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aelwero ,

Hol’ up…

Prices for sugar were this high in 2011, so prices went up on sweets back then as well? Did they go back down and now they’re going back up?

I bet they didn’t…

aelwero ,

Soviet Union was big, included many states. Socialist economy imploded, Soviet Union became Soviet non-union. States declared sovereignty as independent countries (mass brexits, kinda?).

Russia, who used to be able to socialize assets from all the smaller countries, wants to be able to socialize the assets again, and as a bonus, is salty because some of those countries are hooking up with NATO, which is by and large a union of capitalism…

Instead of trying to create a union again, and getting others to join via diplomacy or negotiation, Russia is just trying to press its neighbors into joining the reformed union via military occupation, and hit a slight snag with Ukraine, because all this shit is a little too recent for Ukraine to have forgotten how shitty a lada is.

aelwero ,

Alright, I’ll be that guy… Hippo…

aelwero ,

Yeah, it’s funny and nobody had mentioned it, so I did ;)

aelwero ,

Right… But they spent $89m to prevent 104k in shrinkage…

If you’re the executive at Walmart who handles loss prevention, and you put $89m into a program that reduces shrinkage by $104k, your new duty position becomes “don’t let the door hit you in the ass on the way out”. It’s a gross mismanagement of public money, and while it was obviously glowed up considerably, that was what was implied In the title.

The lack of a comparison in overall losses specific to skipped fares before and after is a contemptible omission though, I’ll definitely join you on that hill :)

23andMe Blames Users for Recent Data Breach as It's Hit With Dozens of Lawsuits (

23andMe Blames Users for Recent Data Breach as It’s Hit With Dozens of Lawsuits::Plus: Russia hacks surveillance cameras as new details emerge of its attack on a Ukrainian telecom, a Google contractor pays for videos of kids to train AI, and more.

aelwero ,

What is a security system supposed to do when provided with the correct login credentials?

I’m gonna go with not give that user access to millions of other users’ personal information…

I get your point and agree, but having a valid login shouldn’t provide that kind of access.

aelwero ,

A couple quotes…

Be who you are and say what you mean, because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.

God, give me grace to accept with serenity the things that cannot be changed, Courage to change the things which should be changed, and the Wisdom to distinguish the one from the other.

Both are difficult in terms of original source, but the best quotes usually are ;)

Point is, there’s three classes of problems. Most are type one - not my fucking problem.

Type two is what you’re talking about here, your problem, but you didn’t cause it. I’ve found that like 90% of these require serenity, because you can’t fix stupid… You kinda just gotta consider that until the light bulb comes on I guess? I’ve never had any issue with this one personally, it just always seemed self evident.

I’ve always struggled with type three, the things that are my problem and I caused them. That’s the shit I dwell on, because you can’t take it back, and sometimes, you can’t fix those either. You gotta swallow the pill on the fact that you did a stupid…

You weren’t the guy doing the stupid, ya know?

aelwero ,

Providing jobs is very much in alignment with their professed political beliefs… Spending the kind of money they did on these ridiculous rain suits also is, to a degree. Not speaking for or against it, just sayin that’s the professed beliefs.

Conservatives don’t like anything that threatens entry level jobs. It’s the basis of their approach to immigration (incorrect logic IMHO) and they apply the same to automation (correct logic, but there’s better answers for that problem).

The kiosks in our area rarely work, usually because they aren’t plugged in. The kids working there make well over twice the minimum wage though, because there’s a LOT of competition for jobs since COVID (lots of folks jumped on the work from home train), so it’s a good thing. Walmart didn’t replace anyone at all after COVID, they went full self checkout/kiosk. There’s less than half the pre-covid workforce, and I doubt the ones remaining are seeing any of the money Walmart saves on payroll from it. I’m certainly not getting any of those lost wages when I scan my entire grocery cart for them…

aelwero ,

Browser gets a vote when it comes to HTML. Loading the site on your browser might not look the same as it does on someone else’s.

Hell… The author could have an adblock plugin themselves… :)

Israel is pulling thousands of troops from Gaza as combat focuses on enclave's main southern city (

TEL AVIV, Israel (AP) — Thousands of Israeli soldiers are being shifted out of the Gaza Strip, the military said Monday, in the first significant drawdown of troops since the war began as forces continued to bear down on the main city in the southern half of the enclave....

aelwero ,

Word of the drawdown came ahead of a visit by Secretary of State Antony Blinken to the region and after the Biden administration bypassed Congress for the second time this month to approve an emergency weapons sale to Israel.

