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kcarr2015 , to random avatar

I can't believe this show inadvertently swapped for . I know Jennifer Lien had issues, but it was such a odd turn of fate to drop the innocent, empathic character for cold, aloof, and sexy.

...or maybe it was apt? Audience seemed to REALLY like cold, aloof, and sexy.🤷‍♂️

sezduck , avatar

@Infrogmation @allstartrek @kcarr2015
Did they actually condsider adding Sarah Silverman to the cast? That would’ve been interesting!

Infrogmation , avatar

@sezduck @allstartrek @kcarr2015
Indeed! It was under consideration as a possibility.
I don't know where I read it first, but here's a source:

scintilla , to random avatar

I recently learned that I have that typically autistic memory.
I can remember stuff very well. I usually don't reread novels because I know the good one almost by heart and remember the bad ones to vividly. I know so many random things, that family "uses" me as a Google or Wikipedia alternative. But I struggle to remember my childhood. I used to think it was a childhood specific thing, then I thought I voluntary forgot the "bad times" in my twenties. Then I listened (...)

scintilla OP , avatar

(...) if I see one. But I assure you it doesn't feel scary to me.
This has always been my view of the world. It means for example that I see my husband every day as if I saw him for the very first time in ages (minus the longing). I never get bored of him. It means I can just talk to strangers and be as friendly as if I was an old friend - because I usually don't remember old friends and play it safe.
But it also means I sometimes hold a grudge because (...)

scintilla OP , avatar

(...) the things I do remember I remember vividly and without a timeframe. So even things long ago feel fresh to me.
Luckily I usually don't hold a grudge and am very positive and accepting towards people.

Not sure if this thread makes any sense, but I wanted to share my experience with and @actuallyautistic

mr_MADAFAKA , to videos avatar

How could he be that good?!



Decoy321 ,

Carrey always had ridiculous talent like that, especially during his In Living Color days. The sheer expressive capabilities this dude had were amazing!

Rubanski ,

I want that shirt

StableGeniusLib , to random avatar

“Librarians in public schools in Charlotte County, Florida, were instructed by the school district superintendent to remove all books with LGBTQ characters or themes from school and classroom libraries.”

This is a must read from the always informative Judd Legum.

jlroberson , avatar

@StableGeniusLib I'm reminded of this piece by @neilhimself , Bryan Talbot and Mark Buckingham from AARGH!( Against Rampant Government ), published against Clause 28(a Thatcherite plan that was almost identical to ' plan) by 's short-lived company Mad Love in 1988


apricots ,

@jlroberson @StableGeniusLib @neilhimself For any interested, I chased down the quote referenced in the last panel: . I can’t tell from those minutes (without considerably more reading) whether the amendment passed (and whether it exists in law today). If you know, I’d be interested.

elonjet , to random avatar

Landed in Austin, Texas, US.

gikkt , avatar

@elonjet thought I smelled sulfur

GrandpaDave , avatar

@elonjet We're never going to make it to Mars if Musk keeps flying around the world instead of managing SpaceX.

hmm_cook , to random avatar

If you could name one wildly improbable dream—one thing you would love to be able to do if people issues were no obstacle—what would it be?

notagander , avatar

@CynAq @hmm_cook @actuallyautistic ahaha People issues aside? Accessibility Coach. I wanna yell at people/corps for not making appropriate/legally-mandated/completely normal and low effort accommodations for people with disabilities of all kinds. Autism being just one of many things that are normative to the point that someone should write guide to it. “seeeeeeeee i promise it’s not that hard to be nice to people who have different needs than you.” 🤣

hmm_cook OP , avatar

@notagander @CynAq @actuallyautistic Yes! I hope you do this and can help lots of companies which can help lots and lots and lots of other people! You’re right, it’s not that hard. It does take letting go of some assumptions though.

elonjet , to random avatar

Landed in Teterboro, New Jersey, US. Apx. flt. time 3 h 25 min.

bullwong , avatar

@elonjet TIL Teterboro has an airport

daumenlutscher , avatar
anomalon , to random avatar

Pattern brain:
Why the rush to a new hashtag when has been in use for ten years and is understood across every platform in use now?

Rude brain:
Why did all the cool kids get up and decide to sit at a new lunch table when the poor weird kid who was raised in a cult sat down with them?

Pattern brain: Shut up

Rude brain: I'm doing your job now.

FrightenedRat , avatar

@CynAq @anomalon @autistic[email protected]

It wasn't a rush to a new tag.

