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Seriously, what the f*** is keeping Donald Trump in this presidential race?

Kamala Harris running a damn near flawless campaign, with just a month 1/2 of campaigning. She’s been holding rallies nonstop with Tim Walz & not making her talking points about her race or gender like Hillary. She’s offering expanded healthcare, reinvestments back into public housing, wants to take on corporate greed, protect reproductive rights and chose a pro labor, pro education running mate.

Yet, she’s either barely leading or ties in most polls with a guy that:

Is a convicted felon.

Liable Sexual Predator.

Gets sentenced in November.

Has several more pending cases.

Increased Drone Strikes by 300%. (Joe Biden dosent use drones anymore).

Illegally killed an Iranian General unprovoked with a missle strike.

Increased tensions in Israel/Palestine with the Abraham Accords.

Wants war with Mexico (his words).

Tried to coup Venezuela.

Will bend the knee for Netanyahu’s potential war with Iran.

Lowered the corporate tax rate from 35% to 21% (lowest in history).

Obvious tax cuts for the rich.

Told people to drink bleach during the pandemic.

Is the main driving force for America’s current division.

Constantly attacks marginalized groups.

Tried to steal the 2020 election (Find Me 11,000 votes in GA).

Did Fake Elector Slates to pressure Mike Pence to not certify the 2020 election.

Caused a riot on the capitol that lead to his OWN supporters dying.

Just got washed by Harris in the last debate, was completely unprepared on anything but immigration (“I have concepts of a plan”).

And so much more. So seriously what is it? Is it just the attraction to bigotry/racism? Is it to end “wokeness”. Is it because Kamala is a woman of color? You can’t use the both sides argument like Hilary or Biden, Kamala is the obvious better choice. Could you imagine if Kamala had as much baggage as Trump? The media would lose their minds.

Seriously, how the f*** is this guy still in the race?

tiefling , (edited )

It’s simple. Bigotry and greed. Trump plays to people’s fears that “others” will soon have the same rights they do while also assuring his rich handlers that he will make them richer. He’s convinced the poor to cut off their nose to spite their face.

Conservatism is a mental illness, it can’t be defeated with logic and reasoning

InternetCitizen2 ,

it can’t be defeated with logic and reasoning

YouTube channel Knowing Better made a video about the Seventh Day Adventist. Basically the same conclusion.

BackOnMyBS , avatar

Found it! It’s almost 3 hrs long, so you know what that means: a glass of wine, your favorite easy chair, and of course, this YouTube video streaming on your home system. So, go on, and indulge yourself. That’s right, kick off your shoes, put your feet up, lean back and just enjoy the rational documentary. After all, knowledge soothes even the savage lemming.

Banichan , avatar


BackOnMyBS , avatar

Yeppers, peppers! 🫑

tburkhol ,

Have an updoot, Offspring-fan.

Zachariah , avatar

Have an updoot, recognizer of Offspring-fans.

DogPeePoo , (edited )

FOX “News” has effectively divided, conditioned and massaged Republicans for decades to regurgitate the message disseminated by Rupert Murdoch through their favorite flavor talking heads (Bill O’Reilly, Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, and more recently Greg Gutfeld and Jesse Watters).

They went from ‘Russia bad’ in the 1980’s to ‘Russia good’ and ‘America had it wrong’. The viewers lack critical thought under scrutiny and regurgitate the talking points of their favorite broadcasters.

shalafi , (edited )

Yep, I lay the majority of our political insanity on Fox’s door. Look, we all know they’re the GOP’s propaganda arm, but how many of you have actually watched a good bit?

I was stuck with a week of it during the Snowden revelations. In the space of an entire week, I didn’t hear a single word on what was worldwide news. Stunning, and I still can’t explain it, but it happened. Point being, a lot of the lies are in what they don’t say. Early afternoon of 01/06, not a blip on the website. (Which BTW, is far more sane than the TV version.) I checked the wayback machine and FOx reported nothing until hours after kick off. I presume they prayed it would blow over or at least die down. Imagine the spin control behind the scenes! Hell, even Tucker Carlson pleased with Trump to make a sane statement and cut it off.