That weapons sale was a few hundred mil worth of artillery shells… I sincerely hope that and the draw back of troops aren’t actually related and it’s just happenstance that it got mentioned here.

aelwero ,

Theres a very easy way to sort out the issue of bias that’s gonna be inherent in journalists reporting an alleged bias against journalists…

(From NPR)

Over a month into the war in the Gaza Strip, international news organizations have little, if any, access to Gaza. Israel, which is bombing Gaza in response to the deadly Hamas attack on its soil, controls access. And with the exception of brief tours with a limited number of reporters, Israel has not been granting journalists access to the region.

Address that and the answers will come…

aelwero ,

If they allow international journalists access to the area, we’ll either get better information about what’s happening, or the numbers will go down…

aelwero ,

If they allow international journalists access to the area, we’ll either get better information about what’s happening, or the numbers will go down…

aelwero ,

Bomb the manger on Christmas…

Is isreal really that oblivious to world opinion and how it might affect them? Seems that way…

aelwero ,

Title reads like it’s an article on the lack of depth in US media in the middle east in general, content seems to be borderline unrelated…

The lack of depth in US media is a solid point. Why not write specifically to that?

aelwero ,

Ya know… There were coupon books instead of stamps, for like 30 years, and there’s adults now that have no clue what even the coupons looked like…

Do we really need the (food stamp) clarification still? I go back far enough to have seen the actual fucking stamps, and nothing about the term SNAP is in any way confusing to me personally… Who the hell are we still qualifying the term for?!?

aelwero ,

I am 100% one of the people you speak of… The last time I witnessed a transaction involving nutrition assistance, it was food stamps. The actual do not fold or spindle coupons…

The whole point of EBT was to make it invisible… You could buy $1k worth of crap at Costco wit your “food stamps” and I’d have absolutely no clue you’d done that. It doesn’t look different anymore, you don’t see it, there’s no monopoly money being used, and the last time I had anything to do with the program personally, it was monopoly money… You know?

I’m the guy you’re suggesting might not know… The quintessential textbook example of this person you claim needs the qualifier… And I say all of that to simply say that it’s silly AF…

I suspect there is a certain portion of the population that doesn’t want the stigma to disappear, but that’s purely conjecture on my part ;)

aelwero ,

My opinion is that it’s investors.

Plenty of people out there buy houses for cash, spruce them up, and sell them for profit to extract some of the equity inherent in real property. Over time, they collectively push up the perceived value by force, and occasionally, the people who are the ultimate source of that equity, the ones looking to buy a permanent home, will stop buying.

There’s been a chunk of time recently, a decade or maybe more, where those permanent home seekers, the true source of the equity, haven’t been buying property. COVID exasperated the issue, because the flippers went fucking crazy for a couple years and inflated the amount of non-homes. Now they want their equity back out, but nobody who wants an actual home is looking to buy one because there isn’t enough value for them.

So prices have to come down before the actual source of equity starts buying again. The bubble has to deflate some.

Again, the entirety of this statement is simply my personal opinion, so grain of salt, but this is what pure logic and critical thinking suggests is the true mechanism :)

aelwero ,

Why not add yet another $20/mo subscription service?

Judge says Rudy Giuliani must pay $148 million judgment immediately (

Rudy Giuliani must immediately pay the $148 million he owes two Georgia women he falsely accused of helping steal the 2020 election, a federal judge ruled Wednesday in a scathing order accusing the former Trump attorney of ongoing dishonesty....

aelwero ,

Roughly $30m in liquidatable assets, $400k/yr residual income, and the ability to generate between 5 and 10 million a year in speaking fees, IF people will still pay to hear him speak (and I have absolutely no clue if that’s a yes or a no tbh… Kind of a double edged sword, ya know?). His cameo is very much small potatoes by comparison.

He’s pretty notably competent at spending more than he has though, so it’s kinda hard to put a price tag on his ass…

What's a word you've spent a long time not using right?

Just recently I was in a conversation with a number of UK mainlanders and we had a debate over what “tories” meant, apparently disproportionately ordinarily it refers to a political party and it’s not usual to use it as short for “territories” as I’ve used it (according to how the debate ended, it was half and half...

aelwero ,

Encephalitis is caused by viral infections. Our immune system usually suppresses said viruses, and HIV takes away the ability to suppress them.

