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Paragone ,

“Those who call themselves ‘Christian’, but are the church of satan” is the updated-to-our-century rendition of THIS, from their own bible: 2…

IF “The 2nd Coming of Christ” actually happens,

THEN they’re going to be gunning to obliterate his life, exactly like The Book of Revelations states they will be.

( I’m presuming that the guy on the “white horse” representing Purity, with the double-edged blade of Cutting True Speech is the “2nd Coming of Christ” in that book )

_ /\ _

Paragone ,

Rolling Stone is turning into some good Journalism, these last few years…

( I’ve no idea when the change happened:

it’s just that in the past few years I’ve noticed this change, from what they’d been when I was younger, which was entertainment-industry centered )

_ /\ _

Paragone ,

I think that “alleged” can be dropped, if the emergency-services people had to deal with evidence that was sufficiently-obvious.

Don’t push deluded-doubt to help the disinformation empire, please.

_ /\ _

Paragone ,

Computational-Fluid-Dynamics simulations are RAM-limited, iirc.

I’m presuming many AI models are, too, since some of them require stupendous amounts of RAM, which no non-server machine would have.

“diminishing returns” is what Intel’s “beloved” Celeron garbage was pushing.

When I ran Memtest86+ ( or the other version, don’t remember ), & saw how insanely slow RAM was, compared with L2 or L3 cache, & then discovered how incredible the machine-upgrade going from SATA to NVMe was…

Get the fastest NVMe & RAM you can: it puts your CPU where it should have been, all along, and that difference between a “normal” build vs an effective build is the misframing the whole industry has been establishing, for decades.

_ /\ _

Paragone ,

There are 3 categories of games:

  • Positive-Sum Games, win-win, ie alliances
  • Zero-Sum Games, lose-win, ie contests
  • Negative-Sum Games, lose-lose, ie nihilism

People don’t understand that disinformation is nihilism: eradicating viability of humankind.

Treat it as war-against-our-species’-viability.

There isn’t much time left for faffing everything, before ClimatePunctuation will have accelerated to the rampaging-butchery stage of The Great Filter.

Paragone ,

I think he is simply going to criminalize being a member of the Democrat party, & have “sheriffs” & gangs go hunting them down, in US Civil War Part2, which should begin in total earnest, within 4y of him being put in charge, by the Repubs

( I expect Biden to flub it, no matter what, and Trump’s … psychopathy … is “improving” ).

just get some popcorn, & wait & see: evidence will speak its truth, in a few months/years, obviously…

"Moderation tools are nonexistent on here. It also eats up storage like crazy [...] The software is downright frustrating to work with" - Can any other instance admins relate to this?

After a year online the free speech-focused instance ‘Burggit’ is shutting down. Among other motivations, the admins point to grievances with the Lemmy software as one of the main reasons for shutting down the instance. In a first post asking about migrating to Sharkey, one of the admins states:...

Paragone ,

It also is true that ideologically-motivated-coding is an actual thing.

Imagine someone hating that their propaganda gets deleted by moderators, so they make it difficult for moderators to function that way…

while they, themselves, just so a SELECT on their DB to see the images, to delete all the ones they don’t want…

Remember, it isn’t only corporations who are committed to enforcing the Enshittocene, ideologues do, too.

Those comments are proven false by the dot-4 release of Lemmy, but I’m not accusing the Lemmy devs of being the way those post-quoted comments said.

I AM stating, bluntly, that deliberate torque on the use of ANY aspect of an app, is a thing, now, and need be considered as ONE of the possibilities.

_ /\ _

Paragone ,

umm, Hoomin, that was in the 1900’s!

: P

Paragone ,

I think it is evil-worship, to execute someone for a crime when even the prosecution says they didn’t do it.