After hearing “Obama” thousands of times, over and over and over, I was sick of him! The whole time my friend’s step-mom was screaming at the screen, “The KKK ought to do their got damned JOB!” These people sat in their armchairs 24/7 (never saw them go to their bedroom), smoking weed and watching nothing but Fox. We tried to put on a movie or another show exactly twice and it promptly got switched back.

One time I was stuck with Fox at the doctor’s office, some kind of round-table show going on. A metric showing black people doing better under the Obama administration came up, something about pay I think. One of the hosts slams his fist of the table and shouted, “Obama’s a RACIST!” Constantly listen to crap like that and you are, eventually, getting brainwashed.

DarkCloud ,

It’s not conservativism, conservativism has been captured by think tanks funded by oil and banking billionaires. They’re framed conservativism, gutted it, and replaced its insides with Libertarianism (and sometimes technocratic fascism), as that’s what gives them the lowest taxes, the most corporate welfare, union busting capabilities, and defends their wealth accumulation most efficiently.

They’re not good members of society, this is demonstrated in Trump’s fascism (which is based on Roy Cohn’s fascism). It seeks to destroy society, the nation, and government.

astanix ,

Brainwashing most simply.

Sundial ,

A cult of fanatics who worship him due to his ability to let them display their complete lack of empathy as well as their extremely racist and misogynistic views.

stinerman , avatar

“Donald Trump makes me, a white christian, feel like I’m important.”

spankmonkey ,

Republicans have been taught to ignore reality and give in to their hatred.

Eldritch ,

I would say that all Americans were. Republicans/conservatives overachieved however.

SnotFlickerman , (edited ) avatar

People really underestimate how violently angry “liberals” can be, too.

Just the other day in my city I had some violently unhinged liberals comparing a drug addict who tried to run from cops, failed, and killed someone in the process to mass shooters. Right, because someone with serious mental health and addiction issues who wasn’t trying to kill anyone but rather escape the cops is totally the same as a mass shooter. They were all but calling for her death and doing the good old FOX News of digging up her entire criminal history to show how terrible she is and how much she deserves death.

I’m in an extremely “progressive” city deep in the Northwest.

The US is absolutely filled to the brim with unhinged violent freaks.

OpenStars , avatar

We are told to be angry, and that spills out in every possible way.

HostilePasta ,

I think you’re correct. We were taught about manifest destiny but not the genocide of Native Americans, and that’s just one instance of the institutionalized racism we were taught was good. SO MANY PEOPLE never grew out of that or tried to be better.

Eldritch ,

Well we were taught about the trail of tears as a thing that happened a long time ago. But it’s all good now. But my family having strong tribal connections. Tribal leader on my father’s side a couple of generations back. We’re all on the official tribal rolls. And I was old enough to have gotten the reparations doled out in the 1980s for what happened to my great great great ancestors. A whole $10,000. Which is better than a kick in the teeth. But definitely not any sort of compensation for what was stolen.

So I knew about the Indian schools and some of the other heinous shit that Canada and the United States had pulled unlike so many others. But even I was surprised to learn that they were still current and operating well within my lifetime. People treated as if it’s a long ago solved problem. There are people still alive and well today that have families destroyed or lost family because of it. And there’s plenty of other shenanigans. Probably the most depressing part is that United States and Canada weren’t all that alone. Heck China is more or less doing it today. To cultural groups whose identity differs from the Vanguard parties chosen monoculture.

Asidonhopo ,

Despair is also a key party platform. The more hopeless someone is, the more likely they are to invite catastrophic change like Trump promises.

Rentlar ,

If you can believe it, Trump supporters will accept the Ohio immigrant pet eating story as true.

Somehow media is pitching the “moderate position” as halfway between anywhere within the normal range of political positions and the crazy positions.

Gradually_Adjusting , avatar

It’s as if this nation has deep internal divisions following a badly wrapped up civil war that have metastasized into irreconcilable worldviews.

radix , avatar

If the race were between The Literal Devil ® and Jesus Christ (D), the vote total would be 45%-55% just based on the letter they choose to run after their name.

