talking about the 20% or whoever remain. This includes car enthusiasts as well as people who travel large distances on a day to day basis, and of course aviation where energy density, safety and performance are critical.

I will take a look at those sources though. If it’s easy to recycle solar panels that’s a huge boon. When it comes to batteries I think technologies like sodium ion or iron oxide batteries are likely to win out anyway, and those are materials we have in abundance, it’s just a shame about the energy density limitations.

To be honest I didn’t even think about shipping as it only accounts for a small amount of emissions. Vegetable oil makes perfect sense here. Though I would remind you that compression ignition engines in cars can also be designed to run pretty much any fuel you like.

areyouevenreal ,

Sustainable agriculture for food is one thing, to make fuel is something completely different and I think you know that but are being obstuse on purpose.

No I am not being obtuse. You talk about agriculture as if it’s impossible to make sustainable. How much extra agriculture would it require compared to what’s needed to feed the world? It’s not something I have looked at, and I would be interested to see if you have statistics on this.

areyouevenreal ,

People argue that systemd is too much like Windows NT. I argue that Windows NT has at least a few good ideas in it. And if one of those ideas solves a problem that Linux has, Linux should use that idea.

It’s actually closer to how macOS init system launchd works anyway, not the Windows version. MacOS is arguably closer to true Unix than Linux is anyway, so I don’t think the Unix argument is a good one to use anyway.

areyouevenreal ,

What makes you think it’s less efficient. Normally high temperature reactor technology is more efficient not less.

areyouevenreal ,

This is nonsense. Like someone else said we will need some kind of nuclear power for future space exploration. There are parts of the world that are dark for six months of the year, and plenty of places that don’t get enough light for solar to be practical.

Most renewable sources are not consistent enough to be used by themselves, and battery storage isn’t practical with current technology. Then there are the concerns with hydro power and biomass and how that affects the environment. I have even been told by leftists that biomass shouldn’t be installed as it destroys too many native forests.

Of course the actual best solution is one we don’t have the technology for yet: things like nuclear fusion or neutrino capture.

areyouevenreal ,

What do you disagree with me? I was trying to back you up up here saying that yes we need nuclear in addition to all the other technologies. I am not saying that you shouldn’t use solar, just that it isn’t applicable everywhere on earth.

Screw the futurism and longermism of “we need nuclear power for space exploration”. We’re not talking about that.

You should be talking about that. After all climate change is also a future problem. Staying on a single planet isn’t safe even if you eradicate climate change, war, disease, and just about everything else. There is pretty much nothing stopping a gamma ray burst or stray blackhole, or any number of other things from killing everyone on this planet. Like yeah climate change is a high priority, but it doesn’t make all other issues go away.

areyouevenreal ,

I’m not here to call out people arguing for or against one or another type of energy generation. I’m complaining about the discourse about this being about long term hypotheticals and optimal solutions when we should be in emergency mode.

Remind me what type of thinking leads to climate change, and pretty much every pollution issue we have now? Short term thinking that didn’t take into account long term consequences. If we aren’t careful we could actually make things worse by chasing things like lithium battery technology.

Trying to come up with short term solutions to climate changes is fine, but you have to thinking about the long term as well.

I also don’t think you give enough credit to the people who are criticising nuclear, they are talking about the short term. “Renewables” are cheaper in the short term. The thing is solar panels, wind turbines, and so on is that they don’t last forever, recycling the equipment is problematic, and manufacturing them is an environmental crisis in its own right.

Nuclear in its current form is a medium term solution with its own shortcomings around waste storage, and the materials needed to construct and fuel a reactor.

This is all still probably better than fossil fuels but we are talking about the difference between getting shot (fossil fuels) or getting stabbed (nuclear/“renewables”).

But I’m neither. I’m arguing for practicality and immediate action. Because we need it now, not because I just finished reading the Dune books and have some really neat ideas about generation ships.

Immediate action? We needed yesterday’s action, but rushing things today isn’t going to make up for it. In fact probably the best thing you can do right now is stop having kids. Bring the population down. Ideally this needed doing decades ago too. If we don’t do it then nature will do it for us, which is probably inevitable at this point anyway.

areyouevenreal ,

If we are thinking of the next century then these discussions are very relevant. A century is a long time. We don’t actually have that long for some of these problems though.

areyouevenreal ,

I didn’t say anything about thorium. Not all molten salt reactors are thorium though. In fact not all high temperature reactors are molten salt either. People keep mixing these technologies up.

areyouevenreal ,

How is that antisemitism? Israel is an invading force here, and has been for decades.

areyouevenreal ,

That’s quite interesting to hear. Do you have sources?

