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PunnyName ,

They have to be vaccinated to keep working, despite the bullshit they peddle.

ZeroCool OP ,

Yep and the only people unaware of that mandatory vaccination requirement seem to be Fox News’ viewers. So I find this very amusing.

flipht ,

That's the thing about everyone posting about publication of private fact...there's no private fact here.

It's been well publicized that Fox required all their employees to get vaccinated in order to continue there.

If she was there during that time, and she's still working, it's public knowledge that she's vaccinated.

ramble81 ,

“but, but, they have to be! Otherwise the man won’t let them get the truth out to us. They’re sacrificing themselves and conforming so we can get THE TRUTH”

luthis ,

They are still going on about the vaccine??

ZeroCool OP , (edited )

The CDC just recommended a new round of boosters for everyone the other day. And as expected, conservative media is melting down about it again. But even beyond that, they’ve been getting back into “COVID temper tantrum” mode for about a week or so now that we’re moving into the fall.

railsdev ,

Despite knowing this I personally checked the date on this post before digging in because I had the exact same thought.

luthis ,

Well at least I can commend Faux News for their consistency.

XeroxCool ,

I came for the discussion, I stayed for the username.

Trash the planet.

[skates away]

crashoverride ,

Then you might like mine, lol

XeroxCool ,

Yes! Just need Acid Burn and the whole gang will be here. Crash&Burn

crashoverride ,

Also cereal killer, Nikon, and master of diaster

samus12345 ,

Oh, thanks for the heads up that the Omicron vaccine is available now! Will schedule it and a flu shot this weekend.

BruceTwarzen ,

I miss the days when antivaxxers were just a source of amusement, like flat earthers. Now they seem to be everywhere and it's just sad.

MartinXYZ ,

It was never amusing. Earlier it was “only” kids dying of the measles because their dumbass parents were antivaxxers. With COVID-19, it started affecting adults so that’s why they get more attention. The public seems to be better able to tolerate children dying of preventable shit than adults.

msage ,

It was way less children than Covid has killed.

And it wasn’t like nobody cared, those parents had to go out of their way to not vaccinate their children.

FontMasterFlex ,

Just because someone’s against THIS “vaccine” doesn’t mean they are an ‘antivaxxer’. Lumping everyone together for one view is dangerous.

Goblin_Mode ,

Yes it does.

There is literally nothing of substance behind the claims that “this one is different” it’s the exact same argument from the exact same unreliable sources. Literally the ONLY difference is that this vaccine was made controversal by American politics.

If you are against the covid vaccine then you are an anti-vaxxer, whether you realize it or not.

DontTreadOnBigfoot , (edited ) avatar

That’s not strictly true.

This was the first FDA-approved mRNA vaccine, so it is “different”.


Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine is the first mRNA product to achieve full FDA approval in the U.S.

Jakeroxs ,

Technically correct, but that doesn’t mean it’s any less safe by all accounts.…/how-does-mrna-vaccine-compare-traditio……/what_makes_an_rna_vaccine_different_……/mrna-vaccine

I imagine you’re not actually against the Vaccine, just pointing out the factual truth that it is indeed different then prior vaccines, however that doesn’t on it’s own make it unsafe.

DontTreadOnBigfoot , avatar

I never said (or even implied) it was less safe, only that saying it’s no different than previous vaccines is not true.

You’re putting words in my mouth

Jakeroxs , (edited )

I agreed with you?

Even said, “I imagine you’re not against the vaccine” because you were getting down voted because people are weird about facts that sound like something a nut would say even if factually true.

volvoxvsmarla ,

You’re technically correct so I don’t understand the downvotes, you most obviously didn’t imply anything else. Love the mrna technology, went out of my way to get vaccinated during pregnancy (because Germany was a bit slow with that), literally worked on Covid, Anti-Covid meds and mRNA in the lab, and you’ll have my upvote. You’re the best kind of correct after all. Don’t get discouraged.


Most people here do not have fully functioning brains and cannot distinguish someone being correct from someone blathering nonsense.

Upvotes and downvotes are purely based on whether or not your vibes match their expectations.

Staccato ,

The thing is, there are several vaccines for covid available worldwide.

I’ve never heard an anti-“THIS”-vaccine person ever say “I just don’t want to use mRNA so I want the J&J vaccine” or anything of that nature.

All I ever heard was lies, pretending covid wasn’t severe or that ivermectin is a protective or that there’s 5G magnetism in the vaccine.

polle ,

Do want another level of insanity? Here in Germany, we got the news today that WEATHER TV persons get harrased by people that think there is no climate change and its just propaganda.

volvoxvsmarla ,

Oh please please do you have a link or a name that i can google?