Policy doesn’t matter when people base their entire personality on their political party identification.

dhork ,

Jesus was a socialist Jew. We had one of those run for President, too, but couldn’t make it past the Democratic primary.

MeekerThanBeaker ,

But see how evil he looks…


Birdy Sanders

I_Has_A_Hat ,

If you completely forget everything about Bernie; who he is, what he’s done, how he speaks, everything; he does look like a CEO who would lay off half his staff for a discount on a sandwich. But thats more because he’s an old white guy in a suit and they all look like that

Feathercrown ,

He has joyful eyes

OpenStars , avatar

Wanting us to become fiscally responsible, like not get into new wars into we’ve paid off previous ones? i.e. pay less money to the rich via the Military Industrial complex?

Wanting to tax the wealthy?

Wanting to redistribute money to take care of the poor?

Yeah, obviously evil indeed 😂 (from the POV of “I got mine, now I’m pulling up the ladder🪜”).

HeyThisIsntTheYMCA , avatar

needs more puppies and rainbows

vaxhax ,

He got my first D primary vote… but NOT MY LAST.

lath ,

Jesus is a Mexican name. Check mate.

dwemthy ,

Like the real Jesus would run as a Democrat. At least with the Devil you know where you stand! /s

OlinOfTheHillPeople ,

Closer to 50/50 with the electoral college.

Today ,

And it pisses me off that people will vote for the dipshit because he’s an R, but i would vote for a half-dead horny toad on the other side.

shoulderoforion , avatar

racism. any other questions?

SnotFlickerman , (edited ) avatar

Seriously, how the f*** is this guy still in the race?

Some very deep pockets.

People want to say it’s just racism, but we have to stop ignoring how much of this is happening because of obscenely wealthy media moguls who don’t give a damn about the future of the country and are only worried about ratings, and holy shit, Trump brings in ratings. The crazy fucks who vote for him are deeply influenced by this media, like Trump, they believe everything they see on TV.

It May Not Be Good for America, but It’s Damn Good for CBS

-Leslie Moonves, CBS CEO in 2016, on Trump

I worked in local television news from 2000-2010ish. I watched it spin out of control during the Bush years. I remember the President of Dinsey-ABC (waaaaaaaay prior to Disney+) claiming she would

“You’re going to have a television if I have to nail it to your wall,” she told her daughter, according to comments she made at a Reuters event this week. “You have to have one.”

-Anne Sweeney, President of Disney-ABC in 2009

These fucking dinosaurs did fuck nothing for twenty fucking years while the internet ate their lunch. The only idea they ever had was doubling down on insane shit to grab views. They never once considered becoming a better source of news or providing any kind of real local value to communities.

It’s the money, especially the money in traditional radio and television media, that is propping him up. He’s truly the last gasp of a dying generation, desperate to keep control over people who are way more informed than ever before and the only tool they have in their toolchest to fight that is misinformation and disinformation.

The same deep pockets that were able to kick Joe Biden off the ticket. They didn’t give a fuck when people like you and I said Biden was too old, but once the folks with the money started talking about it being an issue, Biden got curbed.

Unlike Biden, conservatives are in a cult and losing Trump would lose their voters. They’re attached at the hip and they can’t dump him in the same way without essentially just admitting they will lose hard this year.

Rhaedas ,

This is the right answer. Money. There's plenty of the rest of the stuff mentioned, but cults of any sort are useful tools for the powerful. And actually, it's not even money, it's POWER.

SnotFlickerman , (edited ) avatar

It’s about power and pursuit of power, yes. That’s why there’s so much racism and xenophobia, because those who desire power need people to lord their power over, or they don’t feel powerful.

The money is just a path to that power.

There’s a reason plenty of them are legitimate rapists, because rape is also about power. Power is literally the only thing that means anything to them. That’s why you get freaks like Weinstein who can’t even use their fucking dick raping people. Because at the end of the day it all boils down to these freaks getting off on using power over others.