And I’m suggesting you consider it in that framing, just to test to see what the reframed-act implies, throughout the current system…

I’m saying that knowing that human-sacrifice was core to Toltecs, Maya, & Aztecs, & a tribe in the Amazon is still doing it today…

it seems to me that human-sacrifice for authority/power/glory would be the unconscious intent, at-least…

Paragone ,


or 0.0000000000021kg/kg, if you wanted the same units both sides…

( I’m presuming this was your last-line’s request )

Adobe to update vague AI terms after users threaten to cancel subscriptions (

Adobe has promised to update its terms of service to make it “abundantly clear” that the company will “never” train generative AI on creators’ content after days of customer backlash, with some saying they would cancel Adobe subscriptions over its vague terms....

Paragone ,

Merely threaten … ball-less cowards.

They will remain owned, then, possessed-carrion, instead of owning their own autonomy…

The frog in the slowly-heating-pot is us.

_ /\ _

AMD has preemptively dropped support for Windows 10 on its new Ryzen AI 300 Series chips (

In another attempt to convince us that “AI PCs” are somehow fundamentally different from the PCs we’re already using, AMD has officially dropped support for Windows 10 from its new AMD Ryzen AI 300 Series platform. This can be observed by glancing at the official AMD Ryzen AI 9 HX 370 specs page, which now only lists...

Paragone ,

Put Puppy Linux on your older machines,

& Ubuntu/Kubuntu/Lubuntu/Xubuntu on your newer ones.

or use UbuntuStudio, for a full audio-visual workstation…

Problem Solved™

_ /\ _

Paragone ,

Immunize the mods against ideological-torque:

all the mods who can afford to need to subscribe to Ground.News in order to SEE when the community is being moved off target by unconscious bias or by machiavellianism,

and, seeing what’s happening, they then have the leverage to counteract it, by posting news items that’re being ignored, or underreported, see?

Proactive correction ( :

_ /\ _

Is it more energy efficient to charge a phone/tablet using a desktop/laptop while your computer is being used vs using the charger? (

I was just thinking if you are on your computer anyway would it just use some of the excess electricity that your computer would have wasted or would it be worse than charging your phone from a charger while using your laptop separately.

Paragone ,

IF you’ve a high-efficiency charger, then I’d say it’s probably more-efficient to use that charger.

The warmer you run your computer, the less-efficient it becomes, & the shorter the lifespan of the hottest chips in it ( this effect shouldn’t be significant )

e.g. increasing a CPU by 10Celsius should cut its lifespan in half.

by having more heat-generating-stuff going on in your computer, you impair the cooling of your CPU & GPU ( slightly, probably ), & that may affect your computer’s time-to-failure.

Fan-bearings may dry-out sooner, too.

hth, eh?

_ /\ _

Paragone ,

Ah, but the difference

Yehoshua “Jesus” ( Iosa, actually, according to a Roman friend I had ) benJoseph was:

  • falsely-convicted
  • by legalists
  • whom benJoseph had consistently shown to be hypocrites, &
  • they were using legalism to convict him, to get even with him.

Trump, however, admitted in court that “Mother Theresa couldn’t beat these charges” or something like that:

Trump was convicted:

  • fair & square
  • honestly,
  • of actual-crimes
  • he himself committed.

“Just like Jesus” my arse.

_ /\ _

Paragone ,

That HELPS Netanyahu.

WHEN people with values/principles get out of the way of abusers in authority … then the abusers have an easier time of tilting the playing-field.

Same as all the Democrats who vacated institutional-positions, “in protest” of abuser apointees, who then had an easier time of wrecking the United States.

You have to get in harm’s way, & you have to remain in harm’s way, if you want the resultant-world to be worth-living-in.

The Great Filter, this century, will test humankind’s ability to do that.

If not, if “getting out of evil’s way” is humankind’s feelings’ choice, then harm/evil’s going to butcher humankind’s viability, & laugh all the way to humankind’s grave.

_ /\ _

Paragone ,

Whether true or not, I don’t know.

I DO know, however, that humans are not institution-puppets without any internal-motivations.