Etterra ,

That’s just any day ending with the letter y in parts of America, must notably in Florida.

ObiGynKenobi ,

There was a meteorologist in the US, in Nebraska iirc, that resigned a couple of months ago after receiving death threats for daring to mention climate change during his weather report. They’re fucking unhinged.

cheesemonk ,

“yeah it’s been the hottest year on record, pretty hot even here in Nebraska. Obviously we have no idea why this is happening, maybe it’s God punishing us for gay marriage”

Is that what they want. Like it’s getting hotter they can’t possibly try to deny that. Right?

SoleInvictus , avatar

They fall over themselves denying it still. “Last winter sure was cold, no climate change here!”

cheesemonk , (edited )

This retort always reminds me of the SNL with Kate McKinnon as Laura Ingraham and she has a list of feel facts that might not be true but they feel true. One of them is “if global warming is real why are my feet cold”

Link if you’re looking for a laugh. It’s in the first two minutes

Lemminary ,

I bet it’s from Republicans sucking dick under the stalls but they’ll never admit to it

ObiGynKenobi ,

They’d be quicker to believe that tbh. Anything that lets them shirk all accountability for their own actions and justify their bigotry. Your facts << their feelings because skydaddy told them they’re special and he’s got it all under control.

RedBaronHarkonnen ,

Polarized. Two nearly identical people can easily be convinced to hate each other over all sorts of silly nonsense because of what media they choose to consume.

ObiGynKenobi ,

Nah, if you’re so unhinged that you’re making death threats simply because someone referenced objective and observable scientific facts that your warped fairy tale reality doesn’t let you accept, there’s no “once you cut through all your regressive, batshit beliefs, we’re really the same”. There’s no reasoning with them because the delusion (e.g. “owning the libs”) is their whole identity.

RedBaronHarkonnen ,

Thank you for the example of someone dehumanizing other people.

ObiGynKenobi ,

How’s the view from your high horse?

I’ve learned that trying to take the high road with people that revel in bigotry and corruption is a fruitless endeavor. I’m done being naive and giving them the benefit of the doubt. Perhaps that’s because I live in the real world and actually deal with these people, rather than the pontificating about the intellectual concept of these people.

RedBaronHarkonnen ,

You are interesting. Go ahead and doubledown on hatred. Thanks. Have a great day!

ObiGynKenobi ,

Speaking of interesting, you should read up on the paradox of tolerance. It’s very enlightening stuff! Thanks for sharing your perspective!

RedBaronHarkonnen ,

You should learn empathy.

ObiGynKenobi ,

You should learn the difference between lacking empathy and reserving it for people that aren’t bigots.

AnUnusualRelic , avatar

In France, on one of the main channels (the public TV, something like 5 or 6 channels, one of which is 24h news), the weather is now called “climate news” and addresses frontally climate stuff, with a link where you can send questions that they answer on air (whether what they answer are real questions or not is left as an exercise to the reader).

Of course that ruffled some feathers with the lunatic fringe, but they stuck with it, which is nice.

whome ,

That’s pretty cool.

IHaveTwoCows ,

But but but only lefties are violent people who harass

AnUnusualRelic , avatar

Some weather people have shown a spherical Earth instead of a disc! Heathens!

jasondj ,

Oh that’s been going on everywhere for a while.

For most people, the TV weatherman is legit the only scientist they know. Of course they’re gonna take it out on them.

Maslo ,

checks Russel Brands YouTube

Yeah…yeah they are

dangblingus ,

Russel Brand turning into a conservative hack was not on my apocalypse bingo card.

CeeBee ,

I used to really like Russell Brand. Not to say I don’t like him. I’ve never met him but from all accounts he seems to be a decent and caring person. But his recent weird ramblings are just… odd.

GladiusB , avatar

Still trying to find relevance. It’s a hard gig.

Lemminary ,

I thought that was Russell Howard for a second and kinda chocked. I could believe it, too, nothing is sacred anymore! Lol

Illuminostro ,

Yes, because people not working cuts into their dividends.

Agent641 ,

You are anti-vax because youre a paranoid conspiracy theorist.

I am anti-vax because I crave death.

straightens tie

We are not the same.

HeyThisIsntTheYMCA , avatar

I’m antivax because I sell tiny coffins and business was slow

Agent641 ,

slaps roof of tiny coffin

“This bad boy can fit exactly one antivaxxer’s kid…”

dojan , avatar

There are nicer ways to go than covid. Like overzealous erotic asphyxiation. Get you a nice hunk to choke you to death.