The ugly truth behind ChatGPT: AI is guzzling resources at planet-eating rates (

Despite its name, the infrastructure used by the “cloud” accounts for more global greenhouse emissions than commercial flights. In 2018, for instance, the 5bn YouTube hits for the viral song Despacito used the same amount of energy it would take to heat 40,000 US homes annually....

areyouevenreal ,

AI tech isn’t pointless though. It’s not just about trying to replace artists or whatever. It significantly speeds up things like programming. It’s also used by scientists to mine data to find patterns and make predictions. For Pete’s sake I am pretty sure climate modeling relies on AI and other forms of HPC.

areyouevenreal ,

I wasn’t just talking about LLMs. Lots of modern data analysis techniques rely on machine learning.

Although LLMs are also used by scientists to help with things like programming that not all scientists are necessarily good at or properly trained in.

areyouevenreal ,

Upon arrival, I opened it up to see if there was space for a rusty disk.

That’s not an ASUS specific thing at all. What modern laptops actually have 2.5" drives anymore? Very few actually.

The thing is so flimsy it’s scary. I feels like it’s made out of a plastic pizza container and aluminum foil.

Yes this is actually more disturbing.

areyouevenreal ,

Bro that’s not a defect, it means they can actually smell some molecules you can’t.

areyouevenreal ,

This isn’t actually true. They offer both glibc and musl these days. Glibc is the normal one most Linux distros use. Musl doesn’t work with some things, but is still desirable to some people for various reasons. Flatpak could be used to work around this, as it should pull in whatever libc that the program needs. Distrobox would also work. Though again this only applies of using the musl libc version.

Another potential sore point is not using systemd init. There are some things dependant on systemd, though generally there are packages which act as a replacement for whatever systemd functionality is needed.

I still have no idea what’s wrong with Voids fonts though. You are on your own there!

areyouevenreal ,

Cinnamon isn’t that lightweight. You will probably find KDE uses less resources.

areyouevenreal , (edited )

It’s not just about the cost though. They’re inferior to pretty much any other mid-range or high-end smartphone too. Expensive but good would be fine. Cheap and mediocre would be fine. Expensive and mediocre though? Nah.

My £250 used phone has a faster processor, more RAM, better screen (higher resolution, brighter, bigger and higher frame rate), and a higher capacity battery with faster charging. It’s a mid-range Xiaomi from a couple years ago, not a high end or flagship phone.

They should take notes from pinephone. Offers something unusual at a low cost. Since enthusiasts eat that stuff up you get extra help with software and ROMs too. Yes it’s low spec, but it’s good enough for enthusiasts to play with and is of good value as the price reflects the quality.

areyouevenreal , (edited )

Plenty of other brands which aren’t Chinese are both better and cheaper. Samsung, Apple, Google, Asus even.

Do they all use cheap Chinese labour? Sure. Do you actually think Fair phone doesn’t? Even if they somehow completely avoid China for the whole supply chain, they will inevitably get cheap labour from somewhere - like Taiwan or Costa Rica. After all they are using standard Qualcomm parts, so that’s going to be either TSMC in Taiwan or Samsung in China and Korea.

According to their own website their living wage bonus is only $2.63. It doesn’t even say if that’s per hour or per day.

areyouevenreal ,

Have you missed the top comment? This isn’t actually copilot. It’s from 5 years ago. In other words fake news.

areyouevenreal ,

See the top comment. This is from 5 years ago not actually copilot.

areyouevenreal ,

It’s a repost from Reddit. Doesn’t matter what your filter is set to

areyouevenreal ,

You can do maths in LaTeX and I have used Overleaf for group projects before.

areyouevenreal ,

Presumably you do the work on paper and then type it up. I doubt professors would accept paper work nowadays.

areyouevenreal ,

Plenty of alternatives to Windows lol. Try a different industry.

areyouevenreal ,

Man I hope so but you really never know these days

areyouevenreal ,

What fascists are you talking about? Ukraine is not the fascist party in this war. One of these sides is a dictatorship in all but name.

areyouevenreal ,

The one that pretends to have elections where political rivals mysteriously die.

areyouevenreal ,

A hormone in the human body that’s typically present in higher concentrations in females than males. Often given as HRT to trans women and post-menopausal women.