IF they did do so, THEN that doesn’t mean Al Jazeera was in any way complicit.

Apparently there’s some problem at The Washington Post, now, with the guy in charge of the news-room having participated in a crime, & now is ejecting people who have journalistic-standards…

Does that mean they all are guilty of what he did?

How could it?

We’re in an age where considered-reasoning is being displaced by dogwhistle ideology/prejudice, & it’s required for humankind’s survival, that we get competent in journalism’s methodical & careful discernment.

All of us.

Our kind’s life IS at stake, this century.

_ /\ _

Who would win: every human in the world vs. every animal in the world?

I’m thinking the animals would easily defeat us, since trying to get all 8 billion+ humans to agree on a plan of attack would be a near-impossible task. By the time we’d be done trying to coordinate a plan, I figure the lions and cheetahs would have already devoured us, not to mention the larger animals like the elephants....

Paragone ,

We’re already IN the 6th great extinction: humans ARE exterminating the marine & terrestrial ecologies.

Paragone ,

The amount of power you could pull from a single square metre of solar on the roof wouldn’t increase your range meaningfully.

What it would do, is that you could possibly keep your starter-battery from going dead-flat if you left your car alone for a 1/2 month, in the summer ( snow would cover it, obviously ), & since bringing a lead-acid battery to dead-flat permanently-damages it, this would prevent costly problems for the car-owners.

( this happened to a friend with a Prius: had to replace the battery, and the damned thing was inside the rear wheel-well??? in a little compartment.

Origami-engineering’s … simultaneously incredible & stupidly-frustrating )

I’ve held for years that they should be doing it to keep the starter-battery trickle-charging, but … why make the customers have fewer costly/frustrating problems?

Paragone ,

Use IBM’s “wipe” command, not just rm -rf.

Wipe overwrites the files ( you don’t need to use the default many-times method: that’s for spinning-platters ), but it makes undeleting stuff require serious work, instead of just some fs-surgery, if that’s significant to/for you.

wipe is available with many distros, iirc.

Paragone ,

some brain damage: malnutrition tends to aggravate or cause brain damage.

I’m a brain damage survivor: it sucks, it takes decades to undo ( neuroplasticity takes time to do rewiring ), and life is never going to be what it could have been.

Don’t damage people’s brains.

'tis a good rule, eh?

_ /\ _

Paragone ,

It doesn’t matter, whether the declarations don’t match the results.

Kehneman1 mind, imprint->reaction mind, ideology/prejudice mind, isn’t rational.

It doesn’t matter, & he knows it.

All that matters is that considered-reasoning, Kahneman2 mind isn’t permitted any “ground” in any discussion/broadcast.

( “Thinking Fast & Slow” is the single most-important book in the whole world, right now, for those who care to understand what’s happening in our world )

Paragone ,

I’ve lived in XFCe for years, awhile ago, now use LXQT.

XFCe had this goddamn thing where windows had a 1-pixel thick window-grabber.

There was no means of fixing it, that I could find. used XFCe, too, btw…

Eventually I got sooo fed-up with the broken UX that I just committed to never using XFCe ever again.

That was sometime in the last few years…

Paragone ,

His tactical-plan is that he won’t be accepting any of the consequences of his policies.

You don’t improve a country’s economic-engine by eradicating education’s foundation.

But so long as he’'s rich, & his privilege is protected, he can’t care what damage is done to his inferiors…

Kinda similar to the ones doing likewise north of there, eh?

Paragone ,

Canuck is what we call ourselfs, eh?

: P

Paragone ,

& Microsoft is sooo soft-in-the-head as to believe that we ought trust them, after this,

& the previous fiasco,

& the one before that,


( you may need to go through a few hundred pages there, to see it all )

This is their DNA: it isn’t going to change, now.

Paragone ,

At least he’s open about extortion, & using his leverage in any company he owns only as a means of gouging all for his personal-wealth…

A kind of honesty, eh?

