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aelwero ,

Didn’t Biden call the dude and enemy of the state on a few occasions?

Impeachment… Colluding with enemies of the state…

I’m being facetious of course, I’d rather they break the tradition of trying to impeach every president on their way out the door, but still, how you gonna have a meeting with someone you yourself called an enemy of the state?

aelwero ,

I think that’s a little too advanced for Biden, but it wouldn’t surprise me that hear a staffer suggested exactly that… Don’t think much of Biden, but the current white house is doing damned well IMHO.

I do sincerely hope trump opts out. None of his fan base is going to be affected in the slightest either way, because cult, but trump will think he’s god gift for participating, and his head is already way too fucking big.

Fridge failures: LG says angry owners can't sue, company points to cardboard box (

Fridge failures: LG says angry owners can’t sue, company points to cardboard box::NBC Bay Area’s Consumer team filed a report focused on faulty fridges, and then, viewers responded resoundingly about their own refrigerator problems…

aelwero ,

LG effectively has said that their owners manual and a cardboard box have authority over the courts. Clearly, as the courts have nullified it, they fucking dont.

All I see is a damned good reason to ban arbitration agreements outright. If you want to arbitrate a tort, you should be required to motion the court for it.

aelwero ,

‘I’ve got to do this on my own,’" she said last September. “Because if I take the drug, that’s the easy way out.”

Apparently there’s a perception that it matters… You’ll see it with smoking cessation too. Gotta do shit the absolute hardest way possible or you’re somehow “cheating”…

Wouldn’t want people to have taken the easy way to not fucking dying :/

aelwero ,

That sounds like it’s exactly the point…

Normally I’d chalk your comment up as being a little too “tinfoil hat” to warrant engaging, but half the article implies exactly that, and I don’t think the author was doing it on purpose because quite frankly, I don’t think there are any news authors left with the competence to do so.

This is 100% some shit I’d expect to come out of the red team though… The Biden administration hasn’t struck me as being on the side of corporate interests (generally speaking… I’m not naive enough to think the Biden administration couldn’t be bought, I’m speaking to track record here…), and I don’t think this would impact tax revenue much, which is to say that there’s not much ulterior motivation for blues to trump up a bullshit problem to keep Chinese cars out of the market.

I’m inclined to agree with your opinion, but logically it doesn’t add up, is my point :)

aelwero ,

The word genocide itself is banned? Or you can’t use it in reference to isreal? What if you’re talking about WWII? Or you’re one of the people protesting that call Biden “genocide Joe” (which is not specifically referencing Israel, but implies it pretty hard)…

I only ask because banning words is a pretty fuckin Republican thing these days and this don’t seem like that kinda place.

aelwero ,

Hendrix. Hendrix is the fosbury of music. Dude went off in his own direction in both technical and compositional terms, and a lot of people followed.

There’s solid points in the comments, but I feel like we’re talking about a single individual ignoring convention here, and there’s really only one answer in that context :)

aelwero ,

There were others who changed sports as well… Fosbury didn’t cause the Olympic committee to implement any bans, which is to say that others arguably attempted much larger changes…

He simply tried something way the hell off the beaten path and it caused people to think differently about how to go about doing their thing.

Jimi wasn’t even the only revolutionary influence in his time, you could argue chuck berry had more influence at the time, you could argue Charlie christian had more influence at sorta the same time, you could argue Zeppelin, Sabbath, the Beach boys…

Nobody came crashing into music from deep left field like Hendrix did though, just like nobody came into the Olympics from deep left field the way fosbury did (I’d argue for korbut, but nobody followed her lead due to pretty much everything she did getting banned).

I get what you mean and don’t disagree, but I did say I was speaking to a specific context ;)

Apple Officially Warns Users to Stop Putting Wet iPhones in Rice | The company said the popular remedy could cause "small particles of rice to damage your iPhone." (

Apple Officially Warns Users to Stop Putting Wet iPhones in Rice | The company said the popular remedy could cause “small particles of rice to damage your iPhone.”::The company said the popular remedy could cause “small particles of rice to damage your iPhone.”

aelwero ,

In case Apple’s advice doesn’t work, it’s safe to say that you probably need help from professional repair experts and may even need to prepare yourself to buy a new iPhone.

“Don’t do anything yourself, just come give us more money”

aelwero ,

The movie companies said they were not planning to go after these people in court

Worlds most prolific story tellers tellin stories;)

aelwero ,

options include the establishment of a digital ID system or services that can estimate an individual’s age based on a visual scan of their face.