When I 1st came here I assumed was gatekeeping & didn't interact until I saw the tag explained. Most weeks since I've seen posts assuming the same.

But like many of us I'm fond of the AA tag, plus change is... unappealing.

Then I saw a couple of posts under & got quite anxious we'd go through the pain of change but end up with another problematic tag.

So I thought I'd better say something.

adelinej , avatar

@FrightenedRat @CynAq @anomalon @autistic[email protected] @actuallyautistic

When I read the AA tag for the 1st time I had no idea what it meant so I looked online. I understand the wish to have a new # because of the gatekeeping aspect but I have seen several new ones today + groups and it’s confusing.

As mentioned in the initial post of this thread the # is used everywhere online since 10 years, so I will continue, for myself, to explain its meaning to people wondering about it. 😊

H2SO4 , (edited ) to gaming

Playing a lot of RDR2 for the first time. The minigame "Five Finger Filet" annoys the hell outta me. So wrote an AutoHotKey script for it. It goes about 12 fillets(?) per round.

` ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
; ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.

keys := ["s", "d", "a", "s", "a"]

SetKeyDelay, 0, 50
While !(GetKeyState("x", "P"))
for key, val in keys
Send {w down}
Sleep 50
Send {w up}
Sleep 100
Send {%val% down}
Sleep 50
Send {%val% up}
Sleep 100

Read Dead Redemption 2
Five Finger Fillet
AutoHotKey script
(change the keys array every round).

Edit: Just realized hashtags work!

H2SO4 OP ,

@derekabutton Definitely! I tested it out, but couldn't get it to work in the first try, so took the lazy route and just hardcoded the sequence in.

derekabutton ,

A wise man once told me that technology isn’t about making simple things complicated. It’s about making complicated things simple.

The code for the prompt would probably be twice the size of the rest, and would take quite a bit more time than it would save. Sounds like you had the right idea in leaving it out. I can never keep myself to those obvious limits and it’s always such a waste automating for hours to save seconds lol

isthereanydeal , to steam avatar

🚿 PowerWash Simulator, 20% OFF 🚿

This game hasn't seen a big sale yet, but it is currently discounted at Humble.
If you're craving a zen-like experience to satisfy your cleaning OCD, get this one @steam


threegnomes ,

would also recommend using a controller

Yokozuna ,

But if your hand isn’t cramping are you really power washing? INEEDIMMERSION.

mathewhayden , to technology

The Metaverse: A New Digital Frontier

The metaverse represents an interconnected virtual space where individuals can socialize, work, play, and create, mirroring aspects of our physical world. It transcends mere virtual reality, encompassing augmented reality and other immersive technologies to create a seamless blend of the digital and physical realms. Companies like Facebook (now Meta), Epic Games, and countless startups are investing heavily in building the infrastructure for this interconnected digital space.

Get Free Sample PDF Copy Of This Report At:

The potential applications of the metaverse are vast and varied. From attending virtual conferences, experiencing immersive entertainment, collaborating on projects, to even owning digital real estate, the metaverse promises to revolutionize how we engage with the digital landscape.
Digital Human Avatars: Personalities in Pixels

At the core of the metaverse experience lies the concept of the digital human avatar. These avatars serve as our virtual representatives, allowing us to navigate the metaverse, interact with others, and express ourselves in ways that transcend the limitations of our physical bodies. These avatars can be lifelike replicas of ourselves, fantastical creations, or anything in between, granting us the freedom to embody our imagination.
Advancements in AI and graphics technology have made it possible to create digital human avatars that exhibit lifelike expressions, emotions, and interactions. From virtual influencers and content creators to customer service representatives and companions, these avatars are poised to become an integral part of our online existence.

NFT Markets: The Digital Ownership Revolution

In tandem with the rise of the metaverse and digital human avatars, NFT markets have taken the concept of ownership to new dimensions. NFTs are unique digital tokens that represent ownership or proof of authenticity of a digital asset, typically built on blockchain technology. These assets can range from digital art and music to virtual real estate and in-game items. The beauty of NFTs lies in their ability to establish true ownership and provenance in the digital realm, solving the long-standing issue of digital content replication and piracy.

Browse full Report:

The rapid growth of NFT minting platforms and marketplaces is attracting various creators to join the metaverse. NFTs, which are unique digital assets, are driving revenue growth in the market. Platforms like Zora are updating their revenue split models to ensure that creators receive a fair share of the mint fees. For example, Zora now guarantees that creators will receive at least 42.9% of the mint fees from free mints and all money produced from purchased mints.