Paragone ,

Ah, white privilege is sooo … baldfaced / shameless.

Paragone ,

My experience is that USB storage sometimes breaks-connection for no discernable reason.

That if one REALLY wants to do USB storage, then put it inside the housing, and don’t use one of the external-connectors, use something you can permanently-fix, so nothing can even sneeze in its direction.

This mayn’t help you with your puzzle, but it’s bedrock and unchangeable, in my experience.

USB-storage is an unreliable joke.

ANY revision of it, that I’ve tried.


Paragone ,

Malnutrition creates life-long damage/harm when it harms growing children.

It doesn’t require outright-starvation to damage an entire-population’s viability.

No matter: evil does what evil does, & when it claims that “the bible” justifies it, well, that’s just icing on the cake, isn’t it?

We can see the “Christians” in the US & Islamist “Muslims” proving the same principle, can’t we?

And the “Buddhists” who genocided Tamils, & “Hindus” who butcher whomever they’re ideologically-intolerant-of at the time…

There is no “religion” which is the cause of this: it is caused by our animal-ignorance mind, which the Abrahamic religion called “behemoth”, usually translated as “the beast”.

You can even see the book of Isaiah railing against such things.

Human-nature won’t change until most of our kind are extinguished, right?

Some other species might have had an instant-and-violent-reaction against doing what Russia & Israel are doing…

Our accommodating of it … insults God/Life, doesn’t it?

_ /\ _

How come no true use for recent AI developments has been found yet?

I saw people complaining the companies are yet to find the next big thing with AI, but I am already seeing countless offer good solutions for almost every field imaginable. What is this thing the tech industry is waiting for and what are all these current products if not what they had in mind?...

Paragone ,

They are creative, though:

They put things that are “near” each-other into juxtaposition, and sometimes the insights are astonishing.

The AI’s don’t understand anything, though: they’re like bacteria-instinct: total autopilot.

The real problem is that we humans aren’t able to default to understanding such non-understanding apparent-someones.

We’ve created a “hack” of our entire mental-system, and it is the money-profit-rules-the-world group which controls its evolution.

This is called “Darwin Award territory”, at the species-scale.

No matter:

The Great Filter, which is what happens when a world-species hasn’t grown-up, but gains adult-level technology ( nukes, entire-country-destroying-militaries, biotech, neurotoxins, immense industrial toxic wastelands like the former USSR, accountability-denial-mechanisms in all corporate “persons”, etc… )

you have a toddler with a loaded gun, & killing can happen.

“there’s no such thing as a dangerous gun: only a dangerous man”, as the book “Starship Troopers” pushed…

Toddlers with guns KILL people in the US.

AI’s our “gun”, & narcissistic-sociopathy’s our “toddler commanding the ship” nature.

Maybe we should rename Earth to “The Titanic”, for honesty’s sake…

_ /\ _

Paragone ,

I would suggest, instead, that “Classical Physics” is created by entanglement:

the non-quantum reality at our scale is just what happens, when everything is entangled, to the point of clogging-up-the-works of quantumness, as it were…

.: you get things like … as you scale up from quantum-level … the everything-is-discontinuous/everything-is-turbulence … turns into, once enough entanglement is happening, “laminar flow” in fluid-dynamics, even-though NOTHING in QM is laminar-flow, so there’s simply no basis for “laminar flow” at the lower-level…

I wonder how significant this is, really…

_ /\ _

Paragone ,

This is the perfectest demonstration of how Kahneman1 mind, imprint->reaction mind, ideology/prejudice mind, works to displace considered-reasoning Kahneman2 mind.

There’s no point in appealing to considered-reason within any ideology, left or right, religious or ideological or political…

The imprint->reaction has already defined everything.

The only antidote to such is to have invested, through the previous decades, heavily in competent unbiased education, to make considered-reason/Kahneman2 mind the automatic default for more of the population.