Oh yeah… I’m sure that won’t cause any unintended issues at all…

aelwero ,

I’m reasonably certain that once enough governments jump on the “we need to control the internets” bandwagon, there will be a region specific convention adopted similar to country codes for phone numbers so that they can, in fact, apply customs to it…

I suspect it won’t be in the name of righteousness though, more likely it’ll be taxes, copyright, etc, on internet sales that trigger it.

notsure , to nostupidquestions avatar

If a chihuahua and great dane, through much effort, can create an offspring, why are human beings so offended by differing externals which are a product of circumstance not choice?

aelwero ,

Your question would be much better applied to height discrimination, which is something that’s almost never mentioned, but is a lot more indicative of the nature of discrimination itself.

It is instinctual, as others have said, but it has nothing to do with tribalism or war, its about resources. Discrimination is almost always about resources (the notable exception being gender/orientation based discrimination, which I guess is religious?).

The discrimination against small people (and obesity and age as well), is more basic, and likely older (in evolutionary terms), and is oriented towards hunting and fighting. We think less of smaller, fatter, and older people because they’re assumed to be less capable of gathering (and fighting for or defending) basic resources.

Discrimination against races is more recent, and more societal, and is more about monetary resources, and isn’t even entirely a matter of race. Poor white people can be discriminated against in the exact same way for the exact same reasons. Racism is more classist than discrimination against height, weight age, etc. but is essentially still a matter of these classes being seen as less capable of getting resources.

You can see it more easily if you look objectively at the discriminatory tendencies of women (and I mean that in a very generalized way). They tend to be far more discriminatory towards resource based biases… Height, weight, physical condition… They’re often inexplicably attracted to overly aggressive partners, occasionally to their own detriment. The more instinctual a woman is, the more likely to pursue the overly aggressive men. Race isn’t anywhere near as much a factor, and there are notable exceptions in all factors for women if a man obviously has a lot of resources already (no indictment intended ladies, just is what it is, and generally)

And of course it’s more obvious among women for the same reason… The disparity (again, in a very general sense) between male and female in ability to gather and defend resources affects women’s choices of partners more so than men.

aelwero ,

Being black isn’t a disqualifier if you can access resources

How much discrimination do you think obviously wealthy black people face? A much as a poor black person?

It’s not a matter of skin color in reality, that shit’s nothing more than some extra melanin. The difference is the perception that black people are poor… People see a young black guy in a high end Audi and assume he’s a drug dealer, because they have this societally developed perception that a person of his melanin content is incapable of acquiring that kind of money legitimately. The discrimination is centric to the resources, always has been. There are white people who get just as discriminated against as any other poor person, it’s a huge factor in why Trump’s stupid ass has the following he does… He plays that shit up and nobody else will touch it with a ten foot pole…

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs says ‘US credibility is at stake’ when asked about Trump’s NATO comments (

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. CQ Brown said Monday that “US credibility is at stake” in the wake of comments from former President Donald Trump that he would encourage Russia to “do whatever the hell they want” to NATO partners that don’t meet spending guidelines on defense....

aelwero ,

I absolutely defy the implication that US credibility is in any way whatsoever reflected by trump… Even if he manages to get elected again, he’d still obviously not be representing all of the US…

It’s like saying all Canadians are super liberal because they elected Trudeau… People know better.

I’d go with “reputation”, but not credibility.

aelwero ,

the Katz Group alleges that it shouldn’t have to make the donation because Boyle Street didn’t try hard enough to fundraise on its own.

They clearly did try hard enough if Katz promised them five million bucks… Lol…

18+ aelwero ,

You kinda can’t directly target a guy carrying groceries with indirect fire like that…

Not to say IDF is or isn’t being indiscriminate or anything, and not to say dude carrying groceries didn’t get completely and entirely shafted on the deal, just saying dude carrying groceries probably wasn’t the specific target and that title is questionable.

aelwero ,

I vape in the shower every morning. I’ve also dropped it a bajillion times, including dropping it while on a motorcycle doing 60mph or so. Still works just fine :)

aelwero ,

content that incites violence or hate speech from social media.

“They need to expeditiously remove content they are aware of if it is illegal.”