This happens with a lot of illnesses… thrush, Tuberculosis, fungal infections. HIV allows a lot of stuff to have far worse impact than it normally would.

That’s not quite the same as HIV causing them… Pedantic maybe, but since we’re talking about words meaning things… ;)

aelwero ,

That crash was caused by arcades popping up everywhere. Laser titles like dragons lair and space ace were full on animated video while the 2600 had 20 yellow pixels for Indiana Jones. You had two button running on track and field, flight sticks on tron and zaxxon, sit down cabs with steering wheels or the yoke in the star wars cab competing with the iconic but boring 2600 stick.

Wasn’t the market being flooded, it was nobody having any cash for a 2600 cartridge because we put it all in the arcade cabs ;)

Creating a torrent that includes all of humanity's knowledge/art/entertainment?

I know we can’t do this with any copyrighted materials. But a lot of books, music, art, knowledge is in the creative commons. Is it possible to create one massive torrent that includes all that can be legally included and then have people only download what they actually want to enjoy?

aelwero ,

I mean… That pretty much describes torrents period… What is the functional difference between hosting a single torrent with everything, and hosting a torrent per item?

If the expectation is that you only include files you want when downloading the torrent, you’re only going to be seeding that portion.

Seems like it would just make the search function harder, and make it harder to determine the “health” of individual items…

I don’t understand the benefit…

aelwero ,

That makes a great focal point for what I was saying actually ;)

It’s 220TB, so youll have incredibly few people who download the whole torrent. Most will open the torrent list and select a small number of items from it to download. The files selected the most will get seeded frequently, the ones that never get selected by anyone will have only the originator seeding it (if they continue to do so).

It’s functionally no different than if each individual file is a torrent… Except that the seeding info is going to be wonky on the single 220TB torrent because nobody is downloading it intact, only in pieces.

It’s also much easier to find a specific file if it is it’s own torrent vs. one of a billion files in a single mega torrent.

Just because you put it on an index in a torrent doesn’t mean the file still exists somewhere. That media can still vanish…

What would do what you’re suggesting this torrent would do (which a torrent cannot actually do) is a Yottabyte capable computer somewhere storing all those files… You’d need that to keep the seeding intact for the whole torrent…

aelwero ,

Ok… well now we’re getting crazy :)

A much better approach to what you’re talking about with that one is probably to approach the problem from the other end of the snake.

Torrents work at keeping files intact communally specifically because they’re popular files, and the more popular, the more “healthy” a torrent is, because it’s transitting more often and being stored in chunks in a bunch of places.

If you’re trying to keep an archive of everything (and frankly, what I’m about to suggest could literally store the whole ass internet), you need to focus on the obscure crap nobody is likely to ever look for… The stuff that can’t survive over torrent because it’s obscure.

You can do that by share, similar to a torrent, but you wouldn’t want a setup that encouraged users to share files, you’d want a setup that encourages users to share storage.

Like you provide a hypothetical tnerrot network (made up just now, torrent backwards) and as a condition of using this tnerrot network you allow say 20GB (or more, as internet gets bigger, drives get bigger, games get bigger, this allocation can get bigger as that happens…) on your hard drive that it uses to store the actual files, and in exchange you can pull any file stored in the tnerrot network. Instead of marvel movies (or whatever legal file has that kind of oomph) having a billion seeds and obscure science report having one, everything would have 2 or 3 dedicated seeds because every file would be seeded by whatever computers (2 or 3 separate ones, for redundancy) tnerrot stores it at.

You’d need a few commercial servers, because hosting a file that gets thousands of download requests a day wouldn’t be friendly for random guy in Ohio or wherever, but for the vast vast majority of the files, you shouldn’t have major issues.

Space sharing, not file sharing, is what you’d need to do what you’re thinking. You’d need to invent the tnerrot…

aelwero ,

Israel has never been the abuser, and throughout their short lifetime as a state they have only abused.

I believe you need to edit that… Not in the context of you being “wrong/right” or anything opinion based like that, just that its contradictional… I don’t think it’s what you meant to actually say is all :)

aelwero ,


aelwero ,

Was it worth the effort?