Too bad it’s too late…

“proletariat dictatorship” / “populist dictatorship”

both displace considered-reason.

Yes it’s war: it’s war against considered-reason because ideology’s addiction to its own supremacy is all-consuming.

It’s too bad…

Trump Campaign Sent Cease-and-Desist Letter to ProPublica Attempting to Stop Their Latest Exposé. It Didn’t Work. (

Former President Donald Trump’s campaign and businesses have provided “Significant financial benefits” to nine of the witnesses in his criminal cases, ProPublica reported Monday morning - shrugging off a threatening cease-and-desist letter sent by Trump’s attorney....

Paragone ,

At the moment, that is true.

What happens to ProPublica after Trump becomes dictator??

It may take a few years, but once he goes “full Putin”, there are going to be executions of whistleblowers, real-journalists, etc…

Anybody who is ignoring/denying that is living in lala land.

_ /\ _

Paragone ,

The “stubby” bottles were replaced with tall “classier” bottles in a surge of … fashion-moment, or something.

I remember somebody did a news vid, or documentary on it, & the industry lost usable-storage-effectiveness when they went with the taller bottles, and there’s more glass in them, too…

They said if they’d known what the actual results would be ( it didn’t alter the market to increase the percentage of the population which is always buying beer, for some reason… ), they wouldn’t have done it.

Well, Duh…

“never believe your own hype” IS a rule, because when you’re believing your own marketing-bumf, then you’re not competent at calculating any sort of project balance-sheet, right?

Paragone ,

Dust from tires.

There was an air-quality researcher who tried getting samples in Toronto, of pollen.

He couldn’t find the pollen.

Only tires-particles.

The significance of the changes in tires, since the 1970’s, is astonishing.

What tires can do, nowadays, … outright unbelievable, compared with way back when.

Look at how far over modern bicycle-racers can lean, compared with images of the old races, when their tires hadn’t anywhere near the grip they’ve got now…

but they’re still being poured into the atmosphere at stunning rate…

All the wear of your tires, as the tread gets thinner, its going into the ecology, either the air or the waters or the land around the roads,

& then you’ve got the oceans-of-used-tires which often can’t be recycled, or cost too much to be recycled…

There has been extensive study on this stuff, btw, dig a bit & you’ll find some in-depth stuff!

Paragone ,

Whereas I think every one of them looks oniony.

Maybe I’m just remembering too many Mad Magazines from back in the day, though…

Paragone ,

Keep in mind that some people just have brain-defects.

I’m defective for social-process ( if I could live somehow where I never had to meet another human-being, or never had to even be within 100km of any human-being, only interacting online, … for the rest of my life … lower stress … yeah : )

but not defective for some other things, maybe.

Some people are color-blind, some dyslexic, some are screwed for spelling, some for grammar.

Diversity’s more real than I’d ever understood, when I was young…

Evolution’s concerned with getting the average right, right?

The individual can be … chaotically a mixture of better-at-this & moar-worser-at-that, while still keeping the average … average.

: )

Does the form factor between 3.5" and 2.5" matter in a NAS server? (

Been finding some good deals on 2.5 disks lately, but have never bought one before. Have a couple of 3.5 disks on the other hand in my Unraid server. Wondering how much it matters wether I get a 2.5 or not? What form factor do you prefer/usually go for?

Paragone ,


Also, the vibration produced by the 2.5" drives is less, but they’re more-sensitive to it, to begin with.

I’d not even consider spinning-platter drives, nowadays, though:

SATA SSD’s for a NAS strike me as being the sanest choice.

Samsung what are those called, Evo drives?

excellently-high MTBF, ultra-short ( compared with rotating-platters ) seek-time ( literally orders-of-magnitude quicker ), etc.

I don’t know of ANY reason to go with spinning-platters, nowadays.