If a social media platform does not comply with the new EU law it can be sanctioned with a hefty fine

This essentially adds up to government proctorship of any “public forum” on the internet, including here… So if I randomly throw an “all lives matter” right here mid-comment, which while at face value is a ridiculously benign thing to say, can be and almost always is considered to be hate speech, lemmy is entirely obligated to immediately remove my comment or face heavy sanctions from the EU.

It’s an extreme caricature of an example that I assume won’t go anywhere, but the point is that it could, and the deciding factor on that isn’t anyone here, the deciding factor is a bunch of rando EU officials… If some Karen in Wales in the right position decides she doesn’t like my comment, she could initiate a “hefty” fine against lemmy admins.

It’s an absurd concept, and I don’t say that in the context of tuker Carlson (who I simply don’t give two shits about in any context), I say that in the context of us, as a “social media” community. We are subject to this proctorship, this censorship…

aelwero ,

Ok, well it was intended to be an opinion, so your assertion that I’m incorrect is incorrect because its my opinion, but that aside, which part?

I reiterate that question because if your opinion is in direct opposition to mine, it is, in my opinion, the one I would most like to hear. I’m a moderate/centrist/libertarian(non-party) and I’d unironically and unsarcastically love to hear your opinion on it. Unless you’re just being a pedant, then I’ll listen and I respect your right to posit any pedantic objections, but I won’t really care much :)

aelwero ,

Sounds an awful lot like sticking your head in the sand.

“Social media” is going to be whatever they decide they want government oversight on… Not being part of the introductory offer isnt a very good reason to accept it in my opinion.

They’ll come for your forum eventually…

aelwero ,

How you gonna reference 1984 while actively defending an orwellian policy?

aelwero ,

No, were just apparently on very different wavelengths here (I’m totally fine with this personally, no animosity intended at all, I like discourse and you don’t seem like you’re being a dick about it, so we’re on friendly terms here from my perspective)

Do you not think that government determination of what is or is not acceptable on “social media” (quotes because generalizing) is eerily similar to thoughtcrime? And an orwellian policy? Making a 1984 reference in its defense a little ironic?

I realize I discounted the bulk of your comment and all the “logical fallacy” buzz phrases you threw in, but I generally consider that pedantry and responding to it would bring in bad vibes on my side, so I skipped it, sorry. I can engage it, but I won’t have anything to say on it worth reading, it’ll just be old guy bullshit…

aelwero ,

Ultimately, what I’m asking you is: why would I be opposed to a law that itself is 100% fine, just because the same legislators might later pass a different law that I don’t like?

Ultimately because the basic premise of the law could (in general) be the basis for the government to remove our entire conversation here…

It is potentially a tool to do this

In 1984, the government rewrites history and uses a multitude of techniques that trick you into accepting things that are not true as being true.

I don’t object for the sake of my my benefit, I object for the sake of yours (everyone).

I see it a one degree increment on the proverbial frog in the proverbial pot, being slowly but surely brought to boil and it’s death, and I don’t really care who it affects in the moment.

aelwero ,

Federal prosecutors are asking a judge to deny a Jan. 6 rioter’s request to delay his sentencing, arguing that the defendant may be seeking to remain incarcerated.

That is an absurd argument. Got a very “don’t throw me I the briar patch” vibe to it, like he’s playing on the political aspect to get thrown out of jail…

aelwero ,

They wouldn’t be conscious for more than two or three minutes, so the heat and causticity wouldn’t matter much.

New-wave reactor technology could kick-start a nuclear renaissance — and the US is banking on it (

Off the Siberian coast, not far from Alaska, a Russian ship has been docked at port for four years. The Akademik Lomonosov, the world’s first floating nuclear power plant, sends energy to around 200,000 people on land using next-wave nuclear technology: small modular reactors....

aelwero ,

The risk of anything whatsoever happening to any given individual from nuclear is miniscule compared to the very real risk to literally everyone everywhere posed by coal and gas power…

We’re all on a runaway train barreling towards catastrophe, and you’re essentially saying the bathroom needs a floor mat so someone doesn’t slip and fall. That’s about how the risks compare

aelwero ,

I believe in that quantity it’s spelled and pronounced “cheddah”…

aelwero ,

Wildly untenable concept in modern society…

I’m sure it would work great in a video game or something, but In the real world, this shit goes crony AF guaranteed.