areyouevenreal ,

Unlike what some people may have told you children aren’t allowed surgery, and are rarely allowed hrt. Sometimes they get puberty blockers, which is somewhat controversial, but is also used in cis children with precocious puberty. It’s been demonstrated that even small children have formed a gender identity (can’t remember the exact age but it’s around 5 or 6 years old), and that this doesn’t really change. It is possible for someone to not know their gender identity, though I think this is more common with non-binary people and those who aren’t taught about gender identity.

areyouevenreal ,

Someone confusing load-store with RISC again.

areyouevenreal ,

They all support two monitors (one internal and one external for macbooks, and two external for desktops). It’s not an artificial restriction. Each additional monitor needs a framebuffer. That’s an actual circuit that needs to be present in the chip.

areyouevenreal ,

Not necessarily. The base machines aren’t that expensive, and this chip is also used in iPads. They support high resolution HDR output. The higher the number of monitors, resolution, bit depth, and refresh rate the more bandwidth is required for display output and the more complex and expensive the framebuffers are. Another system might support 3 or 4 monitors, but not support 5K output like the MacBooks do. I’ve seen Intel systems that struggled to even do a single 4K 60 FPS until I added another ram stick to make it dual channel. Apple do 5K output. Like sure they might technically support more monitors in theory, but in practice you will run into limitations if those monitors require too much bandwidth.

Oh yeah and these systems also need to share bandwidth between the framebuffers, CPU, and GPU. It’s no wonder they didn’t put 3 or more very high resolution buffers into the lower end chips which have less bandwidth than the higher end ones. Even if it did work the performance impacts probably aren’t worth it for a small number of users.

areyouevenreal ,

Not really. There is a compromise between output resolution, refresh rate, bit depth (think HDR), number of displays, and the overall system performance. Another computer might technically have more monitor output, but they probably sacrificed something to get there like resolution, HDR, power consumption or cost. Apple is doing 5K output with HDR on their lowest end chips. Think about that for a minute.

A lot of people like to blame AMD for high ideal power usage when they are running multi-monitor setups with different refresh rates and resolutions. Likewise I have seen Intel systems struggle to run a single 4K monitor because they were in single channel mode. Apple probably wanted to avoid those issues on their lower end chips which have much less bandwidth to play with.

areyouevenreal ,

Well yeah, no shit Sherlock. They could have done that in the first generation. It takes four 1080p monitors to equal the resolution of one 4K monitor. Apple though doesn’t have a good enough reason to support many low res monitors. That’s not their typical consumer base, who mostly use retina displays or other high res displays. Apple only sells high res displays. The display in the actual laptops is way above 1080p. In other words they chose quality over quantity as a design decision.

areyouevenreal ,

Yeah people don’t get that they are trading output quantity for output quality. You can’t have both at the same time on lower end hardware. Maybe you could support both separately, but that’s going to be more complex. Higher end hardware? Sure do whatever.

areyouevenreal ,

Sigh. It’s not just a fricking driver. It’s an entire framebuffer you plug into a USB or Thunderbolt port. That’s why they are more expensive, and why they even need a driver.

A 1080p monitor has one quarter of the pixels of a 4K monitor. The necessary bandwidth increases with the pixels required. Apple chooses instead to use the bandwidth they have to support 2 5K and 6K monitors, instead of supporting say 8 or 10 1080p monitors. That’s a design decision that they probably thought made sense for the product they wanted to produce. Honestly I agree with them for the most part. Most people don’t run 8 monitors, very few have even 3, and those that do can just buy the higher end model or get an adapter like you did. If you are the kind of person to use 3 monitors you probably also want the extra performance.

areyouevenreal ,

It’s not just about Retina displays. High res and HDR isn’t uncommon anymore. Pretty much all new TVs anybody would want to buy will be 4K. It has to support the Apple 5K display anyway because that’s one of their products.

As we’ve discussed two external displays are supported on the new macbook base models. It was a bit of an oversight on the original sure, but that’s been fixed now.

Also the same SoCs is used in iPads. It’s not mac only. I can’t imagine wanting three displays on an ipad.

She was accused of faking an incriminating video of teenage cheerleaders. She was arrested, outcast and condemned. The problem? Nothing was fake after all (

Madi Hime is taking a deep drag on a blue vape in the video, her eyes shut, her face flushed with pleasure. The 16-year-old exhales with her head thrown back, collapsing into laughter that causes smoke to billow out of her mouth. The clip is grainy and shaky – as if shot in low light by someone who had zoomed in on Madi’s...

areyouevenreal ,

Did they actually do anything you are saying? It was the police who claimed it was a deepfake, not necessarily the kid.

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