The NFT market has witnessed explosive growth, attracting artists, collectors, investors, and enthusiasts alike. Notable sales of digital art pieces for millions of dollars have highlighted the market's potential, although criticisms about environmental impact and speculation within the market have also emerged. Regardless, NFTs are reshaping how we value and exchange digital assets, and as the metaverse evolves, NFTs could become the cornerstone of digital ownership.

**A Symbiotic Future
The convergence of the metaverse, digital human avatars, and NFT markets presents a future where the boundaries between reality and the virtual world become increasingly blurred. Imagine attending business meetings as your digital avatar, clad in digital couture purchased as NFTs, in a virtual office space owned by you through blockchain technology. This vision of the future raises questions about identity, privacy, economy, and societal norms.

As we navigate this evolving landscape, ethical considerations about data privacy, security, and the democratization of the metaverse need to be at the forefront of discussions. Collaborations between governments, technology companies, and society at large will be crucial to ensure a responsible and inclusive development of this new digital frontier.

The interconnection between the metaverse, digital human avatars, and NFT markets is creating new opportunities for businesses and individuals alike. Companies can engage consumers on a more personal level through digital avatars, providing unique experiences and driving brand loyalty. NFTs enable digital ownership and asset representation in the metaverse, enhancing the accessibility and ownership experience of digital art and collectibles.

Request For Customization:

Gormadt , avatar

Honestly I’m surprised that your comment is older than the post

theKalash ,

Timezones. Programmers hate them.

goatsarah , to selfhost

So I got a warning that nginx proxy manager hadn't been renewing my certificates for a while tonight.

Tried to renew them manually.

It broke, everywhere, badly. Ended up reinstalling from scratch, even on a different machine, but it Would Not Work. Kept throwing internal NPM errors.

Is it currently broken? I've resorted to a manual nginx config for now. but it's not ideal. Anyone else seeing flakiness from nginx proxy manager?

TagMeInSkipIGotThis ,

Heh, mine’s not so different, multiple subnets - plus Wireguard :)

I don’t exactly know why but in the end it was definitely a inter-vlan connectivity problem I kept hitting. The pain was trying to prove it out as the official Nginx Proxy Manager container for unraid didn’t include anything like ping / traceroute etc.

teclo , avatar

I had an issue like this, I actually shelled into the docker container and found that the process to upgrade was running but had stalled. So I killed it and then made a new request and it worked.

crimedad , to pics

[OP] Lol someone ordered Burger King at the beach.

Not sure if they're actually going to get their order though.


Crackhappy , avatar

The perspective messed with me and I thought it was a small child holding the bag for a minute.

yads ,
crimedad , to pics

[OC] Monjuïc Castle

Yesterday, we took a funicular (not pictured, unfortunately) and a cable car up to the Monjuïc Castle fortress. It's an impressive structure with excellent views of the city and there's an active park on the surrounding grounds, but it has a dark history. On multiple occasions, its cannon have been turned on the city below to administer collective punishment for resistance to the crown in Madrid. The fortress has also been the site of numerous atrocities. Look up the Bombardment of Barcelona (1842) for example.


One of the fort's ramparts. This shot reminds me of the forts in San Juan.
A view of the Barcelona coast from the gondola ride up to the fort.
A view of the massive seaport to the southwest of the fort. A big gun on a turret is visible in the foreground.
Another view of the Barcelona coast from the fort.
One of the forts towers with a mast on top.
A big gun with graffiti on it.
Another big gun with graffiti on it. One noticable line reads "puerto rico".

DonJefe , avatar

They are probably from the Spanish civil war. The fort was still used as a military facility during the war: ……/castle-during-second-republic-an…

yads ,

I loved the funicular to get up there when i visited. What a great view. It was also neat seeing the evolution of the fortress

the_Effekt , to random avatar

How many interviews have actually been done with homeless people? How many of their stories of struggle have you actually heard?

Few to none I'll bet. That's because everyone involved in producing the glamour of a thriving society makes it a priority to suppress just how badly it's failing.

internet_seer , avatar

Thanks, very neat! I hope they become useful for people whose voices are under/mis-represented, the way the signal of helped replace some noise from autism speaks on and spread from there.

Looking into that tag led to finding this article, which seems interesting and I will post here, but haven’t fully read yet.

(Now I’ve also learned the term topos/topoi, so that’s a nice . Will have to look into the relationship to .)

Tooden , avatar

@internet_seer Awesome. We are Aristotleian Autism-topoi rhetors. @acm_redfox @actuallyautistic

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