It’s also why they lean so hard on misogyny, racism, anti-lgbtq and general xenophobia, because all of them are rooted in having power over other groups.

zcd ,

The republican branch of the GRU?

dhork ,

Many Conservatives have been conditioned to stop looking for facts and believe what the TV tells them. Trump admitted as much during the debate. When challenged on the cat thing, he dismissed the reporter’s research and said that he believes it because he saw it on TV. His voters will, too.

Roger Ailes was Nixon’s media consultant during Watergate, and the lesson he learned was that if the media was on Nixon’s side, he could have gotten away with it. Ailes went on to run Fox News. That is no accident.

MimicJar ,

It’s honestly madness.

The former President, running a multi-million dollar campaign, with access to the best information in the world, has nothing to say but rambling “but the TV said, but the TV said!”

Just an absolute fool.

dhork ,

But he’s always been like this. He had the world’s largest intelligence apparatus at its service, but didn’t believe what they said when it contradicted what his buddies Vlad and MBS told him.

MimicJar ,

Oh I agree, you just want to believe that even the world’s stupidest person could eventually learn something. It’s not like this is a case of him being deliberately obtuse, which we often see, he truly believes his own nonsense.

Aviandelight ,

My mother in law who’s a staunch Republican told my husband that she shouldn’t have to learn anything new at her age. This is the type of people we’re dealing with. They are willfully and spitefully ignorant.

ShepherdPie , (edited )

People eat that shit up because it’s they same way they’re fed all their propaganda too. They think Trump is just like them and not some NY socialite.

DarkCloud ,

Conservatives who are capable of good quality research, and honest self-reflection barely exist because those two qualities often destroy their affiliations to modern conservativism as it stands today.

So some become neocon-neoliberal hybrids, others become economic Libertarians or Fascists in sheeps clothing, but most, are just as they seem - people who feel betrayed and shut out by the prevailing liberalisms of the day (often personified in the form of an ex-wife, ex-boss, or minority on the street), and it’s something they don’t want to investigate or research honestly.

In fact, most conservatives of this “follower” ilk, are deeply and psychologically invested in their sickness, in maintaining their “honest dogma” as it explains past traumas and the state of their lives in easy and convenient ways.

Get them together in groups and it becomes a self-reenforcing system. Self-propagating. It’s a self-sustaining set of problems and problem mindsets.

Some for conspiracy theorists, gets to be a real problem when they get a platform too.

Kaboom ,

Better policy namely. I mean, the Democrats are shooting themselves in the foot with gun control. Like honestly, do they need medical help?

Buffalox ,

But this is not even true, it’s just something Republicans say.

Kaboom ,

Did you not hear about the assault weapon ban?

nightwatch_admin ,

Stop getting “news” from Truff Surrshial please. See…/kamala-harris-once-backed-mandat…

Kaboom ,

I didn’t say “mandatory assault weapons buybacks”, I said another AWB, like the one passed in 1994 if I must be more specific.

Buffalox ,

That expired 20 years ago, oh such horror!! 🤣🤣🤣

Kaboom ,

Yeah, so they showed they did it once and can do it again

Diddlydee ,

Please name, for the sake of argument, 3 good policies Trump has. He himself has been unable to mention one in any of his recent delusional rants. He has nothing but bigotry and narcissism.

Kaboom ,

Compared to Harris?

Gun control.

Border security.


Pretty easy.

Sylaran , avatar

What gun control? His platform is just to let everyone keep their guns, school shootings be damned

Kaboom ,

Yes. That’s better than an AWB to a large chunk of America.

samus12345 , avatar

Americans and their fucking obsession with guns. It’s so, so, stupid.

Johnnyvibrant ,

I would look into the “polls” and how realistic they actually are and who has paid for them.

Also don’t forget that the media has great interest in trump since he creates so much news with his bullshit. Newspapers don’t sell with headlines like “politician does something normal and expected”.

Fuck the mainstream media, they will love a trump administration and its utter depravity.

Best thing I’ve heard all week is Swift siding with Harris. If the young actually vote, whatever this form of the Republican Party is will be dead.

verdantbanana , avatar

how else could the Democrats win?

every election they pander more to the right and if someone does not run that is worse what would they have to campaign on?

progressive politics?

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