Agent641 ,

You offering? 👉👈

samus12345 ,

Also lots of ways that don’t risk taking other people with you.

SketchySeaBeast , avatar

You could always ask David Carradine for tips. Wait…

FarceMultiplier , avatar

Bungie cord 6 inches too long…so they leave an impression.

Tylerdurdon ,

Wouldn’t that be PHI disclosure in some fashion? I smell hyenas turning on each other and lawsuits blazing.

athos77 ,

That only applies to medical professionals and insurance companies.

Hillock , (edited )

No, HIPAA only applies to people who work in the health sector or are associated with it. Anyone else, including journalists and media people don't have to follow these rules. They can talk about the healt status of others as they please. The only concern would be defamation but that's also only an issue if the statement is false.

While HIPAA doesn't apply in this case, it's irrelevant. It could still be considered Publication of a Private Fact which is punishable under US law.

It's unlikely this would be successful but there is enough grounds for a lawsuit to not be thrown out immediately.

Tylerdurdon ,

So then why do we have to watch those horrendous videos on the disclosure of PHI, even in non-related fields? I do it yearly and have been Clockwork-Orange-educated into knowing what it looks like, how it should be transmitted, etc.

It really makes me think the company would be liable in some way.

Nougat ,

I believe that the non-disclosure applies to companies or individuals who have a relationship with a person as a client, or some other kind of business relationship. My doctor or insurance company has to protect my medical information, but if my neighbor finds out I'm rocking just one nut, he can tell anyone he wants.

Metanoia ,

Are you rocking one nut or are you slandering yourself?

Nougat ,


Hillock ,

That would depend on your work. Maybe you are working for a company that is associated or a subcontractor with the health care industry.

An accountant overseeing the finances of a small clinic or a contractor doing renovations in a hospital both have to abide by HIPAA to a degree.

HeyThisIsntTheYMCA , avatar

There’s also defamation per se which can apply to salacious details like HIV status and some other things I can’t remember (that class was a long time ago and I spent all my time in title 26) where even if the info is true, it’s still defamatory. I’ve only skimmed this article but I like generally Cornell Law Library.

Hillock ,

I read through it but defamation per se still talks about false statements. The difference is that you don't have to prove damages.
But while reading up on it, turns out the first comment was indeed right. Publication of a Private Fact can be punishable even if the statement is true.

It's very questionable wether the statement fulfills the requirements. It's already publicly known that FOX employees require vaccinations and it's doubtful disclosing this fact is offensive to a reasonable person but there is at least some potential here.

XeroxCool ,

The logic against HIPAA doesn’t apply. Boebert claimed asking her on air was a violation so it was then spouted by every viewer after that.

everett ,

Is it still a private fact when Fox News has (or at least had in 2021) a well-publicized vaccine requirement for employees?

Hillock ,

I don't think so. I also don't think that a reasonable person would be offended by having their vaccination status disclosed. So winning a potential lawsuit would be unlikely.

But I think there is enough grounds to at least have it go to trial. While claiming a HIPAA violation wouldn't even make it that far since it doesn't apply here.

style99 , avatar

Fox "News"

Venat0r ,

Faux News

TonyTonyChopper , avatar

why does anyone care

Acedelgado ,

Because it exposes that someone who is making a living capitalizing off of extremist views that spread mass harm to the populace is a hypocrite that made sure to protect herself while telling everyone else that protection is a hoax, or at the least untrustworthy and harmful. Calling these people on their bullshit is a good thing to do. It's not the same thing as "OMG did you hear Taylor Swift broke up with her 35th boyfriend?!", it actually has real world consequences.

TonyTonyChopper , avatar

ok this wall of text has convinced me to block the community

Dkarma ,

Dense MF can’t read like 4 sentences. Lead paint victim.

TonyTonyChopper , avatar


JBloodthorn , avatar

They're like a video game character that gets caught on the landscaping.

SkyeStarfall ,

What a weird statement. It’s not even that much text.

The anti-vax conspiracy is doing tons of harm on the world.

bradorsomething ,

Wait, backup, is she single? If so and you’re reading this, hit me up Taylor.

JBloodthorn , avatar

Slow down, 37

willsenior ,

Well, “fine” is debatable when describing Jeanine Pirro

stevedidWHAT , avatar



Kefass ,


TheControlled ,

The post is a link…

SocialMediaRefugee ,

She had to get vaccinated to work there. Her job was more important than the “evil” vaccine I guess.

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