We don’t measure aptitude or ability in our society, we absolutely suck at it. A person’s ability is measured by what pedigree they purchased at degrees R us, or worse, by how articulate and verbose they were when typing a resume. Occasionally, ability is measured by how well someone likes a person even…

Competence is valued in a very select few enterprises. Trades, IT, and at higher echelons, math nerds… That’s about it…

aelwero ,

They aren’t actually plastic though… They’re made of starch, as a biodegradable alternative to plastic.

Essentially, they’re Cheetos

aelwero ,

…and cue a 4,000% markup on what an MRI costs.

Don’t worry though, I’m sure the price will go back down once the artificial shortage that generated it is addressed (chuckle)

aelwero ,

I’ve literally done every single one of these, so im thinking that’s true chaotic neutral on my part…

aelwero ,

Is it worse or better that I used someone else’s hand?

aelwero ,

Am I the only one who sees hypocrisy in banning a political party in order to “mitigate a threat to democracy”?

Not asking in the specific context of the article either, I’m asking in general, because this sentiment isn’t specific to just Germany…

How is a diverse opinion a threat to democracy? Excluding a portion of the population from the polls is the antithesis of the basic concept of democracy, and almost globally this is being wholesale ignored, and its almost exclusively a phenomena specific to the left…

aelwero ,

Okay… Should congress likewise be allowed to pass laws without any oversight from the president or the courts?

Should the court not be constrained by the laws created by Congress and approved by the president?

(Just to be clear, that’s a fuck no…)

What the hell do you mean half the population doesn’t think checks and balances should be maintained? It’s a very fundamental concept of our governmental structure… If you suspend the system if checks and balances, the partisanship we’re currently struggling with becomes an absolute nightmare, for everybody… Imagine a president that can willingly ban whatever they don’t like… A congress that can fund everything, or nothing, at will… Courts that can convict on feelings…

Y’all crazy

aelwero ,

Well, Bidens currently the guy that’ll get the magic wand… So… Maybe not so great?

It was phrased as a hypothetical though, so I get it. Still silly, as eventually the pendulum comes back.

aelwero ,

Are they going to pay for anything that ever inspired them? Every time you publish an article, you owe a dollar to every English teacher you ever had? Fill out your taxes and you owe your math teachers?

It’s fucking goofy…

How Disney and Warner Bros. Are Causing Internet Piracy to Boom | Platforms like Netflix, Hulu, and Disney+ were supposed to do away with pirated media. Instead, they may make them stronger than ever. (

How Disney and Warner Bros. Are Causing Internet Piracy to Boom | Platforms like Netflix, Hulu, and Disney+ were supposed to do away with pirated media. Instead, they may make them stronger than ever.::Platforms like Netflix, Hulu, and Disney+ were supposed to do away with pirated media. Instead, they may make them stronger than...

aelwero ,

Can’t read the article (acts like it’s paywalled but the paywall doesn’t even come up,maybe ad blocking is borking it), but let me guess… Every time a show gets big, someone splits it off into a new sub service, and people are getting sick of that shit and pulling the plug on the people they pulled the plug on cable for…

My kids hit me up for yet another subscription last week, because they wanted to watch a show. I was very close to cancelling everything instead, and teaching them some slightly sketchy skills, but I took the “high road” on it. They’re getting close to the age where that ain’t gonna happen anymore though :)

Consolidate yo shit media dudes. You got a finite limit on how many pieces of the pie can exist. When the slices get too small because you cut it into too many slices, nobody buys a slice anymore…

aelwero ,

The Biden White House has also maintained the tariffs on Chinese products worth $370 billion imposed by predecessor Donald Trump.

That’s a hell of a sentence :) I guess we can agree on some things… Tarrifs on china, truly bipartisan…

People who order "a decaff coffee with an extra shot" - why?

All our coffee is served with two shots by default. We’re not some fancy coffee shop, just a motorway service station that makes coffee to go. We have some regulars who order a decaff with an extra shot. I explain thats going to have three shots total, and they’re happy with it....

aelwero ,

Does it cost the same? Could just be the “no ice” concept… No ice, more actual drink. Maybe they feel like they’re getting more of what they’re paying for with an extra shot added.

aelwero ,

How many people spend 45 years in prison on a legitimate rape conviction?

aelwero ,

I imagine they’d specify that? There is a complete lack of any reference to priors, and in context, that implies there were (because they’d make a point to specify no priors in an article like this…), but just the life sentence on a rape charge, and dude wasn’t paroled, seems a bit much, ya know?