( & I’m saying that as a guy stupid-enough to have not realized this in time, & who spent money on such a thing, when SSD’s really were the answer )

Paragone ,

Nobody accepts that they’re going to win, because Biden’s institutional-inertia & assumed-entitlement aren’t sufficient to win.

Also, the economic house-of-cards that both China & the US are trying to keep from collapsing must go down, sooner or later, & if it goes down before the US election, then the incumbent’s hosed.

( that is true no matter who the incumbent is, and I believe it always has been true: that it’s a general rule of elections: economic-collapse automatically rips the rug out from the incumbent )

Nobody understands that they need to do the ideological psyching-up, in order to “justify” all the butchery, all the “getting even” their side’s committed to enforcing, so that they will later be able to maintain they weren’t responsible…

( it makes me wonder if there was similar unconscious-understanding, & similar setting-up-non-responsibility, among other violent political, or religious, movements’ people )


A dozen years from now, I’m going to be very surprised if more than 150 million are left alive in the US of A, after Civil War Part2 is finished.

There are currently around 400 million, iirc.

I’m expecting 2/3rds extinguished in the coming maelstrom, & its consequences.

And that is just within the US.

Trump’s commitment to gut NATO & back Putin…

the butchery of the US of A will be only the beginning, obviously.

But for ideology-addiction, rampaging’s “The Answer”, isn’t it?

Paragone ,

Space-suits must operate this way, if inadvertently…

The number of decibels at the rocket-nozzles is waaay higher than what it would be “at the top of the candle”, but … there’s pretty-much nothing in Nature as loud as those things are, except meteorites, maybe some volcanoes, being inside of lightning, etc…

Paragone ,

She knows that if she ditches him, and he becomes dictator, and he becomes more Putin-like, he may have her murdered or torture-murdered.

I’d say she has no choice about sticking with him, now: it’s a fact of her basic-survival, in the long-term view.

Paragone ,

Fucking fool:

Trump’s going to back Putin directly, against East Europe, gutting NATO, & Zelenskiy is goading him to be enemy?

Paragone ,

Realistically, it’ll take 2 decades to hammer-out AI to the level that it’s truly-mission-trustworthy.

Right now, everybody’s “high”.

It’s the same with all technologies…

Remember a few years ago, when somegody discovered you could power things with steam?

Remember the hype?

The whole coal industry, remember that?

The business with the invention of the horseless carriages?

The invention of the wheel was before my time, but I’m sure it was hyped on Myspace or something, back in the day…

Are shrunken heads a rights violation?

If we consider post-mortem rights to matter morally, then something like necrophilia or defiling someone’s body after their death would be immoral even if they don’t experience it (obviously) and even if they don’t have any family or loved ones around to witness it or know that it happened. As an extension of themself,...

Paragone ,

Depends on the religion, I’d say…

to me, though, it’d be a mental-illness to want one.

Paragone ,

Attending & hitting with pointed-questions would do more than not-attending.

Same with all the people who quit their post in order to protest the misuse-of-authority: when you get out of abuse’s way … you aren’t hindering it, you’re only making a “social statement”.

Remaining in the way, & pushing back is what’s required, right?

Paragone ,

Notice his gaslighting:

he’s actively warring to destroy as much of the Palestinian population as possible, & eradicate them from their lands,

& he puts this forward as the real problem, or the key to solution…


Paragone ,

But they can’t do anything about it, right?

That, right there, calls the entire legal-profession & “justice” system into contempt of justice.

“Checks & Balances” are supposed to prevent ideological highjacking of the judiciary, right?

Obviously, it was all pretend, all “nudge nudge wink wink” “checks & balances”.

The legal profession either will finish giving totalitarianism the leverage it needs to exterminate civil-rights,

XOR ( exclusive-OR ) it will get rewritten in ways that prevent such obscenity from wearing the legal-profession & calling itself “justice”.

I’m not holding my breath for the Justice solution: incumbent lobby/interest groups wouldn’t ever allow integrity to crimp their style, would they?

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