I mean, in with you on pure principle, but why bother in such a “low rent” forum? Kinda feels like trying to rescue a carrot that fell into the garbage disposal? Am I making any sense? Lol

aelwero ,

Did he actually say that shit? Please tell me he said that shit… He’s hosed next year if he said that.

aelwero ,

Lol, elections don’t get decided by straight ticket states, they get decided by a handful of states (with occasional exceptions) that sit on the fence, and shit like calling yourself a dictator is exactly the sort of nudge that’ll put em off.

Trump might be appealing to the states that would have voted for him anyway, but there’s no actual gains there to be had… Ya know?

aelwero ,

Polls are crap anyway… Lol

aelwero ,

Oh come on… Isn’t there a rule against depictions of violence?

aelwero ,

Smashing toys during the holidays is a good look…

aelwero ,

Oh little town of Bethlehem?

I was intentionally unspecific, but since we’re here…

DeepSouth (

A supercomputer capable of mimicking the human brain is set to be activated in 2024. The DeepSouth system, developed by researchers at the International Centre for Neuromorphic Systems, uses spiking neural networks to efficiently emulate large networks of neurons, rivaling the rate of operations in the human brain. This...

aelwero ,

“Deep south”? Seriously? Why not “the stay puft marshmallow man”? If you’re gonna tempt fate with your naming choice, might as well have a little fun with it…

aelwero ,

We have far more capacity to archive than we have to recall, and this holds true even as an individual.

Which is to say that everything posted is indelible (“written in ink”), but the vast majority of it is rendered transient (“written in pencil”) by way of a huge amount of obscurity.

Or, in simpler terms, it’s both :)

aelwero ,

Building code is close to rocket science. Or maybe voodoo… Building a house is pretty simple, but a code inspector will come up with 2,000 odd little things you didn’t do. A clip here, a gap there…

aelwero ,

It’s been my experience that beer works better ;)

The issue you’ll have is that building code is hella difficult to just read. It’s not written as a guide per se, it’s written reactively. Inspectors agree hired to be nitpicks, and the code is their list of nits to pick. They kinda get paid by the nit, and over time, as they find new nits, it all gets shoehorned into a big nit list, and trying to read it is hard because you’re just kinda reading a giant laundry list of that shit.

The first couple pages are also rather likely to tell you that you don’t actually need to follow it. That’s not the actual reality, but it seems common for code to say that…

aelwero ,

Right now…

I can’t sleep cause she snores like a chainsaw, I can’t eat cause she can’t cook, I can’t write, she’s got all my inspiration.

She can’t count all the pills I took.

aelwero ,

One item per bill.

This didn’t have bipartisan support. This wasn’t debated. Neither you nor I had any representation whatsoever on this issue, it was proposed by an obscure lobby group and someone tacked it onto something that actually mattered.

Who actually wants to buy a breathalyzer as a required option on a new car?

aelwero ,

My wife and I have been on board for decades :)

aelwero ,

I wouldn’t mind the predictive stuff tbh, if it had been developed as a product.

aelwero ,

So pay raises for 22 years without the union, or pay raises for 5 years with the union…

Yeah that’s cool, yay for “progress”…

aelwero ,

No… That means you hit the proverbial glass ceiling at 5 years. It means you contractually cannot be valued any higher past the 5 year mark…

Why the hell would you stay? On your 5th anniversary, your options to progress any further are all elsewhere…

Do you seriously expect that you’ll be valued the same as someone with decades of experience? No… That’s not what they’re doing… They’re valuing decades of experience at the 5 year mark… I’m saying they just removed the ability to trade the Honda in for a Lambo…

aelwero ,

Jesus fucking Christ…

Is this to suggest that out of all the options in the DNC, Biden is not just the best one available, but the only person in the DNC capable of winning an election against fucking trump?!?

That is a hella sad implication.

It’s kinda sad as well that after four years at the helm (arguably), the best the dude can go with as a campaign is to just drag out the same lame ass “I’m not trump” he ran on last time… Not that “I’m not trump” isn’t worthy of a vote, it is in my opinion, but shit man, you can’t hold up anything else, after 4 years?

Anyone know who’s going on the libertarian ticket next year?

aelwero ,

Then they are still subject to the terms they actively agreed to… It’s not like there’s no agreement if you don’t get a reply… There was an agreement before you asked for new terms, there’s an agreement still.

aelwero ,

Not wrong, but it’s a shitty answer. Not shitty on your part, you’re just calling it what it is, no problem with that at all, but that’s bullshit…

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