aelwero ,

Stupid vapers better go back to reds and camels… Vape sales don’t count as sales for the PTMA settlement money every year, and the state wants their taxes too… They sold bonds on that settlement money and spent it years in advance, and y’all stopped buying them smokes and screwed up their budget…

Buncha dicks… So what if you get cancer, 5th largest economy in the world dammit.

aelwero ,

Uh… It’s kinda a long story…

Vaping started with e-cigarettes, they looked like cigarettes and tried to taste like cigarettes. Mostly it was Blu, which was a commercially advertised version, but you could get better ones if you looked. They were basically a smoking cessation device, gum/patches, but with the form factor, look, and sorta the feel of smoking.

Being a cessation aid, they were priced pretty heavy… And people like me started getting into reverse engineering them (I have 510 sized taps and dies, and various other tools I’ve made over the years as this progressed). people started using much bigger batteries, people came up with drippers, it’s essentially just a lithium battery with a piece of resistance wire, you can easily make a vape, the term “mod” came about because we were modifying things to use as vapes, flashlights, Hammond project boxes, altoid tins…

Meanwhile, it’s all gaining traction, jenny mcarthy and Stephen dorff are all over the TV telling people it’s just water vapor (incorrect, it’s theatrical fog really) and to “take back their freedom”, Blu got popular, and modders started getting serious and mods got commercialized.

Then bada-boom, vape shops started popping up everywhere… We’d sorted out that vape juice is two alcohols used in fog machines, a flavor (like loranns candy flavors, I used those early on because they’re easy to find), and nicotine (liquid, if you bring a pack of dentine to my house I can turn it into nicotine gum at whatever dose you like in seconds, nicorette is robbing motherfuckers blind). Literally anyone can mix up ejuice, and that was what drove the vape shop boom.

During that time, smoking took a dive. A big one. States get a check every year from tobacco companies, based on sales in the state. It’s ostensibly to pay for the damages done to smokers… And the checks, based on sales, also took a dive. There was also a dent in the sin taxes.

So the FDA jumps in, the NHS in UK takes notice (because less smokers means less public money spent on healthcare), and the FDA immediately says you can’t call e-cigarettes a smoking cessation aid, and the UK decides vapes are 90+% safer yhan smoking and starts prescribng vapes for free…

Fast forward through a decade of propaganda, and it’s “think of the children” and ban vapes… Ban ban ban… Evil bad vapes…

I can’t tell you as an absolute fact that the disparity between the UK NHS recommending vapes, and the US banning them is because the UK saves money if people don’t smoke, and the states lose money if people don’t smoke, but I told you the story of how we got to this point, an I’ll let you do the math :)

This isn’t about menthol IMHO, because of the lack of specificity… They just ninja banned vaping. Cigarette flavored vapes are flavored “tobacco products” (because the FDA says so… Literally). They’ll ease it in there, but I’m pretty sure this ban was the goalpost, and personally, I think it constitutes death warrants in the interest of their budget…

aelwero ,

For the FDA’s purposes, if a tobacco product meets the legal definition of a cigarette but the tobacco is not heated to a temperature high enough to cause combustion, the product would be currently categorized as a non-combusted cigarette and regulated as a cigarette. The types of heated tobacco products currently authorized for sale in the U.S. are all non-combusted cigarettes.

Tobacco companies got the FDAs blessing on some of those already. Some as far back as 2018.

As for why they aren’t on the market, I dunno. Could be they aren’t as profitable (they certainly would cost more to produce), could be they dont see any need to compete with their own products, and if you’re a tinfoil hat type, could be those heat-not-burn products aren’t addictive enough.

aelwero ,

This program already existed, with applications being accepted to 2026 I think?

Been a discussion in our district, but it’s 3k people in the entire county… Kinda low on the totem. It’s a 14 mile route for our kids though, and it’s the shortest one. If you want impact this is the place ;)

New Mexico justices hear challenge to public health ban on guns in public parks and playgrounds (

Advocates for gun rights are urging the New Mexico Supreme Court to block emergency orders by Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham restricting people from carrying guns at public parks and playgrounds in the state’s largest metro area and address gun violence as a public health crisis....

aelwero ,

I’m not a tinfoil hat or anything, but I feel like there’s been very little of this type of stuff for pretty much the entirety of Bidens term…

Am I wrong?

aelwero ,

Hey, I threw a few humorous bits in there… ;)

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