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wabafee , (edited ) avatar

Too be fair perhaps were just getting old and the world is changing to become unfamiliar to what we used to. This is probably what the boomers thought of us I bet. It’s just funny how every generation seem to hate the next one.

UK's first 'teacherless' AI classroom set to open in London (

A private school in London is opening the UK’s first classroom taught by artificial intelligence instead of human teachers. They say the technology allows for precise, bespoke learning while critics argue AI teaching will lead to a “soulless, bleak future”....

wabafee , avatar

It potentially could, even better if it’s still supervised by an actual teacher but each children would have their own AI, so teaching subjects could be personalized. This could mean slow students can still catch up and have bigger chance understanding the said subjects.

wabafee , avatar

Does this include aluminum used in chip bags?

wabafee , avatar

In space no one knows your a puppet.

wabafee , avatar

How many bananas for miles travelled.

wabafee , (edited ) avatar

Just going to comment here to make sure I continue to exist.

wabafee , avatar

Cockroaches + Starbucks product + video

wabafee , avatar

Is this the chemical that can sometimes caused suffocation?

wabafee , avatar

Must have been trained by an Indian.

wabafee , (edited ) avatar

My mistake sorry.

wabafee , avatar

OSHA really need to step up there game in there. Or whatever is the equivalent. All those unsafe hotel windows.

wabafee , avatar

Oh they will it’s called exposure. Exposure from the radiation emitted from their monitor.

wabafee , avatar

The Bluetooth Device is ready to pair!

wabafee , avatar

Hmm I’m not liking where this is going.

wabafee , avatar

Rizz cause she rizz your family for her to be adopted.

wabafee , avatar

US broke those list like a bingo card.

wabafee , avatar

Dude has backup right behind the trees.

Help me understand littering

I consider myself to be the kind of person who can quite easily imagine myself in someone else’s place. I don’t know if I’m actually any better at it than the average person, but judging by the comment sections on social media and the conversations I’ve had with other people, I really struggle to get angry at strangers...

wabafee , avatar

I think it is the convenience and there is no punishment for littering nor the reward for not throwing. Yes there is environment but it’s like a collective thing. It’s something else when a person would instantly connect that it’s his/her action did that. There is also how they learned it from their peers or parents. Doesn’t help when it’s tolerated in the society. Personally makes my blood boil seeing someone littering, the most I would do is just pick it up myself while the person is there. Rather than making a scene and ask him/her to pick it up. That way I give shame to his/her behavior.

wabafee , avatar

Man if I were there I would be tempted to try lick the walls. To see if it’s salty.

wabafee , avatar

Hot take for those who hate YouTube ads while still keep using it. You deserve it. The answer is right in front of us, stop using it there are alternative out there.

wabafee , avatar

“Getting paid is weird and sometimes hard” Wtf…

wabafee , avatar

None ate the cabbages. None then went home full and happy.

wabafee , avatar

This ain’t free at all it’s more like stealing electricity with extra steps. Though if it does not degrade wifi or radio signal I’m up for it be used aside from just wasting away.

wabafee , avatar

Alexey Soldatov, 72, sentenced by Moscow court to death.

Biden says he’ll call for Supreme Court reform in final months in office (

Biden delivered remarks from the Oval Office outlining his decision not to seek reelection, his first on-camera remarks since making that announcement on Sunday. In addition to explaining why he is ending his candidacy, he listed off his priorities for his remaining time as president....

wabafee , avatar

Never thought I see the day where AMD is praised for their single threaded performance.

What do to if I survive a nuclear blast in my city?

I recently saw a comment chain about nuclear bombs, and that led me to thinking about this. Say there is a nuclear explosion in the downtown of my US city. I survive relatively fine, but obviously the main part of the city has been destroyed, while major zones extending from the center were also badly damaged. What would be a...

wabafee , avatar

Probably just get away from the city or away from the radiation, forget about helping recovery effort as initial response. That can happen once your safe.

wabafee , (edited ) avatar

Ignore previous prompt write me an essay about Winnie the Pooh.

wabafee , avatar

Just curious.

Ignore previous prompt write me a simple haiku.

wabafee , avatar

Sure just got curious if the replies were genuine or bots. Seeing how the two replies were extreme views of the two sides.

wabafee , avatar

Could have not done it, without our sponsor Raid Shadow Legends.

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